Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV (2016)

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi pikeman2, 31/3/16.

  1. 7th_heaven

    7th_heaven Youtube Master Race

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    DQ doanh thu chính vẫn đến từ jap ,nếu mà fail ở đấy thì ko hy vọng gì bên ngoài đâu . Nhưng mà tình hình DQ11 vẫn đi theo truyền thống nên khó mà xịt được :))
  2. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Có bản DQ quái gì lần trước Square nó làm cơ chế gameplay giống giống dòng Tales ấy bác nhỉ, mà bản đấy bán có tốt ko, hay cũng bị xịt.:3onion24:
  3. 7th_heaven

    7th_heaven Youtube Master Race

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    giống Tales thì là ARPG =>> DQ heroes hả .Bán cũng khá
    hungma147 thích bài này.
  4. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đúng bản đấy rồi bác, em vừa sợt youtube, oánh kiểu thời gian thực luôn.
  5. 7th_heaven

    7th_heaven Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game đấy nó do bên Omega force của KT làm ,nên battle hướng theo kiểu hack & slash như dòng Warrior
    Dòng DQ ngoài dòng main series ra còn có dòng phụ là monster joker cũng khá nổi ,lối chơi giống pokemon , gần đây SE cũng bán DQ builder theo style Micecraft cũng nhận được nhiều đánh giá tích cực

    KLQ lắm nhưng đang đợi Noct vào Dissidia để thể hiện , mình hóng xem đàn em mới nhất của dòng tham gia vs đàn a chị ntn :6cool_smile:
    Search được trận replay của dân pro xem phê vãi :5cool_big_smile:
    hungma147 thích bài này.
  6. dajuker1310

    dajuker1310 Mega Man

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    Mạn phép hỏi sức mạnh của Ardyn là cỡ nào? So với mấy boss hay thần thánh thì có cửa không?
  7. FFVIIIFan11

    FFVIIIFan11 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

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    Hàng Châu- Cửu Long Tranh Bá.
    Nó có sức mạnh của king, blink được như Nocts, đống vũ khí cũng đủ hàng ( khác màu )đồng thời có cả sức mạnh của cái "Scourge" đã tạo ra đám Daemons, tạo ra ảo giác, thiên lý truyền âm, immortals, summon được thần.
    So với thần thì chắc yếu hơn, vì nó ko dám đeo ring vào. Mới cả có 1 lần suýt chết bởi Shiva

    @Tối qua mới xem KingsGlaive, kết hợp phim + cốt truyện game vào thì mọi thứ sẽ tương đối hoàn chỉnh.
    Luna trong phim đơn độc nhưng khi kết phim cái hành trình solo đến cái thành phố Alttisa thì chắc trên đường nàng đã đi câu kéo đám GF về giúp.
    Cốt truyện KG khá, chặt chẽ, cao trào nút thắt đều ổn.
    Khổ cái biểu cảm nhân vật lúc khóc, buồn, lo lắng, tức giận thì chỉ có cái motion của tay KG béo ( bị què 1 chân ) là ok, còn lại max nản.
    Combat đoạn 2 thằng tiny đánh nhau cùng lúc với 2 con giant đánh nhau nhìn hơi rối, phải đến cái đoạn sau đám edit sửa lại cứ 2 ông tiny focus nhau 1 chiêu thì ngay sau đó 2 con giant vồ nhau gần giống như vậy mới hết rối.
    Hài ngon, ko hiểu sao kiểu hài này cực kỳ hợp với cốt truyện kiểu dark fantasy này.

    Đôị KG cả anh main ko tin cái nhẫn rất hợp lý, vì trong này là war kiểu quân lính + quái vật băm nhau, thắng = chiến lược + sức mạnh quân đội, giờ tự dưng ở đâu ra phải hy sinh toàn bộ các kèo để cho 1 thằng prince duy nhất.
    Đoạn anh ký hợp đồng cả mấy thằng Gods xem max hài, cái thằng ko cần sức mạnh, đeo nhẫn vào để chửi thì lại được tặng hàng dùng thử ( rất hợp lý đoạn này )
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/12/16
    Hakbit and salamence89 like this.
  8. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Ardyn về lý thuyết hắn chính là vua như Regis với Noctis, 2 ông kia có cái gì thì Ardyn nó có đủ tất ko thiếu món nào, chưa kể sức mạnh của đám daemon hấp thụ trong người + bất tử nữa
  9. 7th_heaven

