Thảo luận Dissidia Final Fantasy, Duodecim (demo) - Chờ ngày phát hành (3/3/2011)

Thảo luận trong 'Hộp Lưu Trữ' bắt đầu bởi huuphuoc999, 20/1/11.


Sau khi chơi xong demo Duodecim 012, bạn cảm thấy:

  1. Rất hay !!!

  2. Chơi cũng được

  3. Tàm tạm thôi :D

  4. Khác ...( Chờ bản chính thức...)

Trạng thái chủ đề:
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  1. dangvongquoc

    dangvongquoc T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    à, mà hội HCM của ai off gần siêu thị coopmart rạch miễu hông ? nhà mình ở gần đó, nếu có thì cho mình off cùng nhé, DFF012
    ặc, giờ mới để ý, kain để móng mà còn sơn nữa :))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 21/1/11
  2. Nostis

    Nostis Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Violet Garden
    Có bạn Fan nào đó mang sang bên đó quảng cáo thôi mà..ít ra bạn ấy cũng dẫn cái link về bên này chứ không copy paste...
  3. *Kyuubiko*

    *Kyuubiko* Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Moe ISM
    Kệ người ta đi dẫn link về làng mình là ổn rồi. Chỉ hơi "ngại" tí vì hổng ai xin phép thôi :))
  4. Ngaovanthien

    Ngaovanthien Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    CN này anh em hội HCM có ai muốn off không thế?
  5. Shu

    Shu Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    CN này em ko off được rồi, kỷ niệm ngày cưới ba mẹ :)
    Mọi người đi off vui vẻ
  6. Nostis

    Nostis Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Violet Garden
    Vừa xem cái file ISO của Lord of Arcana xong...SE lần này có vẻ như không chơi khó = cách add toàn bộ chung 1 file nữa..
  7. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    *Aerial Combat
    Combat in the air is no secret in Dissidia, as characters could stay aloft for as long as they wished by simply dodging in midair, which reset the Jump count. In Duodecim, to close the gap between aerial- and ground-based combat, the Jump count can no longer be reset by any means other than planting your character's feet on something. This emphasizes a greater use of Quickmoves and other footholds in battlefields, giving ground-oriented characters the edge they so rightly needed before. It should also be noted that dodging in the air also reduces your Jump count, meaning if you dodge in the air, even before using your second jump, it will not be available to you.

    *New/Reprising Glitches and Tactics
    There a few little snags that Dissidia's system has that have remained intact for Duodecim

    A term here meaning attacking an enemy suffering from a Wall Rush, as the attack literally peels them off the wall while they are defenseless. Peeling can be done by the player from an Assist's WR, or an Assist can Peel from the Player's WR. It is impossible for a player to peel from their own WR. However, given the right timing, you may be able to attack the opponent once they "wake up" from a WR, but they also have the chance to block, dodge, and attack, so be careful.

    * Wake Up
    A term used often to refer to a character's recovery from the ground. Otherwise known as "getting up," many characters have Wall Rush combos that require require strict timing to attack the opponent during their Wake Up from a Wall Rush. Take not that, in Duodecim, a character wakes up from Wall Rush a bit sooner, making Wall Rush Combos require even stricter timing.

    *Banish Attack
    During Chase sequences, there are points when you can smash the opponent into a Banish Trap, and then continue the Chase while they are being absorbed by the trap's effect. During this time, it is possible to use an HP attack to deal damage. This works 99% of the time against CPU opponents (no matter how smart), and can sometimes catch even other player's off-guard. While stuck in a Banish Trap during Chase, the player's view is rather obstructed by the visual effects of the Banish Trap itself, lending to a player unable to visually tell when to dodge.

    *Separated Link Glitch or Link Glitch
    Continuing an attack's further steps even when it misses by having something aside from the attack make the connection. SLG or LG is known in the first Dissidia as the Holy Glitch. This glitch is activated when a two-part attack, whether a BRV continuation or an HP Link, is activated by a SEPARATE attack not from the two-part attack. A common example is Terra's "Holy" > "Flare" > "Ultima." When "Flare" connects, the game registers a hit, regardless if "Holy" did not connect, and allows the second part of "Holy" to continue.

    *Famitsu scans (Như đã hứa ^^ )




    It seems like Tidus lost his memory and cannot recognize Yuna, but Yuna remember Tidus. Yuna says something like "You promised to protect me, you have said so" in one of the pic. Tidus says something like "My fight, is none of your business" in another pic.

