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Thảo luận trong 'Thế giới cờ' bắt đầu bởi So_No_Mi, 9/6/09.

  1. TheTop

    TheTop Youtube Master Race

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  2. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

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    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 30/8/10
  3. NGUyen_gmhp

    NGUyen_gmhp Youtube Master Race

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    hic moi nguoi cho hoi minh dung engine HKC minh` may chay rat cham danh dc may nuoc thi khong chay nua~ co le qua tai chang minh` phai lam the nao thu` moi dung tot dc PC 2U ram 512 xin moi nguoi chi bao
  4. VoLamCongthanh

    VoLamCongthanh Youtube Master Race

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    Chơi cờ online nhiều mà của vng chơi bằng IE là được
  5. tienlienvietnam

    tienlienvietnam Youtube Master Race

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    Bro Tuangod ơi sao tui cho engine Bugchess vào sw bugchess bro đã up nhưng ko chơi được nhỉ. Ấn vô engine mấy lần thì nó đứng luôn. Bro có thể gửi luôn cả sw để cho engine vô hoặc cho engine vào đâu thì chơi được. Cám ơn rất nhiều
  6. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Search: hash, interpretation, set
    Unknown number of fellow chess player soft white stones set, is the summary about the principles and methods for use of reference.
    Hash table (hash) method of reading and chess software settings
    1. What is a hash table (Transposition / Hash tables), what settings?
    Yi-start the engine when the chess analysis of a situation, it is often "test" to go in a different order to reach the same situation, but chess, the program was to this situation and the situation of the evaluation value stored in memory, once the encounter to other's move to reach the same order but the situation changes, in other words, when calculating the "other" changes, but get there before the situation actually out of date, the program will save the re-valuation of the time.
    Hash table is a data structure to speed up search, its own principles or models to do a little math to understand the basis of programming. (Yi-chess engine is not as engaged in writing can be both)
    Yi-hash table with the chess programs, play a significant role. For example, when calculating how to take the chess, I might go after the first cursory car may go first car cursory, if their opponents should be a corresponding change, then finish the two-step move behind different order to reach exactly the same situation is .
    If I have calculated estimates of the situation, that's great. If I have calculated that the situation would have to re-calculate the estimated bad, and if so the computer to do so, it will take up a lot of time.
    The use of hash table is in this case prior to rapidly find the work has been completed (the valuation has been calculated). I can put a valuation with an "index" (hash key) stored in the table, that the purpose is to create a "unique identity", while the implementation process is very fast. I created the current situation an "index", and then see whether the index in the table have been saved. If it is, it depends on how much the value of the table. The valuation of the table so I do not need in-depth enough to re-calculate it? If so, then I just take the value out from the table, instead of calculating it again. This greatly saves time.
    Hash table is a non-specific data structures, it can easily be as Yi-chess program for other purposes. Speed of its implementation of the procedures is very large, we believe that a good hash table is a very necessary program functions.
    According to the procedure of the different types of this table there are several. First of all, there are pieces Kuha Xi table [original note: Actually, more accurately called a cache more], according to the designer Dieter Buerssner Yace explanation, it is ", and similar working principle of the disk cache, to avoid excessive disk access movement, so the pieces paragraph improve the speed after the procedure. "
    Some chess Yi-program [such as Goliath] In addition to the pieces Kuha Xi table outside the main hash table is only one, while other [such as Crafty] in the main table structure in addition to using soldiers hash table. Yi-Bringer chess program there is in addition to the table outside the library there are three pieces, namely, soldiers, valuation and situation of hash table. .
    2. That I should give how much memory space allocated hash table?
    Allocate more memory for the hash table space in general to improve the quality of chess. A Game for a long time and the faster your CPU, the hash table was quickly filled, it is set too large some help. However, if the bureau for a short time, set over a large space not only did not help, but may reduce the thinking depth, because there is too much access to action. Even if these negative did not happen for some of the engine (such as some versions of Crafty, and Chessmaster8000), they are clear every step chess hash table, so the hash table is large or even result in a delay of several seconds ( hit a patch of Chessmaster8000 and Chessmaster9000 do not have this problem.) If you are under the bureau quickly, of course, negative. 【Yi Zhu: Chessmaster8000/9000 can not be said, strictly speaking the "engine", but should be "software", or "procedure" is required. But the authors assume that the reader should clearly understand these basic concepts, not so strict
    So how much is too much?
    Writing for the chessbase • Steve Lopez, he recommended formula is: 2xCPU speed (in Mhz calculated) x average number of seconds the bureau each step, the outcome of the 1000 and then converted to M divided by the number of identified size, is that you allocate the memory for the hash table space. For example, if you let the engine 5 minutes walk 40 steps of the blitz, the use of the CPU speed is 1 Ghz (or 1000Mhz), according to the formula should be allocated for the hash table is the number of memory = 2x1000x (5x60/40) = 15000 K , divided by the 1000 conversion is 15M.
    But the question then comes, so the engine for each different figure out the size of the hash table are the same, without taking into account the speed of different search engines per second even if they 【similar level, the search speed may vary greatly in the】. Search engine to calculate how many per second, "nodes" (Node) to measure.
