hướng dẫn chơi median XL 1.99

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi fidodaica, 1/4/09.



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  1. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    có thể. cái này phải hỏi lycan. trong cái save đó còn rất nhiều món đồ không rõ nguồn gốc :)). trong hướng dẫn không hề có
  2. Little Dragon

    Little Dragon Youtube Master Race

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    Uhm. Dù sao cũng thanks bạn............
  3. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    uhm, nhưng khuyên bạn xài ít thui nha. không thì chơi chả có ý nghĩa gì đâu;))
    @medassin: làm được cái charm Laz chưa :(. tui làm từ chiều mà vẫn chưa có đối sách :|
  4. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    Charm Laz tìm ở đâu vậy fido. Lâu rồi chỉ mãi hack cho bỏ chán không mày mò mấy

    MINHTAIAPPLE Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    :)mới mò được file PDF dịch tiếng việt. đủ ra phết. update tạm rồi tối trang trí tiếp
  6. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    nó là con sumon ở Act 3. chỗ hang pit lv 3 ở flayer judgle. khó khăn ghê. con này nó có skill làm chậm. rồi lại tự động bay đến sát người mình. có cả khả năng gọi totem và quái với tốc độ cấp số nhân. không thể chạy nổi. đã thế lại còn immune tất cả :-&
  7. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    Cuối cùng cũng làm xong quest Brother Laz (Bonus quest) (không hack thì làm bằng niềm tin)
    Chơi assassin lv 120 kết hợp 2 skill Furify + Malelstrom (atk 202k-257k)
    Def: 910k
    Life: 19305
    Max resis
    Max skill 120
    532% life storen per hit
    Replenish life 63844
    Đánh mất 2 phút
  8. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    đánh kỉu gì vậy;)). tui đánh toàn thấy nó immune tất cả. tốc độ sinh sàn nhanh kinh khủng? làm sao ông khắc phục được vậy
  9. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    Dùng 2 skill trên đó. Các skill khác thì như muỗi đốt inox. Ép nó vào một góc nhỏ. Quái sinh ra thì không ảnh hưởng mấy
  10. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    ok. mình cũng xong rồi :). không ngờ đường throwing knife hack lên nó khỏe thế :)). tui không dụ ở chỗ ông đâu. tui gọi nó ở góc gần bên trên cùng bên phải. trên đó có cái ngách nhỏ xíu nên dễ ăn :D. mà phải mang ra quán net mới làm nổi. ở nhà lag quá không chịu được
  11. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

    Tham gia ngày:
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    12 Casa, OF city
    Hôm qua đánh nhặt được cái này
    Mới kiếm được có hai cái, không biết bao giờ mới full
  12. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Box Diablo
    2% mà cũng kiếm được cơ à. Chắc cày cũng khá đây. Share cho tớ được không
  13. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    Hôm nay mò mẫm thấy mấy cái charm+jewel hay ra phết anh em xem thử.
    Không biết dòng mày có tác dụng gì nhỉ:
    +999 to I need a life because I have 6 zod

    Các file đính kèm:

    • retcl.rar
      Kích thước:
      4.8 KB
  14. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    ủa , mấy ông lấy cái hướng dẫn này ở đâu vậy? chỉ tui để tui dịch nốt cho bài hoàn chỉnh :). mấy cái này không hề có trong file PDF của bản mod ;))
  15. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    Từ đây chứ đâu http://modsbylaz.planetdiablo.gamespy.com . Hôm trước lên tìm để làm quest super boss đó

    The most powerful of Hell's armies reside in the three heroic areas. Similar to ordinary demons but much stronger and more intelligent, heroic monsters are more than a match for the toughest heroes.

    Median XL features four heroic areas:
    Act 1 Mausoleum (Burial Grounds)
    Act 2 Stony Tomb Level 1 (Rocky Waste)
    Act 5 Icy Cellar (Ancients' Way)

    Each of the three areas contains the same 20 heroic monster types. You may want to choose the area that most suits your character build.
    Act 1 Cow Level (Rogue Encampment)
    If you would like meet invisible cow ninjas, bovine summoners and other figments of your fever dreams after a bad case of food poisoning, check out the Cow Level!

    Most heroic areas are protected by a special guardian. The area's heroic boss may randomly appear in the area, or he may not... Be careful. Heroic bosses are among the hardest encounters in Median XL.
    Heroic boss: Belial
    Location: Act 5 Icy Cellar (Ancients' Way)
    After his defeat in the civil war in Hell, the Lord of Lies was banished to Sanctuary where he plots his return.
    Tactics: Belial may randomly appear in the Icy Cellar.
    As the Lord of Lies, Belial prefers to cheat in battle. His main offence consists of his Henchmen who use the Punisher spell to poison heroes to death. If one gets through this line of defence, his tiny rat familiars go on the attack. Being so small and fast, they cannot be hit or even aimed at.
    Belial himself knows a more powerful Punisher variant that hits randomly around him, as well as a Life Drain Nova spell that slowly siphons the victim's life away and a spell that causes more rats to burst from the ground and swarm the unwary hero. According to witnesses, Belial does attack recklessly from time to time, chasing his enemy around by teleportation, but demonologists believe that this is just to impress his underlings and his main intention is to get close to summon another batch of Henchmen.
    Belial is ordinarily protected by a warding spell that makes him invulnerable to all attacks. Occasionally he may drop this shield for a few moments to entice a foolish hero to attack him; this is usually met with a fierce counterattack, but it is the only way to kill him.
    Loot: Belial drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Belial on Destruction difficulty to get the Book of Lies.

