Weapons trong MW2-liệu có quá imba?

Thảo luận trong 'Call Of Duty' bắt đầu bởi momotaro, 15/4/10.


cái nào imba đây

  1. Ẹc thằng điên IW thay đổi cơ số đạn khác thực tế

    1 phiếu
  2. WTF? Javelin multi lock-on

    4 phiếu
  3. LMG acc ảo kinh hoàng

    1 phiếu
  4. RPG-7 bị điên!

    8 phiếu
  5. dam cho súng đúng ảo luôn

    5 phiếu
  6. Throwing knife 1 hit anywhere on your body...die

    20 phiếu
  7. Vị trú các súng unlock nhảm kinh

    8 phiếu
  1. duongquazz

    duongquazz Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Land of Hopes and Dreams
    nói chung em là nguy hiểm nhất game :->
  2. |Anubis|

    |Anubis| The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho ăn thẻ làm gì :|

    Chém phát rơi đầu luôn đi :|
  3. X-bike

    X-bike Legend of Zelda

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    Tiền Giang
    Ta thấy MW2 shotgun là imba nhất , nhất là AA-12 đối mặt không biết làm cách nào không chết :)), còn tầm bắn của R1887 thì xa khiếp :-o
  4. Nanaya Shiki

    Nanaya Shiki ミキ☆マイスター Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
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    M1887 bị nerf lâu rồi anh zai =).
  5. I_M_TOMMY

    I_M_TOMMY Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Garden of sinners
    Giờ là đến thời của spas + stopping power :-ss range xa vãi chấy -,-
  6. Jamen

    Jamen Fire in the hole!

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    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)
    Theo ta thấy thì dao là 1 món vũ khí Imba nhất trong COD6 , ném 1 phát dù trúng ở bất cứ khu vực nào trên cơ thể đều có chung 1 kết cục là K.I.A. :))
  7. X-bike

    X-bike Legend of Zelda

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    Tiền Giang
    Chắc tại bỏ lâu quá không biết :))
  8. Mr.Spy

    Mr.Spy Fire in the hole!

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    Giờ là thời của Spass lên ngôi, bắn range xa vl :-<
  9. F4int

    F4int Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Forgotten Land
    G18 Akimbo imba ngoài sức tưởng tượng, ngoài ra thì trong dòng Rifle thì nhà nhà SCAR người người SCAR, SPAS-21 range điên cuồng, còn cái khẩu shotgun thứ 2 tên là AA gì đó nếu để Extra Mags thì từ 5 viên lên thành 12 viên WTF?
  10. EverydayPhuong

    EverydayPhuong Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nói imba thì game FPS cũng imba vì người thật ăn 1 viên đạn là éo muốn bắn nhau nữa rồi.
  11. momotaro

    momotaro T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhà xác
    Ko ta vẫn cày ngày đêm trên 360 mà:">
  12. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Paris, Pháp
    OMA pro thì thời gian change còn 2s thay vì 5s, imba vd
    OMA thì cài claymore rồi quăng 1 trái C4 trước mặt trái claymore, khi thằng nào chạy qua dù có lightweight, marathon hay scamble pro cũng chết chắc vì C4 tầm rộng hơn claymore =)), chỉ vộ hiệu với sit rep( mà cái này ít thằng xài), đã vậy còn dc + diểm cho challenge C4-shot hay claymore-shot nữa
    OMA class thích hợp cho ai thích làm combat engineer gài mìn quấy rối team địch
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/4/10
  13. calabolg_tidus

    calabolg_tidus Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    On your six
    3s và 6s:-"Và nhiều lần tớ cũng bị kill khi đang change class rồi:-"
  14. The Iron Eagle

    The Iron Eagle Sam Fisher, Third Echelon Agent

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Paris, Pháp
    * One Man Army is easily used with LMG's extended mags, as the reload time is quicker than the actual time until reload, giving valuable time to fire.

