Legends' update - Patch notes

Thảo luận trong 'Thư viện' bắt đầu bởi AndyKEhn, 4/6/10.

  1. AndyKEhn

    AndyKEhn Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Luật: chỉ post tin tức, dịch tin tức và giới thiệu sơ tin tức trong này. Bàn luận về tin tức xin mời sang topic chat

    Bài phỏng vấn giữa GameSpy và Marc Merrill, Tom Cadwell của Riot game

    Dịch và tóm tắm:
    [spoil]Q: Mùa đấu đầu tiên sẽ có ý nghĩa gi?
    A: Mùa đấu đầu tiên sẽ đào sâu vào khía cạnh thể thao của LoL. Trong đó sẽ có – xếp hạng người chơi, draftmode, và ladder. Đồng thời sẽ có rất nhiều giải đấu và các sự kiện thể thao điện tử cho LoL.

    Q: Tại sao mùa đấu lại trễ đến như vậy? LoL đã hát hành được vài tháng rồi.
    A: Lúc mới phát hành, LoL vẫn còn khá non nớt, vì thế nên nó cần thời gian chỉnh sửa. Hơn nữa, bất kì trò chơi thể thao nào cũng cần một lượng lớn khán giả. Chúng tôi cần phải có thời gian để phát triển hệ thống để đủ đáp ứng nhu cầu (khán giả đó).

    Q: Hiện nay có bao nhiêu người chơi LoL?
    A: Chúng tôi hiện chưa công bố con số, nhưng trong tuơng lai gần sẽ công bố vì nó rất khả quan. Các game khác lúc đầu có rất nhiều người chơi, nhưng rồi chết dần đi, chúng tôi thì lại ngược lại.

    Q: Tôi rất quan tâm đến việc có tin rằng những người cấp 20 trở lên có thể tham gia đấu giải, tại sao không phải là cấp 30?
    A: Vì chúng tôi không muốn dựng rào cản quá cao cho người chơi. Ở level 20, người chơi đã có thể có được các mastery quan trọng, tất cả các summoner spell, và các rune quan trọng, cũng như kiến thức căn bản của trò chơi, vì thế họ không bị bất lợi cho lắm.

    Q: Khi mùa giải bắt đầu, mọi người sẽ bắt đầu rớt về vị trí xếp hạng ban đầu hay không? Hay là xếp hạng ladder sẽ tương đương như xếp hạng hiện nay?
    A: Không, 2 bản xếp hạng này sẽ độc lập với nhau. Tuy nhiên có thể xếp hạng các map khác nhau sẽ có xếp hạng khác nhau để tiện theo dõi.

    Q: Tôi có thể hỏi thêm về kiểu đấu draft?
    A: Draft nghĩa là: khi tôi chọn tướng A, thì bên phe kia không thể chọn tướng A được nữa. Một số tướng có thể bị ban khỏi trận đấu, làm cho trò chơi trở nên đa dạng chiến thuật hơn.

    Q: Nếu như tướng của tôi bị ban, thì rune page của tôi sẽ bị kém tác dụng đi, lúc này tôi phải làm sao?
    A: Hiện nay chúng tôi đang tính tăng thêm số lượng trang rune cho mỗi người, cho phép họ thay đổi cách sắp xếp rune trước mỗi trận đấu.

    Q: Nếu có ban tướng thì sẽ có ban phép căn bản của người chơi chứ (summoner's spell)
    A: Không, vì có quá ít phép căn bản để ban, và việc ban phép có thể làm một số tướng trở nên vô dụng-- dù sao chúng tôi cũng đang định bỏ phép Flash.
    Q: Wow, coi bộ nguy hiểm à nha
    A: Đúng thế, việc thay đổi này hoặc sẽ rất tốt, hoặc là rất tồi. Nói chung trong khi chúng tôi thử việc bỏ flash, thì trò chơi có vẻ được cải thiện khá tốt.

    Q: Vậu client và web site sẽ được nâng cấp cho chế độ xếp hạng mới chứ?
    A: Tất nhiên là có. Không chỉ thế, rất nhiều thông số thi đấu sẽ được công bố để người chơi có thể tính toán và đánh giá chiến thuật. Còn chế độ thường (casual) chúng tôi sẽ giữ cho người chơi thoải mái và không phải quá bận tâm.

    Q: Trong trò chơi xếp hạng, liệu người chơi sẽ được hưởng nhiều hay ít kinh nghiệm và tiền tệ trong game hơn game bình thường không?
    A: Chúng tôi vẫn chưa rõ, nhưng sẽ là giữ nguyên hoặc nhiều hơn.

    Q: Quay lại câu hỏi trước đó, liệu chúng tôi có thể thấy được toàn bộ thông tin xoay quanh một con tướng hay không?
    A: Chắc chắn là như thế. Chúng tôi đã ghi lại rất nhiều thông số, có thể nói là một thông số có thể

    Q: Cho xem được càng nhiều càng tốt, đúng không?
    A: Đúng rồi. Hiện nay chúng tôi chưa cho xem là vì sợ người chơi quá tập trung vào thông số của mình. Tuy nhiên trong chế độ xếp hạng, người chơi thực sự muốn biết các thông số này, và chúng tôi sẽ hỗ trợ cho họ.

    Q: Trước mỗi trận đấu, liệu người ta có thể xem được thông số của người cùng chơi với mình hay không?
    A: Không, vì trong game xếp hạng, quitter trước trận đấu là điều không nên, và cho đồng đội biết thông số của mình có thể kích thích người chơi quit khỏi trận đấu. Tuy nhiên họ cũng có thể nghiên cức các chỉ số này sau trận đấu để biết được thực lực của team mình.

    Q: Nếu thế thì sẽ có những người xem chỉ số của đồng đội mình, nếu quá thấp thì họ sẽ bắt đầu khóc lóc kể lể...
    A: Có thể là như thế, tuy nhiên thường thì họ sẽ được ghép với những người khác có cùng trình độ của mình. Nếu họ vẫn tiếp tục kêu ca thì họ chỉ cần có một team đánh chung là được.

    Q: Nếu như có người vào game xếp hạng và cứ đừ ra không làm gì thì sao? Sẽ có trừng phạt ntn?
    A: Sẽ có biện pháp trừng phạt. Chúng tôi sẽ đưa chức năng báo cáo vào trò chơi. Hơn nữa, nếu người đó thực sự xấu tính thì họ sẽ mất điểm trong cộng đồng.
    Q: Coi bộ cũng khó ăn à nha, chúc may mắn (trong việc quản lý cộng đồng)
    A: Cộng đồng của chúng tôi nói chung là khá là dễ mến và hợp tác với nhà phát hành, nên chúng tôi không quá lo về điều đó.

    Q: Game xếp hạng sẽ ảnh hưởng ntn đến quá trình balance? Liệu ban sẽ phá đi balance chung của trò chơi? Việc thử nghiệm patch sẽ bị kéo dài hơn trước khi áp dụng chứ?
    A: Chúng tôi có kinh nghiệm trong việc balance game nhanh và hiệu quả. Hơn nữa, chúng tôi cũng có thể khóa một hai tướng khỏi chế độ xếp hạng cho đến khi nó được cân bằng. Chúng tôi muốn việc ban được dùng để đa dạng hóa chiến thuật chứ không phải để người chơi tự cân bằng trò chơi

    Q: Một season sẽ kéo dài bao lâu? Nó sẽ được chia theo hệ thống giải đấu? Sẽ có sự kiện nào để chốt lại season không?
    A: Sẽ có một hệ thống giải đấu để kết thúc một mùa đấu. Nói chung chúng tôi sẽ giữ kín thời điểm kết thúc giải đấu, nhưng nói chung sẽ có nhiều giải đấu và sự kiện nhỏ, kèm theo đó điểm ladder sẽ được dùng để xét tiêu chuẩn. Hệ thống trò chơi sẽ gần giống với tưởng tượng của mọi người.

    Q: Phần thưởng sẽ là tiền mặt hay là skin đặc biệt hay đại lọai thế không?
    A: Chắc chắn rồi, giải thưởng cả trong và ngoài game. Các giải thưởng này sẽ ngầu đến mức thổi bay người chơi khi được công bố.

    Q: Một khi mùa giải bắt đầu, kế họach tương lai sẽ là gì? Trước đó tôi có nghe nói rằng trong giải đấu một số tướng sẽ bị giới hạn để tăng sự đa dạng, đó có phải là kết họach hay không?
    A: Chúng tôi cũng không chắc lắm. Hiện nay kế họach là tăng thêm game mode, các map có nhiệm vụ khác nhau. Về việc giới hạn tướng, bọn tôi không chắc có theo hướng đó hay không, có lẽ đến lúc đó mới tính được.

    Q: Cuối cùng, các anh nghĩ sao về voice chat, chế độ spectator, hay replay?
    A: Các tiện ích này sẽ không đi kèm với việc bắt đầu mùa đấu đầu tiên, nhưng chúng sẽ được đưa vào trong mùa đấu. Về việc replay, vì chúng tôi đang patch trò chơi khá nhanh, nên việc xem replay sẽ cần phải phát triển kèm công cụ patch ngược, mà hiện nay chúng tôi sắp hoàn tất.[/spoil]
  2. AndyKEhn

    AndyKEhn Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch ngày 8 tháng 6 năm 2010

    Xem bản dịch:
    Một số từ cần biết
    Crowd Control: các hiệu ứng disable như stunt, fear, taunt, snare, slow, knockup....
    Spell vamp: khả năng hút máu dựa theo lượng damage phép gây ra.
    Tooltip: ghi chú của các skill / buff trong game.
    AP ratio: lượng damage phép được tăng lên cho mỗi 1 AP, ví dụ AP ratio 0.5 thì spell sẽ mạnh thêm 50 điểm cho mỗi 100 AP

    PVP.net v1.12.23
    Thêm một đoạn thông báo cho người chơi mỗi khi họ bị mất kết nối tới chat server
    Một vài tinh chỉnh với rune book
    Rune giờ có thể được thêm vào/gỡ khỏi rune book bằng cách ấn phải chuột.
    Added a message to alert users that they have been disconnected from PVP.net chat
    Made several optimizations to the rune book
    Runes can now be added and removed from the rune book using right-click

    League of Legends v1.0.0.87

    Olaf, the Berserker
    Undertow – Olaf ném một chiếc rìu xuống vị trí được chỉ định, gây damage cho các mục tiêu đi ngang qua và làm slow các mục tiêu đấy. Nếu Olaf nhặt chiếc rìu lên, cooldown skill sẽ giảm đi 6 giây.
    Vicious Strikes – Sức tấn công của Olaf được tăng thêm dựa trên số máu, và còn được hưởng 1 lượng lớn lifesteal và spell vamp.
    Reckless Swing – Olaf ra đòn mạnh đến mức gây damage xuyên giáp cho mục tiêu và chính mình.
    Ragnarok (ultimate) – Trong thời gian active, Olaf được miễn nhiễm với Crowd Control, được tăng khả năng đánh xuyên giáp và giảm damage phải nhận một khoảng cố định (tính theo số chứ không theo %).
    Berserker Rage (passive) – Cứ mỗi 1% máu mất đi Olaf lại được tạm thời tăng 1% attack speed.

    Sử lỗi làm cho Mark of the Assasin vẫn gây bonus damage ngay cả khi Akali đánh miss.
    Sửa lỗi làm cho chiêu Twin Passive không nhận AP và damage từ nguồn buff (ví dụ như Eye of the Storm hay Mejai's)
    Sửa lỗi chiêu Crescent Slah hút được quá nhiều máu qua spellvamp
    Tỷ lệ Spell Vamp được tăng lên 10% mỗi 100 Damage (từ 5% mỗi 100 damage) để cân bằng với lỗi sửa phía trên. Nhìn chung, Akali sẽ spell vamp từ các chiêu tác dụng lẻ hơn là từ chiêu Crescent Slash
    Akali không còn có thể dùng chiêu Shadow Dance trong lúc bị disable.
    Chỉnh lại attack animation cho đúng.

    Sửa lỗi làm Alistar không thể dùng chiêu khác ngay sau khi dùng Headbutt

    Chỉnh lại tooltip của chiêu Cursed Touch để thêm vào thời hạn của debuff gây ra từ chiêu.

    Sửa lại tooltip của Flash Frost cho đúng với cooldown thật của chiêu là 12/11/10/9/8 giây.
    Sửa lại tooltip của Glacial Storm cho đúng với cooldown thật của chiêu là 6 giây.
    Sửa lỗi Icewall có thể được băng qua khi champion dùng phép Ghost.

    Sửa lỗi làm chiêu Volley slow nhiều hơn dự kiến
    Sửa lỗi làm cho slow của Volley được thêm vào slow của skill bắn chay.


    Sửa lỗi cooldown của Powerfist cho đúng với tooltips là 12/10/8/6/4 chứ không phải 9/8/7/6/5

    Dr Mundo
    Bỏ phần Cooldown từ tooltip nâng chiêu Sadism vì khi level up chiêu cooldown vẫn không thay đổi.

    Sửa lỗi làm chiêu Shadow Walk không thể stun được mục tiêu nếu đó là đòn đánh đầu tiên trong trò chơi.

    Mystic Shot damage cơ bản tăng lên 120% thay vì 100%
    Lượng heal của Essence Flux giảm xuống 50% từ 70%
    Debuff/Buff attack speed của Essence Flux giảm xuống 5/10/15/20/25% từ 20/25/30/35/40%
    Trueshot Barrage AP ratio giảm xuống 0.7 từ 1

    Sửa lỗi của chiêu Drunken Rage, tooltip chiêu ghi rằng thời lượng chiêu là 25 giây, nhưng thực ra chỉ được 20 giây.

    Howling Gale tăng mana cost lên 90/105/120/135/150 từ 80/95/110/125/140
    Eye of the Storm tăng mana cost lên 70/80/90/100/110 từ 60/70/80/90/100
    Sửa lại tooltip chiêu Zephyr cho đúng là Janna mất bonus passive của chiêu khi Zephyr đang cooldown.
    Sửa lỗi Janna không được hưởng bonus mới ngay sau khi lên level chiêu Zephyr.