    Book of Lies
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 60
    +1 to [random skill] ([random class] Only)
    +(21 to 200) to Life
    +(21 to 200) to Mana
    Heroic boss: Bull Prince Rodeo
    Location: Act 1 Cow Level
    The moolicious heir to the Cow King's throne, Bull Prince Rodeo is out to exact his indiscriminate revenge for all the cattle killed by humans.
    Tactics: Bull Prince Rodeo may randomly appear in the Cow Level. Killing Rodeo does not prevent you from entering the Cow Level again.
    Rodeo is very aggressive and has a stunning teleport spell, making it difficult to put some distance between you and him. He summons Cow Soldiers and can call upon a Stampeding Herd that ploughs across the screen, trampling all in their path. This ability is unblockable, unresistable and will destroy you if you don't get out of the way in time.
    His most common spell, in cooperation with another victim of cruel farming practices, is a wave of chickens that will pursue their victim relentlessly, inflicting devastating hurt with their beaks if they connect. The chickens can be dodged by staying mobile.
    Additionally, Bull Prince Rodeo possesses a pulsing shockwave spell that stuns and knocks back any human. Try not to stand between Rodeo and a wall or you will become closely acquainted with said wall, leaving you unable to dodge his spells and the growing herd of Cow Soldiers.
    Rodeo is a sacred cow, invulnerable to damage. Warding shields are not an exact science, however, and the spell may occasionally fail, allowing you to hit him with one or more elements until the spell is restored.
    Loot: Bull Prince Rodeo drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Bull Prince Rodeo on Destruction difficulty to get the Fool's Gold.

    Fool's Gold
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    +(20 to 10) to all Attributes
    Total Character Defense Plus (11 to 15)%
    5% Reanimate as: [Random regular or elite monster]
    -75% Less Gold from Monsters
    (31 to 40)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
    Heroic boss: Quov Tsin
    'I'll swallow your soul!'
    Location: Act 2 Stony Tomb Level 1
    Hungry for power and misled by Diablo, the Vizjerei mage Quov Tsin almost succeeded in sacrificing the city of Ureh to the forces of Hell. He was defeated at the last moment, but his spirit still roams the burial tombs looking for a mortal vessel to come back to life...
    Tactics: Quov Tsin may randomly appear in the Stony Tomb Level 1.
    As a former Vizjerei in life, Quov Tsin wields the elements. His most devastating attack is a streaming blast of fire, cold and lightning bolts powerful enough to annihilate any hero in a moment. In melee combat, he may use a fire, cold and lightning nova combo that causes massive destruction at close range.
    Like Rodeo, Quov Tsin is unvulnerable most of the time, but occasionally his warding spell may partially fail, so seize the opportunity when you see it!
    His contingency spells protect him by teleporting him to safety when struck by any attack. Stay near cover in case he appears too close for comfort.
    Quov Tsin also has the ability to negate some of your resistances, so 75% may not be enough!
    Loot: Quov Tsin drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Quov Tsin on Destruction difficulty to get the Silver Seal of Ureh.

    Silver Seal of Ureh
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    +(21 to 30) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    +1 to All Skills
    +(41 to 50) to Strength
    +(41 to 50) to Dexterity
    +(41 to 50) to Vitality
    +(41 to 50) to Energy
    (21 to 25)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage
    (11 to 15)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances

    Quov Tsin also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    Heroic boss: Astrogha
    Location: Act 1 Mausoleum
    One of Hell's greatest, the scheming spider demon Astrogha has surfaced after the fall of Andariel to continue his reign of terror. He is not the most powerful demon in close combat, but the arachnid king is never alone.
    Tactics: Astrogha may randomly appear in the Mausoleum.
    After centuries of fighting side by side at the head of their respective legions, Astrogha employs many of the same tactics as Quov Tsin, notably the warding spell that renders Astrogha immune to all attacks. This is cutting edge magic and therefore still fails from time to time, allowing you to get some hits in. Also, courtesy of Quov Tsin's mages, Astrogha can teleport to safety when threatened.
    Astrogha does not usually fight his foes directly, but he does not need to. His summoned Spider Statues serve as gateways for his personal swarm, belching waves of crawling Darklings from the depths of the void. Deal with them quickly, but do not touch the statues! They are protected by one of Astrogha's devious tricks: when destroyed, they will both rejuvenate Astrogha and unleash a curse that cripples the assailant causing a swift death. If left alone, they will eventually collapse on their own.
    Loot: Astrogha drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Astrogha on Destruction difficulty to get Astrogha's Venom Stinger.

    Astrogha's Venom Stinger
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    +2 to All Skills
    Slows Target by 10%
    Slows Attacker by 10%
    Poison Length Reduced by 50%

    Astrogha also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

    You can complete the game on the hardest difficulty with one hand while watching television? These levels are much harder than any regular level, and will challenge even the strongest heroes.
    1/7 Kurast 3000 BA
    Location: Arachnid Lair (Spider Forest)
    This uberlevel is a recreation of the newly founded town of Kurast, 3000 BA (Before Akarat), located at the Kehjistani frontier during the Mage Clan Wars between the Ennead, Annuit and Vizjerei clans. Kurast, a neutral town allied with the Taan, was seized by the Ennead and used as a military outpost. Can you destroy the magical fortifications and liberate the town?
    Strategy: This first uberlevel features large numbers of skeletons in fighter, archer and mage varieties, and totems that emit an invulnerability shield aura and summon additional skeletons. Kill the totems first.
    The Ennead Necromancer bosses cast a slow moving but powerful Bloodstar spell and the dangerous Nightmare curse which slows you down and reduces your combat ability.
    Loot: The best loot is dropped by the Ennead Necromancers, of which there are three on the level. Being a level 121 area on Destruction (Hell) difficulty, you can expect good items from even regular monsters.
    > On all difficulties, the Ennead Necromancers drop blank class charms in addition to their regular drop, which can be upgraded if you meet the Attribute Challenge or Level Challenge requirements.
    > Also, on Terror and Destruction difficulty they may drop the Hard Mode Charm, an experimental charm that increases game difficulty and magic find. This charm is for advanced players only.

    Hard Mode Charm
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 5
    +1 Increased Difficulty
    Magic Find Bonus

    * +1 Increased Difficulty gives monsters a bonus to attack rating, damage and life. You can cube the charm with a healing potion to increase difficulty and magic find, or cube it with a mana potion to reduce both.
    * See THIS PAGE for more information about the Hard Mode Charm.
    > Finally, on Destruction difficulty, the Ennead Necromancers have 1/12 chance to drop the Hammer of the Taan Judges.

