"The Last Blade 2" - Cho mình hỏi về Combos ...

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi rin_0159, 2/9/09.

  1. rin_0159

    rin_0159 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    HIx mình đang chơi Last Blade 2 trên Neo Geo mà không tài nào mò được mấy đòn liên hoàn (Combos) của nhân vật LEE ( Hoàng Phi Hồng) cả:(. Nếu bạn nào biết cách thực hiện thì giúp mình với nhé. cảm ơn các bạn nhiều:)
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    MÌnh tìm được cái này nhưng không biết coi sao . bạn nào có cách làm dễ hiểu hơn viết ra dùm mình nhé!------------
    This FAQ is a free publication so if you see any parts of this document in
    magazines (like EGM) or any forms of media please contact me. If you would
    like to put this document on your site or whatever kind of media please ask
    me first for I have no problem with those who would like to use this FAQ (like
    anyone would anyway), I'd just like to know where my things are. Last Blade
    is copyright of SNK/Neo Geo. This FAQ is copyright of Yang Yang He

    FAQ: Lee Rekka (Last Blade 2)
    Platform: Arcade / NeoGeo / Dreamcast
    Version: 1.1 (7 July 2002)
    Email: hebrettofaq@yahoo.com.au

    Site/s where this FAQ should be found:

    2.1 - Modes of Play
    2.2 - Super Meter
    2.3 - Repelling
    2.4 - Guard Cancel
    2.5 - Desperation Moves
    2.6 - Super Desperation Moves
    2.7 - Combo Specials
    2.8 - Super Cancels
    2.9 - Chain Combos
    2.10 - BC attack
    2.11 - Off the Ground attacks
    2.12 - Recoveries
    2.13 - Throws
    2.14 - Damage scaling
    3.Basic Controls
    4.Lee Rekka
    5.Normal / Misc. Moves
    5.1 - A button
    5.2 - B button
    5.3 - C button
    5.4 - Misc. moves
    6.1 - Special Moves
    6.2 - [Super] Desperation Moves / Combo Specials


    Man it's been some time since I wrote of these things called a FAQ (I think
    my last one was around October last year, too long in my opinion). For those
    that doesn't care or didn't miss me I'll tell you why I was absent. School,
    I am in my last two years of school, if I want to go to a good university
    I needed to get some work done. But as you can see, I'm neglecting it so I
    can return to writing FAQs (though this would probably be my only one for
    the next 2 years)

    Have I ever expressed how much I love pre 1930s Chinese / Manchurians??? If
    not then I'll say it here, it's most likely from all the history I have been
    studying at school...or all those Wong Fei Hong "Once Upon a Time in China"
    movies starring Jet Li. One reason why I decided to choose Lee as my main
    character in Last Blade 2, another is the fact that he can beat people down
    with a FAN!!!

    I can go on and on about how cool Lee is (like that Manchurian haircut and
    the fact that he looks like Wong Fei Hong). But that's not the reason I did
    this FAQ is it. (and yes, I know the game came out a decent 5 years ago...but
    I noticed how there wasn't a Lee FAQ around so I felt I should at least do
    him some justice)

    Last and foremost allow me to say how much I hate Deuce =P, he just had to
    do such a good job with his Last Blade 2 FAQ that I had to include so much
    details on the System and Basic Control section. He is the Last Blade 2 FAQ
    master (and yes, this is also a note that you guys should check out his FAQ
    when you have mastered Lee)

    If you find any mistakes that I might have made or want to contribute
    to anything (like combos, tactics etc) or you might have found this FAQ in
    another site from the ones listed above, please kindly email me


    ---->2.1 Modes of Play<----
    Last Blade 2 comes with three modes of play: Power, Speed and EX. All these
    modes has its own advantages and disadvantages. I'll go through the basics
    of them (you might want to refer to Deuce's Last Blade 2 FAQ for the full
    low down on all the modes). Note that EX mode is only accessible via a code
    in the arcade and NeoGeo version of Last Blade 2 (see EX mode), the Dreamcast
    version has EX already ready

