[Thảo Luận]Shogun 2 - The Fall of the Samurai (hỏi xin crack = xóa bài)

Thảo luận trong 'Total War' bắt đầu bởi nxtlucky, 1/12/11.

  1. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Update chapter 2 FOTS :

    Thứ duy nhất không thấy có trong FOTS là bayonet (lưỡi lê), thay vào đó ta có line infantry + katana. Do xài katana nên infantry không thể tạo square formation (Đội hình ô vuông) để chống lại kị binh được.
    Vậy có thể suy ra game được balance theo kiểu militia, line, elite infantry = matchlock ashigaru. Do đó anh em nào thích xài quân Shogunate thì không cần phải lo quân cổ xưa không đánh lại quân hiện đại. Thậm chí Katana Samurai trong FOTS khi vs với line infantry mà line infantry không kịp bắn rout cả đạo thì cứ xác định là xong phim.
    Làm balance kiểu này có lẽ lại hay hơn làm đúng như thực tế kiểu như trong phim The Last Samurai.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/2/12
  2. transformerX

    transformerX Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ổng là chủ dự án việt hóa này,là người kêu gọi anh em tham dự,và ổng hầu như tự làm 60%,mấy cậu kia phụ có tí xíu à!
    Zaft chỉ là phát ngôn viên của ổng trên vozforums thôi! :D
  3. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    tp Hồ Chí Min
    thời Napoleon lính có lưỡi lê để cận chiến , ko lẽ trong FOS ko có :-? vậy quân sam xáp vô là quân súng chỉ có nước rout hàng loạt ?
  4. Hacker1618

    Hacker1618 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    80% sẽ được bổ sung sau .
  5. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Creative Assembly nói rằng vì thời gian + money quá gấp gáp nên không thể thêm lưỡi lê vào game (Thực tế lịch sử là có) vì thêm vào là phải thêm hàng loạt animation mới nên không kịp deadline 23/3/2012. Nhưng có tung ra Bayonet Pack DLC cho game hay không thì chưa biết được, cũng có thể cho miễn phí.
    Không lo sợ bị rout hàng loạt vì hỏa lực quân súng quá mạnh, thách sam dám đến gần.:D:D:D:D:D

    Nguồn TWCenter: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=522228&page=5
  6. legend_k74

    legend_k74 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Với giá 29.99$ ko phải là full price 60$ thì game chỉ có từng đấy điểm nhấn mới là đc rồi. Ko có chuyện ko kịp deadline đâu (hoặc cũng có thể) , cứ thử nghĩ xem nếu FOTS là 60$ xem CA có làm cho kịp = mọi giá ko=)) ? nên nhớ cái DLC Rise of the samurai có 10$ mà nhìn ko khác gì bản mod, thay skin cho camp cũ. Cái bayonet pack DLC trên twcenter chỉ là joke của mấy ông ko thích pre order game thôi.
  7. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chỉ gọi nó thế thôi, bác ạ vì chẳng biết CA sẽ đặt cho nó tên gì.
    Các bản DLC hay expansions game nào em cũng thấy đều là mod lại game gốc nhưng do nhà phát triển game mod lại nên tốt hơn các modders đó bác.
    Theo em thấy thì CA cố tình bỏ đi bayonet để chơi game balance hơn (Không làm thế thì các đơn vị samurai biết bỏ đi đâu.....) vì nếu có bayonet thì bộ binh FOTS trở nên quá bá đạo.
  8. Odisey

    Odisey The Miscast Sorcerer GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GVN Dalit

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Có thông tin về thời gian phát hành chưa nhỉ ?
  9. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    tp Hồ Chí Min
    ghi trên post trên kìa 23/3/2012 . nhớ trong bản gốc quân melee xáp vô là quân súng rout ngay , bọn này morale thấp nên 1 unit rout là cả đám nhấp nháy -> rout hàng loạt
  10. artisttong

    artisttong Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có ai đăng kí tham gia việt hóa Fots hem'@-@

