(M) Gs3+/Xp4+ master code 904497a0 0c112590 (M) GS/Xp master code (works with my gs 1.1 broadband version) F04497a0 0000000E Max Gil (Sell Item) 20323d1c 1000000A Max LP (With License) 203157cc 00000000 Gain LP 999 (After Battle) 202ec6bc 00000000 Max EXP (After Battle) 202ec698 00000000 Max Steps (Walk A bit) 20317b94 00000000 Action Gauge Full 2030c6c4 AEB5070C 2030c6c8 AE150030 Action Gauge Full 2030c6c0 24022710 2030c6c4 aea1070c Super slow time in mist knack 203B5E08 3C014120 203B5E1C 00000000 Chain! Lv.Up! -----> 999 2031604c 244203E7 Avoid Battle (L3 = on, R3 = off) D056BADC 0000FFFD 202FCD1C 24420007 D056BADC 0000FFFB 202FCD1C 24420001 9999 Enemy Damage 203c6510 80990005 203c6514 13200004 203c7300 80990005 203c7304 13200004 203c65dc 17200003 203c73cc 17200003 Drop Enemy's Items 203162a8 00000000 203162f0 109E0004 20316314 109E0004 202ec810 00000000 Speed Mod Press R3 (Normal Speed) Press R3 + R1 (Fast) Press R3 + L1 (Super Fast) D056BADC 0000FFFB 1025c7e8 000042D7 D056BADC 0000F7FB 1025c7e8 0000424B D056BADC 0000FBFB 1025c7e8 000041F7 Freeze Camera Position L3 + UP = ON L3 + DOWN = OFF D056BADC 0000FFED 202173D8 4a0002FF D056BADC 0000FFBD 202173D8 0C085C92 :That code actually freezes the camera in whatever position it is.. I.E Freeze the camera where it is.. Allowing you still to move.. Off camera and what not.. And when you turn it off.. The camera is back to where you are. Have All Summons (Press L3) : Use this code after you recieve first Summon. E008FFFD 0056BADC 1054EFE2 00007FFC 1054A29E 00007FFC 1054A462 00007FFC 1054A626 00007FFC 1054A7EA 00007FFC 1054A9AE 00007FFC 1054AB72 00007FFC 1054AD36 00007FFC All Skills (press select) D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054EF7C FFFFFFFF Note1: do not joinly use with All Magic code Note2: activate the code --> save the game --> restart the game w/o the code All Magic (press L3) E002FFFD 0056BADC 4054EF70 00030001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 Note1: do not joinly use with All Skill code Note2: activate the code --> save the game --> restart the game w/o the code Press L3 to recover HP E002FFFD 0056BADC 4054A150 00060071 0000270F 00000000 Press R3 to recover MP E002FFFB 0056BADC 4054A154 00060071 000003E7 00000000 Gain EXP X times 203B3EE4 0002AXXX XXX= 840=2 880=4 8C0=8 900=16 940=32 times Characters not in Active Party gain the same EXP and LP as the Active Party 203B3D34 00000000 Gain LP X times 203B404C 00031XXX 203B4054 00031XXX Xxx= 040=2 080=4 0C0=8 100=16 140=32 times Change Time (Press SELECT) D056badc 0000fffe 20547f10 00000000 Stupid opponents 203d29fc ac43070c Stupid AI-CCU 203d29fc ac43070c 203d2a08 c4a000cc 203d2a0c c4c000cc HP 9999/9999 & MP 999/999 (from new game or after save data) 202f4188 10000008 202f41d8 00000000 Inf.HP 2030c108 00000000 2030c110 AE620048 Inf.MP 2030c154 00000000 2030c170 86620028 2030c174 A662004C 2030c180 AE020028 Sell item for 98 202f0048 24060062 Item 98 (R2+L1 = On, R2+R1 = Off) D056BADC 0000F9FF 202f0048 24060062 D056BADC 0000F5FF 202f0048 0071300A Inf.Chocobo Turbo Energy 203019b0 26040000 Chocobo Time 999 203018d0 3C01461C One Hit Kills (Ported by digitalsin) L2+R1 = ON L2+L1 = OFF D056BADC 0000F6FF 202F419C 24150000 D056BADC 0000FAFF 202F419C 3442CA00 Sky Pirate's Den complete (?? L3) D056BADC 0000FFFD 20553944 3FFFFFFF Enemies are disable and immobilize (don't move and attack) 202F4198 24020060 D056BADC 0000FFFD 202F419C A2020019 D056BADC 0000FFFB 202F4198 00000000 202F41A0 24020000 Press L3 to activate Press R3 to deactivate but you need to change the area. Break Damage Limit 203c5ab8 10000003 Enemy HP modify 202F41A0 0015AXXX 202F41A4 10000006 XXX = 842=1/2 time 882=1/4 time 8C2=1/8 time 902=1/16 time Complete License Grid (Press Select) NOTE: This code will do everything except the mist and gambit slots. So after you use them, go into the license board and do them manually. 3 Mists per person.. 10 Gambit Slots per person.. Character 1 (Vaan) D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054A2A0 00070001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054A2BC FFF003FF D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054A2C0 00000FFF Character 2 (Ashe) D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054A464 00070001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054A480 FFF003FF D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054A484 00000FFF Character 3 (Fran) D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054A628 00070001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054A644 FFF003FF D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054A648 00000FFF Character 4 (Balthier) D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054A7EC 00070001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054A808 FFF003FF D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054A80C 00000FFF Character 5 (Basch) D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054A9B0 00070001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054A9CC FFF003FF D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054A9D0 00000FFF Character 6 (Penelo) D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054AB74 00070001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 D056BADC 0000FFFE 2054AB90 FFF003FF D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054AB94 00000FFF Accessory (Press select = ON) D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553CF4 0000yyyy D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054zzzz 0000aaaa Note: Accessory Slot 1 Modifiy Code Aaaa = quantity 000A = 10 000F =15 000E =30 0032 = 50 0063 = 99 Yyyy zzzz 1154 EAD0 = Ring of opals 1155 EAD2 = Ring of rubies 1156 EAD4 = torr marine rings 1157 EAD6 = Ring of wise mera 1158 EAD8 = Ring of protections 1159 EADA = Ring of corals 115A EADC = ???? 