Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi king_dragontb, 15/8/16.

  1. one_wing_angel

    one_wing_angel Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    oh` Bomb monster :5cool_ops:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/10/16
  2. Vouu

    Vouu Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Kiểu này thì xác định là cứ blizzard warter mà táng thôi %||:-{
  3. coldby

    coldby Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    My room ,HN

    đù. bị chê boyband xong đâm lao tới cùng luôn à. khéo lại nhét vài bài của mấy anh visual kei vào ko chừng
  4. neyo2006

    neyo2006 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Shadow of The Light
    Cài này hình ghép mà, có phải thật đâu :|
    Đợt này ra cùng PS4 Pro mà lại không có bundle gì hết nhỉ, chán vãi :-<
  5. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  6. Vouu

    Vouu Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    New vid , chất lượng cao hơn
  7. T&L

    T&L Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Khu rừng sự thật
    Bundle pro thì giá cao lắm nên chắc SE không dám mạo hiểm :))
  8. xiao3xiao3xiao

    xiao3xiao3xiao Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thêm 1 đoạn gameplay mới , nhìn đồi núi đẹp vãi đái

    RyuK and Vouu like this.
  9. Vouu

    Vouu Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Không còn lý do để không mua ps4 pro nữa rồi :((
  10. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    [​IMG] Loqi, Ravus, Verstael, Aranea
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/10/16
  11. lazaruschild

    lazaruschild The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hell Kingdom
    mấy cái hình này là có đứa dc chơi trước àh kira sao spoil dữ thế
  12. RyuK

    RyuK Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có mấy thằng được chơi trước 45' trong triễn lãm :3cool_adore:
  13. xiao3xiao3xiao

    xiao3xiao3xiao Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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  14. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chạy nhanh thế đuổi thế nào được nhỉ :))
  15. one_wing_angel

    one_wing_angel Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chỉ cần lock on được nó thì đánh được , trong Type-0 nó chạy nhanh y như thế
  16. wasaby

    wasaby Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    thì cũng như mấy phần trước thôi, con Cactuar khó bắt đc
  17. Baprangbo510

    Baprangbo510 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Con này bắt đc để summon hay sao ta :))
  18. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Ascension skill tree

    Elementalism 24 AP- Absorb more energy from elemental deposits
    ->Elementality 72 Ap - Absorb even more energy from elemental deposits
    -->Enhanced Elementality 99 AP - Absorb much more energy from elemental deposits
    -->Elemagnetism 48 AP - Enhance energy absorbtion rate of elemental-absorbing weapons
    ->Magic Level 48 AP - Enhance the magic of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effect of similar abilities do not stack
    -->Magic Level II 99 AP - Enhance the magic of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effect of similar abilities do not stack

    Powercraft 20 AP - Enhance potency by 10 when crafting spells
    ->Magic Action 24 AP - Gain AP for using elemency
    -->Bonuspell 333 AP - Recieve an extra spell when crafting
    --->Bonuspell II 999 AP - Recieve two extra spells when crafting
    ->Extra Powercraft 99 AP - Enhance potency by 30 when crafting spells
    -->Super Powercraft 555 AP - Enhance potency by 50 when crafting spells
    --->Ultimate Powercraft 999 AP - Enhance potency by 100 when crafting spells

    Health Level I 10 AP - Increase HP of each party member by 2x the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
    ->Vitality Level 99 AP - Increase vitality of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
    ->Spirit Level 99 AP - Increase spirit of each party member by the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
    ->Health Level II 99 AP - Increase HP of each party member by 5x the number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack
    -->Health Level III 333 AP - Increase HP of each party member by 10x number of levels gained. The effects of similar abilities do not stack

    Accessory Slot 16 AP (Noctis) - Equip two accessories
    ->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Noctis) - Equip three accessories
    ->Accessory slot 16 AP (Gladiolus) - Equip two accessories
    -->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Gladiolus) - Equip three accessories
    ->Accessory slot 16 AP (Ignis) - Equip two accessories
    -->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Ignis) - Equip three accessories
    ->Accessory slot 16 AP (Prompto) - Equip two accessories
    -->Accessory Slot 333 AP (Prompto) - Equip three accessories