    Sửa lỗi Jax được hồi máu khi được nhận thêm máu (của passive) từ các chiêu buff (Guinsoo's, Eye of the Storm,...)
    Sửa lỗi Jax có thể tự dùng Leap Strike lên chính mình

    Tầm bay chuyền của Bouncing Blade giảm còn 400 từ 450
    Bouncing Blade bounce range reduced to 400 from 450

    Holy Fervor (Passive mới): 30% damage vật lý được thêm vào AP và 15% AP được thêm vào damage vật lý
    - Khi mục tiêu đang bị slow, Kayle gây thêm 8/10/12/14/16% damage lên mục tiêu đó.
    - Reckoning không còn được bonus từ Holy Fervor
    - Reckoning không còn slow attack speed
    - Damage chiêu giảm xuống 60/110/160/210/260 từ 80/135/190/245/300 (Vì kayle ban đầu đã có AP từ chiêu passive)
    - AP ratio giảm còn 0.8 từ 1.0
    Divine Blessing
    - Lượng bơm máu tăng lên 65/105/145/185/225 từ 60/95/130/165/200
    - Bonus tốc độ di chuyển được tăng lên 12/14/16/18/20% từ 8/10/12/14/16%
    - Thời lượng giảm xuống 10 giây từ 20 giây
    - Cooldown giảm xuống 10 giây từ 15 giây
    - Mana cost tăng lên 50/55/60/65/70 từ 40/45/50/55/60
    Righteous Fury
    - Tầm đánh tăng thêm 50 điểm
    - Bonus damage giờ được tính riêng là damage phép. Lượng damage đánh lanh giờ đây cũng là damage phép luôn.
    - Damage gốc của chiêu tăng lên 8/14/20/26/32 từ 6/12/18/24/30
    - Cooldown giảm xuống 22/21/20/19/18 giây từ 25 giây
    - Mana cost giảm xuống còn 65 từ 75
    - Cooldown tăng tên 90 ở mọi level thay vì 90/75/60
    - Tầm tác dụng giảm xuống 1200 từ 1300
    Thay đổi lặt vặt:
    - Damage gốc giảm xuống còn 56.3 từ 60.3
    - Máu gốc giảm xuống 501 từ 526
    - Lượng máu mỗi level giảm xuống 93 từ 98
    - Tốc độ đánh gốc tăng thêm một chút
    - Giáp gốc giảm xuống còn 21 từ 27
    - Giáp mỗi level giảm xuống 3.5 từ 4
    - Giáp phép mỗi level tăng lên 0.75 từ 0
    - Mana regen mỗi level tăng lên 0.065 từ 0.06
    - Tốc độ đánh mỗi lvel tăng lên 2.3 từ 1.85
    - Chỉnh lại thời gian tính giữa các animation khi tấn công.
    - Tầm đánh tăng lên 125 từ 100
    - Sửa lại những món đồ nên dùng.
    - Sửa lại ghi chú cách chơi và cách đỡ.

    Sửa lỗi đòn tấn công của Voidling là lộ diện Malzahar trên bản đồ.
    Tăng tốc độ của Voidling lên 451 từ 419

    Sửa lỗi chiêu Children of the Grave tạo bản sao của tướng trong khi con tướng thật vẫn chưa chết.

    Chỉnh lại tooltip chiêu Siphoning Strikes cho đúng với cooldown 8/7/6/5/4 giây.
    Tooltip của Fury of the Sand giờ đây ghi đúng thời lượng của phép là 15 giây.

    Heal của Primal Surge giảm còn 60/90/120/150/180 từ 75/120/165/210/255
    Primal Surge có AP ratio tăng lên 1.25 từ 0.8
    Javelin Toss có AP ratio tăng lên 0.65 từ 0.55

    Sửa lỗi chiêu Diplomatic Immunity đôi khi làm các mục tiêu mang Guardian Angel, Rebirth, hay Chronoshift hồi sinh không được chuẩn cho lắm.
    Sửa lỗi để theo tooltip chiêu Valiant Fighter rằng damage được giảm là 30%, chứ không phải 50%

    Sửa lỗi chiêu Powerball đôi khi gây damage gấp đôi

    Sửa lỗi chiêu Enrage làm người chơi phải tắt đi bật lại chiêu sau khi lên level thì mới có được tác dụng mới.

    Chỉnh lại tooltip chiêu Consecration của Soraka cho chính xác là Soraka tạo một aura tăng giáp phép cho đồng đội xung quanh.

    Feint chỉnh lại như một chiêu block damage thông thường. Feint cản được 50/100/150/200/250 damage, 0.6 AP ratio
    Sửa lỗi chiêu Stand United làm Shen có thể biến đi ngay cả khi bị taunt.

    Twisted Fate
    Wild Cards AP ratio tăng lên 0.65 từ 0.5
    Stacked Deck:
    - Attack speed được hưởng giảm xuống 3/6/9/12/15% từ 6/12/18/24/30
    - Damage chiêu giảm xuống 55/80/105/130/155 từ 60/90/120/150/180.
    - AP ratio tăng lên 0.4 từ 0.3.
    Pick A Card:
    - Sửa lỗi damage lan của bài màu đỏ không gây chính xác damage.
    - Sửa lỗi làm hiệu ứng Slow của bài màu đỏ được kéo dài nhờ hiệu ứng làm chậm của buff Lizard.
    - Sửa lại tooltip ghi cho đúng là damage của bài màu vàng là dựa trên damage bonus cho bài đỏ và xanh, chứ không phải damage gốc của 2 lá bài đó.

    Chỉnh tooltip của buff Monkey Agility để hiện rõ hiệu quả hiện có của chiêu dựa trên số lần stack.

    Chỉnh lại tooltip của chiêu Bloodscent vì chiêu này không có cooldown.

    Chỉnh lại tooltip chiêu Rewind cho nó gọn

    Item mới: Needlessly Large Rod
    1600 Gold
    +80 Ability Power
    Cooldown của Innervating Locket tăng lên 4 giây từ 3 giây
    Damage buff của Elixir of Fortitude giờ là 10-28 damage dựa theo level của tướng thay vì trước đó là cố định 20 damage.
    Chỉnh lại recipe của Zhonya's Ring, giờ đây là cần 1 cái Needlessly Large Rod thay vì 2 cái Blasting Wands. Tổng giá thành chỉnh thành 3460
    Changed Zhonya's Ring recipe to now include Needlessly Large Rod instead of 2 Blasting Wands. Total Price Adjusted to 3460
    Elixir of Brilliance được đưa vào phân vùng Ability Power của shop.
    Faerie Charm không còn ghi là được dùng để build Stinger.
    Nếu bồ mình cũng có Stark's Fervor giống mình thì buff aura đó sẽ stack với buff item của mình.
    Nếu bồ mình cũng có Soul Shroud giống mình thì buff aura đó sẽ stack với buff item của mình.

    Twisted Treeline
    Lượng gold có được mỗi 5s giảm xuống còn 6.5 từ 8.5
    Lượng gold từ việc farm lính tăng thêm 5 đồng
    Grez (con thằn lằn giữa bản đồ) to thêm 20%
    Lượng máu cơ bản của Grez tăng lên 1400 từ 1100
    Giáp của Grez giảm xuống 12 từ 20
    Máu cơ bản của con rồng tăng lên 2400 từ 2000
    Giáp của con rồng giảm xuống 10 từ 20

    Sửa các vụ crash client
    Sửa các vụ crash server
    Sửa lỗi khi để tỷ lệ HUD là 0 thì mini map sẽ bị biến mất
    Chỉnh lại màu tỷ lệ của ping trong màn hình load game
    Màn hình hiển thị nhân vật (C) chỉnh lại để chứa vừa các thông tin kỹ năng, và trông gọn hơn trước.

    Rusty Blitzcrank:
    - Sửa lỗi cánh tay khi phóng ra có màu khác màu thân
    - Chỉnh lại họa tiết cho giống gỉ sét hơn
    Exiled Morgana:
    - Giảm độ sáng của skin lại
    - Chỉnh lại chi tiết dát vàng
    - Chỉnh lại aura và hình ảnh tấn công cho hợp với chủ đề

    Bonus: Olaf champion spotlight
  3. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Season One Details Revealed (http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=137300)

  4. AndyKEhn

    AndyKEhn Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Season One Details Revealed

    Xem bản dịch
    [spoil]Hỡi các Summoner (người chơi),

    Như các bạn đã biết trước đó, chúng tôi đã luôn nhắm đến mùa giải 1 như là một sự khởi đầu cho tiềm năng thể thao của League of Legends. Hiện nay, khi mà thời điểm trước mùa đấu sắp kết thúc, chúng tôi sẽ chia sẻ với các bạn các tính năng mới của trò chơi. Mong là trong thời gian vừa qua, các bạn đã có đủ thời gian kéo level, thu thập IP cũng như xây dựng mối quan hệ với những người chơi League of Legends khác, vì mùa giải này sẽ kiểm nghiệm khí chất của mỗi người chơi. Những đặc điểm này sẽ được ra mắt cùng với mùa giải 1, đánh dấu một chặng đường phát triển mới của chúng tôi trong công cuộc phát triển tính cạnh tranh cho trò chơi.

    * Ranked Games – Một khi mùa giải 1 bắt đầu, những summoner level 20 trở lên sẽ có thể tham gia vào hệ thống game xếp hạng. Khởi điểm, họ có thể tham gia một trong 3 màn đấu, 3v3 đấu đội, 5v5 đấu đội, hay 5v5 solo. Mỗi người chơi sẽ có được xếp hạng riêng cho mỗi hạng mục.

    * Ladders – Một khi chế độ game xếp hạng bắt đầu, điểm xếp ELO người tham gia chế độ này sẽ được công bố trên bảng ladder. Trên bảng ladder, người chơi sẽ thấy được vị trí tương đối của mình so với các người chơi khác. Bảng ladder sẽ có thể được xem trên trang web của League of Legends.

    * Draft Mode – Việc chọn champion trong chế độ đấu xếp hạng sẽ là nhặt chặn tướng trực tiếp. Trong chế độ 5v5 premade và 3v3 premade, bước đầu tiên trong mỗi lần chọn champion là người invite của mỗi team sẽ có được chặn 2 champion. Những champion bị chặn sẽ không thể được chọn bởi cả hai đội, vì thế hãy chặn cho cẩn thận!

    Sau khi việc chặn đã được hoàn thất bởi cả hai bên, các team sẽ bắt đầu nhặt tướng. Trong chế độ chơi xếp hạng, mỗi champion sẽ được nhặt duy nhất một lần, nghĩa là khi champion đã được chọn thì team kia không thể chọn được nữa. Team chặn tướng trước sẽ sẽ bắt đầu quá trình nhặt bằng cách chọn một champion. Sau đó quá trình nhặt cho 2 team tương ứng sẽ là 1:2:2:2:2:1 cho map 5v5 và 1:2:2:1 cho map 3v3

    Dùng hệ thống này, chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ khuyến khích người chơi mở rộng tầm sử dụng các champion, cho phép các team ngăn chặn các chiến thuật phổ biết, cũng như làm quen với đối phương và ra đưa ra chiến thuật đối phó cụ thể. Ban đầu, chế độ nhặt chặn sẽ có thể được chơi bằng chế độ chơi xếp hạng và chế độ practive. Các game bình thường sẽ vẫn hoạt động theo kiểu chọn bừa bình thường.

    * Improved Visual Styles – Kể từ lúc trò chơi được ra mắt hồi tháng 10 năm 2009, đội phát triển giao diện sử dụng của chúng tôi đã cất công cải tiến giao diện hình ảnh cho client PvP.net. Vì một số sự cải tiến là cần thiết để hỗ trợ cho chế độ xếp hạng, đây có lẽ là lúc mà chúng tôi áp dụng các giao diện sử dụng này. Chúng tôi muốn giao diện mới này sáng sủa hơn, hấp dẫn hơn, và dễ sử dụng hơn. Tôi có thể nói nhiều hơn về giao diện này, nhưng có lẽ không cần thiết vì các bạn có thể thấy rõ hơn trong các screenshot sau đây.

    Mặc dù đây là những đặc điểm cơ bản cho hoạt động cạnh tranh của mỗi người chơi, hãy biết rằng đây chỉ là sự khởi đầu cho những cải tiến về sau. Hãy đặt các câu hỏi trong forum, và chúng tôi sẽ trả lời những câu hỏi đó ngay trong tuần sau!

    Screenshot giao diện mới:
  5. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Release Notes v1.0.0.94

    [spoil] New Skins in the Store

    * Caterpillar Kog’Maw
    * Sonoran Kog’Maw
    * Striker Ezreal
    * Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
    * Blast Zone Heimerdinger
    * French Maid Nidalee

    League of Legends v1.0.0.94

    Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss

    * Bio-Arcane Barrage: Kog'Maw's attacks gain range and deal a percent of the target's maximum health as magic damage.
    * Void Ooze: Kog'Maw launches a peculiar ooze which damages all enemies it passes through and leaves a trail which slows enemies who stand on it.
    * Caustic Spittle: Passive: Increases armor penetration. Active: Kog'Maw launches a corrosive projectile which deals magic damage and doubles his passive armor penetration for 4 seconds (Removes the passive until available again).
    * Living Artillery (Ultimate): Kog'Maw fires a living artillery shell at a great distance dealing damage and revealing targets. Additionally, multiple Living Artilleries in a short period of time cause them to cost additional mana.
    * Icathian Surprise (Passive): Upon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to detonate after 4 seconds; dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies.


    * Fixed a bug with Akali’s attack timing
    * Using a potion while in Twilight Shroud will no longer break Akali out of stealth


    * Frost Shot slow changed to 15/20/25/30/35% from 10/18/26/32/38%
    * Frost Shot no longer stacks with Volley
    * Volley now fires 7 missiles instead of 9
    * Volley bonus damage increased to 40/55/70/85/100 from 40/50/60/70/80
    * Accumulate Wealth is now 'Hawkshot'. Hawkshot retains the passive gold gain on kill and can now be activated to shoot an invulnerable, untargetable scouting hawk toward a target location. The hawk will reveal terrain as it travels, and grant vision of the end area for 5 seconds
    * Enchanted Crystal Arrow
    o Fixed a bug where it was slowing for too long at ranks 2 and 3
    o Fixed a bug where it was stunning for more than the maximum stun duration
    o Increased the distance required to get a maximum duration stun


    * Added a timer to indicate when Mana Barrier can be used again
    * Static Field now silences for 0.5 seconds
    * Power Fist is no longer dodgable


    * Missile Barrage
    o Added a counter indicating how close to the Big One you are
    o 1 missile is now granted when you first put a point into it
    o Missile Barrage now reloads while dead and will no longer reset the stack count upon death


    * Vorpal Spikes can now be toggled off
    * Cho'gath will now be properly considered melee for the sake of items like Youmuu's Ghostblade
    * Feast
    o Fixed a bug at rank 3 Feast where Cho'gath has difficulty feasting when he has max Feast stacks
    o Fixed a bug where the Feast buff tooltip was not updating the bonus health when Cho'gath loses stacks
    o Fixed a bug where Cho'gath was not scaling properly when he loses stacks


    * Removed base dodge


    * Removed the heal component from Essence Flux
    * Essence Flux attack speed buff/debuff increased to 20/23/26/29/32 from 5/10/15/20/25


    * Fixed a bug where Garen will sometimes appear with a different skin after reconnecting


    * Parley bonus damage reduced to 100% from 110%
    * Parley is no longer dodgable and is unaffected by blinds
    * Raise Morale now grants 8/12/16/20/24 attack damage instead of 12-36% attack speed
    * Cannon Barrage
    o Cannonball damage reduced to 100/140/180 from 140/200/260
    o Cannonball radius increased to 275 from 225
    o Slow amount reduced to 35%/45/55 from 40/50/60


    * Barrel Roll tooltip updated to give the correct ability power ratio when the barrel has reached its location


    * Fixed a bug where Turrets were targeting incorrectly


    * Howling Gale knock-up time reduced by 33%
    * Fixed a bug with Eye of the Storm where the particle would linger after the shield effect had been removed


    * Empower cooldown changed to 5 seconds from 7/6/5/4/3 seconds


    * Divine Blessing heal reduced to 65/100/135/170/205 from 65/105/145/185/225
    * Righteous Fury ability power ratio reduced to.3 from .35
    * Righteous Fury base damage to 4/10/16/22/28 from 8/14/20/26/32
    * Intervention cooldown increased to 120/105/90 from 90 at all ranks


    * Dark Binding now deals its damage up front as opposed to over time. The damage is 80/135/190/245/300 with a .9 AP ratio.
    * Soul Shackle ability power ratio changed to 1.0/1.0 from .5/1.5


