Final Fantasy XIII

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi taiphvql, 16/6/09.

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  1. DHNH

    DHNH Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mắm Sera hóa đá rồi làm sao mà đòi được, nếu tưởng thì phải tưởng cái cảnh thằng em rể lấy luôn sợi dây từ cô em rồi tặng bà chị dâu chứ:)):))

    Okay, so I got to play both the Lightening and Snow versions of the demo. By the end of the day there wasn't even a line, Thursday business day is good stuff.

    I'm also well up on the latest info from the last few Famitsu, which from some of the conversations I've seen on the board a lot of people aren't. Having said that, I'm not following the board or what information has made it into English so some stuff in here may double up.

    I'll start with some points I found interesting. Note I only know the Japanese names for everything. Text in " " are paraphrased from developer info in Famitsu.

    * TP is used to cast Libra as well as perform summons. Ally AI will change tactics (improve) according to the information recieved from Libra, and using it multiple times on the same enemy gives further info. This info can be viewed at any time during battle and looked pretty comprehensive.

    * TGS demo difficulty is reduced over the finished game. "The battles will be tuned so that you have you have to change Optimas to win."

    * When on the map presssing one of the left triggers opens a small side menu from which you can instantly use field items without having to open the main menu. These can be used to recover TP or give the party pre-battle boosts before the next battle starts. "These items are to help beginners, so the lower your rank for winning battle the more likely you are to recieve them as rewards. On the other hand, higher rank means you are more likely to get rare items."

    * I'm sure you've seen / will see this in vids soon but the full screen, short FMV clip of each character that plays when you open theri stats in the menu was really cool.

    * Characters make a lot of comments as they walk around. A subtitle appears at the bottom of the screen but the game doesn't stop, they just talk a bit as they walk along.

    * Optimas : Only really felt the how the system will really work when fighting the boss with Snow. I bascially *had* to use Snow as an attacker and then two Blasters in order to get a break and start doing actual damage.

    * The demo suffered from mid-point RPG demo effect, just as the PS3 demo suffered from being the very start of the game (and was just lacking overall compared to this demo anyway). The TGS demo gave you a load of skills and things you can play around with and not enough time to get accustomed to it all, so the battles tended to come down to just selecting the auto attack option and then watching the fireworks.

    * Took Driving Time for a spin with Odin and Shiva. Luckily I read up on the system in Famitsu first so I was able to make the most of it - basic flow is to build up the Driving meter before transforming by chaining attacks with your summon. The amount of guage you accumilate then turns into a number after transformation, and each attack requires a certain number of these points to be performed, with a final big attack that uses up all the points you have left. The TP guage seemed to fill up fairly quickly; "in principle the TP guage only increases according to the results of each battle, but there are also items that can recover it." The demo was nice enough to give you one of these so I used the summon twice each time I played the demo.

    * Story Time Line - something I was wondering about, covered a bit in the new Famitsu although there are still some holes.
    * Thireteen days before the game starts a lot of incidents start to happen. Some of these will be covered in the middle of the game, others in the short stories that are going to go up on the Japanese site.
    * Sara is the first person on Cocoon to become a Pulse Lushi.
    * The fireworks / bike scene is after Sara has become a Lushi - so this is not distant past.
    * Sara then gets absorbed by the Falushi and the Falushi is taken to Hanged Edge. Snow and the others are selected for the Purge.
    * This links in to the start of the PS3 demo, and explains why both Lightening and Snow are looking for the Falushi there.

    System stuff aside, I loved it. Almost all of the characters seem to have one they get along with and then hate everyone else, which is going to spark a lot of drama, not least of which is Hope blowing Snow up. Battle system was fast, loading times were fast, graphics were great. The character animation seemed to flit a little between "wow this looks like it is mocapped for this scene" and "slightly wooden 'now I'm emoting' stock animation" but the quality of even the second type was high.