    Happy Camping 20 AP - Increase AP gained for making camp
    ->Happier Camping 48 AP - Further increase AP gained for making camp
    -->Fitter Survival 99 AP - Occasionally double the items from Gladio's survival skill
    --->Fittest Survival 999 AP - Receive double the items from Gladio's survival skill
    Roadrunning 32 AP - Gain AP for long trips in the car
    ->Roadlife 99 AP - Gain experience for long trips in the car

    Angler Action 18 AP - Gain AP for catching a fish
    ->Reel Experience 333 AP - Gain experience for catching fish
    ->Item Angler 84 AP - Double the items gained from fishing
    -->Sportfishing 99 AP - gain more AP for reeling in a big catch
    -->Expert item Angler 555 AP - Triple the items gained from fishing

    Snapshot 12 AP - Take photos in battle. Up to five can be saved. Depletes the tech bar by one
    ->Aperture 333 AP - Chance of gaining AP through Snapshot

    Aftertaste 18 AP - Extend the status boost time from meals eaten at camp
    ->Appertize 20 AP - Gain AP for cooking someone's favorite food
    ->Lingering Aftertaste 99 AP - Further enhance status boost time from meals eaten at camp
    -->Persistent Aftertaste 333 AP - Greatly enhance status boost time from meals eaten at camp

    Chocojockey 32 AP - Gain AP for winning chocobo races
    ->Chocoboracer 99 AP - Gain experience for winning chocobo races

    Chocobump 32 AP - Gain AP for long trips by chocobo

    Combat (Noctis Only)
    Airstep 6 AP - Use left stick and O to take a step in midair after attacking (costs MP). one time only
    ->Death Drop 28 AP - From afar press O in midair to warp into range and strike down from above
    -->Osmostrike 52 AP - Recover MP when an arial attack connects
    ->Airsplip 16 AP - Dodge enemy attacks in midair by holding square
    -->Airstride 52 AP - Perform a second Airstep after a second midair attack
    --->Airdance 333 AP - Airstep after midair attacks an unlimited number of times

    Light Phase 8 AP - Reduce MP cost of phasing
    ->Experimagic 99 AP - Increase Noctis's MP by the number of levels he has gained. The effects of similiar abilities no not stack
    ->Ultralight Phase 32 AP - Further reduce the MP cost of phasing

    Chained Fury 10 AP - Boost damage dealt when unscathed during chain attacks
    ->Warp Factor 24 AP - Boosts warp-strike damage
    -->Daemon Destroyer 24 AP - Warp-strike to break daemon appendages
    -->Warp Factor II 52 AP - Further boost warp-strike damage
    --->Point-Blank Warp-Strike 333 AP - Deliver a critical hit when warp-striking at close range
    ->Stalker 28 AP - Boost blindside damage
    -->Super Stalker 64 AP - Further boosr blideside damage

    Blink 16 AP - Phase though an enemy's attack without using MP by pressing square at the last second.
    ->Blink Boost 32 AP - Recover a bit of MP by blinking through attacks at the last second
    -->Impervious 333 AP - Negate damage by pressing square immediately after being hit
    ->Warp Decoy 99 AP - Leave a hologram to divert enemies after warping
    -->Static Edge 34 AP - Significantly increase damage dealt after entering stasis

    First Shot 6 AP (Prompto) - Gain first strike against a nearby enemy with a firearm. Adds to tech bar
    ->Shock Drop 24 AP (Prompto)- Electocute an enemy with machinery when Noctis attack it in midair
    -->Sharp Shock 99 AP (Prompto) - Boost Shock Drop damage
    ->Scintilla 18 AP (Prompto) - Deliver a counterattack and stun enemies with a firearm
    --> Ballistic 64 AP (Prompto) - Swiftly unleash damage on an area with a firearm. Makes enemies flinch