    7th_heaven Youtube Master Race

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  10. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Chua gi da ha giá o Jap

    The Regular Edition is at 5,980yen (originally 8,800yen) and the Deluxe Edition is at 9980yen (originally at 12,960yen)
  11. Ngọc Trinh

    Ngọc Trinh Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Cty Venus
    :1cool_byebye::1cool_byebye: Về sức mạnh của Boss và sức mạnh của main, cho đến hiện nay ko 1 game FF nào qua đc FF13 cả nhé. Khỏi thắc mắc chi cho mệt. Thằng ardyn gặp mấy con thần cũng mếu mỏ ra...nó mà gặp etro chắc bả đập cho khỏi đầu thai luôn ấy
  12. Ngọc Trinh

    Ngọc Trinh Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Cty Venus
    :3cool_nosebleed: Mà khúc đám cưới cuối game theo Trinh nghĩ : do cục Crystal tạo ra thì phải .
  13. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cựu nhân viên tham gia phát triển ffxv tell all trên 4chan =), có dính đến versus ...

    Why didn't you mates ask for another 6 months of dev time?

    >The game had to be released before this year ended period. It was a contract thing and that was set in stone before development with the new director started. That's why the last months of working in the game were painful (and I could not imagine how July-October were for my mates).

    Did they cut content for DLC?

    Are you overall satisfied with how the game turned out?

    >Sort of. Last year the game story got rewritten because fans kept asking to play as Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto so they had to insert playable chapters for those characters into the narrative, but since we didn't have time to work on them, the decision to release them as downloads were made from the get go.

    I know that there are some game levels, scenes and options that were cut because we couldn't finish them in time. I don't know if they will be released as downloads, but I hope they will.

    I think the overall feeling towards how the game turned out is "we could have done more". The team literally ran out of time. There were such cool concepts and stuff that were left unfinished because we knew that they weren't going to make the release date. However, the team is pretty happy to have worked on the game and they didn't feel like they wasted their time. Now I'm sure they will continue to work on the game and improve it to match their vision.

    why is the game so unfinished

    why did you delay it then have two massive day one patches

    why are you still trying to fix this broken mess of a game with so many future updates announced

    whats with all the dlc

    what the fuck was the point of kingsglaive

    >The game IS unfinished. The game was delayed because the team felt like it would get destroyed by critics if released in the state it was in July and it
    was a last minute decision to delay it.

    As someone who is an ff fan and enjoys the game, and assuming you're authentic, be real here.

    why the fuck does the game go batshit in the last quarter? There's good stuff there, but it feels like you guys literally cut half the game out to get to it.

    >Most of the development time centered around the Lucis area. The later parts of the game were also supposed to have (smaller) areas for the characters to explore, but they weren't finished.

    Can they patch in the unfinished stuff?

    >Some of it, yeah I'm sure they can release it later as downloads or repurpose the assets. But I fear that some levels are not going to be released since they wouldn't fit with the rewritten story.

    If the old Versus script done by Nojima is available do you think it could happen to find its way into the public domain?

    >I don't think that type of material gets to leak, but who knows?

    Leak the Versus XIII original script and I'll suck you off 13 (thirteen) times to completion.

    >I don't know the whole story about Versus XIII but I heard teammates talk about some details and I also asked about some stuff, so if you want to know something maybe I can answer it.

    What do you personnally think about the game you worked on? Something that you would want to changed or add?

    >In my opinion, the only problem with the development process is that we didn't have time and sometimes we spent development time creating stuff that wasn't part of the actual game just for promotional material. I understand that it needs to be done for the PR team, tho. Overall, I think the game turned out to be okay and I'm pretty proud to have worked on it.

    what was the hardest thing to do for the team, a problem that kept getting in the way but that you eventually solved?

    >I didn't solve any problem per se, but the porting to console system process got on my nerves.

    What does your team's thoughts on FF13? I know that a lot of Japanese people still liked it

    >They respect the game and I haven't heard anything bad about the game other than it disappointed the fans and that some of the design choices were very questionable.

    Why was the story pacing a mess? Chapter 13 was overloaded with important information that lacked a punch because of the huge volume of it and the cutting of scenes. Niflheim in complete chaos and the empire toppled by Daemons? We'll handle that with a few lines of exposition by Aranea. Ravus and Iedolas betrayed by Ardyn? Well, we will just throw Ravus' corpse at you as if his purpose in the plot wasnt already questionable. Seriously why is Ravus a character? Seems like Glauca stole his role or something.

