chà ! đồ họa nhìn Anime mà đẹp tuyệt. Kool thật. Bác Rociel có thễ cho em bít Game nì khi nào ra DVD nhỉ? hiện giờ ko bít đã có ai chơi chưa ta? qua chơi ké với hehe
game này ra lâu rùi ; hình thì khỏi nói là đẹp rùi ; game thằng falcom game nào cũng đẹp ; tui đang chơi nè ; qua chơi ké đi
to xp_virus : bạn mua CD ỡ đâu thế?? chổ mình mua gần nhà thì toàn game nhãm nhí.. hình hok đẹp mà chơi cũng chã hay.. lâu lâu rùa được 1 game hay thôi.. Mình ở TPHCM bạn chĩ mình chỗ mua CD nhá
Cho em hỏi phần 2 có phải là Legend of Heroes 6 sora no kiseki sc ko?Ở Vn mình có bản tiếng hoa ko? Em đang chơi mỗi phần 1 muốn tìm phần 2 chơi tiếp
phần này là phần 3rd ; hông thấy sao ? có cả phần 1; 2 ; 3 ; hình như không có tiếng hoa đâu ; only japanese
Ai đã chơi có thể hướng dẫn chút xíu dc hông, em mới vào game nhưng đã tắc đường rồi hu hu....Đến cái đoạn đánh 2 thằng lính ngất xỉu rồi mình vào phòng nhueng chả biết làm sao nữa..Ai đã qua xin hướng dẫn chút xíu với..Ok and Thansk.......
Eiyuu Densetsu VI -Sora No Kiseki- (c) 2004 by Nihon Falcom Complete walkthrough by Gillian Seed (Aron from Gamefaqs) (Japanese Shift-Jis Encoding needed) ***** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** ***** * * (Wow ! Awesome Ascii Logo !) Last Update : 03/08/27, 11:18am (GMT+1) *NEWS : Two ED6 guides are now available on Falcom website !* * ED 6 PATCH * Summary : I) Walkthrough II) Side Quests Guide III) Tips (READ THEM !!) & informations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I) Walkthrough : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go out of your house and follow the way to Rolent. Enter the Bracer's Guild and meet Scherazard. She'll explain how the orbment works. In Melder's Factory, first buy all quartz available (2nd menu), then go in your orbment menu and fill all your characters' slots with at least one quartz. Once you're done, talk to Scherazard and she'll give you enough sepiths to buy another slot for Joshua or Estelle. Fill this new slot with a quartz and talk to Schera again. You have to do your first quest in the sewers. You'll learn how the battles work. There's nothing difficult here ^^ When you're done with the first quest, you'll receive a few miras from Aina at the guild. Go out and you'll meet with two kids, Luck and Patt. Go to Rinon's shop and get the recipe notebook and other items. Go talk to the bar owner to get the pasta recipe. Enter the back of the bar and talk to Letola to get the Carnelia book n‹1. * Note : You must collect those books to get the best weapon for Joshua or Estelle * Now try to go home and Aina will catch you before you exit Rolent : You now have a second quest. You must find the two kids and save them. Choose the small exit north of Rolent behind the bar to reach Malga mountain path. On your way you'll be able to choose to go west to reach the temple of Kamalan or east to reach the Malga mine. Just go west. Enter the temple and do your first "important" battle. You have to fight 4 bats and protect the two kids. (It's an easy battle) After the fight, another big monster will come but Cassius will appear from nowhere and kill the monster in one hit !! O_O;; You are now back in Rolent guild. Take your money from Aina and go back home. Talk to Cassius in his room. The day after, Cassius will leave the children... ---------- | Prologue | ---------- When you go back to the guild, Aina gives you a new quest. * NOTE : Don't forget to do the side quests ^^ * You have to go to Perzel farm, via Milhi road. Choose west exit of Rolent, and go west once, then go south. Meet the farmers and go fight the monsters at night. Back to the guild, Aina gives you a new quest. Go see Klaus in his house (east exit of Rolent). Go back to Malga road and this time go east to Malga mine. Inside the mine first choose right path using the lever. Check the elevator and come back to choose the left path. The miner will give you a key to activate the elevator. Go back to the elevator to go down. Now search for Gaaton, he'll give you a septium. You'll have to escort him to the elevator and you must also save his friends. Come back to Klaus' house when it's done to give him the septium. You'll meet a blue-haired girl named Josette. You can now go the guild and take tour money You have a new quest. Go to Rolent hotel and speak to the boss. Now go to the bar and meet with the photographer Nial Barns, who joins you. You must now find his assistant, Dorothy Hyatt. She's not too far... She's in Melders' Factory. Once she joins, just go to the temple of Kamalan and reach its top. Don't forget to take all the treasures Back in Rolent, go to the Guild and you'll meet again with Scherazard. Suddenly Klaus will enter the guild. His septium was stolen. Investigate the house and talk to everyone. Talk to Scherazard and choose the answers you want (it doesn't matter). Josette seems guilty. Go to Rolent Hotel to find her. The master tell you she's out. Go north to the landhing port and talk to Alan. Now you have to go south of Rolent in a forest called Mystvalt. Find Josette and her guards and fight with her. After a few scenes, prologue ends. ----------- | Chapter 1 | ----------- You have to go to west to the city of Bose. Follow Milhi road to Velt. Once here, go talk to Harold to get the Carnelia Book n‹2, then talk to Aston. He'll give you a pass for Scott to open the portal. Now you can go through and access Bose road. *Note : You can't go back to Rolent !* Simply go west until you reach this new city. (Always choose west paths). On your way you'll eventually meet a big monster. It's part of a Bose Side quest. Kill it if you want or wait to buy better equipment in Bose. Once in the city, you have many things to do : Just meet everyone in this city and don't forget to buy new equipments, new slots for your orbments, etc. Go to the guild and meet with Lugran. He'll give you your first quest. Go now to the mayor's house. You have to find Lila. She's in the church. Go find her then enter the market. You'll meet with Meibel. After a short scene in Anterose Restaurant, you get a pass to Haken Gate. Take the east Bose path and follow your way to the guards. They'll let you enter Aizen road. Just go north until you reach Haken Gate. Once here, go to the west door and talk to everyone, twice with the blonde guy, Olivier Lenheim. Also talk to Marco to get the Carnelia book n‹3. Now go outside and enter the east door. Meet Morgan in his room. You'll be chased out of the building, then Olivier will