Empire:Total war thảo luận trao đổi kinh nghiệm

Thảo luận trong 'Kho lưu trữ' bắt đầu bởi vietanh797, 13/3/09.

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  1. Hồng Thất

    Hồng Thất Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái bang
    RI tiền nó lên vèo vèo mà ??? Hay là do tui chưa update nên nó imbalance nhỉ. Tiền lên cả trăm k xây cứ là vèo vèo

    RTI chẳng wa là 1 cái Tutorial nhỏ thui muh
  2. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Paris, Pháp
    ông chưa update thôi, update lên patch 1.2 đi :)), tiền kiếm dc chỉ đủ xài thôi, ko dư mà phóng túng đâu
  3. TuDragon76

    TuDragon76 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đúng vậy ! :| Tui update 1.5 của Razor rồi mới nhai cái RI này. Tiền ít quá ! :|
  4. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Paris, Pháp
    Các đơn vị mới sẽ xuất hiện trong patch 1.3

    Russian Grenadier

    Holland Guard

    Spanish Guardias

    Swedish Life Guard

    Prussian Household

    Spanish Grenadier

    Prussian Life Guard

    Prussian Grenadier
  5. Hồng Thất

    Hồng Thất Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cái bang
    Thêm vào làm gì nhỉ, cứ lấy thịt đè người thì làm sao mà đỡ nổi
  6. TopDog

    TopDog Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thì tui đang nói tới campaing Road to independence đấy, thực ra chả cần full stack, 1 stack cũng đủ, quân ở đó ít lắm. Hồi đó tôi đánh như thế :))
  7. Osadar Mizutani

    Osadar Mizutani mãi yêu cụ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vô định
    hic đang định up máy để đú game mà không biết nên up thế nào ( mù phần cứng anh em tư vấn với)
  8. peterblood

    peterblood Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tiếu ngạo giang hồ
    Bạn cho xin cái cấu hình hiện tại để còn biết đường mà mò :|
    Muốn up phải tìm hiểu xem cái sẵn có là gì mới up ngon dc :D

    Mà up làm gì có tầm 30mil thì mần luôn nguyên bộ mới cho đồng bộ =))
  9. Osadar Mizutani

    Osadar Mizutani mãi yêu cụ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vô định
    tình hình là có lẽ phải up cái VGA + main ( up 2 thằng này thi nguyên bộ mợ rồi @_@ )
    p/s; mà con VGA 8600 GT hoặc 8800 GT gánh nổi không vậy
  10. peterblood

    peterblood Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tiếu ngạo giang hồ
    Đủ rồi, nhưng medium setting thôi nhé, max cũng được nhưng khá giật nhé :D

    8800 nên lấy luôn GTS, GT uổng lắm ;))
  11. DeepSpace

    DeepSpace Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    8600gt là đủ chơi medium,không thì chơi 9600gt yếu hơn 8800gt nhưng vẫn được mức high,không thì chơi 8800gts chứ đừng xài 8800gt dễ có vấn đề đấy:>
    phải chú ý luôn xem CPU có kéo nổi GPU 0 chứ 0 thì mua card xịn mà CPU lởm chỉ phí tiền;))
  12. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Paris, Pháp
    Đây là changelog của 1.3 sắp ra :). Quân thêm vào chủ yếu cho đa dạng thôi, nhìn quân các quốc gia đỡ lập đi lập lại
    Update 1.3 will be released for Empire: Total War on 22nd June 2009. Ahead of its release, here are the major features coming to the update:

    We’ve worked on implementing the multi-threading in the game for multi-core processors and made many optimisations that will also help increase performance on single core machines.

    Players will see huge benefits through increased frame rates particularly in land and naval battles.

    14 Free Units have been included in this patch, adding a large amount of diversity to the playable factions and the armies the player will face. These units replace ‘generic’ equivalents giving each faction a unique identity on the battlefield. Here is a description of each free unit available in the update:

    Prussian Grenadiers

    Wearing a distinctive brass fronted mitre cap, the Prussian Grenadiers are an explosive force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

    Spanish Guardias de infateria

    These elite guard infantry are charged with protecting the monarch and are a potent force on the battlefield.

    Swedish lifeguard horse

    This cavalry regiment forms part of the monarchs’ household guard. Superbly drilled, they act as a shock force on the battlefield.

    Holland Horse Guard

    Armed with heavy cavalry sabres, these disciplined cavalrymen represent the elite of the army.

    Prussian Garde Du Corp

    The Prussian Garde Du Corp are a replacement for the Prussian standard Household cavalry. These heavy horse shock troops are best used to break enemy lines and overrun enemy positions. With a strong charge and fearsome attack, these riders make short work of those who would oppose a Prussian monarch.