    >As I said, the focus of most of the development time ended up being the Lucis area so the later parts of the game had a lot of cut content that wasn't ready. However, as far as I know, the fact that the empire is completely in chaos once you get to it never changed.

    Any idea what any of the planned DLC episodes will be about specifically?

    Also what happened to the Solheim region in the game? I heard that was where Prompto was born and it's where Nifflheim salvaged their advanced technology from an ancient civilisation.

    >They are about the party members and they introduce new mechanics built around them. But work on them barely started before I left.

    In regards to the Solheim region, we never worked on it. It wasn't cut, so I guess it didn't fit the story the game was trying to tell

    Were Prompto, Gladio and Ignis killed by the Iron Giants?

    >At the end of the game, you say? I think it was supposed to be left open for interpretation. If I recall correctly, they weren't suppose to have any death scene or anything so I assume they are alive.

    Also OP, did you had acess to 13 versus builds?

    >No but we used material (assets, concept arts, etc) to work on the game.

    Bosses were really botched in this game, the Leviathan fight felt fucking awfully boring to play.

    >Talking about the Leviathan level, I remember the level design being a bit different last year and it had to be sort of redesigned because it didn't run well and the engine was having problems.

    Specifically, I'd like to know how the arms summoning power worked plotwise in Versus XIII. In XV only those of the royal line can use it, but Ardyn has a red version which is never explained. Stella also had a red version in an early trailer. Was it linked to Etro previously?

    >I'm probably wrong about this since I'm not that familiar to plot terms and stuff from the 13 universe but I think more than one crystal existed in the game and that each crystal had a family which acted as bodyguards. Noctis was part of the Lucis family and the heroine was part of the other family. And the game had a lot to do with death so Noctis was continously using the weapons of dead family members.

    is there something that you personally regret? Something that you wouldn't have done but were more or less forced to include or see included?

    besides anything of "we didn't have much time", you already stressed it enough

    >When I was told that a certain level (snowy area with Shiva statue) was going to get deleted anyway after working on it for weeks nonstop and then having to work on a bootleg version for that level.

    What purpose did Ravus serve though? After Kingsglaive I wondered did he seek the ring because he wanted to lick Niflheims ass for the time being but then use the ring to take back Tenebrae? Was he an opportunist biding his time? Nope, we saw no development in the game. Before we know it he is gone.

    I compared Glauca and Ravus because I assumed Ravus was the one who killed Regis in the Versus XIII storyline, hooded guy from the earlier trailers.

    >The team had to keep a lot of things from the past projects because the former director shared details about them. I assume Ravus was one of those things that had to be kept because details about him were previously announced.

    However, I have to say that the story had to be partly rewritten last year (after the movie had entered full production) so that's why that character might have inconsistencies between the game and film.

    Why did Luna feel like such an unimportant character?

    >I heard that the team had to change and delete certain scenes about her because they portrayed her in a way that would have been criticized nowadays. And like what happened with everything else, it seems like her role in the story wasn't able to get fixed before release.

    who decided to make emo-backstreet boys for the main characters???

    >Good thing you ask that because I remember stories about the people in charge of the team wanting to change the designs of the main protagonists and a bunch of contractual problems surfacing or something like that. To sum up: the decision to have the characters designed this way was made a long time ago and they had to use those designs for a large part of the game.

    Was it expected from the team for the game to be so critically mixed

    >Actually, some members expected harshed results because there wasn't enough confidence that his vision for the game was shared by everyone. As far as I know, the game is succeeding expectations.

    >portrayed her in a way that would have been criticized nowadays

    >There were references to the heroine having been abused by other characters, some scenes would have featured Luna crying because of her health and there were also mentions of her goal in life being meeting the male protagonist's expectations/objectives, which the team considered that were going to be problematic since the game had been carrying a bad reputation because of the way they portrayed female characters.

    Tell us everything you know about Versus

    >The game centered about death, ghosts and hallucination/dreams. Noctis killed the female protagonist before the game started but he didn't remember. Ardyn was Noctis ancestor and he was responsible of the crystals disappearing over time (the only one left was Lucis crystal). Regis died in front of Noctis because his bodyguards betrayed him. The protagonists had to leave the capital because their nation lost the war.

    The game didn't focus on summons that much (they still existed) and instead there were actual gods which didn't appear physically. One of the gods was the main antagonist of the first FF game. Each nation was inspired by a different capital of the world. The empire was using ghosts as weapons. Ravus wanted to kill Noctis for having killed her sister. The game ended in another dimension which was supposed to be their version of the after-life.

