Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi pikeman2, 16/4/15.

  1. Moe~~~

    Moe~~~ You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Cap hay hơn BvS nhé :(game)

    fite me
  2. Akihiko

    Akihiko Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    peace to mấy bạn điệp viên ngầm vào xem xong qua topic khác bitching :8cool_matrix:
    bloodomen and Gabriel d'Danian like this.
  3. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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  4. Fiesta Titanium

    Fiesta Titanium Youtube Master Race GameOver

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    Quận 4 HCM
    kém chất xám thì feel thế nào đc. dân ngoo boo koo thì đi feel Sơn Tùng chứ bắt nó feel opera bằng niềm tin ;)). bọn quen đọc ngôn tình mà bắt nó cảm nhận Dazai Osamu với Sholokhov thế nào đc ;))
  5. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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    Mà box này vô chủ à?Chả thấy mod đi dẹp loạn gì cả
  6. Akihiko

    Akihiko Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    not worth bro , not worth :6cool_sure:
  7. Fiesta Titanium

    Fiesta Titanium Youtube Master Race GameOver

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    Quận 4 HCM
    gvn vô chủ chứ riêng gì box
  8. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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    Thôi bỏ qua bên đấy đi,chuyển lại sang dark deep tiếp.
    Mới có video này khá hay,giải thích về những câu hỏi liên quan đến chúa.Kế hoạch của lex cũng na ná như thế này
  9. walkmanutd

    walkmanutd Legend of Zelda

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    Hình như Civil War mở đầu kém hơn BvS và Ultroll phải ko??
    P/s: mình ignore rồi nên ko thấy topic kia8->
  10. Akihiko

    Akihiko Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    có thế nào thì cứ xác định là CW doanh thu sẽ hơn đi bro ơi :))
  11. zantan

    zantan The Last of Us CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    Chưa có thông tin mới chỉ dự đoán, nhưng mở đầu có thể thua ủn chứ bvs thì chịu rồi :(
    Như bên boxofficemojo dự là 210 củ, còn trang deadline dự 176 củ
  12. Datnguyen2310

    Datnguyen2310 Mayor of SimCity

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    BvS hình như chơi nhiều thị trường một lúc nên mới đc hoành tráng như vậy, với lại kiểu gì đến lúc ngừng chiếu CW cũng bỏ xa BvS thôi. :))
  13. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/5/16
  14. Fiesta Titanium

    Fiesta Titanium Youtube Master Race GameOver

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    Quận 4 HCM
    cao hơn nó có chảy vào túi ai ở đây hay nó có khiến DC không làm phim nữa đâu mà lấy ra lý luận, chả có ý nghĩa gì cả cái thằng dân đen bỏ tiền mua vé coi phim thì vẫn vậy, vẫn mua vẫn coi. trên này quá nửa toàn mấy thằng nghèo kiết mua vé xem phim còn phải tính bày đặt đi tính tiền dùm ng ta triệu đô tỉ đô, công ty này lời tập đoàn kia lỗ :))
    hungma147 thích bài này.
  15. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thì cap3 review tốt doanh thu mới thế,bvs ăn cả đống cà chua thối,phim quá deep mà cũng kéo gần đc 880tr thì cũng có thể coi là thành tích đáng tự hào
    walkmanutd thích bài này.
  16. K'Dash

    K'Dash The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Transformers 4 thì sao ? :-(||>
  17. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có thấy từ deep ko bạn
  18. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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  19. Bruce Wayne.

    Bruce Wayne. Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cốt truyện bo3 có liên quan gì đến bo 2 ko
  20. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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    Thấy khá đúng
    I had two literature professors who taught me that there was nothing more important than the narrative structure. Their training was relentless.

    I’m a narrative soldier. I zero in on narrative structure problems at the speed of light and I can’t let it go. Even for a movie I desperately want to support, involving characters that I love. Even for Captain America: Civil War.

    ‘A movie is not awesome just because it has cool characters with superpowers!’ I found myself yelling at my friends on the streets shortly after leaving a Civil War screening.

    Hear me out: I am there for the cameos (oh, Ant-Man, hello!), I am there to geek hard (oh that’s a reference to another Marvel movie, gotcha). But first of all, I am there for the stories.

    I don’t mind superhero movies, I don’t care if that’s the only movies Hollywood end up doing, as long as their stories are good. Was Civil War’s storytelling good? A sad ‘no’.