    Speed Mode
    -Normal moves can link after one another (eg A, A, B, forward + C)
    -Inflict less damage per hit
    -Normal moves does not do chip damage
    -BC attack is an overhead (must be blocked high)
    -Can do a Special Combo when (and only when) Super Meter is full
    -Can dizzy oppoenent

    Power Mode
    -Unable to link most normals
    -Normal moves does chip damage
    -Inflict more damage per hit
    -BC attack is unblockable
    -Can cancel certain Special Moves into Desperation Moves
    -Can do Super Desperation Moves when life bar is red and has full Super Meter
    -Cannot dizzy opponent

    EX Mode
    -Does more damage per hit than Speed, but less than Power
    -Takes more damage per hit
    -Super Meter takes longer to reach full length
    -Normal moves can link after one another (eg A, A, B, forward + C)
    -Can cancel certain Special Moves into Desperation Moves
    -Can do Super Desperation Moves when life bar is red and has full Super Meter
    -Can do a Special Combo when (and only when) Super Meter is full
    -Cannot dizzy opponent

    (Arcade / NeoGeo code : after selecting character highlight Speed, press C
    6 times. Highlight Power, press B 3 times. Highlight Speed, press C 4 times)

    ---->2.2 Super Meter<----

    You know that gauge thing at the bottom corner of the screen when you are
    playing??? Well that's the Super Meter, when it is fully filled up you can
    do certain goodies like Desperation Moves or Combo Specials (see 2.4 and 2.6).
    Whenever you do a Special Move, attack an opponent or get hit your Super Meter
    will fill itself. Just a note that in EX mode, your Super Meter will take
    longer to fill than Power or Speed mode

    ---->2.3 Repelling<----

    Repel is an ability special to do Last Blade. By using Repel (D button) your
    character will "dodge" and if the opponent attacks during that time you will
    parry their attack (you won't get hit and it leaves your opponent for an
    opening attack). Once you have repelled an attack your opponent will be
    knocked back a bit (and stunned) for you to punish them, the easiest form
    of punishment would be pressing the Repel button attack again to do your
    automatic counter attack, but it would be smarter if you did a combo. Use
    this with caution because if you timed Repel incorrectly your opponent can
    punish you while you are recovering from the "dodge" animation

    You can Repel just about any form of PHYSICAL attack (ie you CANNOT Repel
    projectile attacks or throws). Unfortunately there are different ways to
    Repel different kinds of moves (if it was just a press of the D button wouldn't
    our lives be easier?), below is how to Repel certain attacks:

    D or back + D : Repel high normal moves
    forward + D : Repel high Special / (Super) Desperation moves
    down + D or db + D : Repel low normal moves
    df + D : Repel low Special / (Super) Desperation moves
    in air D : Repel in air

    ---->2.4 Guard Cancel<----

    (sorry if I named it incorrectly). When you have half your bar filled you
    can do a counter attack (whilst you are blocking), this can be used if your
    opponent is trying to chip you to death or you would like to be the offensive
    rather than blocking. Note that when you do this you will lose the entire
    Super Meter even if it is fully filled, so best do it when you have fulfilled
    the minimum requirement. Oh yeah to do this:

    back, down-back, down + D

    ---->2.5 Desperation Moves<----

    Desperation Moves (DMs from now on) are commonly known as someone's super
    move where by the character using can deal a great deal of damage if the DM
    hits the opponent. Each character has their own DM (some has more than one)
    and it can be done in every mode. To do a DM you will need either:

    a) Full Super Meter, OR
    b) Your life bar is flashing red

    Yeah that's right, unlimited DMs when your life bar is flashing red. But take
    note some DMs has a great lag if missed or blocked, use with caution

