Hỏi gì đáp nấy - Mọi thắc mắc về SRW vào đây

Thảo luận trong 'Mecha/Robots' bắt đầu bởi Salamander, 1/11/03.

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  1. Anti Justice

    Anti Justice Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nếu tốc độ bình thường 60 fps thì chắc do sound rồi
    hãy thử chỉnh lại sound xem
  2. Great Zeorymer

    Great Zeorymer Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    [VNDA] Hà Nội
    Hỏi các sư huynh, có phải khi sang lượt chơi thứ 6 ở Taisen J thì không cần phải giết Hakkeshu Robo vẫn lấy được Great Zeorymer không, đi linh tinh vẫn lấy được Gai, Julia, Bonta-Kun chứ!
  3. CaiGiCungDuoc

    CaiGiCungDuoc Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chơi SRW4, bài 44 có 2 lựa chọn, nếu chọn đánh với cả 1 lũ vàng khè toàn lev 99 thì có cách nào để thắng ko vậy ??
  4. tindaica123

    tindaica123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đà Lạt
    Tôi làm được rồi.
    Không phải là Sound mà là CD-ROM.
    Chả hiểu ra làm sao.
    Huynh có thể chỉ chỗ một cái walkthrought cho srw alpha không?
    Trên gamefaqs nó như thế nào ấy. Không xài nổi.
  5. SertaKudo's

    SertaKudo's Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bình Thạnh
    ai cho mình vài link down trò SWR mới nha , tìm hoài mà ko thấy (giả lập GBA)
  6. ainguko

    ainguko Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tôi có mỗi cái xem các bí mật ( lấy robot, weapon hay thu phục pilot ) + cách lấy Skill point thui. Chắc bồ cũng có rồi ha. Nếu lấy tui Up cho.
    @CaiGiCungDuoc: Màn đó là màn cuối rồi. Nếu chọn đánh quân vàng ( Lv 99 ) thì bên ta mới ra chỉ có 50 気力 thui. Cách đánh là luyện một số lên Lv 100 ( nếu bản đã được sửa lại thì 99 )> Dùng map cho chết hoặc Bost để lấy 気力 trên 100 mới xài được các vũ khí mạnh. A lê hấp vào thử đòn 19400....
  7. Anti Justice

    Anti Justice Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hướng dẫn trên đó tôi thấy như vậy là rất ổn rồi chứ
    chỉ cần có nhiệm vụ, cách qua bài, cách lấy AP, lấy đồ là đủ rồi
  8. vuongtramy

    vuongtramy Youtube Master Race Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hảy giúp toi với.toi chơi srw anpha garden dến vòng có 1 con phi thuyền máu
    51000 và một đám nhép,kill het thì con phi thuyền keu thêm 2 con giống i chang,cứ kill mot con thi nó keu ra 2 con giong i chang,đánh hoài ko xong.Các ban làm on chỉ giùm lam sao qua duoc vòng này,còn nủa,robo của tui lv>50 mà sao ko di duoc 2 lần
  9. ainguko

    ainguko Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Màn đó là màn bao nhiêu vậy, bạn chọn đường nào? Nếu đó là màn 35 Space thì bạn chỉ kill đc đám Gesphento MK II và Gurungast thôi, còn bọn G-bit thì kill ko hết đc đâu. Màn đó cho phi thuyền chính đến địa điểm yêu cầu là được. Nếu trong 5 turn thì đc 1 Skill point. Còn vụ đi 2 lần thì xin thưa là ko có đâu ( giống GO và GÒ ) cho dù bạn có Lv 99 đi chăng nữa ( Do ko phục nên tui cho mấy con lên Lv 99 và kết quả là nghỉ cho khỏe, khỏi đi 2 lần luôn ). Còn nếu bạn tha thiết muốn đi 2 lần đến thế thì xài Awekening(覚醒) đi.
  10. tindaica123

    tindaica123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đà Lạt
    Quả là đủ rồi. Tại vì lần trước tôi chưa down xong nên chỉ đến màn 21
    Hỏi tiếp: Huynh chỉ cho cách dùng twin battle system ở các trò trên PS2 được không?
  11. Axre

    Axre Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    twin battle system là cái system mới Ban làm cho OGS, mà cái OGS chưa release thì làm thế quái nào dùng được mà kêu chỉ -.-
  12. Great Zeorymer