appear and start to sing :P After this short scene, Olivier will join you !! :) Go back to Bose. Once here, go the mayor house to see Nial and Dorothy talking with Lila. Enter the house and go talk to Meibel in her room. Once out,go to the bar and find Nial sleeping. After a small talk with him, take west Bose path and go to Ravennue Village. On your way, you'll meet Agate Crosner. Enter the village and go talk to mayor Raizen. Then go talk to the child, Luui, near the water. Now take the north exit. Find your way to Ravennue Mine entrance. Come back to the village and go talk to the mayor (he's in the cemetery). Go back to the mine. There's nothing interesting in it. You can fight crabs if you want, but what you have to do is simply to follow the west path. You meet Keel and his 4 guards just in front of the stolen flying machine. Fight him and watch him escaping. Enter the flying machine, inspect every "!" and go on its top. Scherazard will ask you something. The answer doesn't matter (I think). Leave the machine and you'll meet the army ! Morgan appears and thinks you're the robbers. You find yourself in jail at Haken gate. Olivier is here too ^^. Your characters stay one night until Meibel come with his father to free your team and Olivier. Back in Bose, there is a short scene and you're finally able to control your characters (Olivier is back in your team). Go to the guild to have your 6000 miras and to finish this long quest ! Now go to the south part of the city, at 2nd floor of Lucir's workshop. You'll find Nial and Dorothy. Go out to the house on the other side of the street, left door. Talk to the guard then go out. After the scene, go back to the left door and talk to the woman. You can go to the marketplace and buy the Carnelia book n‹4 and the Liberl book n‹3. Once out, go south via Ansel path to reach the Lakeside of Valleria. Once here, enter the inn and talk to Renard. Go out and talk to Loyd, the man who's fishing. Now go talk to Sofeena in the inn and choose the second answer. Once you can control talk to everyone then go try to fish. You don't have a fishing rod, so go talk to Sofeena and she'll give you one. After a few tries, you can stop fishing. After a short scene, go to where Loyd was and another scene will start with Joshua playing harmonica. Go back to the inn, and talk to Scherazard. Olivier and Schera are drunk ! ^o^;; After this funny scene you take control of Joshua, Estelle and Scherazard. Olivier is so drunk he's sleeping :P Go out to where Joshua played harmonica then come back to the top of the house via the stairs and turn around the house. You'll see Josette and her brother Keel entering the place. Go meet them and watch the scene : A strange masked character will appear on a boat :o Now go outside the village and you'll find your team close to the robbers' flying machine. Josette and Keel will come back, and you'll be flying with them to the robbers hideout hidden in the store room. Fight the two guards then go down the stairs. Follow the way and don't forget the treasure chest with a Scorpion, a new weapon for Scherazard. You can also find the stolen ring of Laana (it's one of the side quest) and an item that gives 100 EP. You soon find a door. Enter it (choose first menu) and fight the guards. After this ends, go out and choose the east exit. Follow the way and don't forget the treasure (some boots). There is also a new weapon for Olivier and some notes (•‚¢ƒm[ƒg) needed for a side quest in Bose. Continue until you find another door. Beat the six guards and you finally find the kidnapped persons who where in the flying machine, but Cassius isn't here :/ Go out and continue west to find another door, this time fight against Josette, Keel and their father Dorn ! (There is a treasure in the west door and you can open an exit in Nebel Valley if you follow the south path) After the fight, those three will escape, follow them back to their ship (there are a few groups of guards on the way) and you'll start a long scene that ends chapter 1 ! :) ----------- | Chapter 2 | ----------- It's time to move the next city ! You only have Estelle and Joshua now o.O (You should have enough power to deal with all the monsters) Go talk to Lugran in the guild, then take the Bose west path to reach Krone path. Go west through the east Krone mountain path until you reach the Krone gate. You can easily kill all the monsters on your way (if you're around lvl 15) :P Once inside, go talk to Zelst (officer in green) in the first room then go take the second room. Agate will appear at night and join you. You have to help guards to kill some monsters. The day after, Agate is gone. Talk to Selos to pass the north door. *Note : You can't go back to Bose !* Follow the west Krone mountain path until you reach the Manolia road. Ooooh the sea :o Don't forget to take all the treasures on your way Follow the west path to Manolia village. Go talk to Rex in the inn. (buy his paella recipe). Choose the first menu to take his lunch box :P. Go out of the inn and meet a strange girl. Go to the top of the village near the mill. After the short culinar scene, go down and meet a boy with a hat. The little monster stole your launch box :o Go down and talk to Sati the florist. Go out of this village via the east exit to Mehbe road. Your characters will stop when they see the Mercia Orphanage sign. Follow the west path. Once here, you'll see that little thief Cram talking with two other kids. Estelle will try to catch the kid and succeed, and the purple haired girl will appear again. Her name is Klose Rinz. You have to escort her to the city of Ruan. Save Jimmy on the way, the poor guy is attacked by a lot of monsters ! (He's a bit hidden) There are many treasures to find on your way too. Take them all ! On your way, you'll have to kill a boss named Jaba. It's an easy fight. (It's also a side quest ^^) Go past the Jenis Royal School and finally reach the city of Ruan. Once here, you can first go buy some equipment. Then go to the guild to meet Karna. Go visit south Ruan via the bridge. Go right, take a look, then try to come back. You'll meet 3 bad guys on the way (named Dean, Lace and Rocco ^^). Gilbert and mayor Dalmoa will come. Now you can go back north to the guild to meet Jan. Once out, go to Hotel Blanche and talk with Ernest. Klose will leave you. Go back inside the hotel and take the stairs on your right. Go up in the big room. You're in Dunan's private room. You have to leave the room. Once