New server 'Jupiter' is now open – be there!

Thảo luận trong 'Ogame' bắt đầu bởi tjnhlocachxa, 19/4/11.

  1. tjnhlocachxa

    tjnhlocachxa Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi
    cung có chục ng thôi
    nhưng mà các chú ý gần như bị died hết âm thầm qua miner rồi
    mình nổ súng sau thành ra lại đc spam =))
  2. tjnhlocachxa

    tjnhlocachxa Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi
    [align=]on (08.05.2011 15:38:39) the following fleets met in battle:

    adelavn -vs- Tiny711

    Attacker: adelavn
    Weapons: 60% Shields: 60% Armour: 60%
    Cruiser.......... 20
    Battleship.......... 9
    Battlecr........... 1

    Pằng chíu ... chíu ......

    Defender: Tiny711
    Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 40%
    S.Cargo.......... 1
    H.Cargo.......... 4
    L.Fighter.......... 14
    H.Fighter.......... 9
    Cruiser.......... 2
    Recy.......... 1
    Esp.Probe.......... 13
    Sol sat.......... 15
    R.Luncher.......... 8
    L.Laser.......... 4

    Boom ... boom ... boom ...

    Attacker: adelavn
    Cruiser.......... 20 . . . . . .(lost: 0)
    Battleship.......... 9 . . . . . .(lost: 0)
    Battlecr........... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

    Defender: Tiny711
    S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
    H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4)
    L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 14)
    H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 9)
    Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
    Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 13)
    Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 15)
    R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 8)
    L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4)

    Defender Tiny711 destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 13.296 metal 13.297 crystal, and 3.656 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    The defender lost a total of 335.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 103.200 metal and 83.400 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 1 %

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 216.849
    The attacker lost a total of 0
    The defender lost a total of 335.000
    Total Damage: 335.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ..................................216.849

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: .................................-348.500

    [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/5/11
  3. tjnhlocachxa

    tjnhlocachxa Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi
    wow ghê quá nhi
    Shino NoSk!LL Avril Lavigne [1:456:12] 8
    tính ra thì cũng có kha khá ng chơi đấy
    nhưng mà nhảy hết vào các ali khác chơi 1 mình như bạn ý nên k ai biết ai thôi

    ---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ----------

    kỉ niệm vừa 1 tuần chơi jupiter ngày làm luôn 3 phát ailen vui vãi

    Combat at deep space [3:415:16] (08.05.2011 14:29:05)
    The battle ended in a draw, both fleets withdraw to their home planets.
    The attacker lost a total of 146.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 134.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 0 metal and 0 crystal.

    Combat at deep space [3:415:16] (08.05.2011 10:03:09)

    The battle ended in a draw, both fleets withdraw to their home planets.
    The attacker lost a total of 112.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 138.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 0 metal and 0 crystal.

    Combat at deep space [3:415:16] (08.05.2011 07:12:58)
    The battle ended in a draw, both fleets withdraw to their home planets.
    The attacker lost a total of 106.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 146.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 0 metal and 0 crystal.
  4. babycute85

    babycute85 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tôi chơi cái Ogame này lâu lắm rồi từ hồi Darkside mà ít vào GVN nên kô nhiều người biết :-"

    ---------- Post added at 10:54 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

    Tiện thể làm cái CR, tự dưng tàu nó về làm thêm được 40 xe rác

    on (09.05.2011 04:25:18) the following fleets met in battle:

    Shino -vs- Rackemwillie

    Attacker: Shino

    Battleship............ 51
    Battlecr............. 5

    -= V S =-

    Defender: Rackemwillie

    S.Cargo............ 41
    H.Cargo............ 60
    L.Fighter............ 37
    H.Fighter............ 91
    Cruiser............ 13
    Esp.Probe............ 321
    Sol sat............ 13

    - after battle -

    Attacker: Shino
    Battleship............ 51 . . . . . .(lost: 0)
    Battlecr............. 5 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

    Defender: Rackemwillie
    S.Cargo............ 5 . . . . . .(lost: 36)
    H.Cargo............ 7 . . . . . .(lost: 53)
    L.Fighter............ 5 . . . . . .(lost: 32)
    H.Fighter............ 10 . . . . . .(lost: 81)
    Cruiser............ 2 . . . . . .(lost: 11)
    Esp.Probe............ 28 . . . . . .(lost: 293)
    Sol sat............ 1 . . . . . .(lost: 12)

    The battle ended in a draw, both fleets are downloaded to their home planet.