    Chessmaster Writing John • Merino proposed another formula, hash table size = 2x engine search nodes per second (NPS) x average number of seconds per step.
    Although this is only recommended for the Chessmaster while, but seems to be well adapted most of the engine, because it points directly to the section have been searching and therefore need to be assessed against the hash table size. However, this is still a rough proposal, I found it is usually higher than the result of a formula for the low, but do not know if This is more accurate. 【Yi Zhu: but if by the last two formulas, the result is smaller than the default even smaller lot. In addition it is also easy to set with the following methods are contradictory, so just for reference】
    Also, if you do not let the engine play against the engine, you could set the hash table up to half of your memory. The rest is left to use the Windows operating system, and the rest can not be too small, so that the system itself is not enough and frequent hard disk access occurred. If you let the engine play against the engine, put them in the hash table and set the memory size of half. But I must say, this is the low memory constraints of users, for example less than 256M memory of the user. Memory resources used by Windows itself has a limited number, so if you have a great memory, you do not comply with "50%" rule. For example you have 512M memory, probably can be set to the total number of 420M.
    If there are two or more hash table at the same time also add pieces Kuha Xi table, then each hash table to be assigned more difficult to determine how much memory. I think that there is no absolute shortcut through the engine again and again in different experiments and the experience gained, OK.
    We must note that different engines are not the same. Some engines even mandatory fixed-size hash table can not be changed. The other, many of them may be allowed to modify the size and distribution of any value will do. While Crafty is somewhere between the two, it allows modification of the size of the hash table, but only by integer increments (decrease).
    Cyclones set the meaning of simple
    Cyclone engine configuration file for the cyclone.ini, you can use a text editor to open, such as "Notepad."
    Commonly used to set parameters for the hash and threads. Cyclones set (with a simple translation)
    hash = 256 (hash value)
    Threads = 2 (number of threads)
    clear hash = flase BookFile = cyclone.bin
    Speeded Alwaysvar = 100
    Ponder = false (contemplation = false blitz select false)
    NullMove Pruning = Always (empty pruning)
    NullMove Reduction = 3 (empty decrease)
    History Pruning = true (historical trim, high-end low-end elections election true false)
    History Threshold = 70 (the historical threshold, the value of low-security, high value of sharpness)
    Delta Pruning = flase (incremental pruning, the Board elected to accelerate selection false true)
    Futility Pruning = true (in vain pruning, try different combinations)
    Futility Margin1 = 150 (incremental margin 1)
    Futility Margin2 = 300 (incremental margin 2)
    Verification Reduction = 5 (verification decrease)
    Verification Search = Always (verification search = always)
    Verification Search = Endgame (verification search = mess)
    Quiescence Check Plies = 1 (static checking layer)
    Delta Margin = 50 (incremental capacity limits)
    zevaluation options = 100 (evaluation of options)
    Note: Modify the cyclone.ini file, you must restart the "Chess Tornado" software to take effect.
    Set the contents of this post 1G memory, dual-core machine friends like more appropriate under the slow chess, in which the value can be changed according to the situation of their choice! !
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/9/10
  7. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Forum software these days and worse on a lot of controversies, mostly people will not be a better use of the land.
    Download a software to unzip, then open to see what the interface and engine, start library is how to open the RC file to see what the machine configuration is not suitable for your machine must change settings a little bit of patience until for your machine before they can go and rival reality check about the strong and weak software. (Open RC of documents in all possible ways to different software. Such as secret and cyclones can directly open the configuration file, and the Great Sage and Jones and so we must click on the subject of the RC file, use the selected program from the list, after the words The way to open.)
    Some people download that can not be used, do not take chess, the problem here. Set to 4 U and two U of software you make it hard to use a single U machine, said software is not good, make sense.
    For example, some cattle to pull Mercedes-Benz cars, walking in the mountain, said the car is not good, as his family's ox meter installation package, make sense?
    Have a good car to have a good driver can run up quite a way.
    My 1GCPU, 256M memory, starting at about 100 K200, in general, with the quite satisfactory. Key selected software and settings.
    Some friends do not understand that a good K value of the machine a certain interest in another job. This is just one. The quality of living and related software and interface with the engine, the start, there is an important factor, is set.
    I used my broken machine inside the QQ and Yi-day, and many people been to, talk to them know that their machines are not very good with the bad software, the software running very high value, but not on my K win value of the secret to run dozens of 102 K and cyclones 108, do not blame you blame? My 1GCPU, 256M memory, starting at about 100 K200. To choose the right software, learn to configure.
    How to set, in fact, the profile is a need to modify according to their own machines, and for beginners the two most important are the following:
    hash = 512, if your memory is not big enough, this value could be more appropriate to correct their faults
    threads = 2, single-core need to be amended to: threads = 1 forums have many such articles, and slowly find, will learn. I wish you all fun.
    But for beginners it is best not to touch the beginning of other items pruning, so as not to configure the table confused beyond recognition, thinking depth greatly reduced.

