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kiếm 1 cái crack khác trên www.gamecopyworld.com, đc thì ko có vấn đề hoặc ... cài lại game, nhớ del cả những gì trong Documents liên quan đến TS2 nữa nhé
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Cho hỏi có ai giải thích về các cái phép trong bản này được hông. Chỉ hiểu có 2 cái phép,1 là làm cho nó nôn mửa,2 là làm cho nó làm hành động như con gà.
Mã: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - White Magic [AL.03.01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- White Magic exists to banish the troubles and hazards, not to mention the hardships that fill the life of the average Sim. Pests, minor chores, illness, relationships, fires, and even Death himself will no longer pose a problem to any household with a White Magus (admittedly; it's also bloody boring). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Benemoodus Simae ('well mood for a Sim') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (1) Mystic Dust The target of this spell will have all of their needs (except environment) filled by roughly 10-15%. It's a handy little spell that can give a Sim just enough of a boost to get them through a tedious task (or just before they head to work). The boost isn't brilliant, but the low reagent cost of the spell more than makes up for this (as you can cast it multiple times in quick succession). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Creatum Insecto Volucris ('create insects and winged-creatures') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Tile/Terrain (outside) SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: EVIL -89% INGREDIENTS: (1) Essence of Light, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams A very simple spell that summons butterflies and various insects to a lot, which in turn, makes that lot a more attractive environment to be in. You can cast this spell in winter (if you have Seasons), but you won't be able to summon anything (pretty obvious, really). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Exflammo ('without fire') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Fire SKILL POINTS: 2 ALIGNMENT: Evil -49% INGREDIENTS: (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams This spell will instantly extinguish fire inside one room by summoning a column of water to drench each individual fire sprite. If you have a large fire to deal with, a Sim to save, or a seriously expensive television going up in smoke, this is the best and safest way to do so. It's doesn't take a lot of reagents to make, so you should always make sure that you have enough to cast the spell in case of emergency/gross stupidity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remedis Simae ('remedy for a Sim') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 3 ALIGNMENT: Neutral -19% INGREDIENTS: (1) Essence of Light, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Crystallised Moonbeams Like the title says, casting this spell on a sick Sim will automatically remedy their status ailments (such as cold and flu, but not morning sickness). Considering that it's either this, or resting for days-on-end to avoid a Sim dropping dead, it's not that much of a choice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Beautificus Locus ('beautify locality') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Good 20% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (1) Essence of Light, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Crystallised Moonbeams Yup, this is the spell that a High White Witch will usually cast upon entering a community lot (also the spell that a new White Magus will cast upon transformation). Casting this spell will remove negative objects from a lot -- such as rain and roaches -- and bring about shiny, shiny sunshine. If I were you, I honestly wouldn't waste my time and reagents on this spell – it may do rain and roaches, but it sure as hell doesn't do plates of congealed pudding and bags of garbage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Compello Acceptus ('compel to accept') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 5 ALIGNMENT: Good 20% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Crystallised Moonbeams The target Sim will be, 'compelled' to allow the next five social interactions to succeed (regardless of how they actually feel about another Sim). Great for giving that stale relationship an extra boost, starting a new relationship, or repairing the holes that you punched in an existing relationship during that drunken party the night before. If this were a real spell, I'd cast it on Kylie Minogue. Yes, yes I would. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Apello Servantus ('call servant') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 6 ALIGNMENT: Good 50% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Essence of Light, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Crystallised Moonbeams This spell will summon an invisible apparition that's dressed in the very heighth of White Magus fashion. While there are jobs to be done, it'll tart around here-and-there, cleaning any and all messes (including the removal of roaches), gardening, and any handyman duties that require doing. This spell can do away with the need to pay for any of the above services, and save you a small fortune (providing you have to time to keep making the reagents and casting the spell). The fact that your little servant is on-call day and night, means that you can take care of some of the more mundane things during the out-of-hours times for conventional services. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Benemoodus Populus ('well mood for the population') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 7 ALIGNMENT: Good 50% INGREDIENTS: (2) Essence of Light, (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams This spell works just like Benemoodus Simae, with the notable exception that it'll restore 10-15% of all needs (except environment) for all Sims on the lot. Not quite as useful as Benemoodus Simae, simply because of the higher reagent cost required, which rules out casting it multiple times in quick succession. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mactoamicus ('magnify friendship') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 8 ALIGNMENT: Good 90% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Essence of Light, (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams Once you click on the name of the spell from the interaction menu, you are given a list of Sims present on the lot. If you want your target Sim to hug your Sim, click on the name of your Sim from the list, and if you want that Sim to hug another Sim... well, you get the idea with that. The hug is guaranteed to succeed, regardless of how much one Sim wants to kick another Sim in the teeth. There is noting special about this spell in the slightest – the only real benefit that can come from this spell, is that it can help make/repair relationships between Sims that hate each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Expello Mortis ('remove death') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Dead Sim/Grim Reaper SKILL POINTS: 9 ALIGNMENT: Good 90% INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (2) Essence of Light, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams If you're above having one Sim plead for the life of another (or your relationship scores are so low, they make rock bottom look like an ideal holiday destination), then there is another way around it. Simply target the Grim Reaper (most of the time, all you can do is target the Reaper, as the most common of Sim deaths tend not to leave a body to target). Providing that you can finish the spell before the Reaper finishes his paperwork and calls it in (he hates unnecessary paperwork), you can get the departed back alive and well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Neutral Magic [AL.03.02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should think of Neutral Magic as a utility belt... a utility belt for a very, very lazy Sim. Neutral Magic is very chore-centric, from cleaning leaves and puddles, to avoiding exercise or having to make dinner. Have friends round any time you want, and send them home again with equal whimsy. Save time, make time, and avoid doing pretty much anything ever again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aqua Deletus ('delete water') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Puddle SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Crystallised Moonbeams Declare war on nuisance puddles (be they from rain, leaky plumbing, or leaky pets) by evaporating every last one of the little buggers from a lot (an especially useful spell in Seasons, or if you're into drowning people in your swimming pool, and have wet ghosts everywhere). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cleanius Corpus ('clean body') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (2) Mystic Dust Casting this spell will fill the hygiene need of your Sim by 50%. Yes, for a very low reagent cost, they need never bathe again (if you tried that in real life, you'd stink like a kipper). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Folium Deletus ('delete foliage') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Leaves SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust One quick cast of this spell will instantly incinerate every leaf on a lot. Of course, if you don't have the Seasons expansion pack installed, you won't have any leaves, which means that you won't be able to cast this spell (which will make you sad). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Corpus Athelticus ('athletic body') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 1 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Mystic Dust The fitness bar of the target Sim will increase by 95% (meaning you can stuff your face and avoid any and all exercise like the plague). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Corpus Fleshicus ('fleshy body') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 1 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (1) Mystic Dust Yup, this is the exact opposite of the previous spell (even the ingredients). The target Sim will lose 95% of their fitness in a flash. There isn't actually a practical use for this spell, but it's always fun to make the neighbours into unfit pig-people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Magivestigium ('magic footprint') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Tile/Terrain SKILL POINTS: 3 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: Free A teleport by any other name, and all that. Simply click on the spot where you wish your Sim to travel to, and they'll zap there in an instant (with no warm-up or cool-down time). It's free, it's awesome, and it's probably the best spell in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Creatum Nutrimens ('create nutrients') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 4 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (1) Mystic Dust This will summon a platter of some gourmet-food-or-other into the hands of your waiting Sim. It's a group meal, so don't worry about not having enough to feed everybody – actually, even if you didn't have enough, the reagent cost for this spell is so stupidly low, you could just summon another platter. The food might be magic, but the plates are still real, so don't think that you can get out of doing the dishes when you're done eating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Expello Simae ('remove a Sim') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 4 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (1) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust Choose a Sim, and then zap them in the face. This spell will instantly remove the target Sim from the lot (regardless of what they're doing). An