Khái quát cuộc đời Zack

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi cloud3591, 25/4/08.

  1. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

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    Thôi đi các bác ơi, hết bệ xí rồi lại đến bể phốt:|... Bộ k còn nơi nào sạch sẽ hay sao mà kể:|
  2. VincentWu

    VincentWu Donkey Kong

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    FF World
    Đó là hiện thực nghiệt ngã !!!!;;):D
    cho mọi người coi hiện thực nghiệt ngã là ntn này
    Zombie AZ
  3. Hotarubi

    Hotarubi Donkey Kong

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    Kinh dị quá :(( ghê quá :(( đào mồ sống dậy à :(( thấy cả Kikyou nữa kìa :(( Toàn nhân mình thích :((
  4. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    đây mới là sự thật nghiệt ngã này ......::(
  5. Tung_nomad

    Tung_nomad Mega Man

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    Móa kinh dị wá :((. Này thì 30 chars.
  6. longvh

    longvh Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trời ơi kinh khủng quá. Nhìn cái hình của Cloud với Sep làm em muốn dựng tóc gáy. Các bác làm ơn đừng post mấy cái ảnh này nữa được không. Để người ta về ngủ ngon tí chứ...
  7. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hê hê, lại một bác clerith :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  8. Leaf_leave_tree

    Leaf_leave_tree Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có ai có link nào full story về cuộc đời Zack không? Thanks
    nếu được cả FF VII thì tốt quá ^^
  9. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    đây, xem luôn khỏi link nhé:

    Zack Fair

    Sex: Male
    Height: 185 cm
    Blood Type: O
    Birthday: ?
    Birth Place: Gongaga
    Weapon: Sword
    First Person Pronoun: ore
    Voice Actor: Kenichi Suzumura

    The young man who grasps the key to Cloud's past.

    A SOLDIER brimming with kindness, he treasured the bonds between people and would sacrifice his life without hesitation for a comrade facing a crisis. He was Aerith's first love and close friends with Cloud and Sephiroth. Becoming one of Hojo's samples as a result of the Nibelheim incident, he met with the last moments of his untimely death whilst escaping with Cloud. Zack's personality had a heavy influence on the formation of Cloud's personality when he was under Jenova's control.

    “We're friends, right?”

    In Final Fantasy VII:

    Going back to the investigation to of the Nibel Mako Reactor 5 years prior to the story, he was injured after trying to stop a berserk Sephiroth. He lost his life trying to escape from the clutches of ShinRa, who had been performing experiments on the bodies of Cloud and him. Although Zack was already deceased before the start of the story, Cloud confused himself with Zack and in the process of recovering his original self, Zack's character is also brought to light.

    Trivia 1

    The "Girlfriend" Reported at the Parent's House

    6-7 years prior to FFVII, Zack's "I've managed to get a girlfriend" letter was left out in the parents' home. If it was 6-7 years ago, it was about the time where he met Aerith in CC...Does that mean the girlfriend was Aerith?
    Quote: Zack's letter in FFVII

    To Dad and Mom,
    How are you?
    I'm sorry for suddenly rushing out of the village. The truth is that I really wanted to become a SOLDIER. I thought that saying that would worry you . . . I'm now fulfilling my dreams and working hard as a SOLDIER.

    P.S. I've managed to get a girlfriend.

    Quote: Text near Zack's letter
    Zack seems to have a number of girlfriends, but especially informing his home means there's no doubt that the partner is a special one.
    Quote: Text near FFVII picture of Cloud, Tifa and Aerith at the house of Zack's parents
    Showing care about the letter, Zack's parents asked Tifa and Aerith about whether either of them were their son's girlfriend.

    Quote: Text near image of the Zack, Sephiroth and Tifa photo
    The photo taken with Tifa and Sephiroth prior to the departure to the mako reactor. It provided and opportunity to expose the falsehood in Cloud's memories.
    Quote: Text near image of Zack and Cloud in the truck
    Even though he had the position of an elite SOLDIER 1st Class, he open heartedly came into contact with Cloud, an ordinary trooper, and didn't abandon him until the end, although Cloud was immobilized.
    “You want to be a SOLDIER? Hang in there!”

    In Advent Children

    Age - Not Applicable

    He appears in a series of scenes from Cloud's memories and in a glimpse from the spirit world. When Cloud says "I said I'd live out both our lives. Easy to make that promise," the memory of loosing Zack has become a trigger for Cloud's guilty thoughts. However at the end of the movie, when he sees Zack standing there, Cloud knows that his friend has been there helping him move past that negativity.
    Quote: text near image of Zack in the truck in AC
    Memories of his escape with Zack rise to front of Cloud's mind. Because Cloud was not entirely concious during that time, his memories of how Zack saved him are heavily fragmented.
    In Before Crisis:

    "Never forsake your friends!"