    From the PS3 demo Iwe were still left waiting to see what the actual game would be like. Having actually seen a proper slice of it, and only going on ultimately what you can tell from a short demo like this, it is going to fit nicely among the ranks of other FF titles. Anyway...
  2. DHNH

    DHNH Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Khuyến mãi cho bà con nè...

    mắc cỡ chết đi được
  3. taiphvql

    taiphvql Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    #Final Fantasy World#
    Vài thông tin nữa về Bundle FFXIII đây.
    Về VN chắc ko dưới 9tr rồi :( ,giá khủng bố như thế thì tiêu,sao biết có làm thêm bản 160GB ko.

    p/s:sao ko thấy trailer mới vậy ta,lâu lâu bay ra 1 tấm hình,tức chết đi đc
  4. Nomurasan

    Nomurasan Zael ♥ Calista Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    không biết có đại gia dân chơi nào săn bản này không ;))
  5. taiphvql

    taiphvql Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    #Final Fantasy World#
    nếu có đủ lúa thì mua về chắc chỉ chơi mỗi XIII rồi xem phim HDrip và tải game trên PSN = acc hack.SE tham quá,làm bộ 160GB là vừa đủ gả rồi ;;)

    p/s:có ai tìm thấy trailer tại TGS 09 ko vậy,toàn là demo.
  6. Rồ hay nóp

    Rồ hay nóp T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    q9-xì gòn
    chờ mỏi cả cổ, h ko biết chơi game gì bây giờ ? :|
  7. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mới thấy tấm này , nghi ngờ là Lady with tattoos
  8. oi_gioi_oi

    oi_gioi_oi Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    حيث ولدت
    Tiếc nó là bản cho JAP chứ có bản Eng thì sắm ngay 1 con:(.
  9. gaconnicky

    gaconnicky Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Chocobo Farm
    Ax , tóc đen , da trắng , có đeo dây chuyền ..... hừm :-? who is she ?
  10. Cisqua

    Cisqua Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    cái kiểu vòng vèo này... người cùng bộ tộc của Vanille chăng :-?
    thật tình, bản XIII này chưa duyệt được male char nào mà mỹ nhân thì cứ xuất hiện ầm ầm :))
  11. lazaruschild

    lazaruschild The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hell Kingdom
    Snow nếu ko có bộ ria phát tởm ở dưới cằm thì chác cũng đã đc chấm rùi
  12. Nghệt

    Nghệt Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bộ ria đấy có j` là phát tởm =) Cứ phải shape mới được ah =)
  13. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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  14. Oswald

    Oswald Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hueco Mundo
    Summon thấy có cái TP ... cảm có vẻ gò bó sao ấy nhỉ :| ...
    Rất có thể chị tóc đen là 1 trong 2 char còn lại của FFXIII.
    Còn 1 người nữa có thể là nam lắm.
  15. Devil Never Cry

    Devil Never Cry Kịp rồi, may vl! ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Vô Định

    Hay thật cái hình :"> anh Snow hình cũng men ra phết mấy cậu ạh \m/
  16. DHNH

    DHNH Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhìn dơ lắm, cứ như dân bụi đời thì có. Ông Snow mà cắt tóc ngắn, mặc đồ vest với ko có bộ râu là bảo đảm con gái mê hết. Ổng manly cao lớn vậy mà:)
  17. lazaruschild

    lazaruschild The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hell Kingdom
    vấn đề ở chỗ snow để râu quá xồm xoàng , mọc từa lưa ko có ngay hàng thẳng lối gì cả , nhìn rất là dơ
  18. Poupou

    Poupou Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    body chuẩn vãi :-* anh snow đúng là manly theo dạng đầu gấu, mấy em hiền lành xinh xinh thích mấy anh thế lắm
  19. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Serah chắc sướng lắm :'>

    mới thấy cái này bên 2ch , google traslate nhé :'>

  20. DHNH

    DHNH Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhìn Sera với Snow chả xứng tí nào hết, cứ như 2 chú cháu vậy đó. Nhìn Snow với bà chị dâu xứng đôi hơn nhiều, chả biết chú Tetsuya cố ý hay vô tình đây nữa:(

    đọc cái này thấy tội cho Lightning quá:|
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