Cần xin code Dynasty Warrior 6 PS2

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi heheeee, 22/2/09.

  1. heheeee

    heheeee Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    như tiêu đề đã viết, mong các bạn giúp đỡ
    codebreaker hay gameshark gì cũng được
    xin cám ơn trước
  2. giâctzuhau

    giâctzuhau Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Enable Code
    901227d0 0c04899c
    I already set all values, change them if you need to.
    Max Health Modifier
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 000003f8

    Current Health Modifier (Infinite Health)
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 000003fc

    Low Health (Infinite Low Health so you can always do a true musou attack)
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003fc
    Don't use with the above infinite health code, only have one on at a time.
    It's also possible that you can be killed with this code alone, so fix that by
    turning on the max defense code below.

    Max Musou Modifier
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 00000404

    Current Musou Modifier (Infinite Musou)
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 00000408

    Current Renbu Gauge Modifier (Renbu Gauge Always Full)
    604db3cc 447a0000
    00020001 00000410

    Max Renbu Level (Can Reach Infinite)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000414

    Current Renbu Level (Always Infinite)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000415
    You need the above code above this one to make it infinite.

    Always 9999 Renbu Combo Chain
    604db3cc 0000270f
    00010001 00000416

    Renbu Combo Chain Time Never Ends
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 0000041c

    Combos Are Truly Endless
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 00000424
    Your Renbu Gauge needs to be infinite. You'll notice that while pressing
    SQUARE enough you will get to a certain attack in your combo that will
    never end.

    1-Hit Kills
    604db3cc 7fffffff
    00020001 00000430
    Everyone you hit with anything will die in one hit, even Lu Bu on Chaos
    difficulty has no chance.

    Max Defense
    604db3cc 7fffffff
    00020001 00000434
    Most enemy attacks won't even interrupt you while you are doing anything.
    It's also infinite health since no attack is strong enough to ever make your
    health decrease.

    Walk Very Fast
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 00000438

    Walk Even Faster While Blocking
    604db3cc 42c00000
    00020001 0000043c
    It's exactly twice as fast as the code above this one.

    Jump Very High
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 00000440
    It's useful to jump over gates, castle walls, and reach higher ground rather
    than taking all day to run around to get to the top.

    Max Tomes Modifier (Can Carry 3 Tomes)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000444

    Current Tomes Modifier (Always Have 3 Tomes)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000445

    Weapon Element Type Modifier
    604db3cc 0000000?
    00000001 00000448
    This will set the element type of a weapon no matter what it already is.
    These are the digits:
    0 = Fire
    1 = Ice
    2 = Lightning
    3 = No Element

    Player Special Type Modifier
    604db3cc 0000000?
    00000001 00000450
    It doesn't matter what the special is for the player you choose, this will set
    it to what you choose. These are the digits:
    0 = True Speed
    1 = Swift Attack
    2 = Volley
    3 = Fire
    4 = Rockfall

    Enemy Soldiers Randomly Drop EXP
    e004fdef 003dd79c (R2 + Up = On)
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003d8
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003dc
    e004fddf 003dd79c (R2 + Right = Off)
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 000003d8
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 000003dc
    The game thinks you have a tome activated, but it won't make your special
    last forever if you turn it on after you activate a tome. Just turn it on or
    off whenever you need to.

    Air Waves Occur A Lot More
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 00000550
    You need a weapon with the ability "Air Wave" for this to work. Normally
    an air wave shoots out every few swings of a weapon. With this, 3-5 air
    waves shoot out every swing of your weapon.

    These below codes are for the pickups. They are redundant, since the
    above codes can do the same things even better. But they are still here
    if you want them. The first 2 lines set how long the pickup lasts when
    you pick it up, the last 2 lines set the current remaining time of the pickup.
    Combined, they make them last forever.