    * Heartseeker Strike
    o Fixed a bug where Heartseeker Strike was dealing too much damage based upon your bonus damage.
    o Fixed a bug where Heartseeker Strike procced cast effects with every Heartseeker Strike tick
    o Damage scaling increased to 20/25/30/35/40%.
    o Heartseeker Strike will now properly double the damage of the entire ability against champions, rather than just doubling part of the damage
    * Fixed a bug where Spear Shot wasn't scaling with enough of your damage from items
    * Spear Shot damage scaling increased to 100/115/130/145/160%, from 100/110/120/130/140%.
    * Grand Skyfall now breaks spell shields and is blocked by spell shields.
    * Fixed a bug with Grand Skyfall where it was slowing for an incorrect amount of time
    * Pantheon will now be properly considered melee for the sake of items like Youmuu's Ghostblade


    * Devastating Blow now breaks spell shields
    * Heroic Charge now breaks spell shields


    * Updated the Deceive tooltip to clarify that the damage is bonus damage not a true critical
    * Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes would acquire targets incorrectly
    * Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes would lose their stealth before their lifetime expired


    * Removed base dodge


    * Vorpal Blade heal reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 15/30/45/60/75


    * Fixed a bug where Boomerang Blade double-procced cast effects like Guinsoo's Rageblade


    * Wish
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 1.3 from 1.5
    o Heal reduced to 200/320/440 from 250/400/550
    o Mana cost reduced to 200/275/350 from 250/350/450


    * Baleful Strike
    o Adjusted the way bonus ability power is granted.
    o Veigar now also gains 1/2/3/4/5 bonus ability power for each champion kill from any damage source.
    * Dark Matter
    o Time to land reduced to 1.2 seconds from 1.6 seconds.
    o Base damage reduced to 120/170/220/270/320 from 120/180/240/300/360
    o Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12 seconds
    * Event Horizon
    o Reduced the mana cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 90/110/130/150/170.
    o Lowered the cooldown to 20/19/18/17/16 from 24/22/20/18/16.
    o Increased range to 650 from 600.
    * Primordial Burst
    o Mana cost reduced to 150/200/250 from 200/300/400
    o Primordial Burst now deals 200/350/500 base damage plus 80% of the combined ability power of Veigar and his target.
    o Removed the conditional bonus damage for non-mana Champions.
    o Removed the mana restoration on kill.
    * New Passive – Equilibrium: Veigar's mana regen is increased by 0.5% for each 1% of mana he's missing.
    * Miscellaneous
    o Updated recommended items
    o Base movement speed increased to 315 from 310
    o Base armor increased to 16 from 14
    o Armor per level increased to 3.75 from 3.5


    * Spirit Visage healing and regen received reduced to 20% from 25%
    * Sword of the Divine activation duration increased to 8 from 5
    * Mercury Treads crowd control reduction reduced to 35% from 40%
    * Innervating Locket no longer heals minions

    Summoner Spells

    * Fixed a bug with Ignite's tooltip cooldown value that made it seem shorter than it actually is


    * Champion kill experience increased by 10%.
    * Death timers on Summoner's Rift increased by roughly 3 seconds at low levels.
    * Summoner spells are now displayed on the scoreboard
    * Latency will now properly display in the HUD
    * Teleport or Blink abilities will no longer reset the leashing on monsters
    * Duplicate items will no longer sell in slot order and can now be sold individually
    * Buff bar updated to support up to 32 buffs
    * Revamped the character stats screen to include Armor Penetration, Magic Penetration, Lifesteal, Spell Vamp, and Cooldown Reduction stats as well as reducing size and removing extraneous information
    * Revealing a channeling Champion in the Fog of War will no longer reveal show them as idle
    * Fixed a bug where orders and spell casts would be lost in rare instances
    * Fixed a bug where the "Show HP Bars" menu option wasn't functioning correctly
    * Fixed a bug where 'proc' effects like Malady and Madred's Bloodrazor could occasionally kill a champion through effects like Guardian Angel, Chronoshift, or Rebirth
    * Fixed a bug where the attack timings of many characters were causing a slight delay before attacking.
    * Fixed a bug where the "Hide Center HUD Wall" option was incorrectly named "Center HUD Wall Display"
    * Fixed several client crashes
    * Fixed several server crashes


    * Fixed a bug where the Tenacity mastery caused Cho'gath's Feast to not kill the target
    Last edited by a moderator: 29/6/10
  6. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Release Notes v1.0.0.94
    New Skins in the Store

    * Caterpillar Kog’Maw
    * Sonoran Kog’Maw
    * Striker Ezreal
    * Goalkeeper Blitzcrank
    * Blast Zone Heimerdinger
    * French Maid Nidalee

    League of Legends v1.0.0.94

    Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss

    * Bio-Arcane Barrage: Kog'Maw's attacks gain range and deal a percent of the target's maximum health as magic damage.
    * Void Ooze: Kog'Maw launches a peculiar ooze which damages all enemies it passes through and leaves a trail which slows enemies who stand on it.
    * Caustic Spittle: Passive: Increases armor penetration. Active: Kog'Maw launches a corrosive projectile which deals magic damage and doubles his passive armor penetration for 4 seconds (Removes the passive until available again).
    * Living Artillery (Ultimate): Kog'Maw fires a living artillery shell at a great distance dealing damage and revealing targets. Additionally, multiple Living Artilleries in a short period of time cause them to cost additional mana.
    * Icathian Surprise (Passive): Upon dying, Kog'Maw starts a chain reaction in his body which causes him to detonate after 4 seconds; dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies.


    * Fixed a bug with Akali’s attack timing
    * Using a potion while in Twilight Shroud will no longer break Akali out of stealth


    * Frost Shot slow changed to 15/20/25/30/35% from 10/18/26/32/38%
    * Frost Shot no longer stacks with Volley
    * Volley now fires 7 missiles instead of 9
    * Volley bonus damage increased to 40/55/70/85/100 from 40/50/60/70/80
    * Accumulate Wealth is now 'Hawkshot'. Hawkshot retains the passive gold gain on kill and can now be activated to shoot an invulnerable, untargetable scouting hawk toward a target location. The hawk will reveal terrain as it travels, and grant vision of the end area for 5 seconds
    * Enchanted Crystal Arrow
    o Fixed a bug where it was slowing for too long at ranks 2 and 3
    o Fixed a bug where it was stunning for more than the maximum stun duration
    o Increased the distance required to get a maximum duration stun


    * Added a timer to indicate when Mana Barrier can be used again
    * Static Field now silences for 0.5 seconds
    * Power Fist is no longer dodgable


    * Missile Barrage
    o Added a counter indicating how close to the Big One you are
    o 1 missile is now granted when you first put a point into it
    o Missile Barrage now reloads while dead and will no longer reset the stack count upon death


    * Vorpal Spikes can now be toggled off
    * Cho'gath will now be properly considered melee for the sake of items like Youmuu's Ghostblade
    * Feast
    o Fixed a bug at rank 3 Feast where Cho'gath has difficulty feasting when he has max Feast stacks
    o Fixed a bug where the Feast buff tooltip was not updating the bonus health when Cho'gath loses stacks
    o Fixed a bug where Cho'gath was not scaling properly when he loses stacks


    * Removed base dodge


    * Removed the heal component from Essence Flux
    * Essence Flux attack speed buff/debuff increased to 20/23/26/29/32 from 5/10/15/20/25


    * Fixed a bug where Garen will sometimes appear with a different skin after reconnecting


    * Parley bonus damage reduced to 100% from 110%
    * Parley is no longer dodgable and is unaffected by blinds
    * Raise Morale now grants 8/12/16/20/24 attack damage instead of 12-36% attack speed
    * Cannon Barrage
    o Cannonball damage reduced to 100/140/180 from 140/200/260
    o Cannonball radius increased to 275 from 225
    o Slow amount reduced to 35%/45/55 from 40/50/60


    * Barrel Roll tooltip updated to give the correct ability power ratio when the barrel has reached its location


    * Fixed a bug where Turrets were targeting incorrectly


    * Howling Gale knock-up time reduced by 33%
    * Fixed a bug with Eye of the Storm where the particle would linger after the shield effect had been removed


    * Empower cooldown changed to 5 seconds from 7/6/5/4/3 seconds


    * Divine Blessing heal reduced to 65/100/135/170/205 from 65/105/145/185/225
    * Righteous Fury ability power ratio reduced to.3 from .35
    * Righteous Fury base damage to 4/10/16/22/28 from 8/14/20/26/32
    * Intervention cooldown increased to 120/105/90 from 90 at all ranks


    * Dark Binding now deals its damage up front as opposed to over time. The damage is 80/135/190/245/300 with a .9 AP ratio.
    * Soul Shackle ability power ratio changed to 1.0/1.0 from .5/1.5


    * Heartseeker Strike
    o Fixed a bug where Heartseeker Strike was dealing too much damage based upon your bonus damage.
    o Fixed a bug where Heartseeker Strike procced cast effects with every Heartseeker Strike tick
    o Damage scaling increased to 20/25/30/35/40%.
    o Heartseeker Strike will now properly double the damage of the entire ability against champions, rather than just doubling part of the damage
    * Fixed a bug where Spear Shot wasn't scaling with enough of your damage from items
    * Spear Shot damage scaling increased to 100/115/130/145/160%, from 100/110/120/130/140%.
    * Grand Skyfall now breaks spell shields and is blocked by spell shields.
    * Fixed a bug with Grand Skyfall where it was slowing for an incorrect amount of time
    * Pantheon will now be properly considered melee for the sake of items like Youmuu's Ghostblade


    * Devastating Blow now breaks spell shields
    * Heroic Charge now breaks spell shields


    * Updated the Deceive tooltip to clarify that the damage is bonus damage not a true critical
    * Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes would acquire targets incorrectly
    * Fixed a bug where Jack in the Boxes would lose their stealth before their lifetime expired


    * Removed base dodge


    * Vorpal Blade heal reduced to 10/20/30/40/50 from 15/30/45/60/75


    * Fixed a bug where Boomerang Blade double-procced cast effects like Guinsoo's Rageblade


    * Wish
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 1.3 from 1.5
    o Heal reduced to 200/320/440 from 250/400/550
    o Mana cost reduced to 200/275/350 from 250/350/450


    * Baleful Strike
    o Adjusted the way bonus ability power is granted.
    o Veigar now also gains 1/2/3/4/5 bonus ability power for each champion kill from any damage source.
    * Dark Matter
    o Time to land reduced to 1.2 seconds from 1.6 seconds.
    o Base damage reduced to 120/170/220/270/320 from 120/180/240/300/360
    o Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12 seconds
    * Event Horizon
    o Reduced the mana cost to 80/95/110/125/140 from 90/110/130/150/170.
    o Lowered the cooldown to 20/19/18/17/16 from 24/22/20/18/16.
    o Increased range to 650 from 600.
    * Primordial Burst
    o Mana cost reduced to 150/200/250 from 200/300/400
    o Primordial Burst now deals 200/350/500 base damage plus 80% of the combined ability power of Veigar and his target.
    o Removed the conditional bonus damage for non-mana Champions.
    o Removed the mana restoration on kill.
    * New Passive – Equilibrium: Veigar's mana regen is increased by 0.5% for each 1% of mana he's missing.
    * Miscellaneous
    o Updated recommended items
    o Base movement speed increased to 315 from 310
    o Base armor increased to 16 from 14
    o Armor per level increased to 3.75 from 3.5


    * Spirit Visage healing and regen received reduced to 20% from 25%
    * Sword of the Divine activation duration increased to 8 from 5
    * Mercury Treads crowd control reduction reduced to 35% from 40%
    * Innervating Locket no longer heals minions

    Summoner Spells

    * Fixed a bug with Ignite's tooltip cooldown value that made it seem shorter than it actually is


    * Champion kill experience increased by 10%.
    * Death timers on Summoner's Rift increased by roughly 3 seconds at low levels.
    * Summoner spells are now displayed on the scoreboard
    * Latency will now properly display in the HUD
    * Teleport or Blink abilities will no longer reset the leashing on monsters
    * Duplicate items will no longer sell in slot order and can now be sold individually
    * Buff bar updated to support up to 32 buffs
    * Revamped the character stats screen to include Armor Penetration, Magic Penetration, Lifesteal, Spell Vamp, and Cooldown Reduction stats as well as reducing size and removing extraneous information
    * Revealing a channeling Champion in the Fog of War will no longer reveal show them as idle
    * Fixed a bug where orders and spell casts would be lost in rare instances
    * Fixed a bug where the "Show HP Bars" menu option wasn't functioning correctly
    * Fixed a bug where 'proc' effects like Malady and Madred's Bloodrazor could occasionally kill a champion through effects like Guardian Angel, Chronoshift, or Rebirth
    * Fixed a bug where the attack timings of many characters were causing a slight delay before attacking.
    * Fixed a bug where the "Hide Center HUD Wall" option was incorrectly named "Center HUD Wall Display"
    * Fixed several client crashes
    * Fixed several server crashes


    * Fixed a bug where the Tenacity mastery caused Cho'gath's Feast to not kill the target
    Last edited by a moderator: 29/6/10
  7. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mã Pí Lèng
    [spoil]Kog'Maw, the Mouth of the Abyss
    * Bio-Arcane Barrage: Tăng phạm vi đánh, và gây magic dmg = 1% Hp tối đa của mục tiêu trên mỗi đòn tấn công.
    * Void Ooze : Phun chất độc theo 1 đường thẳng, gây dmg và làm chậm những ai chạm phải chất độc
    * Caustic Spittle: Passive: Tăng armor pen.
    Actice : Gây dmg magic và x2 armor pen của passive trong 4s. Bị động sẽ bị mất đi trong thời gian cd ( tương tự Yi's E )
    * Living Artillery (Ultimate): :-" Thông cảm em thik quân đội nên dịch thế này : Kog'Maw bắn chất độc như 1 khẩu pháo đến 1 khoảng cách xa, gây ra 1 lượng dmg lớn. Tương tự Kas ult, nếu dùng liên tục trong thời gian ngắn thì sẽ hao mana nhiều hơn.
    * Icathian Surprise (Passive): Sau khi chết, Kog kích hoạt quả bom nhờ Zilean gắn trên người :-", 4s sau sẽ phát nổ, gây dmg lên kẻ địch xung quanh.
    Sửa lỗi thời gian tấn công của Akali
    Dùng hp trong khi đang ở trong vòng khói sẽ ko còn làm Akali hiện hình
    Frost shot làm chậm thay đổi thành 15/20/25/30/35% từ 10/18/26/32/38%
    Frost Shot ko còn tác dung trên volley ( W ) nghĩa là ashe ko còn khả năng slow AOE trừ ult nữa.
    Volley giờ chỉ bắn ra 7 mũi tên từ 9
    Volley bonus damage tăng thành 40/55/70/85/100 từ 40/50/60/70/80
    Bị động ( bonus gold khi giết 1 muc tiêu ) dc nâng cấp thêm khả năng là bắn ra 1 con chim ưng trinh sát - ko thể tổn thương ( giống w3 ), soi sáng chặng đường nó đi qua và điểm cuối cùng trên chặng đường trong 5s. - 1 spell tốt giúp ashe thoát camper khi di chuyển.
    Enchanted Crystal Arrow
    Đã sửa lỗi làm chậm quá lâu tại mức 2 và 3
    Đã sửa lỗi stun quá lâu, cao hơn thời gian stun tối đa
    Tăng khoảng cách có thể đạt dc max stun. Nghĩa là giờ phải bắn xa hơn để có thể đat dc thời gian stun tối đa.
    Thêm 1 cái đồng hồ mini cho bạn biết khi nào passive có thể sử dụng lại sau lần kích hoạt mới nhất
    Static Field now silences for 0.5 seconds ( ko hiểu nó muốn nói gì, nên mình post luôn cả cái thông tin về spell cho những ban chơi robot giải thik nhé )
    "Passive: Lightning arcs off of Blitzcrank to hit a random nearby enemy for 100 / 200 / 300 (+.25 per ability power) magic damage every 2.5 seconds.

