Hướng dẫn chơi Median XL: Ultimative XIV (Sigma is future)

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi medassin, 2/6/11.

  1. longbs

    longbs Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Ai post lên media fire lại cái udie ultimative v6 cho mình với. link cũ đã bị xóa rồi
  2. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    12 Casa, OF city
  3. longbs

    longbs Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Udie median xl 2012 không dùng được cho omega v6. Hôm qua ngồi mò chỉnh từng số 0 với 1 được 1 cái claw có area effect dame, sacre unique nhưng require level 6. từ nay trình độ hack đã lên 1 đẳng cấp khác. mặc full bộ sacre unique từ level 6 :2onion18:
  4. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    12 Casa, OF city
    Omega nâng cấp lên 2012 ấy chứ :-? Còn bản ultima xl lại là bản khác cơ. Hai cái này nhập chung thì bad char do code khác nhau :D

    btw, qua mò lên 4rum laz thì thấy 4rum nó bị sự cố, tình hình là guild build sắp đi tong =))
  5. longbs

    longbs Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Forum modbylaz down rồi. mình muốn vào toàn dùng bản lưu của google
  6. longbs

    longbs Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Mọi người test thử cái này nhé. mình có hack 1 char sor trong omega 6. có cộng điểm vào witch blood. sau khi lên level 120 thì vì cầm character orb nên máu=1. THế nên damage của mình lúc thì âm lúc thì lên đến 800k mặc dù chẳng mặc đồ ngon gì, không biết có lợi dụng được lỗi này khi chơi boss của destruction không. vd: clear hết creep rồi cầm character orb kết hợp slow của miasma để thả diều boss
  7. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    4rum laz đã ngủm có nguy cơ ko phục hồi được =((
  8. Lilimori

    Lilimori Youtube Master Race

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    Có ai còn nhớ cách build con TerrorBlade của ChuckNorris không? (Omega v005)
  9. emoli824

    emoli824 Youtube Master Race

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    Mình có phần lớn guide trên forum của Laz (bao gồm Chucknorris 2012's guide, Make your own's guide,....). Hồi đó nhà bị cắt mạng phải down về mở off nên còn. Ai cần pm mình share lại cho nhé :)

    - - - Updated - - -

    4. [2012] Terrorblade (Dual wielder Barbarian ) KS:8 S:8 Ge:9 F:9 Ga:9 E:10 Build rank: 8.83


    The result of a poll i made in 2009 showed that "the best barbarian shield" is HIS HEAD .

    Stats alocation :
    Strenght - enough for gear
    Dexterity - 0
    Vitality - all you can get
    Energy - 0

    Skillpoints alocation
    Skillplan TerrorBlade (Barbarian, 2012 v004)
    - use the spare skill points you got in the earl-mid game into BH (more LOSIM). in end game the soft points make a great 1-pointer while you can smax the other skills


    Early-mid game
    Belt: Tu heavy belt : 10%SoR after kill , flat strength , CB , UA
    Gloves: TU light gauntlets : 10% Crucify on attack , %strength , OW
    Boots : TU chain boots -> Nephilim RW
    Helm : TU assault helmet - just great
    Armour: TU splint mail - proc , tri-elemental damage to weapon , 10% DR
    WeaponS: 2x TU kriegsmesser - 10% Spike nova on attack , GREAT damage , inner fire
    Rings: 2x empyrean band
    Amulet: Angel heart -> athula's oracle
    Sockets: Eld/ Tal runes , jewels (resistances)

    End game
    Barbarian Dual Wielder Full Set +
    Belt: Nero RW : 10% fortress on attack , adds damage , path of flames oskill
    Boots: SU Greaves (slippers of yaerius) : Buff duration
    Rings : 2x empyrean band rings MO'ed with ctc thunder hammer and anything else usefull ( endless light UMOs)
    Amulet: BotsQ
    Sockets : jah or sha'ad for weapons , crafted jewels for the rest (%life stolen per hit , 1%AA)

