Foobar2000 Customization

Thảo luận trong 'Desktop Enhancement' bắt đầu bởi -=N.M=-, 14/5/07.

  1. Black_C@t

    Black_C@t 4 Leaf Clover

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    Racoon City
    Cái cách đấy thì tớ biết rồi, thôi thì đành dùng tạm thế vậy :-?
  2. Stefani

    Stefani Donkey Kong

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    Mới tập tành cài cái foobar

    Cho tớ hỏi làm sao để có được cái cột album bên phải và các bài hát ở giữa thế ;;)
  3. Jaguar™

    Jaguar™ Sorrowful Farewell

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    Cài skin Kameleon của Br33t
  4. ngayemxa

    ngayemxa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Bắc Giang City
    Hỏi câu hơi ngu : Cho Cái Hướng dẫn cài đặt được không?
    Không vào được trang web kia
  5. Jaguar™

    Jaguar™ Sorrowful Farewell

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    Download Kameleon 1.1a full archive (contains the configuration file .fcl + images folder + components + fonts + extra files like Shpeck-Mildrop plugins)
    Download just the .fcl file (included in the main archive above) Take care, you have to download images package to if you upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1, new images added :)
    For those who Chronflow generate problems, you can import this .fcl file, chronflow removed from it : Kameleon 1.1a WITHOUT CHRONFLOW
    Download just the images folder (included in the main archive above)
    Download just the required fonts used in Kameleon in a single archive (included in the main archive above)
    Download just the required components (included in the main archive above) (note: if you're a developper of one of these components and if you don't want i share it here,send me PM on Hydrogenaudio foobar forum, i'll remove it immediatly!)
    Changelog :
    1.0a :
    - initial release
    1.0b :
    - some fixes
    1.0c :
    - some fixes (bug in the scale of the cover case in the left panel)
    1.1a :
    - album list panel and playlist switcher panel moved to the left panel as mini-panels
    - added QuickSearch toolbar always visible at the bottom of the left panel + Quicksearch buttons to look for same ... artist/album/title or genre
    - added 2 buttons + and - to collapse/expand groups in the active playlist
    - bug fix in Track info panel about db info doubled + some alignement fixes
    - added a new button in the playlist header area to hide/show the top panel (Path + Google buttons + Last.FM radio button)
    - added a grid dot background for the now playing panel (under scrolling texts)
    - added Popups in ELPlaylist on Track mouseover if %comment% exists (display the comment in the popup)
    - added Popups in the right Graphical Browsers (artist + album for Cover case mode, artist name for photo mode)
    - dropdown menu entries are now transparent
    - documentation updated below (popup transparencu in ELP, statistics &rating : where to store them? ... ), check chapter D
    - tweaks

    A/ INSTALLATION notes : KAMELEON configuration for Foobar 2000 (0.9.4, 0.9.5, 0.9.6)
    by Br3tt (14-Feb-2009, updated on 22-Feb-2009)
    1) Firstly if not already done, install foobar2000 0.9.x and don't forget to have the needed fonts installed in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\
    2) Next add the needed mandatory components to your components folder: ...\foobar2000\components\
    3) Now extract the Kameleon archive into the root of your Foobar folder ...\foobar2000\
    This will ...
    - Extract images folder (which contains the kameleon\ subfolder with all the necessary images)
    ==> when extraction completed, you should have : ...\foobar2000\images\kameleon\
    - Extract fcl folder (contains the kameleon.fcl file to be imported into ColunsUI
    ==> when extraction completed, you should have : ...\foobar2000\fcl\
    - Extract components folder (contains all extra components to add to yours and to the default ones!)
    - Extract fontd folder (contains the special fonts needed by the config)
    ==> when extraction completed, you should have : ...\foobar2000\fonts\
    - Extract libmmd.dll in Foobar folder, this is the library that may be needed by the Menu Addons component
    ==> when extraction completed, you should have : ...\foobar2000\libmmd.dll
    - Extract Plugins folder for the Shpeck component (Milkdrop scripts...), and a fake winamp.exe file (empty)
    ==> when extraction completed, you should have : ...\foobar2000\Plugins\ and ...\foobar2000\winamp.exe
    4) Now run Foobar and at its first launch select ColumnsUI as the user interface if you weren't already using a CUI interface. This will apply the default ColumnsUI layout
    5) Before importing the Kameleon configuration file (.fcl), some settings may have to be changed...
    Go to Menu > Playback, and check the 2 options highlighted in blue below:
    6) Next you must define your Music Library in Foobar (if not already done of course ...)
    Go to Menu > Library > Configure, then click ‘Add...’ to select a music folder, Foobar will automatically scan it to populate your new Music Library
    7) Your library should now be ready (wait until Foobar has finished scanning your music folder(s))
    Next you may need to create a playlist to be able to listen to music from your new Music Library, the easiest way to do this is to create an auto-playlist but many other way possible (use Album list ...)
    - Go to Menu > Library > Search
    Example of Query : %path% PRESENT will tell to Foobar to select all of the music files present in the music folder, as shown below :
    Now click the button highlighted in blue at the top right and select ‘Create Autoplaylist’, this will create a new playlist
    8) Now you can import the Kameleon config file (the .fcl file stored in ./fcl folder that you previously extracted)

