Bàn luận về 4th Job

Thảo luận trong 'Maple Story' bắt đầu bởi vle_hoang, 16/11/06.

  1. Flamino

    Flamino Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    (Magic Interrupt / Magic Interception)
    This is a party skill. For a period of time, status abnormality attacks will be nullified to all party members. Cooldown time: 10 minutes.
    LV 30: 69 MP, 40 seconds.
    Comment: This is a natural dispel ability, lasting for however only 40 seconds with a 10 minute countdown...
  2. lightning102

    lightning102 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ối giòi ơi, xem xong shock, buồn đi ... giải quyết quá...^^.Thanks to TiUDS
  3. lightning102

    lightning102 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vài câu comment nữa" thằng Sin với thằng bow tay nó làm bằng chất liệu gì thế? @.@
    Cái chưởng Medusa mà kết hợp với bow thì ko hiểu như thế nào nhỉ?: 1 thằng frezee, 1 thàng lắp aka bắn :)), ko hiểu lv lên thế nào nhỉ?
  4. lightning102

    lightning102 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hic, mà ko biết KS War thì thế nào nhỉ? Vừa vào phát, quái... chết sạch, KS thế nào đây @.@
  5. vle_hoang

    vle_hoang C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere on earth
    lol, lightning102 chuẩn bị ăn 1 phát asaulter của mod vì tội spam bài :))
  6. Golden Eagle

    Golden Eagle Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái skill ở đoạn đầu cái clip của tidus_lee , cái mà xẹt 1 hàng quái là skill job 4 ? Trông giống assaulter thế nhể :| .
  7. shadow2810

    shadow2810 Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
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    skill mới của shadower đấy :|
    chán, đến giờ thằng ku DK vẫn 6 skill =)) toàn skill bèo =))
  8. necromancevn

    necromancevn T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nghe nói skill Hurricane (cái skill bắn tên như súng máy của Bowman) bị Wizet sửa rồi. Damage của mỗi phát bắn sẽ không còn mạnh như trước. Ai biết thông tin chi tiết về chuyện này ko?
  9. Flamino

    Flamino Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    SAo ko ai bàn luận vậy nè T_T ( khen giùm vài câu đi :D )
  10. Tidus_Lee

    Tidus_Lee Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Saint Quentin, France
    uh, cái đó giống assaulter nhưng nó có thêm 1 hàng damg, bạn chú ý kỹ sẽ thấy mà ^^,
  11. jumper

    jumper Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    6200 MP T_T
    gấp đôi MP hiện tại (lv60) T_T
  12. n1njaturtl3

    n1njaturtl3 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội - Cassiopeia
    có clip nào của ch.dit job 4 k? mấy cái kia tui nhìn k rõ và có cái k vào được. ai co link post lên nhé. high quality vao` thx ^.^
  13. pnk

    pnk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ừa, đúng ùi, mino có cái clip nào hông, đem lên chiêm ngưỡng lun.
    Skill của Fire arch mage sao giống Heal của Priest wá nhỉ ^^.
  14. Flamino

    Flamino Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    clip mino coi nhưng ma` ko nhớ coi ở đâu rồi , ủa mà nhìn đâu có giống đâu O_o
  15. lightning102

    lightning102 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    lol, lightning102 chuẩn bị ăn 1 phát asaulter của mod vì tội spam bài
    from Mr Hoa`ng:
    :-s èo sợ thế, DM có asaulter thì em có Magic Crash :> , :D
    Thôi, tha em...:wink:
  16. vle_hoang

    vle_hoang C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere on earth

    All classe
    Type: Active
    Description: You may escape from certain situations(status?). Probability of escape depends on skill level.
    Cooldown Time: 10 minutes.
    Max Level 10:
    Comment: No idea how this one works yet... it looks like a passive dispel but that's not very likely though. Perhaps it lets you escape from various new status attacks? perhaps stuns.. who knows.

    PATH: Warrior > Fighter > Crusader > Hero

    Hero: BerserkType: Active
    Description: Consume ten orbs to raise your attack power immensely.
    Max Level 30: 40 MP、240 seconds duration、+26 weapon attack
    Comment: The first 4th job finisher using all 10 orbs. Berserk does not stack with Rage, not sure if it works with attack pots.

    Paladin: Endless Blow
    Type: Passive
    Description: The higher the skill level, the more probability of not losing your charge when using Knight's Charge Blow (at maxed level it will never discharge). Power of Knight's Charge Blow also rises.
    Max Level 10: Charge Blow attack power 300%, 100% probability of keeping your elemental charge when using Charge Blow.
    Comment: This passive ability lets a Paladin to endlessly spam charge blow. And yes, Charge Blow stuns all 6 of the mobs just like 3rd Job.
    picture: http://img730.photo.163.com/wangfangqhb/106648535/2467485666.gif

    Paladin: Spirit
    Type: Active
    Description: Stab a fireceful blow with your charged power into an enemy.
    Max Level 30: 40 MP, 550% attack power
    Comment: A single target, forced stab attack with a brand new animation (unique for each charge). Spirit does not activate final attack, and nor does it discharge your element. Note stabbing favors swords and discourages hammers. Overall a very nice addition to the Page class, no more Power Strike / Slash Blast / Final Attacks ever again.