    Active: Deal 250/375/500 (+1 per ability power) magic damage. The passive is not in effect during the cooldown.

    Spell Stats

    Cooldown 40 seconds Cost 150 Mana Range 600"

    Power Fist sẽ ko thể dodge nữa
    Thêm 1 icon để chỉ ra khi nào bạn có thể bắn ra 1 phát "big one" ( tương tự Yi passiive )
    Tên lửa sẽ dc cấp ngay khi bạn + 1 điểm vào nó ( trước đây là phải đợi 1 khoảng thời gian nạp )
    Bây giờ khi chết sẽ ko mất hết tên lửa nữa, và có thể nạp tên lửa trong khi chết
    Vorpal Spikes bây giờ có thể tắt đi ( giúp bạn ko bị turret bắn khi chỉ muốn đánh turret mà dính luôn cả cham địch vào )
    Cho giờ dc xem như là cham melee với những item đề nghị như Youmuu's Ghostblade
    * Feast
    o Sửa lỗi khi ở cấp 3, Ult của Cho khó có thể sử dụng
    o Sửa lỗi ko cập nhật bonus máu mới khi Cho mất stack
    o Sửa lỗi Cho ko về đúng kích thước khi bị mất stack ( vd : mất rồi mà vẫn còn to tướng )
    Xóa chỉ số dodge khỏi những thông số ban đầu
    Từ nay W ko còn heal dd dc nữa
    Và attack speed buff/debuff tăng lên 20/23/26/29/32 từ 5/10/15/20/25
    Đã sửa lỗi khi thỉnh thoảng bạn bị Dis thì sau khi kết nối lại, vào game thấy Garen của đã dc đổi skin free :))
    * Parley bonus damage giảm xuống 100% từ 110%
    * Parley từ nay sẽ ko thể né dc và cũng ko bị ảnh hường bởi hiệu ứng mù ( exhaust, teemo'q )
    * Raise Morale từ nay tăng 8/12/16/20/24 attack damage thay vì of 12-36% attack speed
    * Cannon Barrage
    o Cannonball damage giảm xuống 100/140/180 từ 140/200/260
    o Phạm vi của Cannonball tăng lên 275 từ 225
    o Làm chậm giảm xuống 35%/45/55 từ 40/50/60
    Barrel Roll tooltip dc cập nhật để gửi lượng AP ratio chính xác khi nó đã đến vị trí.
    Đã sửa lỗi turret bắn ko chính xác
    Thời gian bay lên trời giảm đi 33%
    Sửa lỗi khi janna shield đã ko còn tác dung nhưng ta vẫn thấy nó còn đó
    * Empower cooldown đổi thành 5 seconds từ 7/6/5/4/3 seconds

    * Divine Blessing heal giảm xuống 65/100/135/170/205 từ 65/105/145/185/225
    * Righteous Fury ability power ratio giảm xuôsng .3 từ .35
    * Righteous Fury damage cơ bản thành 4/10/16/22/28 từ 8/14/20/26/32
    * Intervention cooldown tăng lên 120/105/90 từ 90 tại mọi cấp
    * Dark Binding bây giờ deal dmg 1 lần thay vì theo thời gian. Và dmg là 80/135/190/245/300 với .9 AP ratio.
    Soul Shackle AP ratio đổi thành 1.0/1.0 từ .5/1.5

    * Heartseeker Strike
    o Sửa lỗi Heartseeker Strike gây quá nhiều dmg so với lượng bonus dmg của spell ( lí do khiến dạo gần đây pan trở nên popular và quá imba )
    o Fixed a bug where Heartseeker Strike procced cast effects with every Heartseeker Strike tick ( chịu, ko dịch dc )
    o Damage tăng thành 20/25/30/35/40%.
    o Heartseeker Strike bây giờ sẽ tăng gấp đôi toàn bộ dmg, thay vì chỉ tăng gấp đôi 1 phần dmg.
    * Đã sửa lỗi Spear Shot không gây ra đủ dmg từ item của bạn.
    * Spear Shot dmg tăng thành 100/115/130/145/160% từ 100/110/120/130/140%.
    * Grand Skyfall bây giờ sẽ phá vỡ nhũng spell shield và bị khóa bởi những spell shield
    * Đã sửa lỗi ult ko làm chậm đúng thời gian
    * Pantheon giờ sẽ dc coi như là 1 cham melee :-w là sao nhỉ????

    * Devastating Blow bây giờ phá vỡ spell shield
    * Heroic Charge bây giờ phá vỡ spell shield
    Cập nhật Deceive tooltip để chỉ ra dmg là bonus dmg chứ ko phải 1 đòn crit
    Sửa lỗi Jack in the Boxes ko nhắm chính xác mục tiêu
    * Sửa lỗi Jack in the Boxes mất tàng hình khi chưa hết thời gian tồn tại


    * Bỏ base dodge ( né tránh từ chỉ số cơ bản )
    Shen ( nerf tiếp )

    * Vorpal Blade heal giảm xuống 10/20/30/40/50 từ 15/30/45/60/75
    Sửa lỗi khi Boomerang làm những item như rageblade dc 2 stack, do hit mục tiêu 2 lần

    * Wish
    o Ability power ratio giảm xuống 1.3 từ 1.5
    o Heal giảm xuống 200/320/440 từ 250/400/550
    o Mana cost giảm xuống 200/275/350 từ 250/350/450

    * Baleful Strike
    o Điều chỉnh cách thức nhận Ap thưởng
    o Veigar nhận 1/2/3/4/5 bonus ability power cho mỗi champion giết dc từ bất cứ nguồn thiệt hại nào ( đánh vật lý, q w e ult, ignite ... và ... )
    * Dark Matter
    o Thời gian rơi giảm xuống 1.2 seconds từ 1.6 seconds.
    o Base damage giảm xuống 120/170/220/270/320 từ 120/180/240/300/360
    o Cooldown giảm xuống 10 seconds từ 12 seconds
    * Event Horizon
    o Giảm mana cost xuống 80/95/110/125/140 từ 90/110/130/150/170.
    o Giảm cooldown thành 20/19/18/17/16 từ 24/22/20/18/16.
    o Tăng phạm vi thành 650 từ 600.
    * Primordial Burst
    o Mana cost giảm xuống 150/200/250 từ 200/300/400
    o Primordial Burst từ nay gây 200/350/500 base damage plus 80% AP của veigar + mục tiêu. :| vl imba, đứa nào build tầm 500 ap bị Veigar 500 ap đánh nữa thì =((
    o Loại bỏ bonus dmg có điều kiện cho các cham non-mana.
    o Loại bỏ phục hồi mana cho mỗi kill.
    * New Passive – Equilibrium: Veigar's mana regen tăng 0.5% cho mỗi 1% mana mất.
    * Các yếu tố khác :
    o Cập nhật item đề nghi mới
    o Tốc độ di chuyển cơ bản tăng lên 315 từ 310
    o Armor cơ bản tăng lên 16 từ 14
    o Armor mỗi lv tăng lên 3.75 từ 3.5


    * Spirit Visage healing and regen nhận dc giảm xuống 20% từ 25%
    * Sword of the Divine, actice bây giờ tăng lên 8s từ 5s
    * Mercury Treads giảm hiệu ứng xấu còn 35% từ 40%
    * Innervating Locket ko còn có thể heal minions.

    Summoner Spells

    * Đã sửa lỗi khi Ignite cd hiển thị thời gian ngắn hơn thời gian chính xác

    Có chỗ sai xin góp ý tại profile
    Last edited by a moderator: 29/6/10
  8. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Release Notes: PVP.net v1.13.29 + League of Legends

    [spoil]New Energy Runes in the Store

    * Greater Seal of Meditation: +0.6 Energy regen/5 sec
    * Greater Seal of Lucidity: +1.05 Energy regen/5 sec at level 18
    * Greater Glyph of Acumen: +2 Energy
    * Greater Glyph of Sapience: +2.64 Energy at level 18
    * Greater Quintessence of Meditation: +1.5 Energy regen/5 sec
    * Greater Quintessence of Acumen: +4.9 Energy

    PVP.net v1.13.29

    * First Win of the Day bonuses are now a flat 150 IP regardless of map type
    * Improved the "Average Wait Time" calculation while users are queued for a matchmade game
    * Queue dodge penalties have been increased to 6 minutes for the first offense and 15 minutes for the second and subsequent offenses
    * Twisted Treeline IP adjustment reduced to 22% from 30% to compensate for the average game time
    * Experience earned per game increased by 10% for Summoners over Level 10
    * Practice Game IP/XP adjustment reduced to 10% from 35%
    * Players will now receive XP/IP rewards for practice games with even team numbers for up to 6 games per day instead of 4 if your summoner level is greater than 10
    * Improved matchmaking efficiency under high load
    * Matchmaking now takes queue time into greater consideration
    * Fixed a bug where in some cases users will not get matched
    * Fixed several bugs where users were not receiving queue dodge penalties properly
    * Fixed a bug where Arranged Team chat rooms were not being created reliably
    * Fixed a bug where some users were not transitioning into Champion Select or into their games after the timer reached "0".
    * Fixed a bug where intermittent network disconnects caused a "Session Closed" message
    * Fixed an issue that was causing some users to see a blank screen after a game or in the Practice Game menu

    League of Legends v1.0.0.94(b)


    * Rebirth armor modification increased by 10 at all levels
    * Frost Bite range increased to 650 from 600
    * Flash Frost missile speed increased to 850 from 800
    * Flash Frost double-tap timer decreased slightly
    * Fixed a bug with Glacial Storm where additional damage ticks cost more mana than displayed in the tooltip
    * Base mana increased by 20


    * Twilight Shroud now grants addition magic resist equal to the armor values.
    * Twilight Shroud is now lasts for 8 seconds at all ranks


    * Volley range reduced to 1200 from 1300
    * Volley damage reduced to 40/50/60/70/80 from 40/55/70/85/100

    Dr. Mundo

    * Infected cleaver health cost increased to 30/50/70/90/110 from 20/35/50/65/80
    * Burning Agony crowd control reduction reduced to 15/20/25/30/35 from 25/30/35/40/45


    * Mystic Shot range reduced to 1100 from 1200
    * Mystic Shot damage percentage reduced to 110 from 120
    * Arcane Shift cooldown increased to 19/17/15/13/11 from 17/15/13/11/9


    * CH1 Concussion Grenade cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 14/13/12/11/10
    * H28G Evolution Turret now deals half damage to towers


    * Howling Gale cooldown modified to 14/13/12/11/10 from 10/10/10/10/10


    * Health per level reduced to 83 from 86
    * Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 330


    * Intervention cooldown reduced to 90/75/60 from 150/120/90
    * Intervention duration reduced to 2/2.5/3 from 3/4/5


    * Hallucination now deals half damage to turrets
    * Fixed a bug where Hallucinate clones would proc on-hit effects an extra time


    * Archangel's Staff mana to ability power ratio increased to 3% from 2.5%
    * Innervating Locket's effects now only give half benefit to allies
    * Will of the Ancients will now grant double bonus to the holders if multiple members of a team have the item, like all other aura items
    * Changed all aura-granting items so that clones will not grant a double bonus to the aura holder. Clones with aura items otherwise interact the same with other champions.
    * Guardian Angel and Banshee's Veil will now only proc on cloned units if it was ready to activate when the clone was created. In other words, clones now sync their Guardian Angel and Banshee's Veil states to the main champion when created.
    * Clones that expire while being revived with Guardian Angel will no longer last permanently

    Summoner Spells

    * Smite damage per level reduced to 25 from 35[/spoil]
  9. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mã Pí Lèng
    Triệu Tử Dương, dự đoán là cham duy nhất suốt 1 tháng diễn ra SS1
    Champion type: Fighter

    Tireless Warrior (Passive):

    Xen'Zhao is healed for 30-70 hit points for every 3 attacks that he lands. This amount increases by 5 every 2 levels.

    Battle Cry:
    Xen'Zhao passively increases his attack speed and can activate this ability to further increase attack speed and lower his ability cooldowns with each attack.

    Three Talon Strike:
    Xen'Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage, with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air. Deals double damage to minions.

    Crescent Sweep:
    Xen'Zhao rapidly spins his halberd around him, nullifying incoming missile attacks targetted on him and dealing damage to all enemy units near him.

    Audacious Charge (Ultimate):
    Xen'Zhao charges an enemy, dealing damage and slowing it and all other enemies in the area. Audacious Charge increases Xen'Zhao's armor temporarily and lowers the cooldowns of all of his abilities.
  10. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia - Champion Spotlight

    [spoil][video]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9l1lj_9Xg-E&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9l1lj_9Xg-E&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/video][/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 10/7/10
  11. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Season 1 Release Notes
    [spoil]Season One is here!

    * Ranked Games
    o 5v5 Premade
    o 5v5 Solo
    o 3v3 Premade
    * Ladders
    * Draft Mode
    * Improved Visual Style for PVP.net and the Community Site
    * Story Tab in PVP.net and Issue 1 of the Journal of Justice
    * All Random Mode in Practice Games

    We will be updating League of Legends and PVP.net during Season 1 Maintenance

    New Skins in the Store

    * Commando Xin Zhao
    * Imperial Xin Zhao
    * Unmasked Kayle
    * Tempest Janna

    League of Legends v1.0.0.96

    Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia

    * Three Talon Strike: Xin Zhao's next 3 standard attacks deal increased damage, with the third attack knocking an opponent into the air.
    * Battle Cry: Xin Zhao passively increases his attack speed and can activate this ability to further increase attack speed and lower his ability cooldowns with each attack.
    * Audacious Charge: Xin Zhao charges an enemy, dealing damage and slowing it and all other enemies in the area. Audacious Charge increases Xin Zhao's armor temporarily and lowers the cooldowns of all of his abilities.
    * Crescent Sweep (Ultimate): Xin Zhao fiercely sweeps his spear around him, dealing damage to nearby enemies based on their current health.
    * Tireless Warrior (Passive): Xin Zhao is healed for every 3 attacks that he lands. This amount increases every 2 levels.


    * Shadow Dance will now gain an Essence of Shadow charge on Champion kills and assists in addition to her standard accumulation over time method.


    * Fixed an issue where Amumu's attack timing was too slow.


    * Fixed an issue where Alistar's attack timing was too fast.


    * Vorpal Spikes will no longer trigger cast effects like Lich Bane
    * Vorpal Spikes will now fire even if the target is missed
    * Cho'Gath can now more easily Feast on any unit, including Dragon, Lizard Elder, or other very large Cho'Gaths.


    * Fixed a bug with Decisive Strike that would cause the icon cooldown to display improperly.


    * Fixed a bug where Body Slam slowed targets that were immune to slows
    * Fixed a bug where Body Slam would not display a hit particle or play a sound if it hit any target that blocked the slow


    * H-28G Evolution Turret tooltip has been updated to show that turrets do magic damage.
    * CH-1 Concussion Grenade now deals 50% damage to turrets, from 100%.
    * CH-1 Concussion Grenade cooldown increased to 13/12/11/10/9 from 12/11/10/9/8


    * Netherblade has been redesigned:
    o Passive: the mana drain component removed and replaced with a flat 4/8/12/16/20 mana restore on hit. This effect returns triple the mana against champions.
    o Active: Kassadin gains 7/15/25/38/50 Armor Penetration for 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown. 30/40/50/60/70 mana cost. Activating this ability counts as a spell cast for the purposes of Force Pulse.
    * Null Sphere projectile speed increased to 1150 from 900
    * Void Stone (Passive)
    o The attack speed effect from Void Stone has been changed so that it stacks and renews instead of replaces on spell impact. This change will result in Kassadin gaining significantly more attack speed, and keeping it for a longer duration on average.
    o Duration lowered to 4 seconds from 5 seconds.