    Go to Preferences, Display, ColumnsUI, Main tab and click the 'Import...' FCL button on the right as shown below :
    Browse to the location of the kameleon.fcl file that you extracted previously (Point 3 above) and click the APPLY button to load the new layout :-)
    Now close the setting window to return to the main Foobar window
    NB: If you have installed all of the required components listed in Point 2 then everything should be fine, but be sure to check that you haven't forgotten anything
    9) Your Foobar Kameleon config should now look like this, but possibly without the covers showing in the ELPlaylist if yours are not named folder.jpg by default and stored in the music folder (don’t worry, we will sort that out later…)
    B/ Panel Stack Splitter settings (panels that can be shown/hidden on startup)
    Default layout display the left panel with 3 mini panels (ART, LYR and SPE) + right panel (collapsed). For your convenience, you can choose which panels to show/hide on startup if these don't match your tastes
    1. for the mini-panels in the Left Panel, Right click on the Left Panel header (ART PHO LYR ... SPE) and enter Splitter settings,
    then for each panel beggining by "->", you can check or not the 'hide panel on startup' option (restart needed of course coz of startup options :D)
    2. Same work for the main Panel Stack Splitter, only "-> panels/boolean" can be changed
    - Right click on the Playlist header (File Playlist View ...) then enter Splitter settings... :
    ex: -> Force Wallpaper entry (boolean) commands the main background display. if 0 ('hide panel on startup' checked) => daisplay artist photo if found, album cover if not (if no cover, it display the default wallpaper). if 1, default wallpaper(s) displayed
    C/ FOO_EXVAR : Setting path for covers and artists photos + optional other settings