    Prussian Life guard

    The Prussian life guards are equipped similarly to line infantrymen. However their uniforms are altogether more splendid, marking them out as a superior force, in arrogance if nothing else. They do a good job as garrison troops and are dedicated to the crown.

    Russian Grenadiers

    This new Russian unit is great for assaults and their grenades pack a mighty punch!

    Spanish Guardias De Corp

    The Spanish Guardias De Corp replace household cavalry for Spain. With almost unbreakable morale, on the charge they are almost unstoppable.

    Spanish Grenadiers

    These are a replacement for the standard Spanish Grenadiers with a distinctive bearskin hat to mark them out as exemplary on the battlefield.

    Swedish ‘Lifeguards of foot’

    These are a highly trained replacement for the standard Swedish guard. They are often used as a force in a system that defends a monarchy and can be relied upon for utter loyalty and deadly accuracy in the field. Their professionalism is reflected in their fearsome battle reputation.

    Holland Guard

    The Holland Guards from the United Provinces are superior line infantry units. Carrying smoothbore muskets, they were traditionally chosen to protect the royal family and have an incredibly high morale, often making them the last troops to break in a fight.


    The Scots are a Highland ex-patriate infantry used by the United Provinces, renowned for their deadly charge.

    Swiss Infantry

    Very disciplined infantry of the United Provinces with quick reload and excellent marksmanship.


    Mamelukes are fearless light horsemen, deadly when deployed against a broken or unsupported enemy.

    Additionally the Spanish nation has had a new uniform design to better reflect its historical look.


    Sound loading has been made asynchronous, so heavy disc access is reduced to a minimum. This makes loading times faster and reduces any instances of ’stuttering’. Unit group sounds have also been improved, for more realistic group movement. The primary sound library (Miles DLL) has been updated to stop occasional clicking. And we’ve added more sound variation for unit deaths and musket fire.


    - Several crash bug fixes in saves, movement, agents and logic.

    - Various optimisations have been made to AI and path systems to reduce the campaign map turn times.

    - When the pirates are destroyed and re-emerge they now maintain a status of at war with all and are unable to enter into diplomatic negotiations.

    - Added small ships on domestic trade routes from the trade nodes to home regions moving in the correct direction, i.e. with the flow of trade.

    - The AI should now no longer repeatedly sign a diplomatic agreement and then break it the next turn. Treaties are more valuable and adhered to.

    - We’ve fixed some border trade agreements allowing greater numbers of bordering factions to properly trade with one another.

    - Movement arrows now reflect the range of the selected units, not the whole army/navy.

    - AI will no longer counter-offer and ask for more money than the player has available.

    - Fixed commerce raiding taking money from blockaded trade routes.

    - Fixed navies getting stuck when forced to retreat from ports (tactial retreat).

    - Fixed rare inability to attack certain ports.

    - Fixed middle mouse button camera drag stopping working occasionally.

    - Made emergent factions be at war with the faction they emerged against if that faction is human.

    - Fixed various movement extent crashes.

    - Changed background income for minor factions.

    - Fixed diplomatic relations with emergent factions.

    - Tactical withdrawal will now always leave armies on the landmass containing the settlement of a region.

    - Changed war score system to make the AI more likely to accept peace.

    - Fixed crash when embarking and disembarking armies at ports.

    - Fixed trade ships not being correctly registered in trade nodes after splitting forces.

    - Fixed government change diplomatic effect.

    - Improved commerce raiding display on trade screen.

    - Faction specific text is now used in diplomacy.

    - Prevent players cancelling the movement of fleeing agents.

    - Fix for battle AI that resulted in it walking units into melee too often.

    - Fix for Grenzers and 18-lber Guard Horse Artillery not being recruitable in the campaign.

    - Fix for majority of pauses/crashes on selecting fleets/ports in late part of campaign.

    - Various improvements to the way the AI wages war and makes peace have been made.
    Balance changes


    - Charge bonus generally increased across the board for all units and melee defence reduced.

    - Greater diversification of stats between different unit types designed to emphasise differences and improve balance.

    - Redone costs for all units for multiplayer to improve game balance which better reflects the actual battlefield worth of each unit.

    - Mob formation added in for Native American, irregular and some skirmisher units.

    - Spot distance for light infantry, skirmishers, irregulars, light cavalry and missile cavalry increased allowing them to spot hidden units at longer distances.

    - Russian line infantry stats have been boosted to allow them to compete more with other faction’s line infantry.

    - Movement speed of all unit types reduced by 10%.

    - Ammo for light infantry increased to 20, line to 15.

    Land battle morale

    - Charge morale bonus reduced from 10 to 4.

    - Recent casualties, extended casualties and total casualties morale penalties increased slightly for higher percentages.

    - Rear and flank exposed morale penalties increased.


    - Fatigue penalty for melee reduced from 18 per tick to 10.