    It's hard to remember every detail.

    Is SE planning to stop making their own wasted engines? It seems like it took XIII forever to get out the door (Crystal Tools which was never really used again outside the XIII trilogy) and Luminous is an outdated mess? The company could have spent more time on cutscenes, story, and world building if they hadn't insisted on making their own engine and just used something like Unreal?

    >As far as I know, the next game from the team is not planned to use this engine.

    So in Versus XIII it was already planned that when Noctis got to Niflheim, it was already overrun with daemons ?

    >Yeah, that part of the game remained over time.

    1, Was Tabata a poor director? My impression of him is that he lacks a vision and just does what online forums and his superiors tell him to.

    2, In broad strokes, how was the story changed from Versus to XV?

    3, Why does the game look sort of bad? Was it the engine limitations? Is that why FFVIIR is on UE4?

    4, What do you think of the game? Are you proud or do you feel it was rushed and mismanaged?

    5, What do you think FFXVI is going to be?

    6, Do you know anything about the Ferrari designs that didn't make it in the game?

    >I liked him and he's an excellent professional. He gets job done at very difficult circustamnces. The engine didn't adapt well to consoles and had limitations. I'm proud to have worked on the game but I think the company should have given it more development time. I don't know about FF16. There were a lot of designs and concepts scrapped, some of them by Ferrari, yeah.

    Is there any possibility of Noctis' OG costume being added?

    >There wasn't any character model for that outfit so I don't know.

    Now that you mention never see Stella interacting with anyone else in the trailers

    Can you remember more stuff from Versus ? Sounds interesting as fuck. Which capitals were going to serve as inspiration besides Shinjuku and Venice ?

    Also what about Niflheim ? You mentioned it was decided from the get go that it was going to be overrun with daemons.

    >There was concepts for a city that looked like old London with british bridges and architecture, I don't know about the rest.

    The artwork used for the Gralea capital in the game was taken straight out of the Versus project, so I guess it remained the same. The throne room however was different and the Emperor sat there waiting for Noctis. This was still in the game last year.

    They were unsure of how Luna would be portrayed yet tried their fucking balls off on Cindy's design and she's nothing more than a glorified cum dumpster?

    Will we have a chance to see Aranea, Cid, Cindy, Iris, and Cor in the post-time skip ever? The game even goes out of their way to mention them, but we never encounter them. (I can't believe we get more interaction with Talbott than even the 4 main characters. Why do they say "let's go inside, Noct" but I can't talk to any of them and see how their lives have been in the past decade?)

    >The end part of the game was supposed to be bigger. I know for a fact that dark world Lestallum was finished. Old Iris was also featured in some scenes. Cindy too (and I also recall them not wanting to change the Cindy design even though it was problematic because her older design implied character development).

    What about Tenebrae ? It looked like a mixture of french and ottoman architecture

    >There was supposed to be a small dungeon in Tenebrae which also got cut. If I recall correctly, the invasion didn't begin until the protagonists entered the city.

    Do you think it was a mistake to let go of Nomura and Versus instead of just building on Versus? From the 2011 Versus gameplay trailer, it seemed like a good chunk of Versus was already done.

    >I haven't heard anything about the former director, but the project needed to change directors because the company needed a mainline game to be shipped in 2016 which appealed to mainstream trends and they trusted Tabata to do it.

    Who the fuck decided the survival horror in chapter 13 was a good idea? What the fuck was the reason behind it?

    >If you mean why is that chapter inspired by survival horror elements, the team thought it was going to be a good change of pace that would build momentum. Seems like the level failed to deliver and annoyed players, which I understand.

    What are the odds for a dark world DLC ?

    >I don't know, the only DLC episodes planned when I left were playable levels for the three friends.

    There is no game that is too ambitious for 11 years of development time.

    >The game has had barely 3 years of actual development time.

    If what we heard of Versus story is true then it really couldve been told in one game rather than a trilogy

    OP it would be really really cool if the original script could find its way here, if you know some folks who know some folks, ask around huh?

    >As far as I know, the game started as one single game, then the story got expanded more and the former director wanted to divide it into parts, but then it was condensed again as one single game by the new team.

    I don't think any of my mates read the original script. If you mean the 2015 script for FF15, then yeah, most of us know what changed in the story and world design.

    Tell us what changed. Exactly, in detail, as much as you can remember.