    * Bear in mind, the maximum amount claymores a player can have in place is two. If the player tries to place a third one, the claymore placed first will explode. With very careful coordination, this can be used tactically, though of course is very difficult. C4 is also limited to two.
    * Another trick is to have 2 classes with One Man Army to switch around back and forth with or just change back to the same class as player is currently using.
    * A tactic employed by some players is to have one class with One Man Army equipped which they start every round with, and depending on enemy tactics can then switch to suit different roles. This is especially useful when using Stopping Power on the OMA class, and switching to a class with Cold-Blooded when a Killstreak Reward such as UAV or AC-130 is in play by the enemy. OMA can even switch to the default classes, which enables the use of an effective Riot Shield class without needing a custom class slot dedicated to this role.
    * A good trick for LMG users is to simply switch classes instead of reloading, as may be faster for some LMGs than reloading.
    * Use One Man Army for a quick, temporary SitRep. Switch to a SitRep class to survey the field for explosives, then switch back to another class.
    * Temporarily switch to a Riot Shield or Cold-Blooded class to take out a sentry gun.
    * There are a lot of hiding places, you can get to it with a riot shield to guard yourself and when you are safe, you can switch to your class. Lighting a tactical insertion ensures your respawn if you are ever killed.
    * A coordinated team using One Man Army can fortify an area (such as the Estate cabin, or the Invasion embassy) with explosives before any gunfire even takes place. Each player on the team can deploy two claymores and two C4s within 20 to 30 seconds.
    * Another tip to use is to have 2 identical classes, one with Hardline and one without. As soon as the player gets to two kills away from the desired killstreak then switch to the Hardline class, making only one more kill necessary.
    * Before using an AC-130 or a Chopper Gunner, switching to a Danger Close Pro outfit will increase air support damage. Cold-Blooded is another perk to use while using the longer killstreaks if the player is going for a Tactical Nuke as the player does not want to be detected on a UAV and result in being killed.
    * Grenade Launcher classes work extremely well with One Man Army, since it allows for the player to quickly resupply themselves with new grenades without having to find a different weapon or collect Scavenger packages. Also, using One Man Army and Danger Close together can make upgrading them both to Pro an easy and simple task.
    * Be careful while using a sniper class with One Man Army as it prevents the user from having a secondary to fall back on in the event of close quarters combat.
    * As One Man Army only allows use of one weapon, it might be best to put an assault rifle with it because of it's good all round short range, mid range and long range capabilities. LMGs are a good alternative, as restocking on ammo is faster than the long process of reloading most of the LMG weapons. An even better tactic is to use an assault rifle with a shotgun or grenade launcher as its attachment, allowing players to essentially "keep" their secondary weapon.
    * Players who don't want to waste their Tier 2 perk with Cold-Blooded can switch to a class with it as soon as an enemy calls a killstreak reward. This is really useful in one-life modes such as Search and Destroy.
    * Players who don't want to waste their Equipment slot with a Tactical Insertion can switch to a class with it at will and switch back when finished.
    * In search and destroy, it is common to fire across the map with the Grenade Launcher, with this perk equipped, the player may switch back to a more suitable class after firing the Grenade Launcher
    * Perhaps the most important and basic tip of all, the player needs to be careful when to decide to change class as they are very vulnerable while doing so. The player cannot fire his weapon, throw grenades or even knife while changing classes, so it is recommended to make sure the coast is clear first. A surprise attack from an enemy will render the user completely helpless to defend themselves. The only thing the player can do while changing classes is run. (Note the player can still detonate C4 if the player has any deployed using the double tap reload method). If an enemy does notice the player, they can try to evade the person targeting them until the changing class process is complete.
    * A good tip is if the player is out of ammo they can just switch to the same class they originally had, since the player can carry on with more ammo and the same weapon.
    * Another tactic is to create a class that has One Nan Army equipped, any gun, and Tactical Insertion. Then the player could use this class as a means to quickly get to a good spawn point, and then put down the Tactical Insertion, and switch classes using the OMA, the only problem being that the person would not be able to use Marathon, because OMA takes up the perk slot.
    * If you are camping with a Tactical Insertion and you are found near your Tactical Insertion, you could switch to a class with OMA and a Riot Shield as an attempt to wipe out the person waiting at your T.I. and then switch back to your camping class.
  15. calabolg_tidus

    calabolg_tidus Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    On your six
    Copy paste đoạn đó vào làm gì-,-
    Mà công nhận dùng MG4 với OMA sướng,reload còn nhanh hơn cả SOH=))
  16. Chipp

    Chipp Mega Man

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    Load nhanh nhưng mà khi xài OMA thì tiếng phát ra rất là ồn, dễ bị xử lúc nào không biết. Nạp đạn bình thường với SOH có khi lợi hơn khi mà có thể cancel, quăng lựu đạn, ném dao, rút súng khác ra mà xử. Còn OMA thì được cái chạy :))
  17. calabolg_tidus

    calabolg_tidus Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    On your six
    Ra nằm 1 chỗ thì ít bị phát hiện lắm;))Hoặc giữa 1 đám bắn loạn lên thì cũng thế;))
  18. Chipp

    Chipp Mega Man

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    Cũng chết :|. Lúc đó có tham chiến được gì đâu, đôi khi còn bị xử nữa :)). Bắn team thì ok chứ bắn pub thì bó tay, đôi khi đạn lạc chết lúc nào ko hay.
  19. calabolg_tidus

    calabolg_tidus Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    On your six
    Hồi trước thì hay dùng OMA trong Domi,ngồi từ A hoặc C là tube đến B luôn=))Cho nên vụ bị úp sọt cũng ít>:)
  20. AMRAAM_Missiles

    AMRAAM_Missiles T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Visual Studio 12
    Chuẩn không cần chỉnh.
    thì là game nó làm Perk cho vui thôi chứ có cái gì đâu,
    Nhưng dù sao IW cũng làm hơi quá ở cái đoạn các khẩu FMJ bắn được đạn gì siêu khủng đúng không nhỉ?
    PS: mới đến được chức Sergant (20) nên đừng chém nếu nhầm

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