    Hammer of the Taan Judges
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 40
    +50 Crafting Points
    +(21 to 25) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    1% Increased Chance of Blocking
    Total Character Damage Plus (1.5 per level)% (Based on Character Level)
    2/7 Island of the Sunless Sea
    Location: Drifter Cavern (Glacial Trail)
    'Your curiosity will be the death of you!'
    Thousands of years ago, two religions competed with one another. The Cathedral of Light, founded by the angel Inarius. The Temple of the Triune, worshipping three self-proclaimed holy spirits - Mefis, Dialon and Bala.
    The Island of the Sunless Sea, the place where angels watch, the staging ground of the angelic legions, changed hands many times. From the forces of the High Heavens to Baal and back and then to the Temple of the Triune and its leader, Primus, also known as Lucion, son of Mephisto.
    You may encounter some tough opposition in the gloomy ice cave, but the stakes are high - taking out Lucion would remove him as a threat in the present day. Get to it, time traveller.
    Strategy: The regular monsters are almost tougher than the bosses on this level. Many foes are invisible, and all have high damage and chance to hit.
    Be wary of Malic’s Messenger at the entrance gate. The familiar is not dangerous on its own, but explodes on death, creating a shockwave that pushes you back, possibly into unexplored territory.
    Malic is a priest with a powerful rain of fire and a Punisher spell. This slow moving doom bolt pretty much takes off all your life when it hits you, leaving you poisoned at 1 life. On the bright side, it is easy to avoid.
    Lucion emits an unholy invulnerability aura that makes nearby enemies immortal. Try to separate him from his minions or kill him first. He also has a lethal melee attack that poisons the victim for a long time.
    Loot: Malic drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Malic on Destruction difficulty to get the Six Angel Bag.

    Six Angel Bag
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 60
    Adds (101-150)-(151-250) Fire Damage
    Adds (101-150)-(151-250) Lightning Damage
    Adds (101-150)-(151-250) Cold Damage
    Fire Resist +(21 to 25)%
    Lightning Resist +(21 to 25)%
    Cold Resist +(21 to 25)%

    Loot: Lucion drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Lucion on Destruction difficulty to get the Sunless Crystal Bird.

    Sunless Crystal Bird
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 60
    -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
    -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
    -(6 to 15)% to Enemy Poison Resistance
    5% Chance of Crushing Blow
    -5 to Light Radius
    3/7 Khalimgrad
    Location: Infernal Pit (Frozen Tundra)
    Heaven. Nirvana. Celestia. Call it what you will. Home of the angelic legions, who almost destroyed the taint on Creation that is the mortal plane twice and allowed it to get overrun by the forces of Hell. Far from being the beings of love they are believed to be by the common folk, the angels of the High Heavens present a clear and present danger to Sanctuary. It may be better to strike first.
    Strategy: The Ethereals are the physical manifestations of common angels. They attack furiously, but when you kill one of them, it shatters, weakening other nearby enemies. This does however enrage them and they will swarm you at the speed of a lightning bolt.
    The untargetable Lightwells cast Punisher spells at you at a rapid rate. Try to avoid them, because a direct hit deals incredible amounts of poison damage. Their location changes from game to game.
    The main targets to take out are Zakarum’s Avatars watching over the battle. You can only attack Zakarum's Avatars when their resistances are lowered.
    Loot: Zakarum's Avatars drop good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, they have 1/12 chance to drop the Zakarum's Ear.

    Zakarum's Ear
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 80
    +(16 to 25)% to Experience Gained
    (6 to 10)% Bonus to All Attributes
    +2 to Light Radius
    4/7 Tran Athulua
    Location: Halls of the Dead Level 3 (Dry Hills)
    The capital of the Amazon nation, Tran Athulua, is almost impossible to take by land or sea. After a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Amazon defenders, a band of pirates hired you to assassinate the Priestesses and steal their expensive shinies.
    The uberlevel features amazon archers and three Priestesses, devoted to each of the three elemental gods. Philios serves Hefaetrus, god of fire. Skovos serves Karcheus, god of ice. Lycander serves Zerae, goddess of vengeance and storms.
    Strategy: The common Amazons deal lots of damage, so keep moving to avoid Guided Chain. Otherwise the arrows will keep returning and doing damage many times over.
    The Priestesses are very hard due to their Phalanx and Tremor spells. Phalanx can be dodged by staying at the northwest or southeast of the Priestess; this prevents the Phalanx archers from lining up and whacking you with 20 arrows per second. There is no way to mitigate Tremor damage, because it is percentage based. You can easily recognise the Priestess in a large pack by her heavy armour.

    Loot: The Priestesses drop decent items on all difficulty levels. Defeat the respective elemental Priestesses on Hatred difficulty to get the Sunstone of Fire, Sunstone of Ice and Sunstone of Thunder.

    Sunstone of Fire
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 50
    Adds 15-20 Fire Damage
    -(6 to 10)% to Enemy Fire Resistance
    +10 Defense

    Sunstone of Ice
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 50
    Adds 15-20 Cold Damage
    -(6 to 10)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
    +10 Defense

    Sunstone of Thunder
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 50
    Adds 15-20 Lightning Damage
    -(6 to 10)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
    +10 Defense

    On Destruction difficulty, the Priestesses have 1/6 chance to drop the Sunstone of the Gods.

    Sunstone of the Gods
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    Adds 100-200 Fire Damage
    Adds 100-200 Lightning Damage
    Adds 100-200 Cold Damage
    Increase Maximum Life (1-15)%
    Increase Maximum Mana (1-15)%

    The Priestesses also have 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

    5/7 Fauztinville
    Location: Stony Tomb Level 2 (Rocky Waste)
    Warning: To get to this uberlevel in Terror and Destruction, you need to get through the Stony Tomb Level 1 heroic level.