    Great Zeorymer Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    [VNDA] Hà Nội
    Nè. không ai trả lời tui hả .....................................................................
    Please help me!
  13. ainguko

    ainguko Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @Great Zeorymer Hình như là đúng. Bắt đầu từ màn 11 thì phải. Ko được chọn Zeorymer trừ khi bắt buộc ( có chữ màu đỏ ). Phải đi theo yêu cầu hơi bị dài. Đang ở trường nên chưa xem lại được. Trưa về nhà lấy cái HD + save ra coi lại đã.:D
  14. tindaica123

    tindaica123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đà Lạt
    Xin lỗi vì thiếu kiến thức. Vậy cho tôi hỏi cách đánh mà màn hình chia đôi theo chiều ngang, hiện ra hai con khác nhau cùng ra đòn (Impact cũng có, MX cũng có, Alpha cũng có) là cái gì vậy, có phải nó là simultaneous attack không? Làm sao làm được như vậy?
    Còn nữa, cho hỏi ý nghĩa của chữ [PLAY] ở các chiêu đánh trong trò Alpha 3 có nghĩa là gì được không?
  15. Axre

    Axre Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    support attack ... not simultaneous attack, để 1 con có skill support attack đứng cạnh 1 con khác, cho con kia đánh thì con này sẽ đánh phụ
    trò chia đôi màn hình rồi hiện cảnh 2 con cùng ra chiêu chỉ có ở MX với OGS sắp tới ... mấy cái SRW khác ko có đâu
  16. ainguko

    ainguko Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Dưới đây là cách lấy Skill point của SRW@. Tui chưa có quyền gửi file đính kèm nên chịu (Cái nick Grave digger của tui bị mất pass rồi, nick này chưa đủ bài để tải file đính kèm ) . Copy lên vậy, cái này tui lụm trên GameFags, Sory nhá!
    Scenario 1
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Main Character or Mazinger Glider is defeated.

    Choose 2nd option +1

    Turn 2:Mazinger-Glider appears.

    Scenario 2
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    -Kill enemy leader.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of units.
    -Enemy reach base.
    -Main Character defeated(turn 3).

    Clear stage without Mazinger Glider changing into Mazinger Z.+1

    Turn 3:Mazinger Glider and Main Character appears.

    Scenario 3
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    -Do not let enemies reach base.
    Losing Condition-Enemies reach base.
    -Either one of Getter team is defeated.

    Use Getter 1 against Air monster, Getter 2 against Land monster, Getter 3 against Sea monster +1

    *Once the 3 enemies are destroyed, another 3 enemies appear.After defeating them a whole group
    of enemy reinforcements appear.Main character and Mazinger team appear to assist.

    Scenario 4
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all units.

    Defeat any one of the 3 Black Stars before they retreat (on turn 3) +1

    Choose 1st option

    *After attacking Ma Kube, Mazinger enemies appear.Next turn, the rest of Getter Team appear.

    Scenario 5
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all units.

    Destroy all enemies by turn 7.+1

    Turn 3:Enemy reinforcement appear.
    Turn 3:Enemy reinforcement appear.
    Turn 4:SRX Team appear.

    Scenario 6
    Winning condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Carrier is destroyed.

    Choose 2nd option +1

    Depending on whether you thought of AUEG as allies or enemies, you get a different stage.
    For those who chose "Enemy" you will first fight Deathscythe Gundam and Ahgamar.At turn 3,
    Mashima and his forces will appear.Next turn Ahgamar will launch AUEG units to assist.
    If you chose "Allies" you will ally with the AUEG forces and Mashima will appear at turn 3.

    Scenario 7
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    *Enemy numbers will double if by this stage you have at least 4 APs.

    Turn 4:Friendly reinforcement will appear.

    Scenario 8
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Choose 1st option +1

    *After destroying the first BF, a group of BF under the so called BF Expert will appear.
    The next turn, friendly reinforcements will appear.
    (Has anyone noticed that Giant Robo works nearly in the same manner as Siezbehn from Xenogears)

    Scenario 9
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Cybaster destroyed.
    -Carrier destroyed.

    Turn 4:Enemy reinforcement appears.
    Turn 5:Enemy reinforcement appears.

    Scenario 10
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Choose 2nd option +1

    *If you let Ryo go, he will appear in turn 2 to assist Raideen team.
    *If you do not let Ryo go, he will go anyway and the SRX team will follow him.Turn 2 also.