down, Nial will enter the hotel. Talk to him then follow him downstairs to his room. After a small talk, a tragic scene in Mercia Orphanage will occur at night. Go talk to Jan in the guild. (3 new side quests are available). Now go back to Mercia Orphanage. Once here, investigate to know where the fire started then talk to Zack. Klose will come with you again. Go with her to Manolia. Go meet the children to the 2nd floor of the inn. After the scene, go back to Ruan. Try to go to the bridge but it will close. Cram is on the other side :o Go downstairs in the hotel and go talk outside to the old Mulart to have his boat. Go in the east warehouse and fight with 6 guys to help Cram. (Krose helps you in this battle) After the battle Agate will enter and beat his men for what they did. Theresa will take Cram with her to Manolia, and Klose won't leave the team, yay ! Go back to the guild to finish this second quest. After a short scene, 5 new side quests are available O_O;; Go north via Mehbe road to reach Jenis Royal School. (you must go through a forest) Once here, enter the big building in the center and talk to the headmaster, Collins. He's in one of the rooms. You'll hear a bell ringing. Go out and enter the east building, get a new recipe on first floor and go talk to Jill and Hans on the second floor. After a long scene, you control Estelle and Klose. Go back in the Club House (where you met Jill and Hans), and try to enter the door. There are three short quests to do now. You're not forced to do them, but they'll give a better ranking in this story quest if you do. If you don't want to do these quests, directly go after this small paragraph : ***Small quests*** Go in the other room and talk to Logic. Now go investigate one of the two other rooms (still on the same floor) to find a book. There are two other books to find : one is in the east dormitory and another one is in the room next to Collins' room. When you have the three books, give them back to Logic. Now go talk to janitor Pax. He's the blue haired man near the entrance of the center building. Turn around this building until you found a "!". There is a decoration missing here. Now go near the door of the east dormitory and find another "!". Another decoration is missing above the door ! Now go take a look at the auditorium. There is another "!" on the right side of the main door ! Last quest is to beat the monsters north. Go out via the north exit, enter the building and kill all the monsters. (You should equip something to avoid being poisoned. There are a three treasure chests too). Once done, go out of the house and Effort will come to close it. ******************* Go in Collin's room then go with Jill in the Club house, talk to Joshua or Hans and pick the first choice if asked. After the short scene, go to the club house and talk to professor Alba twice. The second time pick the second choice. You'll find yourself on the second floor of the center building. Go out of the building and you'll meet the kids from the orphanage :P Joshua leaves with the kid. You find them back in the auditorium, but Joshua is missing. Once out, take the north exit and enter the big house to find Joshua. Now enjoy the play ! Once out, go back to Ruan. Talk to the girl on the bridge. Go to the guild and take the new side quest if needed. Also go buy the Liberl item to Oneil' shop. Now go out to Manolia. On your way you have to beat a boss. (This ends the last side quest you get). Continue to Manolia. Once here go to the second floor of the inn and find the kids with Theresa in their usual room. Agate joins the team. Your characters go to Varenne Lighthouse at night. Enter and kill all the guards. After these battles and a short scene, you find your team in Manolia. (Agate left your team to follow the two guards) Go back to Ruan. Klose will leave you near the entrance of the town. You're now in the Guild talking to Jan. And Klose come back ! Go to south Ruan in the Mayor's house, you'll meet him eating with Dunan. You'll soon have a boss battle. It's not very hard. When you kill one of the "dog", it'll give extra powers to the other dog. Enjoy the scenes. Chapter 2 ends here !!! ----------- | Chapter 3 | ----------- This chapter starts with Agate still following the two guards. After he starts to kick their ass, the strange masked man will appear. Enjoy the battle. You're now back in Ruan. Go to Oneil's shop and buy the Liberl Item (number 6) Now follow your way to Jenis Royal School. Enter the Club house and go talk to Parpul on the 2nd floor to get another Carnelia item. Now go back in Ruan and take the south exit. (If you can't go out, go to Aquarossa Bar, talk to Squall and take the penultimate choice to have a rod). Go south and follow the east path to reach the tower of Saphirl. You have many interesting treasures to get there Once you're done with it, go out and take the west path to Air-Letten. Once here, open the door and go talk to the first guard you see on your left. Pick the first choice. Now go upstairs. (Don't forget to visit). After a short scene, Klose leave the team, and you find Joshua and Estelle in the Kardean road. You must now go to the city of Zeiss. (Note that you can go back to Air-Letten if needed, but not further) Follow your way and take all the treasures. Don't follow the west path to the Kardean heights. You'll soon meet a crying girl. Her name is Tita Russell. Follow her. You'll find she's attacked by four crawlers. Enjoy your first battle with Tita ! After the battle, Tita joins you. Go back to where you met her first, and continue to the city of Zeiss. Once you enter the city, go on your left and take the elevator. Tita leaves you on the first floor. Go south to exit Zweiss central factory and reach the village part. Go buy some new equipment, buy the Liberl item in Bell Station shop. Once you've finished your visit, go to the guild to meet Kilika. She gives you your first quest, and two side quests are available. Go back into the central Factory and talk to Heizel (the receptionist) on the first floor. Now go to the second floor and talk with Murdock. Tita will come and join your team again Buy her the best equipment if you have enough money. Go out to the central factory and enter the southwestmost building (Tita's house ^^). Enter the north door and go the first floor to meet Dr Russel. Go downstairs and talk to him again. Enjoy the scene. Once out, go to the guild and talk to Kilika. Enter the central factory and go