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    The defender lost a total of 2.332.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 715.200 metal and 684.000 crystal.

    The chance for a moon to be created is 13 %

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 1.399.200
    The attacker lost a total of 0
    The defender lost a total of 2.332.000
    Total Damage: 2.332.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ................................1.399.200

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ...............................-2.360.000
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/5/11
  5. tjnhlocachxa

    tjnhlocachxa Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi
    [align=]on (09.05.2011 06:09:18) the following fleets met in battle:

    adelavn -vs- HERRRSCHER

    Attacker: adelavn
    Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Armour: 60%
    Cruiser.......... 37
    Battlecr........... 1

    Pằng chíu ... chíu ......

    Defender: HERRRSCHER
    Weapons: 0% Shields: 20% Armour: 50%
    S.Cargo.......... 23
    H.Cargo.......... 15
    L.Fighter.......... 1
    H.Fighter.......... 20
    Esp.Probe.......... 19
    Sol sat.......... 5

    Boom ... boom ... boom ...

    Attacker: adelavn
    Cruiser.......... 37 . . . . . .(lost: 0)
    Battlecr........... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

    Defender: HERRRSCHER
    S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 23)
    H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 15)
    L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
    H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20)
    Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 19)
    Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5)

    Defender HERRRSCHER destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 10.116 metal 10.116 crystal, and 10.117 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    The defender lost a total of 505.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 155.400 metal and 147.600 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 3 %

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 333.349
    The attacker lost a total of 0
    The defender lost a total of 505.000
    Total Damage: 505.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ..................................333.349

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: .................................-507.500

    [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]​
  6. kd3788

    kd3788 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bữa đi chơi bị 1 thằng crash ship, cái thằng nhóc này cứ ăn hôi farm mình 3 ngày liên tục, giờ thì cho em nó farm bằng niềm tin. Số BS này 1/2 là từ em nó đấy =))
    [align=]on (09.05.2011 16:27:35) the following fleets met in battle:

    kd3788 -vs- ephedrin

    Attacker: kd3788
    Weapons: 60% Shields: 50% Armour: 60%
    Battleship.......... 25

    Pằng chíu ... chíu ......

    Defender: ephedrin
    Weapons: 60% Shields: 50% Armour: 50%
    S.Cargo.......... 9
    H.Cargo.......... 5
    L.Fighter.......... 4
    H.Fighter.......... 6
    Cruiser.......... 2
    Recy.......... 2
    Esp.Probe.......... 24
    R.Luncher.......... 1
    L.Laser.......... 44

    Boom ... boom ... boom ...

    Attacker: kd3788
    Battleship.......... 25 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

    Defender: ephedrin
    S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 9)
    H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5)
    L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4)
    H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6)
    Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 24)
    R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
    L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 44)

    Defender ephedrin destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 12.499 metal 12.500 crystal, and 12.500 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    The defender lost a total of 372.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 93.600 metal and 75.600 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 1 %

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 206.699
    The attacker lost a total of 0
    The defender lost a total of 372.000
    Total Damage: 372.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ..................................206.699

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: .................................-380.000

    [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
  7. tjnhlocachxa

    tjnhlocachxa Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi
    mới make đc cái moon cú thế
    he attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    The defender lost a total of 695.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 187.200 metal and 76.200 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 2 %
    The enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together and form a moon around the planet.

    nó viết thư sang hỏi " so are you happy now."
  8. ngoctu1191

    ngoctu1191 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mới gia nhập vào Jupiter 3:352:6
    Hôm nay bắt đầu, sát mình toàn mấy thằng đot chót :))
    Có một ông bạn ở [4:105:12] nữa

    Buddy cái nào ;))
  9. kd3788

    kd3788 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    [align=]on (10.05.2011 15:52:15) the following fleets met in battle:

    kd3788 -vs- YoJelly

    Attacker: kd3788
    Weapons: 60% Shields: 50% Armour: 60%
    Cruiser.......... 9
    Battleship.......... 31

    Pằng chíu ... chíu ......

