muốn có vũ khí mới có 2 loại 1 là cho ghost tiến hóa 2 là chế tạo = Ghost Seed và phải cần nguyên liệu để chế tạo mình đang làm ghost song kiếm ^^ để ngày mai mình up hình cho dễ nick chat mình boy_chicken03
Cái gì cũng phải từ từ , bác ko cần nhưng có 1 số người muốn có hình ảnh để tham thì sao đây là sơ đồ tiến hóa và nhập nanobot ( tiến korea nhưng có hình )
còn đây là 1 số cách build điểm của các class xem tham khảo hiểu được thì hiểu nha Different people use different builds, some are custom, some general, here is a guide of what is suggested There are several build types, the most common ones are: Strength Attacker-They concentrate on general attacks more than skills, they use weapons with high damage and their skills tend to have high cool down their most important stat is Strength, they tend to add one per level. Pro: High damage, great range, great aoe and grinding-crowd controllers Con: low skill damage, slow attacks Weapon:Knives-Heavy Attack Series, Sometimes dual Spirit Attacker- They are the damage dealers, using mainly skills, they concentrate on using skills to take down enemies, so they need weapons with skills which have low cool down rates. On the other hand they need fast weapons so they can put in several hits with the base weapon damage. Their main stat is Spirit, their skills often have status effects Pro:High damage, low skill cool down rates, high speed, good for bosses, best defense among the basic builds Con: low base damage, consumes lots of GP pots Weapon:Sword-Generally Air Series, Special Group Series Combo Specialists- These attackers are the hardest to master but the best in PVP, they can interrupt moves, constantly knockdown opponents and hold their own. They have high attacks and great speed, their skills and normal attacks both do decent damage. They use a balance of Strength and Spirit Pro: High Speed, decent base and skill damage, good at PVP, balanced Con: Uses a lot of pots, horrible range, not too good at aoe Weapon: Claw-Heavy or Swift attack series Unique Builds: Crit Masters: They are the gamblers, crit% is low till much later in the game, so when they start they have low base and skill attacks but they compensate by using high speed weapons, once their Agility is over 25 it becomes noticable, the frequent critical attacks. Their main stat is agility with some points in spirit or strength every few levels Pro: High speed, medium range, damage spikes, balance between pvp and pve Con: Pot hog, unpredictable, hard to level when soloing early in the game Weapon: Claw or Dual Mass Murderes: They use weapons that basically deal with mobs easily. There are two types here. Type 1: They use knives, this gives them great damage and great aoe capabilities. Their stat tends to be a balance between Strength and Stamina with some defense. Since they have to move in close they are hit a fair amount and need the extra HP, they aren't as strong as Strength Fighters but last longer Type 2: They use gun type weapons, not magnum since it isn't exactly an amazing weapon but more advanced types like Gatling. They can take out huge mobs from afar and slay them quickly. They don't need stamina since they don't move in close but isntead add to Strength or Spirit with some Agility for good crit chances Weapon: Knife/Gun I'll add more later, hope this is helpful.
hmm, chỉ mỗi cây đó nhưng cũng đủ rồi, dùng cây này solo boss đỡ tốn HP và GP hơn mấy cây khác. ngày mai có gì pm EmLan, mình giúp đc sẽ giúp.
sao ít việt nam chơi vậy chơi đông cho vui có gì giúp nhau vui lắm sao việt nam chỉ có tôi và EmLan thôi àh
Chơi từ hồi chiều công nhận trò này chơi lên lv king còn lag nữa chứ đánh nó tầm 3s sau mới lăn ra chết