    Here are two software configuration for your reference;

    Tornado simple set

    Cyclone engine configuration file for the cyclone.ini, you can use a text editor to open, such as "Notepad." Commonly used to set parameters for the hash and threads.
    hash parameter is generally 64, 128, 256, etc., to configure the user's memory.
    threads parameter is only effective on the premium version. Desirable value of 2 to 4.
    For example:
    1. Ordinary Edition, 512M memory. Can be configured to:
    hash = 64
    hash = 128
    2. Advanced Edition, 1G RAM, E6300. Can be configured to:
    hash = 256
    threads = 2
    3. Advanced Edition, 1G memory, quad-core. Can be configured to:
    hash = 256
    threads = 4

    Note: Modify the cyclone.ini file, you must restart the "Chess Tornado" software to take effect

    Tornado slow chess set (with a simple translation)
    Hash = 256 (hash value)
    Threads = 2 (number of threads)
    clear hash = flase
    BookFile = cyclone.bin
    Speeded Alwaysvar = 100
    Ponder = false (contemplation = false blitz select false)
    NullMove Pruning = Always (empty pruning)
    NullMove Reduction = 3 (empty decrease)
    History Pruning = true (historical trim, high-end low-end elections election true false)
    History Threshold = 70 (the historical threshold, the value of low-security, high value of sharpness)
    Delta Pruning = flase (incremental pruning, the Board elected to accelerate selection false true)
    Futility Pruning = true (in vain pruning, try different combinations)
    Futility Margin1 = 150 (incremental margin 1)
    Futility Margin2 = 300 (incremental margin 2)
    Verification Reduction = 5 (verification decrease)
    Verification Search = Always (verification search = always)
    Verification Search = Endgame (verification search = mess)
    Quiescence Check Plies = 1 (static checking layer)
    Delta Margin = 50 (incremental capacity limits)
    evaluation options = 100 (evaluation of options)
    Set the contents of this post 1G memory, dual-core machine friends like more appropriate under the slow chess, in which the value can be changed according to the situation of their choice! ! !