    ---->2.6 Super Desperation Moves<----

    Super Desperation Moves (SDMs from now on) are more devastating than DMs due
    to the fact that it has "Super" before it...nothing much to explain other
    than the fact that it does more damage than DMs (though some do less or equal),
    but these are not extensions of DMs, SDMs all look different from their
    inferior moves. SDMs can only be used if you are in POWER and EX mode and
    suit the following conditions:

    a) Full Super Meter, AND
    b) Your life bar is flashing red

    You might have a flashing life bar, but without a full Super Meter you cannot
    do your SDM

    ---->2.7 Combo Specials<----

    When activated (down x2 + A / B) the screen will turn blackish with some speed
    lines (I think) and your character flashing blue. Then they will charge
    forward towards your opponent, once hit you will need to do a set of button
    inputs in order to complete the Combo Special (from now on CS), every
    character has more than one button input. CS can only be used in SPEED and
    EX mode and you will need to fit the requirements below in order to do it:

    a) Full Super Meter (yeah, just a FULL Super Meter)

    Note that even if your life bar is flashing red you cannot do CS. I suggest
    not just mashing the buttons and rotating the joystick because that won't
    work (this is from experience), because not only will you have just wasted
    a Super Meter...you would have also made an idiot out of yourself. Just get
    one set of inputs and then master that and then go onto the next set

    ---->2.8 Super Cancels<----

    SC or SCs from now on. Allows you to cancel certain Special Moves into that
    character's DM (but not SDM), last I recall I think you can only SC one of
    your Special moves. All this takes is that you can do a DM. Can only be done
    in POWER and EX mode

    ---->2.9 Chain Combos<----

    Or as I like to call it, linking. Best done in SPEED and EX mode. This feature
    allows you the ability to cancel one of your normal moves into another (tends
    go from A -> A -> B -> C). Every character has an universal Chain Combo (back
    + A -> A -> A -> B -> forward + C), learning how to do these combos will give
    you an added advantage over your Power mode opponents (one reason why Speed
    mode was even there)

    ---->2.10 BC attack<----

    By pressing BC together in certain modes you will do a special normal move
    which has to be avoided with caution. In SPEED and EX mode BC acts as an
    overhead and in POWER mode it acts as an unblockable attack. Further explained

    -Slow start up
    -Deals high amount of damage

    Speed or EX
    -Has to be blocked high
    -Once hit allows juggle potential (if opponent is on ground)
    -Deals standard damage
    -If hits as overhead then opponent will be momentarily knocked back allowing
    you to punish them

    ---->2.11 Off the Ground attacks<----

    OTG from here, all characters in the game has this move that allows them to
    hit their opponent when they are on the ground and trying to get up. It can
    be done by (has to be rather close to opponent): C; df + C; df + B; up + B/C.
    Certain characters can do all of the above whereas some can only use C. Just
    pressing the C button would be the universal OTG attack

    ---->2.12 Recoveries<----

    By pressing the D button when your almost about to hit the ground or recently
    hit in the air you will quickly recover and be able to retaliate. This is
    best done when you are about to hit the ground to prevent your opponent from
    getting an OTG when you are on the ground. Note that if you recover whilst
    in the air you will be open to further offenses, know when to use this

    ---->2.13 Throws<----

    Yeah that's right, what game can go without the unblockable throw. To do a
    throw you will need to be close to your opponent and press C and D together.
    If you missed the throw you will go into a miss-throw animation in which your
    opponent can punish you while you recover

    ---->2.14 Damage scaling<----

    In Last Blade 2 there is a cap at the amount of damage you can do in combos.
    For every consecutive hit you make after your initial one the damage on that
    hit will be reduced, soon enough every hit you do will do about 1 pixel of
    life (infact in Last Blade 2 there's a maximum damage cap, so there is no
    such thing as 100% combo)

    |3.Basic Controls|

    All are for the left side of the screen
    qcf - down, down-forward, forward
    qcb - down, down-back, back
    hcf - back, down-back, down, down-forward, forward
    hcb - forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back
    dp - forward, down, down-forward
    rdp - back, down, back-down

    forward, forward - run or hop forward (hold forward to keep running)
    back, back - back hop
    ub, u, uf - jump back, up, forward
    ub, u, uf (tap) - short jump back, up, forward
    forward x2, uf - long jump (whilst running press up-forward)

