z - Mùa uỵch nhau của sinh viên Mẽo

Thảo luận trong 'Thư Giãn Express - Bản Tin Cuối Ngày' bắt đầu bởi Kentiny, 17/3/23.

  1. Kentiny

    Kentiny Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Pussies Destroyer
    Trên những bãi biển đầy nắng của Florida, người trẻ ăn mặc phóng khoáng, say sưa với đồ uống có cồn và tiệc tùng cả ngày. Họ phải chờ 3 năm mới được vui chơi thoải mái trở lại.

    Kỳ nghỉ xuân ở Mỹ đang diễn ra sôi nổi theo đúng nghĩa đen. Sinh viên đại học trên khắp đất nước này đổ xô đến tiểu bang Florida để sẵn sàng xả hơi sau 3 năm bị cầm chân bởi dịch bệnh, theo The New York Post.

    Tại bãi biển Fort Lauderdale, từng cặp người trẻ, cả nam lẫn nữ, lao vào nhau, giả bộ như thi đấm bốc hay đấu vật. Trong khi đó, đám đông vây quanh hò reo, cổ vũ, dùng điện thoại ghi lại từng “trận đấu”. Các video tương tự lan truyền trên TikTok gần đây.

    Các sinh viên Mỹ dường như sẵn sàng “bung lụa” sau khi Covid-19 buộc các kỳ nghỉ xuân phải thu hẹp. Năm nay đánh dấu lễ hội đầy đủ đầu tiên kể từ 2019.



    Dọc bờ biển Fort Lauderdale, nhiều người trẻ khoe dáng trong khi tiêu thụ lượng lớn đồ uống có cồn dưới ánh nắng mặt trời. Không ít diện đồ in dòng chữ táo bạo, nổi bật, thể hiện cá tính của người mặc.


    Một số điểm nóng trong kỳ nghỉ xuân ở Florida được chuẩn bị để đón “làn sóng” sinh viên ồn ào vì lo ngại hành vi của họ trở nên mất kiểm soát.

    Cư dân ở New Smyrna Beach, phía nam Daytona, gần đây tiết lộ rằng họ kinh hãi khi đám đông tiệc tùng đổ xô vào khu vực của mình trong kỳ nghỉ năm 2022. Mùa tiệc tùng trong kỳ nghỉ xuân dự kiến kéo dài sang tháng tới.

    Alice Muskey, chủ sở hữu của Treats on the Beach, nói với Fox 35: “Tôi đã ở đây trong kỳ nghỉ xuân 20 năm nay. Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi thấy cảnh tượng hoang dã đến như vậy”.

    Tại bãi biển New Smyrna Beach, cảnh sát đã áp đặt giờ giới nghiêm 23h đối với thanh thiếu niên từ 17 tuổi trở xuống. Những người vui chơi cũng có thể trông thấy sự xuất hiện của lực lượng an ninh mạnh mẽ hơn trước dịch.
    viendu thích bài này.
  2. gamerbi

    gamerbi Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tôi cần tư liệu chân thực sâu sát hơn chodima
    Hắc Ma and Trùm online like this.
  3. 934944

    934944 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    đà nẵng
  4. Mir[U]ka

    Mir[U]ka One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    Tôi cần các phóng viên đóng vai sinh viên thâm nhập vào các event này để quay lại đầy đủ bằng chứng sv chịch nhau
  5. kut3b0y_0nly

    kut3b0y_0nly Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Đà Nẵng
    Thế rồi họ đ nhau điên cuồng, ngày này qua ngày khác !choo
  6. redie

    redie Sith Lord Revan ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ CHAMPION Lão Làng GVN

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  7. kut3b0y_0nly

    kut3b0y_0nly Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Lũ bê đê
  8. The Guardian

    The Guardian Extrema Remedia Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Ranger Station Alpha
    Mating Season uu-gif

    Nhìn vầy lại nhớ hồi cấp 2 với 3, mỗi năm đều được cắm trại qua đêm tại trường dịp Giỗ Tổ.