    Yuna has 5 Summons, Valefor, Ixion, Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut. Thier special attacks in FFX become Brv attacks here, and their overdrives become HP attacks.

    Yuna : Summon Master
    -Summon appears during attack. Only part of the body appears because they are too large.
    -She has standard attacks and is the easiest to use among all the new characters, recommand to new players. Unlike other characters, all her attacks (hit box) are from the summons. For most attacks, the summon will appear in front of Yuna, moving her a little bit forward/backward. Knowing the distance is one of the thing to master Yuna.
    -Have attacks cover all distances, best at close to mid range, Ifrit for close, Valefor for far.
    -Has double summon in EX mode. Without changing her input command, er attacks in EX mode will have another summon come out automatically, for additional follow up + damage, also covers larger area, and covers her during cooldown.

    This one just explains the Assist system, which have been discussed alot in the demo thread
    Also shows the Zidane Kuja and Lightning's 3rd form.

    Òồồ... :










    *Desperado Chaos





    *Update DFF -> DDFF Prologus Changelist

    Playable characters in the demo:
    -Warrior of Light
    -Cloud (Unlockable by beating arcade mode on Hard)

    Warrior Of Light
    +Ultimate Shield has decent tracking and good wall rush capabilities
    +Shield of Light can aim Up/Down
    +Shining Wave tracks upwards
    +White Fang has increased range/less cooldown
    +Sword Thrust has slight vertical tracking
    +Aerial Dayflash
    +Radiant Sword has more vertical tracking
    -Dayflash initiates chase now, lost wall rush

    +Earthquake wall rushes more
    +Flare is good, has a large hitbox and punishes dodges well
    +Bardiche is faster
    +Twist drill is faster
    +Round Edge (sword) lost wallrush property, now starts chase
    +Able to move ALOT during Round Edge
    +Garland moves towards opponent during Tsunami startup
    +Lighting BRV attack is cancelable via attacking after the bolts come out
    -Lightning attack is still bad
    -Twinswords still have an awkward hitbox
    -Highbringer tracking nerf
    -No more combos
    -Blaze still bad
    -Chain Cast is the same

    +Lord of Arms is amazing
    +Straight Arrow is extremely fast and Guard Crushes
    +Rope Knife goes up
    +New Brave finishers: punch, sword/bow combo, and three hit axe rush
    +Capable of following up with finishers even though initial hit whiffs. Finishers have mid-attack priority and can cancel out some melee
    +Able to chain 3 air spells in a row (For example Fire -> Fire -> Blizzard or Blizzard -> Fire -> Thunder)
    +Fire moves faster, Blizzard initiates chase, Thunder wall rushes
    +Double Trouble wall rushes at a more downward angle
    +Lance combo has more absorb
    +Swordstrike wallrushes down, both forms
    +Ground Weaponsmaster, faster than DFF
    -Rope knife blockable
    -More lag after Shield Bash whiff

    +Ground Light crest shoots up
    +Mines are faster
    +absorb increased
    +Air mines start chase
    +Flare wall rushes down
    +Less cooldown on attacks
    +Starfall charge blocks magic
    -Can dodge out of Melancholy Prison after it activates

    Onion Knight
    +Air brave has more horizontal tracking
    +Blade Torrent has more tracking
    +Has a stat buffing attack with low cooldown
    +Blizzard has tracking and range increase
    +Melee attacks are much faster and have less cooldown

    Cloud of Darkness
    +New Tentacle attack: Tentacles of Hate; ground version and spirals around her with guard stagger properties
    +Two new projectile ender BRV attacks. One slow that guard staggers and multi-hits like Paladin Arts, and two small that run on the floor
    +Fusillade has guard crush
    +Wide Angle has a huge hitbox now and is faster
    +Feint tracks at a higher angle now
    -0-Form tracks slower

    +Dark Lance guard crushes at close range
    +Darkfall guard staggers
    +Lightning Rise guard staggers
    +Valiant blow has slight vertical tracking
    +Last hit of Dark step guard staggers
    +Radiant Wings has improved tracking
    +Paladin Force back to JP DFF range
    +Soul Eater increased range
    +Dark Cannon tracks vertically now
    +Shadowbringer HP is VERY fast
    +Saint's Fall also adjusts altitude before attacking. Has NA DFF tracking
    +New Paladin HP attack: Light Thruster; single pure HP energy blade similar to Innocence
    -Dark Flame tracking down