    Link Up 8 AP (All) - Boost link strike damage
    ->Super Link Up 32 AP (All) - Further boost link-strike damage
    -->Critical Link 333 AP (All) - Always deliver a critical hit when link-striking
    --->Limitless Link 999 AP (All) - Break limit on link-strike damage
    -Deathblow 16 AP (All except Noctis) - Deliver an devastating blow to a vulnarable enemy
    -->Ultimate Deathblow 99 AP (All except Noctis) - Deliver an utterly devastating blow to a vulnarable enemy

    Reflex 6 AP (Gladiolus) - Deliver a powerful counterattack with a greatsword. Makes enemies flinch
    ->Engage 18 AP (Gladiolus) - Gain first strike by delivering a powerful greatsword slash
    -->Intercept 64 AP (Gladiolus) - Protect Noctis from enemy attacks with a shield
    ->Antagonize 24 Ap (Gladiolus) - Make an enemy flinch with a paralyzing kick while Noctis is defending
    -->Acute Antagonism 99 AP (Gladiolus) - Boost Antagonize damage

    Analyze 6 AP (Ignis) - Automatically scan most enemies weaknesses at the onset of battle
    -Vemon Fang 24 AP (Ignis) - Poison an enemy with daggers when Noctis chain attacks it
    -->Virulent Venom 64 AP (Ignis) - Boost Venom Fang damage
    ->Lancet 18 AP (Ignis) Deliver a counterattack and drain an enemy's HP with a polearm
    -->Regenerate Heal 99 AP (Ignis) - Heal an ally with a hidden recovery item

    Tech Strike 48 AP (Noctis) - Add to tech bar when Noctis lands attacks
    ->Tech Damage 99 AP (Noctis) - Add to the tech bar when Noctis suffers damage
    -->Quick Tech 333 AP (All) - Accelerate tech bar replenishment rate

    Starsshell 8 AP (Prompto) - Draw enemy attention across a wide area with a firearm. Weakens daemons. Depletes the tech bar by one
    ->Recoil 18 AP (Prompto) - Deal heavy damage with machinery by overloading its energy output. Depletes the tech bar by two
    ->Gravisphere 18 AP (Prompto) - Draw enemies in an area closer together with machinery by creating a gravitational field. Depletes the tech bar by two
    -->Trigger-Happy 72 AP (Prompto) - Unleash a barrage at multiple enemies with a pair of firearms. Depletes the tech bar by three
    --->Limit Break 999 AP (Prompto) - Break limit on damage from Prompto's techniques

    Regroup 8 AP (Ignis) - Bring all allies together in stalward defense. Resuces from danger and restores Hp quickly. Depletes the tech bar by two
    ->Overwhelm 18 AP (Ignis) - Concentrate ally attacks on a foe with devestating Deathblow strikes. Depletes the tech bar by two
    ->Enhancement 18 AP (Ignis) - Imbue Noctis's weapon with the element gis target is weakest to. Depletes the tech bar by one
    -->Sagefire 72 AP (Ignis) - Unleash a devastating fire attack with daggers. Depletes the tech bar by three
    --->Limit Break 999 AP (Ignis) - Break limit on damage from Ingis's techniques

    Dawnhammer 8 AP (Gladiolus) - Deal heavy damage to a single enemy with a powerful greatsword slash. Depletes the tech bar by two
    -> Cyclone 18 AP (Gladiolus) - Deal damage to nearby enemies with a fearsome shield shockwave. Depletes the tech bar by two
    ->Royal guard 18 AP (Gladiolus) - Move quickly to guard Noctis with a shield. Depletes the tech bar by one
    -->Impulse 72 AP (Gladiolus) - Ambush enemies with a frontal sweeping greatsword area attack. Depletes the tech bar by three
    --->Limit Break 999 AP (Gladiolus) - Break limit on damage from Gladiolus's techniques

    Skills in images
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/10/16
  19. one_wing_angel

    one_wing_angel Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Phải chi Luna mà giỏi như em monk này thì trong phim đã được nhờ :))
    Devil Never Cry thích bài này.
  20. hungktuong

    hungktuong Fire in the hole! GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ( ◜◡^)っ
    Con xương rồng đánh nó chắc đc thưởng nhiều tiền với exp như mấy bản trước thôi
    Baprangbo510 thích bài này.

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