    * Divine Blessing movement speed reduced to 10/12/14/16/18 from 12/14/16/18/20.
    * Righteous Fury splash damage no longer affects turrets.


    * Fixed a bug where Zilean’s Chronoshift would not prevent Kog’Maw from dying


    * Nether Grasp range increased to 575 from 450
    * Fixed a bug where the stun component of Nether Grasp would not break even if the channel was broken.


    * Nunu can now more easily Consume any unit, including Dragon and Lizard Elder.


    * Ragnarok now displays "Cannot be Disabled!" when it blocks a debuff


    * Spear Shot mana cost increased to 45 at all ranks from 30/35/40/45/50
    * Aegis of Zeonia
    o Cooldown modified to 12 seconds at all ranks from 20/17.5/15/12.5/10
    o Stun duration changed to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 from 1.5
    o Aegis of Zeonia now properly interacts with spell shields
    * Heartseeker Spear
    o Base damage reduced to 4/6/8/10/12 from 6/9/12/15/18
    o Scaling damage reduced to 18/22/26/30/34% from 20/25/30/35/40%
    o Cooldown reduced to 20/19/18/17/16 from 26/24/22/20/18
    * Grand Skyfall will now apply smoother damage especially against large targets
    * Grand Skyfall will now properly interact with spell shields
    * General
    * Base health increased to 520 from 505
    * Base armor increased to 21 from 20.1
    * Health per level increased to 87 from 85


    * Devastating Blow mana cost reduced to 55 from 65.
    * Paragon of Demacia mana cost modified to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/70/80/90/100.
    * Heroic Charge mana cost modified to 60/65/70/75/80 from 50/60/70/80/90.


    * Fling can now be more easily cast on any unit, including Dragon, Lizard Elder, or a well-fed Cho'Gath


    * Fixed a bug with Death's Caress that was causing the cooldown on the tooltip to not be affected by cooldown reduction
    * Fixed a bug where Death Caress's buff tooltip would display the absorption amount as 0.00 instead of the correct amount


    * Consecration Aura will no longer persist in the area around Soraka after she is killed.


    * Fixed a bug where Dazzle could stun for longer than 2 seconds

    Twisted Fate

    * Pick a Card attacks are no longer subject to dodge or miss chances
    * Fixed a bug where Blue cards would restore mana even if the target died before the card hit


    * Fixed a bug where Baleful Strike would grant Veigar AP even if the target died before the spell hit.
    * Dark Matter ability power ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.8.
    * Primordial Burst damage modified to 250/375/500 from 200/350/500.
    * Primordial Burst ability power ratios increased to 1.0 from 0.8 (both from Veigar and the target)


    * Fixed a bug where replacing an enemy Time Bomb wouldn't cause the deactivation explosion
    * Fixed a bug where replacing your own Time Bomb caused more damage than intended from ability power
    * Fixed a bug where the Time Bomb explosion particle occasionally showed over fog of war
    * Fixed a bug where Time Bomb would occasionally remain on dead units


    * New Item: Wriggle's Lantern
    o +35 Damage, +30 Armor, +14% Lifesteal
    o UNIQUE Passive: 20% chance on attack to deal 500 damage to a minion.
    o UNIQUE Active: Places an invisible ward with 1100 range sight and lasts for 3 minutes. 3 minute cooldown.
    * Fixed a bug where Aegis of the Legion was not affecting minions
    * Fixed a bug with Elixir of Agility’s tooltip to correctly show that it grants 15% Critical strike
    * Fixed a bug where Warden's Mail and Raduin's Omen were not slowing attack speeds

    Summoner Spells

    * Revive now increases your movement speed by 225%, diminishing to normal over 12 seconds.
    * Cleanse now only removes crowd controlling effects, silences and blinds. It no longer removes effects such as damaging debuffs or armor/stat debuffs
    * Ignite damage per level reduced to 20 from 25.


    * Champion kill experience decreased by 5%
    * Turret damage scaling now begins at 90% instead of 85%
    * Turret damage scaling per hit increased to 20% from 15%
    * Removed global gold and experience rewards from Grez on Twisted Treeline
    * The Nexus and Nexus Turrets now become invulnerable if all of your team's inhibitors respawn
    * Inhibitors no longer remain destroyed for successively longer periods - they are always destroyed for 5 minutes now.
    * Normalized the jungle spawns on Summoner's Rift - the Wolf camp now always spawns in the same quadrant as the Ancient Golem, and the smaller golem camp will always spawn in the quadrant with Lizard Elder.
    * Team Kills and Enemy Team Kills are now shown underneath the Kill Count bar
    * Added tooltips to the Summoner Spells in the scoreboard
    * Fixed a bug where Champions could path through walls or appear on the other side when attempting to move
    * Fixed several bugs where some passive abilities were not showing up properly in Death Recap
    * Fixed a bug where certain particles would appear to drop to the ground before impact
    * Fixed several server crashes
    * Fixed several client crashes[/spoil]
  12. lovefc

    lovefc Lính mới

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mã Pí Lèng
    League of Legends and PVP.net will be updated during scheduled maintenance
    New Skins in the Store
        * Count Vladimir
        * Marquis Vladimir
        * Hot Rod Corki
        * Groovy Zilean
    PVP.net 1.15.10
        * Fixed a bug where Champion Select music would turn back on sometimes even when it was muted
        * Fixed a bug where ratings were not appearing in buddy tooltips correctly for high rated players
        * Fixed a freeze that would happen sometimes when buddies logged on or off
        * Fixed a freeze that would happen sometimes when choosing a Champion.
        * Fixed a bug where Champion Selection leavers were always identified as "Summoner 1"
        * Fixed a bug with rune page tooltips in the Summoner screen where they were not always showing all of the stats
    League of Legends v1.0.0.97
    Vladimir, The Crimson Reaper
        * Transfusion: Vladimir drains the lifeforce of his target, dealing magic damage and healing himself for 25% of that amount.
        * Sanguine Pool: Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2.5 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him. Vladmir deals magic damage to targets above him and heals himself for 15% of that amount.
        * Tides of Blood: Vladimir unleashes a torrent of blood, damaging surrounding enemies. Additionally, multiple Tides of Blood in a short period of time cause them to cost additional health and deal additional damage, and increases his healing and regeneration by 8%.
        * (Ultimate) Hemoplague: Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague that increases the damage they take for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, infected enemies take magic damage.
        * (Passive) Crimson Pact: Bonus health gives Vladimir bonus ability power, and every bonus ability power gives Vladimir bonus health (does not stack with itself).
        * Focus (passive) will now display a buff showing how much extra crit chance Ashe has
        * Fixed a bug with Rocket Grab that allowed instant cast teleport spells to teleport people out of a grab after it had already hit and they were in the process of being pulled.
        * Fixed a discrepancy in Essence Flux's level-up tooltip that incorrectly mentioned a heal
        * Garen can now cast all of his spells while using Judgment instead of just Courage.
        * Slightly increased the range of Judgment
        * CH1 Concussion Grenade ability power ratio reduced to .55 from .7
        * CH1 Concussion Grenade range reduced to 925 from 1000
        * Fixed a bug with H28G Evolutionary Turret in which level 2 and level 3 turrets were dealing full damage to towers.
        * Bouncing Blades cooldown increased to 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 from 8 at all ranks
        * Voracity (Passive) gold gain on kills and assists reduced to 25 from 50
        * Righteous Fury tooltip adjusted to indicate the buff duration and attack range increase
        * Divine Blessing
              o Movement speed bonus reduced to a flat 12% from 10/12/14/16/18%
              o Mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80from 50/55/60/65/70
              o Ability power ratio reduced to .5 from .6
        * Base attack range increased to 500 from 450.
        * Caustic Spittle range increased to 625 from 600.
        * Bio Arcane Barrage bonus range reduced to 130/160/190/220/250 from 140/180/220/260/300
        * Fixed a bug with Children of the Grave where it was granting permanent ability power and damage in some circumstances
        * Deceive cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 8.5
        * Hallucinate’s clone will now take 150% increased damage at all ranks instead of 200/165/135%. The tooltip inaccurately stated that Shaco's clone would take 135% increased damage at all ranks.
        * Fixed a bug with Shadow Dash where it would play the Taunt sound when dashing over Null Zone
    Twisted Fate
        * Fixed a bug where using Pick a Card versus inhibitors would cause the queued up effect to play the sound and particle during each attack
    Xin Zhao
        * Base attack speed reduced to .658 from .679. This will also lower his attack speed gain from items and abilities by a similar percentage
        * Attack speed per level reduced to 2.6% from 2.8%
        * Audacious Charge
              o Area of effect radius reduced to 225 from 350
              o Slow percentage reduced to 20/25/30/35/40% from 40% at all levels
              o Slow duration reduced to 1.7 seconds from 2 seconds
              o Fixed a bug where Xin Zhao could appear to slow down during his charge if he attempted to move too much
        * Crescent Sweep base damage lowered to 125/250/375 from 150/275/400
        * Crescent Sweep percentage of current health damage lowered to 20% from 25% at all levels
        * Chronoshift's buff icon will now display a timer for when the buff will fade.
        * Guardian Angel will now display a timer showing how long until the effect is ready again
        * Zhonya's Ring no longer removes stealth upon activation
        * Wriggles Lantern no longer removes stealth when used
        * Executioner's Calling will no longer remove stealth when used
        * Fixed a bug with Trinity Force that was causing the proc on spell cast to do less damage than intended.
        * Fixed a bug with Randuin's Omen where the activation effect was not unique
        * Fixed a bug where Ignite could be cast while in stasis from Zhonya's Ring
    Summoner Spells
        * Exhaust, Teleport, Flash, Heal, Clarity, Rally, Ignite, and Smite now remove stealth when used
        * Cleanse, Fortify, Clairvoyance, Ghost, and Revive can be used without breaking stealth
        * Added new targeting reticules for skill shots. These can be turned off in the options menu.
        * Global turret experience on Summoner's Rift (Summer/Winter) decreased to 60/100/140 from 140/190/240
        * Global turret experience on Twisted Treeline decreased to 60/100 from 140/190
        * Mouse wheel scrolling on the minimap is now disabled by default
        * Fixed a bug where Champions would move through walls when taking certain paths
        * Fixed a bug with Death Recap where it was not displaying damage from abilities like Jack in the Box or H28G Evolution Turrets
        * Fixed a bug where the Scoreboard was not properly updating enemy items when they came into visibility
        * Fixed a bug where destroyed Inhibitors would display a debug string when pinged
  13. ApocalypseNova

    ApocalypseNova Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Release Notes v1.0.0.99

    [spoil]PVP.net 1.17.12

    * Ratings will now display in the Summoner Profile after 10 games instead of 5 to match the functionality of the Ladder
    * Music at the end of Champion Selection will now fade out properly
    * Added a new contextual alert component to display Store and Summoner Profile information
    * Added new music to the login screen.
    * Added several sounds to Champion Selection to provide better feedback when selecting options

    League of Legends

    Urgot, The Headman's Pride

    * Zaun-Touched Bolt Augmenter (passive): Enemies hit by Urgot have their damage output lowered.
    * Acid Hunter: Urgot fires a straight line missile that deals damage to the first enemy it hits. If an enemy is hit by a Corrosive Charge then Acid Hunter can target lock onto them, guaranteeing a hit.
    * Terror Capacitor: Urgot is shielded from damage and slows enemies with each hit.
    * Noxian Corrosive Charge: Urgot fires a corrosive missile to a location that splashes to enemies on impact, dealing damage and lowering their armor. Allows target locking with Acid Hunter.
    * Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser: Urgot locks an enemy champion in place as he swaps positions with them, gaining armor and magic resist in the process.


    * Twin Disciplines(Passive) will now gain 1% spell vamp for every 5 additional attack damage, up from 1% for every 10 additional attack damage


    * Molten Shield now reflects damage to all normal attacks instead of just melee attacks


    * Flash Frost pass through damage will now break spell shields


    * Mystic Shot attack damage ratio decreased to 1.0 from 1.1


    * Idol of Durand
    o Taunt radius reduced to 500 from 520.
    o Damage radius increased to 520 from 500.
    o Adjusted team colored range circle to more accurately represent taunt range
    * Resolute Smite's particle will now more properly represent the area of effect


    * Judgment now reduces the duration of new slows by 50% rather than granting immunity to slowing effects. Judgement will still completely clear any exisiting slows when activated.


    * H-28G Evolution Turret
    * Maximum turrets changed to 1/2/2/2/2 from 1/2/2/3/3
    * H-28G Evolution Turret rank 4 now grants +100 bonus health to new turrets
    * Cooldown modified to 26/23/20/17/14 from 24/22/20/18/16
    * CH-1 Concussion Grenade no longer affects towers or buildings
    * CH-1 Concussion Grenade ability power ratio increased to .6 from .55


    * Requiem mana cost reduced to 150/175/200 from 200/300/400


    * Attack range increased to 125 from 120
    * Magic resistance gained per level increased to 1.25 from 0


    * Electrical Surge ability power ratio increased to 0.55 from 0.45
    * Lightning Rush
    o Energy cost reduced to 100 from 110
    o Lightning Rush now provides 10/20/30/40/50 magic resistance and armor for 4 seconds
    * Slicing Maelstrom
    o Ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.33
    o Maximum number of bolts increased to 6/10/15 from 6/8/10 (this still retains the cap of 3 hits per target)
    o Removed the cap of applying only 1 Mark of The Storm per target
    * Mark of the Storm (passive) stun duration reduced to 1 second from 1.25. Mark of the Storm has a diminished stun effect if applied more than once within seven seconds.


    * Caustic Spittle has been remade and now grants:
    o Passive: increases attack Speed by 10/15/20/25/30%
    o Active: deals 60/110/160/210/260 damage and reduces the target's armor by 5/10/15/20/25 for 4 seconds
    * Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown reduced to 15 from 20
    * Void Ooze cooldown reduced to 12 from 13


    * Seismic Shard
    o Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds from 12 seconds
    o Duration of the slow reduced to 4 seconds from 5 seconds
    o Mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 80/90/100/110/120
    * Brutal Strikes
    o Changed the active effect to increase Malphite's armor and damage by 20/25/30/35/40% instead of increasing his damage by 30/40/50/60/70%
    o Cooldown reduced to 16 seconds from 20 seconds
    o Fixed a bug where the cleave percent would take double the amount of bonus attack damage
    o Passive cleave percent increased to 30/38/46/54/62% from 30/35/40/45/50%
    o The cleave passive will no longer proc while hitting towers
    * Ground Slam
    o Mana cost reduced to 60 at all ranks from 60/70/80/90/100
    o Updated the tooltip to display how much bonus damage Ground Slam gains from armor
    * Unstoppable Force is now unstoppable and cannot be interrupted by disables
    * Granite Shield (passive)
    o The shield now recharges after 8 seconds instead of 10 seconds
    o The shield will now automatically restore to full after 8 seconds of not being hit. Previously it would not replenish until a new shield activated
    o Fixed a bug where the shield particle would not appear for a second after the shield activated
    o Fixed a bug where the shield strength would not update after buying a health item until a new shield activated
    * Updated recommended items


    * Fixed a typo in Javelin Toss


    * Base attack speed increased to .613 from .558


    * Fixed a typo in Pantheon's lore


    * Devastating Blow now cannot be dodged


    * Siphoning Strike now cannot be dodged


    * Fixed a bug where Spell Flux was doing less AoE damage than intended when used in combination with his Arcane Mastery ability


    * Deceive
    o Cooldown increased to 11 from 10
    o Duration to 3.5 from 4 seconds
    * Hallucinate
    o Cooldown increased to 100/90/80 from 90/75/60
    o Duration reduced to 18 from 30
    o Guardian Angel no longer revives the clone although will apply the passive particle
    * Backstab (passive) bonus damage reduced to 20% from 25%
    * Two Shiv Poison no longer blinds the target
    * Jack In The Box will now break stealth upon cast


    * Feint duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 1.5 seconds
    * Stand United no longer shields Shen


    * Starcall mana cost reduced to 40/50/60/70/80 from 42/54/66/78/90
    * Astral Blessing mana cost increased to 90/110/130/150/170 from 80/100/120/140/160
    * Infuse will now infuse half of the mana value to the target, and half of the value to Soraka. Soraka will get the full benefit of Infuse when she casts it on herself.