    Turn 2:Enemy reinforcement appear.
    Turn 3:Raideen appear.

    Scenario 11
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all enemies.
    -Gato escapes within 3 turns.(First 3 turns only)
    -Kou Uraki is defeated within 3 turns.(First 3 turns only)

    Surround Gato's GP-02, not allowing it to escape or reduce GP-02 hp to 50% +1

    Turn 3:Gato escapes/enemy reinforcement appears.Next turn Londo Bell forces appear to assist.

    Scenario 12
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Destroy Cima +1
    Destroy Ma Kube +1
    Destroy Gato before Turn 3 +1

    After Gato withdraws, Giant Sea monster will appear.

    Scenario 13
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units

    Choose 1st option if you wish to get Tallgeese III

    Use Deathscythe pilot to convince Heero-Yui once all OZ forces are destroyed.(Failure)

    *Once all enemies are dead, Heero will fight you so do not put weak robots near him.

    Turn 3:Gundam reinforcements appear.

    Scenario 14
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Defeat all BF units before Turn 4 +1

    Turn 2:Raideen appears.
    Turn 4:Quattre and Wufei appears.

    Once all BF enemies are defeated, Wufei and Quattre will appear automatically.

    Scenario 15
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Choose 2nd option +1

    Turn 3:EVA-0 appears.
    Turn 5:Londo-Bell appears.

    Scenario 16
    Winning Condition-Kill the Angel.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -EVA-01 runs out of EN.

    Destroy the Angel without EVA-01 going berzerk(?) +1

    Turn 3:Londo Bell appears if picked 2nd option.

    Scenario 17
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 3:Friendly reinforcements appear.
    Turn 5:Enemy reinforcement appear.

    Destroy enemy mothership(Gorgon) +1

    *Once GR2 is destroyed, all enemies will withdraw.

    Scenario 18
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of allied units.
    -Enemies reach the base.

    Choose 1st option +1

    Turn 4:Main Character appears.
    Turn 5:SRX Team appears.

    Scenario 19
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Enemies reach the base.

    *After attacking Getter G, followed by sequence will appear a group of enemies.Getter Robo G and
    the Texas will appear.Next turn, allied reinforcements will appear.After destroy the mothership
    another one will appear with Dragon King and Tiger King.Just destroy the mothership to win since
    the two monsters are invulnerable to all attacks.

    Scenario 20
    Winning Condition-EVA Units are not attacked for 4 Turns.
    Losing Condition-EVA Units are attacked.
    -Shinji or Rei defeated.
    -Carrier destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Defeat all enemies excluding Angel in 2 Turns +1

    Turn2:R-Gun appears.

    *From here the path branches out into 3 paths.
    1st choice takes you along the Gundam Route.[A]
    2nd choice takes you along the Super Robot Route.
    3rd choice takes you along the EVA route.[C]
    All three routes converge at Scenario 27
    Route A (Gundam Route) Scenario 21

    Scenario 21
    Winning Condition-Rainhorse Jr survives for 8 turns.
    Losing Condition-Rainhorse Jr is destroyed in less then 8 turns.

    Choose 1st option +1

    Convince Four Murasame twice if you wish to get her later.

    Turn 2:Allied reinforcements appear.
    Turn 3:Zeta Gundam appear.
    Turn 4:Psycho Gundam appears.

    Scenario 22
    Winning Condition-Survive for 3 Turns.
    -Defeat all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Allied units are destroyed.

    Destroy Cima once she appears +1(She retreats if HP is 50%)

    Turn 4:Allied units appear.
    Turn 5:Allied units appear.
    Turn 5:Kou and main Character appears.

    Scenario 23
    Winning Condition-Defeat all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Carrier destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.
    -Judo Ashita is killed.(First 4 turns)

    Judo Ashita reaches Ahgama in less then 5 turns +1
    more then 5 turns -1

    ZZ Gundam destroys Mashima`s Hama Hama +1

    Scenario 24
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Kou or Main Character destroys GP-02A +1

    Turn 3:Enemy reinforcement appear.
    Turn 4:Allied reinforcements appear.


    Scenario 25
    Winning Condition-Defenders last for 3 turns.
    -Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defenders are wiped out in 3 turns.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    F91 attacks the mobile suit which took Cecily once +1
    Next turn Zechs and Noin will appear.Next turn enemy reinforcements arrive.Next turn allied reinforcements arrive.