    - Running fatigue penalty for heavy and light cavalry reduced from -3/-2 to -2/-1.

    Artillery Changes

    - Calibration area for cannons and howitzers reduced. Accuracy of non-round shot shot types reduced to compensate.

    - Muzzle velocity of round shot for cannons increased to make them fire lower and bounce more, accuracy also increased.

    - Lethality of shrapnel pieces reduced to match canister shot, range also reduced to 350.

    - Load time for special shot types for howitzers increased slightly, and range reduced to 350.

    - Calibration area for mortars increased, accuracy of round shot increased to compensate. Reload time increased slightly.

    - Accuracy of 18 lbr horse guard artillery restored to 65.

    Hit points of gun trains increased to 50, all guns and caissons to 25.
  13. TuDragon76

    TuDragon76 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thế là phải rình update 1.6 của Razor nữa rồi :D
  14. peterblood

    peterblood Donkey Kong

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    Tiếu ngạo giang hồ
    Tình hình là sẽ tạm ngưng ETW quay lại M2TW vì máy đã mệt mỏi khi kéo game ETW trong thời gian dài. Chờ up máy mới và expansion của ETW :))
  15. coldsigma

    coldsigma Legend of Zelda

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    vậy hiện nay bản update nào là tốt nhất vậy, mình vẫn còn xài bản update từ hồi empire mới ra:| hình như 1.1 của razor thì phải, nếu đc phiền bạn nào cho mình link download bản update mới nhất của razor đi, mình rep + nhiệt tình :">
  16. DeepSpace

    DeepSpace Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có link patch 1.2 ở trang trước kìa;;)
    nhân tiện sao topic trên 1k rồi sao 0 lock đi;;)
  17. namcod

    namcod Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mới update bản patch mới.
    hehe, chơi khá tốt. Hầu như ko còn bị Crash.
    Nhưng deal với tụi nó phê hơn trước khá nhiều. Mua đất, công nghệ khá là khó.
    Lính mới cũng rất OK. Nhưng đỡ nhất là vụ AI, tụi nó đánh cũng có tiến bộ hơn trước.
  18. peterblood

    peterblood Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tiếu ngạo giang hồ
    Đưa link dùm đi bạn ;;)
    Đang lười, kô muốn tìm :>
  19. TuDragon76

    TuDragon76 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã có pack Western Elite Units ! Không biết nhóm Razor có release cái pack này không nhỉ ?:|

    Add : đã có update 6 !