    1. All variables you may have to change are in one place for Kameleon config :-), be sure that you have installed all the components and especially foo_exvar.dll
    Go to Preferences > Tools > Extended Variables ... and enter the necessary OPTIONAL variables as explained below:
    a) These 4 variables are used for images display (main PSS background, left panel Art, ELPlaylist group header, Graphical Browser (right panel)):
    kameleon_coverart_path : default (=music folder) / specified path (i.e.: C:/covers/) (be careful, specified path must close with a '/')
    kameleon_coverart_filename : i.e.: folder.jpg / folder.* / %album%.jpg / etc ...
    kameleon_artistart_path : default (=music folder) / specified path (i.e.: C:/artist photos/) (be careful, specified path must close with a '/')
    kameleon_artistart_filename : i.e.: artist.jpg / artist.* / %artist%.jpg / etc ...
    b) These 2 variables are used to resize the window to a default size by clicking KAMELEON text icon at bottom):
    kameleon_default_width : numeric value, i.e.: 900
    kameleon_default_height : numeric value, i.e.: 660
    c) Play count maximum value. Used in STATS panel
    kameleon_playcount_max : numeric value [100-999]
    d) Width of the optional left panel:
    kameleon_left_panel_width : numeric value [320-500]
    e) Cycle the wallpaper background: # of wallpaper that are cycled
    kameleon_cycle_bg : numeric value [1-6]
    f) Disable file type info over cover (corner banner):
    kameleon_disable_filetype_info : Boolean 0 or 1 (set to 1 to remove the corner banner over covers in ELPlaylist, Graphical Browser)
    g) replace file rating by databse rating (write %rating% info in the database handled by foo_playcount.dll instead of writing %rating% TAG in the music file) :
    kameleon_rate_to_db : Boolean 0 or 1 (set to 1 to force the update in the database and no more in the music file)
    h) ELPlaylist group header size (# of lines):
    kameleon_elp_header_height : numeric value [3-6] or 0 (0 allow to have no header, so track title is completed with artist name like for a VA album)
    NB: if extra variables are not defined, the default values used are:
    kameleon_coverart_path = music folder
    kameleon_artistart_path = music folder
    kameleon_coverart_filename = folder.jpg
    kameleon_artistart_filename = artist.jpg (and not %artist%.jpg !)
    kameleon_default_width = 864
    kameleon_default_height = 630
    kameleon_playcount_max = 100
    kameleon_left_panel_width = 320
    kameleon_disable_filetype_info = 0
    kameleon_cycle_bg = 1
    kameleon_disable_path_info = 0
    kameleon_rate_to_db = 0
    kameleon_elp_header_height = 3
    Be careful, all modification in Extended Variable need a restart of foobar to be activated !
    IMPORTANT: foo-exvar do not handle variables like %var%, except %artist%, %album%, %album artist%, %band%, %performer% and %discogs_artist_id% because i have tweaked the code in K to handle them.
    so all other %% can't work without some coding ... Same for all titleformat functions (like $replace(...) for example), they are not supported by foo_exvar.
    D/ Components settings
    1. Stats settings (option 1) : If you want to write statistics info in the music file and not in the database handled by Playback Statistics (official plugin - foo_playcount.dll)
    a) disable stats writing in Playback Statistics (official plugin) settings (stats writing will be handled by Playback Statistics Custom plugin)
    b) then check in Playback Statistics Custom settings that stats info will be written in music file and not in the statistics database :
    2. Stats settings (option 2) : If you DON'T want to write statistics info in the music file BUT ONLY in the database handled by Playback Statistics (official plugin)
    a) disable stats writing to music file in Playback Statistics Custom settings, and set this to database only:
    NB: note that i keep Playback Statistics Custom to write stats info and not Playback Statistics (Official), so tag writing must be disable in Playback Statistics (Official) like in D/1/a) screenshot so :
    NB: to write rating info in database too (and not in the music file, you have to create the Extended variable (foo_exvar settings) : kameleon_rate_to_db = 1 (cf. C/1/g)
    2. Chronflow settings
    - Change colours, font (Snapix in blue like the scrolling text in the Now Playing panel), performances...
    - In the tab below, you have to use the Jscript avaiblable here, just click New... button and past it in
    - In this tab, change Sources to display the covers using the PATH entered in foo_exvar as explained above + group by, sort by, and images for nocover and loading ...
