Thảo luận chung - Hướng dẫn chi tiết chơi NavyField [NEW]

Thảo luận trong 'Private server' bắt đầu bởi eragonVI, 18/10/09.

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  1. cuongboy88

    cuongboy88 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Quảng Bình
    May bac sap toi Halooween ben US co even kog?:)
  2. kidhunt

    kidhunt Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chào mọi người, mình là bạn của Panzerklein, đc hắn giới thiệu nên mò vào topic này học hỏi, mong mọi người giúp đỡ :D.

    Mình chơi bên NFEU, mới đc 1 em CL cleverland và 1 con KM SS typeII . Do kô có CC mua prem user nên lên lvl chậm quá =((
  3. samirvnn

    samirvnn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sever nào thế ??? bismarck à ??? :D
  4. tqui22

    tqui22 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch 1.273

    1. New game mode 'Great Battle 2' will be added.

    2. The bug that creates an issue with new fleet members without Fleet tags, has
    been fixed.

    3. The issue whereby negative experience is given in the clan area has been fixed.

    4. The exploit to increase the submergence time for submarine classes has been

    5. Halloween event will be held.

    -Halloween random item drop event.
    Date : 30, Oct.(Fri) ~ 1, Nov.(Sun)
    Detail : Random Halloweed pumpkins will give out NF Items at the results screen.

    -Halloween boost up event.
    25% boost for Exp gaining and veteran conversion rate. -31, Oct.(Sat)-
    50% boost for Exp gaining and veteran conversion rate. -1, Nov.(Sun)-


    Great Battle 2 và Halloween event :D:D::D:D
  5. cuongboy88

    cuongboy88 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Quảng Bình
    Co nguoi choi NFEU dong doi roi o sv gj vay?
  6. namboy1989

    namboy1989 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    GB2 là ntn nhỉ ? Unlimited chăng =)) =)) tanqui kiếm dùm bài post chi tiết về cái mode mới này đi
    Halloween hi vọng ăn được mấy cái Boost hoặc exp pack, biết đâu may mắn có quá ship tree reset thì càng ngon =))
  7. tqui22

    tqui22 Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    yuno's October Update
    10 27 2009 7:00PM
    Dear Fans of Navy Field,

    I hope you are doing great! I have been a bit lazy fulfilling my duty to provide
    updates regularly. However, there hasn't been much to update these days; most of
    the projects we've been working on you already know about and we have also
    continued working hard to provide you a better gaming experience. Today's update
    does not hold much new information and I am really sorry about this.

    1. Rules and Detail of Great Battle 2
    This week's patch will include "Great Battle 2". Here are the details on it; please
    make your selves acquainted with them before playing it. Also, please remember
    that even though we (TNF and Testers) have tested it, there may still be some bugs
    to work out. If any of you find one please let us know. Lastly, the reward rate might
    be changed if we determine that it provides too much or not enough, so please give
    us feedback on anything regarding to GB II.

    1. Create the Great Battle 2 in same way as Great Battle 1.

    2. Wait for players to fill the room, just like GB1

    3. Once the room is filled, the host will split the team and each side will receive 20
    seconds to position their formation. After teams have been set, teams will be unable
    to see the other team; like in HA.

    4. After the team has been set, a "Flag Ship" will be randomly selected from each
    team among BB, CV, CA classes. The Flag Ship will receive a distinctive mark.

    5. Once the battle begins, the team that sinks the opponent's flag ship first will
    receive extra bonus.

    6. Each team will receive an appropriate message once a Flag Ship has sunk.

    7. If Alpha team's Flag Ship sinks, then Alpha team will be given 5 minutes in order
    to counter attack the opponent's Flag Ship and vice versa.

    8. If the counter attack succeeds (using Alpha as an example), Bravo team loses the
    bonus and Alpha team will receive an extra 20%** bonus reward.

    9. If the team sinks the opponent's Flag Ship within 5 minutes and defends the
    counter attack successfully then the team receives 50%** bonus reward.

    10. If the team sinks the opponent's flag ship in 10 minutes and defends the counter
    attack successfully then the team receives 30%** bonus reward.

    11. If the team sinks the opponent's flag ship in 15 minutes and defends the counter
    attack successfully then the team receives 10%** bonus reward.

    2. Details on New Nation Project
    As you already know from our news letter, the French Navy is almost done and is
    being tested in the Korean Test Server. It will be coming to the NFNA server as soon
    as they fix any bugs found in the Korean server. We have decided to place them in
    the Korean server first in order to make sure everything works as expected since
    this is gearing up to be the biggest update in Navy Field history. Therefore, please
    bear with us until we have further information on this project. All the forthcoming
    new nations will be patched in NFNA and the Korean server almost simultaneously.