    Defender: YoJelly
    Weapons: 40% Shields: 60% Armour: 30%
    S.Cargo.......... 3
    Cruiser.......... 14
    Recy.......... 2
    Esp.Probe.......... 5
    R.Luncher.......... 1
    L.Laser.......... 20
    T.Laser.......... 11
    Gauss.......... 5
    S.Dome.......... 1

    Boom ... boom ... boom ...

    Attacker: kd3788
    Cruiser.......... 7 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Battleship.......... 31 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

    Defender: YoJelly
    S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3)
    Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 14)
    Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5)
    R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)
    L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20)
    T.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11)
    Gauss.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5)
    S.Dome.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)

    Defender YoJelly destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 25.665 metal 11.366 crystal, and 6.769 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 54.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 752.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 207.600 metal and 81.000 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 2 %

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 278.400
    The attacker lost a total of 54.000
    The defender lost a total of 752.000
    Total Damage: 806.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ..................................274.400

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: .................................-794.000

    [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
  10. ngoctu1191

    ngoctu1191 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nãy add Buddies với kd3788mà bị declined

    Đang gắng build lên nhanh nhất, khổ nỗi phải ngủ gật :))
  11. tjnhlocachxa

    tjnhlocachxa Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi
    sim chán vãi
    chết 1 con hoặc k chết thế mà ....

    The attacker has won the battle! He captured 20.331 metal, 36.846 crystal and 2.072 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 120.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 1.511.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 654.000 metal and 324.600 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 9 %
  12. kd3788

    kd3788 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái này gọi là bùn ngủ mà gặp nệp kim đan :)), trước trận này cũng làm 150k metal của thằng này rôi =))
    [align=]on (14.05.2011 08:18:43) the following fleets met in battle:

    kd3788 -vs- HereWeGoAgain

    Attacker: kd3788
    Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Armour: 70%
    Battleship.......... 57

    Pằng chíu ... chíu ......

    Defender: HereWeGoAgain
    Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Armour: 80%
    H.Cargo.......... 4
    Sol sat.......... 8
    R.Luncher.......... 70
    L.Laser.......... 100
    T.Laser.......... 11
    S.Dome.......... 1

    Boom ... boom ... boom ...

    Attacker: kd3788
    Battleship.......... 57 . . . . . .(lost: 0)

    Defender: HereWeGoAgain
    H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4)
    Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 8)
    R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 70)
    L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 100)
    T.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11)
    S.Dome.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1)

    Defender HereWeGoAgain destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 40.920 metal 17.665 crystal, and 186 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    The defender lost a total of 512.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 14.400 metal and 24.000 crystal.

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 97.171
    The attacker lost a total of 0
    The defender lost a total of 512.000
    Total Damage: 512.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ...................................97.171

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: .................................-516.000

    [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
  13. JetcooL

    JetcooL Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai mua deuttttt koooo dư 200k cần thanh lý đây ạ !!! pm Y!M m0on_shade nhé :(
  14. namedung

    namedung Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thằng rank, chơi lại rồi hả hôm nào ra Bách Khoa làm vài trận heros III chứ :))
  15. chocobo_pet

    chocobo_pet Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lần chơi ogame trước là hơn 6 năm rồi :)), đợt này mới nghỉ làm chuyển cơ quan ở nhà đang rảnh rỗi vào chơi ogame ở server Jupiter acc miner của thằng em nó chơi ở đấy từ trước để giết thời gian trong vài tháng. Mới chỉ tầm 40k point nhưng bị 1 thằng quấy các colony hoài quá dù rank nó kém mình vài trăm nhưng do pure turtle nên không có thuyền, main planet thì nó không dám đụng vào rồi. Bạn nào còn account ở Jupiter thì cho mình xin để push acc lên xây ship đánh lại nó.

    Chỉ sợ cái Jupiter này bỏ hoang lâu rồi không ai chơi :(

    Thanks :D

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