    HINCODON Persian Prince GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TPMT để đâu ?
    bọn mỹ này hồi trẻ đã ăn chơi bời khi có gia đình con cái ko hiểu giáo dục thế nào
  10. Nô còn trinh

    Nô còn trinh Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    2 thằng này hàng bự quá

  11. thich la ca

    thich la ca Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vú đích ko nhìn đi địa kiu
    Lẽ nào @Nô còn trinh đã chán lol thèm kiu
  12. .tieunhilang

    .tieunhilang Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    First time skinny dipping with two guys - 1/2 [FM]

    This is a story that happened back in high school and it was a first such experience for me. I went to highschool with my friend Matt and we would often hang out during the summer. This summer was no different and one day he invited me to go with his friend Chris for a swim.

    He lived in a somewhat rural area and there was a river nearby so I figured that’s where we’d be going. Once I got to his house, we got on bikes and cycled to his Chris’ house. Chris wasn’t all that far, maybe a kilometer and a half.

    When we got there, Chris was excited and told us that there was something we have to check out. The house across from his was owned by some that lived 2 hours away and only came there for weekend getaway a few times during the summer. However, Chris found out that they still had water in their pool and all you had to do was uncover it. The pool was closed off and you couldn’t really see it. When you looked from the road it was behind the house, and behind it at the end of their yard they had a small private beach closed off on the river. From one side of their yard was a big wall and trees from the other. The only way you could ever see in their yard and that someone was using the pool was if you actually came behind the house.

    Chris assured us that they wouldn’t be home, especially not at 2PM during a workday and that they only come back on weekends and that we should definitely go there. Matt and I were a bit hesitant but decided to go for it. If we did hear a car pulling in, we could just run down to the river and swim from their beach to one that’s a bit further down and go out there.

    Chris grabbed the towel from his house and off we went. We waited until there were no cars coming on the road so no one could see us sneaking in. We jumped past the fence at the entrance and went behind the house. Once we got there I was super happy we decided to go there. There were chairs for us to rest, a huge yard that’s closed off, a table for us to put snacks and our things and it was just for us.

    I started undressing to my bathing suit while the guys uncovered the pool. Matt and I had already seen each other in bathing suits but I never met Chris before this. I should also mention that Matt had never shown any interest in any other girl but me, and he showed a ton of interest. He’d always be super close to me, everyone always came to him and me and thought that we were together but I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship. He was always so appreciative of even our friendship and was always super happy to be around with me.

    Chris on the other hand was a guy who would always suck at school (even though we went to different schools, I knew that much about him), he’d always smoke pot, drink some beer whenever he could, totally opposite of Matt but they got along great and had some common interests. He was that scrawny kid everyone knew that was always kind of weird and never fit anywhere.

    We all went to the pool and the water was great. Super clean, warm and we had a giant pool where we didn’t even have to be that quiet to enjoy it.

    I believe the first time we were in for like 15 minutes before going out and playing some music while enjoying the sun. We were sunbathing with the music blasting from our phone that was between Matt and me. During out sunbathing whenever someone would want something to drink or snacks we’d just get up and take it so I never payed that much attention to what was going on, I just closed my eyes and wanted to enjoy the sun.

    I had even almost fallen asleep when I heard Chris yell out to us. We both looked up and boy did we have something to see. He was completely naked, at the edge of the pool, ready to jump in and looking back at us.

    “Haha, check this out.” – he said as he jumped in the pool, completely naked. His shorts were all the way here, next to us. I couldn’t help but to look at his scrawny body as he jumped in.

    “You have to try this, you’ll feel so free when you’re naked.” – he said and just started swimming around, fully naked.

    Matt and I both looked at each other not knowing what to do before Chris started telling us to just try and that it’ll be amazing. Matt then jumped in the pool, took his shorts off underwater and threw them outside and then they both started telling me how I have to try it as fell and that I’ll feel so incredibly free.