    Goto Route C Scenario 26.
    Route B (Super Robot Route)

    Scenario 21
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Kill Witall +1 and Shapiro +1(They both escape when hp is 50%)

    *After killing all enemies, Shapiro and Witall will appear.After killing their escorts,
    allied units will appear.


    Scenario 22
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Combattler V is destroyed.

    Turn 4:Voltez V appear.
    Turn 4:Enemy reinforcement appear.
    Turn 6:Allied reinforcement appear.

    Scenario 23
    Winning Condition-Defeat all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Mazinger-Z is destroyed.

    If you want to beat the scenario without Great Mazinger then you need to stay in in the base
    and hope a lot of enemies miss.Hope you upgraded the Mazinger Rocket Punch and Breath of Fire.
    Though you would have to upgrade its speed, armor, HP, EN a lot.

    Destroy Dark General +1 and Dante +1(They both escape when HP is 50%)

    *After defeating Dragon King and Tiger King, Dark General will appear.

    Scenario 24
    Winning Condition-No Combattler Unit is killed.
    Losing Condition -One of the Combattler unit is destroyed.

    Give the item to Voltez V +1

    After destroying the creature that is causing the interference, allied reinforcement will appear.

    Scenario 25
    Winning Condition-Defeat all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Raideen is destroyed.

    Convince Garalea with Shou.

    Turn 3:Allied reinforcements appear.
    Turn 4:Wufei appears.(enemy)

    After destroying the enemy boss, Shou and Ahgamar will appear.
    Use Shou to convince Garalea and the scenario will end.

    *Goto Route C Scenario 26

    Route C (EVA Route)
    Scenario 21
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    *If you want Todd to join later, have Shou destroy Todd.

    Turn 3:Friendly aura units appear.

    Scenario 22
    Winning Condition-All allied units reach the other side of the map in 8 Turns.
    Losing Condition-All allied units fail to reach the other side of the map in 8 Turns.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Escape in 5 turns +1
    Escape in 7 turns -1
    Escape in 8 turns -2
    Shou personally kills Todd and the other guy +1

    Scenario 23
    Winning Condition-Guru-Garan reaches the other side of the map.
    Losing Condition-Guru-Garan destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Choose 1st option +1

    *Have Shou defeat Todd if you wish Todd to join later.

    Turn 2:Todd appears in Dunbine.
    Turn 3:Shou receives Billvine.

    Scenario 24
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Shou Zama is killed.
    -Ahgamar destroyed.
    -Guru-Garan destroyed.

    Turn 2:Shou Zama and team will appear.

    Shou kills Bambalis +1

    Scenario 25
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Shou convinces Garalea +1

    *Convince Garalea and she will disappear after a group of enemy units appear.Next Turn, Ahgamar
    forces appear. The next turn, rest of Londo Bell appears.The next turn, more enemies appear
    and the next turn Trowa and Quattre will appear.

    Scenario 26
    Winning Condition-Angel is destroyed.
    Losing Condition-Asuka killed.
    -Carrier destroyed.

    (For Route B and C only)1st choice option +1
    (For Route B and C only)2nd choice option -1
    (For Route C only)3rd choice option +1

    Destroy Angel with EVA in 3 Turns. +1

    *After Angel is destroyed, the forces of Zion appear.The next turn, Gundam reinforcements arrive
    in Rainhorse Jr.

    *Have Christina McKenzie(NT-01) attack and kill Bernard Wiseman(Zaku).

    Scenario 27
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Cybaster is destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Choose to go to Antaria +1
    Destroy Gear-Gearing +1 (You definitely want Shou Zama at level 35 minimum to pull this off as
    well as upgraded heavily Hyper Aura Slash and hope for critical.)

    Bishoot and the Gear-Gearing will retreat at 50%.

    Scenario 28
    Winning Condition-Destroy Angel.
    Losing Condition-Angel reach the base.
    -Angel destroy Rainhorse Jr or Macross.

    Kill Angel using Rei +1
    Kill Angel using Rainhorse Jr +2 (To pull this off, you need to get the angel to run out of EN.)

    Scenario 29
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Destroy 1 unit -1
    Destroy 2 unit -2

    Convince main character partner after attacking twice till partner HP is lower then 50%.
    If you convinced the main character partner, the scenario will end.