    ---------- Post added at 05:01 ---------- Previous post was at 04:59 ----------

    muốn thì vào đây http://gamemaytinh.com/ .game sẽ dc việt hóa ngay khi phát hành. Việt hóa lần này có chuẫn bị sẵn.Hi vọng có bản tương đối đầy đủ cho dân Việt mình thưởng thức .
  11. Hacker1618

    Hacker1618 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Independents

    Shimazu Tadayoshi, the daimyo of the Satsuma domain, is heir to 400 (and more) years of continuous lordship. The Shimazu are an old clan, and can claim the Minamoto Shoguns of old as blood relatives. They are also unusual in that they have had contacts with the world outside Japan for centuries; these dealings have been carefully controlled and limited but they have, nonetheless, profited from contacts with the outside. The Shimazu have long claimed tribute from the Ryukyu Kingdom, and have had trade with China for many generations. They are, therefore, a little more open to foreign ideas than many others in Japan and, thanks to their remoteness from the capital, a little more independent than many others. Their loyalties, for the most part, lie with the Emperor and his vision for the future.

    Satsuma has two regions at the start of the campaign and, because of its Shimazu history, it is a rich domain with an effective and efficient administration. They also have an advantage when it comes to recruiting foreign veterans as agents.

    Administration (-5% reduction to administration costs)
    Westernisation (-10% to the cost of foreign veteran actions)
    Leadership (15% increase to the general's radius of influence)
    Dominion (Begins with two provinces)

    The Modernisers

    The Saga domain is ruled by Nabeshima Mochizuru, the latest in a line of daimyo who were given this territory after the Tokugawa won the vicious civil war of the Sengoku Jidai. The Nabeshima did well by being sensible enough to join the Tokugawa cause while there was still some doubt over the result. They did not wait until the Battle of Sekigahara to decide where their true loyalties lay. \n\nThe domain includes the port of Nagasaki, a valuable resource for any daimyo. It is here that Japan has its only official trade with the West, and it is here that interesting ideas arrive in the country. Perhaps this knowledge of the harshness of the outside world is what has convinced the Nabeshima to throw their weight behind the Imperial Court rather than the Shogun.

    The Nabeshima clan can rely on a few advantages in the coming struggle: they have Western connections and trade that is far ahead of any other domain. In turn, this learning allows them to be artillery experts, and have good shipbuilding and industrial facilities. The modern world has much to offer to those who would embrace it. Interestingly, the historical Nabeshima Mochizuru eventually resigned his position and left Japan to study in England.``

    Gunnery (+5 to the accuracy of all artillery pieces)
    Industry (+5 to growth from industrial buildings)
    Engineering (-15% reduction to the recruitment and upkeep costs of ships)
    Rangaku (Trade with the Western Powers has been established)

    The Mediators

    The Yamauchi clan owe their lordship in Tosa to their support for Oda Nobunaga and then, after that great warlord’s death, their support of Tokugawa Ieyasu at the battle of Sekigahara in 1600. Those families who supported the newly victorious Shogun did rather well in the centuries that followed. The Tosa domain, however, was predominantly loyal to the Emperor’s party by the time of the Boshin War: predominantly, but not entirely. Yamauchi Toyoshige urged the Shogun to return authority to the Emperor, avoid open warfare and so prevent Choshu and Satsuma from becoming even more powerful. When this became impossible, Tosa sided with the Emperor’s forces.

    However, this gives the Yamauchi and their domain some advantages. They are skilled in diplomacy, and have a good deal of naval expertise which is reflected in their ships’ experience and in their ability to bombard shore targets.