115B EADE = Bracelet ???? 115C EAE0 = Power list 115D EAE2 = Bracelet of argyle 115E EAE4 = Bracelet of diamond 115F EAE6 = Invar of grapple 1160 EAE8 = Arm guards 1161 EAEA = Glove of magic 1162 EAEC = Cuffs of thieves 1163 EAEE = ???? 1164 EAF0 = Gauntlet of demagnetization 1165 EAF2 = ???? 1166 EAF4 = Choker of turtles 1167 EAF6 = ???? 1168 EAF8 = Tippet of poults 1169 EAFA = ???? 116A EAFC = Color of jade 116B EAFE = ???? 116C EB00 = ???? 116D EB02 = ???? 116E EB04 = Indigo indigo 116F EB06 = ???? 1170 EB08 = Crossing the ocean knots gallon 1171 EB0A = Fireflies 1172 EB0C = Sashes 1173 EB0E = Bubble chains 1174 EB10 = Belt of cameos 1175 EB12 = Band of west positions 1176 EB14 = black bands 1177 EB16 = battle harnesses 1178 EB18 = jack boots 1179 EB1A = Hermes' shoes 117A EB1C = ???? 117B EB1E = Knee pad of steel iron 117C EB20 = feather boots 117D EB22 = Shoes ???? 117E EB24 = Artificial destruction demon stone 117F EB26 = Cat you see and try the hood 1180 EB28 = ???? 1181 EB2A = Ribbons 1182 EB2C = Demon stone of goddess 1183 EB2E = Fragment of dawn Note: Name translated from Japan version Have all Useable Item(Press Select) E012FFFE 0056BADC 205539CC 00010000 205539D0 00030002 205539D4 00050004 205539D8 00070006 205539DC 00090008 205539E0 000B000A 205539E4 000D000C 205539E8 000F000E 205539EC 00110010 205539F0 00130012 205539F4 00150014 205539F8 002C002B 205539FC 002E002D 20553A00 0030002F 20553A04 00320031 20553A08 00340033 20553A0C 003D0035 20553A10 003F003E D056BADC 0000FFFE 005548B8 00000024 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E824 00000063 D056BADC 0000FFFE 4054E7A8 001F0001 00630063 00000000 All Weapons (press Select): E006FFFE 0056BADC 105548BC 000000A8 4054E82A 00540001 00630063 00000000 40553A4C 00540001 10021001 00020002 1054E978 00000063 All Heavy Body Armor (press Select) E004FFFE 0056BADC 40553BDC 00090001 11431142 00020002 4054EAAC 00090001 00630063 00000000 All Accessory E005FFFE 0056BADC 40553CF4 00180001 11541155 00020002 105548C4 00000030 4054EAD0 00180001 00630063 00000000 Have Claymore in slot 1 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A4C 00001012 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E84C 00000063 Have Defender in slot 2 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A4E 00001013 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E84E 00000063 Have Save the Queen in slot 3 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A50 00001014 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E850 00000063 Have Ragnarok in slot 4 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A52 00001015 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E852 00000063 Have Ultima Blade in slot 5 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A54 00001016 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E854 00000063 Have Excalibur in slot 6 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A56 00001017 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E856 00000063 Have Tournesol in slot 7 D056BADC 0000FFFE 10553A58 00001018 D056BADC 0000FFFE 1054E858 00000063 Cách unlock Unlock Yazmat: Defeat Yazmat Unlock Zodiac: Defeat Zodiac Unlock Carrot: Defeat Carrot Unlock Fafnir: Defeat Fafnir Unlock Ultima: Defeat Ultima Unlock Gilgamesh: Defeat Gilgamesh Unlock Trickster: Defeat Trickster Unlock Death Gaze: Defeat Death Gaze Unlock Devil Dragon: Defeat Devil Dragon Unlock King Behemoth: Defeat King Behemoth Unlock Basch: Kill 500 enemies Unlock Chocobo: Walk 50,000 steps Unlock Penelo: Get 100,000 Gil Unlock Reks: Get 500,000 Clan points Unlock Gurdy: Spend 1,000,000 Gil Unlock Belias: Obtain every Esper Unlock Migelo: Sell 1000 loot Unlock Balthier: Attack 300 times Unlock Fran: Use magic 200 times Unlock Ba'Gamnan: Complete the Hunt catalog Unlock Ashe: Average party level is over 50 Unlock Crystal: Obtain every character's magics Unlock Daran: Complete ALL maps successfully Unlock Gabranth: Initiate every fusion technique Unlock Mimic: Get every rare Bazaar goods Unlock Montblanc: Attain monster chain level 50 Unlock Vaan: Steal 50 times from enemies Unlock Vayne: Use techniques 100 times Unlock Vossler: Obtain every character's techniques Unlock Larsa: Master every character's license board
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