    The Depths of Those Feelings From a Long Time Ago

    Age 17-23 Years Old

    He was introduced as a brave and dependable SOLDIER 1st Class. Receiving direct nomination from the next most influential person after Sephiroth, President ShinRa, he took part in an operation to destroy the former AVALANCHE hideout in Icicle Lodge together with the Turk members. Also, there's the lesser known stories behind familiar episodes such as the investigation in Nibelheim and the escape from ShinRa Manor.

    Compilation Check

    A Girl loving flirt? The other face of SOLDIER Zack

    "A guy who loves girls a lot" - That was what Aerith reflected on in FFVII, that Zack had a flirtatious streak, and was experienced in the treatment of the fairer sex. In BC, he gave compliments enough to set one's teeth on edge to a female Turk member who was together with him on the same mission. As expected, there was a scene whereby he invited Cissnei, a young lady from the Turks, to a meal in CC. As a result of being able to surmise everything from each small deed, Aerith, who was in love with Zack, might perhaps have been jealous many times seeing all that...
    Quote: text near BC screenshot with Zack and female Turk
    Zack who was complimenting female Turk who had become his partner ring Chapter 8 of BC, surprising her.
    Quote: In game quote
    Zack: Surpassing everything else, Yuuko in this beautiful snow scape is all the more beautiful!!!
    Editor's Note: Apparently..."Yuuko" is the name for the Martial Arts Female Turk...
    Quote: text near FFVII Screenshot of Cloud and Zack in the truck
    Fleeing towards Midgar, means intending to be under the care of one of his many girlfriends?
    Quote: In game quote
    Zack: No wait...the mother lives there too...
    Quote: text near BC screenshot of Zack over the bodies of Yishay and Sebastian
    He was close to the SOLDIERs whom he had been on the same mission together with only once, and even when they lost their humanity, he risked his life calling out to their consciousness to awaken.
    Quote: In game quote of Zack over the bodies of Yishay and Sebastian
    Zack: Don't say such things as 'this is your last moment!'
    I'll only draw my sword in times of need. Only then.
    Quote: text near BC Clip of Zack kneeling and petting the Guard Hounds
    Although he possessed outstanding skills as a swordsman, his principle was to avoid needless killing. That fact wouldn't change even if his opponents were monsters.
    Quote: In game quote of Zack in BC clip of Zack petting the Guard Hounds
    You guys return to where your friends (nakama) are,
    Quote: text near Zack pleading to the Turk assigned to take him back along with Cloud
    The pursuers after Zack and Cloud, who had escaped from the laboratory, were none other than the Turk members whom Zack had formerly worked along side with. In order to overcome that occasion, Zack tried to appeal to their emotions and feelings but...
    Quote: In game quote of Zack pleading with the turk on the beach
    Zack: You're here to take us back aren't you?
    “I beg you! Let us go!”
    In Last Order:

    Age: 18 to 23 Years Old

    Zack, who continues to fight against his fate

    However, the final curtain fell suddenly

    This production, which depicts the Nibelheim Incident as well as the state of Cloud and Zack's escape, presents Zack with a leading role. Be it dealing with Sephiroth at the Mako Reactor, or displaying magnificent sword skills against ShinRa Troopers as the opponents, the capability of a SOLDIER 1st Class is shown.

    You are no longer the Sephiroth I once knew!
    Quote: text near Zack charging at Sephiroth in LO
    Zack who turned the brunt of his anger toward his comrade-in-arms who had swum in deeds unthinkable by mankind.
    Quote: text near Zack looking toward Cloud
    He fought off large numbers of soldiers by himself while protecting Cloud, who was immobilized due to mako poisoning, and aimed toward Midgar
    I wouldn't go and leave my friend behind, would I?
    Quote: text near Zack on the truck
    Zack, working over their plans thereafter on the deck of the truck which they were hitchhiking on. He was talking about the future with a bright expression, but just then...
    In Crisis Core:

    Friendship, Love and Betrayal
    The hero who matures through undergoing various experiences

    Age 16-23 years old

    He takes on an active role in the story as the protagonist. Still a SOLDIER 2nd Class at the point in time of the opening, he trained hard all the time, aiming to become promoted to 1st Class. Although he dreamed of becoming a hero, many incidents which he passed through prompted him to think deeply about what a hero was exactly. Apart from the conflicts surrounding his close friend, Angeal, his encounter with Aerith and exchanges between Cloud and Sephiroth amongst others bring to attention his relationship with various characters.