    * Transfusion cast range reduced to 600 from 650
    * Tides of Blood buff duration increased to 10 from 8
    * Tides of Blood cast range increased to 620 from 570


    * Elixirs will now activate immediately if purchased when your inventory is full


    * Summoner Cleanse now removes Silence and Blind effects
    * Death Recap has been reprioritized to be more relevant to what caused a player's death
    * Bots will now properly respond to Taunt
    * Champions will now use the higher of their bonus attack damage or 40% of their ability power when dealing bonus damage to towers
    * Improved loading time by up to 25%
    * Users with slow machines should no longer be kicked out of the loading process if they take longer than the server expects
    * Added an option to turn of the snow particles on Summoner Rift (Winter)
    * Added two ignore options: "/ignore ally" for ignoring the allied team and "/ignore enemy" for ignoring the enemy team
    * Line Missile targeting status now is properly represented in the options menu
    * Fixed a bug where gravity based spells would not immediately apply damage
    * Fixed a bug where the HUD scaling option would not work the first time the game client loaded
    * Fixed a client crash that would occur when loading into the game with a key pressed down, which was commonly occurring when using third party applications such as Ventrilo or Teamspeak
    * Fixed several client crashes
    * Fixed several server crashes[/spoil]
  14. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Release Notes v1.0.0.100

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Cowgirl Miss Fortune
    * Waterloo Miss Fortune
    * Veigar Greybeard
    * Shurima Desert Zilean
    * Commando Garen

    PVP.net v1.18.13

    * You can now request a trade with other players at the end of Draft Mode
    * Updated the integrated Adobe Air runtime to version 2.0
    * Added new bundle images to the Store

    League of Legends v1.0.0.100
    Miss Fortune - The Bounty Hunter

    * Strut (passive): Miss Fortune’s movement speed increases the longer she doesn’t get attacked.
    * Double Up: Fires a bullet at an enemy, damaging them and bouncing to another enemy behind them, dealing even more damage.
    * Impure Shots: Miss Fortune passively deals increased damage to an enemy the more times she attacks them. Can be activated to give increased attack speed and lower healing received by targets that she attacks.
    * Make It Rain: A flurry of bullets is fired into the air which soon land at a target location, dealing damage and slowing enemies inside of it over a few seconds.
    * Bullet Time (ultimate): Miss Fortune hysterically unleashes a massive barrage of bullets into a cone in front of her, channeling for a few seconds and causing large amounts of damage to enemies.


    * Fixed a display error with Twin Disciplines and death recap
    * Shadow Dance can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Headbutt can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Unbreakable Will tooltip corrected to state that it removes all crowd control but not all debuffs
    * Pulverize tooltip corrected to not imply that enemies do not take damage until they land.
    * Base attack speed and attack speed per level increased to be approximately at the level of Rammus


    * Bandage Toss can no longer be cast while rooted.
    * Curse of the Sad Mummy corrected to state that enemies are rooted and cannot attack or move
    * Cursed Touch Magic Resistance reduction reduced to 15/25/35 from 20/30/40


    * Corrected the buff tooltip on Molten Shield so it correctly states that all attackers receive magic damage


    * Fixed a display error with Vorpal Spikes and death recap
    * Feral Scream silence duration reduced to 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 seconds from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds
    * Feral Scream cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 16 seconds


    * Attack range increased to 550 from 500
    * Valkyre can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Missile Barrage reload time reduced to 10 from 14
    * Attack speed per evel increased to 2.3 from 1.86

    Dr. Mundo

    * Infected Cleaver cost changed to 50/60/70/80/90 from 30/50/70/90/110
    * Dr. Mundo is now healed for half of the ability cost when Infected cleaver strikes a target
    * Burning Agony cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 20/27.5/35/42.5/50
    * Masochism cost changed to 25/35/45/55/65 from 15/30/45/60/75
    * Sadism now returns 40/55/70 percent of Mundo's health instead of 50/50/50


    * Base damage reduced to 45 from 47.6
    * Damage per level reduced to 2.6 from 3
    * Attack Speed per level reduced to 2.8 from 3.22
    * Arcane Shift can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Mystic Shot damage reduced to 35/55/75/95/115 from 40/65/90/115/140
    * Essence Flux mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120


    * Fixed a display error with Grog Soaked Blade and death recap
    * Fixed a bug where Gangplank's passive would be replaced with the Grog Soaked Blade debuff text when struck by another Gangplank


    * Courage maximum armor/magic resistance reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 7/14/21/28/35


    * Fixed a display error with the tooltip on Barrel Roll's self buff
    * Body Slam can no longer be cast while rooted


    * UPGRADE!!! tooltip updated to correctly state that the slow is actually 20/25/30 not 25/30/35


    * Nether Blade's level up tooltip now correctly states the increased mana cost
    * Riftwalk can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Shunpo can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Wall of Pain's level up tooltip now correctly states the increased slow amount


    * Reckoning's debuff and death recap tooltips have been corrected


    * Living Artillery's buff on Kog'Maw now correctly states that the increased cost per stack is 40


    * Unstoppable Force can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Call of the Void cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10 seconds
    * Null Zone mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 90/105/120/135/150
    * Null Zone no longer places a blank buff on Malzahar
    * Malzahar's Voidlings will now attack the target affected by Malzahar's most recently cast Malefic Visions
    * Nether Grasp now suppresses summoner spells in addition to stunning the target
    * Nether Grasp range increased to 750 from 650

    Master Yi

    * Wuju Style tooltip simplified
    * Alpha Strike can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Fury of the Sands buff on Nasus no longer incorrectly states that it grants increased attack speed


    * Pounce can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Cougar form's tooltip now correctly mentions the 10% bonus dodge chance Nidalee gains in Cougar Form
    * Corrected a display error with Takedown and death recap


    * Corrected a display error with Pantheon's auto attack and death recap.
    * Aegis of Zeonia can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Grand Skyfall can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Heroic Charge can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Deceive can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Shadow Dash can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Stand United can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Typos corrected in the level up tooltips for Spell Shield and Boomerang Blade.


    * Starcall debuff now correctly states that it can stack up to 20 times


    * Imbue base heal reduced to 80/120/160/200/240 from 100/145/190/235/280
    * Imbue ability power ratio increased to 1.1 from 0.9


    * Rocket Jump debuff now correctly states the slow amount
    * Rocket Jump can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Spinning Slash can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Spray and Pray buff no longer incorrectly states that he does reduced damage during Spray and Pray

    Twisted Fate

    * Gate can no longer be cast while rooted; Destiny can still be cast while rooted.


    * Fixed a typo in Event Horizon's tooltip


    * Hemoplague's debuff will now grant assists even if it does not deal damage to the target


    * Blood Scent is now a toggle
    * Infinite Duress can no longer be cast while rooted

    Xin Zhao

    * Audacious Charge can no longer be cast while rooted

    Summoner Spells

    * Flash can no longer be cast while rooted
    * Teleport can no longer be cast while rooted


    * Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force's "reservoir" system has been removed. These items will now strictly respect the cooldown time between procs. The cooldown has been reduced to 2 second delays between procs from 3 seconds.
    * Spirit Visage redesigned
    o Comprised of Null-Magic Mantle, Ruby Crystal, and 375 recipe cost.
    o +30 Magic Resist
    o +200 Health
    o UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 12% and increases your healing and regeneration effects on yourself by 20%.
    * Tear of the Goddess
    o New Recipe: Meki Pendant + Mana Crystal + 205G.
    o Now gives 350 Mana and 7 Mana Regen per 5
    * New Item: Manamune
    o Recipe consists of Tear of the Goddess + Long Sword + 500 recipe cost.
    o + 350 Mana
    o + 7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    o + 20 Attack Damage
    o UNIQUE Passive: 2% of your maximum mana is converted to attack damage.
    o UNIQUE Passive: Whenever your champion attacks, they gain 1 max mana (2 second cooldown.) Whenever your champion uses an ability, they gain 4 max mana (3 second cooldown.) Bonus mana caps at 1000.
    * Randuin's Omen tooltip updated to state the correct slow amount
    * Guardian Angel now revives Champions at 750 health and 375 mana instead of 40% health and mana
    * Regrowth Pendant cost reduced to 435 from 450
    * Philosopher's Stone has a new recipe: Faerie Charm + Regrowth Pendant + 185 recipe cost.


    * Abilities with movement or teleport based components now cannot be cast while rooted.
    * Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser, Infinite Duress and Nether Grasp now properly suppress and stun their targets.
    * Suppression prevents summoner spells from being cast, and makes the ability immune to duration reduction effects such as that granted by Mercury's Treads.
    * Towers currently attacking a champion will no longer respond to further calls for help from other champions.
    * Improved many of the "playing as" and "playing against" tips that display in death recap.
    * Updated the splash logo that appears upon loading into the game client to match the new League of Legends logo
    * Fixed a bug that caused purple cannon minions to deal and receive normal damage from towers.
    * Fixed a bug that caused super minions to receive normal damage from towers.


    * Added a second taunt


    * Fixed a bug causing the Powerball sound to continue after Rammus hit his target
    * Fixed timing issues with basic attacks


    * Tweaked volume level of skill sounds

    Xin Zhao

    * Tweaked volume level of skill sounds[/spoil]
  15. herokiller94

    herokiller94 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    [spoil]New Skins in the Store Muse Sona
    Pentakill Sona
    Pentakill Mordekaiser
    King Tryndamere
    Queen Ashe
    edit PVP.net v1.19.14 Users who are Level 30 will now be blocked from buying XP boosts from the Store, as they cannot earn further XP
    Improved the matchmaking algorithm to match more effectively
    Added a ticker to PVP.net to provide helpful information regarding the current server status
    Fixed a bug where users could get non-functioning ban buttons for a Practice Game they were not the owner of
    Fixed a bug where users were not properly notified if they searched for an invalid Summoner Name
    Fixed a bug where the wrong map images would display in Practice Game lobbies
    Fixed a bug where renaming Rune Pages would not show up properly in Champion Selection
    Fixed a bug with the Rune Combiner tooltips
    Fixed a bug with viewing other users' Rune Books
    Fixed a bug where Bots could not be removed if a Practice Game changed ownership
    Fixed a bug where users in chat rooms were not showing up in the Invite Screen
    Fixed a bug where the Chat Room button was slightly misaligned
    edit League of Legends v1.0.0.101 File:SonaSquare.png Sona, the Maven of the Strings

    Hymn of Valor: Sona plays the Hymn of Valor, granting nearby allied champions bonus Damage and Ability Power. Additionally, casting this ability sends out bolts of sound, dealing magic damage to the nearest two enemy champions or monsters.
    Aria of Perseverance: Sona plays the Aria of Perseverance, granting nearby allied champions bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Additionally, casting this ability sends out healing melodies, healing Sona and a nearby wounded ally.
    Song of Celerity: Sona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allied champions bonus Movement Speed. Additionally, casting this ability energizes nearby allies with a burst of speed.
    Crescendo (Ultimate): Sona plays her ultimate chord, forcing enemy champions to dance, taking magic damage over time.
    Power Chord (passive): After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals bonus magic damage. Additionally, Sona's Auras persist for 3 seconds after deactivating and set off a 2 second global cooldown.

    Power Fist now resets the auto-attack timer

    Terrify will now grant assists

    Courage damage reduction reduced to 30% from 35%
    Perseverance is no longer removed by combat dehancing effects such as Warwick's Blood Scent
    Fixed various bugs that caused Garen's Demacian Justice to fizzle sometimes

    Explosive Cask now interacts properly with spell shields like Banshee's Veil

    Counter Strike now has a buff that shows the duration of the effect

    Death Defied (passive) has been remade to fix some of the bugs and usability issues
    Death Defied now also grants 20% death timer reduction to compensate for the 8 seconds Karthus is active after dying

    Lightning Rush is no longer castable while disabled

    Nether Blade mana cost reduced to 25 from 30/40/50/60/70
    Riftwalk no longer shows cast particles over fog of war
    Riftwalk now leaves a buff showing the duration of the increased cost and damage of subsequent casts

    Shunpo no longer ignores enemy spell shields like Banshee's Veil
    Killer Instincts no longer reduces true damage when used with Shunpo

    Fixed a bug where Caustic Spittle was giving multiplicative attack speed rather than base

    Defensive Ball Curl can now be cancelled

    Fixed a bug where {{ai|Jack In The Box|Shacng enemies didn't grant an assist

    Fling now deals damage at the start of the spell rather than when the target hits the ground

    Radiance now has a brief cooldown when activated with the goal of preventing quick cancellation after initiation

    The first attack after breaking stealth will now benefit from the bonus attack speed of Ambush
    Ambush will now provide its attack speed bonus if you break stealth by casting a spell

    Fixed a bug where Transfusion was not restoring enough health from Spell Vamp (not how much the spell heals normally)
    Fixed a bug where Transfusion's tooltip showed it restoring less health than it did
    Crimson Pact (passive) no longer heals Vladimir when his Ability Power increases

    Chrono Shift duration reduced to 13 seconds from 15
    Chrono Shift cooldown increased to 180 seconds at all levels from 180/160/140 seconds
    [edit] Summoner Spells Ghost movement speed increase reduced to 27% from 32%
    Haste utility mastery movement speed increase reduced to 6% from 8%
    [edit] Items Sheen proc damage raised to 100% from 80%
    Trinity Force proc damage raised to 150% from 130%
    Combine cost increased to 700. Total cost is now 2110.
    Unique passive conversion percent dropped to 1.5% from 2%
    Unique passive changed to: Each time you attack, you gain one maximum mana (3 second cooldown.) Each time you use an ability, you gain four maximum mana (3 second cooldown.) Bonus caps at 1000.
    Innervating Locket (remake)
    Combine cost reduced to 450 from 850. New total cost is 2250.
    +430 Health
    +450 Mana
    Unique Aura: Nearby allies gain 20 hp/5 and 9 mp/5.
    Unique Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%
    Unique Passive: When you cast a spell, you regenerate 50 health and 20 mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown and no longer affects allies.
    New Item: Kindlegem
    Recipe consists of Ruby Crystal + 425 gold
    +200 Health
    UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%
    New Item: Shurelya's Reverie
    Recipe consists of Kindlegem + Philosopher's Stone + 500 gold
    +330 Health
    +25 Health Regen per 5 sec
    +12 Mana Regen per 5 sec
    UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15%
    UNIQUE Active: Nearby champions gain 40% movement speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown)
    Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage
    Vision Wards and Sight Wards now show their remaining duration (in seconds) in their mana bar. Both teams can see the remaining duration.
    Sunfire Cape no longer deals damage when held by a clone.
    Boots of Mobility's effect is no longer removed by combat dehancers such as Warwick's Blood Scent
    [edit] General Fixed a bug where some knock up and knock away spells failed to interrupt enemy channeled spells
    Fixed a bug where Summoner Teleport refreshed your W slot's cooldown when used
    Fixed a bug where the aggro outline was not appearing
    Disconnected players will now run home if their Blue Pill is interrupted
    Disconnected players now gain 1000 Magic Resist after 1 minute of continuous disconnection
    The Dragon on Twisted Treeline no longer grants his buff to dead allied champions
    The Dragon buff on Twisted Treeline now has a proper cooldown timer
    Decreased loading time by up to 30% depending on the hardware
    Fixed several client crashes
    [/spoil] release note v1.0.0.101
  16. Kentiny

    Kentiny Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Pussies Destroyer
    Sona, the Maven of the Strings - Champion Spotlight

    [spoil]Sona is an exceptionally potent support champion. Her main draw over other support champions is her ability to hasten her teammates’ movement speed. With this advantage, Sona applies well to very mobile strategies with teams who want to out-position their enemies. Thus, she can be extremely useful with split pushes or heavily gank-oriented strategies.