    After the destruction of the Worldstone, a new era of peace and prosperity began, eventually evolving into what we call the modern age. Humanity has all but forgotten how to deal with demons. Until out of nowhere an evil force beneath the metropolis of Fauztinville begins to corrupt the machinery and pets, turning them against their masters. Overwhelmed by the assault, the army employs its new experimental time machine to request help from the heroes of the past. Will you answer the call?
    Once a humble settlement founded by the mage Fauztin, the city has grown to over ten million inhabitants after the destruction of the Worldstone. All have died or left the city in the face of an onslaught of demonically twisted robots and demons bursting from the city's neon signs.
    The invasion is led by five warped robots, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. These are your targets. Terminate them.
    Strategy: The main difficulty of this level is the onslaught of ranged enemies. A shield helps, but you will need a seriously fast block speed or you will get block-locked. Minions can separate the pack, but beware the Harpylisk's bouncing blade attack.
    The five Robot Bosses can be hard to find. Look for dead-end streets and hidden passages through buildings. One of the five requires a teleport skill to access; if you do not have Blink or Divine Apparition, use an item with charges of Blink or Jitan’s Gate, like the runeword Pax Mystica or the reward charm for the Lord Aldric Jitan uberquest.
    Loot: The Robot Bosses drop good items on all difficulty levels. There is no charm reward for completing this uberlevel, however in Destruction difficulty they are very likely to drop uniques, sets, rares and runes, and may be your main source of runes.
    > On Terror difficulty, the Robot Bosses drop their electronic Brains. These are required for the Black Road challenge.
    > Fauztinville on Destruction difficulty is the only place in the game where you can find the three Great Runes. These runes are required for the most powerful runewords.
    Taha Level
    100 Weapons : +40 to Maximum Damage
    Armor : +20 to Maximum Damage
    Shields : +20 to Maximum Damage
    Ghal Level
    100 Weapons : +15 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    Armor : +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    Shields : +5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    Qor Level
    100 Weapons : Requirements -12%
    Armor : Requirements -12%
    Shields : Requirements -12%
    6/7 Ghosts of Old Bremmtown
    Location: Pit of Acheron (Arreat Plateau)
    You ended the demon invasion of Fauztinville... fast forward another few thousand years. Following a global demon apocalypse, the city is in ruins. Lilith, once banished to the Plane of the Dead, broke free and worse still, corrupted the sons of the cosmic dragon Trang-Oul.
    The draconic death god is the ruler of the Plane of the Dead. Weakened by his battle against the angelic and demonic legions at the end of time in the far future, Trang-Oul was unable to stop Lilith from capturing and possessing his drakes.
    The shadowy Dark Star Dragons were unleashed upon Sanctuary by Lilith’s forces. There is no hope for humanity’s resistance forces unless these creatures are eliminated. The old time machine was put into action once again... Will you help out Fauztinville a second time?
    Strategy: The Howling Spirits materialise directly on top of you when you approach their hiding spots. You have no choice but to take some hits unless you have inhuman reflexes. Defence is very important.
    The Dark Star Dragon on the level has a dual rotating energy beam attack that slays anyone it touches. Use the ruins and debris to avoid the beam. He also summons more Howling Spirits when threatened. You will need to deliver as much damage as fast as possible, because the Dark Star Dragon has a very fast regeneration ability.

    Loot: The Dark Star Dragon drops good items on all difficulty levels. There is no charm reward for completing this uberlevel, but there is something else…
    If you kill the Dark Star Dragon on Destruction difficulty within 3 minutes after entering the level and without dying, you can cube your class charm with an Arcane Crystal while the red swirls are on you to add powerful modifiers.

    [Class Charm] + Arcane Crystal -> returns [Class Charm] w/ added bonuses

    This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:
    Amazon: uses Sacred Sunstone
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    +500 to Life
    Assassin: uses Shadow Vortex
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    +500 to Mana
    Barbarian: uses Worldstone Orb
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    Enhanced Weapon Damage +50%
    Druid: uses Caoi Dulra Fruit
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    +1000 Defense
    Necromancer: uses Soulstone Shard
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    +15% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances
    Paladin: uses Eye of Divinity
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    5% Chance to Avoid Damage
    Sorceress: uses Nexus Crystal
    +500 Crafting Points
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    +50 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    7/7 Kingdom of Shadow
    Location: Crypt (Blood Raven's Graveyard)
    The radiant city of Ureh, thought to be a gateway to Heaven in ancient times. As it turned out, Diablo had taken the form of an angel and deceived the city wizards, tricking them into casting a spell that doomed the city.
    Ureh and everyone within are now trapped between the mortal plane and Hell, appearing in this world only once every two thousand years, when the shadow of Mount Nymyr falls upon the ruins.
    Be there.
    Strategy: This is zombie city. Worse, this is immortal zombie city. Do not bother attacking the ghost citizens, because you cannot. Keep moving at all costs to avoid the undead hordes.
    This is a huge level, there is no minimap, the lighting is very dim and the boss is located in a distant corner. Please run around like a damsel in a zombie film until you find the narrow bridge leading to King Juris Khan.
    Raw firepower is almost useless in this level, because very few enemies can be killed at all. Do equip all the run speed and hit recovery bonuses you can get, try to get some minions and a teleportation spell, either natively or granted by an item.
    The most dangerous part is the narrow ledge leading to King Juris Khan. Do your best to get a teleportation ability. If your class cannot teleport, get a source of Blink or Jitan’s Gate. Blink can be found on the runeword staff Pax Mystica, Jitan’s Gate appears on the Lord Aldric Jitan uberquest reward.
    Loot: Juris Khan drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Juris Khan on Destruction difficulty to get the Eternal Bone Pile.

    Eternal Bone Pile
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    +(1 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
    +(1 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
    +(1 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
    +(1 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
    +(1 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
    +(1 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
    +(1 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
    +500 Maximum Stamina

    Juris Khan also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    X/7 Duncraig (Bonus quest)
    Location: Cave Level 2 (Cold Plains)
    The powerful demonlord Assur is on the move, burning a wake of destruction through the Western Kingdoms and turning the inhabitants of the towns he razes into mindless minions on his side. He is rumoured to be invincible thanks to a powerful Rune of Invulnerability, but perhaps you can liberate the secret from his henchmen among the ruins of Khanduras' capital?
    How to solve: This is a multistep uberquest.
    > The first thing you need to do is collect the five mystical Seals from Assur's lieutenants. There are five: Skinrender, Spinecracker, Eyegouger, Fleshcutter and Bonehexer. The twisted layout of Duncraig does not help matters, and the streets have been barricaded in a futile attempt to ward off Assur's army. You may need a teleportation ability.
    If your class cannot teleport, get a source of Blink or Jitan’s Gate. Blink can be found on the runeword staff Pax Mystica, Jitan’s Gate appears on the Lord Aldric Jitan uberquest reward.
    Note that the seals can only be found on Destruction difficulty.
    > Once you have the five Seals, kill the regular Lost Soul enemies until a Ring of the Five drops. This unique ring is nothing special, until you put it into the Horadric Cube with the Seals! You will get Assur's Bane.
    > Put your newfound ring around your finger and seek out Assur, then select your ring's Purify spell. This spell bypasses Assur's invulnerability and will take him out in a few hits. Congratulations!
    Strategy: There are several variants of the common Lost Soul enemies. Most are mindless zombies with a melee claw or blade attack. Most.
    Some of them, however, rush at you with lit powder barrels! They can throw the barrels over great distances, then light the fuse. When the flame reaches the barrel, a very big boom follows. Run away from the barrel when you see the burning fuse approaching.
    Others throw hexed bone shards that explode on the ground, emitting lethal poison clouds. This is powerful enough to kill anyone, but being undead, their aim may be off, allowing you to get out of the way.
    Loot: Assur drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Assur on Destruction difficulty to get Demonsbane.

