Version 6.53 - Change log và bàn luận

Thảo luận trong 'DotA' bắt đầu bởi Demon Hunter, 10/7/08.

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  1. sweeties

    sweeties Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chút thử -apshomsc con này chơi ;)).
    Vui phải biết :)).
    Teamate mà có con nào có disable lâu lâu để con này dùng skill 1 nhỉ :D.
  2. ahna_ahna

    ahna_ahna Fire in the hole!

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    Bane 5s đứng im đó =)) .
  3. sweeties

    sweeties Dragon Quest

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    Nhưg nó là ulti,cooldown to,tốt nhất là.... alchemist :)).
  4. lucifekit

    lucifekit The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Con Goblin hình như lấy í tưởng con rùa.



    Skorgan has lived peacefully under the sea for ages. But now that so many of the sea's creatures has gone mad because of the influence of the Scourge. Skorgan has decided that this has to stop. He left the great depths and headed to the home of the Night Elves. They greeted him into the fight againt the Scourge with open arms because even if he ain't in his true element, his power is still devastating.

    ("Eventual" Scourge background)
    Skorgan, a great menace of the seas. He has destroyed more ships than any other sea creature. During the Burning Legions invasion of Azeroth, when he sank one of their ships. A powerful necromancer managed to curse Skorgan before he died, binding him to the Lich King's will and making him into a powerful servant. Now Skorgan has been sent to destroy the ancients and all living things.


    Shell Shock


    Skorgan charges forward with high speed dazing every enemy in his path for 4 seconds. When Skorgan reaches the target he stuns and damages all enemies in 200 AoE. Destroys all trees in his path.

    Level 1 - Daze slows for 30%. Stuns for 1 second and deals 50 damage in final area.
    Level 2 - Daze slows for 35%. Stuns for 1.25 seconds and deals 85 damage in final area.
    Level 3 - Daze slows for 40%. Stuns for 1.5 seconds and deals 120 damage in final area.
    Level 4 - Daze slows for 45%. Stuns for 1.75 second and deals 155 damage in final area.

    Cooldown: 17/16/15/14 seconds.
    Mana cost: 100/120/140/160
    Type: TeleAoEnuke / Escape spell
    Cast Range: 800

    Note: The charge is like a waveform, it's a telenuke that only deals damage on final area. look at the pic above. It can go through the rocks made by Rock Clamp without breaking them.


    Rock Clamp


    Skorgan slams the ground with enough force to create a tsunami, but because there is no water he damages all enemies within 300 AoE and creates a wall of rocks around him at the edge of the AoE. Each rock lasts for a short duration or until destroyed.

    Level 1 - Deals 80 damage, rocks have 100 hit points and last for 2 seconds or until destroyed.
    Level 2 - Deals 120 damage, rocks have 200 hit points and last for 3 seconds or until destroyed.
    Level 3 - Deals 160 damage, rocks have 300 hit points and last for 4 seconds or until destroyed.
    Level 4 - Deals 200 damage, rocks have 400 hit points and last for 5 seconds or until destroyed.

    Cooldown 12 seconds.
    Mana cost: 95/110/125/140
    Type: Disable / AoE Nuke.
    Cast Range: N/A, AoE 300

    Note: The rocks only traps the units inside the AoE like furions trees. No disable or stun.

    Hardened Exterior (passive)


    Skorgan's scales are increadibly hard, so hard that attackers sometimes break their weapons while attacking him. Adds a chance that melee attackers will have their attack disabled for 3 seconds (1.5 seconds for heroes) and a chance to block ranged attacks.

    Level 1 - 4% chance to disarm melee attackers and 5% chance to block ranged attacks.
    Level 2 - 8% chance to disarm melee attackers and 10% chance to block ranged attacks.
    Level 3 - 12% chance to disarm melee attackers and 15% chance to block ranged attacks.
    Level 4 - 16% chance to disarm melee attackers and 20% chance to block ranged attacks.

    Cooldown: N/A.
    Mana cost: N/A
    Type: Passive / Survival / Anti-permabash.
    Cast Range: N/A

    Note: Disarmed = can't attack. Nothing else, the unit can still cast spells and move.

    Ultimate: Spinning Shell Bomb


    Skorgan creates a twister at his location launching him up in the air towards the targeted location. The twister deals damage to all units in 300 AoE and half damage to units within 600 AoE every 0.25 seconds and lowers the movement speed of all enemy units within 600 AoE. When Skorgan falls down from the sky he deals damage in a 250 AoE and throws some random enemies up in the air. Skorgan takes 10% of his maximum hit point as fall damage. The Twister lasts for 0.75 seconds and Skorgan is in the air for 1.5 seconds. Skorgan is immune to all spells while in the air.

