Cập nhật tin tức về game, thiết bị PSP sẽ phát hành trong thời gian tới! (Ver 3/2010)

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi SienRyu, 4/3/10.

  1. zBluemoonz

    zBluemoonz Dragon Quest

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    cái đó là Orochi mờ SF hok cóa đâu:D
  2. sasuke1212

    sasuke1212 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

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    Bản SF2 này cũng có một số char từ WO2 sang đấy thật ra là hầu hết =))
  3. trumsolong

    trumsolong C O N T R A

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    Sò Lông Quốc
    SF1 cũng có orochi đấy thôi=))
    nhưng mà ko có playable=((
  4. anhlachuum

    anhlachuum Guest

    SF có Orochi ah ? Nhớ là không có lão này mà :-?
  5. trumsolong

    trumsolong C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sò Lông Quốc
    quest phụ có tên Orochi's Ambition
  6. karjn_l0v3

    karjn_l0v3 snake, snake, snaaaake

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Orochi trong SF là nhân vật không điều khiển được. Hắn là trùm trong cái Quest phụ ngay sau khi hoàn thành Chapter 1 thì phải.
  7. sasuke1212

    sasuke1212 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

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    SF có Orochi đấy, nhớ đâu đấy là Stage 8 (Extra) thì phải :-?

    Đánh khó vcl :|
  8. Long_Kai

    Long_Kai Mario & Luigi

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    vậy còn mấy con như wukong , fuxi.... trong sf2 này có điều khiển dc ko , hay cũng như orochi:|
  9. trumsolong

    trumsolong C O N T R A

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    Sò Lông Quốc
    demo đã show cả pro5 thì có thể là chơi dc,mà cũng chưa thể chắc dc 8->
    có ai nghĩ là SF2 này TTH hồi sinh cả orochi ko 8->
  10. leanhhaodeptrai

    leanhhaodeptrai The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TTH mà hồi sinh cả Orochi nữa thì game loạn mất, chơi còn éo hiểu cái zì gọi là lịch sử Trung Hoa ( mà cái này từ mấy bản về trước là không còn rùi ) =))
  11. SienRyu

    SienRyu One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    Vẫn có khả năng là nhân vật ẩn, bonus thêm để cày cuốc cho vui, chứ đến đưa vào cốt truyện chính là ko thế, bởi khi đó rối rắm vô cùng!
  12. enix-dark

    enix-dark Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ..what..ko biết có lên tin vào mắt mình nữa ko đấy.....8-}
    thiếu đúng mọt trong MBS mạnh nhất của UC Hi-Nu.....

    Nu Heavy Weapon System....




    Xi Gundam





    ZZ Gundam





    Sentinel Gundam








    Alex Gundam




  13. sasuke1212

    sasuke1212 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

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    Từ lúc có bản SF với WO thì 2 dòng đó có bao giờ đi theo lịch sử Trung Hoa nữa đâu, hoạ may SF thì có một tí nhưng char loạn xạ hết lên =))
  14. anhlachuum

    anhlachuum Guest

    thật ra là éo cần phải đi theo lịch sử trung hoa làm gì? cứ chặt chém cho đã, cần éo gì biết đến lịch sử của bọn nó :-w
  15. demon14122006

    demon14122006 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    theo đúng như thế này thì chắc chắn có nữ oa và phục hy

    bọn tàu nó chơi demo

    thấy nhân vật chưa đủ

    nên nó hack

    thì nó ra nữ oa , phục hy v.....v

    file save của bọn tàu : Click here

    cái file này của bác atlan up lên :D
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/3/10
  16. lephat2009

    lephat2009 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    down về òi thấy chỉ có 1 nhân vật mới àh, chọn lại đâu có thấy nữ oa ji đâu :((:((:((:((
  17. sasuke1212

    sasuke1212 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

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    Bản Demo mà, với lại tụi TQ nó hack ra thì muốn xem char ẩn thì down save data của TQ về nhét vào chắc có :-?
  18. dangvongquoc

    dangvongquoc T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    không, ý bạn ý là down save ở trên về rồi nhưng mà chỉ có bà vợ của Hạng Vũ thôi
  19. sasuke1212

    sasuke1212 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

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    Cái đó thì mình chịu thua, hỏi tụi TQ ấy :))
  20. hhaohmaru