    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    +(0 to 2) to Amazon Skill Levels
    +(0 to 2) to Assassin Skill Levels
    +(0 to 2) to Barbarian Skill Levels
    +(0 to 2) to Druid Skill Levels
    +(0 to 2) to Necromancer Skill Levels
    +(0 to 2) to Paladin Skill Levels
    +(0 to 2) to Sorceress Skill Levels
    Replenish Life +50

    Assur also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.

    To attempt a summoning uberquest, you need a Book of Summoning. To make one, buy three Victim's Hearts and three Meditation Candles and cube them.

    Meditation Candle x3 + Victim's Heart x3 -> Book of Summoning

    The Book grants you a new skill icon. Select the icon and cast the skill in the right area to summon the boss.
    Btw. Using the Book will lock out your skills with spell timers for 30 seconds.
    1/7 The Butcher
    Summon at: The Hole Level 2 (Black Marsh)
    Returning from his hellhole beneath Tristram, the Butcher is back and out for new blood. He is slow and easy to avoid, but hits hard and fast and if he catches you, you are dead meat.
    Strategy : The Butcher is slow, but hits very hard and has a high attack rating. The basic strategy is simple - do not get hit. Luckily, the Butcher's room is fairly large, making it relatively easy to avoid his cleaver. Bring a ranged attack if you have one.
    Loot: The Butcher drops decent items on all difficulty levels. Defeat the Butcher on Destruction difficulty to get The Butcher's Tooth.

    The Butcher's Tooth
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 20
    50% Chance of Open Wounds
    100% Extra Gold from Monsters
    40% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
    2/7 The Binding of Baal

    Summon at: Valley of Snakes
    This uberquest reenacts the capture and imprisonment of Baal by Tal Rasha and his Horadrim, with you playing the role of Baal.
    To protect their leader, the Horadrim weave warding spells that make Tal Rasha immortal until the last of his soldiers has died and their spirits have faded.
    Strategy: During this uberquest, you morph into Baal when you are near Tal Rasha. The archmage himself is immune to all damage until you get rid of his escort by parking them or separating Tal Rasha from his allies.
    Being Baal gives you some protection against the attacks of the Horadrim, but these are some of the most powerful mages of Sanctuary and can concentrate their fire to bring down even a Prime Evil.
    You may want to stack your resistances, because the Horadrim possess the ability to reduce your effective resistances, making you that much weaker.
    Loot: Tal Rasha drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Tal Rasha on Destruction difficulty to get the Scroll of Kings.

    Scroll of Kings
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 60
    +(16 to 20)% to Skill Damage
    +2 to [random skill] ([random class] Only)
    (16 to 20)% Bonus to all Attributes
    3/7 Assault on Mount Arreat
    Summon at: Arreat Summit
    In ages past, Diablo himself attempted to invade Mount Arreat to corrupt or destroy the Worldstone and was repelled by the Bear tribe defenders. This is a recreation of that battle on the peak of Mount Arreat, with you as Diablo.
    The shamanic powers of the Bear tribe protect their king with an ancient spirit shield until the last of the defenders has fallen.
    Strategy: Much like the Tal Rasha encounter, the key target to take out, Shaman King Koth is immune to all damage until you kill all of his minions. The difference is that this fight is mainly physical and you need to focus on defense and life to survive.
    Beware the piercing Bear Claws which stun you at range. If you let a pack of Bear Shamans catch you, you may get locked in perpetual stun until you die.
    Loot: Koth drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Koth on Destruction difficulty to get the Sacred Worldstone Key.

    Sacred Worldstone Key
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 80
    +2 to [random skill] ([random class] Only)
    Total Character Damage Plus (41 to 50)%
    Total Character Defense Plus (21 to 30)%
    4/7 Akarat
    Summon at: Kurast Causeway
    This uberquest involves summoning and defeating the ghost of the prophet Akarat and his band of Followers. The spirit is ritually summoned in the fortress city of Travincal by the church fathers four times a year or during times of trouble. Because Travincal is irrepairably tainted by Mephisto, it may be a better plan to summon him at the bridge to Travincal, just outside the walls.
    Although Sanctuary owes many years of relative peace to the founder of the Church of Zakarum, both the motives of the Church and the plans of the archangels behind it are fairly dubious. Sanctuary would be better off without interference from both the Burning Hells and the High Heavens.
    If you have problems defeating Akarat, remember that a religion is nothing without followers, and the death of his apostles may be a particularly hard blow to Akarat’s spirit.
    Strategy: As an emissary from the Heavens, the prophet Akarat is immune to all damage. However, when you kill one of his Followers nearby, all other enemies within range have their resistances reduced by -200%. This gives you a five second window of opportunity to damage Akarat.
    Loot: Akarat drops decent items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Akarat on Destruction difficulty to get the Visions of Akarat.

    Visions of Akarat
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    +(201 to 250) Defense
    +(21 to 25) to all Attributes

    Akarat also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    5/7 Lord Aldric Jitan
    Summon at: Nihlathak's Temple
    Driven mad by nightmares, the Western aristocrat Lord Aldric Jitan hopes to summon a terrible demon. Stop him before he does.
    Strategy: Another encounter with immunity shields. Jitan comes with an army of 20 guardsmen, which need to be killed before you can harm Jitan.
    The tricky part is that the enemies possess a healing spell, and will use it when low on life. You may want to focus on a guardsman and keep pounding him until he dies, otherwise he will just heal himself.
    Their Guard Tower attack will pummel the living daylights out of you if you stand still for too long. Keep moving and the towers will vanish behind you.
    Also bring some resistances, because the enemies inflict fire, cold and lightning damage.
    When any enemy dies, a vortex of shadow spawns at the location of the deceased fighter. Do not run into it, or you will die instantly. Use a weapon with a long reach and keep your finger on the Shift key.
    Loot: Jitan drops good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, Jitan has 1/6 chance to drop the Moon of the Spider.

