One Piece 33rd FC: 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea =))

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi re_code_v_x, 12/11/10.


Theo bạn Cà ri bò (Caribou) sẽ đâm lén ai trước ?

  1. Chopper

    9 phiếu
  2. Luffy

    2 phiếu
  3. Usopp

    3 phiếu
  4. Brook

    1 phiếu
  5. Franky

    0 phiếu
  6. Zoro

    0 phiếu
  7. Sanji

    0 phiếu
  8. Nami

    3 phiếu
  9. Robin

    1 phiếu
  10. Sẽ được cải tạo thành người tốt và mang ơn SH [-x

    9 phiếu
  11. Sẽ được cải tạo và thành mem thứ 10 X_X

    15 phiếu
  12. Sẽ được quăng ra để kiểm hàng em Kraken :))

    47 phiếu
  13. Ý kiến khác [-(

    17 phiếu
  1. Neku_sakuraba

    Neku_sakuraba Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái cảm giác vừa nằm sấp vừa nhai khoai tây chiên vừa cầm cuốn truyện mới toanh lên đọc nó khác với ngồi cặm cụi trên máy tính lắm đó bạn[-X

    ngày xưa ghiền Dragon ball còn chăm chỉ in ra đóng bao bìa chứ giờ thì không rảnh làm cái đó, mà bộ truyện cũ nhìn ghê quá! cầm đọc xong ăn vào thì chắc sanh lãi trong bụng:|

    TAMTHIENTAI Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Truyện toàn cầm vào nhà vệ sinh đọc, có khi vừa cầm vừa ăn :">
  3. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    ^ thế bụng dạ thế nào, có con gì chưa X_X

    mình đọc truyện là chỉ đọc thôi, không mó máy đồ ăn đồ uống [-x
    ngày trước giữ bộ cũ cũng ngon :'>
  4. warriosbest

    warriosbest SPARTAN John-117

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trước mua 2 bộ ở TVM comic - nữ sinh trung học + cỏ 4 lá - đọc xong đóng gói ;))
    giờ hiện đại cầm ipad copy truyện rùi ngồi tu luyện trong wc cũng đc :P

    Tập 48 OP giờ mới đến LF vs oar
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/11/10
  5. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    sony e-book reader [-x
    ipad nặng mỏng trơn, ngồi wc mà rơi thì X_X
  6. hoanghieu313

    hoanghieu313 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tớ thì hay cầm psp vô wc các cậu ạ.Cái cảm giác nó... sướng lắm =))
  7. rongdoVN

    rongdoVN Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    TS-Pri GameVN
    các bạn có những sở thích quái lạ thật X_X
  8. mirinda