    Tact (+10 to diplomatic relations)
    Barrage (+2 to naval bombardment range)
    Respect (-1 reduction to resistance to occupation across all provinces)
    Seafaring (+2 to experience for all ship crews)

    The Emperor’s Fury

    The Mori clan, rulers of Choshu, have nurtured resentment against the Shogunate for 250 years, and with what to them seems like good reason. They supported Toyotomi Hideyoshi in his struggle against the Tokugawa clan, but they also agreed with the Tokugawa to keep their forces out of the Battle of Sekigahara and they gave up Osaka Castle without a fight. Their reward for this extremely useful neutrality was not preferment. They were stripped of their possessions, and given the Choshu domain, hardly something that could be counted a prize. As a result, the Mori spent decades in resentment, plotting and near treason. Eventually, they found a cause and rose against the Shogunate when Japan was opened up to foreigners: they were among those wanting to “expel the barbarians” at sword point. Naval bombardments convinced the Mori that getting rid of the barbarians was a good thing, but that using Western, barbarian weapons to do it was going to be useful.

    The Mori, then, are supporters of the Emperor because he is not the Shogun, and modernisers so that they can have the best weaponry for their armies. Any ishin shishi agents recruited by them will be of high quality, and their armies are well trained and motivated, with a good charge bonus.

    Zeal (-10% to the cost of ishin shishi actions)
    Marauding (+25% to income from looting)
    Adaptability (-10% to the costs of modern military buildings and units)
    Impetus (+3 to the charge bonus of all units)

    The Overseers

    The Sakai clan, the rulers of Obama, are firm supporters of the Shogunate. The original Sakai lord of the domain, Sakai Tadakatsu, was one of the roju, or elders, under Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Shogun. This was a hugely important post in the affairs of Japan, and Tadakatsu was correspondingly powerful within the Shogunate’s administration. The Sakai clan could also claim to be related to the Minamoto clan, and to be cousins of both the Tokugawa and the Matsudaira clans. They are, then, very well connected. Their domain is worthy of them. The town of Obama had been a prosperous trading port, but its importance declined as Japan closed itself off from the outside world. It remained an important link to Ezo, modern Hokkaido. \n\nBecause of their long experience of government and administration, they are experts at managing the population of their lands. They receive a taxation bonus, and are highly efficient at repression. They also spend money wisely, and they pay less upkeep for land units. All their garrison troops are also of high quality.

    It is, by the way, a complete coincidence that the 44th President of the United States has the same name as this domain.

    Vigilance (+2 to the experience of defending garrison units)
    Logistics (-10% to the upkeep cost of all land units)
    Authority (+2 to repression across all provinces)
    Overseeing (+5% increase in tax income)


    The Betrayers

    The Todo clan, rulers of the Tsu domain, cannot claim a proud samurai lineage like many of the other great clans of Japan. Their beginnings are actually rather humble: Todo Takatora was an ashigaru, a peasant footsoldier, during the great wars of the Sengoku Jidai. So what? So too was the mighty general Toyotomi Hideyoshi, revered as one of the three great unifiers of Japan! Todo Takatora was wise enough to side with the Tokugawa clan at Sekigahara, and he was rewarded with the fief of Tsu, comprising a good part of the provinces of Iga and Ise.

    Historically, the Tsu chose to play a “long game”, apparently supporting the Shogunate until the very last moment. At the Battle of Toba-Fushimi they sided with the Choshu and Satsuma domains, and therefore with the Imperial forces. They then provided the Imperialists with a strategic position to continue the drive towards Kyoto. Their central position on the mainland, in what is now Mie Prefecture, lay between Edo and Kyoto, and this allowed them enviable flexibility and options in their loyalties. Such flexibility goes some way to explain why they have such excellent shinobi at their command.

    Persuasion (+2% to allegiance conversion)
    Fortitude (+1 to unit melee defence)
    Furtiveness (+3 to the number of kisho ninja units available)
    Artifice (-10% to the cost of shinobi actions)

    The Tycoons

    Under the leadership of Makino Tadayuki, the Makino clan and the Nagaoka domain are loyal to the Shogun rather than the Emperor. As a family they owe their position to their successes as administrators rather than warriors and claim descent from Takenouchi no Sukune, legendary statesman and advisor to five great Emperors of old. Nagaoka domain benefits from its rulers’ love of modern ideas, and links to foreign arms dealers. The domain has better business skills (and economic bonuses); can produce modern-pattern units at lower cost than others; and Nagaoka troops can reload on the battlefield quicker than others’ soldiers.

