
Thảo luận trong 'Granado Espada' bắt đầu bởi lina_angel, 9/10/09.

  1. lina_angel

    lina_angel Alone In The Dark Darkness... Lão Làng GVN

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    DoTa of warcraft
    Cái này ai rảnh thì dịch , tôi sẽ để vào topic chú ý ( Dạo này bức xúc chính quyền dek thèm dịch nữa :-w )

    patch 3.2 ( Sing )

    New: Daily Event Mission

    Added Event Statue at Reboldoeux Queen’s Gate, The Coimbra Nimrod Bridge and Thueringenwald.
    Added 8 missions to the Event Statue
    Joaquin Barrier (Siege) - 1400hrs
    Gold - Time: 1600hrs
    Team Arena (MCC3) - 2000hrs
    Invasion - 2200hrs
    Team Arena (MCC1) - 2300hrs
    Occupation - 0000hrs
    Infiltration - 0100hrs
    Joaquin Barrier (Defense) - 0200hrs

    New: Event Warp

    You will receive a message before an event in the server starts, similar to a quest message.
    Open the quest tab using Alt+A and you will see a new tab named “Event”.
    There is a “Move” button that you can use to warp to the location of the event. This will consume a warp scroll.

    New: Combination Buff

    Additional buffs have been added to specific character teams.
    Soldier Spirits
    Reboldoeux Soldier, Coimbra Trooper, Auch Infantry
    ATK Rating +1 and DEF Rating +1
    Destiny’s Chains
    Selva Norte, Edward Jameson and Gavin Jameson
    ATK +5%, ATK Speed +10% and DEF +20%
    Grace Bernelli, Lorch Furholden and Najib Sharif
    Accuracy +10%, ATK Speed +5% and Penetration +5
    Muscle Club
    Gracielo, Soho(Normal) and Jean-Pierre Gascon
    DEF +5, DEF Rating +1 and Max HP +1000
    Knights of Rescue
    Grandice, Romina and Rescue Knight
    Movement Speed +10% and Mental RES +10
    Junior Club
    Claire, Tiburon and Ramiro
    DEF Rating +1 and Max HP +2000

    New: Keyboard help

    Added to hotkey Ctrl+K
    Added to loading screen

    New: Premium Treasure Chest Service Guide

    Added to Leonardo Expresso
    Introduction to Premium Treasure Chest Service
    Guide to Weekday Treasure Box
    Guide to Mysterious Treasure Box
    Guide to 3 Player game

    New: Cash Shop

    Added +5 Impervium: Expert priced at 14,300 GPoints
    Added +6 Impervium: Expert prices at 17,000 GPoints
    Added Samurai Armor (Blue) at 9,900 GPoints
    Added Samurai Armor (Red) at 9,900 GPoints
    Added Samurai Armor (Black) at 9,900 GPoints

    New: Feso Shop

    Added Blue Samurai Helmet (30 days) at 50,000 Fesos
    Added Red Samurai Helmet (30 days) at 50,000 Fesos
    Added Black Samurai Helmet (30 days) at 50,000 Fesos
    Added Yellow Samurai Flag at 300,000 Fesos
    Added Red Samurai Flag at 300,000 Fesos
    Added White Samurai Flag at 300,000 Fesos

    New: Item Database

    Pet Box (Pigling) – Allows user to create the pet Pigling. It is 2 times more powerful than Grabber.
    Pet Box (PanPan) – Allows user to create the pet PanPan. It gives a buff of 20% EXP and drop rate.
    Cronian Nephthys Costume – Summer costume for female Scouts.
    Clivia Sprite Costume – Summer costume for female Musketeers.
    Zephyranthes Costume – Summer costume for male Fighters.
    Goldentale Magius Costume – Summer costume for male Elementalists.
    Nana Artogeia Costume – Summer costume for female Elementalists.
    Veronica Chipao Costume – Summer costume for female Wizards.
    Cronian Thanatos Costume – Summer costume for male Scouts.
    Spit Clianthes Costume – Summer costume for male Musketeers.
    Tight Arrange – Hairstyle for female Musketeers.
    Layer Bob – Hairstyle for female Scouts.