    Always Have Infinite 2X Attack Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003b0
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003b4

    Always Have Infinite 2X Defense Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003b8
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003bc

    Always Have Infinite 2X Speed Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003c0
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003c4

    Always Have Infinite Unlimited Musou Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003c8
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003cc

    Always Have Infinite Unlimited Renbu Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003d0
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000003d4
    Max Health Modifier
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 000009e8

    Current Health Modifier (Infinite Health)
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 000009ec

    Low Health (Infinite Low Health so you can always do a true musou attack)
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009ec

    Max Musou Modifier
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 000009f4

    Current Musou Modifier (Infinite Musou)
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009f8

    Current Renbu Gauge Modifier (Renbu Gauge Always Full)
    604db3cc 447a0000
    00020001 00000a00

    Max Renbu Level (Can Reach Infinite)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000a04

    Current Renbu Level (Always Infinite)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000a05

    Always 9999 Renbu Combo Chain
    604db3cc 0000270f
    00010001 00000a06

    Renbu Combo Chain Time Never Ends
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 00000a0c

    Combos Are Truly Endless
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 00000a14

    Max Defense
    604db3cc 7fffffff
    00020001 00000a20

    1-Hit Kills
    604db3cc 7fffffff
    00020001 00000a24

    Walk Very Fast
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 00000a28

    Walk Even Faster While Blocking
    604db3cc 42c00000
    00020001 00000a2c

    Jump Very High
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 00000a30

    Max Tomes Modifier (Can Carry 3 Tomes)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000a34

    Current Tomes Modifier (Always Have 3 Tomes)
    604db3cc 00000003
    00000001 00000a35

    Weapon Element Type Modifier
    604db3cc 0000000?
    00000001 00000a38

    Player Special Type Modifier
    604db3cc 0000000?
    00000001 00000a40

    I don't know what the Player 2 Joker Address is, so I can't put the same code
    to make enemy soldiers randomly drop EXP. It's not exactly "100" higher
    than Player 1's joker like many other games.

    Air Waves Occur A Lot More
    604db3cc 00000000
    00020001 00000b40

    Always Have Infinite 2X Attack Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 00000aa0
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 00000aa4

    Always Have Infinite 2X Defense Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009a8
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009ac

    Always Have Infinite 2X Speed Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009b0
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009b4

    Always Have Infinite Unlimited Musou Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009b8
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009bc

    Always Have Infinite Unlimited Renbu Pickup
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009c0
    604db3cc 42400000
    00020001 000009c4
    Enable Code Required For Below Codes
    20122CA4 08028000
    200a0000 3c01004e
    200a0004 8c21b3cc
    200a0008 10200065
    200a01a0 03e00008

    Max Health Modifier
    200a0010 3c0244c0
    200a0018 ac2203f8

    Current Health Modifier (Infinite Health)
    200a001c 3c0244c0
    200a0024 ac2203fc

    Current Health Low Enough To Always Do True Musou Attacks
    200a0058 3c024240
    200a0060 ac2203fc

    Max Musou Modifier
    200a0028 3c0244c0
    200a0030 ac220400

    Current Musou Modifier (Infinite Musou)
    200a0034 3c0244c0
    200a003c ac220404

    Max Attack Power
    200a0040 3c027fff
    200a0044 2442ffff
    200a0048 ac220430

