Cheat code for Fire Emblem 13 Awakening !?

Thảo luận trong 'Fire Emblem - Mộc đế' bắt đầu bởi doky, 30/11/16.

  1. doky

    doky Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Anh chị em nào có code cho bản EUR thì cho em xin với ạ, trên mạng toàn cho bản America thôi, em tuyệt vọng quá :(
  2. lonton23

    lonton23 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    code cho gateway
  3. doky

    doky Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  4. lethanhdanh

    lethanhdanh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình cũng đang tìm mỏi mòn trên internet mà chưa có kết quả nào cho fire emblem 13.
    AE nào có share giúp mình với dòng EURO nếu ko thì dòng US cũng đc.

    Code quick lv up (99 exp)

    Xin cám ơn
    (vì mình ko có nhiều thời gian để chơi như lúc còn thanh niên nên cheat để chơi cho thỏa mong ước, mình đã chơi fire emblem từ 1-12 rồi)
  5. lethanhdanh

    lethanhdanh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình có tìm đc cheat code bản US & soft edittor chỉnh chỉ số NV (file editor lớn quá ko cho upload lên, bạn tìm google rồi làm theo hướng dẫn nha

    Since other item codes posted earlier are dynamic address, here is some working ones:

    [SELECT+UP All Convoy Items x99]
    DD000000 00000044
    D3000000 00000000
    604D0C7C 00000000
    B04D0C7C 00000000
    C0000000 000000C9
    10000002 00000063
    DC000000 00000002
    D2000000 00000000

    [SELECT+DOWN Stats Items x99]
    DD000000 00000084
    D3000000 00000000
    604D0C7C 00000000
    B04D0C7C 00000000
    C0000000 0000000D
    1000014C 00000063
    DC000000 00000002
    D2000000 00000000

    [Max Gold by Hawkeye91]
    D3000000 14000000
    009997D0 000F423F

    [Max Renown by Hawkeye91]
    D3000000 14000000
    009997D4 000F423F

    [Limit Breaker by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B8C 000000FF

    [Paragon by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B88 000000FF

    [Second Seal by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B6E 000000FF

    [Master Seal by TrapperKeeperX]
    009B8B6C 000000FF
    D3000000 14000000

    [Master Key by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B54 000000FF

    [Silver Card by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B8E 00000001

    [Arms Scroll by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B6A 000000FF

    [Dread Scroll by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B90 000000FF

    [Iotes Shield by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B8A 000000FF

    [Wedding Bouquet by TrapperKeeperX]
    D3000000 14000000
    009B8B92 000000FF

    [HP Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E80 00000063

    [Strength Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E82 00000063

    [Magic Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E84 00000063

    [Skill Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E86 00000063

    [Speed Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E88 00000063

    [Luck Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E8A 00000063

    [Defense Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E8C 00000063

    [Resistance Tonic x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E8E 00000063

    [Master Seal x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EAC 00000063

    [Second Seal x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EAE 00000063

    [Nagas Tear x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EA6 00000063

    [Boots x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EA8 00000063

    [Arms Scroll x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EAA 00000063

    [Master Key x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E94 00000063

    [Seraph Robe x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E96 00000063

    [Energy Drop x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E98 00000063

    [Spirit Dist x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E9A 00000063

    [Secret Book x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E9C 00000063

    [Speedwing x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287E9E 00000063

    [Goddess Icon x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EA0 00000063

    [Dracoshield x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EA2 00000063

    [Talisman x 99]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287EA4 00000063

    [Any Item* Informational Only (see below]
    D3000000 15000000
    00287xxx 000000zz

    XXX = Item ID (See Below)
    ZZ = Quantity of item*
    *Items that have a use limit [ex: Bronze Sword 50/50], for the quantity, the value wraps, so if you enter in 63 (99), you will get one full stack 50/50, and a 2nd stack 49/50. For items that dont have a use count, its a direct value of quantity.