    Changes: Premium Treasure Chest Service (30 Days)

    Mysterious Treasure Box list
    Removed Ancient Territory Pass (1 day), Forgotten Territory Pass (1 day), Diamond Coupon, Phoenix Wings, Horn of Baphomet, Mystic Amber, Silver Hammer, Teleport Scroll, Hermes Potion and Damaged Ancient Glazium.
    Added Forgotten Territory Pass (7 days), Ancient Territory Pass (7 days), Field Survival Manual – Master (1 day), EXP Card (Awards 920,000 EXP), EXP Card (Awards 14,000,000 EXP) and Level 96 Enchantment Chip.
    Weekday Treasure Box list
    Removed Ring Box, Socket Processing Tranquilizer, Blessed Angel Wings (7 days), Blessed Chrysalis Wings (7 days), Blessed Jabberwock Armor (7 days), Blessed Tortoise Shell (7 days), Blessed Coimbra Sign (7 days), Blessed Flower Vase (7 days), Blessed Treasure Chest (7 Days), Blessed Anchor (7 Days), Blessed Murderous Swords (7 Days), Blessed Black Angel Wings (7 days), Blessed White Angel Wings (7 days), Blessed Ivory Bag (7 Days), Blessed Leaping Croc Bag (7 Days), Blessed Rucksack (7 Days) and Blessed Satchel (7 Days).
    Added Reboldoeux Return Sheet, Port of Coimbra Return Sheet, Auch Return Sheet, Teleport Scroll and Hermes Potion.

    Changes: Ring Box

    Added skill rings for Selva and Expert stance
    Espada de la Rotacion Ring, Espada deI Viento Ring, Dragante Ring, Saltos de Ataques Ring, Rapida Ring, Vampiric Session Ring, Insanity Ring, Death Crest Ring, Eternal Tempest Ring, Destino Ring, Golpe Ring, Valentia Ring, Bless Ring, Agil Ring, Centella Ring, Punto Ring, Appel Ring, Riposte Ring, Ropera Ring, Cut and Thrust Ring, Harsh Kick Ring, Carnage Ring, Slaughter Ring, Volition Ring, Ruthless Ring, Lado Patada Ring, Asesinato Ring, Intoxicacion Ring, Asalto Ring, Rapida Ataque Ring, Shootdown Shot Ring, Swift Shot Ring, Penetration Shot Ring, Check Targets Ring, Accuracy Shot Ring, Battle Smash Ring, Rolling Thunder Ring, Shoulder Charge Ring, Throwing Axe Ring and Windstorm Ring.
    Added stance rings for Selva and Expert stance
    Cauchemar Ring, Rapida Espada Ring, Equites Ring, Rapiere Ring, Hanging Guard Ring, Arnis Ring, Flintlock Ring, Combatant Ring, Back Guard - Zeian Warrior Ring, Rapiere of Grim Ring, Equites Ring - Romina Ring, Flintlock Ring - Auch Soldier Ring, Tested Guard Ring and Flintlock Ring - Rescue Knight Ring.

    Changes: Ancient Territory Premium Package

    Removed Barrack Slot
    Added Field Survival Manual – Average (7 days)

    Changes: Tierra de Los Muertos

    Added three warp options from Los Toldos’s Gloomy Old Man.
    Entrance (Existing)
    Ruined Village
    Old Tree on Hill

    Changes: Premium Dungeons

    Added pioneering hunting quests for:
    Tetra Grand Chapel – Forgotten Territory
    Porto Bello, Hidden Deck – Forgotten Territory
    Dr. Torsche's Mansion, Annex – Forgotten Territory
    Prison de Joaquin, Laboratory Block – Forgotten Territory
    Ancient Skullic's Nest 1st Floor – Ancient Territory
    Ancient Skullic's Nest 2nd Floor – Ancient Territory
    Ancient Skullic's Hidden Nest – Premium Buff Ancient Territory
    Ancient Skullic Shelter 1st Floor – Ancient Shelter
    Ancient Skullic Shelter 2nd Floor – Ancient Shelter
    Bahama, Ancient Underground Cave 1st Floor – Ancient Territory
    Bahama, Ancient Underground Shelter 1st Floor – Ancient Shelter