    Link :
    Pass : senseman
    Cần update 5, info :
    Empire Total War Update 6 RazorDOX: Size: 181.26 MB 
    In addition to the 14 free units available in Update 1.3, here's the list of fixes in this update:
    - Added multithreading support.
    - Fixed sound loading to reduce choppiness.
    - Fixed sound load times, increasing speed.
    - Changes to store Rebel data in their regions as well as armies.
    - Reduced prestige bonus for getting technology fist in culture.
    - Refined mountain terrain.
    - Fixed excessive invasion request loop.
    - Fixed diplomatic analysis AI now stores honourable war information.
    - Fixed how music cycles in battle, added tweaks to sound files.
    - Fixed unit group speed matching changes.
    - Fixed various UI bugs.
    - Fixed intermittent audio crash.
    - Fixed 'double sided' mountains and errors in some settlements.
    - Removed duplicate script entries.
    - Fixed a crash caused by having volumetric effects disabled.
    - Fixed breaks in audio packs.
    - Fixed bug for retreating AI army with artillery.
    - Fixed spelling error on internal variable.
    - Fixed reload animation to keep rod inside musket.
    - Fixed multiplayer bug where language dependent files were improperly checked.
    - Fixed particle effects shader using correct depth for scene.
    - Fixed reinforcing armies 'empty cards' bug.
    - Fixed captured admirals ships now have the same name after capture.
    - Fixed Battle AI withdrawing immediately if it doesn't have artillery in a siege.
    - Fixed campaign AI crash caused by military_force function.
    - Fixed sound crash caused by environment variables.
    - Fixed sound fades in unit group audio.
    - Fixed campaign AI start position regeneration problem.
    - Changed firing arc colours for portside firing.
    - Fixed commerce raiding taking money from blockaded trade routes.
    - Fixed navies tactically retreating from ports getting stuck.
    - Fixed inability to attack ports occasionally.
    - Fixed camera lock not clearing occasionally.
    - Fixed two rare pathfinding crash bugs.
    - Exposed diplomatic dishonourable treaty breaking counter for AI.
    - Fixed display of commodity volumes produced by buildings to include slot quality multiplier.
    - Made emergent factions be at war with the faction they emerged against if that faction is human.
    - Fixed error when trying to dissolve non-existant trade agreements on loss of regions.
    - Fixed episodic campaign 'cannot advance' after battle.
    - Fixed unit group position on halt.
    - Fixed crash caused by 'empty strings' during memory allocation.
    - Fixed selection audio only played when a unit is actually selected.
    - Fixed bad deployment formations from AI.
    - Fixed audio spamming and wrong sounds playing during melee.
    - Changed Agent subterfuge chances of success.
    - Updated Miles Audio from 7.2e 7.2g to fix low pass problems.
    - Fixed crash caused by merging besieging army with another army nearby.
    - Fixed 'opportunity to intercept' dismiss button disappearing.
    - Fixed 'siege begun' message notification.
    - Fixed particle shader now interact properly with animation.
    - Fixed crash bug on campaign map.
    - Fixed issue in unit selection after multi-promotion.
    - Fixed senior character is leading a force after trait application.
    - Fixed UI being notified of trait application for trait refresh.
    - Fixed platform list crash.
    - Fixed default use of hardware shadows as not all cards were supportive.
    - Fixed audio no longer plays snow ambience when raining.
    - Fixed forts on campaign map.
    - Fixed crashes loading 1.2 save games and earlier under new optimised pathfinding code.
    - Fixed various movement extent crashes.
    - Fixed rare ship group crash.
    - Fixed withdrawal direction changes.
    - Fixed AI item selection at end of turn.
    - Fixed audio bug on large sails unfurling.
    - Fixed anchor sound playing when game is paused.
    - Fixed wind gust sound not playing on ship sails.
    - Fixed rare crash caused by having sound disabled.
    - Changed bankruptcy notification.
    - Fixed faction death on turn calling AI and causing crash.
    - Fixed crash caused by transporting navy to wilderness region.
    - Fixed campaign middle-mouse button scrolling stopping responding sometimes.
    - Fixed background income for minor factions.
    - Fixed (disabled) broadside firing when ship has been grappled.
    - Fixed 'double hits' on buildings going through destruction animations.
    - Added pathfinding optimisations.
    - Fixed out-of-memory crash to do with movement extents.
    - Fixed trade agreement diplomatic bonus being applied when trade agreements are not available due to lack of routes.
    - Added after load characters now show multi-turn action arrows.
    - Fixed tactical withdrawal will now always leave armies on the landmass containing the settlement of a region.
    - Added assert in UI code if it tries to get spying information for a non-existant army.
    - Fix for disembarking at region boundaries sometimes disembarking into the wrong region.
    - Changed war score system to make the AI more likely to accept peace.
    - Changed RTI - Episode 2 rebalanced.
    - Fixed AI firing behaviour.
    - Fixed deployment areas no longer block weather effects.
    - Fixed conflict between terrain and sea underlay.
    - Fixed crash when embarking / disembarking armies on ports.
    - Fixed musicians not stopping with rest of unit.
    - Fixed certain traded techs not being calculated.
    - Fixed missing fort cannons.
    - Fixed crash in pending battle stage.
    - Fixed a problem with recently units required for unhapiness mitigation.
    - Fixed taking units required for unhapiness when pulling forces away for invasions.
    - Fixed crash when right clicking on fort upgrade after multiple construction message.
    - Fixed armies attacking garrisons owned by own faction after battle.
    - Fixed forts effect on prestige now counted.
    - Fixed crash in campaign when messages aren't cleared in battle
    - Fixed small bug with message icons overlapping the minimal hud in battle
    - Fixed player agents not appearing in the spying tab on an enemy slot.
    - Fixed stealing technology messages.
    - Changed AI recruitment, defence and invasion calculations.
    - Fixed commerce raiding display on trade screen.
    - Fixed town wealth growth pips showing up in wrong tracks.
    - Fixed multiplayer joining after incorrect password.
    - Changed grass responds more to wind and less to snow.
    - Fixed shader model 2 trees now render with fog.
    - Fixed shader model 2 grass rendering with fog correctly.
    - Changed AI to reduce propensity for reforming during formed attack movements.
    - Fixed incorrect fire arcs for artillery during deployment.
    - Fixed cross technology theft crash.
    - Fixed Battle AI melee bug.
    - Fixed Movement arrows now reflect the range of the selected units, not the whole army/navy.
    - Fixed AI will no longer counter-offer and ask for more money than the player has available.
    - Fixed commerce raiding taking money from blockaded trade routes.
    - Fixed navies getting stuck when forced to retreat from ports (tactial retreat).
    - Fixed rare inability to attack certain ports.
    - Fixed middle mouse button camera drag stopping working occasionally.
    - Fixed various movement extent crashes.
    - Changed background income for minor factions.
    - Fixed government change diplomatic effect.
    - Fixed faction specific text is now used in diplomacy.
  20. baunguyen

    baunguyen Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho em hỏi máy em Core 2 Duo 2.8G, VGA 9400GT, Ram 2GB chơi đc Empire Total War ko ?
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