    Max Defense
    200a004c 3c027fff
    200a0050 2442ffff
    200a0054 ac220434

    Renbu Gauge Always Full
    200a0148 3c02447a
    200a0150 ac220410

    Renbu Level Can Reach Infinite
    200a011c 24020003
    200a0120 a0220414

    Renbu Level Is Always Infinite
    200a0128 24020003
    200a012c a0220415

    9999 Renbu Combo Chain
    200a0110 2402270f
    200a0114 a4220416

    Renbu Combo Chain Time Never Ends
    200a0154 3c020000
    200a015c ac22041c

    Combos Are Truly Endless
    200a0160 3c020000
    200a0168 ac220424

    Walk Very Fast
    200a0064 3c024240
    200a006c ac220438

    Walk Even Faster While Blocking
    200a0178 3c0242c0
    200a0180 ac22043c

    Jump Very High
    200a0070 3c024240
    200a0078 ac220440

    Can Carry 3 Tomes
    200a0134 24020003
    200a0138 a0220444

    Always Have 3 Tomes
    200a0140 24020003
    200a0144 a0220445

    Weapon Element Type Modifier
    200a0184 2402000?
    200a018c a0220448

    0 = Fire
    1 = Ice
    2 = Lightning
    3 = None

    Player Special Type Modifier
    200a0190 2402000?
    200a0198 a0220450

    0 = True Speed
    1 = Swift Attack
    2 = Volley
    3 = Fire
    4 = Rockfall

    Enemy Soldiers Randomly Drop EXP
    200a00f4 3c024240
    e002fdef 003dd79c (R2 + Up = On)
    200a00fc ac2203d8
    200a0108 ac2203dc
    e002fddf 003dd79c (R2 + Right = Off)
    200a00fc 00000000
    200a0108 00000000

    Air Waves Occur A Lot More Often
    200a016c 3c020000
    200a0170 24020000
    200a0174 ac220550

    And the pickups again.

    Always Have 2X Defense Pickup
    200a007c 3c024240
    200a0084 ac2203b0
    200a0090 ac2203b4

    Always Have 2X Attack Pickup
    200a0094 3c024240
    200a009c ac2203b8
    200a00a8 ac2203bc

    Always Have 2X Speed Pickup
    200a00ac 3c024240
    200a00b4 ac2203c0
    200a00c0 ac2203c4

    Always Have Unlimited Musou Pickup
    200a00c4 3c024240
    200a00cc ac2203c8
    200a00d8 ac2203cc

    Always Have Unlimited Renbu Pickup
    200a00dc 3c024240
    200a00e4 ac2203d0
    200a00f0 ac2203d4
    All Projectiles Have No Range Limit
    do3dd79c 0000fbef (L1 + Up = On)
    201c17e4 00000000
    do3dd79c 0000fbdf (L1 + Right = Off)
    201c17e4 10400002
    Multiple Shockwaves/Arrows/Whatever
    do3dd79c 0000fbbf (L1 + Down = On)
    201e82cc 00000000
    do3dd79c 0000fb7f (L1 + Left = Off)
    201e82cc 10400002
    Everyone's An Ally/Enemy
    2029ed08 03e00008
    do3dd79c 0000f7ef (R1 + Up = Allies)
    2029ed00 24050000
    do3dd79c 0000f7df (R1 + Right = Enemies)
    2029ed00 24050001
    All Enemies Drop ?? Item
    2029ecb0 240500??
    2029ecb8 03e00008

    00 = Meat Bun +50 Health
    01 = Meat Bun X 2 +100 Health
    02 = Meat +200 Health
    03 = Whole Chicken +400 Health
    04 = Wine Full Musou
    05 = Elixir Full Health, Musou, and Renbu
    06 = Tome
    07 = Imperial Seal Full Musou 10 Seconds
    08 = Beads Renbu Rank Infinite 30 Seconds
    09 = Battleaxe 2X Attack 30 Seconds
    0a = Suit of Armor 2X Defense 30 Seconds
    0b = Wei Tuo Sky Boots 2X Speed 30 Seconds
    0c = Treasure Box Weapon
    0d = Saddle Horse
    0e = Small EXP Pouch +50 EXP
    0f = Medium EXP Pouch +100 EXP
    10 = Large EXP Pouch +200 EXP
    11 = Key (Unknown Use)
    12 = Smallest EXP Pouch +10 EXP
    Current Musou Modifier (Infinite Musou)
    604db3cc 44c00000
    00020001 00000408
    nhớ rep nhé
  3. longvhs

    longvhs Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thành phố Hồ Chí Mi
    Bạn có thể làm hoàn chỉnh thành một flie cheasts để mình dowload về và update bằng USB vao cai đĩa CodeBreaker được không cám ơn bạn nhiều vì minh hơi dốt nên bạn thông cảm đã làm ơn làm ơn cho trót đi
  4. Sirius Sam