    Changes: Elite item recipe (Level 36 to 68)

    Level 36 Elite item can be changed for Level 14 Weapon/Armor Crystal
    Level 52 Elite item can be changed for Level 18 Weapon/Armor Crystal
    Level 68 Elite item can be changed for Level 22 Weapon/Armor Crystal
    Recipes for Level 52 Elite items requires Level 14 Weapon/Armor Crystals now
    Recipes for Level 68 Elite items requires Level 18 Weapon/Armor Crystals now

    Changes: Item Drop Rates

    Drop rates for items lower than Level 68 has been changed to a formula that depends on the difference between your current level and the monster’s level. Higher differences have lower drop rates.
    Snail Skin and Old Chess Pieces now drops from Ancient Taurus and Ancient Spider Crab in the premium dungeons.
    The drop rates for Strange Device Key (North), Strange Device Key (West), Strange Device Key (East), Secret Tower Key for 3rd Floor and Ghost's Magic Powder in Secret Tower have been increased by 100%.

    Changes: Quest difficulty

    The chance to obtain Lorenzo Diary (Zeia’s Quest) has been increased by 10 times.
    The regeneration schedule for the overturn box in Prison de Joaquin has been increased to 6 times a day.
    1000hrs, 1300hrs, 1600hrs, 1900hrs, 2200hrs, 0100hrs

    Changes: Barrack Slots

    The Barrack Slots has been increased to 7.
    You can now create up to 63 characters.

    Changes: Family Level

    The maximum family level has been increased from 50 to 63.
    The family buff has been added for Level 51 to Level 63.
    Level 51: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 1 DEF
    Level 52: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 2 DEF
    Level 53: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 3 DEF
    Level 54: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 4 DEF
    Level 55: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 5 DEF
    Level 56: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 6 DEF
    Level 57: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 7 DEF
    Level 58: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 8 DEF
    Level 59: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 9 DEF
    Level 60: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 10 DEF
    Level 61: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 11 DEF
    Level 62: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 12 DEF
    Level 63: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 13 DEF

    Changes: Family Experience

    The family experience awarded for a Veteran character (Level 101 to 110) has been increased by 500
    The family experience awarded for a Expert character (Level 111 to 120) has been increased by 1000
    The family experience awarded for a Master character (Level 121 to 130) has been increased by 1500

    Changes: Secret Guard

    Family reputation reward received by the Guarding family is increased by 30%

    Ver 3.3 , 3.4 :

    Ania becomes available for recruitment.
    Circus content added.
    Trump series weapons (AR 30 unique, fixed enchantment of ATK, ATK Speed, and AR+1) added. There are 21 types for this series, involving a NPC at Queen's Gate.

    Character stats changed by a factor of 10, i.e. STR 6 (v3.2) becomes STR 60 (v3.3).
    New costumes for fighter/wizard, new hat/hair for fighter/wizard, and hair for Grace Bernelli added. See here for screenshots.

    Rumin (aka Jewel) drops at fixed rate in premium dungeons (e.g. Ancient Area/Territory) and event missions.
    Something is changed/corrected regarding PK-ing families in Fire Island. (Not sure about details, but I don't care, since I'm not on PK server.)

    Team Arena difficulty modified to make it easier to solo.
    Reputation reward for Secret Guard increased.
    Constellation symbols added to Mysterious Treasure Box from Cash Shop.
    Treasure monster hunt from the Treasure Hunter in town adjusted from 100 to 10.

    Christmas content (jGE) added - Rudolph pet, Angel Headband, Rudolph back costume.
    Emilia the Sage, Soho the Wind, and another deleted from Feso Shop (jGE).

    What To Expect In v3.4?

    Master promotion (+10 stat points, AR/DR+2) added.
    Premium family services added (addition buffs and dungeon access). See GE v3.4 Updates.
    Secret Guard revised further.
    Deprodine recipe deleted; and Dignite costume, constellation symbols, Lv.100 chip, and veteran chip added to some premium compensation.
    Spinelles cannot use on Channel 1 near the colonies.
    Dignite costumes added, quest starts with a veteran Ania talking to Andre. For screenshots, see here.