    I will become a hero!

    Angeal would never betray me!
    Quote: Text next to pictures of Zack in Banora and Zack next to Angeal with wings
    SOLDIER 1st Class Angeal was an important friend to Zack and a person whom he respected. However, they were cruelly torn apart by fate…
    Quote: In game quote of Zack in Banora
    Even I too, am Angeal's friend.

    Quote: In game quote of Angeal and Zack
    Angeal: I've recommended you for 1st Class.
    Quote: Text next to picture of Zack and Sephiroth
    Sephiroth, not only did he take up the same mission as a SOLDIER, he also shared the disconsolate thought of facing off against Angeal and Genesis.
    Quote: Text above picture of Zack and Cloud walking in Modeo Ravine
    The soldier walking beside him is Cloud. Both of them built a friendship which transcended the rank gap between a SOLDIER and a normal trooper.

    With Cloud and I around, there's nothing to fear in this region!
    Quote: Text above picture of Zack and Tseng back to back
    Constantly hovering and surveilling Aerith is the figure of Tseng. Is a love triangle surrounding Aerith developing?

    Quote: In game quote of picture of Zack and Tseng back to back
    Zack: You're keeping a watch on Aerith aren't you?
    Hey, how about going on a date once?
    Quote: Text below picture of Zack, Tseng and Cissnei
    One of those defending the city from the monsters was a young lady called Cissnei, a turk who wielded a shuriken as her weapon and whom Zack encountered and fought along side with.
    Quote: text bellow picture of Zack and Aerith
    Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum's church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him.

    Embrace your dreams. And no matter what happens, never let go of your pride as a SOLDIER.

    Trivia 1
    Before Zack obtained the Buster Sword

    Zack's weapon of choice is the enormous Buster Sword. After his demise, it was passed onto Cloud. Yet the truth is that the sword did not belong to Zack originally, but was the weapon of his close friend, Angeal. As for the whole story of how Zack became its wielder...It will all become clear in CC.
    Quote: Text next to picture of Zack and Angeal in the Trivia box
    Angeal, who does not use the Buster Sword for thoughtless things. It seems he dislikes getting the sword damaged but....

    Quote: In game quote of Zack in the picture of him with Angeal in Trivia box
    Zack: Come to think of it, I've never seen you use that sword
    Zack Map


    Zack's birthplace, a village enclosed by jungle. There used to be a mako reactor present, but during the time when Zack was held at the ShinRa Manor, an explosion incident occurred.


    The place where Zack's fate took a sudden turn. He experienced the farewell from his friend Sephiroth, and his days as an experiment sample were inevitable.


    Zack became a SOLDIER in this metropolis when he was a teen, and at the end, tried to return here using all his strength.

    Zack Timeline
    [Compilation of FFVII]

    [ μ ] - εуλ 1985

    • Birth

    [ μ ] - εуλ 1997

    (Age 13)

    • CC – Gongaga
    Determined to be a SOLDIER, he heads off towards Midgar.

    [ μ ] - εуλ 0000

    • CC – Midgar
    He spent all his time on training and missions as a SOLDIER 2nd Class.

    • CC – Wutai
    In order to conclude the war, he joined the dispatch unit together with Angeal to replace Genesis, whose whereabouts had became unknown. He inked up with Sephiroth here.

    • CC – Banora Village
    He visited the birthplace of the missing Genesis together with Tseng for the purpose of investigation.

    • CC – Midgar
    Following the end of the Wutai War, he was promoted to 1st Class. He fell from the plate during a battle to protect the city and encountered Aerith in the Slum Church.

    • CC – Modeo Valley
    Dispatched to investigate the Mako mining facility, he encountered Cloud, an average Shinra trooper who had been called to the same mission.

    [ μ ] - εуλ 0002/1/16

    (Age 17)

    • BC – Icicle Lodge
    Together with the Turks, he took part in the operation to destroy AVALANCHE's secret hideout. He took care of his fellow SOLDIERs, Sebastian and Yishay, as their death approached.

    • CC – Junon
    In the midst of the battle to protect the city, he was reunited with Cloud, who had been tasked to rescue the citizens.

    [ μ ] - εуλ 0002/9/22

    (Age 18)

    • FFVII/BC/CC/LO – Nibelheim
    In order to launch a full scale investigation of the Mako Reactor at which monsters had sprung forth in large quantities, he visited the Nibel Mako Reactor together with Sephiroth and Cloud.


