Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi zFantasyz, 6/2/15.

  1. Hasegawa Kaito

    Hasegawa Kaito Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho mình hỏi ốc làm gì nhỉ... Up lv thì thấp, bán chẳng đc nhiêu mà cũng chẳng phải nguyên liệu
    zFantasyz thích bài này.
  2. zFantasyz

    zFantasyz Admin note: đây là nick của kẻ lừa đảo.

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Con Ốc để làm nguyên liệu Evol mà :D........
  3. Hasegawa Kaito

    Hasegawa Kaito Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Evol mấy * nhỉ, mình chỉ thấy cá ngựa với cua chứ chẳng thấy xài ốc
  4. zFantasyz

    zFantasyz Admin note: đây là nick của kẻ lừa đảo.

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Game chưa update đó, sau này đung ốc để evol smoker, Team luffy lên gear 3 ..vv
  5. chuotchu81

    chuotchu81 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái postal code bạn để #1 nó báo không đúng nhỉ?
  6. zFantasyz

    zFantasyz Admin note: đây là nick của kẻ lừa đảo.

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái đó là id add đó k phải code đâu nhé
  7. zFantasyz

    zFantasyz Admin note: đây là nick của kẻ lừa đảo.

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Update evet
    Who's the prettiest lady on the Seven Seas? Apparently it's Alvida and she's coming to play. Replacing the Buggy's Fortnight Island is the magnificent Queen Alvida. She provides BOTH Chopper and Zolo Skill books and one of the "tougher" Fortnight Islands you will have to deal with.

    Notable Rewards:

    Queen Alvida
    If you didn't already know - Alvida is droppable from all Stages of Alvida's Romance (The harder the stage, the higher the Drop Rate). She is a Top-Tier Unit that can reduce damage by 80% for 1-Turn on a relatively short cooldown!

    NOTE: Only "Fat Alvida" will drop in the Fortnight Island - Fusing "Fat Alvida" to "Skinny Alvida" will NOT increase Skill Level.

    SKILLBOOK: Tony Tony Chopper

    For those planning on the Chopper + Mr. 2 Combination, Chopper's Skillbooks will prove invaluable to help pump out the food faster and quicker.

    NOTE: Skillbooks apply for Brain Point as well.

    The mini-boss is a farmable Coby - For those of you that... never mind.

    Recommended Teams:

    Portgaz D. Ace Teams (Speed Teams)
    With Loguetown, Ace Teams should be given new life and will be able to mow down this island swiftly and easily. They should have a fun, fast clear speed.

    Shanks Teams (Heart Teams)
    With Loguetown, Shanks Teams will also be given new life - especially with the addition of great friends like Mr. 2. This team can only get stronger with Chopper Skill books for those that utilize orb manipulation.

    Arlong Teams (Slasher Teams)
    Kuro. Tashigi. High ATK Power. It doesn't really need to be said that Arlong Teams will be able to clear this island fairly easily and comes in the top 3 picks for this island.

    To Battle!!~

    With many of you keen on "Elite" or the 15-Stamina Edition - You should be happy to note that it isn't really different from Buggy... In fact it's uncanny as to how similar it all is!~

    As usual - due to us not saving pictures from the 15-Stamina version, we'll be taking placeholder images and describing the level itself. Most should sounds fairly familiar!

    Stages 1 - 3: Mob Stages (Nothing Special - Variation in Colors)

    Stage 4/7
    It's Coby!!

    Lots of you are probably already sick of good ol' Coby but he's back and wanting to join your crew haha!!

    He's 10x weaker than Cabaji and nobody should have much problems with him... Unless you give him a handicap.


    Stage 5/7
    Just like Buggy... You know the drill.

    3 Teenage Red Turtles or 5 Baby Red Turtles.


    Stage 6/7
    The Crab Stage.

    And Yes - You can meet the "Skull" Purple Crossbow man here.


    Stage 7/7
    Queen Alvida Stage.

    She will have higher Defence than the regular Boss so you may not want to bring Technique Units to the party.

    All images credit to NowLoading

    Name Health Attack Passives/Abilities
    Queen Alvida 1,000 1,620 PASSIVE: Defence value of 17,300

    Extra Tips & Tricks
    • Use Fixed Damage Characters like Diablo Jambe Sanji for the easy KO on the Queen
    • Due to her low HP, using Helmeppo's Special - "Reduce Defense to 0" could prove invaluable in this battle
    Overall... Best of Luck beating Alvida and conquering her island!!
  8. [K]u[M]u[P]

    [K]u[M]u[P] Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Còn ai chơi ko nhỉ, topic dạo này ế ẩm quá điii :D

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