    The various branches of the Makino clan eventually did rather well out of the struggles of the Boshin War: the heads of three separate branches of the family, including the ruler of Nagaoka, were all ennobled as “viscounts” during the following Meiji period. Incidentally, the Nagaoka crater, and its smaller satellite craters, on the far side of the Moon are not named after the domain; they commemorate Nagaoka Hantaro, a noted Japanese physicist of the early 20th Century who put forward an early model for an atom’s structure in 1904. This was only 50 years after Japan had opened up, and vividly shows the tremendous efforts made by the country to modernise rapidly.

    Enterprise (+10% to income from business chain buildings)
    Entertainment (+5% to the chances of successful geisha actions)
    Foreign Trade (-15% to the recruitment costs of modern units)
    Alacrity (+15% to the reloading skill of rifle units)

    The Hidden Warriors

    The Jozai domain is the fief of the Hayashi Clan, commanded by Hayashi Tadakata. They are another one of the great families that owes their position entirely to the Tokugawa Shogunate, and they have repaid this with unstinting loyalty. Previous, the Hiyashi had been retainers to the Matsudaira, who rule in Aizu. Jozai is not a particularly large domain, nor extremely rich, and the Hayashi clan only just have enough income to style themselves as daimyo; this has made no difference to their loyalty to the Shogunate. In this, as in much else, they are traditionalists at heart and true to the old ways of Japan.

    Their lack of wealth has, however, made them think unconventionally about warfare. Lack of money has meant no lack of inventiveness, and the Hayashi clan have become specialists in guerrilla warfare in all its forms. The units they can raise and the bonuses to their agents reflect this in many ways. Open battle is not always the best way to win a war; sometimes it can be more useful to defeat an enemy with his own strength.

    Conditioning (+2% to the movement speed of all units)
    Guerrilla Warfare (+6 to the possible number of yugekitai units)
    Subversion (+10% to casualties when using sabotage and harassment actions)
    Resourcefulness (Armies can replenish in enemy territory, winter months excepted)

    The Traditionalists

    Aizu is ruled by the Matsudaira clan, under their leader Matsudaira Katamori. The domain and its ruling clan can be comfortably counted among the bakufu, the supporters of the Shogun. The Aizu-Matsudaira family owes its position, and even the family name, entirely to its long-standing connections to the Tokugawa, the family of the Shoguns. The Matsudaira also had a clear instruction from the family founder to always support the Shogunate, a wise policy that meant that the family prospered and gained preferment. As a result, by history and by inclination, Aizu is the principal domain of the Shogunate at the start of the Boshin War. It has a proud martial tradition, its troops are well-trained, considered loyal, and are well placed to defend Kyoto, the Shogunate’s capital city, against threats from the Choshu and Satsuma domains.

    As might be expected of such staunch Shogunate loyalists, the Matsudaira also have a strong traditional streak within their makeup. This has made them sponsors of the shinsengumi movement, the “newly chosen men”, former ronin who are also extremely loyal to the Shogunate and the idea of a traditional Japan. This gives the Aizu domain some of its bonuses in the game: shinsengumi agents and units have an experience bonus, and traditional military units are cheaper to recruit.