    Paladin: Sanctuary Type: Active
    Description: While using Holy Charge, summon a spiritual hammer to unleash a powerful holy shockwave.
    Cooldown time: 6 minutes. Cooldown timer has been removed since patch 1.2.68.
    Max Level 30: 60 MP, 700% attack power, up to 15 targets
    Comment: Attack enemies with a golden hammer.. From the video it looks like it reduces the monsters' HP to 1. You can use this skill even with a sword equipped.

    *** Dark Knight
    PATH: Warrior > Spearman > Dragon Knight > Dark Knight

    Dark Knight: Dark Blow
    Type: Passive
    Description: Unlock the soul potential of the body as you become HP critical status, increasing your power explosively. Dark Blow's power will be lost once you have been recovered.
    Max Level 30: Required HP level to activate: 20%, +100% attack bonus.
    Comment: Dark Blow activates when you enter HP critical status; for example using sacrifice, dragon roar, or geting hit. It will self terminate once you have regained your health.

    Dark Knight: Dark Soul Type: Summon
    Description: Summon the Dark Soul.
    Max Level 10: 30 MP, 20 minutes lasting duration.
    Comment: The Dark Soul is a small entity that can heal/buff the Dark Knight, see skills below.
    picture: http://img19.imageshack.us/my.php?image=new254gn5.gif

    Dark Knight: Dark Soul: Healing Mastery Type: Passive
    Description: The Dark Soul will heal the Dark Knight per every time interval. The higher the skill level the higher it heals.
    Max Level 25: 10 seconds interval, 10 HP recovery (unsure of level, possibly not max)
    Comment: Not sure how this works, but this skill affects your Dark Soul and indirectly on the Dark Knight.

    Dark Knight: Dark Soul: Enchanting MasteryType: Passive
    Description: The Dark Soul will enchant the Dark Knight with a power up per every time interval. There are several kinds of power ups, and you get them randomly. Power ups include increase in weapon defense, magic defense, avoidability, accuracy, as well as weapon attack.
    Max Level 25: 58 seconds interval, +5??? (unsure of level, possibly not max)
    Comment: Perhaps the better skill out of the two; like Heal Mastery this skill affects your Dark Soul.

    Arch Mage [I/L]: Spark
    rough translation: chaining lightning.

    Bishop: Holy StrikeType: Active
    Description: Shoot a projectile with holy power.
    Max Level 30: ? magic power, 60% mastery
    Comment: Looks like another version of Holy Arrow (small range, holy base, single target, low damage). Don't expect much from this skill. It is also not very fast.
    picture: http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=new257dg3.gif

    Bishop: Last Judgement
    Type: Active
    Description: Summon rays of holy light to destroy the battlefield.
    Max Level 30: 6200 MP, 470 magic power, up to 15 targets.
    Comment: The Bishop's equivalent of Volcano/Ice Field. Remember bishops don't have Magic Amplifcation from 3rd job, unlike the Arch Mages. Judgement is a full screen holy attack, but it might not have the same radius as Volcano/Ice Field.

    Bishop: Resurrection
    Type: Active
    Description: Revive dead party members using holy magic. Cooldown timer decreases with higher skill level.
    Max Level 10: 40 MP, Cooldown time: 60 minutes. (unsure of level)
    Comment: Instantly restore a dead party member. The revived person will have 100% full life after being resurrected.

    Bow Master: Heme String Type: Active
    Description: For a period of time, shoot arrows that can disrupt the enemy's leg region: slow downing their movement for 5 seconds.
    Max Level 30: 40% success rate, 180 seconds buff duration, -60 speed, 5 seconds effect duration.
    Comment: To use Heme String, you activate it as a buff first. Once activated, all your arrows will have a chance to inflict a (very) slow status on your targets.
    picture: http://mxd.youxizhu.com/bbs/UploadFile/2006-11/2006111916444876141.jpg

    Bow Master: Concentrate / Intensify
    Type: Active
    Description: For a period of time, raise your attack power & lessen the consumption of mana.
    Cooldown time: 5 minutes.
    Max Level 30: 40 MP, +26 weapon attack, mana consumption -50%, 180 seconds duration.
    Comment: For the first time ever, and skill that saves money for archers! And yes that's 26 weapon attack increase, but you can only use it in every 3/10 minutes

    Crossbow Master: Snipe Type: Active
    Description: Snipe a target with a killing shot. Cooldown timer decreases as the skill level increases.
    Max Level 30: 25 MP,cooldown time: 85 seconds
    Comment: Snipe will always one shot kill the enemy no matter what HP they have. It does not work on bosses, of course.
    picture: http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/3374/1hitarrowcg7qc0.jpg
  17. vle_hoang

    vle_hoang C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Somewhere on earth
    heheh, sader có chiêu +26 watk ;)), quá khủng :D
    Priest có chiêu ressurect, ko biết có cứu lại đc exp bị mất khi die ko ? chứ nếu ko cứu đc thì vô ích -_-
    Sniper thì chiêu 1 hit kill :)) quá tởm
  18. jumper

    jumper Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Comment: Snipe will always one shot kill the enemy no matter what HP they have. It does not work on bosses, of course.

    one shot one kill T_T
    thế thì lên lv vèo vèo T_T
  19. Flamino

    Flamino Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Spark của I/L arch mage nhìn chán quá vậy
    Mà ko có poison skill job 4 của F/P arch mage hả
  20. Enishin

    Enishin Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cho hỏi lv bao nhiu moi duoc lam job 4 zay??

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