    Moon of the Spider
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    +(10 to 40) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 1
    +1 to Jitan’s Gate
    Half Freeze Duration

    Jitan also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    6/7 Legacy of Blood
    Summon at: Tower Cellar (Black Marsh)

    'When you get to hell maggot, tell them that I am coming to rule!'
    Bartuc, the Warlord of Blood, was once Horazon's brother in the Vizjerei mage clan. Whereas Horazon wanted to summon demons to enslave them, Bartuc chose to worship them and traded his soul for demonic power. Their conflict eventually led to a civil war that shattered the mage clan. Although Bartuc was eventually destroyed by the very powers he sought to control, his soul and power have been claimed by the forces of Hell.
    It may be possible to summon Bartuc's spirit in the crypt where his cursed armor was buried...
    Strategy: Bartuc and his summoned Blood Golems have ranged attacks and can hurt a lot in this tiny room. Compounding the challenge is the fact that the Blood Golems are only vulnerable for a brief moment after hitting you, and Bartuc can only be harmed after he uses his Wychwind attack.
    The enemies use physical attacks and they hit hard. The most dangerous attack is Bartuc's Wychwind, which can kill you on the spot if you run into the rift field. Attack him after he uses this ability, because it also removes his immunities. Bartuc also summons more Blood Golems.
    Loot : Bartuc drops good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, Bartuc drops the Legacy of Blood.

    Legacy of Blood
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    (2 to 4)% Life Stolen per Hit
    (2 to 4)% Mana Stolen per Hit
    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 2

    Bartuc also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    7/7 Judgement Day
    Summon at: Inner Cloister

    When Uldyssian sacrificed his life at the Cathedral of Vanity in the battle between angels and demons, his soul was thought to be blown to the far reaches of the universe.
    But a malicious spirit in the High Heavens, watching over the battle from afar, snatched Uldyssian and his edyrem on their way to oblivion. Imperius, archangel and high warlord of the Crystal Arch, had his own opinions about Sanctuary and the human vermin inhabiting it. This taint on Creation had to be eradicated.
    But his side of the argument, despite the support of Malthael, lost out in the Angiris Council due to the intervention of Tyrael, and the ensuing blood pact with Mephisto prevented him from intervening on the mortal plane at all. A puppet had to be found, and Uldyssian was just what he sought. After a thorough brainwashing, Imperius sent his harbinger Dark Uldyssian to Sanctuary with the mission to exact divine justice and destroy the world...
    Strategy: Dark Uldyssian and his Fallen Edyrem are ghosts that exist only partially on the mortal plane and cannot be hit by mortal weapons and spells.
    The war machine has one weak spot. When the army runs into trouble, Dark Uldyssian will summon an Avatar of Imperius or Malthael to aid them. This avatar is vulnerable. Kill it to sever the link.
    An avatar will be summoned 1% of the time when Dark Uldyssian hits a victim. The Fallen Edyrem do not have this power. You can recognise Dark Uldyssian by his heavy armour. What they all have in common is their Divine Apparition ability which warps them next to their victim, freezing it.
    The Avatars bear the secrets of Creation and can throw alchemical nuclear bombs from Heaven. They also have the ability to turn invulnerable for a short time. While in this state, they project lethal death bolts at nearby targets. Run away! Lastly, they summon more Fallen Edyrem at a rapid rate.
    Loot: The Avatars drop good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, the Avatars drop the Crystalline Flame Medallion.

    Crystalline Flame Medallion
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    +1 to Summon Edyrem
    +5% to Maximum Fire Resist
    +5% to Maximum Cold Resist
    +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
    Fire Absorb 10%
    Cold Absorb 10%
    Lightning Absorb 10%

    Imperius and Malthael also have 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    Sacred sets and uniques can drop here on Destruction difficulty.
    Bonus quest
    If you are exceptionally daring or suicidal, distract Dark Uldyssian until both the Avatar of Imperius and the Avatar of Malthael are summoned. Then kill them both within 30 seconds and transmute the Medallion in the cube while the red swirls are on your character to add some extra modifiers…

    Crystalline Flame Medallion -> returns Crystalline Flame Medallion w/ added bonuses

    This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

    100% Chance to cast level 62 Apocalypse when you Die
    +3 to All Skills
    +50 to All Attributes

    Btw. You do have to kill two different Avatars, not the same one twice.
    X/7 Brother Laz (Bonus quest)
    Location: Swampy Pit Level 3 (Flayer Jungle)
    There are many religions in Sanctuary. Although they all tell very different stories, loremasters agree that since many of them seem to be effective and allow their faithful to work miracles, there has to be a common truth between them.
    One particular element found in most religions is the creation of the world by a God or other deity, whether it be Zakarum, Inarius and Lilith or Trang-Oul or the Four Elements or even Kharos or Tiarna Dulra.
    Some alchemical scientists even believe that the world of Sanctuary was shaped by an individual human on another plane, one 'Brother Laz' with a calculation engine powered by lightning. According to this cult, when humanity complains too much about the difficult living conditions in Sanctuary and the scarcity of divine weaponry, he may send his avatar to the mortal plane to deal with those who annoy him in person...
    Strategy: The Groupies are just your average frenzied lunatics with throwing knives and should not be too hard to dispatch.
    The boss, Brother Laz is something else. Do not stand still in his crosshairs or he will cast either Deathstrike or Singularity on you and destroy you.
    If you keep moving, he will attempt an offensive teleport, summon more minions and may cast totems that kill you with Disintegrate if you go near them. If you take down the totems, you will receive an unholy death curse that kills you when you next receive damage, so avoid doing this at all costs and give them a wide berth to avoid instant annihilation!
    Brother Laz is also invulnerable to any damage. Use the Purify skill you acquired in Duncraig and keep hitting him with it until he dies.
    Loot: Brother Laz drops good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, Brother Laz has 1/6 chance to drop the Glorious Book of Median.