talk to Murdock in his room. Now go the third floor and talk to Dr Russel in the atelier. Now go to the fifth floor and talk to the scientist Trans. Now check the computer, pick the third choice, then the first and second subchoices. Now go take the elevator or the stairs B1 and talk to the girl Fei. You'll get a gasoline tank. Now go to the first floor and outside the factory. Go east to the Landhing port and talk to Jilaal. Now go near the ship that just arrived and meet with Gustav. Now go back to the central factory on the third floor in the atelier and Tita will join you again. You must now go to Elmo village. Go out of the factory and take the south exit. (Some new sidequests are available ^^ One of them must be done now but it's not available at the guild. Go see the Zeiss side quest named "•œŠˆˆ¤‚ÌŽgŽÒ") You must go south until you reach Elmo. (Don't forget to take all the treasures on your way) Once here, enter the inn and speak with grandma Mao. She'll give you a key for the north house. Go outside and enter this house. Tita leaves your team. Go back to the inn. A guy named Edo will enter and ask for help. Exit the village and search the area. You'll find Dorothy is attacked by 5 beasts. Protect her in this battle. Now escort Dorothy to Elmo. (You can go buy a new recipe at the inn) Go see Tita in the north house. She's back in your team ^^ Go back to the inn, talk to Mao, and take a free room on the second floor for the night. Go down the stairs, and take the east exit of the inn. Go east to reach the hot baths ^^ The day after, go out of Elmo to Zeiss. (You must escort Dorothy). You'll meet Zin Vatek on your way. There's something strange when you arrive in Zeiss. Smoke is coming out of the central factory ! :o Enter the factory and take the stairs. (Elevator doesn't work) Go to the third floor in the atelier. Dr Russel isn't here :o Agate joins you. Go inspect all the floors starting from the basement to the 4th floor. You must find smoke coming from the ground with "!" (one on each floors) On the fifth floor you'll find guards kidnapping Dr Russel ! :O Go back to the first floor near the elevator then go out of the factory. Now go to the guild. Professor Alba is here 8) Tita leaves the party. Talk to Kilika to finish the quest and get the miras Go buy new equipment for Agate if needed. Take the south exit of Zeiss, then go east in direction of the Wolf Fort. (take all the treasures on your way). Once here talk to Bruno the miner to get the Carnelia book n‹7. Now come back and go north to the tower of Carnelia. Once here you'll get attacked before entering. Now enter the tower. (As always, there are several treasures to get in there) All your characters will get new S-Brake after they win their next level. Once on the top, you'll fight the three guards to help Dr Russel, but they'll escape after the battle :( Tita joins the team. Go back to Zeiss. On your way you meet Zin again. Suddenly, Agate fall on the ground :o (he got hit by a bullet after all). You're now with Miriam in the infirmary. Agate is ill :/ Go out to the Zeiss chapel and talk to father Vixen. Now go to the guild. Zin joins the team. Enter the factory, go to B1 and enter the Kardean moutain road. You must go to the Stalactite Cave. Just go west then north when you can. There are some treasures to get there. (There's a new weapon for Tita and an EP3 quartz). Keep searching until you find the right place in the cave. Approach the stone with the shiny thing in it, and a boss battle will occur. Kill the giant penguin and go back to Zeiss chapel, then to the 4th floor of central factory in the infirmary. The day after, Zin leaves you at the landhing port, and Tita leaves the team to be with Agate. Go buy the Liberl book n‹7 to the Bell Station and go back to the guild to talk to Kilika. A new sidequest is available. You must now go to the Leiston Fortress. Take Zeiss east exit and follow the west road until you reach the fortress (there are few treasures to get) Talk with Seed and give him the Dorothy's photos. Go back to town after you talk with him. You're now in the guild. Agate and Tita are now back in the team. Go to Russel's house, enter the door on your right and investigate the second floor. Now go back to the guild, then go the landhing port and talk to Murdock. If you're ready, pick the first choice when Gustav asks you if you want to leave. Once in the flying machine, go the fourth floor and talk with Agate and Tita. Then go down to the third floor and go outside. Go down to Gustav after the scene. Once in Leiston fortress, go west. There are dogs to kill here, just go north until the next screen. You'll see two black guards near a door. Do not approach them, just go north and investigate the window. After the scene (you now know the masked man is named Laurance), go kill the two guards to save Dr Russel. Try to go back to the airport. After the siren starts, go east and enter the door to the headquarters. Once inside, go west then downstairs to the prison. You'll see Josette, Keel and Dorn ^o^;; Now try to exit from the headquarters then go east and north. Check the north door and enter. Major Seed helps you to escape ! :o Escape from the fortress with the boat. Third chapter ends here... -------------- | Last Chapter | -------------- After the intro to the last chapter ends, you control Estelle and Joshua in Zeiss Guild. Go to the landhing port and talk to Jilaal. Now go down to the stairs until you hear Antoine the cat Gustav will come, and after a small talk with him and Jilaal, you just have to go up and talk to the ticket man again. Suddenly, the flying machine you saw before arrives in the port :o (You can go back to Air-Letten now if you want to get the Carnelia book n‹8.) Your goal is now to pass through Sanktheim to reach the next city, Grancell. Just take the east exit and go north (east path) to reach the gate. If you don't have it yet, you can buy a new recipe by talking to chief Sanjid. Talk to Wayne and you'll pass the gate in company of professor Alba 8) (And now you can't go back to Zeiss !) Go east until you meet a group of guards searching for terrorists :o You can now go north to Grancell. Before reaching the city, you can go east and follow the road to Grune gate, to find the Carnelia book n‹9 (You must do this now if you really want it). Visit this big city and find where everything is. Buy new equipment, etc. You can get another type of bouillabaisse recipe at the "Sunnybell