    D4A bronze sword
    D4C iron sword
    D4E steel sword
    D50 silver sword
    D52 brave sword
    D54 armor slayer
    D56 wyrmslayer
    D58 killing edge
    D5A levin sword
    D5C rapier
    D5E noble rapier
    D60 missiletainn
    D62 sol
    D64 amatsu
    D66 falchion
    D68 exalted falchion
    D6A parallel falchion
    D6C mercurius
    D6E tyrfing
    D70 mystletainn
    D72 balmung
    D74 sol katti
    D76 Ragnell (player)
    D78 Ragnell (inf)
    D7A tree branch
    D7C Soothing Sword
    D7E Glass Sword
    D80 Superior Edge
    D82 eliwoods blade
    D84 roys blade
    D86 alms blade
    D88 leifs blade
    D8A eirikas blade
    D8C seliphs blade
    D8E bronze lance
    D90 iron lance
    D92 steel lance
    D94 silver lance
    D96 brave lance
    D98 javelin
    D9A short spear
    D9C Spear
    D9E beast killer
    DA0 blessed lance
    DA2 killer lance
    DA4 luna
    DA6 Gradivus
    DA8 gungnir
    DAA gae bolg
    DAC log
    DAE miniature lance
    DB0 Shockstick
    DB2 Glass Lance
    DB4 Superior Lance
    DB6 sigurds lance
    DB8 ephraims lance
    DBA finns lance
    DBC bronze axe
    DBE iron axe
    DC0 steel axe
    DC2 silver axe
    DC4 brave axe
    DC6 hand axe
    DC8 short axe
    DCA Tomahawk
    DCC hammer
    DCE bolt axe
    DD0 killer axe
    DD2 vengeance
    DD4 wolf berg
    DD6 hauteclare
    DD8 Helswath
    DDA armads
    DDC ladle
    DDE imposing axe
    DE0 Volant axe
    DE2 glass axe
    DE4 Superior Axe
    DE6 titanias axe
    DE8 Orsins Hatchet
    DEA hector�s axe
    DEC bronze bow
    DEE iron bow
    DF0 steel bow
    DF2 silver bow
    DF4 brave bow
    DF6 blessed bow
    DF8 killer bow
    DFA Longbow
    DFC astra
    DFE parthia
    E00 yewfelle
    E02 nidhogg
    E04 double bow
    E06 slack bow
    E08 towering bow
    E0A underdog bow
    E0C Glass Bow
    E0E Superior Bow
    E10 wolts bow
    E12 innes bow
    E14 fire
    E16 elfire
    E18 arcfire
    E1A bolganone
    E1C valflame
    E1E mjollnir
    E20 elthunder
    E22 arcthunder
    E24 thoron
    E26 mjolnir
    E28 wind
    E2A elwind
    E2C arcwind
    E2E rexcalibur
    E30 forseti
    E32 excalibur
    E34 Book of Naga
    E36 flux
    E38 nosferatu
    E3A ruin
    E3C waste
    E3E goetia
    E40 grimas truth
    E42 Mire
    E44 dying blaze
    E46 micaiahs pyre
    E48 Superior Jolt
    E4A katarinas bolt
    E4C wilderwind
    E4E celicas gale
    E50 Aversas Night
    E52 heal
    E54 mend
    E56 physic
    E58 recover
    E5A fortify
    E5C goddess staff
    E5E Rescue
    E60 ward
    E62 hammerne
    E64 kneader
    E66 balmwood staff
    E68 Catharsis
    E6A dragonstone
    E6C Dragonstone+
    E6E beaststone
    E70 beaststone+
    E72 blighted claws
    E74 blighted talons
    E76 expiration
    E78 vulnerary
    E7A concoction
    E7C Elixir
    E7E pure water
    E80 hp tonic
    E82 strength tonic
    E84 magic tonic
    E86 skill tonic
    E88 speed tonic
    E8A luck tonic
    E8C defense tonic
    E8E resistance tonic
    E90 door key
    E92 chest key
    E94 master key
    E96 Seraph Robe
    E98 Energy Drop
    E9A Spirit Dist
    E9C Secret Book
    E9E Speedwing
    EA0 Goddess Icon
    EA2 Dracoshield
    EA4 Talisman
    EA6 Nagas tear
    EA8 Boots
    EAA Arms Scroll
    EAC Master Seal
    EAE Second Seal
    EB0 bullion (S)
    EB2 bullion (M)
    EB4 bullion (L)
    EB6 sweet tincture
    EB8 gaiuss confect
    EBA kriss confect
    EBC Tikis Tear
    EBE Seed of Trust
    EC0 reeking box
    EC2 Rift Door
    EC4 Supreme Emblem
    EC6 all stats +2
    EC8 paragon
    ECA iotes shield
    ECC limit breaker
    ECE silver card
    ED0 dread scroll
    ED2 wedding bouquet

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