    When playing her, I try to get the new item, Shurelya’s Firecrest, for the regeneration and cooldown as well as that extra boost of movement speed on demand. My main draw is Mejai’s Soulstealer, though. If you position yourself well, you shouldn’t die in most fights, allowing you to stack up your Mejai’s with assists. Afterwards, I find Innervating Locket and Zhonya’s Ring to be very effective items. The massive ability power, huge regeneration bonuses and 40% cooldown reduction are really effective on Sona.


    My skill order is:
    Hymn of Valor
    Aria of Perseverance
    Song of Celerity
    Aria of Perseverance
    Aria of Perseverance
    Aria of Perseverance
    Song of Celerity
    Aria of Perseverance
    Song of Celerity
    Song of Celerity
    Song of Celerity
    Hymn of Valor
    Hymn of Valor
    Hymn of Valor
    Hymn of Valor

    My item build is:
    Mana Manipulator
    Philosopher’s Stone
    Boots of Speed -> Boots of Swiftness
    Mejai’s Soulstealer
    Shurelya’s Firecrest
    Innervating Locket
    Zhonya’s Ring
    Guardian Angel[/spoil]
  17. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.102

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Bilgewater Swain
    * Northern Front Swain
    * Professor Ryze
    * Tango Evelynn
    * Tango Twisted Fate

    PVP.net v1.20.10

    * Improved matchmaking specifically for the Solo Ranked Queue
    * Refactored back end stats processing. This change will temporarily remove the display of matches in your Recent Matches list, however these games will still count towards your lifetime statistics.
    * Fixed a bug where the patcher was not displaying news correctly
    * Fixed a bug where players could use skins that they did not own

    League of Legends v1.0.0.102

    Swain, the Master Tactician

    * Decrepify - Swain sets his raven to cripple an enemy. Over the next three seconds, the target takes damage over time and is slowed.
    * Nevermove - Swain marks a target area. After a short delay, mighty talons grab hold of enemy units dealing damage and rooting them.
    * Torment - Swain afflicts his target, dealing damage to them over time and causing them to take increased damage from Swain's attacks.
    * Ravenous Flock (Ultimate) - Toggle: Swain transforms into the form of a raven, during this time up to 3 lesser ravens strike out at nearby enemies each second. Swain is healed for half the damage dealt by the Ravens.
    * Carrion Renewal (Passive) - Swain gains increased mana regeneration for 5 seconds upon killing a unit.


    * Cursed Touch duration reduced to 4 from 5


    * Base movement speed reduced to 315 from 320
    * Courage duration modified to 3 at all levels from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4
    * Courage active damage reduction changed to 10/15/20/25/30% from 30% at all levels


    * Bio-Arcane Barrage cooldown increased to 17 from 15 at all levels


    * Attack range increased to 425 from 400


    * Sanguine Pool
    o Duration reduced to 2 seconds from 2.5
    o Slow duration increased to 1.5 seconds from 1 second
    o Damage per second changed to 20/33.75/47.5/61.25/75 retaining the same overall damage
    o Fixed a bug where Sanguine Pool wasn't dealing enough damage


    * Manamune attack damage conversion increased to 2% from 1.5%[/spoil]
  18. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.103

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Spellthief Lux
    * Sorceress Lux
    * Zombie Ryze
    * Kitty Cat Katarina
    * Pumkinhead Fiddlesticks
    * Nosferatu Vladimir
    * Lollipoppy
    * Mundo Mundo

    PVP.net v1.21.16

    * The Store and the Journal of Justice will now glow when there is new content available
    * Fixed a bug where Ranked Games were showing up as Normal Games in the Match History
    * Fixed a bug with the Ticker where new messages would not show up properly on login
    * Fixed a bug with the Ticker where it would show up when no message was posted
    * Fixed a bug where PVP.net would sometimes be delayed in restoring after a game was finished
    * Fixed a bug where users could not remove a private chat once it had been opened
    * Fixed a network issue that was causing some performance related issues in PVP.net
    * Fixed a bug at the End of Game screen that was causing odd player list orders when someone would leave the room

    League of Legends v1.0.0.103
    Lux, the Lady of Luminosity

    * Light Binding: Fires a ball of light towards a target location, binding the units hit. The units take magic damage. Can hit up to two targets with the second target receiving a reduced effect.
    * Prismatic Barrier: Lux throws her wand and bends the light around any friendly target it touches, protecting them from enemy damage.
    * Lucent Singularity: Creates a zone that slows enemy units (zone lasts 5 seconds). Can be detonated to deal magic damage to enemies in the area.
    * Finales Funkln (Ultimate): After a short delay, Lux fires a beam of light in front of her dealing damage to all enemy units in the area.
    * Illumination (Passive): Lux's damaging spells illuminate the target for 6 seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the debuff, dealing magic damage to the target.


    * Health per level increased to 70 from 65
    * Base damage increased to 48 from 45


    * Bandage Toss cooldown reduced to 16/14/12/10/8 from 18/16/14/12/10
    * Curse of the Sad Mummy duration reduced to 2 from 2.5


    * Mana per Level increased to 40 from 36
    * Static Field cooldown reduced to 30 from 40
    * Static Field no longer targets stealthed units
    * Overdrive
    o Cooldown reduced to 15 from 20
    o Mana cost reduced to 75 from 90
    o Now reduces movement speed by 75 instead of 25% , which also fixes an edge case bug
    * Mana Barrier no longer uses (or refunds) Blitzcrank's mana when it is activated


    * Rupture cooldown reduced to 9 from 10
    * Rupture mana cost changed to 90 at all levels from 80/90/100/110/120
    * Vorpal Spikes is now classified as an area of effect spell for the sake of items like Rylai's Scepter or Hextech Revolver


    * Gatling Gun mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/75/90/105/120
    * Phosphorous Bomb mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130


    * Determined Killer (passive) tooltip clarified to explain it does not work on neutral minions.
    * Shadow Walk
    * Fixed a bug with Shadow Walk where you could stun towers
    * Fixed a bug with Shadow Walk where autoattacking would break stealth even if the attack was canceled
    * Ravage no longer has back facing requirement in order to gain the extra effect
    * Malice and Spite lifegain changed to a flat 350/500/650 upon kill or assist
    * Malice and Spite's active now has a 90 second cooldown and refreshes whenever an enemy champion dies
    * Stats
    o Base health increased to 500 from 475
    o Health per level increased from 86 to 76
    o Mana regen per level increased to 0.4 from 0.25
    o Base mana regen increased to 5 from 3.85.
    * Additional note: these changes do not represent the final remake on Evelynn. These are simple usability fixes for her current design.


    * Essence Flux ability power ratio increased to .7 from .6
    * Trueshot Barrage abiilty power ratio increased to .8 from .7


    * Drain cooldown reduced to 10 from 12
    * Drain mana Cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 80/100/120/140/160
    * Dark Wind cooldown reduced to 14 from 15


    * Righteous Gust mana cost increased to 80/85/90/95/100 from 70/75/80/85/90
    * Resolute Smite mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80
    * Idol of Durand mana cost increased to 100/150/200 from 100/145/190
    * Idol of Durand duration reduced to 2 from 2.5


    * Judgment can no longer damage invisible minions or objects like wards


    * Barrel Roll cooldown reduced to 11/10/9/8/7 from 12/11/10/9/8
    * Barrel Roll now slows attack speed by 20/25/30/35/40%
    * Drunken Rage cooldown reduced to 25 from 30
    * Body Slam cooldown increased to 7 from 6
    * Explosive Cask no longer slows attack speeds


    * Equipment Mastery tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically
    * Leap Strike
    o Cast time reduced by 20%
    o Travel speed increased by 20%
    o Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.8
    * Empower
    o Now only deals damage to a single target rather than to an area of effect
    o Now resets Jax’s autoattack timer when cast
    o Damage increased to 75/110/145/180/215 from 40/60/80/100/120
    o Ability power and damage ratios increased to 0.4 from 0.2
    o Mana cost reduced to 20 from 35
    o Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5/5/5/5/5
    o Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage
    o Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.
    * Counter Strike damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 80/100/120/140/160
    * Relentless Assault
    o New Active: Grants 20/35/50 + Jax's dodge percent in bonus magic resistance for 5/6.5/8 seconds upon activation. Costs 80 mana. Cooldown of 60/60/60 seconds.
    o Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks which Jax is benefitting from
    o Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of Relentless Assault
    * Recommended items updated


    * Lay Waste mana cost reduced to 20/26/32/38/44 from 20/28/36/44/52
    * Wall of Pain cooldown reduced to 18 from 22
    * Death Defied now allows all spells to be free to cast while defying death
    * Fixed several usability bugs with Death Defied


    * Nether Blade cooldown reduced to 12 from 15


    * Death Lotus now fires blades at three targets at all levels


    * Fixed several bugs with Icathian Surprise to be more consistent


    * Seismic Shard cooldown reduced to 8 from 10
    * Unstoppable Force cooldown reduced to 130/115/100 from 140/125/110
    * Fixed a bug with Ground Slam causing it to look like it had shorter range than it actually did


    * Nether Grasp range reduced to 700 from 750
    * Call of the Void mana cost reduced to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/100/110/120/130
    * Null Zone mana cost changed to 90/100/110/120/130 from 80/95/110/125/140

    Miss Fortune

    * Bullet Time range reduced to 1400 from 1500
    * Bullet Time scaling reduced to 40% of damage per shot from 45%
    * Strut maximum movement speed bonus reduced to 70 from 80
    * Double Up bounce range reduced to 500 from 575


    * Dark Binding hitbox size reduced
    * Black Shield ability power ratio reduced to .8 from 1
    * Soul Shackles ability power ratio reduced to .9 from 1
    * Soul Shackles damage reduced to 175/250/325 from 175/250/350


    * Siphoning Strike now resets autoattacks


    * Base damage increased to 53 from 50


    * Devastating Blow now resets autoattacks


    * Movement speed increased to 310 from 305
    * Base Mana regen increased to 4.5 from 3.75
    * Powerball cooldown reduced to 10 from 11
    * Defensive Ball Curl cooldown reduced to 14 from 15
    * Defensive Ball Curl now scales on 10% of Rammus's total armor
    * Puncturing Taunt mana cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 50/65/80/95/110
    * Fixed several bugs with Puncturing Taunt to make it more responsive


    * Jack in the Box cast range reduced to 400 from 500
    * Jack in the Box can no longer be cast inside walls


    * Stats
    o Magic resistance reduced to 30 from 35
    o Base health increased to 448 from 429
    o Health per level increased to 82 from 78
    * Mega Adhesive mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120
    * Fling cooldown reduced to 10 from 11.5
    * Insanity Potion cooldown reduced to 100 from 120
    * Insanity Potion no longer has a cast time or animation


    * Death's Caress no longer has a cast animation
    * Death's Caress shield reduced to 110/160/210/260/310 from 120/170/220/270/320


    * On the Hunt attack speed bonus increased to 30/60/90% from 25/45/65%
    * On the Hunt now provides 1/3 of the attack speed bonus to allies
    * Spell Shield mana return increased to 150 from 125
    * Spell Shield cooldown reduced to 22/19/16/13/10 from 28/24/20/16/12


    * Decrepify
    o Ability power ratio increased to 0.9 from 0.75
    o Fixed a bug where Decrepify would slow through Highlander or Ragnarok
    o Fixed a bug where the damage portion sometimes would not stop after leaving the area
    * Nevermore ability power ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.5
    * Torment damage increased to 75/115/155/195/235 from 72/110/148/186/224
    * Torment ability power ratio increased to 0.8 from 0.6
    * Carrion Renewal regen increased to 300% from 250%


    * Imbue mana cost increased to 80/95/110/125/140 from 70/85/100/115/130
    * Imbue heal reduced to 60/100/140/180/220 from 70/110/150/190/230


    * Stats
    o Base movespeed increased to 305 from 300
    o Base damage reduced to 47.5 from 51.3
    o Damage per level reduced to 3.0 from 3.3
    * Camouflage
    o Fade time reduced to 2.0 seconds from 3.0
    o Being invulnerable will now prevent Teemo from Camouflaging. Specifically, Zhonya's Ring and Guardian Angel's effects will block Camouflage while they are active.
    o Recalling and Teleporting will now prevent Teemo from Camouflaging
    * Blinding Dart
    o Duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 from 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
    o Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
    * Move Quick's tooltip will now update to display the effects of cooldown reduction
    * Toxic Shot per tick damage reduced to 6/12/18/24/30 from 8/14/21/28/35
    * Toxic Shot on-hit damage increased to 9/18/27/36/45 from 8/14/21/28/35
    * Noxious Trap
    o Teemo now gains a "stored mushroom" charge every 30/26/22 seconds. Maximum three charges
    o Each cast requires and consumes a charge
    o Time to gain a charge is reduced by cooldown reduction effects
    o Time to gain next charge does not progress while you are at maximum charges
    o Teemo always has two charges stored upon reviving at base
    o Cooldown on placing a trap reduced to 1 second from 20
    o Damage changed to 250/475/700 from 350/500/650
    * Recommended items updated


    * Bloodlust cooldown reduced to 12/11/10/9/8 from 14/13/12/11/10
    * Bloodlust damage per stack increased to 5 from 3
    * Spinning Slash cooldown reduced to 8 from 9
    * Spinning Slash area of effect increased to 225 from 185

    Twisted Fate

    * Pick a Card Blue Card damage/mana return increased to 40/60/80/100/120 from 30/45/60/75/90


    * Debilitating Poison now has a range indicator
    * Expunge now has a range indicator
    * Deadly Venom duration reduced to 6 from 8


    * Removed "Recommended" tag
    * Heat Seeking Missiles can no longer hit invisible minions or objects like wards
    * Corrosive Charge no longer will lock onto invisible minions or objects like wards


    * Chronoshift now removes most positive buffs from your champion when it activates. For example, Soraka's Astral Blessing, Garen's Judgment, and Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm will now be removed.