    - Summon your wolves , buff your character with NW and thungergod
    - tslam to stun packs , SB/SoR as main attack , BH to heal


    - - - Updated - - -

    Post lại cái skill plan: Skillplan TerrorBlade (Barbarian, 2012 v004)
  10. soithan08

    soithan08 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Share đi ông ơi, đang cần mớ tài liệu trên forum của laz! :D
  11. soithan08

    soithan08 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Phiên bản Archive Forum của Laz nè, ai cần gì thì vào đây nha:
    Đây là bản lưu trữ nên đưng cố tình login vào nha, sẽ chẳng có hiện tượng gì đâu! :))

    - - - Updated - - -

    Còn đây là forum mới:
    dẫn nguyên văn của MNX:
    Hey all, check this ==> www.medianxl.com

    it's not "officially" approved by laz (don't ask why) but we already recovered a bunch of information from the old forum.
    enough advertising for today I think i'll go take a shower before I rage at this yuku bullshit.

    cheers smiley: devil (<= seriously???)
  12. soithan08

    soithan08 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  13. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    12 Casa, OF city
  14. soithan08

    soithan08 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Nhưng nó cải tiến 1 cách vượt bậc thế này thì đáng mong chờ lắm chứ. :D
    Mà sao dạo này bro laz chả có động tĩnh gì nhể? Lại để series Median xl dừng ở v005 thì hụt đó! :(
  15. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    12 Casa, OF city
    Hình như hắn đang mod Dota2 :-?
  16. Lilimori

    Lilimori Youtube Master Race

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  17. emoli824

    emoli824 Youtube Master Race

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    Về skill SB, trong mechanic của nó, damage calc thực hiện việc tính leech trước rồi mới đến convert nên vẫn leech được. Còn dùng losim thì cũng được, cỡ >300 là ok. Labrys-SB-Bar là 1 trong những STRONGEST POSSIBLE BUILD đó
  18. soithan08

    soithan08 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Hàng cổ nè mọi người, đây là tổng hợp các cách build char ở bên forum laz đã bị ngỏm:4cool_beauty::
    Mình xin trích các link download cho các bạn tiện download hơn:
    [SPOIL]Since Blizku has disappeared/left, I'll be updating this for all the new guides that have been added.
    Smiling Hobo wrote:
    This thread is similar to the one in the Median 2008 forum and serves as a sort of Index of completed guides for MXL. I'll update this post every so often to add new guides as they appear. The format will be as follows...

    Guide Name (Clarification of what build entails if needed) [Version] - By Author - Status (Complete, In Progress, etc.)

    If you ask me to include your guide via PM or in this thread, it would be helpful if you provided a link to your guide, as well as the above information in the above format. If I don't include your guide and you feel like it should be included, just tell me.

    Notice as of 1.D9: The new 1.D9 patch has substantially changed the layout of many character's skill trees. Some guides from previous versions may not be applicable, either in their entirity or partially. This doesn't mean that pre-1.D9 guides are teh suxx, but they are certainly dated, so keep in mind what has changed since they were written. Authors of pre-1.D9 guides, updating your guides for the new patch is probably a good idea. Remember to PM me/post in this thread if you do so, that way I can update this thread accordingly.

    Notice as of 1.F9: Well, lots of stuff has changed in the last couple patches (1.E9 and 1.F9) as well, so again, keep that in mind when looking at guides from older versions of MXL.