    Glorious Book of Median
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    +1 to All Skills
    (51 to 75)% Enhanced Damage vs. Demons
    +50 Damage
    All Resists +(11 to 15)%
    (201 to 250)% Extra Gold from Monsters
    5% Reanimate as: Groupie

    Brother Laz also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    Secret: Inarius' Revenge
    Summon at : ??? -- Find it yourself!
    In his vanity, fallen angel Inarius made the fatal mistake of raiding one of Mephisto's black temples on mortal soil and killing the dark monks there. The Prime Evils had previously ignored this rebellious angel, but this was an insult they could not leave unpunished. Mephisto invaded Inarius' cathedral of vanity, burned it to the ground and captured Inarius and his followers, warping and mutating them into flabby and horrible creatures - the Overlords - instilling them with eternal hatred for the still beautiful creations of Zakarum, humans.
    You may be able to summon Inarius' ghost at a place of great significance for the fallen angel...
    Strategy: Inarius' ghost and his minions hit very hard and almost always hit. This fight is most similar to the Butcher, but with multiple enemies. You figure out the rest...
    Loot: Inarius' ghost drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Inarius' ghost on Destruction difficulty to get the Spirit of Damnation.

    Spirit of Damnation
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    1% Chance to cast level 20 Death Spiral when Struck
    Slows Attacker by 5%

    You can find these uberbosses in their own special areas. It is usually not a good idea to go there before you are at least of equal level as the monsters that inhabit the area, or you will die.
    Warning: Do not jump in at level 15 just because you found the entrance.
    1/7 Creature of Flame
    Location: Ancient Tunnels (Lost City)
    'This is a forbidden place. Return whence you came and your life will be spared'
    This first uberquest reenacts a removed quest from Diablo 1. Horazon (also known as the real Summoner) summoned a powerful demonlord that turned out to be too strong for him. He managed to trap it in his arcane sanctuary, but could not defeat it and it almost killed him. Neither Horazon nor the demon wants you to be there, so do not expect a warm welcome by either side...
    Strategy: No rocket science, just kill the two bosses. Like all uberquests, do not attempt it as soon as you find the entrance. The bosses are level 55 and will destroy any lower level character with ease.
    Tip: You may want to maximise your fire and lightning resistance. Both bosses have Forked Lightning, which does massive amounts of damage at close range.
    Loot: Horazon's Familiar and Creature of Flame drop decent items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Creature of Flame on Destruction difficulty to get Horazon's Focus.

    Horazon's Focus
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 40
    (3 to 5)% Life stolen per Hit
    (3 to 5)% Mana stolen per Hit
    -50 Defense
    +(21 to 25) to all Attributes

    Btw. Horazon's holographic transmission is just for flavour and does nothing.
    2/7 Infernal Machine
    Location: The Pit Level 2 (Tamoe Highland)
    The next uber quest involves defeating a special siege tower located in a small underground cave. The tower summons random elite monsters at a rapid rate. Move quickly, because time is against you.
    Strategy: Rush the boss, otherwise it keeps spawning more and more monsters, making it harder and harder to reach and destroy it. On the other hand, if you need to level up, the constant flood of monsters is a great source of experience as well.
    Loot: Infernal Machine drops decent items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Infernal Machine on Destruction difficulty to get the Optical Detector.

    Optical Detector
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 60
    +200 Crafting Points
    +2 to Light Radius
    3/7 Death Projector
    Location: Swampy Pit Level 3 (Flayer Jungle)
    The Swampy Pit serves as testing grounds for Mephisto's latest siege weapon. The Death Projector slowly rotates, firing a fearsome energy beam in a full circle, annihilating anything in its path.
    The weapon is guarded by eight ghostly Mechanics. It is said that they abduct people from the tribes around Kurast to sacrifice them, powering the Death Projector’s energy array with their still beating hearts. The Mechanics are immune to any attack and if they kill a player or minion in the central circle, the Death Projector is restored to its original condition.
    Strategy: This may be your first experience with immunity shields. To get rid of the Death Projector's immunities, keep at least one Mechanic nearby.
    However, there is no way to harm any of the Mechanics. Try your best to avoid their attacks.
    The death laser is not too hard to avoid, but you should really try to do so because if it hits you, you're finished. Beware the splash damage when it hits a wall.
    Loot: Death Projector drops decent items on all difficulty levels. Defeat the Death Projector on Destruction difficulty to get the Laser Focus Crystal.

    Laser Focus Crystal
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 80
    Increase Maximum Life (11 to 15)%
    Increase Maximum Mana (11 to 15)%
    +(6 to 15)% to Experience Gained
    4/7 Azmodan
    Location: Forgotten Reliquary (Upper Kurast)
    The Lord of Sin walks the earth. Azmodan hits hard and emits a shield aura that grants unholy invulnerability to nearby demons. The tight confines of the temple area make it hard to get past the immortal monsters blocking your way and reach Azmodan himself. Azmodan also feasts on death, healing himself when he makes a kill.
    Strategy: Try to separate Azmodan from his minions. Lure Azmodan to one side of the level and his demons to the other, then quickly run over and attack Azmodan himself.
    Azmodan has a dangerous melee attack which creates a pentagram of burning hellfire. You may want to load up on fire resistance for this fight.
    Btw. Azmodan does not heal if one of the regular monsters kills you. If you are a necromancer, you can disable his healing with your Void Archon’s warp field aura.
    Loot: Azmodan drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Azmodan on Destruction difficulty to get the Azmodan's Heart.

    Azmodan's Heart
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    +2 to [random skill] ([random class] Only)
    All Resists +(31 to 40)%
    +5% to All Maximum Resistances
    Reduces Vendor Prices 10%

    Azmodan also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    5/7 Rathma Square
    Location: Ruined Fane (Kurast Causeway)
    'My blade sings for mortal blood, and by my dark masters, it shall not be denied!'
    Back in the days when Kurast was the centre of civilisation and black magic was not yet frowned upon, this was where the priests of Rathma - the necromancers - practiced their art. The place was abandoned when the religion of Zakarum took over the city and banned pagan magic, making it the perfect hiding place for an ancient evil bent on taking out the Church from within.
    Primus, son of Mephisto, was the leader of the Cult of the Triune in ages past before it was destroyed and he nearly lost his life. His efforts to rebuild the Triune have been hampered by the crusaders of Zakarum, but he remains a formidable foe, doubly so in the home city of the Zakarum.
    Strategy: Primus himself is not particularly hard, despite his powerful ranged Bladestorm attack. The blades track your position, but do less damage than his normal attack and can be avoided, blocked and dodged.
    Primus has a powerful ranged Bladestorm attack that tears minions to pieces and inflicts an unholy curse that drains your life away. The curse cannot be negated or resisted in any way.
    Primus is guarded by an army of Gore Crawlers, which after several millennia in and around Rathma Square can raise themselves from the dead. Shattering the corpse does not make any difference, but the resurrections takes 10 seconds, during which you can attempt to run away and ditch them.
    Loot: Primus drops good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, Primus has 1/6 chance to drop the Spirit Trance Herb.