    New stances added - Gorgeous (for Ania) and Semilunar (for Nar), available for 1m feso in Feso Shop.
    New Lv.92 elite weapons added - Noche Triste (for Nar) and Noche Frigid (for Ania), available in Los Toldos. Instead of Spirit Stone (aka Vindictive Stone), the recipe requires 10 Jewel Powders. See here.

    Glazium (aka Polish) can be upgraded at the Pioneer Equipment NPC. Upgrade to Lv.100 Glazium seems to require feso.
    Market time increased from 24 to 48 hours.
    Price of Ring Box reduced in Cash Shop, and rings can be exchanged.
    Monsters summoned by spinelles despawn after 10 minutes of inactivity (i.e. no combat).
    Helena can now be recruited.

    Free stuffs for GE anniversary event (probably jGE only).
    Mysterious Treasure Box contents updated to include Grade 26 Equipment Crystals, Damaged Ancient Glazium, Barrack Slot, etc.
    Feso stones can now be traded.
    Price of Memoirs reduced in Cash Shop by 90%. If you have 1 Memoir in your inventory, you will end up with 10 instead.
    Three NPC hunters added to Bahama region to help families advance in Bahama questline.
    Cat Pet (aka Sith) added.
    More items added to Feso Shop, including Wheel of Destiny (1-day), Otite Perfume, Veteran/Expert/Master Promotion Scroll, Ambrosia, Mystery Powder, Barrack Slot, Enhancement Booster (aka Upgrade Accelerator), Enchantment Tranquilizer (aka Enchant Booster), Impervium (aka Lacquer), etc.

    SP consumption of skills from expert stances increased.
    Nar and Ania's inability to wear belt is corrected.
    Veteran characters who are de-leveled to below Lv.100 may not enter Battle Colosseum.
    Maximum amount of boosters (aka accelerators) needed to +5 an item is reduced in v3.4.16. Unfortunately, sGE is going to update only up to v3.4.14. Obviously so that players have to spend more on cash shop items. Ka-CHING$$$ for IAH again.

    3.5 ( Korea GE )

    New stock character face types for musketeer (male and female) and scout (male and female) available at character creation. Screenshots are taken from Dem's forum topic here.

    Rumin (aka Jewels) Exchanger added, allowing 3 Rumin to exchange for 1 Rumin. Exchanging for higher grade Rumin requires feso (500k/100k/20k).
    Refined Room of the Dead Key can be crafted with a new recipe available in Ustiur Base Camp. The recipe requires a 10k feso stone and a normal Room of the Dead Key. If the refined key is made successfully (i.e. it does not have 100% success rate), Frenzied Ravyn will have 100% spawn rate when Ravyn's Heart is killed.

    acquired with feso stone. A recipe shop allows the production of the key.
    Martial artists' personal skills have been modified. See Book of Wind for details.
    New necklace recipe shop added to Errac (aka Zeia). The necklaces can be enchanted with MaxHP, MaxSP, and random stat point increase. The necklace can be destroyed in Errac to obtain necklace crystal.
    You can summon another family from your friend list, consuming 1 Friend Summon Scroll available in Feso Shop.

    New combination buffs added - Marine Heroes, Reboldoeux Vigilante, and Gigantic Blaster. See Book of Wind for details.
    The fishing mini-game in Gigante Beach has been deleted. The fishes can be bought from NPC in Gigante Beach instead.

    You can exchange multiple Glazium (aka Polish) at one time, instead of one at a time.
    Weapon recipes (AR32) for Nar and Ania added to Sierra in Old Witch's Hut.
    Alejandro can now wear metal armor.

    New colony game, rewarding millions of feso. See also cGE article.