    mirinda Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cày TiềnCo.,LTd
    có cái spoiler đây, chẳng biết fake hay ko...
    [spoil]Page 1
    Chopper: Oh my God, oh my God!!!!! It’s so huge!!!
    Luffy: Woooaah, it looks so cool!!! Hey let’s be friends!!
    The Kraken is approaching The Sunny and is about to attack.
    Ussoppe: Shoot it!!!! Cut it, kick it!! But please somebody do something!!
    Brooke: We’ll this looks like goodbye…….. yohohohoh….Shall I sing a song?
    Nami: Shut up!!!! This is terrible!! Don’t just stand around there Franky do something so that we can escape!!!
    Caribou: Yeah… Yeah… Please this guy is insane!!!
    Zorro swings his sword and stopps infront of Caribous neck.
    Zorro: Didn’t the captain just tell you to shut up?!! Heh… I’m anxious to find out if he……..
    Page 2
    Caribou Is in shock, because of the killing intense Zorro is giving away.
    Franky: Yeah, Yeah!!! Let’s get outta here, this could really get messy!! Sanji, give me a hand…
    Franky: Sanji?
    Sanji: No, need to worry…… Luffy got this under controlle! Oi Luffy…. You better do something, that guy looks really pissed, and so Am I!!!
    Luffy: Shishishishishishishi…… Relax there’s no need to worry….
    At that moment one of the arms of the Kraken pierces through the bubble and heads straight towards the head of Luffy. Zorro is just smiling, while Sanj is pissed and everyone else is in panic. Brooke is playing a song while Robin is somehow ignoring all the noise and is reading a book.
    Caribou: This is terrible… I wanted to take his head and now I’m being killed with him by a Krakennnnn……..Noooooo…
    Zorro: ……………
    Sanji jumps and kicks the Krakens arm directly the opposite direction in which it has entered. The bubble closes back up and the Krakenn is screaming out in pain, while getting ready to attack again.
    Page 3
    Luffy: That was close…. Didn’t think it would attack us…
    Everyone: Of course it would!!!
    Chopper: Please let’s turn back there is another safe way for sure!!
    Nami & Usoope: Please Luffy!!!
    Luffy: Hmmm? Did you say something? We will have an advanced sea navigation as well!!! Just wait.
    Before the Kraken can finish its attack Luffy uses his King Haki and intimidates the Kraken.
    Luffy: Now!!!! I don’t want to hurt you!! Let’s just be friends!!! Just show us the way to fishman island…
    The Kraken hesitates and thinks he could still kill Luffy, but then Zorro steps forward.
    Zorro: Do we have a deal?!!!! Look my Captain likes to be nice, but I on the other side don’t mind getting a little physical you know…..
    Page 4
    The Kraken also feels itself intimidated of Zorro and has become quite.
    Caribou: Impossible… How… But…… Was that…..No way…….
    Nami: Did you just do what Rayleigh did 2 years agooo?!!!!
    Chopper: Amazing!!!!
    Usoppe: You could have done that much earlier!!! But still, I could’ve done that as well…
    Chopper: Really!!??? Teach me, teach me!!
    Caribou thinking: So this is what the fake Strawhats ment!
    Page 5
    Fake Strawhats: Please don’t burry us!! We’ll tell you all about him so that you can kill him easier!!
    Caribou: Nnnnnnnn, alright….. Let’s hear it before I change my mind, nghahahahah.
    Fake Nami: He is really fast and can make you lose concisousness ….
    Carbibou: ….. That’s it?….. Don’t make me laugh…. We gonna burry them, nghahahaaha.
    Back in the present.
    Caribou thinking: Can We really kill this guy!!!! I mean…. Zorro alone…. Than that Black Leg Sanji, and that other guy who just said that he could’ve done that as well……. Maybe if we……
    Franky: Ey Luffy, you have become quite the animal tamer over the passed 2 years, hahahhaha.
    Robin: Fuffuufuf…. It really is no coincidence that you are Dragons son. I’m glad that we don’t have to worry about escaping anymore that much….
    Usoppe: You said it right there Robin!! No more escaping!! We fight to the very end!!
    Chopper, Usoppe, Brooke, Franky and Luffy Stroke a pose and started dancing.
    Page 6
    Nami: Feeew…. We need some sort of rope or chaine in order to connect with the Kraken and ship..
    Franky: Leave it to me, I know what to get…..
    Franky leaves and Sanji comes out of a room sweating.
    Usoppe: Hey you alright…. Yes, I’m fine…….
    And falls to the ground smoling while his nose is bleeding…
    Chopper: I gave him a couple of women magazines to get his head right again…. But we will see what we will see….. Just let him lay there.
    Luffy is playing with the Kraken and his having a good time. Franky comesback with some sort of docking device in order for the Kraken to pull the Sunny. Everyone is watching while Franky prepares the device.
    Page 7
    Franky: So that’ll do it…… Ok baby!! It’s show time….. What I present to you now is the one and only mangnifacent Ship Pulling Krakeennnnnnnnnnnnnn!!
    Luffy: Yoooooshhh… We are now friends!!!! So please show us the way to fishman island!!!!
    The Kraken started pulling the sunny.
    Nami: Wohaa.. The speed really increased…. But it will be hard to navigate so fast…. I think we better slow down….
    Caribou: Nonsense!!! This is one of the most stronges sea creatures in the entire world, besides alone the word sea creature should give you the idea….nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngha
    Sanji Kicks Caribou in the face.
    Sanji: Be careful how you talk to Nami-san!!! Or I’ll let you have it.
    Page 8
    Caribou: Heh, heh, Ok…….. I’ll remember that…
    Sanji: What was that!??!!
    Caribou: Nothing, I’m sorry ok!!!