    The configuration file uses the secret (Ethinker)
    lastfen = rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR w moves b2e2 b9c7 b0c2 c6c5 a0b0 a9b9 b0b6 h9g7 h0g2 i9i8 h2i2 c7d5 i0h0 b9b8 h0h6 c5c4 b6d6 d5f4 c3c4 / / end of FEN situation and history Step chess
    BkIndex = 1 / / use the background of a
    PieceSize = 36 / / size is 36 pieces
    FaceIndex = 0 / / select the default skin style
    PerStepAnalyzeTime = 3 / / Replay time is 3 seconds
    Usebook = 1 / / use the library beginning
    MoveInc = 3 / / Step 3 seconds per
    PreStepDepth = 0 / / search each step layer 0 layer (no restrictions)
    PreStepTime = 1 / / search time per step is 0 seconds (no limit)
    TimeSpan1MoveCount = 30 / / sub-system the first time must take the full 30-step time
    TimeSpan1Time = 30 / / The first time is 30 minutes time limit
    TimeSpan2MoveCount = 1 / / default the second step for each time period, changes invalid
    TimeSpan2Time = 15 / / The second time was 15 seconds per time step
    TotalTime = 10 / / lump sum system for the 10 minutes time lump sum
    TimeMode = 0 / / time selection for the contract system
    ComputerPonder = 0 / / turn off the background thinking
    HashSize = 32 / / hash table is set to 32M
    FollowBookCount = 20 / / start off spectral library after 20 rounds
    BookIndex = 0 / / start database type select Automatic (1,2,3 were integrated, good red and black good)
    PlaySound = 1 / / open the expanded store-opening sound
    ReloadLastFen = 1 / / set to open automatically added
    ShowMoveMark = 1 / / show open chess step

    Chess Jones(XQmaster) and the use of 2.3 engine order

    Points in the standard toolbar, pop-up dialog box enter the engine command.
    Where the input common engine order
    Commonly used commands are:

    Engine command meaning
    sd 11 Setup of the layers to 11 layers
    st 120 set to 120 seconds of thinking time. (Note: t back in seconds, if you want to set up more than 1 minute, you need to take minutes into seconds of time, 120 is 120 seconds, 2 minutes mean)
    set the hash hash 96M 96M
    book create qipu.pgn 60 with a file named "qipu.pgn" of the moves, the maximum number of steps to start making 60-step library
    Show book display library of chess beginning step for the use of human-computer
    time sd/10 set lump sum for 10 minutes
    ponder on the background thinking to open

    Chess Jones and memory setup instructions

    The size of memory for chess Jones have a certain impact on the speed
    Not the memory for the better, but should be set according to the specific circumstances, as read-write memory also takes time to set up too much memory for the motherboard and memory performance but not good, but the speed will drop
    The default memory occupied 36M +3 M's pawn hash, takes about 40M or so, for most middle and low profile of the machine, the default setting is basically the best set
    Of course, better memory and motherboard performance machines, can increase the size of memory for
    Memory Set command:
    hash 36M
    Said main memory hash table occupies 36M
    hashp 6M
    That pawn hash table occupied 6M of memory, generally pawn hash table size of memory for the main hash table size of memory for 1 / 5 ~ 1 / 10
    adaptive 800K 48M 192M 12M 48M
    Adaptive memory command, 800k is the speed, 48M main memory hash table occupies the minimum, 192M main memory hash table occupied by the largest, 12M pawn hash table occupies the minimum memory, 48M pawn hash table maximum amount of memory occupied by the engine according to the setting of speed and the total memory size of the machine to automatically adjust the memory size