    3. Price on New Nation Packs
    We have set a price structure for the new nation packs. At the first, we were going
    to offer separate add on packs for certain prices, but we have decided not to. The
    French Navy will be free to all NF players and all other nations will be free to
    Premium Subscription players as part of their subscription benefits. So, essentially,
    there is no separate charge for the new nation packs.

    4. Early Holiday Gift from Navy Field
    As you may have seen from our news letter, we have prepared a little holiday gift for
    you. This is something I have really wanted to have since I started working for Navy
    Field. Now my little dream has come true. We have made some Navy Field decals
    that have turned out pretty nice and also pretty big as well (21"W x 5.5" H).
    Originally, these were made for use as car decals, but you don¡¯t have to stick them
    on your nice car. You can place them on any window or even a wall as well.

    Here are the important details on how to obtain one. My first plan was to give these
    out for free to all NF players who wanted them. Unfortunately, the production cost of
    the decals is much higher than we expected and there is a shipping cost too, so
    sadly we are unable to give them out for free. I'm sorry about this. We could lower
    the production costs but then the quality would be really poor; we've instead
    decided to get the highest quality.

    Obtaining Rules:
    1. If you are an NF player who has been playing NF since 2006 and have spent at
    least $350 on NF we are sending one out free to you. This is in appreciation of
    being loyal NF players.

    2. If you are not eligible for the above, you can get one if you purchase $30 or more
    on NF items. Only purchases made after November 1st will count towards this

    3. If you want to have more than one, players who were eligible for point #1 can
    purchase an extra $20 worth of NF items for another decal, up to 3 per account. So,
    one is free, the second one requires $20 NF item purchase, and third one is another
    $20 required. So, if you want to have 3 then you need to purchase $40 worth of NF

    4. If you want to have it more than one and are not eligible for point #1, you can
    also purchase an extra $20 worth of NF items for another decal up to 3 per account.
    So, 3 decals would be $70 worth of NF purchases required.

    5. You do not need to make all purchases at the same time, but payments must be
    made after November 1st in order to be counted towards this event. Only one
    shipment per account.

    6. After you have purchased the necessary amount of items, you must tell us that
    you want decals by sending in an "Event" section support ticket. If you are eligible
    for point #1 please just send us the following information AFTER November 1st in
    the form of an "Event" section support ticket. Please include the following
    information, Name, Address and Phone Number; otherwise you will lose your decals.

    7. This event is only going on through November.

    8. We only made 400 decals and they are first come first serve. You might not get a
    chance to get one if they get sold out.

    9. Gift payments are excluded from this event.

    10. Read the rules over fully and please follow them completely, otherwise your
    ticket will be dismissed. We are only sending decals to players who keep in
    accordance to the listed rules.

    5. Holiday NF Decal Event

    We will be holding a special event which makes use of the decals which will be sent
    out to players. Your creativity and photographic or video submissions will be judged
    in this event.

    On December 1st, we will open the Event Forum so you can upload your photos or
    provide links to YouTube videos showcasing what you decided to do with your lovely
    NF decal. There are only two restrictions on the event, 1. NF decals must be shown
    within your photo/video. 2. NO nudity or any other adult only subject matter. All
    candidates will be voted on by NF players, not by US (SDE, TNF). So please be


    Top 3 winners: Reimburse 100% NF items purchased in the month of November and
    an NF Crystal.
    (If you spent $100 in the NF store in November then we will give you $100 for any
    NF items)

    Top 4,5,6 winners: Reimburse 70% NF items purchased in the month of November
    and an NF Crystal.
    (If you spent $100 in the NF store in November then we will give you $70 for any NF

    Top 7, 8, 9 winners: Reimburse 50% NF items purchased in the month of November
    and an NF Crystal.
    (If you spent $100 in the NF store in November then we will give you $50 for any NF

    Full details will be up prior to the start of the event. Please stay tuned for further

    This is all for today and I hope you like it.
    H1N1 flu is spreading all over the world very quickly, so please wash your hands
    often and do not go outside too often if you aren't feeling right. Also, this doesn't
    mean you should be stuck spending all day playing NF at your place either.

    As always, thank you for your love of Navy Field.

    Please be well!