    New cash shop dungeon accessible from Tierra Putrefacta (aka Caebolan). The boss drops Lv.96 elite armor recipes and constellation signs.
    Master's Martial Arts stance added.
    Lv.96 elite armors (DR29) added.
    Skill point re-allocation is possible with new cash shop item (also available in feso shop).
    Maximum enhancement boosters (aka upgrade accelerators) has been reduced. For e.g., Lv.92 elite weapons and Lv.92 elite armors require 12 and 15 boosters respectively instead of 20 boosters for full 200% boost.
    Item name added to warning notices for enhancing (aka upgrading) and socketing.
    Maximum family level extended from 50 to 55.
    Pet box for cat (buffer) added to feso shop.
    Some mini-maps were updated.

    kGE v4.0.0 Preview

    . New Tutorial
    The beginner's tutorial will be revamped. It will be accessible to a new family or an existing family who has not completed the tutorial quest. After the tutorial, you will receive a set of Lv.1 equipment

    . Pet Tutorial
    The chick pet will be available via a new tutorial in Reboldeaux, and you can obtain 100 pet food. The tutorial pet is supposedly a looter, essentially a nerfed version of Grabber (aka Pilfurr, Poppet).

    3. Tutorial Costumes
    Andre provides a full set of Gold School Look costumes (30-days).

    . Pioneer Support
    There is some sort of pioneer buff which grants EXP +50%. The duration depends on level - Lv.1-10 (2 hours), Lv.11-30 (4 hours), Lv.31-50 (6 hours), Lv.51-70 (8 hours), and Lv.71-90 (10 hours).

    There are also pioneer support items, such as polish (aka glazium). The conditions for them are unknown at the moment.

    Level "Compensation" Items
    1-15 Lesser Polish x20

    General Polish x20

    36-55 Senior Polish x20

    56-75 Superlative Polish x20, Event Soul Crystal x10

    76-99 Forgotten Area Pass x1, Progressive Buff Potions (4 types) x10

    Veteran+ Intermediate Home Premium Service 3, Event Triumph Filler x10

    5. Secret of the 5 Elements: Scenario 1
    The quest to find Emilia's father continues. Rio and Lorch somehow got involved. A new raid is available. More than 4 families (MCC3) can join the raid.


    6. Raid Anytime
    Several other raids have revised loot and extra instanced formats now. These raids include Chateau de Bourgogne, Schaffenberger (Vergo), and Rafflesia.


    7. Favorite Teams
    You can save your favorite teams in the quarters, and select the entire team at the click of a button. The default hotkey is Alt-T.


    8. Mail Box
    A mail box has been added to send/receive messages. You can also send items, but this requires a fee. The button to check new mails is added to the mini-map at the upper-right corner of the screen

    9. Zone Map
    Zone map includes 2 lists of NPC: common NPC and NPC shops. Selecting the NPC will outside the icon with red. Clicking the GO button will move you directly to the selected NPC. Quest icons will also be shown on the map

    10 Game Options
    Game Options window (Alt-O) will be re-arranged with tabs. There is an option to set maximum reduction, allowing the game client to reduce CPU usage significantly at the cost of reducing graphics (possibly for AFK use).

    11. Misc.
    It appears that spinelles will be modified to allow only 1 summon at a time (?).

    New NPC merchants are added to Reboldeaux - socket merchant, jewel (rumin) processor, accessory destruction anvil, enchantment merchant, and enchantment chip exchanger.

    Ring Box has updated with more stance rings, including Semilunar and possibly Forgotten Magic.

    There is also something about processing resistance necklaces, whose recipes can be obtained in specific locations and missions.

    New costumes are added for Emilia/Emilia the Sage, Calyce, Soso, and Brunie.

    Lands of Elements

    The introduction of the 5 elements now expands the map, exploring regions of the full map (see below) revealed long ago. See GE Extended Map.



    The Land of Water covers the entire region of Al Quelt Moreza, Port of Coimbra, and Porto Bello. It will be explored in v3.6, where Dilos Latemn returns with a new vampire-like foe! Rio and Lorch will gate-crash the party in Al Quelt Moreza!




    The Land of Wind covers the region of Katovic Snowfield, City of Auch, Dr. Torsche's Mansion, and the unknown north-eastern lands beyond. It will also be featured in v3.6, where Dr. Torsche and Ulrik (Viki's uncle) has some new development, possibly involving Catherine. This new Catherine does not seem to have the robotic joints of the current Catherine (compare full-body view in teaser with current Catherine STR/INT/DEX), so perhaps the two old men devised a way to revive the real Catherine who died of illness according to Kamen the Butler. It took them long enough to learn about resuscitation potion and soul crystal...