    +Sector Ray is extremely good (fast and low cooldown)
    +Gravity Force tracks alot more
    +Gravity Force guard staggers on magic and melee hit
    +Initial ball has Guard Crush
    +Brave chains on systems send you farther away
    +HP chains send you farther away
    +Genesis Rock has increased tracking (Rocks will always go in the direction of opponent)

    +Has Dark Flame HP
    +Has Paladin Cecil's Light Thruster HP
    +Has Laguna's Ragnarok Blade HP
    +Has Ifrit HP (Yuna); summons three fire pillars in a straight line
    +2 new brave attacks: a combination of Lightning Smash Upper + Vaan's Switch Katana and Kain/Lightning
    +Slidehazzard has been changed, the finisher is now the last hit of Kain's Celestial Shooter (goes up)
    +Climbarrel has been changed, finisher is now Tifa's Beat Rush
    +Paladin Force increased range
    +Holy is faster
    -tracking has been nerfed

    +Swords Dance staggers on block
    +Attacks after guards are VERY fast
    +Black Hole has high absorb property
    +Highguard turns to face opponent
    +Reverse Polarity cancelable into BRV and HP attacks
    +Almaghest cancelable with attacks/block
    +Maelstrom has infinite range, can move while casting
    -long casting time
    -Highguard priority down
    -Delta Attack does not track

    +Fire is very fast now and has good tracking. Chains to Firaga
    +Thundara is alot faster
    +Blizzard combo is faster
    -Longer cooldown for Meltdown

    +Shatter spray staggers guard
    -it still goes back at him
    +Ultima has increased range
    -explosion is only 1 hit
    -able to deflect the initial ball back at Kefka
    +WWF has an animation change
    +Forsaken Null is alot faster
    +can move during animation
    +wall rushes on a wall (not ground)
    +Trine comes out faster
    -does not stay on the map as long
    +Havoc Wing has increased horizontal range
    +Twisty Turny Blizzaga has a huge speed increase, after landing it instantly goes after opponent
    +Thunder spells track better and move faster
    -Meteor doesn't bounce
    -EX Mode Shatter Spray, shots take longer to redirect at opponent
    -Can't charge Hyperdrive forever

    +Sonic Break has absorb
    +Slash Blow has absorb
    +Blade Beam has increased range and melee hit guard staggers
    +Fire hitstun increased
    +Ground Meteorain tracks opponent
    +Aerial Fang wall rushes and is faster
    +Cross Slash tracks after each slash
    -doesn't start chase anymore
    -less vertical tracking
    -Lost all his old combos
    -Air Meteorain doesn't track opponent
    -Braver range reduced

    +Moment is very fast
    +Able to DC out of sudden cruelty
    +Scintilla is faster
    +Shadowflare builds meter fast
    +Godspeed/Fervent Blow are faster
    -Reduced stun time for Sudden Cruelty (able to DC but unable to combo)
    -Still doesn't have combos
    -Lost Hell's Gate Cancel
    -Heartless Angel cancel lag increased

    +Aerial Circle/Fated Circle have absorb properties
    +Last hit of Fusillade guard staggers
    +Mystic Flurry has a big damage buff, mostly the last hit
    -Beat Fang got a range, speed, and tracking nerf.

    +Shockwave Pulsar stick to the floors for a bit then explodes
    +has absorb effect
    +Knight's Arrow is more focused
    -Charged Knight's Arrow only shoots out 1 arrow
    +each arrow has enough stun time for the next one to hit
    +Knight's Sword is faster startup and increased stun time (all hits will link)
    +Charged Knight's Sword has a faster startup and more hits

    +Booster 8 able to combo into attacks if it connects
    +guard staggers on block- able to do another attack after guard stagger
    +quite fast
    +Tidal Flame moves slower and guard crushes
    -unable to dc if it misses
    -Free Energy range nerfed
    -Shift Break hitbox nerfed

    +Able to move during Seraphic Star
    +Seraphic has more tracking
    +Brave attacks wallrush more easily
    -Burst Energy has a vertical tracking nerf

    +Has Cut & Run in the air
    +Fullslide/Sonic Buster has increased tracking
    +Blitzball guard staggers
    -Slice & Dice has less hits