    * Guardian Angel now removes most positive buffs from your champion when it activates. For example, Soraka's Astral Blessing, Garen's Judgment, and Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm will now be removed.
    * Last Whisper unique armor penetration now functions with abilities (but still not against turrets)
    * Soul Shroud has a new recipe: Kindlegem + Ruby Crystal + Mana Manipulator + 485 gold. Stats remain unchanged.
    * Kindlegem recipe price lowered to 375 from 425
    * Shurelya's Reverie recipe price increased to 550 from 500, total price unchanged from the previous patch
    * Malady (remake)
    o Recipe changed to: Dagger + Dagger + Amplifying Tome + 550 gold = 1825 total cost
    o Base stats changed to +50% attack speed, +25 ability power
    o Unique Passive changed to: Your physical attacks shred your target doing 20 magic damage and reducing their magic resistance by 6.
    o Magic resistance reduction stacks up to 4 times.
    * Warmog's Armor
    o Combine cost reduced to 980 from 1100
    o Base stats increased to 920 health from 770 health
    o Bonuses now cap at 450 health and 15 hp/5
    o Unique Passive changed to: Permanently gain 4.5 health and .15 health regen per 5 sec per minion kill. Champion kills and assists grant 45 health and 1.5 health Regen per 5 sec. Bonuses cap at +450 health, and +15 health Regen per 5.
    * Atma's Impaler unique passive tooltip clarified to state that it adds to your bonus attack damage
    * Rod of Ages base stats increased to 450 health, 525 mana and 60 ability power from 360 health, 425 mana and 50 ability power
    * Rod of Ages bonus cap reduced to 180 health, 200 mana and 20 ability power, from 270 health, 300 mana and 30 ability power
    * Fixed a bug that allowed Quicksilver Sash to be affected by cooldown reduction
    * Quicksilver Sash cooldown reduced to 105 seconds from 120 seconds


    * Lesser Mark, Mark, and Greater Mark of Desolation armor penetration reduced by 15%
    * Lesser Mark, Mark, and Greater Mark of Strength damage increased by 200%
    * Lesser Mark, Mark, and Greater Mark of Might damage per level increased by 35%
    * Lesser Glyph, Glyph, and Greater Glyph of Strength damage increased by 200%
    * Lesser Glyph, Glyph, and Greater Glyph of Might damage per level increased by 35%
    * Lesser Seal, Seal, and Greater Seal of Strength damage increased by 200%
    * Lesser Seal, Seal, and Greater Seal of Might damage increased by 35%
    * Lesser Quintessence, Quintessence, and Greater Quintessence of Desolation armor penetration reduced by 15%


    * Zooming in will now match its previous functionality where scrolling results in zooming in instead of zooming out
    * Summoner Flash no longer breaks stealth
    * Updated selection radii for a number of champions


    * Pentakill Mordekaiser's size has been increased[/spoil]
  19. Blackowl

    Blackowl Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    release note v1.0.0.104

    [spoil]New Skins in the Store

    * Prestigious LeBlanc
    * Wicked LeBlanc
    * Perseus Pantheon
    * Pharaoh Nasus
    * Divine Soraka

    PVP.net v1.22.13

    * Users will now be placed back into the matchmaking queue in the exact state they were prior to a queue dodge occurring, which should result in faster matches after having a game dissolved
    * Optimized the general and background performance of PVP.net
    * Fixed a bug where the reconnect to chat button would not appear if a user logged in while chat was down

    League of Legends v1.0.0.104
    LeBlanc, the Deceiver

    * Sigil of Silence: LeBlanc projects an orb towards her target, dealing magic damage and marking the target for 3.5 seconds. If the target takes damage from one of Leblanc's abilities, the mark will trigger, dealing damage and silencing the target.
    * Distortion: LeBlanc rapidly moves to a target location, dealing magic damage to nearby units. In the following 3 seconds, she can activate Distortion again to return to her starting location.
    * Ethereal Chains: LeBlanc flings illusionary chains towards a target location. If it hits an enemy unit, it will deal initial magic damage and slow their movement speed by 25%. If the target remains shackled for 2 seconds, the target takes additional magic damage and is unable to move.
    * Mimic (Ultimate): LeBlanc can cast the previous spell she cast. The mimicked spell deals significantly increased damage. 30 second cooldown.
    * Mirror Image (Passive): When LeBlanc is brought below 40% health, she instantly becomes stealthed for half a second. When the stealth fades, she creates a Mirror Image that deals no damage and lasts for up to 8 seconds. This can only occur once per minute.


    * The time to gain Essence of Shadow charges is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects. The time to gain the next charge does not progress while Akali is at maximum charges


    * Magic resistance per level increased to 1.25 from 0


    * Valkyrie range increased to 800 from 700
    * Valkyrie base speed increased to 650 from 500
    * Missile Barrage
    o Missile Barrage now scales off 20% of Corki's total attack damage in addition to ability power
    o Updated the tooltip to reflect that a Big One deals twice as much damage as a normal missile
    o The time to store a missile is now reduced by cooldown reduction effects
    o The time to store the next missile does not progress while you are at maximum missiles
    o Corki respawns with 4 missiles

    Dr. Mundo

    * Magic resistance per level increased to 0.75 from 0.5


    * Essence Flux attack speed increase changed to be additive rather than multiplicative
    * Essence Flux cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10 seconds
    * Trueshot Barrage ability power ratio increased to 0.9 from 0.8


    * Dark Wind cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 14
    * Drain
    o Damage increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 50/75/100/130/160
    o Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 from 10
    o Ability power ratio increased to 0.48 per second from 0.4
    o Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6


    * Empower now properly procs Rylai's Scepter


    * Bouncing Blade cooldown reduced to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 from 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
    * Killer Instinct cooldown reduced to 20/18/16/14/12 from 22/20/18/16/14


    * Updated PVP.Net tags and character ratings
    * Updated Recommended Items
    * Finales Funkeln ability power ratio increased to .85 from .75


    * Fixed a bug where the Unstoppable Force wouldn't last long enough. Unstoppable Force now stuns for 1.5 seconds up from 1 second at all ranks.
    * Magic resistance per level increased to 1.25 from 0

    Miss Fortune

    * Ricochet Shot damage dealt to the secondary target reduced to 115% from 120%.
    * Make It Rain slow duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5 seconds


    * Mace of Spades
    o Base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 20/40/60/80/100
    o Now scales off of only bonus damage rather than all damage
    o Now deals 75% bonus damage if Mace of Spades only hits 1 target
    o Health cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 30/35/40/45/50
    o The main target of Mace of Spades now generates shield for Mordekaiser
    * Creeping Death
    o Base damage increased to 24/38/52/66/80 from 16/32/48/64/80
    o Ability power ratio increased to 0.2 from 0.15
    o Increased missile travel speed when casting Creeping Death on an ally
    * Siphon of Destruction
    o Damage reduced to 65/105/145/185/225 from 85/110/155/200/245
    o Ability power ratio increased to 0.6 from 0.4
    o Base shield generation reduced to 1/2/3/4/5 from 6/9/12/15/18
    * Children of the Grave
    o Now steals 24/29/34% of the target's maximum health over the duration up from 24/28/32%
    o Now deals half damage to the target initially and half damage over time
    o Duration increased to 10 seconds from 8
    o Total ability power ratio over the duration increased to 0.04 from 0.016
    o Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave was improperly blocked by Black Shield
    o Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Ability Power, reduced from 25%
    o Mordekaiser now gains 20% of the pet's Attack Damage, reduced from 25%
    * Children of the Grave Pet
    o The pet now gains 75% of Mordekaiser's ability power and damage at all 3 ranks and the ratio itself no longer increases with Mordekaiser's total ability power
    o Pet health bonus reduced to 15% from 50%
    o Fixed a bug where the pet was not generating shield for Mordekaiser when hitting inhibitors
    * Iron Man
    o Shield generation increased to 30% from 25%
    o Fixed a tooltip bug
    * General
    o Fixed bugs where several components of some spells generated shield equal to 20% of the damage dealt instead of 25%
    o Fixed bugs where several tooltips did not properly reflect cooldown values with cooldown reduction factored in
    o Fixed a bug where occasionally Mordekaiser could generate shield multiple times from a single source of damage (causing a huge spike)
    o Reworded/simplified several tooltips


    * Defensive Ball Curl damage return reduced to 22/28/34/40/46 from 26/32/38/44/50
    * Fixed a bug with Defensive Ball Curl where the tooltip was not displaying the proper bonus damage return


    * Boomerang Blade now scales with 75% of Sivir's attack damage
    * Boomerang Blade base damage reduced to 20/70/120/170/220 from 60/115/170/225/280
    * Health per level increased to 82 from 76


    * Fixed a bug with Song of Celerity where it was granting more movement speed than intended
    * Crescendo cooldown increased to 170/150/130 from 160/140/120


    * Noxious Traps no longer give any gold as a bounty when killed, down from 25
    * Noxious Traps now show their remaining duration when selected


    * Ambush attack speed reduced to 30/40/50/60/70% from 30/45/60/80/100%


    * Fixed some bugs where certain items would have their Tiger Stance damage cut down to 1/3. They now deal full damage on Tiger Hit. (Affected items are Madred's Razors, Wriggle's Lantern, Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force)


    * Trinity Force
    o Damage increased to 30 from 20
    o Attack Speed increased to 30% from 25%
    o Critical Strike increased to 15% from 12%
    o Mana reduced to 250 from 300
    o Health reduced to 250 from 300

    Summoner Spells

    * Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind and can now be removed by Cleanse


    * Fixed a bug where Chosen Master Yi's sword was missing a glow


    * Fixed Lux's "Choose Me" line in Champion Select [/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 5/11/10
  20. 00Satyr00

    00Satyr00 Dragon Quest

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    Theo Garena Việt Nam

    Chào đón nữ kiếm sĩ mới nhất gia nhập LoL - Irelia the Will of the Blades

    Written by Zenerik Sunday, 14 November 2010 00:37
    Riot Games vốn khá nổi tiếng với khả năng cho ra mắt Champion mới cho League of Legends mỗi 2-3 tuần, tuy nhiên, một số game thủ vẫn cho rằng như vậy là chưa đủ. Vì thế, hôm nay chúng ta cùng chào đón Champion mới nhất tham gia chiến trường League of Legends!

    Nếu bạn đã có một bản PC Gamer tháng 11, vậy chắc chắn bạn đã được chiêm ngưỡng Champion mới nhất của chúng tôi, nếu chưa; vậy hôm nay tôi xin được hân hạnh giới thiệu Irelia - the Will of the Blades. Ngoài việc là cái tên mới nhất trong danh sách những quý cô xinh đẹp tham gia League of Legends; Irelia còn đang là Đội trưởng của Đội bảo vệ thành phố Ionia - để biết rằng không có cái gọi là "giới hạn chức quyền" hay "phân biệt giới tính trong chức vụ" khi trong tay có khả năng điều khiển những thanh kiếm chỉ bằng ý nghĩ. Đừng đùa! Irelia mang tới một cách hiểu mới cho câu thành ngữ cổ "Bước đi nhẹ nhàng, nhưng mang theo đại đao.". Tôi nói thế đúng không nhỉ?

    Tiểu sử:

    Những người dân thành phố Ionia là những người sáng lập ra những phái võ thuật đẹp mắt và cũng nguy hiểm nhất trên toàn Runeterrra - một trong những cách họ thể hiện nỗ lực vươn tới sự khai sáng của mình. Tuy nhiên, phái kiếm thuật được coi là tuyệt vời nhất lại là sản phẩm lai với các trường phái bên ngoài. Sư phụ Lito từng là một trong những kiếm sĩ giỏi nhất, mọi người ở mọi thành phố, kể cả nhà cầm quyền, đều phải tìm đến ông. Bí mật về kiếm thuật của ông chưa bao giờ được tiết lộ, tuy nhiên, người ta tin rằng những thanh kiếm sống lại trong tay ông.

    Đáng tiếc, ông đã lâm trọng bệnh, một căn bệnh bí hiểm đã thách thức những y sĩ giỏi nhất cả vùng Runeterran. Khi ông trút hơi thở cuối cùng, ông để lại cho con trai và con gái mình; Zelos và Irelia, một thứ vũ khí có một không hai. Zelos sau đó nhập ngũ trong quân đội Ionia và ra đi tìm sự trợ giúp từ thành phố Demacia trước nguy cơ Ionia sẽ bị Noxus xâm lược. Irelia nhận trách nhiệm bảo vệ quê hương cho đến khi Zelos trở về, và cô đã chiến đấu một mình khi lực lượng quân xâm lược của Noxus tấn công.

    Người Ionia đã chiến đấu anh dũng, nhưng không được lâu. Máu người Ionia đổ xuống mảnh đất quê hương dưới gót giầy của quân xâm lược. Tại Placidium, nơi Cuộc tử thủ vĩ đại diễn ra, quân Ionia đã chuẩn bị đầu hàng, nhưng họ vẫn chiến đấu một khi Irelia trẻ tuổi vẫn giương cao thanh trường kiếm khổng lồ của cha cô, với lời thề quyết bảo vệ quê hương đến khi anh cô trở về. Giữa chiến trường hỗn loạn, Irelia đã bị nguyền rủa bởi thứ ma thuật hắc ám của Noxus. Vào giây phút cuối cùng của cuộc sống lẽ ra Irelia đã mất, Soraka, Hậu duệ của những vì sao, xuất hiện với những nỗ lực cuối cùng của cô nhằm níu kéo linh hồn của Irelia. Không đành lòng từ bỏ quê hương, Irelia đứng lên, ngay trên bờ vực của cái chết, với thanh kiếm của cha cô vẫn giương cao trên tay. Irelia quay trở lại tiền phương, với thanh kiếm nhẹ nhàng khiêu vũ xung quanh cô, theo điệu nhảy mang đến cái chết dành cho quân Noxus, trong khi họ vẫn đang chết đứng trong kinh ngạc. Bại quân Noxus buộc phải rút lui khỏi Placidium, Irelia được phong Đội trưởng đội bảo vệ thành phố Ionia. Và khi cuộc chiến bảo vệ Ionia chuyển chiến trường sang Field of Justice, Irelia tham gia League of Legends.

    "Những đường kiếm như múa lên một bức tranh bằng máu." - Báo cáo từ chiến trường phía Noxus.
    Các kỹ năng:


    Irelia xông tới mục tiêu và tấn công. Nếu mục tiêu chết bởi Bladesurge, Irelia được trả lại 1/2 số mana của Bladesurge và có thể sử dụng tiếp Bladesurge ngay lập tức.
    Hiten Style:
    Hiten Style cho phép Irelia có thể hồi HP thông qua tấn công vật lý*. Sử dụng Hiten Style khiến Irelia có thêm True Damage** với mỗi đòn đánh trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn.
    * Chưa rõ là Lifesteal hay giống như Life Tap của Shen.
    ** True Damage không thể bị giảm bởi bất kỳ thứ gì, trừ các skill Invulnerable (Intervention) hay Absorb Damage.
    Equilibrium Strike:
    Equilibrium Strike cho phép Irelia tấn công, gây damage và slow mục tiêu. Tuy nhiên, nếu mục tiêu có %HP cao hơn Irelia, thì Irelia sẽ stun mục tiêu thay vì slow.
    Transcendent Blades:
    Irelia triệu hồi 4 thanh kiếm, và cô có thể phóng chúng về phía đối phương. Những thanh kiếm này gây Magic Damage*, hút HP từ đối phương trúng đòn và hồi số HP đó cho Irelia khi trở về.
    Ionian Fervor:
    Irelia giảm hiệu quả Crowd Control trên mình với mỗi champ đối phương xung quanh (tối đa là 3).
    lovefc thích bài này.

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