Nghe nói chỉ cần VGA có hổ trợ Fixed Shader 2.0 trở lên là ok. Kiểu này khi SC 2 mà ra phải mua 1 đĩa có bản quyền về chơi mới được
Từ chỗ chỉ chơi đĩa crack đến giờ phải mua dĩa bản quyền => suy nghĩ của gamer việt đang ý thức lên 1 tầm cao mới. Đáng mừng /clap
Đó là mấy anh có thu nhập hoặc ba mẹ có thu nhập so sánh được với phương Tây thôi . Game này hôi xưa thỉnh thoảng hay chơi, nhưng chắc lâu lâu hộ mới phát hành, vì trên website mới chỉ có phần giới thiệu Protoss thôi mà
Mua đồ bản quyền làm chi ? 1 cái đĩa có bản quyền giá đến cả triệu đồng chứ chẳng chơi . Sài đồ crack là ngon rồi . Sau khi phát hành được 1 tháng thì chắc đĩa lậu bắt đầu xuất hiện ở VN .
có bản quyền mới đánh bnet được bố tuananhsboy019 àh. Cao thủ và Gosu thì phải tốn tiền rồi, bỏ 1 thu 100 mà tuyệt với thật, chắc chắn star 2 sẽ là đỉnh cao của game dàn trận trong 1 tời gian dài lê thê nữa rồi . Tiếc nhất là cái diablo 3 sẽ kô bao giờ xuất hiện .Diablo 2 là trò đầu tiên tôi phá đảo trọn vẹn 1 game của dòng game nhập vai trên PC
Tui đổi cho ><. Thì đồng ý là mua dĩa crack cũng chả sao cả, vì 10 năm sau thế nào cũng có cd-key xịn share tràn lan muh . Nhưng những người yêu thích 1 game và là fan thì chuyện mua đĩa bản quyền về ngồi ngắm + chưng + khoe cũng là 1 niềm vui rồi
coi qua vài cái Video của Star2, giới thiệu sự ra đời của 1 binh chủng Marim, thấy sao sao ấy nhỉ? @_@, có vẻ hiện đại quá, và khác quá .................., but so cold ^^, mong rằng mình với tới được game này hehehe
thế thì chơi campain với edit maps cho khỏe nhỉ LOL không có cdkey xịn thì làm gì đánh Battle.Net ? Hay cũng kô biết Battle.Net là gì ? Tư tưởng lúa nước mấy tỷ năm về trước vẫn còn thì chắc cũng chưa biết thế giới là gì L2QQ
Tuyệt quá star là game chiến thuật em kết nhất từ trc đến giờ ( hơn cả war ) Chỉ tiếc là 40 $ vẫn hơi cao ,nếu rẻ khoảng 400k vnd thì em sẵn sàng mua đĩa gốc ngay
Blizzard mới cho ra một demo movie nữa. Download ở đây .Đây thực ra là bản đầy đủ của các movie được post trước đây và ở độ phân giải cao, kèm theo phần giới thiệu của Blizzard developer. Phim dài ~25 phút phần lớn là giới thiệu về Protoss, cộng thêm một số về Terrans và Zerg. Do độ dài của phim, công với tính lười biếng cố hữu :p nên tôi sẽ không dịch hết toàn văn mà sẽ để script của toàn movie đó ở đây, đoạn nào đọc không hiểu thì có thể dịch trích đoạn. Protoss voice: En Taro Adun Commander, Our fourth base has been established. The foolish Terrans continue to bring their forces to this platform, they will serve only to feed the Zerg swam if we do not destroy them quickly. Blizzard developer: Ladies and gentlemen, we're now going to show you a demo of Starcraft II. Before we begin today, I'd like to remind everybody, this is a demo. This is still work-in-progress, we've got a lot of balance work ahead of us. Nothing you're going to see here today is final. We're going to begin today with these Protoss Zealots. This is a classic unit from the original Starcraft. You can see they're still armed with their powerful psi-blades and they're still protected by a very tough personal body shield. In Starcraft II, the Zealots also have a special Charge ability. This allows the Zealot to close quickly with his enemies. The Zealot's Charge makes him extremely dangerous against ranged defenders like these Marines. Human voice: Attention Protoss, This is Admiral Geskevirov of the Terrans dominion, you will withdraw immediately or be annihilated. Blizzard developer: Terrans are bringing in their Siege Tanks. This is a classic unit from the original Starcraft and they're in a classic Terran possision, using that high ground against us. They are shelling our Zealots from range, forcing our Zealots to go the long way around, and you can see our infantry are just taking a pounding as they try to aaproach this Terran position. They just can't withstand all of that heavy Terran firepower. In order to attack a Terran position like this, that's so well-defended, we're going to need to bring in another new Protoss weapon of war. After the destruction of Aiur and the events of Brood War, the Protoss have been forced to adapt. They created these. These are the Immortals, and they have a special type of Protoss shield. It's a hardended shield that activates only when the Immortal is stuck by a very powerful attack. You can see the hardened shields are activating now and they're absorbing most of this Terran fire. This makes the Immortal the perfect choice to assault this kind of defended Terran position. Human: Reapers, move it. Slaughter them, boys! Blizzard developer: Terrans are sending in their Reapers. This infantry unit is armed with two pistols and uses a jumppack to avoid different types of terrain. Their small pistols don't activate the hardended shields of the Immortals. This makes the Reaper the perfect choice for countering these powerful Protoss troops. This kind of fast, bloody raid is something the Reapers really excel at. You can see how powerful they can really be, hunting down slow-moving units on the field of battle. In addition, the Reapers can use their jumppacks to be very effective base-raiders. Once enemy forces are inside a Protoss base, one of the first things that they often go for is our pylons. And with our pylon down, our Photon Cannons go offline, making us vulnerable to continued attack. Fortunately, we have some new weapons. The Protoss can use the Phase Prism to create a power field anywhere they wish. And you can see with our Photon Cannons back online, the Reapers have no choice but to run for cover. In addition to a number of new units, the Protoss also have access to some new mechanics. Protoss can use Warp In to teleport units anywhere they want into pylon power. You can see here we've created some Stalkers. This is a new type of specialist Protoss Dark Dragoon. It's not very tough, but it does have a powerful weapon. In addition, it has a special Blink ability that allows it to teleport a short distance anywhere it can see. This allows the Stalker to avoid certain types of obstacles. And it also makes the Stalker very potent at chasing down fleeing enemy forces. Protoss voice: Zerg forces detected, multiple contacts closing in on our position. Blizzard developer: The Zerg have arrived sooner than we expected. You can see they're using their Nydus Worms here to create a beachhead, sending Zerglings against us. You'll also notice that we're using our Stalkers here to Blink away from these Zerglings. This is an example of how a skilled player can use the Stalkers' Blink ability to great advantage. Unfortunately, there's simple too many Zerglings for our Stalkers to survive. In order to deal with a Zerg infestation of this magnitude, we're going to need to bring in some additional reinforcements. Now we've shown you how you can use the Phase Prisms to create a power field anywhere you wish as well as Warp In. These two mechanics can be used together to create a large army anywhere on the battlefield. As you can see, Starcraft is still a game where large armies battle against large armies. Now our upgraded Zealots can hold the line here for a short time, but in order to really survive against this many Zerglings, we're going to need to bring in some additional firepower. These are the Colossus. They're powerful robotic units that can use their long legs to step up and down cliffs. In addition, they have a powerful beam that sweeps backwards and forwards, able to do large amounts of damage to small, swarming units like these Zerglings. This makes the Colossus the ideal support unit for this group of Zealots. Now while the Protoss have developed many new weapons, the Zerg have continued to evolve. These Zerglings down here are mutating into Banelings. These small, suicidal creatures are filled with explosive chemicals and corrosive acids. It makes the Banelings very potent against Zealots that have no defense, and even dangerous against the mighty Colossus. You can see our last Colossus here is force to run and to try to get to high ground in order to survive. The Colossus is using our new IK system to step up and down this cliff. It's just one example of the new types of technologies we're adding to Starcraft II to make the game more dynamic. Now while the Colossus is very dangerous against ground targets, it's much more vulnerable to an air counterattack. This swarm or Mutalisks will quickly destroy our Colossus and then continue on to attack our base. We'll need to bring in some Phoenix. This is a new Protoss air superiority fighter. It has a special overload ability that allows it to fire its weapon at all nearby enemy forces. Unfortunately, after it overloads, the Phoenix goes offline for a short time. It can't move, it can't fight, and it's helpless against a counterattack. In the hands of a skilled player, the Phoenix can be extremely deadly. If you overload at the right time against the right enemies, you may destroy them all, the there will be no one left to take advantage of your temporary weakness. We've done a lot of work on our terrain here in Starcraft II. We've got our space platform here and