    Scenario 30 (Use EVA units)
    Winning Condition-Destroy Angel.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Defeat Angel on the first turn +2
    Defeat Angel in the same turn +1

    Scenario 30 (Use Super Robots)
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Cybaster is destroyed.
    -Carrier is destroyed.

    After killing the Angel, enemy units will appear.

    The storyline will branch yet again a)If you chose use EVA AT Field
    b)if you chose use pure power

    Route a)(Use EVA units AT field to defend Macross)

    Scenario 31
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Macross is attacked.

    *Choose 2nd choice option +1

    Turn 3:Enemy reinforcements will appear.
    Turn 4:Enemy reinforcements will appear.
    Scenario 32
    Winning Condition-Macross survives till launch.
    -Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.
    -Skull squadron is wiped out.
    -Defeat of all allies.

    *Destroy Zentraedi Destroyer +1

    *Enemies will appear every round.

    Turn 4:Heero and Duo appear.
    Turn 6:Quattre and Trowa and Wufei appear.
    Scenario 33
    Winning Condition-Macross survives till transformation.
    -Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.
    Skull Squadron is destroyed.
    Defeat of all allies.

    Turn 3-Option 1:Transformation in 3 turns
    -Option 2:Transformation in 5 turns +1

    *Destroy Breetai`s flagship +3

    Scenario 34
    Winning Condition-Defeat all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allies.

    Option1-Choose to return fire
    -Do not return fire +1

    Turn 2-Isamu appears.
    Turn 3-Macross appears.

    Scenario 35
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allies.

    Defeat Ingram(R-Gun)+2

    Turn 3-Enemy reinforcements arrive;Rebi and Shapiro withdraws.
    Turn 4-Allies appear including Dancougar.

    *Option 1-Comfort Ryu
    Leave him alone


    Scenario 36
    Winning Condition-Protect the concert hall.
    -Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Enemy reaches concert hall.
    -All allies are defeated.

    Option1-Answer Pager +1
    -Do not answer Pager

    Turn 2-Quattre and Duo appear.
    Turn 4-Allies appear.
    Scenario 37
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allies.

    Option 1-Rescue Ryuune(????-R)
    -Withdraw +1

    *Attack Katejina with Usso.
    *Attack Rebi twice with Ryu(R-1).
    *Destroy Rebi +1

    Scenario 38
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allies.
    -Enemies reach the other side.

    Turn 3:Allies appear.

    Scenario 39
    Winning Condition-Hikaru and Minmay survive.
    Losing Condition-Hikaru is defeated.
    -Skull Squadron is defeated.

    Option 1-Stay

    Turn 2:Roy and Skull Squadron appears.

    *Kill Gumjin in 3 Turns +2

    Route b)(Use pure power)

    Scenario 31
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allies.
    -Skull Squadron is wiped out.
    -Macross is attacked.

    *Choose 2nd choice option +1

    Enemy reinforcements in Turn 3 and subsequent turns.

    Scenario 32
    Winning Condition-Macross is not destroyed and survives till launch.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.

    Destroy the Zentraedi Destroyer +1

    Turn 3:Enemy reinforcements appear and will continue to do so if certain enemy units are killed.
    Turn 7:Trowa and Quattre appears to help.

    Scenario 33
    Winning Condition-Macross survives till transformation.
    -Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed before transformation.
    -Skull Squadron is wiped out.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Choose 2nd choice option +1
    Destroy Breetai`s Flagship +3(Auto heals one time when HP is 50%.)

    Turn 5:Enemies appear and will continue to do so if certain enemy units are destroyed.

    Scenario 34
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Destroy R-Gun +2

    Turn 6:Enemy units appear.
    Turn 7:Allied units appear.

    Scenario 35
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.

    Wipeout first wave of enemies before enemy reinforcements arrive +1
    Choose 2nd choice option +1 (Go inside Macross)

    Turn 4:Enemy units appear.

    *If you took the 2nd choice, the scenario will end.

    Scenario 36
    Winning Condition-Rescue Minmay in 3 turns.
    Losing Condition-Fail to rescue Minmay in 3 turns.
    -Hikaru is defeated.
    -Enemy reach Minmay and Hikaru.(After 3 Turns)

    Turn 3:Quattre appears.
    Turn 5:Allied units appear.
    Scenario 37
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Enemies reach the other side.