    Amazon Guides

    ¬¬Blood Shepard (Blood Elementals) [1.80] - By Xelius - In Progress
    ¬¬Spearzon [1.86] - By kapsel - Complete
    ¬¬Curare Tankazon/Javazon [1.90] - By penco - Complete
    ¬¬The Amazochist (Bacchanalia based blood spell user) [1.95] - By mercury - Complete
    ¬¬The Generic Bowazon [1.99] - By Marspiken - Complete
    ¬¬Speed Bloodzon (Blood/Summoning) [1.99d] - By hydr0skunk - In Progress
    ¬¬Fury of the Storm (Dragonforce) [1.A9] - By Conquest - In Progress
    ¬¬The Golden Crusader (Summoner) [1.A9c] - By Ryz - In Progress
    ¬¬The Evil Fireball (Summoner) [1.A9c] - By MacroNecroX - In Progress
    ¬¬Curare Spearzon [1.A9c] - By aerial - Complete
    ¬¬The Big F***IN' Zon (BFG83K-Oskill Based) [1.D9] - By Dom - In Progress
    ¬¬Spearzon 101 [1.D9] - By Jaafarjomaa - In Progress
    ¬¬Firestarter (Summoner) [1.D9c] - By holyguy777 - Complete
    ¬¬The Nuclear Javazon (Lotsa Javelins!) [1.F9] - By Maelstrom51 - Complete
    ¬¬The life-less zon(bloodzon) [1.F9b] - By stardragon12-1-8-27-57-52 - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Mistress Of The Moon Warrior (Javazon) [1.F9] - by Skulesta - In Progress

    Assassin Guides

    ¬¬Disciple of Blood (Wychwind Assassin) [1.80] - By MinionOfBoredom - In Progress
    ¬¬Bombsin Assassin (Bombsin) [1.80] - By Sacred - Complete
    ¬¬Hades Gauntletsin (Hades Gate/"Gauntlet" Unique) [1.85] - By Conquest - In Progress
    ¬¬The Anarchist (Bombsin) [1.94] - By MinionOfBoredom - In Progress
    ¬¬The Starsin (Starburst) [1.95] - By burningled - In Progress
    ¬¬The Army of the Ice Abyss (No-Ways/Summoner) [1.95] - By penco - In Progress
    ¬¬The Way of the Crow (Storm Crows/Ways) [1.95] - By burningled - In Progress
    ¬¬The Tramplersin (Pounce Oskill) [1.95] - By Snarky1 - Complete
    ¬¬The Firesin (Death Blossom/Immolation Bomb) [1.99] - By Queen - Complete
    ¬¬The Sofasin (Storm Crows/Singularity) [1.99d] - By Arc_Razer - Complete
    ¬¬The Cruciator (Crucify Meleesin) [1.A9] - By archon256 - Complete
    ¬¬The Hybrid Flower-sin (Death Blossom/BLS) [1.A9] - By kapsel - Complete
    ¬¬The Vipersniper (Scorpion Blade) [1.D9] - By Bananafeller - Complete
    ¬¬The Warp Ninja (Blink/Starburst/SoF) [1.D9] - By burningled - In Progress
    ¬¬The Nadosin (Melee using "Nimmenjuushin" unique axe) [1.D9] - By Bankofthewest - Deleted Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Blue Death Assassin (Speedy Melee) [1.D9c] - By xfenix - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Judgesin (Based around 'Judge' RW) [1.D9c] - By aerial - Complete
    ¬¬The Pouncesin (Based around Pounce oskill) [1.F9] - By aerial - Complete
    ¬¬The Sappersin(Phase Bomb/Singularity Bombsin) - [1.F9b] - In Progress Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Pirate Girl (Broadside/Melee) [1.F9b] - By [clueso] - Complete
    ¬¬The Sentrian (Pure Summoner/Caster sin) [1.F9] - By holyguy777 - Complete
    ¬¬Avian Assassin Storm crows [1.Z9] - By rogergamer - In Progress
    ¬¬Maelstrom Assassin (throwsin) [1.Z9] - by MarcoNecroX - Complete
    ¬¬Fangskin - The Twin Fangstrike Assassin [omega] - By Segolia - In Progress Lost (for me)