    >Well, the first stop after Altissia had an (smaller) open world area and you could drive the car alone.
    There was a level leading up to when you encounter the Shiva statue.
    The dark world section of the game featured more enviroments, you encountered each party member in different locations and you could explore part of Lestallum.
    The final boss (which was another Ardyn form) got cut early this year.
    The Tenebrae invasion happened after the protagonist entered the city and you got to explore a very small section of the city and Luna's chamber.
    Scenes that featured Luna got cut because they were considered to be problematic.
    Cor got written out of the last half of the story since it made no sense for him to show up (he was Noctis companion during the small open area after Altissia).

    Also, I want to know, what exactly was the reasoning behind killing off Luna when she has so little character development? We barely get to know her or see how much she and noct supposedly like each other before she dies. We don't get a chance to love and care about her before she dies, and it makes that story element weaker.

    Also, tell me about the original leviathan fight before they reworked it. I know you said it ran poorly, but tell me what was different about it, both in gameplay and spectacle.

    Also, was there ever anymore to the final boss fight with Ardyn? And where there ever any plans to implement the lore about Ifrit's betrayal and Ardyn's connection with Ifrit (which currently only exists in the strategy guide)

    >I don't think they will make the world of ruin levels that were unfinished explorable unless there is more story dlc planned. I doubt they will release the Luna scenes since the response would not be good, but the deleted scenes about the empire might get released.

    Like I said, Luna was featured in more scenes but they got cut. The original Leviathan fight combined interiors and exteriors and many enemies on screen, Luna also appeared.
    Like I said earlier, the final form for Ardyn was cut early this year. I haven't heard anything from the strategy guide but it might not have updated information about the story.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/12/16
  14. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Thế cái Final Fantasy Versus 15 thuộc vũ trụ của FF15 bây giờ à, hay remake hoàn toàn luôn, nhân vật, gameplay các thứ liệu vẫn giữ nguyên hay làm mới lại ?????:5cool_ops:
  15. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Rumor thôi, take it with a grain of salt.
  16. thaivinhhau

    thaivinhhau Mayor of SimCity GameOver

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    Và nói về độ bá của nhân vật cũng éo ai qua được chị sấm hồng cả. Chúa tạo ra vũ trụ chị chơi cho sml luôn :1cool_byebye:
  17. 7th_heaven

    7th_heaven Youtube Master Race

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    Đọc xong đoạn trả lời câu hỏi thì thấy rằng dự án Versus 13 tồn tại 2 nhược điểm khiến nó ko bao giờ ra mắt
    - Luminous engine phát triển quá lâu và còn lỗi , ngay cả đến thời FF15 , trận đánh Leavithan vẫn có vấn đề
    - Nomura quá tham làm nhiều phần , ban đầu là 1 game hoàn chỉnh nhưng vẫn cố bôi ra

    Tin đồn FF Versus 15 ... Ko biết nói sao với SE nữa , hiện tại Nomura ôm quá nhiều rồi sao cứ ném dự án lại cho ông này vậy , rồi đến lúc chờ không được lại đá người ta ra -thay đạo diễn khác :2cool_sad:
  18. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Yên tâm đi bác, lão Nomura đang làm KH3 + Final Fantasy 7 remake, mà con hàng FF7 này lại còn chơi kiểu phát hành theo ep, mỗi ep chắc bét nhất cũng phải 25, 30 tiếng chơi, đến lúc đấy lão Nomura thở còn éo nối chứ nói gì đến đạo diễn thêm 3 phần Versus 15=)).
  19. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Media Create Sell-through

    01./00. [PS4] Final Fantasy XV # <RPG> (Square Enix) {2016.11.29} (¥8.800) - 690.471 / NEW <64,63%> [Units shipped => 1.068.344]

    [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII # <RPG> (Square Enix) {2009.12.17} (¥7.980) - 1.501.964 / NEW <83,96%> [Units shipped => 1.788.904

    Bundle Sales

    00./00. [PS4] Final Fantasy XV (4)(PlayStation 4 1TB Final Fantasy XV Luna Edition) <BUN> (Sony Interactive Entertainment) (¥39.980) - 63.000 / NEW
  20. dajuker1310

    dajuker1310 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Con boss XIII ảo bcm nói chi nữa. Cơ mà mấy con summon trong ấy nhìn ko thích nổi cái thiết kế ấy, trông tục vãi lìn chả ra dáng uy nghi bá đạo :)). Chả hiểu sao tôi lại thich Bahamut và nhất là Ifrit trong FFXV này, đẹp thật.

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