    Spirit Trance Herb
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    10% Increased Attack Speed
    10% Faster Cast Rate
    (21 to 150)% Bonus to Attack Rating
    Regenerate Life +(11 to 40)

    Primus also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    6/7 Cathedral of Vanity
    Location: Underground Passage Level 2
    'How much suffering, mortal, does it take before you lose your grace?'
    According to pagan myth, the mortal plane – Sanctuary – was created by the fallen angel Inarius and the demon Lilith to serve as a refuge from the Eternal War. The two created a race of servants from the earth which were to worship them for all eternity.
    Humanity broke free when a small group of farmers rediscovered their birthright and ancient powers inherited from their supernatural parents. As the edyrem army grew, Inarius descended into megalomanic madness and was eventually destroyed along with his golden cathedral of vanity.
    It is whispered that the ghosts of Inarius and his closest worshippers still roam the cathedral…
    Strategy : The Crystal Ball is the last of the cathedral’s magical defences. The tower grants a holy invulnerability shield to nearby worshippers and casts a searing beam of Heavenly light that destroys anything it touches. Destroy the Crystal Ball to dispel the immortality from the other enemies.
    Loot: Inarius and his High Clerics drop good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Inarius on Destruction difficulty to get the Idol of Vanity.

    Idol of Vanity
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    (21 to 40)% Increased Attack Speed
    (21 to 40)% Faster Cast Rate
    (21 to 40)% Faster Hit Recovery
    (21 to 40)% Faster Block Rate
    (21 to 40)% Faster Run/Walk
    Cannot Be Frozen

    Inarius also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
    Bonus quest : Inarius' cathedral of vanity was ultimately destroyed by Mephisto, and Inarius and his followers were captured, mutilated and deformed to grotesque Overlords to serve the forces of Hell. One may be able to summon the tormented ghost of Inarius, defeat him and steal his power...
    7/7 Toraja
    Location: Abaddon (Frigid Highlands)
    Now nothing more than overgrown ruins, Toraja once stood proud as a medium-sized city in ancient times, and has become legendary as the city where the nephalem Uldyssian recruited most of his edyrem to spearhead the uprising against the infernal Cult of the Triune and Inarius’ Cathedral of Light.
    This is where the time portal leads you. Aid the edyrem in their battle against Lilith and the Triune’s minions.
    Strategy: The enemies on this level, Celebrant archers and Morlu fighters, are completely invulnerable and there is nothing you can do about it. However, if you complete the Judgement Day summoning uberquest, you receive a charm that grants you the ability to summon edyrem.
    The edyrem are fighter-mages who have the ability to dispel the immortality wards off the enemies. Although they are vulnerable to the supernatural onslaught of the Triune, they have the power to cast an invulnerability shield of their own, allowing them to close in and remove the immunities.
    Loot: Lilith drops good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, when you kill Lilith, you have 30 seconds to cube the Crystalline Flame Medaillon you used to summon the edyrem with an Arcane Crystal.

    Crystalline Flame Medaillon + Arcane Crystal -> returns Crystalline Flame Medaillon w/ added bonuses

    This upgrade recipe adds the following bonuses:

    Maximum Skill Level Increased by 5
    All Resists +10%
    Regenerate Life +100
    X/7 Vizjun (Bonus quest)
    Location: Disused Fane (Kurast Bazaar)
    Vizjun, the technological home city of the Viz-Jaq'Taar or Assassins, has recently run into a major system flaw. The artificial intelligence, Master Control System seems to have developed sentience as Diablo approached; the computer then constructed a large army of robots to take over the city, its missile silos and from there the world.
    The MCS managed to turn the city's cybernetic defences against its inhabitants. Those seeking to retake the compound will have to contend with its arsenal of combat drones, minefields and electro-pulse generators. It is said that the MCS slumbered and fulfilled its menial tasks for years until the Viz-Jaq'Taari scientists had developed 'The Bomb', a secret weapon capable of destroying entire nations...
    Strategy: Basic strategy is not too difficult: there are melee robots, laser robots and machine-bolter robots. You should know what to do by now.
    But beware, Big Brother is watching you. The area's automatic defences will periodically deploy additional drones, chaingun sentries, minefields and various explosives when you enter the protected zone. The computer voice warns you of what is about to happen.
    The level boss, MCS is invulnerable to any damage. To destroy it, use the handy Purify skill you acquired in Duncraig. A few shots should be enough.
    Loot: MCS drops good items on all difficulty levels. On Destruction difficulty, MCS has 1/6 chance to drop the Cold Fusion Schematics.

    Cold Fusion Schematics
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 100
    10% Chance to cast level 10 Time Strike on striking
    100% Chance to cast level 59 Blast Wave when you Die
    +(11 to 150) to Strength
    +(11 to 150) to Dexterity
    +(11 to 150) to Vitality
    +(11 to 150) to Energy

    MCS also has 2% chance to drop a trophy on Destruction difficulty. Cube the trophy with the charm for a small bonus.
  16. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    done, sửa mệt thật :D. thiếu hẳn cả 1 mục uberlevel ;)).
  17. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    @medassin: Mấy cái cup làm sao mà kiếm được thế? Mình cày mãi mà không có cái nào
  18. fidodaica

    fidodaica The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    có 2 % thôi mà.:| chắc ông nằm vào 98% còn lại rồi. chả khác gì đánh đề cả?:-&
  19. fan_of_MU

    fan_of_MU Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Box Diablo
    Đánh các quest summon gọi lên cả buổi mà chả có cái nào. Phải sửa lại là 0.0002% mới đúng(2 phần triệu)
  20. thiensoi95

    thiensoi95 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Minh la nguoi moi xin duoc huong dan : sao minh cai PLUGY 8.0 + save cua Fido cho khi vao thi hom do trong khong co gi het vay.(May cua cong ty minh khong bo dau dc xin loi)
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