    Library(openningbook) note start chess Jones

    First, start description library
    Beginning library including book.bin, books.bin and bookc.bin three documents
    Which is a complete start book.bin library, books.bin is excellent start to libraries, bookc.bin is the beginning of the software library for Jones (according to Jones and other software features and characteristics of the software production, short and pithy, is mainly used to participate in chess software Competition)
    Engine will first start in the library to find chess books.bin step, if not found suitable, will be to find the library book.bin start, you can start by setting the database to use only books.bin
    Second, start step by step instructions chess library
    Step chess is the only library in the beginning, and is sorting through, so find the time to start database step is very rapid chess
    Step chess library in the beginning step in the information, including chess, marking (with !!,!,=,?,?? five mark!! And! Tag is a necessary step for playing chess,? And?? Tag is to avoid walking chess-step), frequency of use, learning scores, and CAP scores
    Third, start database command shows
    1, create
    Used to create a new start for library
    Usage: book.bin create qipu.xqm 30 10
    book.bin start to create a library file
    qipu.xqm is used to create a library of chess manual start file
    30 that the maximum number of steps
    10 is the minimum number of steps
    2, book on / off
    book on using the beginning of library
    book off library does not use start
    3, book mask
    Library chess engine choices start to set the parameters of step
    Usage: book mask accept | reject value
    Such as book mask accept? Expressed? Marked step chess engine also may go by default? And?? Tag chess engine will not go further
    The same book mask reject value is to tell the engine to avoid some of the marked step chess
    4, book random
    Usage: book random 0 / 1
    book random 0 after that from the start by searching the library's move to select the best move in the walk
    book random 1, said database from the beginning of chess one step further in the random selection
    5, book trigger
    Usage: book trigger <n>
    n that the use of frequency
    For example, select only book trigger 50 that start the library come in more than 50 chess-step
    6, book width
    Usage: book width <width>
    For example, select the chess book width 40 Step width, step 40 that the width of selected chess 40%
    4, making use of the moves start database file formats
    Detailed description of the header tag:
    Common markers are
    Title Title, Event event, Site Location, Round game round number, Date Match Time, Red red, RedElo red rating points, Black Black, BlackElo Black grade points, Result result
    Some expansion of the marker will not say, here is a simple example of headers
    [Title "Liu Dianzhong vs Hebei Heilongjiang Zhao Guorong"]
    [Date "2002-09-08"]
    [Red "Hebei DC Lau in"]
    [Black "Heilongjiang Zhao Guorong"]
    [Result "0-1"]
    Chess manual Content:
    Step chess supports four formats, respectively,
    Chinese chess manual such as: level 5 gun 2
    Coordinate Format 1 example: H2-E2
    Coordinate Format 2 example: H2E2
    Yi-day format, for example: 8E-7E
    Here is a simple chess manual content
    1.G3-G4 H7-G7
    2.H2-E2 B7-E7
    3.B0-C2 B9-C7
    4.A0-B0 G6-G5
    5.H0-I2 G5-G4
    6.I0-H0 H9-I7
    7.B2-B6 C6-C5
    8.B0-B4 A9-B9
    9.B4-G4 B9-B6
    Step for the quality of chess can give it a mark of four markers can be labeled with !!,!,?,??
    Such as
    1.G3-G4 H7-G7!!
    2.H2-E2? B7-E7
    Making the moves marked with a start libraries, tag libraries will be added to the beginning step of the tag chess
    If you want a step we must take, then you can step back in the chess together!! Or! Mark, if you want to avoid a step, you can add?? Or? Standard

    Chess Jones Description 7.4 profile

    Chess Jones profile for cavalier.rc, can be modified using Notepad to open the Edit
    After the engine load, which will first run the command configuration file
    Therefore, you can pre-set number of commands to initialize the engine
    Each command must occupy a separate line
    File last command must exit
    A simple example is as follows:
    adaptive 800K 48M 192M 12M 48M
    sd 10
    st 5
    In this configuration file, the first line of command is to set the adaptive memory, the second line of command is setting the absolute search depth of 10 layers, the third line of the command to set the absolute search time for 5 seconds, the last line of the command is Pre-set the end of the engine
    This can often set the commands that need to put cavalier.rc file, it will automatically set up each time you run

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    Chắc khi về hưu tui mới có thời gian nghiên cứu :))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/12/10
  8. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hiện tại nhiều ngườii hay sa đà vào việc tranh cãi engine yếu hay mạnh.Tui cung cấp 1 bài viết tại web Tàu : Trang web này có khá nhiều bài fan tích sư dung sw hay.

