ai là DarthVader nếu ko thì kick You have just accepted a new member DarthVader. Just so you know he has allready been kicked out of 2 towns for dueling builders. Our alliances , Pierson Ranch, Pioneer Fortress, The Anzazi group, Wriglyville, and Rio Bravo. Are all after him for KO,ing their low level builders. Noone will attack any other member of your town, but please understand retrobution must be had. Our alliances have strict policies of not dueling builders, so we cannot let him get away with ko,ing defensless builders. I hope you understand, Jim
Có ai bít công thức tương đối tính damage khi duel ko? chỉ cho mình với, chẳng bít + points sao cho hợp lí
Mới biết được tin này: mấy town khác, worker muốn build phải cầu nguyện trước. Mỗi lần build phải cầu nguyện . ------------ Update: Do tính toán sai quá trình xây dựng nên đã lỡ up cái Gen lên lv 9 mà chưa pray . Kết quả là 2 phát neck cùi ------------ Giờ up bank để anh em đi nước ngoài mua sắm .
ok dung danh em dc roi dao nay toan lam job monney nen trong nguoi em hoi nhiu tien .phill77man u voi lai Guilex 2 thang nay newbie lv tam 17 ma thang nao trong nguoi cung tam 500-600 het ai cuop dc cu tu nhien
Đang làm job có thằng nhảy zo tự sát Total health points - 137 HP Total health points - 403 HP BladeGT passes out. minhson wins the duel, gains 89 experience points and steals $3 from BladeGT.
anh em chuẩn bị donate tiền xây town nhá. mướn được nhân công rồi NickChristodoulou On 6/28/09 at 4:55 PM sorry for being late to answer,I had some personal problems and couldn't look after the game. hopefully soon both West 1&2 will be ready,and many workers will be sent in Western Eagle. the new names of towns will be: WE-[name of town] also West 1,2,3,4 will change names to natural ones. about 10-15 towns will join West Empire in the next 3-4 days and a council will be created.
ai ranh wa dap thang kocker 1 tran nua di no an hon 700 mau roi lo roi gay chien voi stanic cho tui black voi bob huong dan choi :-*