    +Increased vertical tracking on Jecht stream
    +Uncharged Jecht Blade comes out fast
    +Slightly less recovery on Ultimate Jecht Shot
    +Jecht Beam chainable after Neutral air combo
    +Level 2 charges guard break
    +Can continue attacking indefinitely and can full combo once he successfully hits
    +Charge is a LOT faster (MAYBE 25 frames to charge max?)
    +Charge increases range to roughly that of what a dodge would give you on stream
    +Full charge Rush gains notable extra distance
    +Charged attacks eat through (from what I noticed) all projectiles and can carry through/clash with a lot of HP attacks
    +Dodge cancelling can be done earlier on all moves and all moves seem to have less recovery
    +Jecht Block on ground doesn't stun you when successful
    +Jecht Block recovery in air seems reduced
    +Jecht Beam has about 45 degrees up and down in terms of tracking (won't track to enemies above/below - they basically need to be on the same level)
    +Jecht Block SEEMS to have more active frames (I was able to block Shield of Light when I was almost certain I mistimed)
    +Combos execute faster (and require slightly faster input)
    - Lost all wall rush combos
    - Unchaged Stream/Rush lost range

    +Stun allows you to combo into her other moves
    +Ground Melee is faster and sends opponent very far away- able to continue without hitting
    +Less Brave required for advanced magic
    +Retribution has a different hitbox (it will hit once when thrown forward and once when it comes back)
    +Retribution guard staggers
    +Retribution tracks opponent
    +HP's very fast now and have changes to hit animation
    +Blizzard tracks opponent
    -HP's still blockable
    -Bio gets reflected back at Shantotto when blocked
    -Thunder doesn't wall rush anymore
    -Bio steals brave at quicker intervals (once every second) and only lasts about 10 seconds
    -Level 1 magic still blockable

    +Circle of Judgement hits multiple times outside of EX mode\
    +New ground brave attack in EX mode
    +Able to cancel any attack into EX charge
    +Gains EX extremely fast
    +Bigger hitbox for Hatred
    -Dual Rend is only 2 hits
    -No explosion unless Guilt connects

    New abilities:
    Ground Dash
    Assist Lock On
    Assist Up Dash: with this equipped, your will gain assist gauge when doing any dash to the opponent. Won't work on dashing towards EX core. Different from gaining by attacks, this effect will not stop the "S&L effect" of the assist. So by the time you stop dashing, you will immediately start losing assist "energy".

    New gameplay mechanics:
    +Assists save you/allow you to combo
    +Chase gives good EX and some free hits
    -Chase is very fast, making it difficult to react
    -Pretty much all DC combos are removed
    -Harder to gain EX (except Gabranth)

    *Một số thông tin khác:

    *Gilgamesh's EX Burst is to do with picking the right sword, Excalipoor is his failure Dx
    His EX Mode has the Secret Sword: Block in All Directions bonus, where he uses his 8 arms to block
    He can wield every weapon he has at once
    "it will be fun to activate it as we don't know what can happen" o-o...

    "Secret Sword : Block in all directions" : use his 8 arms to wield his weapons. Unknown but funny effect (random?)

    -Brave attacks haven't been translated: Mostly named after Katana Fighting Skills - Ujhbn
    Electric Shock
    Death Claw
    Rocket Punch

    *Prishe's EX Burst is to do with chaining 5 skills
    Her EX Bonuses allow her to chain 3 weapon skills
    She has increased evasion
    And can throw pebbles xD

    "Hundred Fists" : can now chain 3 Weapon Skills. Also increase evasion

    Howling Fist (start)
    Dragon Kick (start)
    Shoulder Tackle (start)
    Backhand Blow (start)
    Spinning Attack (start)
    Raging Fists (start)
    One Inch Punch (start)

    Howling Fist (Second Phase)
    Dragon Kick (Second Phase)
    Shoulder Tackle (Second Phase)
    Backhand Blow (Second Phase)
    Spinning Attack (Second Phase)
    Raging Fists (Second Phase)
    One Inch Punch (Second Phase)

    Auroral Uppercut
    Nullifying Dropkick

    *Desperado Chaos
    "God's Pride" : Speed Up
    "??? Violence" : Strength Up + Defense Up

    "Double Summon" : Can summon 2 Aeons at the same time

    "Faeries' Miracle" : Can cancel every attacks

    "Free Switch" : Go bare-handed without using an HP attack
    "Strongest Weapons" : Equip his strongest weapons, increasing damage