    I jumped in, went to the edge of the pool and started taking my bathing suit off. I suddenly started feeling super turned on. I could feel my nipples getting harder and a warm feeling between my legs. I didn’t let it get the best of me so I stripped as quickly as possible and went to just swim around for a bit. They weren’t lying. It was an amazing and freeing feeling to be naked in the water. I never knew you could feel so free.

    I knew Matt wanted to see me naked but he also didn’t look too pleased that his friend will also get to see the body he has been looking forward to seeing all these years. We swam around naked, all enjoying the water but it seems like it was just a minute before we all started getting a bit cold from all that time and it was time to go out of the water.

    We all said multiple times how we were all so cold but no one wanted to get out. Matt exclaimed how he couldn’t take it anymore and that he was going out. He swam towards the steps and started getting out. I just had to look, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.

    He looked a few years older than Chris, mostly because of the way his body was built. His shoulders were broader, he had hair over his body while Chris was mostly hairless around his chest and legs. Overall Matt had a more defined body, and you’d never expect someone like that to be afraid to make a move like he did. Chris on the other hand was a ‘player’. He often went from one girl to the other, always knowing what he had to say to get them to sleep with him.

    As Matt was coming out, I could see that he was semi hard. His cock didn’t point all the way upwards but it definitely wasn’t flaccid. He then went on to sit back on the chair and enjoy the sun, his cock pointing slightly upwards which revealed his balls as he was there with his eyes closed. They were quite big and I’d never expected them to look that big. He was also trimmed very short and you could hardly see any hair.

    Chris asked me whether I want to go out as well and I agreed. We both swam towards the ladder and he told me to go first. I didn’t really know how to say no so I just started climbing. I know that he was looking. My butt directly over his head. I knew he could have easily had a direct view of my pussy, or even my butt. I got out and started walking towards the chair. All I could think about was how he is now looking at my butt and how it’s moving from left to right with every step I make and he can see it directly.

    I figured that I had showed enough for now and decided to lower the chair and lay on my stomach. The entire time I was super wet, I could feel it and I was really concerned that it was clearly visible. But still, all I could think about was how horny it made me to be naked around two guys, to feel that exposed in front of them.
    After a few minutes, Chris brought everyone a beer and asked us to take a walk down to the river to see whether we want to go there next. Once I turned around, he was standing naked beside me. His cock now at my eyesight and I couldn't help but to take a look.

    His was completely different than Matt's. He was flaccid but even so, he was bigger than Matt was semi hard. He had a really, really long cock. He was completely unshaven though so it looked a bit messy.

    I took the beer and agreed to go to the river. Once I stood up, I wrapped myself in a towel and grabbed the beer. Chris decided to go completely nude.

    When Matt stood up, Chris told him to stay there and stand guard. In case the owners came back, we had to knew to quickly get out, atleast that's what he told Matt so that he'd stay. I knew Matt didn't want me naked around another guy but still he stayed there.

    As we were walking I couldn't help but to get more aroused than I already was. I was only wrapped with a towel and next to me was a completely naked guy I just met maybe an hour ago. His cock was bouncing off his balls as he walked and I just kept peeking because I never saw cock that big flaccid.

    I almost forgot that I completely showed him my front when I took the beer. I mean, he must've seen my tits, my pussy may have been atleast somewhat covered by the hair. I then started wondering whether Matt saw it all. After all, we were friends for years and he always wanted to hook up with me. But now as I was walking with Chris, I couldn't help but get hornier and hornier.

    And somehow, in a weird way, what got me so horny was the fact that he was completely flaccid. Even though that there might've been a possibility that he did not find me remotely sexy and that was the reason, I felt all the more sexy thinking how he is completely naked and does not react to my most private parts.

    That's when it hit me. I realized then and there that I wanted to have him. Even though I knew Matt for years, that could only ruin the friendship. I knew I wanted this guy, the guy who already had all the girls and the guy who would soon have me. Even though I didn't know how to make that happen.