    Level 1 - The twister deals 50 damage per tick and slows for 30%. Skorgan deals 250 damage when he lands.
    Cyclone lasts for 1 second.
    Level 2 - The twister deals 80 damage per tick and slows for 40%. Skorgan deals 375 damage when he lands.
    Cyclone lasts for 2 seconds.
    Level 3 - The twister deals 110 damage per tick and slows for 50%. Skorgan deals 500 damage when he lands.
    Cyclone lasts for 3 seconds.

    Casting time: 1 seconds.
    Duration: 1.5 seconds.
    Cooldown: 130/110/90 seconds.
    Mana cost: 150/250/350
    Type: Surprise attack / AoE nuke / Slow / Minidisable (after effect) / (possible) Escape spell.
    Cast Range: 1000.

    Note: Okay, the "thrown up in the air" effect is just a normal cyclone, nothing else. The twister follows Skorgan for halv the duration and does it's effects (dmg/slow). After half the duration Skorgan starts falling down and after full duration he lands at the targeted location dealing and taking damage. After that up to 5 units (very rare) gets cycloned for a short duration. How this looks like is explained in the picture below but the Testmap is you best friend!

  5. Jukanius

    Jukanius Đào Viên Tiểu Họa Gia Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    Con này gặp Barath mất điện ngay , nhốt nó cũng bằng ko , 1 PT , 2 Bracer với 1 cái MoM bật lên là làm thịt lại ngay . Còn nếu đồng đội bị nhốt , nó đứng ngoài cho phát ulti Stun , Knockback cho đi mấy cái hộp .

    Con này được cái Clear Creep tốt , cho đi def lane tốt ;)) . Cứ 1 cái Rad , 1 Curass , 1 BoT , 1 Fury là ra trò ngay , cần gì máu to ;)) . ( Máu nó cũng to to sẵn rồi =.= ) .
  6. gilgamesh

    gilgamesh Fire in the hole!

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    Đồ thế thì con *** nào chẳng ra trò, nói như lìn.
  7. Jukanius

    Jukanius Đào Viên Tiểu Họa Gia Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    Àh vâng , tôi nói sao là quyền tôi , kể cả ko có mấy món trên nhé , thôi thì 1 Boot , 1 Glove , 2 Bracer ở ngay Early game đi , cũng thừa sức bạt con Gob .

    Cứ cái kiểu ăn nói như thế thì cũng có ngày dính GOV :-" .
  8. Howling

    Howling Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bạn lấy tên là 1 boss trong Final fantasy thì mời bạn quay về box FF mà chửi rủa...
    P/s ơ.... trong dota có con rùa kia àh =.=... sao mình ko biết nhỉ ...
  9. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vừa thấy ol đã vào đây bốc phét rồi :|

    Con rùa kia chắc là trong suggestion forum, chứ làm gì có trong game.
  10. thanhtungtnt

    thanhtungtnt The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Balamb City
    Có thêm cái thằng mới ấy nhỉ (anh em của bom), mà chơi khó quá.
  11. Police Online

    Police Online Cảnh Sát Nông Thôn

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    Một nơi rất
    Đệ tử của Tinker bên DDay :)) khó nhưng vui skill 1 ;)) với skil Ulti chạy vui ;))
  12. ßlack_Rose

    ßlack_Rose Beautiful Lie

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Anh em nhà tinker thả tên lửa rợp trời ;)) .
  13. ahna_ahna

    ahna_ahna Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thằng anh tinker sài AI Missle auto target
    thàng em clock sài tên lửa đạn đạo tầm xa >> 10K km
  14. King Of Empire

    King Of Empire Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lại thêm một style team nữa,team goblin:))
  15. SD.handsome

    SD.handsome C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Frozen Throne
    Con rùa cái hình thứ 2 cứ như là ........ :))
  16. makaaynoob

    makaaynoob Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đặc Khu C28
    goldbin và rùa ???? có liên quan ???????? =))
  17. sweeties

    sweeties Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    SKill 3 của tinker trong dota gọi ra 1 lũ goblin,giờ cho con này cầm đầu :devil:
  18. LONGFBI123

    LONGFBI123 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lycan mất stun, đúng, ai cũng chỉ thấy cái mất stun mà o thấy mấy cái khác, đánh nhanh, mạnh hơn, làm mấy thằng yếu sinh lí chỉ dám đứng hít o khí, lú đầu ra sói con nó cạp cho 1 cái bệnh dại te te về nhà mà regen, lúc này ở ngoài làm mưa làm gió. Còn Ultimate có crit, cứ thử tưởng tượng damage Lycanthrope late từ 200 trở lên, nó cắn 1 cái crit thì còn gì hàng họ nữa.
  19. Dante, the strongest Demon Slayer ✟ Grim Reaper ✟ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Skill 1 của rùa là ulti của goblin,skill 2 của rùa là skill 2 của goblin :devil:...
  20. makaaynoob

    makaaynoob Legend of Zelda

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    Đặc Khu C28
    thì ra là như vậy =)) hài =))...............................
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