Vongola No Sekai <Katekyoshi Hittoman Reborn!>

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi Iroh, 7/10/09.

  1. Bboystreet

    Bboystreet Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

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    chắc sau vụ ấy nhà giam sợ wá đấy rùi để phòng thêm;))
  2. refrain

    refrain Godslayer Κράτος

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The World R2
    Lúc trước ai gọi Basil đến tương lai nhỉ? Cả quyển sổ để lại cho nó nữa
  3. Nekomiya~

    Nekomiya~ Let's Nanonano happily~ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Chắc vẫn là Irie gọi thôi:)). Mà hình như bà tác giả quên xừ mất cái Ring của Lanchia rồi=))
  4. Yamamoto Takeshi

    Yamamoto Takeshi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chắc là ko quên đâu, bà tác giả này cũng thâm lắm ko đùa được, có khi đó là chìa khóa để mở sức mạnh Trinisette hay dùng để ngăn chặn nó chẳng hạn ;))
    Mà cha của Yuni là ai nhỉ :-??, có khi là Gamma lắm :-?, nếu thế thì lại sắp thêm 1 em vào harem của nhà Vongola :))
  5. Bboystreet

    Bboystreet Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nghe chữ thâm bùn cười sao ấy:))
    gamma mà là cha của Yuni thi thật là:|
  6. qloc1245

    qloc1245 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ring ấy có liên quan gì đến cái 7^3 mà mở hả ty :|
  7. Nekomiya~

    Nekomiya~ Let's Nanonano happily~ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Thế thì KHR có thêm cái tag Incest đi là vừa=)). Yêu cả mẹ cả con=))
  8. Bboystreet

    Bboystreet Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có khi đó lại là số mệnh cho chú ấy :))
  9. qloc1245

    qloc1245 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sao lại yêu cả mẹ cả con nói là gamma yêu mẹ uni rồi sau này muốn bảo vệ uni như bảo vệ bà mẹ thì nghe dc :|
  10. Yamamoto Takeshi

    Yamamoto Takeshi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thì cái ring ấy giờ vẫn nằm trong vòng bí ẩn mà :-??, nên tớ mới đoán thế ;))
    Các đ/c toàn nghĩ vớ vỉn :'>, nếu mà họ là cha con thì chỉ có tình cảm cha con thôi [-X
  11. Yamamoto Takeshi

    Yamamoto Takeshi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sì poi
    [spoil]1/- Mukuro is Fran's master
    - Iris is the one who learns that somebody's released another prisoner (-> Mukuro)
    - she also keeps Byakuran informed (-> he wants Ghost to come to Japan as quickly as possible)
    - Mukuro has to sleep (?) because, after spending such a long time imprisoned, he is kinda weakened
    - the day of the "showdown" is tomorrow ... or something like that

    - When Iris came to Vindice, she found other released Mukuro already instead of GHOST. so she reported it to Byakuran and he said he'll deal with Vindice again to free GHOST asap.

    - Mukuro is sleeping now, but he wants to go to Japan to help Uni asap.

    - Uni has a preditction power like her Grandma and mother, but it's getting weak. (she knows she'll die young like her Grandma and mother)

    - Uni knows Byakuran is also getting weak, and that's why Byakuran is rushing to get Trinisette.

    - Uni also said she knows it because she and Byakuran have similarities, and Tsuna too.
    Mukuro là sư phụ thằng Fran à 8-}. Lại còn đám tù Vindice cũ xuất hiện nữa chứ 8-}.
    Càng ngày càng hấp dẫn rồi đây \m/
  12. refrain

    refrain Godslayer Κράτος

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The World R2
    Tớ rớt mạng 4 ngày nay không ai ngó đến cái topic à? :-?
  13. Yamamoto Takeshi

    Yamamoto Takeshi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đâu, mới sì poi hôm qua mà chả thấy ai bình với chả lựng gì cả :-". Chắc rớt mạng cả lũ rồi =)). Dạo này mạng mẽo chán quá, rớt liện tọi :(
  14. Arisato Minato

    Arisato Minato Sith Lord Revan

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tawi Tawi Base
    Shock quá nên chả biết bình loạn thế nào 8-}
    Thằng Mukuro, ai cứu nó, ông già Tsuna à :-?
    Fran là đệ của Mukuro, bái sư hồi nào :-?
  15. tienlapro

    tienlapro Crash Bandicoot Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    theo như spoil thì lũ Vindice bị illusion lừa như trẻ nít , ai làm thì 1 là Chrome , 2 là Fran :-?, có lẽ thế
  16. Iroh

    Iroh Oyabun

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chắc là Mukuro được ai đó bảo lãnh thôi chứ làm gì có chuyện bọn tù đấy bị lừa bởi ảo giác...
  17. halipid

    halipid Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    theo 1 nguồn thông tin mật thì anh Ghost chính là Mukuro đã bị Bya chiếm hữu
  18. tienlapro

    tienlapro Crash Bandicoot Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vãi lụa chú , xem spoil + có xem lúc sau khi thua trong choice chưa mà phán dc như thế dc thế ^:)^
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    [spoil]Iris announces she has come to collect the prisoner.

    Three Vindice guards appear and ask her what else she wants as they have already released the prisoner in question.

    Iris: What? What do you mean?

    Guards: We have released the prisoner as was agreed.

    More talking. Iris finds out that they released Mukuro instead of GHOST . She exclaims that Vongola illusionists fooled the guards. The guards deny it, saying that there is few in the world that could be gifted enough to dupe them.


    Fran sneezes.

    Fran: Someone talking about me?

    MM: Hey you! Don’t fly your spit over here! This coat was expensive! Your meagre earnings from the Varia won’t be enough to replace this.