    Defence (-10% to the cost of constructing castles)
    Discipline (-10% to the cost of shinsengumi actions)
    Bushido (-10% to the recruitment costs of traditional units)
    Tradition (+1 to the experience of traditional units)


    The Negotiators

    Date Yoshikuni, the lord of Sendai, is loyal to the Shogunate. His family have been loyal to the Tokugawa clan since the end of the wars of the Sengoku Jidai. Then, Date Masamune had proven himself worthy, and established the domain with the blessing of the first Shogun. Even before then, the Date had been a noble and notable family of samurai, beginning as the Isa clan under the Minamoto. Given control of the Date province, and taking the name as their own, they survived centuries of turmoil. They have done this by political guile, implacable enemies, and fierce warriors. Now, as lords of Sendai, they are still all of those, even after centuries of relative peace. In battle, Sendai armies have longer when attacking, and need to defend for less time, making victory less of a race to achieve. The Date clan also have a bonus to all diplomatic efforts, and are tolerant towards people with different allegiance.

    Tolerance (-3 reduction to unhappiness from differences in allegiance)
    Siegecraft (-2 turn reduction to surrender time when besieging castles)
    Tact (+10 to diplomatic relations)
    Respect (-1 reduction to resistance to occupation across all provinces)
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/2/12
  12. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bạn Hacker1618 nên edit lại cho dễ nhìn chút, tìm mãi mới đọc được faction mình cần.
    Wait a minute. Sendai Clan hình như không có trong game lẫn pre-order rồi. Ta lại có DLC Sendai clan pack.'+_+'+_+'+_+

    Tổng hợp lại có tất cả 10 clans:
    Theo Imperial: Choshu, Satsuma, Tosa, Tsu, Saga.
    Theo Shogunate: Aizu, Nagaoka, Jozai, Sendai, Obama.

    Xem ra lực lượng ở cả hai bên khá là cân bằng.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/2/12
  13. av98

    av98 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Súng thì có ưu thế bắn từ xa mà mạnh hơn cung
    Gươm thì cận chiến thì khỏi chê
    Tóm lại là kẻ tám cân, người nửa lạng '@-@
    Bản mở rộng này đáng chơi lắm đây
    Ta sẽ cho US Marine Vs Samurai :(fight)
  14. phung_tien9

    phung_tien9 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cung Trăng
    Nâng cấp súng lưỡi lê fire rate đại bác thì khoảng thời gian tiếp cận cũng chết 1 lượng kha khá quân rồi.Đã vậy súng thời này chỉ việc bỏ đạn vào là bắn luôn đâu cần kéo thuốc nổ như súng của bọn shogun.Nếu lẹ chắc phải cho kị binh nhào lên trước rồi mới cho bộ binh chạy lên @@
  15. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Test sơ qua thấy lính súng một khi đã "chống càng" + rapid fire dù bị trừ accuracy nhưng deal damage + trừ morale thì lính bakufu charge thẳng mặt chỉ tự sát thôi, lại còn lẹ nữa là đằng khác.'+_+'+_+'+_+
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 4/3/12
  16. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Update campaign gameplay BETA FOTS:
  17. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    tp Hồ Chí Min
    geisha kì này có nhiều công dụng hơn bản gốc nhỉ . tuy nhiên chưa chơi ngay được , chờ patch và mod chơi mới sướng
  18. legend_k74

    legend_k74 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái này là video hướng dẫn ở mục encyclopedia của game, chứ mục campaign preview beta cho chơi có 10 turn thì làm sao mà có đủ thông tin mà góp thành video đc.
  19. Aomari0

    Aomari0 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Là encyclopaedia (UK) bác ạ, hay thật game do UK phát triển mà lại phát hành bởi STEAM (USA).
    Em post bài của người khác toàn quên ghi nguồn thôi, sorry bác. Nên chả biết nội dung thực tế nó như thế nào. Cảm ơn bác đã nhắc nhở.~^o^~~^o^~~^o^~
    Nguồn forums.totalwar.com.
  20. legend_k74

    legend_k74 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ steam bây giờ là platform lớn nhất rồi, quản lí game tiện dụng nên các hãng game nhảy vào dùng steam là điều đoán đc.
    Còn vụ video thì mình ko có ý gì đâu, bởi vì mọi hôm thấy bạn đều ghi thêm chú thích tóm tắt nữa, khá là hay, đỡ mất công ngồi xem video ( dạo này đang lười :">)

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