    Choose 2nd choice option +1(Do not fight Katajina)

    Convince Ryune(???-R) with Masaki(Cybaster) if you want her to join later.

    Turn 5:Duo appears to assist.

    Scenario 38
    Winning Condition-Reach the designated spot in 15 turns.
    Losing Condition-Fail to reach the designated spot in 15 turns.

    Let Ryuse fight with Rebi three times +1
    Convince Heero and Trowa +1

    Convince Heero with Duo and convince Trowa with Quattre if you want them to join.

    Turn 7:Rebi appears and will attack each turn.

    Scenario 39
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Hikaru is defeated.
    -Excellion is destroyed.

    Turn 3:Allied units appear.
    Turn 7:Gumjin appears and disappears.

    Scenario 40
    Winning Condition-All allies escape in 5 Turns.
    Losing Condition-Fail to escape in 5 Turns.

    Option 1-Hikaru kisses Minmay.(Hikaru will be unavailable till Turn 3.)
    -Kyle kisses Minmay.(Hikaru will be available from the start.)

    *Max attcks and defeats Milia +1

    Scenario 41
    Winning Condition-Macross survives till launch.
    -Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Option 1:Allow her to go to Mars
    :Forbid her from going to Mars +1

    Turn 3:Enemy reinforcements will arrive.
    Turn 5:Daitarn-3 appears.

    *Destroy Gumjin +1

    Option 2:Go to Axis (a)
    :Go to the Moon (b)
    :Go to the Earth (c)

    Scenario 42a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 4-Axis forces appear.

    Option 1:Agree to a ceasefire
    :Refuse the ceasefire -5

    Kill Paptimas Shirocco +1

    *Katsu must fight Sara once if you wish to recruit Sara later.
    *You must accept ceasefire if you wish to recruit Hamaan Khan later.

    Scenario 43a
    Winning Condition-All infiltration units enter Axis.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allies.

    Turn 3:Puru and Judo appear.

    *Convince Puru with Judo.

    Scenario 44a
    Winning Condition-Escape from base.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Quattro is defeated.

    Convince Bernard with Christina to recruit him later +1
    Convince Hamaan with Quattro to recruit her later

    Escape in 17 Turns +2
    Escape in more than 17 Turns

    Turn 2:Judo appears.

    **Once an allied unit goes to the bottom of the map, Quattro appears in Sazabi.

    Defeat all enemies -5

    Scenario 45a
    Winning Condition-La Kailam reaches the other side of the map.
    Losing condition-La Kailam is destroyed.

    Turn 2:Axis forces appear; Ingram appears.

    La Kailam reaches the other side in 3 Turns +2
    La Kailam reaches the other side in 4 Turns +1

    Scenario 42b
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    *Once Chronokul is destroyed, the enemy forces will withdraw +1

    Scenario 43b
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Option 1-Let Seabrook go +1
    -Do not let Seabrook go

    *Convince Cecilia with Seabrook if you wish to recruit her.

    Turn 2:The Rafflesia appears.(Enemy)
    Turn 3:Wufei appears.

    Scenario 44b
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 3:Quattre appears

    *Convince Quattre with Main character if you want him to join.

    Scenario 45b
    Winning Condition-Kou reaches the colony in 6 turns.
    Losing Condition-Kou fails to reach the colony in 6 turns.

    *Defeat all enemies and then have Kou attack Anavel Gato +1

    Scenario 42c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Kill Hainel +1; Garuda and enemies appear.
    Kill Jungle +1

    Scenario 43c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Kill Angel before EVA Launch +2

    Turn 3:Todd and enemies appear.
    Turn 4:Great Mazinger appear.

    Scenario 44c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Enemies reach city.

    Turn 2:Galaria appears.
    Turn 4:Alan appears.

    Option 1-Give up base +1
    Do not give up the base

    Scenario 45c
    Winning Condition-Kill EVA-03.
    Losing Condittion-Defeat of all allied units.

    Option 1-Attack ;Touji in EVA-03 will join in Scenario 47.
    -Refuse to attack +2

    *Once EVA-03 Hp reach 55% or EVA-01 is destroyed, Shin Getter appears.

    Scenario 46
    Winning Condition-Defeat all enemies.
    Losing Condition-defeat of all enemies.