    "Premium Heart" : Increase damage based on her EX Gauge

    (Cám ơn nguồn nguồn: rất nhiều nhiều ^^)
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/1/11
  8. Shu

    Shu Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vì 2 câu nói này, mình sẽ main Yuna, và tiếp tục main cả Tidus, mặc dù anh ấy thật là bựa quá :((

    Cos 3 của Zidane là bộ đồ lính mà mặc vào nhìn y như mấy em bé hướng đạo sinh =))
    Cos 3 của Lightning làm mình liên tưởng đến film có chủ đề quân đội :'>
  9. *Kyuubiko*

    *Kyuubiko* Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Moe ISM
    Ôi Prishe đúng Style mình thích :x
  10. Emeraldgem

    Emeraldgem T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ultimecia đợt này ngon hơn rồi :x
    đã nhất cái dàn Knight Arrow thêm focus , đối phương chạy đi đâu đây =))
    Knight Sword loại thường và charge nhanh gấp đôi + thêm hit , cùng Shock wawe Pulsar thêm lực hút nữa thì đỡ kiểu gì nhỉ ? ;;):>
  11. Nostis

    Nostis Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Violet Garden
    Bác để vào spoil hộ nhé..Kéo đau cả mắt
  12. huuphuoc999

    huuphuoc999 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    Mình bị dính knight sword mấy lần :-j trước bị dính thì người nó cứ bay bay tưng tưng :)). H mà dính chỉ có lãnh trọn :))

    P/s: Có bác có link down winISO ko . tính down về extract .BIN của cái iso game
  13. Emeraldgem

    Emeraldgem T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bị dính mấy lần vậy ? ;)) . Knight Sword hồi trước chủ yếu chỉ có tác dụng đẩy văng đối phương ra xa thôi nên dam yếu . huuphuocs dạo này tập chơi Ultimecia với Tina à , thấy hôm nọ up toàn rep của 2 char này .:))
  14. Mighty_OrOcHi

    Mighty_OrOcHi The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Rays of Hope -Ac
  15. arthas1010

    arthas1010 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    cái thằng ED này mình thấy nó đánh chủ động khá là kinh đấy :)) có combo RP -> Hurricane rất khó né
    thằng Sephi là vua tốc độ trong DFF 012 rồi :))
    chiêu đó để gây rối cho địch, theo quan điểm của mình thì mình thích xài cái đó hơn :-"

    spam hp là lỗi của bubble nhé :-"

    tốn CP :P trong rep có xài hatred nhiều lần mà

    làm sao biết trúng hay trượt :) nhỡ PF trượt thì bị đối thủ punish chết

    ---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

    ui dòi ạ, hóa ra summon chỉ đc có cái đầu, cái tay, cái vai là chui lên


    nhịp độ trận chiến trong DFF 012 này đúng là nhanh hơn hẳn DFF đấy :) rơi rõ là nhanh, mà không khí trận chiến cũng thấy khác khác
  16. Senjuro

    Senjuro Viva la no title Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Không biết có phải nhìn nhầm không mà sao Customize menu lại có em Aerith thế kia. Khả năng em ấy là playable char hầu như không có, như vậy có nghĩa là Assist char ta có thể custom skill và eq 8-}

    Vừa phát hiện ra EX-Counter vẫn chưa bị mất hẳn trong bản Duodecim, nếu căn đối phương chuẩn bị đánh tới mà hóa EX (dùng EX như guard ;))) thì đối phương vẫn sẽ stun và mình vẫn trong EX-Mode như thường ;))
  17. arthas1010

    arthas1010 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    nếu mà hóa Ex đúng thời điểm kẻ địch chạm vào mình thì khác gì block xong rồi hóa Ex đập đâu? :|
  18. Trishty

    Trishty Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Zero City
    Mong sao nó thêm nhiều char nữa thì hay quá ;))
    ước gì có Vincent biến thành Chaos đánh Chaos =))

    Các file đính kèm:

    • Tifa.png
      Kích thước:
      60.6 KB
  19. Senjuro

    Senjuro Viva la no title Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Block được cả HP Atk...
    Với lại bản này rơi nhanh lắm, block xong đối thủ stun mà không atk liền thì bị rơi xuống ngay.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/1/11
  20. Shu

    Shu Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhân dịp tết đến, mình đề nghị hội DFF mình làm một cái thống kê nhân sự, thông tin và địa chỉ email của mỗi thành viên cho tiện việc liên lạc, mọi người nghĩ sao :D
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