    Necromancer Guides

    ¬¬Reotemancer (Reanimates/Totems) [1.70] - By Klael - Conceptual/In Progress
    ¬¬The Widowmaker (Crossbows) [1.80] - By mercury - Complete
    ¬¬How to Soulshatter (Melee) [1.85] - By penco - In Progress
    ¬¬Satanic Slammer (Thunderslam oskill/Melee) [1.86] - By HellWyrm - In Progress Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Spiritmancer (Melee) [1.95] - By Damus - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Shotgun Necro (Buckshot) [1.95] - By Sol Badguy - Complete
    ¬¬The Priest of Rathma (Reanimator) [1.99] - By Sol Badguy - Complete
    ¬¬The Watchman (Offensive totems/summoning) [1.99] - By Median rocks - Complete
    ¬¬The Rainbow Reanimator (Reanimator) [1.99] - By Yarrick - In Progress
    ¬¬The Warlock (Caster) [1.A9] - By Sol Badguy - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Manimarco (Pure Summoner) [1.A9] - By DarthKim - Complete
    ¬¬Death (Scythe-based Melee) [1.D9] - By HellWyrm - Complete
    ¬¬The Liche Necromancer (Lich-form necro heavily dependant on honorific gear) [1.D9] - By MacroNecroX - Complete
    ¬¬The Lord of Parasites (Dagger/Shield Melee Necro) [1.D9] - By bastardodentro - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Xbow Necro [1.F9] - By MacroNecroX - Complete
    ¬¬100 suns Necro (Unholy Prayer based into when struck procs) [1.F9] - By Zpc - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Lonely-necro-that-pwns-everything Guide (Summoner/Reanimator) [1.F9b] - By Median rocks - Complete
    ¬¬Doomancer (Doom/Fragmentation shot) [1.F9b] - By rothelen - In Progress
    ¬¬Gunslinger(crossbow) [1.Z9] - By wazuzu -
    ¬¬OH-MY-OH-MAN Necro [Omega] - By Grizz B -
    ¬¬The Daystar Necro [Omega] - By bankofthewest -

    Barbarian Guides

    ¬¬Guardian Spirit Barbarian [1.70] - By xMeox - In Progress
    ¬¬Earthquake Barbarian [1.70] - By KernTheGerm - Conceptual/In Progress
    ¬¬Cobra, The King of the Barbarians (Snake Stance Melee) [1.70] - By petercobra - Conceptual/In Progress
    ¬¬Krakenstein (Kraken Stance) [1.80] - By Altair - In Progress Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Siege Breaker (Earthquaker) [1.90] - By Arc_Razer - In Progress Lost (for me)
    ¬¬King Cobra (Snake Stance/Stampede) [1.90] - By Mungo's Hi Fi - Complete
    ¬¬Destroyer Barbarian (Lion Stance/Shower of Rocks) [1.94] - By Osterius - Conceptual/In Progress
    ¬¬The Procian (CtC Dual-Wielder) [1.94] - By darkcoug - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Pyrotechnic Barb (Powder Keg Oskill) [1.99] - By Sol Badguy - Complete
    ¬¬The Serpentine Slammer (Snake Stance/Thunderslam) [1.99] - By Snarky1 - Complete
    ¬¬The Wambologist (Defensive; Walking Tank) [1.99d] - By Schimära - In Progress
    1.A9¬¬The Torajian Farmer (Guardian Spirit Summoner) [1.A9] - By aerslife - Deleted -look for 30-Pala-Barbarian
    ¬¬The Stance Maniac (Melee Barbarian) [1.A9] - By Umrfix - Complete
    ¬¬The Krakentimer (Fortress/Hammertime Proc-based Barbarian) [1.D9] - By aerslife - Complete
    ¬¬The King of Kraken Mountain (Kraken Stance/SoR) [1.D9c] - By I am Cheesecake - Complete
    ¬¬The Kraken Rebounder (Kraken Stance/Rebound based) [1.E9] - By Revenant - Complete
    ¬¬The Overkiller (Overkill) [1.E9] - By MOON PANTHER - Complete
    ¬¬The Haxthrower (Overkill) [1.E9] - By grimhammer - In Progress
    ¬¬Axe Throwzor (Overkill) [1.F9] - By Manu - In Progress
    ¬¬The 30-pala Barbarian (Defender spirit/Snake and Wolf Stance/Spirit Walk) [1.F9] - by blizku - Complete
    ¬¬Thunder and Lightning: A stormblast mini-guide [1.F9] - by Xypherous - In Progress
    ¬¬Opportunist of the light wall(Stormblaster/Protector spirits) [1.F9] - by blizku - Complete
    ¬¬Tantrum Oskill Barb [1.Z9] - By Magnus - Complete