    • FFVII/BC/CC/LO – Nibelheim
    He tried to stop Sephiroth, who was running wildly and had reduced the village to ashes, but was instead defeated by him at the Mako Reactor.

    • FFVII/BC/CC/LO – Nibelheim
    Captured under Hojo's instructions, he became a sample in the Sephiroth Copy Project in the basement of the ShinRa Manor.

    [ μ ] - εуλ 0006/12/19

    (Age 22)

    • FFVII/BC/CC/LO – Nibelheim
    Taking Cloud, who was experiencing mako poisoning, he fled from the basement of the ShinRa Manor.

    [ μ ] - εуλ 0007/9

    • FFVII/BC/CC/LO – Wasteland
    With Midgar in sight, the army caught up with them and he was shot to death while protecting Cloud.

    • AC – Midgar
    In order to help Cloud recover, he assured him from the lifestream together with Aerith.
  10. VincentWu

    VincentWu Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    FF World
    Sự thách thức , thử thách sự kiên nhẫn ,mong bác Leaf dịch hết:D
  11. hyun_chan

    hyun_chan Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    From nowhere...
    Kiên nhẫn ngồi đọc xong cái của chú Tseng chắc đi Tây thiên là vừa,

    =))=))=)) Hãi hùng không còn j` để nói :)):)):)).. Cười bay ra ngoài sao Hỏa :))=))
  12. kingofkings123

    kingofkings123 Ashen Awakener Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Between Heaven and Hell
    cuối cùng có bằng chứng về việc cloud là tình nhân của seph.=))=))=))=))
  13. lovely_ cat

    lovely_ cat Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Promised Land
    ý gì đey :-w, chú có hình cloud :-* Zack ko :'>
    Sao VincentWu dc anh LK hello mà tớ ko dc nhỉ ::( bùn 5' T_T

    Tớ dở hơi nên dịch cái này, Zack's profile trang đầu đã có rồi

    Aerith's profile in CC theo Ultimania


    Tuổi: 16 (lần đầu xuất hiện)
    22 (khúc cuối game)
    Chiều cao: 1m63 (lúc 22 tuổi)
    Nhóm máu: O
    Nơi sinh: Icicle Inn
    Diễn viên lồng tiếng (Jap): Maaya Sakamoto (có thể nghe chị ấy hát ending song trong Tsubasa của Clamp :x)

    Xinh đẹp như 1 đóa hoa trong trái tim Zack :x (Cloud ;;) )

    Cô gái tội nghiệp sống cùng với người mẹ nuôi (Emlyra) ở khu ổ chuột, mặc dù rất ngây thơ, thuần khiết, dường như có 1 sự bí ẩn trong tất cả mọi thứ liên quan đến cô. Người Cetra cuối cùng trên hành tinh nên cô là mục tiêu theo đuổi của bọn Shinra. Cha (Gast) bị giết khi cô chỉ mới 20 ngày tuổi và bị giam giữ trong tổng hành dinh của Shinra, cuối cùng mất luôn người mẹ (Iflara) ở tuổi lên 7. Cuộc đời đầy những biến cố, nhưng cô luôn sống lạc quan, vui vẻ, và ko cho đó là điều bất hạnh (makes her life not feel like misery, sry có thể ko sát nghĩa ><). Định mệnh đã cho cô gặp gỡ Zack, 2 người trở thành 1 phần ko thể thay thế của nhau. (warning: ko nhắc đến Zerith hay Clerith nữa nhé! Tớ sợ tớ ko kiềm chế dc :devil: )

    Tình yêu đầu tiên :-" (còn phải cuối cùng ko thì chưa chắc ;)) )

    Cái ngày định mệnh, Zack rơi từ trên mái nhà thờ xuống, sự tự tin (và tài tán gái ;devil;) của anh ngay lập tức thu hút cô và họ bắt đầu hẹn hò. Ngoài lề, Aerith ko bao h gửi mail cho Zack vì cô ko có di động.