Inn" Bar. Another recipe is available in the west block, in the Baral coffee house. If you go in the market, east block, you can get the Liberl book n‹8. You must now go to the guild and meet with Elnan. Once you're free to move, go north until you reach Grancell Castle. Now go to the east block (where the market is) and talk to the receptionist of the Gran Arena. You must have a ticket to enter. Just go south and buy a ticket to Leefa for 1000 miras. Talk to the receptionist again, and you'll be inside the Arena. Go find a place to watch the spectacle :} Once it's finished, go see Karna in the waiting room. You'll be back in the guild. Go out and enter the Sunnybell bar to meet again Olivier, playing piano :o Go back to the east block and talk to the guard of the Calvert Ambassy. Now go out of Grancell, to the Elbe Road. You can go east and follow the Imperial Villa road or you can go south, then east to the same villa :p Starting from this villa, your destination is east, then south. (There are some interesting treasures to get there, but be careful, the monsters are stronger here.). You'll soon find sister Helen attacked by 3 bees ! :o Kill them to save her, the 8 more bees will come, but you'll get help from Zin on this battle :} After a few scenes, you'll control Estelle and Joshua in Roenbaum hotel. Just go to the second floor and enter the first room on the left. Zin and Olivier will join your team :) If you're not around 28~29lvl, go kill some monsters in Elbe. You can buy new equipment if needed too. Now you must now go back to the Gran Arena. Go talk to Leefa to get a registration card. Once inside, take the right door and go to your waiting room. You'll see the three pirates, Dean, Lace and Rocco :o Once you control Estelle, talk to everyone in the room. Now you just have to win one match and watch the others fight too :) (You'll see some interesting fights) You'll get 20000 miras after this first turn :} Go back to the guild and talk to Elnan. Then, go back to the hotel, you'll meet Nial Once you can control your team (Olivier and Zin are back), go back to the Gran arena. (a new side quest is available). Once inside, try to go east and Dorothy will enter the arena Once she talked to you, go right to your waiting room. Once it's your turn, you'll have to fight Karna and her team :o Win the match, then watch how Laurance and his team beat Josette and her friends. You win 40000 miras after this battle :) Now go to the west block, downstairs, and enter the Liberl News Service. Go meet Nial on the second floor. After the talk, go to the guild and talk to Elnan. Once you're free to move, you're in the hotel. Go to your room and find a letter :0 It's now possible to get the Carnelia book n‹10. Go out of the hotel, and you'll see you can't go where you want with all those guards. Just go to the east block, then north to the Grancell landhing port. There's no guard here. Just talk to Ralph to get the precious item. Now go back to the east block, the go south, and west to the south block. Go south to avoid the guards then go to the east block. Go south, take the stairs, be careful with the guards turning around the coffee shop, the go upstairs then west to the church. Here you'll find that Sister Helen is in fact Julia, the girl you saw with Klose in the beginning of this last chapter ! :0 She's the terrorist everyone is searching :o Watch the scenes, and once you're free to move, you must go to the Gran Arena for the final vs Laurance team ! (A new side quest is available too). Before going to the arena, go to the south exit of the market, and talk to Anton, the brown haired guy near the stairs with his friend. Wait for the girl he likes to pass thrice near him and talk to him everytime until you get the last Carnelia book, the 11th. (The third time, the girl is stuck in the east corner. Go talk to her) **If you got all the Carnelia books, go to the coffee shop in the west block and talk to the owner to get the best weapon for Estelle OR Joshua** Once inside the arena, go up to the seats and talk to Kurtz, Dorothy and professor Alba, then go down to the Arena entrance to see the good ol' Klaus ! Now go back to the waiting room and win the fight against Laurance team You win 100000 miras for this brillant victory !! After the fight, Olivier leave the team. Go to the Grancell Castle. Once you're inside the castle, and out of your bedroom, visit the rooms close to you to talk with Klaus & Collins then Meibel and Lila. Now go to the rooms on the east part of the castle and find Murdock. Now go east and upstairs to the aerial gardens, and meet the maid Hilda. From Hilda's room, go back to your room to take Zin for the dinner :-9 After the dinner, go out of your room and go in the main hall to talk with Richard. After the discussion, go downstairs to Hilda's room. Estelle and Joshua will both disguise in maid ^o^;; Go back to the aerial garden and past the guards. Go upstairs to the queen Alicia's room. Go back to your room after the discussion. Watch the scene with Richard and Laurance, pass the night, then the day after you're back in the guild :) Now you must find the four members of Karna's team. Go to the weapon store and talk to Karna. Go to the bar and talk to Gratz. Go to the market and talk to Anelas. Go to the second floor of the Hotel and talk to Kurtz. You can go to the market and buy the liberl book n‹9 now. Go in the church and talk to father Calant. Go talk to Nial at the second floor of the Liberl news service. He's not here :/ Go back to the guild and talk with Elnan. After the scene, when ready (your goal is to enter in the Royal Villa), go talk to Elnan (again ^^). Once inside the villa, kill the 3 black soldiers. After the fight, take the west exit and investigate the west rooms until you find the barman Raymond. He can heal you after the fight (just talk to him and pick the second choice). Try to enter the north room, then go back to Raymond. Now go to the room close to the north room, east side, and investigate the big jar. You can now enter the north room. Kill the two last black soldiers (be careful they're harder ^^) and enter the next room to find Nial, and Princess Claudia (who's Krose in fact ^o^). Back in Grancell, you have Joshua, Olivier and Zin. Enter the waterway via the east block. Take a look at the map and go where you see the big red "=". (you have to investigate the wall to find the secret passage). Once you passed the stairs, go west, then south, then take the first