    Sirius Sam Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    như vậy đã là hoàn chỉnh rồi còn gì? :-o, bạn xem rồi copy vô, vậy thôi mà... dĩ nhiên là bỏ qua các phần chú thích thôi là được.
  5. longvhs

    longvhs Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Thành phố Hồ Chí Mi
    Mìh làm thử rùi không được mới nhờ các bác giúp làm sẵn thành 1 Flie chỉ việc coppy vào rùi vo Day1 update no vào là xong thôi, vì em dốt nên các bác giúp dùm
  6. xander99

    xander99 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sẵn tiện bác nào cho mình xin codebreak của orochi 2 luôn đi,tìm hoài mà ko thấy,hoặc cho địa chỉ mình tự vào tìm cũng đc
  7. yphanh2002

    yphanh2002 I ♥︎ You Hannah Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cedits goes to Heatherlover's post on the Japanese Version for the M Code.

    Master Code
    F0100208 0000000E

    Stock experience value 99999
    20531500 0001869F

    All the weapon; enabled
    20531530 FFFFFFFF
    20531534 FFFFFFFF
    20531538 FFFFFFFF
    0053153C 0000007F

    Training 99
    40531524 00030001
    63636363 00000000
    10531522 00006363
    00531521 00000063

    All person
    4052C328 005C0036
    0000FFXX 00000000
    105310C8 00004000
    105311A0 00004000
    In specification of 4 cords/codes to be superscribed to acquisition circumstance of specialty, the ?? ?
    To 0F, the other specialty cord/code and combined use ease?
    XX= Flag
    00= specialty not yet acquisition
    0F=4 acquisition being completed

    The thing 與 free typical use other things 2 truth It is distant the Lu Satoshi 沒 當 machine.
    VS MODE truth It is distant Satoshi Lu Hundred 々 eye ogres & cow ogre capital appearance 沒 當 machine.
    Survival MODE truth It is distant Satoshi Lu Hundred 々 eye ogres & cow ogre capital appearance 沒 當 machine.

    All stage & all the degree of hardness being opened
    405311C0 00440003
    00000F02 00000000

    Being defeated
    All the stage clearing timely sets
    405311B8 00440003
    00034BC0 00000000

    All the stage defeat several resets
    405311BC 00440003
    00000000 00000000

    All the degrees of ??? skills 50
    4052C260 005C0036
    C34Fxxxx 00000000
    This there is a side effect and with is fast is superscribed
    If it becomes matter of concern, (ry
    Xxxx= It is fast

    Item effective time

    102700B8 0000xxxx
    102701A0 0000xxxx
    102703A4 0000xxxx
    Ball ?
    10270288 0000xxxx
    Xxxx= The number of seconds

    Item drop
    2023a600 00000000
    2021a608 10000003
    It reaches the point where the item where the soldier is various is dropped.

    Regular 4 weapon procurement
    201ecbbc 24160000

    Specialty 99
    201f0fb0 01CD6825
    201f0fb4 A1ED0000
    20531510 32323232
    20531514 32322121
    20531518 32323232
    2053151C 21212121
    2026D0B4 10000003
    00531520 00000021
    0053150F 00000032

    Careless soldier item drop
    2023a600 00000000
    2023a618 10000003

    Attack range modification of weapon
    20191b14 9083017E
    20191b18 28620002
    20191b24 3C03YYYY
    The value of yyyy:
    3FC0 x1.5 time
    4000 x2 times
    4040 x3 times
    4080 x4 times
    40A0 x5 time
    4120 x10 times
    41A0 x20 time
    4248 x50 times
    42C8 x100 time
  8. xander99

    xander99 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cảm ơn nhiu.
    nhưng mà cho mình cần code của bản eng,ko biết code bản tiếng nhật có xài đc ko nữa:(
    bro ở trên hảo tâm thì giúp nốt lun nha.hihi:D

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