    The following applies to any character:

    -Hold a direction for 2 seconds

    A / B / C
    -Weak slash / Strong slash / Weak kick

    back + A
    -Weak punch. This adds extra hit stun to your opponent so you can do another
    back + A afterwards or go into another normal move (eg back + A -> A -> A
    -> B -> forward + C in Speed or EX mode)

    forward + B
    -Power slash. A lot of damage by itself (Power) but cannot be cancelled into
    any Special Move or DM or SDM or CS. Best done in chain combo (Speed)

    forward + C
    -Power kick. Knocks the opponent towards the wall, able to do another attack
    afterwards (whether after the bounce off the wall or when they land)

    down-forward + C
    -Power crouching kick. Sweeps opponent over, able to add Off the Ground (OTG)
    attack afterwards

    -Overhead (Speed and EX) or unblockable (Power) attack

    close to opponent, CD

    Run, forward + A / B
    -Dash attack, can be cancelled into B / C (Speed or EX)

    Run, df + A/B
    -Dash-Slide attack, knockdowns. Must be blocked low

    -Press two buttons at the same time(like AB)

    D OR back + D
    -Repel high attacks

    forward + D
    -Repel Special Moves

    down + D OR down-back + D
    -Repel crouching attacks

    down-forward + D
    -Repel crouching Special Moves

    in air, D
    -Repel in air

    |4.Lee Rekka|

    This is just MY analysis of Lee, you don't have to listen to what I have to
    say at all. First of all you need to choose the mode best suited for Lee,
    in my opinion it should be Speed or EX. Reason being is that Lee is a "weak"
    character (whom all have fast attacks) so therefore he will need the chain
    combo to show his skills. I'll make a list of all the Pros and Cons for Lee
    in all the modes, you can make up your own mind I guess

    Pros: Cons:
    -Easy to SC -Best combo is B -> special -> SC
    -Has very good looking SDM -Great deal of lag if special
    -Has unblockable miss

    My verdict: Use this mode if you are just learning Lee

    Pros: Cons:
    -Has very stylish combos -Damage scaling
    -Can juggle his CS into DM -Cannot SC into DM

    My verdict: Use this if your getting the hang of Lee, use the chain combos
    to your advantage (cause in Power mode if you do B -> Special and your opponent
    blocks the B then you can be punished, where as with Speed you can link on
    so if one of your attacks are blocked you can just stop there). The only
    downfall I see is that you no longer have the Super Cancel feature but this
    way you can improve on your normal -> DM combos

    Pros: Cons:
    -Has very stylish combos -Takes higher damage
    -Can juggle his CS into DM
    -Can SC into DM

    My verdict: This is the mode for all you risk takers out there. This is my
    mode of choice when using Lee but a lot of times I have to worry about how
    fast he can die against Power players because Lee takes enough damage as it
    is, using EX with him just adds more to that. But I am willing to risk that
    if I can get the ability to do chain combo -> special -> SC into DM cause
    with Lee it just looks so cool

    |5.Normal / Command Moves|

    Chainable - able to add another normal attack after it. Most Power mode
    normals CANNOT be chained unless noted (Jump B -> Standing B DOES NOT apply
    as a chain). Chains in Speed applies to EX mode as well. (If you are confused
    by these chain things my combo section should solve all that)

    Cancelable - able to do a Special / (Super) Desperation move / Combo Special
    (CS) after / during the animation. Cancels in Speed applies to EX mode as

    ---->5.1 A button<----

    -Lee will do a palm attack at chest level. He will move forward when he does
    this. Very good in combos because even if your opponent is out of range (for
    most characters) Lee's Standing A will hit because of this factor. Perhaps
    it was to compensate for the fact that Lee has no weapons
    *Chainable into: Standing A; Standing B, Crouching B, forward + B;
    forward + C, df + C
    *Cancelable: Yes