south exit in the next area. There are two treasures to get there :) One of them has a nice armor. There is also a quarz you don't to miss further. Once you reach the end of the maze, you will control Estelle, Klose and Scherazard. Prepare yourself (you'll have to fight captain Kanone) and enter the machine. You'll be back with Joshua's team in Grancell Castle. Simply go south and upstairs to fight some guards. You're now back with Estelle's team, in the aerial garden. Just kill everyone until you reach the back of the queen's room. Laurance is with Queen Alicia. You must fight him, but even if you beat him, he'll kill you the second time. (It's by far the hardest fight in the game). After his victory, Laurance will escape. Alicia will show you an elevator, Dr Russell is now free, and Tita and Agate are back Once outside the elevator, choose the best team :) There is a healing point close to the group. If you speak to Dr Russel, you can buy all the quartz ! (if you have enough sepiths of course). He's also selling a lot of interesting items ! (Tear all to cure everyone, Aserasu to revive a character will all hp, etc...). In case you want another team, choose the third option :) You're now in the last maze, and it's quite big ! In fact, if you take your time to investigate each floor, you'll see it's not too mazy. There are interesting pieces of equipment to get here. There are several weapons to get on the 1st and 2nd basements, once on the second floor there is an elevator to the first floor to get Agate's best weapon, don't forget it On the third basement, you'll fight against Kanone. After the fight Dr Russell and the other members will come to this basement. (There is a weapon for Tita on the 2nd basement you can reach with an elevator from the 3rd basmt) There are the last piece of equipment of the games at 4th basement. You should finally find the last weapon of Joshua and Estelle. Before taking the elevator to 5th basement, be sure you get all the best boots, best armor and best weapons for all your characters in this tower. There is a healing point at 5th. Save close to it ! It's your last save before the last boss :) First you'll fight Richard and two robots. Then you'll fight an enormous robot with too small robots. After the fight, the two small will connect to the big part and this is THE last battle. Watch the scene. There is another fight but you can't loose. After this brilliant victory, everyone is safe, and you're in Grancell for a big feast. After Cassius leaves, first enter the Grancell castle and go talk to Olivier, he's in the east part of the castle, at the bar. (The last side quest will be available at the guild !) Then go out to the city (you can go speak to everyone in the castle if you want). Once you're out of the castle, enjoy the joyful music ^o^. You can go to Hotel Roenbaum if you want to speak with Klose, in the bar if you want to speak with Zin and Agate, in the coffee shop to find Russel and Tita, and in the market if you want to see Scherazard. You can buy another Liberl book if you want. Now go in the free space behind the market and watch the scene with Joshua and professor Alba (who's in fact someone named Wisman) talking to Joshua about his past :-0 You'll be back in Grancell castle, at night. Go to the aerial garden to find Joshua. This is the end. CONGRATULATIONS ! *FIN* Once you're back to the title screen, a new menu is available. You can now watch the three movies : opening, ending, and the special video ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II) Side Quests Guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO THEM ASAP OR YOU'LL FAIL SOME ! IF YOU'RE STUCK IN ONE SIDE QUEST (e.g. if you can't leave a town when I told you to do so) YOU SHOULD GO A BIT FURTHER IN THE MAIN QUEST. Estelle & Joshua must finish a lot of quests to become real bracers ! They must go in each cities, Rolent, Bose, Ruan, Zeiss and Grancell. Doing the side quests gives you additional quest points, but it's also a good way to earn some miras and to find some rare items :) ******************************************************************************** Rolent (ƒƒŒƒ“ƒg) ******************************************************************************** (They all appear in prologue, except the last) Œõ‚é΂̑{õ Talk to Karel behind Melners Factory, then examine the sewers in front of the bakery, then go down into the sewers (behind the church) and get the stone. ŠX˜H“”‚ÌŒðŠ· Go to Melders Factory and note the code. Go to Milhi road and search the 6th pillar. Monsters will appear. Choose the second menu (Joshua fights). Select the right code and you're done. •ºŽmŒP—û Go to Velt to meet Aston. You have to fight his soldiers. ƒ~ƒ‹ƒqŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Defeat the big monster on Milhi road. (West exit of Rolent. Go west until you meet the monster). Be careful because the monster blows when defeated ! Stay far from him it you have low hp :p –ò‚ÌÞ—¿ŽûW Go in Mystvalt, the forest to the south of Rolent and find the Bears Claw flowers (ƒyƒAƒYƒNƒ[). (Stay in the first part of the forest, it's too hard further). Give them to Devin, the priest in Rolent Church. ƒLƒmƒRŽë‚è Talk to Orbidd at Landhing port (north exit). He wants his septium. Go to Malga mountain path, following the mine path. Search the bush near the treasure chest to find the septium. Give it to Orbidd and you're done. Žq”L‚Ì‘{õ Talk to Eeda at the cafe terrasse and she'll ask you to find her lost cat. Just find it a few times until it goes into the church. ƒGƒŠ[ƒYŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Go south of Rolent, following Elize path. You'll find a big monster on a bridge. Kill it and you're done :p e‘‚Ì”z’B Go talk to priest Devin in the church. Then go to Bose to meet priest Hols and give him what Devin gave you. ******************************************************************************** Bose (ƒ{[ƒX) ******************************************************************************** HÞ‚ÌŽûW Give 5 bird fiend meats (–‚b‚Ì’¹“÷) to Gruna (the female cook in Anterose Restaurant). Gruna will give you a new recipe. If you don't have the five meats, just kill some birds on Aizen Road. “Œƒ{[ƒXŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Kill the monster on the road from Velt to Bose. (east of Bose) ŽR“¹‚Ì–‚b‘{õ Take the west Bose road and go to Ravennue Village. Go talk to mayor Razen then go out via the north exit. There is a big monster to kill here (follow west path). Take all the treasure chests too. ¼ƒ{[ƒXŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Take the east Bose road and follow your way to Krone pass. Find the big fish monster and kill it. (easy battle) Œì‰q‚̈˗Š Go talk to Hart in the Hotel. He'll wait for you at west exit. Talk to him then go west to Krone moutain path. You have to beat some big monsters on the way. Be careful and reach the west gate to Ruan. ƒyƒAƒYƒNƒ[‚Ì’²¸ & –¶~‚苬’J‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Go in Bose Market and talk to Spanse. Now go in the Nebel Valley (Bose east path) and choose either east or west path. If you follow the west path, you must first kill a boss, part of the second quest. Kill it, take the chest to the left (it has a Katar for Joshua) and take the hole to the right to reach Bears Claw (ƒyƒAƒYƒNƒ[) flowers. Come back to Bose and give them to Spanse. You can also choose the east path (to find the flowers), there's no boss to kill there but there is a treasure. ƒAƒ“ƒZƒ‹V“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Take the Ansel path (south) to reach the lakeside of Valleria. There is a boss on the way. Kill it and the quest is complete. “‚܂ꂽŽw—Ö Once in the bandits hideout, find a treasure chest with Laana's stolen ring. (see walkthrough chapter 1) Give the ring back to Laana once you're back in Bose, she's in the south part of the city, in the house behind Lucir's workshop. •‚¢ƒm[ƒg Find these notes in bandits hideout. (???) ******************************************************************************** Ruan (ƒ‹[ƒAƒ“) ******************************************************************************** “”‘ä‚Ì–‚b‘|“¢ & ®”õ—pƒJƒoƒ“‚̉^”À Go talk to Sommers in Granate workshop. Choose the first answer (yes) then go to Laventar casino-bar to talk to Premio. Go back to Manolia road and go to Varenne Lighthouse. Talk to Fokt then enter the lighthouse to kill all the monsters. ŒÃ’n}‚Ì’²¸ Talk to Jimmy in the church. Go out to Mehbe road and search the hidden passage in the first beach, and check the barrel. Go back to Jimmy. ŽŽì•i‚Ì‘{õ & ƒAƒCƒiŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Go talk to Karno in Joan's weapon shop. Go out of Ruan via the south exit to Aina road. Continue south and choose the east path. You'll see a boss on your left. Don't hit the monsters with your weapons, use magics ! If you don't have powerful ones, it'll be hard :X Do the battle then come back to Karno. He'll give you 2 quartz :} ’Tõ‚ÌŒì‰q Go in Manolia and find Amelia. Go back to Krone path and help Orbidd. Escort him to Manolia. ‘qŒÉ‚ÌŒ® Go in south Ruan and talk to Harg in the port. He lost something. Try to find a way to take the path below the Bar. You'll soon find something shiny in the water. Go investigate the 2nd floor of the bar. Go down and the bartender will give you a fishing rod Go back to the shiny item and fish it. Give it back to Harg. C‘䓓Œ Go to south Ruan in the mayor's villa and talk to Gilbert. Go to north Ruan behind the hotel, and investigate the small tower. Go to casino-bar 2nd floor and investigate the roulette. Go to Ruan landhing port and investigate the tractor. Go to south Ruan to investigate the crane then talk to Harg. —·sŽÒ‚Ìà“¾ Take the south exit to Aina road. Go south and choose west path to Air-Letten. Once here, take the stairs on your left and meet Hahn. Enter the right door and watch the scene. ƒ[ƒ”ƒFŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b & ƒ[ƒ”ƒFŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b(‚Q) You can't miss those two. ******************************************************************************** Zeiss (ƒcƒ@ƒCƒX) ******************************************************************************** ‰^”ÀŽÔ‚Ì‘{õ & ‰^”ÀŽÔ‚ÌC— Take Zeiss south exit, and go take the east way. Search the south part of the next area to find Bruno and Won with their broken truck. Help them to kill the monsters to finish this first quest. Now go to the central factory, third floor, and talk with Prometea. Now go to the fifth floor, and start the Capel computer. Pick the third choice twice. Now go down to B1, and take the exit to Kardean road. Talk to Ludia the miner. Now go back to where you met Bruno and Won to help them repair the truck. V»•i‚̃eƒXƒg Go to Zeiss Central Factory, fourth floor. Talk to Thierry in the laboratory. Equip the boots he gives you. You must now go to fourlocations with them : Elmo, The Wolf Fort, The Leiston Fortress and the Sanktheim Gate. (Nothing to do : just enter and exit). Go back to Thierry and you'll get better boots. VHÞ‚Ì’²’B Go in the central factory, fourth floor. Enter the laboratory and investigate the plants to get tomato. Go outside and enter the Forgel bar, and give the tomato to Ben, the bar owner (you must pick the third choice). He'll give you a tomato sandwich. (Eat it to get a new recipe). ‹Ö‰Œ‹‰»TŠÔ Go in the central factory, fourth floor, and talk to Miriam. Then talk to her cat, Antoine, and give him some milk. The cat will follow you. Now go to the second floor, and enter Murdock's room. Try to enter the locked door here. Investigate the left desk and find the key to the door under the book :) Enter the door, and search the ashtray. Murdock forbid everyone to smoke, but he was smoking ! —ÕŽžŽi‘‹‚Þ & —ÕŽžŽi‘‚ÌŽc‹Æ & ‘±E—ÕŽžŽi‘‚ÌŽc‹Æ & ‘±XE—ÕŽžŽi‘‚ÌŽc‹Æ Go into the Central Factory and take the elevator. Choose the 2nd floor. Go south and enter the west room. Talk to Constance and pick the first choice (the yes answer). Now go on the 3rd floor and investigate the stepladder in the west room to find a book. Go to the 4th floor and grab the two books in the two rooms, one is on the desk in the laboratory (read it to get the Bouillabaisse recipe), the other one can be found on a bedside table. Go back with your three books to the 2nd floor and give them to Constance. You can do the second side quest now. Take Zeiss south exit and go south until you reach the Elmo village. Once here, go to the hotel (you can buy a new recipe) and take the east exit. Investigate the bath to find another book. Go back to Zeiss and give it to Constance. This ends the second side quest. Now the third part. Take the Zeiss south exit and take the east path. In this area, there is a north exit to the Tower of Carnelia, and two east exits. The south one leads to the Wolf Fort. Take the north one and you'll find a small area that looks like the drawing in your memo. Take the chest and investigate the center