    Just copy/paste this titleformat string in the 'Sources' box below :
    $ifgreater($strstr($lower($if2(%kameleon_coverart_path%,'default')),'default'),0,$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)$replace($if(%kameleon_coverart_filename%,$lower(%kameleon_coverart_filename%),'folder.jpg'),'%band%',%band%,'%performer%',%performer%,'%discogs_artist_id%',%discogs_artist_id%,'%path%',%path%,'%directoryname%',%directoryname%,'%filename_ext%',%filename_ext%,'%filename%',%filename%,'%album artist%',%album artist%,'%artist%',%artist%,'%album%',%album%,'.*','.jpg'),$if($stricmp($right(%kameleon_coverart_path%,1),'/'),%kameleon_coverart_path%,%kameleon_coverart_path%'/')$replace($if(%kameleon_coverart_filename%,$lower(%kameleon_coverart_filename%),'folder.jpg'),'%band%',%band%,'%performer%',%performer%,'%discogs_artist_id%',%discogs_artist_id%,'%path%',%path%,'%directoryname%',%directoryname%,'%filename_ext%',%filename_ext%,'%filename%',%filename%,'%album artist%',%album artist%,'%artist%',%artist%,'%album%',%album%,'.*','.jpg'))
    - Performances settings :
    3. Lyric Show panel
    - You should not automatically save the lyrics to the music file :
    4. Shpeck settings (path, autorun ...)
    then display the VIS panel in Kameleon, use the TOOLBAR of Foobar (menu View > Toggle Toolbar) and select the renderer to use on startup :
    6. ELPlaylist : Popup transparency
    - You may have to indicate the transparent colour (the default transparent colour depends on the Visual Style that you use for Windows!) in ELPlaylist settings, tab 'misc' :
    6. All others which haven't got their settings embedded in the .fcl file (Album list, Quicksearch toolbar ...)
    - Colours, fonts ...
    E/ THE END of the beginning ... that's all, now you have a nice and functionnal FOOBAR :
    The screenshot below is showing Kameleon in v1.0a (adds from 1.1 or later are not explained here, lack of time ...)
    Panels :
    A = Track full path, click the HDD button (#1) to explore the music folder when track is playing, or the foobar2000 folder when music is stopped
    B = Left panel that contains mini panels :) they can all be configured as you want and maximized in this left panel (a real stack)
    C = Playlist Header that contains a menu and buttons to expand/collapse the left panel (B), right panel (F), footer ELP panel (E)
    D = ELP panel (playlist)
    E = Footer ELP panel that contain the ABC... index browser, buttons to display Chronflow panel, album list panel, Playlist switcher + Quicksearch panel and a button to activate/deactivate the now playing panel (visible only when a track is playing!
    F = Right panel is a Graphical browser panel for Albums (CD) or Artists (Photos), use the button #11 to swap
    Buttons :
    #1: Explore the music folder when track is playing, or the foobar2000 folder when music is stopped
    #2: Google Images search button, to find Artist Pictures you need to set up a new Service using foo_run command: You must use the name Google Artist Photo and the path:$replace(%artist%,' ','+')&btnG=Recherche+d%27images&gbv=2 or the service will not work. Copy and paste both the name and the path into the new Foo Services property boxes to avoid any problems
    #3: Google Images search button, to find Album Art Pictures you need to set up a new Service using foo_run command: You must use the name Google Album Cover and the path:$replace(%artist%,' ','+')+$replace(%album%,' ','+')&btnG=Recherche+d%27images&gbv=2 or the service will not work. Copy and paste both the name and the path into the new Foo Services property boxes to avoid any problems
    #4: radio button (to generate streaming playlists from
    #5: Expand/collapse left panel
    #6: Foobar logo button to change the background image : artist/album image <-> wallpaper (stored in .../images/kameleon/wallpapers/)
    #7: Hide/show footer ELP panel
    #8: Hide/show vertical scrollbar of the playlist panel
    #9: Expand/collapse right panel
    #10: Expand/collapse the Graphical Browser panel
    #11: Swap the display in the right panel between ALBUMS / ARTISTS
    #12: Button to link the cover art mini-panel and the Photo mini-panel in the left panel
    #13: Button to zoom a mini-panel in or out
    #14: Button to close a mini-panel
    #15: In the ART mini-panel (covers cd), play the first track of the previous ALBUM of the active playlist ... in PHO mini-panel, same for the previous ARTIST!
    #16: In the ART mini-panel (covers cd), play the first track of the next ALBUM of the active playlist ... in PHO mini-panel, same for the next ARTIST!
    #17: Resize the main Foobar window the default width and height 900x660, see B/ to read how to change these default values by using FOO_EXVAR ...