especially good way to get rid of those unwanted guests that seemingly never want to go home. If you cast this spell on a Sim that lives on the lot in question, they'll be removed from the lot for roughly two hours, after which time, they'll return as if nothing has happened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Apello Cattus Amicus ('summon a feline friend') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 5 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (3) Mystic Dust You'll need the Pets expansion in order to cast this spell. As the name implies, your Magus will summon a Spectral Cat to the lot (his/her colour will depend on the alignment of the Magus who summoned him/her). Spectral Cats are brilliant for so many reasons – they don't need the toilet, they're immortal, and they'll stay as long as you want, or until you leave the lot (they'll vanish even when you take them for a walk). Spectral Cats are also genderless (i.e. cannot reproduce), can be dismissed at any particular time, and arrive with full needs each time they are summoned. It's also always the same Spectral Cat that appears each time you cast the spell (you get to choose a name the first time they are summoned). The only way for your Magus to lose their feline friend, is to move home while the cat isn't present on the lot (as you need to choose him/her as a moving companion in order to keep them). If you were to move while the cat wasn't present, it'd be a brand-new cat that appeared the next time you cast the spell. Along similar lines, you can have your cat come with you to community lots by selecting him/her from the companion menu when going to a lot (or you could just wait, and summon them again when you get there). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Purgomagus ('purge magic') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 6 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (2) Mystic Dust This removes any spells that are currently affecting a Sim (such as Compello Acceptus/Discrepo). This spell cannot return any memories or relationships that were lost due to Tabula Rasa (as the option simply does not appear as it does for the above two examples). If you were to, say, cast Tabula Rasa on a Sim, and then follow it with Compello Discrepo (so the Purgomagus command would appear), all that would happen when you cast the spell, is that Compello Discrepo would be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Apello Simae ('summon a Sim') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 7 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (2) Mystic Dust, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams Ever had a Sim tell a blatant lie to avoid coming over when asked? With this spell, as long as you know the Sim (i.e. they're in your contact book), you can just reach out and grab them at any time of day or night (this includes High Witches, meaning that you can shop for reagents and extra items from home). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Magus Mutatio ('magical mutation') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Other Sim (non-Magus) SKILL POINTS: 9 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Crystallised Moonbeams This is how all Magus are made. Cast this spell on a Sim and they will transform into a Magus of the same alignment as the caster (and gain a Cauldron and Grimoire). There isn't a great deal that you need to know about the spell (that you don't already know), just zap everyone you see, and make the world a shinier place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tempus Interruptus ('time stop') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 9 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (1) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Crystallised Moonbeams This is the ultimate time-saving spell for a Magus on-the-go. This spell will stop time on the lot (yes, even the clock), and freeze every Sim (pets, too) in place (preventing any interactions) – with the obvious exception of other Magus and Spectral Cats. While time is stopped, you are free to go about your business as usual (although, some object interactions will be unavailable). Time can be resumed by casting the, 'Tempus Resumo' spell (it appears in the same slot as Tempus Interruptus), the caster dying, or the caster leaving the lot. Time will also resume after a set period has elapsed. Certain spells cannot be cast while time is stopped (such as Inflammo), and certain things will prevent time from being stopped in the first place (such as fire). Certain events also prevent the spell from even appearing as an option (like the Grim Reaper being present on the lot). Ghosts and Sims that are brought to the lot after time has been stopped, are also not affected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Black Magic [AL.03.03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Magic is all about making the life of other Sims pure misery, killing them off, and then bringing them back from the grave in order to do it to them all over again. It may sound fun for you, but I wouldn't like to be that Sim. In short, causing death, defying death, and making other Sims look stupid is the very essence of Black Magic (fun, fun, fun). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Spiritus Poultria ('spirit of a chicken') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Any INGREDIENTS: (1) Eye of Newt, (2) Mystic Dust For a brief time, the target will be possessed by the spirit of a deceased chicken (how that chicken came to be deceased, I don't know, but I'm guessing Colonel Saunders), much to the amusement of all. It's a fun little thing to do to Sims that you have a fond dislike of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mellifera Attackum ('honey-bearing attackers') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Good 89% INGREDIENTS: (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Viper Essence Summon a swarm of angry bees to chase and sting the target Sim frantically. They're harmful, but never fatal (but always fun). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Inflammo ('create fire') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Tile/Terrain SKILL POINTS: 2 ALIGNMENT: Good 49% INGREDIENTS: (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust This spell is the leading cause of magic-related fatalities. Your Magus will let loose a blast that starts a fire on one tile, where it goes from there depends entirely on how stupid you were with your choice of location. This is the only spell in the game that can actually cause death to a Sim, or the destruction of objects (duh), so try and watch what you're doing, eh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Heavus Ho ('worthy of vomit') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 3 ALIGNMENT: Good 19% INGREDIENTS: (1) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Viper Essence Providing that your lot has an adequate human waste depositary unit (a toilet, Holmes), the target will promptly shove their head down it and puke their guts up (better down there than on your shoes). If you don't have a toilet, then you can't make a Sim vomit (fuzzy logic is fuzzy). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Corruptus Locus ('corrupt locality') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster SKILL POINTS: 0 ALIGNMENT: Evil -20% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (1) Viper Essence As you've already guessed, this is the spell that a High Black Witch casts upon entering a community lot (or a new Black Magus will cast upon transformation). This'll cause a thunderstorm and summon a plague of roaches to the lot (which is certainly no fun if it's your lot). The storm doesn't act like a regular storm (as that would rely on you having Seasons), it's just for effect, so the lightning can't actually strike you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Compello Discrepo ('compel to disagree') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 5 ALIGNMENT: Evil -20% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust The target Sim will be, 'compelled' to reject the next five social interactions (regardless of how they actually feel about another Sim). Great for starting fights and, er... starting fights. If this were a real spell, it would explain why my bank manager hates me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Servantus Attackum ('servant attack') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Other Sim (including an Apello Servant) SKILL POINTS: 6 ALIGNMENT: Evil -50% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (1) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Viper Essence Your Magus will call forth an invisible apparition (just like with Apello Servantus) that is dressed in Black Magus finery. The key difference being, this apparition will beat seven bells out of the target Sim (which works like a conventional fight). Just because it's a magical being, it doesn't mean for a second that it's going to win - the body skill is still what determines who wins a fight (so a Magus with a high body skill will stand better chance of their servant winning a fight). The target Sim will also know exactly who is to blame (your Magus will also receive the, 'Won/Lost Fight' memory depending on the outcome). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tabula Rasa ('blank slate') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 7 ALIGNMENT: Evil -50% INGREDIENTS: (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Viper Essence This spell will erase the memories and remove all relationship scores from the target Sim. Listen very carefully, for I shall say this only once, this spell cannot be reversed (Purgomagus only removes the on-going affects of a spell from a Sim, Tabula Rasa is a one-time shot and cannot be reversed). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Extractum Amorus ('extract love') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 8 ALIGNMENT: Evil -90% INGREDIENTS: (1) Dragon Scales, (2) Eye of Newt, (1) Mystic Dust, (2) Viper Essence Cast this spell on a Sim that is in some form of relationship (i.e. crush, married, love), and they will end that relationship post-haste (with the targeted Sim initiating the action) - both Sims will suffer an insane drop in relationship points, and (of course) be furious with each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vivificus Zombiae ('give life to a zombie') [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET: Caster/Other Sim SKILL POINTS: 9 ALIGNMENT: Evil -90% INGREDIENTS: (2) Dragon Scales, (2) Eye of Newt, (2) Viper Essence Klatu verata niktu... wait, wrong incantation... wait, wrong damn book. If a Magus knows a Sim who has died (regardless of what lot they died on), you can bring them back to life (on your lot). If their grave is on your lot (then that means you killed them, you evil bastard), you can click on it and cast the spell that way, if not, you can do it through a self-interaction. Zombies are green, limping, cranky little buggers who constantly think about brains (fortunately, they don't act on those thoughts). Believe it or not, you don't actually need the University expansion pack in order to make Zombies. .
Tạo một cái lot , vào xây 1 cái apartment sau đóa mở Ctrl +Shift+ C rùi đánh changelotzoning apartmentbase ra,save lại ^^
Nếu như con sims của mình là 1 phù thủy da xanh Vậy khi nó lấy vợ,thì con của nó sẽ có màu da xanh giống nó à? Câu hỏi thứ 2 là con sím của mình có thể có con với thằng bf của nó được ko (mà ko có cưới thằng đó nha). Thanks
Khi nó lấy dzợ đẻ con thì con nó là ng` bình thường ^^ Ko cưới vẫn có con đc,chỉ cần đủ 70 điểm friendship (cột dưới) là lên giường try for baby đc^^
Mình tìm trên Copyworld rồi,mà vẫn hem thấy crack của Sim 2 Apartment,nó hem thấy chữ download,bạn tìm giúp mình đi Pro ơi!!!Bộ Apartment là phải tải The Sim 2 nữa hả?nãn dữ vậy....GIÚP MÌNH NHA