bán 1 meso rồi nhanh tay vào mule mua ý mà , show hàng kjnh , nhưng mà cái pink gaia 15luk thì ngon =p~
cái đấy cả server chắc đc đến cái thứ 2 đâu. hàng super hiếm .độc luôn ước gì đc cái đấy, khỏi nghĩ luôn
1 vài cái weapon mới cho Mage bên JMS A few things before I begin: There are several new, never-before-seen statistics here on wands. The WZ refers to them as the following: info.elemDefault --> The default multiplier against elementally weak enemies. For all wands and staves it is an additional +25%. So if you attacked a monster with ice strike that would do 1000 neutral damage, it would do 1750 against ice weak. I don't know how this would work with Compo, though. These weapons are too new to determine this. There's also another variable in the WZ, called "incRMA" and then a letter (either I, L, S, F for Ice, Lightning, Poison, or Fire). I believe incRMA means "Increase in Magic Attack", but this is only speculation. The variable isn't clear. Unfortunately, there are no wands/staves that give an increase to holy magic directly. The only boost received here is the natural +25% boost to your weak elements given by all of these elemental weapons. I/L Staves: ~ 白虎 ~ Req Level: 163 Req LUK: 165 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 LUK: +3 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +10% Lightning Attacks: +25% Fast(4) ~ 玄武 ~ Req Level: 163 Req LUK: 165 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 LUK: +2 INT: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +25% Lightning Attacks: +10% Fast(4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ アイスロッド ~ Req Level: 103 Req LUK: 105 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 LUK: +1 INT: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +25% Lightning Attacks: +10% Fast(4) ~ サンダーロッド ~ Req Level: 103 Req LUK: 105 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 LUK: +2 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +10% Lightning Attacks: +25% Fast(4) I/L Wands: ~ 剛雷の杖 ~ Req Level: 130 Weapon Attack: 92 Magic Attack: 145 LUK: +2 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +10% Lightning Attacks: +25% Slow(7) ~ 極氷の杖 ~ Req Level: 130 Weapon Attack: 92 Magic Attack: 145 LUK: +2 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +25% Lightning Attacks: +10% Slow(7) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 雷の杖 ~ Req Level: 70 Weapon Attack: 56 Magic Attack: 85 LUK: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +10% Lightning Attacks: +25% Slow(7) ~ 氷の杖 ~ Req Level: 70 Weapon Attack: 56 Magic Attack: 85 LUK: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Ice Attacks: +25% Lightning Attacks: +10% Slow(7) F/P Staves ~ 青龍 ~ ** Req Level: 163 Req LUK: 165 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 INT: +3 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +10% Poison Attacks: +25% Fast(4) ~ 朱雀 ~ Req Level: 163 Req LUK: 165 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 LUK: +2 INT: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +25% Poison Attacks: +10% Fast(4) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ポイズンロッド ~ Req Level: 103 Req LUK: 105 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 INT: +2 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +10% Poison Attacks: +25% Fast(4) ~ ファイアロッド ~ Req Level: 103 Req LUK: 105 Weapon Attack: 72 Magic Attack: 118 LUK: +1 INT: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +25% Poison Attacks: +10% Fast(4) F/P Wands: ~ 業炎の杖 ~ Req Level: 130 Weapon Attack: 92 Magic Attack: 145 INT: +2 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +25% Poison Attacks: +10% Slow(7) ~ 劇毒の杖 ~ Req Level: 130 Weapon Attack: 92 Magic Attack: 145 LUK: +2 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +10% Poison Attacks: +25% Slow(7) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 炎の杖 ~ Req Level: 70 Weapon Attack: 56 Magic Attack: 85 INT: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +25% Poison Attacks: +10% Slow(7) ~ 毒の杖 ~ Req Level: 70 Weapon Attack: 56 Magic Attack: 85 INT: +1 Elemental Default: 75% Fire Attacks: +10% Poison Attacks: +25% Slow(7)
Các anh cho em hỏi cái blood gig này của em có được xếp loại trung bình ko? em noob mới vào forum có cái này nhìn tạm đuoc thôi...
từ đầu mua đc con godly clean blood gig nên em giám dark scroll...2 phát đầu là 10% trúng 1 fát và tiếp theo là 60%...có bác nào có bí quyết đập scroll ko nhi, share cho em cái
chơi scroll là thì làm có bí quyết , gig 34atk clean xịn đấy 6dex nhưng mà ... scroll hơi lởm , ko junk à
mà cái bwg 21att kia sao lại ko có weapon def? trên hidden nó víet là 2wd chứ có phải là 0-2 đâu nhi?