    Aerith chân thành bày tỏ cảm xúc của cô với Zack, and that also makes his heart skip a beat. (sến quá tớ ko dịch :|)
    Người Cetra cuối cùng trên thế giới

    Jenova, dc cho là giống loài cổ đại (Ancients) thực ra là 1 loài sinh vật lạ, Aerith mới là Ancient duy nhất còn tồn tại ( thú quý hiếm =)) ). Bên cạnh đó, tiến sĩ Gast - người thường nên có chỉ có 1 nửa dòng máu Cetra chảy trong người cô. Mặc dù năng lực kém hơn người Cetra thuần, cô lại dc thừa hưởng khả năng kì lạ "nghe dc tiếng nói của hành tinh" và "nhìn thấu sự thật dù che giấu kĩ trong tâm hồn con người" (cái này dành cho những người nói Aerith nhầm Cloud với Zack :-")

    Vì muốn chiếm hữu, Shinra đã ko ngần ngại tước đoạt đi gia đình và sự tự do của cô. Tuy nhiên, cô ấy ko bao h nói điều này với Zack
    1 Midgar tràn đầy hoa?

    Sờ thích của Aerith là trồng hoa, nhưng hoa khó có thể mọc trong khu ổ chuột với bầu trời bị che khuất bởi những tấm bảng kim loại dày đặc. Aerith có ước muốn trồng thật nhiều, thật nhiều bông hoa quanh khu ổ chuột (dở hơi --') Zack đề nghị cô nên bán những bông hoa đó, ko chỉ khu này mà toàn thể Midgar sẽ ngập đầy hoa. Kế hoạch "Khi Midgar đầy hoa thì túi tiền của cô (mới gặp nên ko dịch là "em") cũng sẽ đầy!" (thằng ham tiền! :-w)

    Họ bàn về nơi mình sẽ đi bán hoa...
    Gặp lại hình ảnh Zack qua Cloud, Aerith thuê Cloud làm vệ sĩ. Dòng chữ bên cạnh: "Có phải việc trả công = 1 cuộc hẹn là lặp lại những gì Zack đã nói với cô?"

    Là người Ancient, Aerith đã cố gắng hết sức để bảo vệ Hành Tinh, dù phải hi sinh mạng sống - trong FF7, để lại ấn tượng sâu sắc về 1 tragic heroine (sry, ko thích dịch). Tuy nhiên, trong FF7 đoạn đối thoại giữa cô và Cloud mới là phần quan trọng, đáng chú ý nhất. Lí do cô ấy b́an hoa lần đầu gặp Cloud, và cô ấy thấy Zack trong Cloud - tất cả những điều người chơi FF7 chưa bít đã dc làm rõ trong CC.

    Phew, tạm xong, hôm sau tớ sẽ post tiếp profile về người bạn chí cốt và xui xẻo của Zack, người mà Zack đã hi sinh cả tính mạng để bảo vệ. Coming up next Cloud Strife :D Mong mọi người ủng hộ cho em vui ạ :D

    Thông báo: mai 8h lễ đăng quang HHHV, pà con cô pác coi thử em Thùy Lâm xấu hổ đến mức nào, thông cảm em ghét nó, Mai Phương Thúy còn đỡ hơn :-"
  14. hyun_chan

    hyun_chan Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    From nowhere...
    :-/ Thích LK đến thế cơ àh ??

    Mà bác tưởng mẹ của Aerith là Ifalna??
    *Hoa hậu Việt Nam bị loại rồi.. :-s Sướng chưa??
    Xem cái phần trình diễn áo tắm của cô ấy mà xem :((:((:((.. bịt mắt ko dám nhìn vì xấu hổ :((:((:((
  15. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    oài, trong FF7 thì Tifa thik Cloud, Cloud thik Aerith, Aerith thik Zack, Zack cưa cẩm Cissnei...

    Bây giờ là L_C thik LK, LK hông thèm chơi với L_C mà lại đi "hẹn hò" hello với V.W, V.W bị H_C chăn gà ..... nói chung là rối tinh rối mù lên :D ====> chuẩn bị ra cốt truyện FF mới được rồi đấy :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  16. VincentWu

    VincentWu Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    FF World
    À há, chú Tseng dám nói cháu thế hả
    Bác HyunD đâu rồi, mau luà vịt về chuồng
  17. hyun_chan

    hyun_chan Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    From nowhere...
    Bác đây bác đây :))
    Bác chỉ thấy chú Vịt nói là chuẩn thôi :D
    Lùa gà vịt về chuồng mệt bỏ xừ.. để chạy nhông nhông thế này cho vui mắt.
    Chú vịt nghĩ ra gì rồi, post lên cả nhà cùng đọc ;)) :'> :'>
  18. Hotarubi

    Hotarubi Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Spam nhiều quá! có gì nói về Zack ko?
  19. tseng

    tseng Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có cái này hay hay

  20. hyun_chan

    hyun_chan Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    From nowhere...
    Vậy cái này??

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