    Standing follow-up (Speed and EX)
    -Lee will do another palm attack with his other hand. This time at the stomach
    *Chainable into: Standing B, Crouching B, forward + B; forward + C,
    df + C
    *Cancelable: Yes

    -Lee will do a short range palm attack
    *Chainable into: Cannot chain
    *Cancelable: Yes (Only in SPEED / EX mode)

    Jump / Jumping
    -Lee will do a (surprise) jumping palm attack. You can only chain if you do
    a short Jump A
    *Chainable into: (jump) B; (jump) C
    *Cancelable: Yes

    back + A (Able to CHAIN in Power mode)
    -Lee will do a quick palm attack. This move has a small range for attack,
    it can be chained / comboed into itself up to 3 times on big characters
    (without having to move forward and doing it again). This move can be chained
    in Power mode because most character's back + A's has a long hit stun. This
    also has a fast recovery time so you can walk up and do another attack
    *Chainable into: any standing normal except (misc) forward / down + C
    *Cancelable: Yes

    ---->5.2 B button<----

    -Lee will do a high kick. Looks awful but it does the job I guess
    *Chainable into: forward + B; Standing C, (after A -> B chain)
    forward + C, df + C, (misc) forward + C,
    (misc) down + C (see 5.4 Misc. moves)
    *Cancelable: Yes

    -Lee will do a crouching roundhouse kick. Does not knockdown
    *Chainable into: df + C, (misc) forward + C, (misc) down + C
    *Cancelable: Yes

    Jump / Jumping
    -Lee will do a overhead kick in the air. Depending on what kind of jump or
    the size of your opponent, this can do an extra hit. One as the animation
    starts and another when animation ends. If you start this when you are right
    next to an air-borne opponent it will do two hits
    *Chainable into: (jump) C
    *Cancelable: Yes

    forward + B
    -Lee will do a double kick towards your opponent. Travels about half of the
    *Chainable into: Cannot Chain
    *Cancelable: No

    ---->5.3 C button<----

    -Lee will do a short stomp with his foot. Not very fast, best to do in a combo
    *Chainable into: Cannot chain
    *Cancelable: Yes

    -Lee does a short poke with his leg. This has fast recovery and can be repeated
    up to three times
    *Chainable into: Cannot chain
    *Cancelable: Yes

    Jump / Jumping
    -Long ranged straight kick. Very fast start up, good as an air to air anti
    air attack (wow 7 words starting with "a" in that last sentence)
    *Chainable into: Cannot chain
    *Cancelable: Yes

    forward + C
    -Lee will do a fast straight kick. Makes opponent bounce off wall, can Off
    the Ground (OTG) with up + C or Standing C
    *Chainable into: Cannot chain
    *Cancelable: Yes (Only in POWER mode)

    down-forward + C
    -Lee will do a fast crouching straight kick. Knocksdown
    *Chainable into: Cannot chain
    *Cancelable: Yes

    ---->5.4 Misc. moves<----

    After Standing / Crouching B, forward + C (in Speed or EX mode)
    -This is unique to Lee. After doing his Standing / Crouching B Lee will do
    a slow (shadowed) overhead kick (that also means you need to block high for
    this), if timed correctly after a Standing B this will combo. After the last
    (4th) hit your opponent will be temporarily stunned and thus leaving an
    opening for you to attack again. Best to do hcb + A / B afterwards
    You can actually do this in Power mode also. But you can only start with
    the Standing B rather than with Crouching B

    After Standing / Crouching B, down + C (x3 / x2) (in Speed or EX mode)
    -Lee will do a (shadowed) sweep kick. Must be blocked low. You can do up to
    three times if you started this from a Standing B. Twice if you started with
    Crouching B. The last hit knocksdown
    Chainable into: forward + B (first hit of Standing B start up);
    (misc) forward + C (except last hit)
    Cancelable: Yes (except last hit)