  6. ngayemxa

    ngayemxa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bắc Giang City
    Bác load về mấy cái ảnh trong đó rồi up lên MF được không
  7. Mask_&_Dark

    Mask_&_Dark Mario & Luigi

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    toàn tiếng anh đọc chẳng hiểu cái mô tê :( Tớ down
    về rồi
    sau đó phải chạy setup như thế nào...?
    Rồi skin phải thay ra sao :-s (chỉ cần thế thôi... nếu nó phải crack thì chỉ mình luôn)
  8. ngayemxa

    ngayemxa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Bắc Giang City
    Hướng dẫn:

    Trước hết, nếu chưa được thực hiện, cài đặt foobar2000 0.9.x và không quên có các font chữ cần thiết được cài đặt trong C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\

    Tiếp thêm các thành phần bắt buộc cần thiết để các thành phần thư mục của bạn: ...\foobar2000\components

    Bây giờ trích Kameleon các kho lưu trữ vào hệ thống tập tin gốc của bạn foobar thư mục ... \ foobar2000 \

    Chạy foobar2000, chọn Menu -> Preferences -> Display -> ColumnsUI -> Close

    Chọn menu Playback, đánh dấu 2 mục Playback Follows Cursor và Cursor Follows Playback ..

    Vào tiếp menu Library chọn Configure , nhấn nút Add ở mục Music Folder , đưa đường dẫn đến thư mục chứa nhạc trên máy !

    Vào tiếp menu Library , chọn Search , gõ vào dòng %path% PRESENT , chờ nó tìm tất cả các bài nhạc trong thư mục ta chọn , nhấn vào nút ... , chọn Create Autoplaylist ! Sau đó đóng cửa sổ lại !

    Vào menu File > Preferences > Display > Columns UI > nhấn nút Import trong phần FCL importing ... , bạn đưa đường dẫn đến file kameleon_1.1a.fcl trong thư mục của Foobar2000 , nhấn OK ... bạn sẽ thấy giao diện của nó !


    Ai hướng dẫn làm album art hộ mình cái, mình chọn ảnh làm album rồi mà nó không hiện ra
  9. Jaguar™

    Jaguar™ Sorrowful Farewell

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    Ảnh thì đổi tên thành folder.jpg rồi cho vào thư mục nhạc
  10. F.SAY YEAH!

    F.SAY YEAH! Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho tớ hỏi cái số ở đây là gì và làm sao để xóa nó :-?
  11. ngayemxa

    ngayemxa Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Bắc Giang City
    Ai up hộ cái link kameleon 1.1a lên host khác được không nhỉ.
    Không down được từ trang chủ của nó
  12. uyennhi-cule

    uyennhi-cule Youtube Master Race

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  13. ßen

    ßen Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hình như cái đấy là số lần mình nghe bài ấy
    Nhân tiện cho hỏi các cậu kia để cái hình nền như thế nào ?
  14. F.SAY YEAH!

    F.SAY YEAH! Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thích cái ảnh nào làm nền thì rename thành wp1 rồi bỏ vào đây \foobar2000\images\kameleon\wallpaper
  15. Kinas Dizon

    Kinas Dizon Vừa ra trại, còn bâng khuâng Lão Làng GVN

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    Biên Hoà
    Sao tớ nhấp vào bài hát nó ko play thế , chưa kể cái Kameleon muốn chuyển playlist lại phải vào cái playlist manager nữa. Thoát foorbar chạy lại thì bị crash nữa chứ :|
  16. ßen

    ßen Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Playlist thì cậu lick chuột phải vào album bất kì rồi Playlist > Tên Playlist
    Cho tớ hỏi làm thế nào để làm tên album chỉ viết Hoa chữ cái đầu ?
  17. uyennhi-cule

    uyennhi-cule Youtube Master Race

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  18. Kinas Dizon

    Kinas Dizon Vừa ra trại, còn bâng khuâng Lão Làng GVN

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  19. Jaguar™

    Jaguar™ Sorrowful Farewell

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    Đà Nẵng
    cái dòng báo lỗi chưa đủ. Mà chắc là component ko thích hợp
  20. KeoChipChip

    KeoChipChip Mario & Luigi

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