you can see we've also got a lot of great doodads in this environment, some wonderful texture work. You notice we've got a planet there and our deep sky in the background, there's some asteroids floating in the distance. This is just one example of the type of environments we want to create for Starcraft II. While the Phoenix are very powerful against small flyers like Mutalisks, they're much more vulnerable to heavily-armed and armmored targets like these Battlecruisers. They just don't have the fire power to cut through that thick Terran armor. In order to deal with a Battlecruiser squadron of this size, we'll need to bring in our Warp Rays. The Warp Ray is a specialist Protoss flyer that does additional damage the longer it fires at a single target. This makes the Warp Ray very potent against heavily-armored targets. The same thing that makes the Warp Ray powerful against Battlecruisers also makes it very powerful against enemy structures. You can see this Barracks is takeing loads of damage and will try to lift off to escape, but it's just not fast enough to get away from the Warp Ray. Human voice: Alright you alien freaks, you make your toys now you gonna pay the price. Blizzard developer: The Warp Rays are very vulnerable to small units. You can see these Marines are comming in and the Warp Ray is just wasting way to much of his damage firing at a single target. It makes the Marines a strong counter for the Warp Ray. You notice our physics system is in action there. As these Warp Rays die, their pieces fall down and slide down the ramp a little bit. It's just another example of the types of technologies we're adding to Starcraft II. Now, with our Warp Rays destroyed, it looks like the Terrans are going to fortify their position here against us. As we approach the end of our demo here today, there'sone last unit we'd like to show you. Protoss voice: Now, our foe will feel the power of the Protoss. Blizzard developer: This is the Protoss Mothership. It is the ultimate weapon of war in the Protoss arsenal. You are only allowed a single Mothership at one time. and each Mothership costs a significant number of resources to bring to the field of battle. The Mothership has several special abilities that can really make her worth the expense. First of these is the Time Bomb. This is a special ability that slows down all enemy movement inside the field. You can actually see the missiles slowing down as they try to strike the Mothership and stopping just before they strike home. And when the fields go off, the missiles fall harmlessly to the ground. This makes the Mothership extremely potent against fixed base defeneses like these missile turrets. In addition to her Time Bomb ability, the Mothership also has a special attack that she can employ against ground targets. This is the Planet Cracker. Ordinarily, this would expose your Mothership to significant enemy fire. But as you can see, these Marines simply don't have the firepower to punch through that thick Protoss shield. Since you're only allowed a single Mothership, she's usually a very high-priority target for the enemy. When you bring your Mothership out, you can expect the enemy to throw everything they've got in an attempt to destroy it. Now Mothership have a limited amount of energy which controls how often they can use their special abillities. In a real game, this Mothership would now be out of energy and very vulnerable to a counterattack. But since this is our demo, we're going to cheat a little bit here and give this Mothership some additional energy. This additional energy will allow our Mothership to employ her final ability. The Mothership can create a Black Hole which is extremely dangerous to enemy flyers. Protoss voice: the final battle is yolden, now is the time to bring our full strength to bear. En Taro Tassadar Commander, carry forth the light of Aiur. Blizzard developer: We've shown you some old units with some new abilities as well as a great many new Protoss weapons. We'd like to leave you today with a look at a battle between the Protoss and the Terrans. This is the first time anybody outside of Blizzard Entertainment has seen these two races engaged in an epic battle in Starcraft II.
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OMG , IT'S HERE , IT'S HERE ... yea yea ... xem cái film mà nghiền xD , tuy ko biết xuất hiện thêm 1 số unit trùm có làm mất cân bằng game ko dù gì nó ra thì tui chắc chắn sẽ mua 2 hộp , 1 hộp chưng , 1 hộp chơi chuẩn bị chiến dịch mì gói tiếc kiệm tiền cho cái laptop mới