    -Lee will grab your opponent and do a concentrated palm strike at chest level.
    Same animation as Hakkei (AB -> D). Able to Off the Ground (OTG) with C but
    must be in corner

    Taunt (start button in arcade and NeoGeo. Z button by default on Dreamcast)
    -Lee will go into a stance as if he is charging. Infact if you keep holding
    start during his taunt he will slowly gain back life. Only problem is that
    the taunt takes so long to start up and it takes some time to even gain back
    25% of your life. Use this if your opponent is dizzy (so best in Power mode)


    Ryu Tsui Sen : qcb + C (x3)
    Ryu Shou Sen (air) : in air qcb + C (x2)
    En Sen Shou : Charge down, up + B
    -> follow up : down + B
    Kasumi : AB
    -> Hokage : A
    -> Homura : B
    -> Senpuu : C, down + C, down + C
    -> Hakkei : D
    Enryu Haibi : hcb + A / B
    -> follow-up : hcf + B (after hcb + B)
    Muei Kyaku : in air qcf + C

    Ougi Enryu Tenshin: qcb, down-back, forward + AB

    SDM (Power and EX only)
    Hiougi Soten Muei Kyaku: qcb, down-back, forward + B

    CS (Speed and EX only)
    down, down + A / B:
    (1) A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> qcf + C
    (2) A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C -> C -> B -> A -> qcf + C
    (3) A -> B -> C -> down + C -> A -> down + C -> forward + BC
    (4) A -> B -> C -> down + C -> A -> forward + BC -> A -> B -> qcf + B

    ---->6.1 Special Move<----

    Ryu Tsui Sen (qcb + C, qcb + C, qcb + C)
    -Lee will do a spinning kick towards the opponent. If it connects it will
    send Lee and a flamed opponent a little bit into the air. Can be repeated
    twice for more hits and damage, last hit will knock the opponent down. If
    you are finding a hard time trying to get the other qcb + Cs to connect just
    do it when the first qcb + C hits, because I find out the later I do it the
    less chance it comes out

    Ryu Shou Sen (air) (in air qcb + C, qcb + C)
    -Lee will do a spinning kick in the air. If it connects it will send the
    opponent a bit into the air. Sometimes your second qcb + C might not come
    out because you were too close to landing, if that happens do the second qcb
    + C really fast

    En Sen Shou (Charge down, up + B)
    -Lee will flip into the air swinging his fan with fire following. Looks very
    very stylish when you do it. Only problem is if it is blocked or missed because
    your opponent can punish you on your way down. Best done in a combo because
    as an anti air it does little damage unless your opponent was hit rather low
    in the air

    follow-up (after En Sen Shou down + B)
    -Lee will do his Jump B animation and if it hits it will knock the opponent
    down. Best time to do this is when the En Sen Shou has reached its 4th hit.
    Because if you do this too early you would have forgone more damage

    Kasumi (AB)
    -Lee will stick out his fan and do a dodge animation. During this he is
    invincible to all attacks but throws. I recommend doing one of its follow-ups
    because when he is recovering from this he can be hit and it would be
    registered as a counter hit and thus doing more damage than Lee already needs

    Hokage (after Kasumi A)
    -Lee will turn around and attack his opponent with a slap (?) of his fan
    followed up blue shadows. This move is cancellable into any Special Move
    (except Kasumi) / DM / SDM / CS

    Homura (after Kasumi B)
    -Lee will do a Jump B animation. If it hits the opponent will be in flames.
    This move is a knockdown attack and overhead (must be blocked whilst standing)

    Senpuu (after Kasumi C, down + C, down + C)
    -Lee will do a sweep kick (must be blocked low). You can do an additional
    two by doing down + C after the first one then down + C after the second one.
    First and second kicks are cancellable into Specials / DM / SDM / CS