    Caribou talking quite to himself: Why does this kick of his hurt so much?!?! And what is with this Luffy!! He looks like a kid!!! But yet he is worth 400 Million!!! And then Zorro, this guy Is no joke either…..Even after that the rest of his crew they don’t look like pushovers either…
    Zorro: What are you mumbling about all the time, if you have something to say than say it, otherwise keep it to yourself!!
    Caribou is in shock because he didn’t notice that he was talking instead of thinking.
    Franky: Yeah, who are you…. We still haven’t gotten to that part yet….
    Page 9
    Usoppe: I bet ya he is on to something….. Smells like a liar to me!!
    Sanji: You’re one to talk!
    Usoppe: Shut up!! I know when I’m right!!
    Nami: Doesn’t matter in any case, he infiltrated our ship with a bad intention. He needs to stay captured and tied up.
    Robin: I agree, he looks quite familiar though….
    Carbibou: You must be mistaking…..Nnnnn another fine beauty…..
    Sanji kicked Caribou in the face again causing him to yell out in pain even more.
    Sanji: Make sure to respect women a little more you perverted looking bastard!!!
    Page 10
    Franky: Did somebody call me a pervert???
    Nami, Usoppe, Chopper: Not you!!!!!
    Luffy: Well doesn’t matter…. He looks suspicious, maybe he is a famous pirate?!!! Do you have a bounty?
    Caribou: !!!!! No, well… you see….
    Zorro: I wonder if he is a devil fruit user??
    Carbiou: !!!!
    Franky: Yeah, could be, I mean why would he be so scared to get thrown out before right?
    Page 11
    Caribou: We were 1000 m under water!!! Don’t be ridiculous!!! Everyone would die!!
    Usoppe: He got you on that point!
    While Luffy and his Nakama are interrogating Caribou, Smoker has become quite a famous marine.
    Marine A: This is G-5 Marince Base Section Code 69. We have secured the location sir.
    Smoker: Good, when I think back this place was really a rough place, but with the right people in charge you can create justice anywhere, but only if you have a good intention!!
    Marine A: Sir!!!
    Marince B: We have news for you Sir!! Remember telling me to inform you when The Strawhats reappeared again? Well they have reappeared and they have gotten stronger too according to Sentamaouru-San.
    Smoker: Of course!!! Nothing else to exspect!! What did they do? Escape while distracting Sentaoumaru?
    Page 12
    Marine B: No Sir!!! They didn’t fight Sentaoumaru!! Luffy took out one of the Pazifistas with one blow and the internal mechanism were cut in 2 which is impossble and the neck of one pazifistas was broken. It appeard that it has the imprint of a foot!!!
    Smoker: …. Thank you…Excuse me…
    Marine A, B: Yes Sir!!!
    The 2 Marines leave and Smoker is sitting in his office looking out into the sea.
    Smoker: So you finally showed your face again……Mugiwara!!!
    Page 13
    Somewhere on an Island.
    Trafalgar Law and his Nakama are tranining.
    Beppo: Kyaaahhhhhh
    Jean Bart: Hey captain, there is important news according to the Strawhats.
    Law: Ah, so you are finally on your way!! Everyone… we start now…. we will battle any who put themselves before us! We will find One Piece!!!
    Everyone: Yes Captain!!!!!
    Page 14
    At Marine Headquarters.
    Garp: It’s good to see that my grandson has finally returned!!
    Sengoku: Don’t go spreading that too loud Garp! You know damn better than that!! It will be even more of a problem now! He hasn’t only gained so much fame and strength, he has gained so many pirates to trust him during the war 2 years ago.
    Whitebeard: Protect Aces Brother Luffy no matter what!!!
    Whitebeard Pirats and random pirates: You mean Aces little brother!!!
    Flashback ends.
    Page 15
    Garp: He has the blood to make people follow him. This world will be going to change once again, and this time it will decide once and for all whats right and wrong…… I’m glad that I don’t have to fight in it though, buhahahaahaha…. Let’s go get some crackers Sengoku-kun.
    Sengoku: Garp this isn’t a laughing matter!!!!
    Somewhere at a Marine Base. You can see Coby training with Helmeppo.
    Coby: Common Helmeppo-kun, you have to hit me, this has become to easy.
    Helmeppo: Quite you little rat… If it hasn’t been for the war you wouldn’t have had the chance to get this kind of haki……. If I could just only….
    Coby: Don’t let it get to you, you will get it one day….. Besides Luffy has stepped forward again in 2 whole years, he must have gotten so much stronger now….. I’ll be ready soon Luffy- kun!!!!
    Helmeppo: Stop with your damn flashback!! We will train!! Prepare yourself!!!
    Page 16
    The Strawhats have been Sailing quietly to their destination. Everyone is wearing a coat exept Caribou.
    Caribou: Please let me come inside, I swear I wont hurt anyone.
    Usoppe: Yeah, yeah, whatever…. You wanted to kill us, who do you think we are???!!! We are the Strawhats!!
    Luffy: That’s right. But he could still come inside…..
    Usoppe: Absolutely not!!! This man is a devil! Look at him…
    Sanji: Luffy has a point, what can he alone do to us…
    Caribou: See, see!! Please!!! I beg of you…..
    Page 17
    Zorro: Will somebody shut him the hell up!!! Look either he staying out here, or he is going in, or I can also chopp him up and feed him to the Kraken it looks kinda hungry…. He, he
    Nami: What kind of a evil person have you become over the past 2 years….
    Brooke: Yohohhoohoho , hey guys I can see a ship approaching us from the back.
    Carbibou: Could it be!!!!!
    The End
    Hope You Have Enjoyed
  9. _Yuuki_