    Turn 2:Enemy reinforcements appear.

    Option 1-Talk about SRX project.
    -Do not say anything.

    Scenario 47
    Winning Condition-Defeat Angel.
    Losing Condition-Angel enters NERV.

    Turn 3:Shinji appears; Daitarn-3 appears.

    Scenario 48
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Carrier is destroyed.

    Destroy all enemies in 4 Turns +1

    Scenario 49
    Winning Condition-Excellion escapes.
    Losing Condition-Excellion is destroyed.

    Defeat Guld +1
    Excellion escapes within 10 Turns of Gunbuster launch +2

    Scenario 50
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 3:Bishoot and enemies appear
    Turn 4:Ingram appears
    Turn 5:Isamu, Guld and Gunbuster appears

    Defeat Ingram +3; Will escape when Hp

    Persuade Rimru with Nii if you want her to join.

    Option 1-Defend Sand Kingdom (a)
    -Disrupt Titans Conference (b)
    -Defend Peking Base (c)

    Scenario 51a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Enemies reach base.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 3:Enemies appear.
    Turn 4:Cybuster appear.
    Turn 5:Gundam Epyron appear.

    *Defeat all enemies before Epyron appears +1

    Scenario 52a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Carrier is destroyed.

    Option 1-Evacuate the base +1
    -Ignore Duo`s warning

    Kill all enemies +2

    Scenaro 53a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    -Shou Zama reach center of 3 transport planes.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -All 3 transport planes are destroyed.

    Turn 3:Bishoot and enemies appear.

    Every Transport saved +1
    Kill Bishoot +1; will escape if Hp=60%

    Scenario 54a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Carrier is destroyed.
    -Defeat of al allied units.

    Option 1-Accept treaty +3
    Refuse Treaty

    *Convince Todd with Shou Zama if you wish to recruit him.

    Scenario 55a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Excellion is destroyed.

    Turn 3:Titans appear.

    Scenario 51b
    Winning Condition-Quattro arrives at designated spot.
    Losing Condition-Quattro is defeated.
    -All allied units are attacked.

    Option 1-Answer as Char +1
    -Answer as Quattro

    *Use Kamiryu to convince Four if you wish to recruit her.

    Scenario 52b
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 4:MaKube and enemies appear.

    *Send Puru to convince PuruPuru first then send Judo to convince Puru second.
    *Send Char to convince Quess.

    Option 1-(i)Use Ra-Kairam and Lean Horse Jr for a frontal assault
    -(ii)Use Macross for a frontal assault +1
    Scenario 53b(i)
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    *Defeat all 12 Rik-Doms within 3 Turns +1
    *Defeat Dozul but will return with 4 A-Aziels

    Turn 5:Enemies appear

    Scenario 53b(ii)
    Winning Condition-Macross arrives at Solomon in 12 Turns.
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed.
    -Macross fails to arrive at Solomon in 12 Turns.

    *Defeat all 12 Rik-Doms within 3 Turns +1
    *Defeat Dozul but will return with 4 A-Aziels

    Turn 5:Enemies appear

    Option 1-Follow Cima +1
    -Continue course
    Scenario 54b
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Carrier is destroyed.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 3:Fara and enemies appear
    Turn 4:Rebi and enemies appear

    *Defeat Rebi +1
    *Convince Sara with Katsu

    Option 1-Say that he is a very special friend +1
    -Say that he just needs to be with someone +1

    Scenario 55b
    Winning Condition-Any allied unit reaches Colony Laser in 10 Turns.
    Losing Condition-Fail to reach Colony Laser in 10 Turns.

    *Convince Gato with Kou if you want him to join later.

    Scenario 51c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 3,4,5 enemies appear.
    Turn 6 MC and Goroan appear.

    Scenario 52c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of Mazin-Kaiser.
    -Enemies reach base.

    Turn 3:Enemies appear

    Scenario 53c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 4:Raideen appears

    Option 1-Let them pass +3
    Fight them

    Scenario 54c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.
    -Fail to destroy Creature in 3 Turns.

    Turn 4:Allies appear

    Scenario 55c
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Scenario 56
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies.
    Losing Condition-Colony Laser is not de-activated in 4 Turns.
    -Defeat of all allied units.

    Turn 2:Dr Hell and enemies appear.