    Identify the engine on the topic of true and false

    Own hair, used engine, do not care about the true and false, in fact, care about warfare capability. Have also made a number of engines, some of them to be sure, some people hold opposing views. Which involves whether true or false question. Talk about a few words on this topic today, and maybe some people do not like the forum Well, many people clutter, to fish, what birds are.
    First of all, said the forum free engine, there is no need for true and false argument. Forum upload, provided the engine, are free of charge, even if gold is selling a few virtual things. By providing the engine, unlike the sale of the store, there is no money transaction. Who do not share the obligation to guarantee its authenticity, the viewer, those who download there is no reason to send something to blame other people.
    Second, identify the basis for the reliability of the engine. Engine to identify those forms, the most commonly used is to look at the engine the original date of entry points. The identification based on reliable? Not necessarily. For beginners revised engines, the original date, the entry point may not be modified, will be aware of signs of leaving. For higher out are concerned, the original date, they can modify the entry point, what means to identify you. Besides the entry point to get identified as the authenticity of the entry point you know you can prove to be correct, which announced the entry point of the engine what engine?
    Again, talk about the pros and cons to argue the engine. If you really advocate to argue the authenticity of the engine, I see few of the forums out of the engine, the user need not visit this forum around the. Tornado engine author says Genuine double-engine cyclone engine does not display any characters, only the mouse stuck in the "-"; Allison authors also mentioned that genuine Allison with cyclones, Eten think the interface does not show the details of loading. Eten authors also note, is not tied genuine Eten trojan, virus, antivirus software is not reported to poison genuine Heaven. Take the author's words, to examine your right hand engine, an engine to analyze it in various forums to see if there are several matches. In my opinion, more than 95% do not meet, in other words, more than 95% are false.
    In my opinion, fellow chess player do not have to care about the engine, true and false, multiple tests with their own machines is important to find a suitable engine. In reality, many things better than parallel genuine difference.
    Finally, like the debate on the engine, Who is true or false? I guess there are three kinds of people: one engine enthusiasts, they have some understanding of the engine, but probably little knowledge level; the second is those who sell fake version, the revised engine, get money, and they all see that man, that forum made strong lead, strong library, will organize forces or covert activities carried out trouble; third of men do not rule out the engine, they do not want too many free forum strong argument, the Forum too many strong arguments, good arguments for them negative impact the development will affect the taste of genuine users to buy, may be sent forces to interfere.
    Said that, next time talk to you.
  9. rooneyvn

    rooneyvn Youtube Master Race

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    chỉ cần ghi nguồn chư việc gì phải copy paste thế này hả bạn,đằng nào cũng chả ai đọc
  10. trinhmieu

    trinhmieu Donkey Kong

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    " chỉ cần ghi nguồn chư việc gì phải copy paste thế này hả bạn,đằng nào cũng chả ai đọc "

    Bạn không đọc thì người khác đọc.
    Mà bạn có đọc chắc là cũng không hiểu được. :)) :)) :))
  11. hieunhanpham

    hieunhanpham Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình cũng đọc , tìm ra bài đã là 1 kỳ công , đưa lên đúng lúc đó mới là hay , mà hay hơn nữa khi ghi rõ nguồn không nhận là của mình thật đúng chính nhân quân tử .
    Cảm ơn đại ca TuanGod có suy nghĩ và hành động rất công minh