    The Land of Earth lies beyond the current map, west of the Katovic Snowfield. No further information available from the teaser


    The Land of Heart lies in the unknown lands, west of the Lands of Earth and Fire. There is a rift or a lake called Virginia. No further information available from the teaser.

    If you compare with the full map above, you will notice that there is another region as yet uncovered, just south of the Land of Heart.

    Kge 4.0 14

    Something was changed for this raid. ... It seems that when 10 fire orbs are used, the summoning towers can be attacked by monsters. If an active summoning tower is destroyed, all towers become deactivated. A modification is also made concerning attempting to dispel Lava Leaf's buff. Supposedly, it is now an instanced raid


    . Enchanted Belts
    New belts which can be enchanted with stats (e.g. INT +1) have been added. As usual, belts have 3 types - belts, leather belts, and metal belts. There are 3 grades of enchanted belts. Each grade has different enchantment limits and base Immunity.

    Immunity +6; Max.HP +500~+1000, DEF +1~+5
    Immunity +8; Max.HP +1500~+2000, DEF +6~+10
    Immunity +10; Max.HP +2500~+3000, DEF +11~+15

    The belt recipes differ according to the grade, but common materials include HQ Cloth, Reinforced Leather, and Composite Steel. Other materials include...
    Normal Belt x1, Lv.96 Enchantment Chip x30, Elemental Jewel x3
    Grade 1 Belt Crystal x1, Buckle, Lv.100 Enchantment Chip x20
    Grade 2 Belt Crystal x1, Buckle, AR 30 Magic Weapon Crystal x3, Veteran Enchantment Chip x20

    Belt crystals are acquired by refining belts in Errac (aka Zeia).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The recipes drop in various maps and bosses, according to the grade.

    Bahamar Swamp 4 (Swamp of Peril/Murky Bayou), Toubkal Mines, Katovic Snowfield, Frozen Plain, Snowfield of the Ice Wizard (Glacial Forecourt), 3 zones of Fire Island, Elmorc, Avalanche Apparition, Lava Leaf, etc.
    Silent Maze (Lightning Gate), Occulta, etc.
    Novia, etc.

    Buckles drop in Poison Yard, Secret Temple, and some spider thingy...

    3. Edit Family Profile
    An Edit button has been added to family profile, so you can click it to edit and then click Save button


    . Family EXP Bar
    An EXP bar has been added to Quarters/Barracks and Family Profile to estimate how close the family is to gaining the next family level


    . Invisible Login/Logout & Zone Movement
    A new game option has been added to allow a player to hide his login/logout and zone movement notices (e.g. "XYZ is moving to City of Auch") from his clan/faction members


    . Misc.
    You can now make veteran enchantment chips from Enchantment Chip Exchanger with Lv.100 chips. Some minor changes to the dialog when talking to Emilia about Flintlock stance book. A bug concerning a skill in Power of Darkness is corrected.

    7. New Costumes & Hair
    There will be new costumes for female wizard, female scout, and female elementalist, as well as Bonnet Hair for Idge.





    Silver Server - 4.0.27

    Granado Espada 4.0.27]

    1. Deleted Dunkin Donut Event NPC.
    - vitamins and calcium alphabet items will also be deleted.

    2. Changed 'Al Quetz Moreza, Holy Water Chamber' mission.
    - mission can be performed once per day regardless of Chateau de Borgogne mission progress. (Even after completing the Chateau de Borgogne raid mission, a family can still proceed with the Al Quetz Moreza, Holy Creature's Room raid mission.)
    - Ortega's name has been changed to Ortega Furuholmen.

    3. Added Al Quetz Moreza Commission quest.
    - Al Quetz Moreza, Holy Creature's Room kill count quest can be acquired by talking to the Reboldoeux Commission Office Staff (mission) NPC.

    4. Added Ureus raid mission.
    - can be performed once every five days per family.
    - delay is reintialized on the 1st of each month. (Mission can be done on October 1st even if mission was done on September 30th.)
    - 'lvl 9 Pioneer Seals' can be exchanged to 'Scale Sculptures' from the NPC Igorni in Bahamar Base Camp.
    - the item and key required for mission initialization can be obtained from the NPC Federigo in City of Auch.
    - the Ureus raid mission can be started from the Warp Gate located at the 1st floor of Bahamar Underground Limestone Cave.
    - the map-pin for the Warp Gate to the Ureus raid mission has been added to the minimap of the 1st floor of Bahamar Underground Limestone Cave.
    - existing field raid remains unchanged.