    Once we reached the river, he started looking at places where we might go in or some rocks that we could jump from. During that time I stood still and gathered courage to make the move. If he turned me down, I knew that he would tell Matt who would then think I was a slut. But I was too horny at that point.

    As he was looking at the water, I unwrapped my towel and dropped it on the ground. I looked at his small ass and couldn't help but to get turned on, even though he was the exact opposite of guys I usually like. As my towel dropped, I felt a slight breeze on my wet pussy. I looked down and saw the hairs move in the wind and then saw how hard my nipples were by that point.

    He finally turned around and I barely managed to get those few words out of my mouth.

    • "Do you want me?" - I asked, silently and scared.
    There was a huge grin on his face before he said 'fuck yes'. He came towards me and his cock was now starting to point up. When he came closer, he grabbed both of my boobs and started groping them. He didn't kiss me, he just grabbed my tits. It really felt like he only wanted me to fuck me.

    I grabbed his cock which was almost fully hard by that time, pulled the foreskin back and got on my knees. It honestly wasn't that much bigger, it's just that it was stiff and pointing straight up. I got closer and placed my tongue on the tip of his cock and started swirling around. It started bobbing up and down with each of my lick and soon enough I felt a hand on the back of my head that pulled my head closer so his dick was now in my mouth. I knew what I had to do, so I started jerking it and moving my head up and down.

    It wasn't long before he told me to turn around and I obliged. Even though he was younger than me and looked way younger, I felt like he was in complete control.

    slap - "You like being a little slut?" - he said as he slapped my ass and pressed his cock against my pussy. I was so wet that his cock just slid in and we both let out a big moan. He went halfway in the first time, went out, then put it back in and went balls deep.

    He firmly grabbed my hips and started pulling me towards him faster and faster. Every now and then he'd slap my ass or call me 'his little slut' or 'his little whore'. The sex didn't last all that long, and before long he told me to quickly turn around.

    I barely had a chance before his cum started flying out. The first time it kind of oozed out on my hip as I was turning around, but the next time it made a nice long line from my right tit to my right cheek. After that it kind of started landing on my stomach. After he had came, he took a moment, stood up and just told me he was going to wash himself and that I should too.

    No reciprocation, no nothing. I was used and I loved it. I went to wash up by the river and made sure I was nicely bent over so he could have a good view. I thought about tasting the cum that was on my face but I was too scared of what he'd think.

    After we were both done, I took the towel and we started walking back, although this time I was naked as well. His cock was a bit red from the fucking, and my ass might've been too. I saw Matt when we got back and his cock was now way harder. He saw me walking naked with his friend and I'm sure his imagination went wild of what the girl of his dream and his friend were doing naked just minutes ago.
    PeepingTom thích bài này.
  13. aoden

    aoden Red, Pokémon champion

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nhiều chữ quá, cần hình.
  14. MrVoTinK

    MrVoTinK Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    childhood friend, ntr, ếch buddy
  15. RohanGame

    RohanGame The Dragonborn Lão Làng GVN

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    em ảnh 3 dáng ngon quá.!mlem
  16. Baifern Pimchanok

    Baifern Pimchanok T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đm tí về cty đọc
  17. Sharius

    Sharius SPARTAN John-117 GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    khoái lạc đặc sản chim, thấy spoil tao tưởng hình, mở ra 1 đống chữ, đè nghị tế !cl
    aoden thích bài này.
  18. kurenai_tsubasa

    kurenai_tsubasa Mega Man Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN

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    Nhìn chúng nó ăn chơi đúng kiểu đã chơi là chơi cho đáng,còn học sinh Đông Lào đi chơi mà phải live stream báo cho phụ huynh biết đang làm gì
  19. BachLi

    BachLi Chịch ma, phệt quỷ, vã lắm rồi!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    1 thanh niên nghĩ ai cũng như mình chia sẽ.
  20. reddevils235

    reddevils235 Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đông lào cũng 18 dọn ra ở riêng thì đâu bị ai quản nữa

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