  12. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình có đọc 1 số web Tàu gần đây thấy họ chửi và fan đối người kinh doanh sw final3D dữ dội.Họ nói thẳng đó là hình thức kinh doanh lừa đảo . Vì vậy các anh em đừng phí tiền mua nó.
  13. quatnguyen

    quatnguyen Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    " chỉ cần ghi nguồn chư việc gì phải copy paste thế này hả bạn,đằng nào cũng chả ai đọc "

    trang gốc toàn tiếng Trung :))
  14. Địa_Tạng_Vương

    Địa_Tạng_Vương Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    các bác hướng dẫn dùm em cái trang web chơi cờ tướng online mà có dao diện bàn cờ rõ nét với.

    xin chân thành cảm ơn
  15. galaxylion

    galaxylion Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    gửi pro tyangod cùng anh e đồng đạo. Ai có font tàu đầy đủ cho xin được không ạ tui có tải 1 tài liệu tàu hình như bị thiếu font tàu nên nó không hiển thị xem hình và mong nhận giúp đỡ.
    đây là file tui lấy bên tàu:

    ---------- Post added at 10:32 ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 ----------

    o tui viết sai tuangod sữa bài vào chỗ nào vậy các bạn. đưa ảnh avarta nữa hiii tui hỏng biết.
  16. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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  17. anhprocopogoinha

    anhprocopogoinha Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình đang tìm cái link cờ tướng, ai có giúp mình nha..............
  18. vocongtan

    vocongtan Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có sách nào hướng dẫn lập và phá các thế cờ kinh điển không nhỉ?
  19. ngochibap

    ngochibap Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Anh tuangod ơi cho em hỏi về book cờ tàn cho cyclone làm như thế nào vậy anh.

    ---------- Post added at 14:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------

    Em thấy việc luyện cờ tàn rất quan trọng nhưng ít anh em bàn luận quá.Em luyện cờ với cyclone 3000 thấy nó đôi khi đi trung tàn có những nước rất hay nhưng có những thế cờ tàn cơ bản mà nó không biết cách thắng như xe 2 tốt đánh với xe sĩ tượng toàn.3 tốt với sĩ tượng toàn... Làm sao để cyclone chơi cờ hay hơn hả anh.Mình có thể làm book cờ tàn được ko anh.
  20. tuangod

    tuangod Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Book cờ tàn thì BG đã làm rùi, có gì em gặp him hỏi.Còn nếu ko hỏi được thì gửi cho anh cái data cờ tàn dạng Xqf hay PGN để anh thử làm,về nguyên tắc thì OK, nhưng chưa làm thử vì ko có data.BG có nêu 1 vấn đề book cho cờ thế thường chỉ làm cho 1 bên,vấn đề này sw chess star có thể giải quyết được.Hiện tại chess star chi có V1.5.1 là có bản crack:
    , sau đó fai dùng them 1 số Plugin khac mà trước đây anh đã post.
    Book cờ thế theo anh đưa vào sw cũng ko có giá trị nhiều,vì khi chơi thực tế thì tuy số quân cờ tàn giống như cờ thế,nhưng chắc gì đúng thế cờ, sw cũng ko vào book được.Vì vậy tốt nhất là thuộc cờ thế.SW dùng riêng cho Cờ thế anh đã post mấy loại.
    Em hãy down trước sw này: nó chứa 1 loạt engine và gui của các sw, rất tiện lơi cho thi đấu và nghiên cứu.Đọc trước các file .ini để có cái nhìn Tổng quát về set Engine và sw.
    Giới thiệu sơ lược:
    Such as the title, made a soft chess set, leaving a useful, useless is deleted.
    Ji Tornado / Nade / Jia Jia / Tao Love / Heaven, engine name and the interface is different from the other share,
    please see instructions after downloading, DIY replacement of their favorite engine.
    Cách Crack:
    This section sets the hidden, you have replied to, the following is the contents of the hidden
    Just open up an interface, the card secret: B8315B0E009D6D4D48B84B335640D402CA5A
    Another card secret: CD072ED26EC5B32B91EF31299B7486EA2FFC
    Note that card without spaces before and after the close.
    Muốn cho 1 số Sw chạy đươc đôi khi fải thêm hay sửa lênh file .ini
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/10/10

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