pillar to get another book. Go back to Zeiss and give it to Constance to end this third side quest. Last quest now. Take Zeiss east exit. Go north and choose the east way to the Sanktheim gate. Once here, enter the building and investigate the barrel near the stairs on the third floor. You'll get another book for Constance, go back to her and you're done with these quests ! (You can buy a recipe in Sanktheim) •œŠˆˆ¤‚ÌŽgŽÒ This side quest isn't available at the guild. You should talk to Blam, the sleeping guard at Wolf Fort. He'll give you a letter and a present for Fei, the girl working at Zeiss Central Factory, B1 (the one who gave you the gasoline tank). Just go back to Zeiss and talk to Fei to finish this quest. (Choose the second menu to give the best present to Fei and get more Bonus Pts) ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒg•½Œ´“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Take the south exit of Zeiss. Take the east path (Wolf Fort direction) on your way to reach the Tratt path. Kill the boss you find here. ƒŠƒbƒ^[ŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Take Zeiss east exit. Follow the road until you see the big mercury viper on your right. Kill this boss ! ƒŠƒbƒ^[ŠX“¹‚ÌŽè”z–‚b(‚Q) Just take Zeiss east exit and follow the way until you meet a boss (you can't miss it). Kill it to end this quest. ******************************************************************************** Grancell (ƒOƒ‰ƒ“ƒZƒ‹) ******************************************************************************** ’n‰º…˜H¼‹æ‰æ‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Go to the west block, downstairs, and open the locked door to enter the waterway. There are few treasures to get there. Some of them can't be reach now. You'll soon find a boss. (IMO an easy one) Kill it to end this quest. ’n‰º…˜H“Œ‹æ‰æ‚ÌŽè”z–‚b Go to the easternmost door of the east block, and open the locked door to enter the waterway. Find the treasures, kill the boss. It's not too hard :) (There is one treasure you can see but you can't reach). Come back using the lever. ’é‘‘åŽgŠÙ‚̈˗Š Go talk to Olivier in the east part of Grancell Castle and you'll be automatically back with him in the guild. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III) Tips & Infos : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release date : 06/24/2004 Game contents (Limited Edition): -3 Cds or 1 DVD for the game -A playing manual -An artbook called : "Visual Guide & Materials - Legend Of Heroes VI Sora No Kiseki" -An album called Ed6 Super Arrange Version -A single called Hoshi No Arika, sung by U-mi -A small ads featuring new games of Falcom & showing their new translation project: Gensosangokushi, a 2003 chinese RPG based on Three Kingdoms in a fantasy world. Other bonus (outside the box): -An album "Unused Music" (of Ed6) by Falcom Sound Team JDK. -Ed6 Entry Book and demo disc. Some useful links : Official website : Rolent Map : Map with english names (thanks to ViperD): Quartz & Arts list (thanks to ViperD): Fishing help (thanks to ViperD): My (incomplete) FAQ is based on Chaotic Sanctuary Ed6 Guide : English Config File (Thanks to NightWolve. Latest Ed6 Patch should be installed first !) : Last version of this faq : Tips : -Do the Side quests as soon as you get or read them, or at least do not try to go too far in the main quests. -Here is how ed6 orbment/money works : -> Monsters give sepiths (colored crystals) -> You can buy a new slot for your orbment and quartz to put in slots in Quartz factories, there is one in each city, quartz add new arts (=spells) and give bonus stats (hp+5%, ep+20%, etc...) -> You can exchange sepiths for miras (money) and buy equipment or goods. -Here are some infos for battles: HP: life, EP: magic , CP: skills The different menus : 1) Attack 2) Move 3) Arts (spells=> use EP) 4) Craft (skills=> use CP) 5) Item use 6) Run from battle (It always works !). When you have 100 CP, you can use a special attack called S-Break (push a direction to choose a character). Troubleshooting : -You need ED6 Dvd or one of ED6 cds in your drive to play the game. (!!) -If you don't get sound maybe you should copy the dll files of the dll subdirectory of ed6 in your windows/system32 directory. -You should install this game with windows XP. (Rumor : A person told me the game works fine with English WinMe) Enable the japanese language support in the control panel, regional options, advanced section. Or install Microsoft Applocale. -Install the latest Falcom patch. -Saved games are in : C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\FALCOM\ED6 if you're under WinXP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks goes to : -Nihon Falcom for this great game -Alerith for his help -ViperD for his MANY contributions -NightWolve for his English Config file :)
tên nàY CÓ BỊ đIÊN hay kg mà quăng cái hướng dẫn tầm bậy cho ngta thế hả???? check lại cái tên game cái nha.....thật là..... mà copy đưa vào như vậy có lẽ cũng phạm thêm 1 cái tội nữa.
Cho em hỏi là trò này ngoài hàng có đĩa chưa vậy mấy anh ::) Confirm giùm em,nơi nào cũng được,em chỉ muốn biết là có đĩa ko thôi để nếu ko có thì em còn biết đường down ::(
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Mấy bác có ai có lòng từ bi viết cái hướng dẫn của P2-P3 với, em dốt tiếng Nhật tội nỗi lại mê chơi game của nó mới chết chứ.
P2 thì lên GF mà lấy hd tiếng anh đi. P3 thì anh đang viết dở dang...đợi đi. Khối ng kg biết JP cũn gcho7i nát game rồi kìa~~~
háhá ; chơi nát game nhưng hỏi lại ko hĩu gì hết ; phải chơi ; đọc ; nhất là phần 3 có cái cửa mặt trời mặt trăng đọc lại kí ức nửa ; cái đó 1 phần khai sáng cốt truyện ; next next mãi ko hiểu gì đâu ^^
thì vấn đề là phải biết tìm tòi thông tin về game mình kg hiểu á~~~~xp nha,chặt chém đi rồi chỉnh chiết thái quá~~~~
Hu hu làm ơn đi, anh rociel ơi..hướng dẫn đến chương 6 đi, ngày nào em cũng vao forum mong anh hướng dẫn vô cùng....em làm theo hướng dẫn của anh là chặt chém hết bọn lính đen thì các không gian từ đen trắng chuyển wa có mầu, xong làm gì tiếp thì em hông biết, anh có thể hướng dẫn cho em cái chương 6 ko..cảm ơn
Tin vui, mới lụm đuợc cái link download bằng emule. Còn 1 tin vui nữa, ai biết tiếng hoa thì có thể chơi game này bằng tiếng hoa luôn. Còn 1 tin vui cuối cùng nữa, cũng dành cho các bạn biết tiếng hoa, có faq bằng tiếng hoa rùi, hehe Vào đây download tuốt: ^_^
Links emule có từ thưở nào rồi giờ mới biết à, ở trên hình như đã có Faq tiếng anh rồi....thông tấn xã con zùa!!!!!