    Navy Field: Created by SD EnterNet, Developed by 32,845 Navy Field Players
  8. darrichu

    darrichu Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Black Pearl
    French nation có 6 con sub . :|
  9. phamvantrong

    phamvantrong Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ko bít :D
    H1N1 flu is spreading all
    over the world very
    quickly, so please wash
    your hands
    often and do not go
    outside too often if you
    aren't feeling right. Also,
    this doesn't
    mean you should be stuck
    spending all day playing
    NF at your place either.
    Ha'ha', NF cung~ quan tam^ toi' gamer ghe^ ta :D. Con` ve^` cai' GB2 thi` do' se~ la` tinh' nang moi' hay chi? co' trong halaween event nay thui ?
  10. phamvantrong

    phamvantrong Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ko bít :D
    tiec^' that^., hum bua~ dap^. 120 exp miss het^', biet^' vay^. de^? toi' haloowen chen', hixhix. Cai' gioi' thiu ve^` GB2 nghe vui nhi?, bat^' cu' BB,CA,CV deu^` co' the^? giu~ co`, neu^' doi^. nao` kill dc tau` giu~ co` truoc' thi` se~ dc bounus, nhu vay^. ai giu~ co` se~ bi. di', ha'ha' :))
  11. namboy1989

    namboy1989 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có mà gí = niềm tin nếu là con AA hoặc CV giữ cờ, AA và CV phần lớn die vào cuối trận hoặc không die, nên 2 loại này mà giữ cờ, team bên kia mà BB giữ cờ thì buộc phải thắng mới có cơ kill flag.

    France mạnh về tàu ngầm đâu mà có tới 6 SS???
  12. kidhunt

    kidhunt Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tớ chơi ở server hood :D. Mấy cậu chơi ở Biscmark à :-/.

    Hic, vừa mới định vào bắn thì nó bảo trì server, tới 4h mới xong 8-}
  13. samirvnn

    samirvnn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bỏ hood đi .... sang bismarck :D
    Top 50 sever roài


    Các file đính kèm:

    • nf2.JPG
      Kích thước:
      41.3 KB
  14. kidhunt

    kidhunt Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ặc, giờ mà cày lại chắc tới tết công gô mới có BB :(. TỚ đâu có prem acc đâu mà lên lev lẹ đc :(
  15. samirvnn

    samirvnn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lv bao nhiêu rồi, lên BB chưa ?? nếu chưa lên thì cứ chuyển đi, ngộ cũng đâu có chơi premium acc đâu, toàn oánh chay à, sang đây có viện trợ mà :D
  16. cuongboy88

    cuongboy88 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Quảng Bình
    Samirvnn khoe hàng à. Cứ qua đây đi có a Sam giúp cho tiền bạc không thành vấn đề. Định vào chơi mà nó bảo trì chán quá. Ở đây ai cũng tự cày hết có ai dùng prem acc đâu. Lên CL nhanh lám, nếu muốn Tôi cày cho 1 con rồi trade mà lấy:D
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Samirvnn bỏ danh sách thi đấu vào đây thế nào vậy A.
  17. kidhunt

    kidhunt Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hiện h mới đc level 47 :D, chuẩn bị có con baltimore :D. Tại tiếc công train ấy mà. Nhưng tớ sẽ cố qua bên Bismarck để bắn với anh em.

    Cậu cuongboy cày cho tớ con CL M project của KM đi :D. Nếu được thì cậu PM tớ nick yahoo nhé. Tớ tạo một cái email cho cậu reg nick, sau này kô quên ơn :-*
  18. samirvnn

    samirvnn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lol ;)) chơi đến giờ mà vẫn ko biết cách xem thành tích của mình trên trang chủ à ;;) vào trang chủ -> chọn community -> rồi ranking -> cuối cùng là gõ tên mình vào -> enter
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    vứt đi khẩn chương, sang bên này anh em đầu tư cho, từ tiền đến sailor luôn, không phải lo, lv 47 lên nhanh vãi tè, có gì đâu
  19. kidhunt

    kidhunt Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mấy cậu bắn sao lên nhanh hay thế :-o. Tớ chơi ròng rã gần 3 tháng trời mới lên dc nhiêu đấy đấy :-ss. Kô muốn bỏ tại vì còn mắc nợ thằng chủ fleet 500k , để bán ship trả cho nó đã :)). Qua bên này chơi với anh em cho vui :))
  20. samirvnn

    samirvnn Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ngồi cày trong Bliz đây mà =)) vào GB mà chơi, đảm bảo lên nhanh như ăn cướp luôn, không phải ước
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