    Paladin Guides

    ¬¬Retaliator Paladin [1.70] - By xMeox - Complete
    ¬¬Shadow Sorcerer (Unholy Caster) [1.80] - By vei - Complete
    ¬¬The Blackguard Paladin (Unholy Melee) [1.86b] - By Smiling Hobo - Complete
    ¬¬The Turtle Priest (Holy Tankadin) [1.94] - By penco - In Progress
    ¬¬The Pathfinder (Unholy Caster) [1.99] - By Gravyman - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬The Manly Meleedin (Holy Melee with two-handed weapon) [1.99d] - By penco - In Progress
    ¬¬The Wrath-a-Din (Holy Caster) [1.99d] - By ni-kulo - Complete
    ¬¬The Annihilator (Unholy Cataclysm O-Skill Caster) [1.A9] - By ni-kulo - Complete
    ¬¬The Dread Knight (Unholy Melee) [1.D9] - By death_arch - In Progress
    ¬¬The Hierodin (Holy Caster based around "Hierodule" runeword) [1.F9b] - By stardragon12-1-8-27-57-52 - Complete
    ¬¬Imperius the Punisher(Punisher on striking proc) [1.F9] - By Crom - Complete
    ¬¬Cataclysm - The oSkill Pally [1.F9] - By Themissionery - Complete
    ¬¬The NeutralDin [1.F9] - by ChuckNoRis - Complete

    Sorceress Guides

    ¬¬Firestarter Sorceress (Pure Fire) [1.70] - By wygrac - Complete
    ¬¬Warp Sorceress (Fire/Lightning Melee) [1.71] - By Osterius - Complete
    ¬¬The Spiral Dancer (Spiral Dance oskill Melee) [1.85] - By PwnyExpress - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Lucifer, The "Ultimate Caster Sorc" (Poison/Cold) [1.94] - By demons halo - Complete
    ¬¬Busy Warp Sorceress (Light/Poison/Melee) [1.94] - By iowa20625@yahoo.com - In Progress
    ¬¬The Swordress (Melee) [1.A9] - By Plaeroma - In Progress
    ¬¬The Delay Sorceress (Feedback) [1.A9] - By tstansel - In Progress
    ¬¬The Poison Farmer (Pure Poison) [1.A9] - by MarcoNecroX - Complete
    ¬¬The Firestorm Sorceress (Fire/Poison Proc-Based Bow Sorceress) [1.A9c] - by MarcoNecroX - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Storm of Swords (Melee sorc) [1.E9] - by Syntax Error - In Progress
    ¬¬The Pyrotechnic Witch(Flamefront/Shatter the Flesh) [1.F9] - by blizku - Complete
    ¬¬CoS Sorceress [1.F9b] - by pipendrusu - In Progress Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Glacia - The Summoner Sorceress [1.F9b] - by FazerMint - Complete
    ¬¬The Spiral Dancer [1.Z9] - By Stardragon - Complete
    ¬¬The Summoner of the Void (Ice elemental summoner/feedback sorc) [1.Z9] - by stardragon - Complete