    _Yuuki_ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Town of Secret
    Sao tuần này Spoiler sớm thế :|?
    Hnay mới có thứ 2 :|.
  10. Neku_sakuraba

    Neku_sakuraba Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nếu đây là thật thì sanji có haki bà con ạ! thằng cà ri nó tự hỏi sao thằng sanji nó đá đau như thế (dù nó là logia) \m/
  11. general_of_devil

    general_of_devil The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Lindblum (FF IX)
    Chưa chắc thằng Cà ri đã là Logia đâu. Lúc bọn SH fake hỏi là "logia??" thì nó trả lời " what if i am..." mà. Đây là kiểu trả lời nước đôi đó thôi.
  12. Neku_sakuraba

    Neku_sakuraba Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    dù không phải logia nhưng nếu thấy đau hơn thì cũng có chút haki chứ nhỉ! như luffy chẳng hạn, cúng đâu phải Logia :)
  13. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    đoán là fake :-<
    Franky hay gọi Sanji là Curly-bro hoặc Eyebrows chứ ko gọi tên :|
    hơn nữa X_X hôm nay mới thứ 2 X_X
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/11/10

    TAMTHIENTAI Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chính tay Ivankov dạy dỗ Sanji thì không có Haki mới gọi là lạ :|
  15. SadDreamQ5

    SadDreamQ5 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Blue Heaven
    Cái spoil này là fake nó trong cái topic prediction chap 605 trên manga stream:

    Hnay mới thứ 2 thôi, spoil ko ra sớm vậy đâu
  16. mirinda

    mirinda Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cày TiềnCo.,LTd
    Ivankov cũng đâu có mạnh về Haki gì lắm đâu, chủ yếu hài hước là chính =))
  17. rongdoVN

    rongdoVN Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    TS-Pri GameVN
    dựa vào đâu mà nói vậy :-?
  18. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    chắc là có thôi :|
    ko thì yên nghỉ luôn ở cửa ngõ new world :|
  19. Shadow-Fiend

    Shadow-Fiend T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    "Luffy: That was close…. Didn’t think it would attack us…
    Everyone: Of course it would
    !!! "

    không biết là fake hay thật nhưng mà đọc đến đoạn này khó đỡ thật 8-}
  20. SadDreamQ5

    SadDreamQ5 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Blue Heaven
    Cái spoil này là fake nó trong cái topic prediction chap 605 trên manga stream:

    Hnay mới thứ 2 thôi, spoil ko ra sớm vậy đâu


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