    Hakkei (after Kasumi D)
    -Lee will do a (concentrated) palm strike around mid level. This will leave
    the opponent stunned for a very short period of time

    Enryu Haibi (hcb + A / B) [SUPER CANCEL]
    -Lee will dash / slide forward and swing with his fan. If it connects it will
    set the opponent on fire. The A version I wouldn't recommend using unless
    you plan to Super Cancel into DM because you lag a fair bit once it hits
    (blocked or connects). Better to do the B version because it does more damage
    and if it misses you will be on the other side of the screen (Lee will go
    pass the opponent with B version) giving you some safety net, unless your
    opponent was in the corner. You can SC into DM on either hit of hcb + A, I
    would recommend the 2nd hit.

    follow-up (after B version Enryu Haibi, hcf + B)
    -Lee will dash / slide forward again and do a double palmed flame attack.
    It will knockdown if it hits

    Muei Kyaku (in air qcf + C)
    -Lee will do a dive kick, if it connects he will keep on kicking several times
    until he is close to the ground. At most the move will do 8 hits. There is
    a slight opening for your opponent when you land from the opponent

    ---->6.2 [Super] Desperation Moves / Combo Specials<----

    Ougi Enryu Tenshin (qcb, down-back, forward + AB)
    -Lee will throw his fan up into the sky (BC overhead attack animation) and
    then slide forward followed by a streak of flames. The fan can hit your
    opponent when you throw it into the air. Unlike Last Blade, Lee no longer
    have a set of fire popping up from the ground and thus it does less block
    damage and not as safe if your opponent blocks it. You can do a shortcut with
    either qcb, forward + AB OR qcb, hcf + AB

    SDM (Power and EX only)
    Hiougi Soten Muei Kyaku (qcb, down-back, forward + B )
    -Lee will dash / slide forward and if it connects he will do a ranbu attack.
    Looks very fancy. If it is blocked you have a short recovery time, so it's
    not as punishable as the Ougi Enryu Tenshin (DM). You can do a shortcut with
    either qcb, forward + B OR qcb, hcf + B

    CS (Speed and EX only)
    down, down + A / B:

    CS 1 (A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> qcf + C)
    -When you do this don't just press all the buttons straight away. You need
    some timing in order for everything to come out right. When you do the second
    A wait a moment before pressing B because the animation for it takes a little
    bit to come out. So if you pressed B straight after the A you might have just
    stopped the CS prematurely. The last B is a two hit attack (forward + B

    CS 2 (A -> B -> C -> A -> B -> C -> C -> B -> A -> qcf + C)
    -Wait a bit for the second A like I said before. When you do the second
    successive C Lee will do his (in air qcf + C) animation. I can't seem to get
    the timing right (rarely) on the B afterwards so I would just keep pressing
    B until it comes out. If you are having problems as well I suggest you do
    what I do. The qcf + C at the end is unblockable

    CS 3 (A -> B -> C -> down + C -> A -> down + C -> forward + BC)
    -When you do the A after the down + C it also takes some time to come out
    so don't do the down + C after it too fast else you will end it prematurely.
    Do the forward + BC finisher a little slower too. The forward + BC at the
    end is unblockable. After the forward + BC you can juggle your opponent with
    whatever move you desire

    CS 4 (A -> B -> C -> down + C -> A -> forward + BC -> A -> B -> qcf + B)
    -Again be a little bit patient with the forward + BC after the A. The forward
    + BC is multi hit (4 hits) and you can cancel it into A at anytime but I find
    it hard to get A to come out when after the 4th hit


    To combo maniacs: I decided to delete the combos section because I wanted
    to =P. Well when I was going through this update with combos I didn't like
    the way I set out my combos. Instead I'll be making a Lee Combo FAQ to
    compensate for that. That way I can cover more combos without cloging up this
    FAQ. Now...infinite time

    I have been asking people on SNK communities and checking other FAQs and I
    haven't found any Lee infinites (only in Speed and EX mode). But after some
    experiments and a long day (not to mention no life) I have found a Lee infinite.
    Lets all celebrate for I have finally gave something (BIG) back into the
    community (thanks goes out to Persona and KimDongHwan)