    I love, love, love Captain America. It’s my favourite Marvel’s franchise and the Cap is my favourite Avenger. And I ship him so much with Bucky. Their friendship (or love story in my eyes) is my relationship goal.

    At a movie industry job interview back in January, when they asked me which movie I was looking forward to in 2016, I did not name dropped some artsy film to appear knowledgeable and answered Civil War. I am pretty sure I drooled a little too.

    Indeed, Winter Soldier had left me teary and wanting to know what the future held for Steve and Bucky. Bucky had saved Steve, leaving him semi-conscious on a beach before disappearing again. They went their separate ways, but the link had been restored.

    The premise of Civil War gave me a lot of feels: Captain America going rogue to protect his one true friend Bucky Barnes. It sounded like the ultimate ‘Us v the World’ story.

    All those looks Steve and Bucky exchanged in the movie gave me life, every time the Cap defended him my heart melt.

    From the first Captain America movie to this one, the chemistry and history between those two characters have been the cement of the franchise. However, everything around it seemed shaky in Civil War.

    Civil War’s stakes are too low. Or rather, they are high, but they are constantly undermined by undecisive narrative moves. Civil War is about Captain America turning his back on Iron Man, breaking The Avengers to save one guy. It’s huge. You wouldn’t expect that from Mister Perfect.

    Not only does he refuse to sign a treaty putting limitations to the spectrum of action of The Avengers, he is also willing to destroy his alliances and put his partners lives on the line for Bucky.

    This is quite intense for a superhero that has been so often accused of being too vanilla, especially compared to the flamboyant Iron Man.

    Instead of playing out the intensity to the max, the screenwriters played it safe. Choices are made, but not really. Relationships are damaged. But not so dramatically. And no one dies.

    ‘Marvel is not DC, DC does dark’ was I told when I raised that argument. Marvel should go down the road the story needs. Not the opposite.

    The screenwriters have taken literally every opportunity to sugarcoat Civil War. First example: the kiss between Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter, with Bucky watching and cheering from the backseat.

    This is Steve and Bucky against the world. The Cap shouldn’t have romance on his mind. I don’t care about Steve and Sharon. Not now, not in this film. ‘Insignificant argument’ you will say. Wait there is more.

    The so-long awaited superheroes smackdown was quite a let-down. Not because it happened in an aeroport -which is not very visually stimulating-, but because the superheroes who were enemies for an afternoon spent their time making sure each other were alright and cracking jokes.

    They are not bad guys, they care for each other, that’s understandable. But such camaraderie made it a low-stake fight that wasn’t captivating except for Spiderman’s acrobaties.

    In true Joss Whedon style (we wouldn’t want to disturb the audience by changing the tone and also lose the credibility acquired with the Whedon association you see), they tried to bring on the drama after 10 minutes of jokes by making War Machine take a hit but even they couldn’t go through with this idea.

    They let War Machine live. Then we are told he might be paralysed. And ultimately, we see him learning to walk again thanks to Tony’s high-tech crutches.

    I believe this fight should have happened after the revelation about Iron Man’s parents death had been made. This superfight needed a reason other than political to be fought. It needed to be personal.

    It certainly got personal between Steve and Tony in the Hydra bunker and a good editing move would have been to end Civil War there.

    With Tony wounded on the floor, beaten and betrayed by Captain America who gave up his shield -what a strong symbol- for his murderous friend. Well, the screenwriters thought again that was too harsh.

    Let’s finish Civil War with Tony reading a letter of apology from Steve, fedexed along with a mobile phone he can use to reach him when he is ready.

    The olive branch is there and you can tell by Tony’s facial expression that he is not that mad at Steve anymore. He will pick up that phone and they will ally against a bigger evil in the next film.

    The after credit scene suggests that Tony and the army will come for Bucky once again though. Wasn’t that supposed to be dealt with in Civil War? What was the purpose of this film? I am getting really impatient with every Marvel movie blatantly being nothing more than an appetizer for the next one.

    I gave Marvel the benefit of the doubt, but the delusion is strong with Civil War. This movie needed to be self-sufficient, it needed a shattering disruptive event, it needed closure. It needed a proper narrative structure.

    If it wasn’t for Steve and Bucky’s moving friendship, I would have been bored out of my mind. There was no real bad guy, no immutable decisions made, no heavy consequences. And this was supposed to be a civil war. It was civil alright…

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