    hhaohmaru T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Hà Nội
    The big news of the next PSP firmware, Playstation Room , trophies n Etc
    Good firmware of the PSP is just as good vintages of wines: rare. Looking updates PSP since the release of the PSP, it is easy to see that those who brought something really interesting to count on the fingers of one hand.
    Playstation Room
    The first innovation, which have already arrived but was delayed (Editor's note: who is surprised?) Is the Playstation Room.
    The Playstation Room is a bit of the Playstation Home PS3. Not sure what the Playstation Home? is this really possible? Playstation Home is a virtual world, while in 3D, available free to all owners of Playstation 3. It created his avatar, who will walk through this virtual world for, among others, play, watch videos, make friends, and buy (with real money) on clothes and other furniture for his apartment (because, yes, each member of Playstation Network has its own virtual apartment ...) If you want more information, please look towards PS3Gen.
    Playstation Room will be much less developed than the Playstation Home (requires PSP), but will still create his avatar, buy clothes to dress, walk to the discovery of friends ... The Playstation Room was scheduled to arrive in January 2010, but appears to be late. Note that it has been announced in Japan yet, but it would be logical to see him get by with us too, may be (probably) simultaneously in the next update.
    Yes! No! The saga of the trophies on PSP has become exciting (Editor's note: or not). Many expect that this innovation has been a big success on PS3. Many people have been cooled by about Eric Lampel: there will never be trophies for the PSP.

    Then, not so long ago, the speech was different: we went from "never" to "it's difficult but we believe."

    So, do not do suspense: yes, the trophies arrive on PSP, and are currently being finicky and beta-test. Does this mean they will come out soon? Nothing is less certain. Be aware however that according to our records, trophies will be available on all PSP, PSP 1000, 2000, 3000 and Go!.
    Sony Has more afraid of cheaters?
    Why the turnaround? In fact, the trophy had long planned on PSP, but the custom firmware, bringing with them a lot of cheating, have forced Sony to not leave until their firmware is not totally secure.
    6.20, is a real Alamo. And it is for a single reason: to provide features such as trophies without risking to destroy the network (Playstation Network).
    Now it seems clear that the firmware is pretty solid, nothing prevents Sony out trophies. It should be noted that on the form (how the trophies will be stored and how to synchronize them?), We currently have no information, but do not doubt that Sony has thought hard about this (surely the trophies will be stored encrypted manner on the MS or the flash of the PSP Go! before being synchronized on the PSN).
    The list of friends
    In the same vein, the list of friends on PSP is beautiful and well planned, but poses some technical problems at Sony: how to maintain a constant wireless connection too without ruining the battery? A priori, the solution would be updating the list of friends every few minutes, configurable, so that those who are connected to industry can be updated in real time, while those who play on battery can save a little battery. This is not currently a priority for Sony, but it is indeed expected
    Email and chat

    As for the PlayStation 3 system messaging, and chat is being prepared (or rather, reflection) on the side of Sony. Messenger is linked to this and rather than reserve servers to service Europe-only, Sony prefers to standardize these features, and centralize everything.
    This is not wrong to have a well-integrated into the XMB, although some still regret Go!Messenger
    Messenger that, even if sometimes flawed, was rather well done.
    The year 2010 should be good. The news has long been requested, which should finally happen.

    Of course, the work of security that has been asked time to Sony. And let us not pretend the opposite is actually why we have not really been a real novelty for what long months.

    The next firmware should arrive by the end of March, presumably during or immediately after the Game Developer Conference in San Francisco, which runs from March 9 to 13. This update should make the Playstation Room.

    But beyond the new expected, it is nonetheless noteworthy that the enormous work done by Sony for its audit and secure firmware has borne fruit. Admittedly, this disadvantage may be some who prefer the Custom Firmwares since firmware 6.20 could long resist a "customization". But it allows Sony to show they are working on it, which has the effect of reassuring the PSP developers, but now adding new sensitive. And this may not be worse ...

    Souce: pspgen

    ====> thấy bên pspiso kháo nhau rằng sắp có FM mới cho psp, lần này psp có thể online chat được trong mạng Playstation Room kìa==> mời anh em ngía qua cho ý kiến

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