    Druid Guides

    ¬¬Fungus Druid (Bow/Poison) [1.70] - By Relic - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Elemental Command Druid [1.70] - By eknom - Complete
    ¬¬Poison Summoner Druid [1.80] - By Sol Badguy - Complete
    ¬¬Poisonous Police Provocative (Poison Flash) [1.94] - By Klael - Complete
    ¬¬The Dr00d (Bow/Charm) [1.94] - By mxh - In Progress
    ¬¬The Plaguelord (Melee) [1.99] - By mercury - Complete
    ¬¬Bow Druid [1.99] - By Necrof - Complete
    ¬¬Gammastorm Druid (Gamma Field/Hailstorm) [1.99d] - By Snarky1 - Complete
    ¬¬Lord of Ureh (Reanimator based around 'Harmanubis' RW) [1.A9] - By Obob - Complete
    ¬¬The Treewarden Druid [1.D9] - By MacroNecroX - In Progress
    ¬¬The Quill Druid (Trap Rat Form) [1.D9] - By Zidane - Complete
    ¬¬The Slow-Bow Druid (Bow druid with lots of slow target) [1.E9] - By darkcoug - Complete
    ¬¬The TurboTremor Druid (Tremor and mana sweep o-skill)[1.Z9] - By Zerger - In Progress
    ¬¬The Warden of the Elements(Treewarden using ravage o-skill and procs) [1.Z9] - By trollkin - In Progress

    Misc. Guides

    ¬¬General Gameplay Guide [1.70] - By Iwansquall - In Progress
    ¬¬Kurast 3000BA Guide [1.71] - By Osterius - Complete
    ¬¬Kamikazee Merc Bomb (ctc on death procs with mercs) [1.94] - By darkcoug - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Getting Started in MXL [1.95] - By Bananafeller - Complete
    ¬¬The MXL Bestiary [1.99d] - By NexX - In Progress
    ¬¬teh MEDUSAS (Medusa O-Skill Character Guide) [1.A9] - by ni-kulo - Complete Lost (for me)
    ¬¬Harcore Leveling Guide [1.D9] - by wontbme - Complete
    ¬¬Minguides Compilation [1.D9-1.F9b] - by MacroNecroX and Various Others - Updated Regularly
    ¬¬Kingdom of Shadow Uberquest Guide [1.F9] - By Dom - In Progress
    ¬¬How to use Vampiric Icon [1.F9] - by burningled - Complete
    ¬¬The untwinked guide to goldfind [1.F9] - by stardragon12-1-8-27-57-52 - Complete
    ¬¬ChuckNoRis's compilation [1.Z9] - Updated regularly
    ¬¬Bull Prince Rodeo Farming guide. - by trollkin

    Current version of MXL is v1.Z9; some guides from earlier patches may not be viable due to changes made in subsequent patches. They're still worth looking at, but keep in mind that some of the information in them may not pertain to the current version of MXL!

    If I have forgotten a guide or some information is incorrect let me know in a PM or in this thread.[/SPOIL]
    Thoải mái xem cách build nha:5cool_big_smile:. Đúng là tự tìm kiếm là hay nhất chứ cứ chờ bạn
    emoli824 share thì mệt mỏi lắm, chỉ được cái post lên để anh em thèm rồi chuồn luôn thôi!:2cool_hell_boy:
  19. medassin

    medassin The Pride of Hiigara

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    ^4rum laz bị trọng sinh rồi cho nên ca thán dữ lắm :))
  20. soithan08

    soithan08 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Chuyện mà bác :5cool_big_smile: mất sạch tất cả các dữ liệu quan trọng thì sao không nhộn nhạo lên được. Giờ chỉ chờ ai có lòng tốt lưu trữ các bài guide lúc trước để sưu tầm thôi chứ. Bọn hacker kinh thật, choáng không kịp đỡ. Biết thế này copy cả forum của laz vào máy thì bây giờ đúng là được thể hiện màn trình diễn bom tấn rồi:4cool_beauty:. Khéo còn được bro laz hậu tạ nữa chứ :7cool_extreme_sexy_

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