    *Giren and enemies will appear once colony laser is de-activated.
    *Deactivate Colony laser in 4 Turns +1

    Option 1-Accept treaty +5
    -Refuse treaty

    Option 1-Accept plan +1
    -Try another plan

    Scenario 57
    Winning Condition-Usso or Heero reaches center of Angel Halo.
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    Usso or Heero reach Angel Halo +1
    Kill all enemies +2

    Option 1-Set course for Axis(a)
    -Follow Angel Halo(b)

    Scenario 58a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units.

    *Attack Viletta with Ryusei +1
    *Attack Viletta with Masaki +1
    *Attack Viletta with main character +1

    Turn 2: Enemies appear
    Turn 3: Shapiro and enemies appear

    Scenario 59a
    Winning Condition-Rescue all kidnapped comrades/Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units

    Option-Do not allow others to follow +1
    -Go with others

    *Kill Yuuzes +1
    *Have Ryusei deliver the killing blow to Rebi if you want her to join later

    Scenario 60a
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Judo is defeated/Defeat of all allied units

    Turn 3: Londo Bell forces appear

    *Kill a significant amount of enemy for Kyara and her group to appear.
    *Kill all enemies except Hamaan +1
    *(If you want to recruit Hamaan)-Have Quattro convince Hamaan
    Have Camille convince Hamaan
    Have Judo convince Hamaan

    Scenario 58b
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units

    Turn 2: Miliardo and group appears

    *Use Heero to destroy Milliardo if you want to recruit Milliardo later.

    Scenario 59b
    Winning Condition-Kill Yuuzes
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units

    *Kill Yuuzes +2

    Scenario 60b
    Winning Condition-Kill Kaworu/EVA-02
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units

    *Use main character to kill Kaworu in 1 blow +1

    Scenario 61
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units
    -Macross is destroyed

    Option-Launch The Skull Squadron first (Destroid and Monster will be available)
    -Launch the super robots first

    *Use Max to attack Milia +1
    *Use Max to kill Milia (You will get Milia in her Red Valkyrie)
    *Use Max to injure Milia 50% hp (You will have Giant Max in Power Armor)
    *Kill all metrandi before Bodolza appears +3

    Scenario 62
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    -Bodolza is killed
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units
    -Hikaru is defeated
    -Macross is destroyed

    *Kill all Meltrandi before Lapramiz appear +1
    *Kill Lapramiz +1


    Scenario 63

    Sceanrio 64
    Winning Condition-Kill all the Dummy EVAs
    Losing Condition-Asuka is defeated/Defeat of all allied units

    After Titans are defeated, Londo Bell forces will appear.

    Scenario 65
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Macross is destroyed
    -Defeat of all allied units

    Turn 2:Voltez V and Combattler V appear
    Turn 3:Londo Bell forces appear

    *Use Combattler V to destroy Mia +1

    Scenario 66
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Carrier is destroyed
    -Defeat of all allied units

    *After killing enough enemies, Shapiro and enemies will appear
    *After killing more enemies, enemies will appear
    *After killing more enemies, 2 more enemy will appear
    *Kill Shirocco and more enemies will appear

    Scenario 67(i)
    Winning Condition-Excelion must survive
    Losing Condition-Excelion is destroyed
    -One part of Gunbuster is destroyed before it combines

    Scenario 67(ii)
    Winning Condition-Excelion reaches designated area
    -All units withdraw after Excelion reaches designated area within 10 Turns
    Losing Condition-Excelion is destroyed
    -Units fail to withdraw within 10 turns
    *More Enemies will appear if certain enemies are killed.

    Scenario 67(iii)
    Winning Condition-Kill all enemies
    Losing Condition-Defeat of all allied units
    -Carrier is destroyed

    *Raodekia`s ZaField will max heal if damaged beyond 50% hp for 5 times\
    *Judecca will max heal if damaged beyond 50% hp for 3 times
    *Use Ryusei to persuade Ingram

  17. Axre

    Axre Dragon Quest

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    lụm bên gamefaqs thì ném quách cái link lên cho nhanh .... làm như thế để làm gì -.-
  18. ainguko

    ainguko Youtube Master Race

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    thông cảm. Tui đang tính dịch nhưng bận đi dạy nên gác lại. Hic hic. HS dạo này sắp thi DH rồi nên bận quá.
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  20. Axre

    Axre Dragon Quest

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