Justice League (2017)

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi KNIGHT Light, 24/7/16.


Nhân vật cuối trailer mới là ai?

  1. Superman

    98 phiếu
  2. Supergirl

    19 phiếu
  3. Green Lantern

    34 phiếu
  4. Flash Tương lai

    14 phiếu
  5. Shazam

    9 phiếu
  6. Martian Manhunter

    6 phiếu
  7. Nhân vật khác

    6 phiếu
  1. neor

    neor Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    đi xong về nhớ spoil review công tâm để mỗ hóng xem có nên đi xem ko :v

    mà nhớ trước xem clip giới thiệu wonder woman thấy cảnh đánh đấm đầu phim đang lắc đầu tính không đi coi. xong rồi về thấy nhiều thánh khen lại nghĩ chắc fan nên khen vậy thôi. đến lúc đi xem thì thấy phim ổn phết.
  2. Akihiko

    Akihiko Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    zantan thích bài này.
  3. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

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  4. Akihiko

    Akihiko Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    Thông tin có chính thức đâu mà các pạn cứ loạn cả lên :3cool_angry:
  5. JamesRyan

    JamesRyan Sony Giáo Chủ Lão Làng GVN

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    Cung Trăng
    Gì mà ngắn như vậy. 2 tiếng coi sao đã :8cool_cry:
  6. DongTa190

    DongTa190 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

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  7. Master Bruce

    Master Bruce Legend of Zelda

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    sao xuất tinh trong rạp được :5cool_beat_plaster:
  8. dhd91

    dhd91 Sonic the Hedgehog

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    Không tin. Nội chuyện đi mời tụi kia vào team rồi giới thiệu background chắc chắn tốn thời gian. Rồi còn kể câu chuyện của darkseid và step. Rồi kể tiếp sup hồi sinh. Có cớt mà 2 tiếng làm được chuyện này :))
  9. Shooter_CD

    Shooter_CD Gian thương trốn thuế Lão Làng GVN

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    Đù, gì chứ ta éo tin vào thằng cắt phim nhà WB lắm, cắt cái đéo gì banh luôn bộ BvS
    jumper thích bài này.
  10. WarCyber01

    WarCyber01 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Theo như cái spoil cốt truyện này thì phim tới 2h30p lần mà :3cool_shame:

    Here's a rundown of all scenes we know are happening and how long they may take up in the film as an estimate -

    1. History Lesson - We know that it will be a huge set piece. It will feature a large scale battle and some post-battle stuff as well i.e. burying the MotherBox. It will introduce Steppenwolf and will also bring back Hippolyta and Antiope.(Economical Estimate - 10 min.)

    2. Bruce recruits Arthur - Well, there is a setup (Bruce makes his way to Amnesty Bay on horseback). The struggle (Bruce and Arthur's conversation and a little bit of violence, fish-talking). And then, the payoff (Arthur goes into water, declining Bruce's offer. "Opposite of what the saying is") (Estimate - 5 min.)

    3. Old Bailey Fight Scene - Diana takes down the Thugs. Roose Bolton fights Diana probably for a bit. The scene also ends with an explosion. Probably ends with Diana on top of the statue of the Lady of Justice. (Estimate - 4 min.)

    4. Art Restorer Diana - "What did you do this weekend?"... "Nothing very interesting". There is more to this scene though. We see shots of Diana turning around in surprise and uttering the word "Invasion...". Clearly, there is more to it.(Economical Estimate - 1 min.)

    5. Lois in her Apartment - Lois wakes up in the middle of the night. Listens to the depressing news about how crime is up more than ever.(Estimate - 1 min.)

    6. In-Flight Penguin Conversation - So, Alfred picks up Bruce at Amnesty Bay. Bruce shaves off the beard. They see a news piece about "high-profile kidnappings" in Gotham and Metropolis. Alfred remarks about exploding wind-up penguins.(Estimate - 2 min.)

    7. Bruce and Diana talk - Diana cracks Bruce's "world class security". They talk about "where are the others?" and "the age of heroes". They also discuss Aquaman's rejection of Bruce's offer. Bruce will also probably tease the Flying Fox in this scene. (estimate - 4 min.)

    8. Barry's Prison Visit - Barry Allen visits his father in prison. This scene introduces Billy Crudup. Also, probably, hints at Barry's emotional conflict in the film. (Economical Estimate - 1 min.)

    9. Bruce Recruits Barry - We know that this is a good-length conversation. From "second favorite chair" to "So, you're fast" to "I need friends". And that's just what we saw in the trailers. (Estimate - 3 min.)

    10. Diana Recruits Cyborg - We know that Diana will recruit Cyborg - in civilian clothing. Cyborg will also say "no" to her. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    11. Steppenwolf attacks Themiscyra - Hippolyta will sense trouble. Steppenwolf will arrive and cause trouble. He may or may not take the Mother Box with him. Since, this is an action scene with a setup - (Estimate - 3 min.)

    12. Rainy Night of Loss - There are shots of Lois standing in front of the Superman Memorial in the rain. Also, a newspaper commenting about the loss of hope in the world. (Estimate - 1 min.)

    13. Cyborg's Flashback - Cyborg revisits his memories. His football flashback and the explosion that resulted in his near-death. Definately an in-depth scene about Cyborg's emotional problems and all. (Estimate - 3 min.)

    14. Bruce and Barry visit Diana - They take Bruce's new car from Central City to the airport. Then, sly off to Diana. There's a scene there too about Barry comically seeing the bat-signal. (Estimate - 3 min.)