    1. [back + A -> (short) Jump A -> pause -> (jump) C] repeat

    -You can do this ANYWHERE, no restrictions whatsoever (actually there is,
    your back + A will have to be relatively close to your opponent). Timing is
    crucial because if you do (jump) C straight away then by the time you landed
    your opponent would have recovered. I would space it about half a second
    before I press the C button. This is the safest version of Lee's infinity.
    The variations below are risky

    2. [(short) Jump A -> pause -> (jump) C] repeat

    -The risk with this is that the (short) Jump A might not hit your opponent
    on its way up. By adding back + A you have an almost guarantee that the (short)
    Jump A will hit because the level it rises and the instant start up time
    coincides with the character's height. If you had no idea what I just said:
    best to do on big characters

    3. [(short) Jump A -> pause -> (jump) B -> (jump) C] repeat

    -Best done on big characters. When you do the (jump) C do it the same speed
    as you would for a normal Jump A -> (jump) B -> (jump) C chain


    I would like to thank the following in helping me write this FAQ(In no
    particular order)

    -For making Last Blade series and all those other fighting game classics like
    KOF and Fatal Fury. I will support this company no matter what

    -Without him you wouldn't be reading this FAQ

    Chris MacDonald (Kao Megura)
    -One of the best FAQ writers around, a real pioneer. He was the one that
    originally inspired me to write FAQs. Just like to point out something that
    he has always been about: PLAGERISM IS WRONG

    -Got Lee's movelist and names from his FAQ, without this FAQ I would have
    been at home for 2 hours trying out every motion available to get Lee's moves.
    I guess you can say that this FAQ is an extension of his Lee section (that's
    what I would be saying). Check out his Last Blade and Last Blade 2 FAQs at
    GameFAQs (which I hope is the same place where you guys found this FAQ)

    Pedro Colman-Arrellaga
    -I used his Combo FAQ for reference when I did Lee's combo section. Gave me
    the idea of how to organise the combo section (my previous idea had the combos

    Persona and KimDongHwan
    -Got the idea of the Lee infinite from their Last Blade 2 combo videos

    My gaming friends *long list of names here*
    -Without these people I would find gaming rather boring in the arcades. Cause
    you don't want to be rude when you bad mouth someone when your playing against
    them, but it's fine if you know them =P (I can most likely write a FAQ on
    all the gaming friends I like to thank)

    My school *insert nerdy joke here*
    -Well think of it this way, because of school I had to give up my internet
    time thus playing more games, thus doing FAQs when I get bored or tired of
    doing homework (which is like everytime I get home from school)

    -For keeping the Australian fighting game scene alive. Sorry but only
    Australians can join at the moment (there's no point in talking about an
    American tournament in Australia)

    Neo-geo.com Bulletin Boards
    -If you want to find out stuff about Neo-Geo hardware or Neo-Geo games, they
    have a bulletin board their to help you (very helpful).

    Orochinagi Bulletin Boards
    - If your more into the games this forum is it (Neo-Geo is more pro hardware
    but there's still games). But watch out when you are there, posters there
    tend to start massive orgies =P

    -A great site on upcoming Japanese games and anything else about games

    -For reading this FAQ


    Version 1.0 (19 June 2002) - Everything done except combos section
    Version 1.1 (07 July 2002) - Deleted Combos section
  2. rin_0159

    rin_0159 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình nghe nói chơi trên MAME dễ Thực hiện Combos hơn trên Neo Geo hả
  3. rin_0159

    rin_0159 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao bản Last Blade 2 trên Neogeo của mình không có phần luyện tập skill cho nhân vật nhỉ(tức là có một thằng đứng đó cho mình đánh xong rồi lại lên máu áh)
  4. kyokkk

    kyokkk C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chỉnh CONSOLE chưa

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