    Fran: Then don’t wear it when we’re working.

    MM: Of course I want to look good. I haven’t seen him since the days at Kokuyo. A little brat like you wouldn’t understand.

    Fran: Che, I’m treated as a kid wherever I go.

    MM: Ah~! I told you not to place my bag upside down! My name is M.M, not W.W!

    Fran: Why am I getting shouted at? It was me that freed master.

    Ken: Yeah~! Whoo~! We did it, pyon!

    MM: And there’s a hyperactive animal… how’s the situation?

    Ken: Nna?

    Chikusa: A normal human would take a long time to recover from being trapped in water for ten years…

    Mukuro lies in bed.

    Ken: But he said to prepare a plane to Japan immediately pyon. To attack the Vongola.

    Chikusa: You got the goal wrong Ken…

    Fran: As always, your intelligence is as impressive as a dog, Ken-niisan. We’re going to Japan to protect this Uni girl, not to fight the Vongola.


    Ryohei: I- I’m okay to the extreme!! It doesn’t hurt at all!!

    Kyouko: Oh oniichan, you pushed yourself…

    Tsuna: We’re back in the woods where we first found ourselves in the future…

    Reborn: It can’t be helped. The realtor’s place burned down.

    Tsuna: How will we explain it to Kawahira no ojisan?

    Reborn: “It burned down”.

    Tsuna: Yeah, but!

    Fuuta: We can’t go back to town because the place is still a mess from the explosion from our fights…

    Tsuna: I hope people weren’t hurt. I’m worried our headquarters will be discovered by the police or someone.

    Fuuta: Regarding that, Giannini said there’s nothing to worry about.

    Tsuna: And I hope Yamamoto, Hibari-san and everyone else can get here quickly…

    Ganma: You look like you want to say something.

    Gokudera: Didn’t think you’d be living.

    Ganma: I’m also surprised that you’re alive.

    Tazaru : …But look at all these brats. Everywhere we look- brats, brats, brats! And to think the Millefiore were messed around by them. And to see you again, ex-Melone base’s traitor captain!

    Irie: B-But you betrayed the Millefiore as well! I didn’t think I’d have to act with you brutes again either!

    Nozaru: What, you! Are you disrespecting aniki?

    Spanner: Are you going to use …violence?

    Uni: Stop, Nozaru! Please get along with everyone!

    Nozaru: Princess! Oh, ah- we’re the best of buddies! Right? (grabs Ipin)

    Uni: I’m so sorry Irie-san.

    Irie: No… I said too much as well.

    Uni: Water Lal-san, please take it.

    Lal: …Thanks. It’s amazing how similar you are to your grandmother Luce…

    Reborn: Right?

    Uni: Uncle Reborn said so as well.

    Tsuna: So you know her grandma as well, Lal?

    Lal: Uni… Do you know about the birth of the Alcobaleno?

    Uni: Yes… I’ve inherited parts of her memories.

    Tsuna: Inherit?

    Lal: Luce had a strange ability to view the future. Have you inherited that as well?

    Ganma: !

    Tsuna: View the future?

    Uni: I did, but it has lately weakened.

    Ganma: No wonder you could not predict Torikbuto’s entrance!

    Uni: But Byakuran is in the same situation. I felt his power is also weakening.

    Irie: You mean his ability to look through alternate worlds?

    Uni: Yes. It is currently costing him an enormous amount of strain and he can no longer look through multiple worlds simultaneously.

    Reborn: He has probably found Kawahira’s place.

    Uni: Then we cannot go near it for a while.

    Tsuna: But how come the ability is weakening?

    Uni: My own thought is that it is spent and ageing.

    Tsuna: Huh?! But…

    Haru: But you’re young!

    Uni: Once we are born, we are destined to walk in the direction of death… Earlier or later, it is only natural.

    Lal: Yes… it could be…the Sky Alcobaleno’s are known to have a short lifespans.

    Tsuna: Eh!

    Ganma: ! Princess...you’re not…

    Uni: Byakuran’s reason for wanting me so desperately lies here. He wants to have the Trinesette’s true power as his own as soon as possible.

    -Hotel in Japan

    Byakuran: Eh? Mukuro-kun was released earlier instead? …So the Vongola illusionists tricked them all… Hahahahahaha! I didn’t know Mukuro-kun had friends like that… Oh well, that’s okay, I don’t mind as long as what I say gets accomplished as well. I’ll make another deal with the guards. “Get GHOST out immediately!”

    The glass he was gripping shatters.


    Uni: I cannot predict how Byakuran will act. He will put his all into taking me…

    Tsuna: No…

    Irie: I didn’t know… So that was why he was so desperate…

    Reborn: But how did you know his power was weakening?

    Uni: I cannot explain it but… I knew because we’re similar. Sawada-san also possesses some similarities to Byakuran.

    Tsuna: Na? Me and Byakuran, similar?

    Uni: And… I have something to tell everyone. I’m no longer going to flee.

    Tsuna: But you can’t give up! We’ve gotten this far without harm!

    Uni: I haven’t given up. I knew this one thing for a long time… This will be the place where the final battle against Byakuran will occur. Tomorrow…the battle that commences with the rising sun will be the last[/spoil]
    rõ ràng là thế mà =(( , cơ mà thế ra chú Fran lại là cao nhân ẩn mình à 8-}
  19. Iroh

    Iroh Oyabun

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lolz. Chú Byakuran cứ bị phang vào mặt hết cú này rồi lại đến cú khác:))
  20. tienlapro

    tienlapro Crash Bandicoot Lão Làng GVN

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    cuối cùng nơi bắt đầu mọi việc lại thành nơi kết thúc mọi việc :))

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