    15. Conversation with Gordon - Batman, Wonder Woman and Flash will have a chat with Gordon about the "high-profile" kidnappings. Gordon will lead them to the tunnel. This is the introduction of Gordon. (Estimate - 3 min.)

    16. Steppenwolf attacks Atlantis - Beginning with Arthur saving a guy on the shore and chugging a drink. Then, he goes to Atlantis only to see Steppenwolf's onslaught. Arthur and Steppenwolf have a tussle that Arthur loses. This scene will also officially introduce Mera. (Estimate - 5 min.)

    17. Kidnapping of Silas Stone - Silas is kidnapped. Cyborg turns up to see the crime scene and deduces that his father is gone. He contacts the League. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    18. The Tunnel Fight Scene - Well, this is clearly a long one with a lot of moments peppered in. Batman will debut his nightcrawler here. Batman and Cyborg meet up for the first time here. Flash pushes the sword to wonder woman. Cyborg drives the nightcrawler. Steppenwolf charges the League. Steppenwolf fights Wonder Woman. Aquaman saves the day by blocking the water. Then, they have a post discussion with Gordon about whatever happens. Aquaman comments on Batman's costume. (Economical Estimate - 10 min.)

    19. At the Batcave - The League turns up at the Batcave and talks to Alfred about what all happened. Aquaman will compliment Alfred while he makes sarcastic quips on the League. Then, the conversation will take a dramatic turn to be about Bruce's Knightmare. (Estimate - 4 min.)

    20. Superman's Hologram - Bruce studies that hologram. Probably has a conversation with a League Member about Superman as well.(Estimate - 2 min.)

    21. Batman's Warehouse 2.0 - Batman will attack a Warehouse where some Parademons are keeping hostages. He will take them out in a Warehouse 2.0 sequence. (Estimate - 3 min.)

    22. The Heroes Park Scene a.k.a Superman's Back! - Well, the League go to Heroes Park. Flash runs around real fast to generate a LOT of energy. Superman is brought back confused. He throws a car at some people. Cyborg saves them "You should probably move!". Superman regains control. Flash and Wonder Woman smile.(Estimate - 6 min.)

    23. Chernobyl Under Siege - The beginnings of the end. Parademons fly out from a nuclear reactor. A little girl (who probably dies) sees the skies darken with the invasion looming. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    24. Superman meets Lois - Yep. I think this is the scene where she turns around to look at the sky. She sees him and he reunites with her. Prbably, to overcome his "confusion". (Estimate - 2 min.)

    25. Superman and Lois a.k.a "The Dream" - Lois and Superman talk about the ring and their future together. Superman finds himself again.(Estimate - 2 min.)

    26. Bruce's Pep Talk - Bruce tells the League to be ready. "Each of us in some way has held back". Aquaman's "I think we're probably gonna die". All that happens here. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    27. The League Preps - This is montage of the League preparing for battle. Flash does Yoga, Cyborg loads up and Batmand throws Aquaman's trident to him. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    28. Superman meets Alfred - Everyone knows this one. Alfred shows Superman the way to the League. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    29. Steppenwolf's Red Skies - Steppenwolf brings the three Motherboxes together and turns the skies red. (Estimate - 2 min.)

    30. The Big Climax - ALL of the action set against the Red Skies. Superman joins them in the fight.(Economical Estimate - 20 min.)
    That's all I could find. Adding all of that together brings us to 1 hr and 52 min... BUT remember, this is only from what we have seen in TRAILERS! There are a lot of gaps left in the story to be filled by the film of course.

    I guess the actual runtime of the film while be 2hrs and 25 min to 2hrs and 35min. Yes, I'm talking about the theatrical cut.
  11. Akihiko

    Akihiko Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    cái này là nó đoán dựa vào mấy chi tiết trong trailer chứ spoil gì đâu anh zai =))
  12. gin-1994

    gin-1994 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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  13. canhden

    canhden C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Klq nhưng cái camera của facebook mới cho thêm hiệu ứng biến mặt mình thành mặt aquaman trông ngầu vl các bạn
  14. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

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    Hội Dzườn Đào
    Vừa sang bên 2pic Thỏ là lại thấy con 3m/2 nó bóp dzé toàn bộ comic Marvel =))
  15. zantan

    zantan The Dragonborn CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    Tất cả những thứ bạn kể sẽ đc gói gọn trong 1h40 phút, 5 phút final battle, 15 phút cho credit là vừa đủ :6cool_smile:
    Còn mấy đoạn battle hoành tráng sẽ đc nhét vào bản Warner Bros's Cut :6cool_smile:
  16. KNIGHT Light

    KNIGHT Light Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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  17. Điện thoại hỏng

    Điện thoại hỏng Dragon Quest

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    walkmanutd and THÁNH CHUẨN like this.
  18. _Great_Paladin_

    _Great_Paladin_ snake, snake, snaaaake

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    Ho Chi Minh City
  19. K'Dash

    K'Dash You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Phải kéo đông hơn zậy sao ? :(
  20. _Great_Paladin_

    _Great_Paladin_ snake, snake, snaaaake

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    Ho Chi Minh City
    Tất nhiên rồi, mãnh hổ nan địch quần hồ mà. Qua nhà của tụi linh cẩu combat thì phải có 2 3 con sư tử mới được chú ạ. 2 con sư tử gầm to mấy cũng đâu có hơn được bầy cẩu nó sủa nhoi trời :(

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