    5. Increased base damage for Semilunar and Gorgeous stances.

    Stance Name Original Changed
    Gorgeous 10% increase in Physical Damage received
    15% increase in Range Damage received
    20% decrease in Magic Damage received
    10% decrease in chance to get debuffed
    accuracy +10
    attack speed +25%
    critical +17%
    block +25
    penetration +20 10% increase in Range Damage received
    20% decrease in Magic Damage received
    10% decrease in chance to get debuffed
    accuracy +10
    attack speed +25%
    critical +20%
    block +25
    penetration +20
    immunity +10
    Semilunar 10% increase in Physical Damage received
    10% increase in Range Damage received
    20% decrease in Magic Damage received
    10% decrease in chance to get debuffed
    accuracy +12
    attack speed +18%
    critical +6%
    penetration +20 10% increase in Range Damage received
    20% decrease in Magic Damage received
    10% decrease in chance to get debuffed
    accuracy +10
    attack speed +20%
    critical +10%
    penetration +20
    immunity +10

    Skill Name Original Changed
    Turning Force ATK 846%
    ignores 40 DEF
    [Specialized: Light Armour > Soft Armour > Heavy Armour] consumes Ancient Star Orb x1
    ATK 635%
    ignores 40 DEF
    50% chance to [Slow]
    [Specialized: Light Armour > Soft Armour > Heavy Armour]
    Repulsive Force targets 5 enemies within 6m x 100cm strip area-of-effect ahead of self
    ATK 556%
    60% chance to inflict [Mortal Wound]
    ignores 40 DEF targets 5 enemies within 6m x 200cm strip area-of-effect ahead of self
    consumes Ancient Star Orb x3
    ATK 556%
    60% chance to inflict [Mortal Wound]
    ignores 40 DEF
    Massacre targets 3 adjacent enemies
    ATK 1427%
    ignores 40 DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour] targets 5 adjacent enemies
    consumes Ancient Star Orb x5
    ATK 1070%
    ignores 40 DEF
    ignores block
    ignores 50% shield's DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour]
    Psychic consumes Ancient Star Orb x5
    60s duration
    +20 AGI consumes Ancient Star Orb x10
    60s duration
    +20 AGI
    Reverie ATK 2240%
    ignores 50 DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour] consumes Ancient Star Orb x3
    ATK 2240%
    ignores 50 DEF
    ignores block
    ignores 50% shield's DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour]
    Impulse targets 5 adjacent enemies
    ATK 652%
    ignores 30 DEF targets 3 adjacent enemies
    consumes Ancient Star Orb x1
    ATK 646%
    ignores 30 DEF
    Gruesome targets 1 enemy
    ATK 2119%
    ignores 30 DEF targets 3 adjacent enemies
    consumes Ancient Star Orb x3
    ATK 1741%
    ignores 30 DEF
    Militant consumes Ancient Star Orb x5
    60s duration
    +10 CON consumes Ancient Star Orb x5
    60s duration
    +10 CON
    Merciless targets 3 adjacent enemies
    ATK 1108%
    ignores 40 DEF targets 5 adjacent enemies
    consumes Ancient Star Orb x2
    ATK 838%
    ignores 40 DEF
    50% chance to [Stun]
    Occult Sciences consumes Ancient Star Orb x6
    ATK 246%
    ignores 50 DEF
    66% chance to inflict [Silence] consumes Ancient Star Orb x5
    ATK 246%
    ignores 50 DEF
    66% chance to inflict [Silence]

    6. Added Nar and Ania exclusive Constellation Weapons.
    - the recipes for Nar and Ania exclusive Constellation Weapons 'Hestia' and 'Naiads' can be obtained from the NPC Haman.

    7. Increased base damage for Master's Martial Arts.

    Stance/Skill Name Original Changed
    Master's Martial Arts 20% decrease in Physical Damage received
    10% increase in Magic Damage received
    accuracy +12
    attack speed +23%
    critical +13%
    evasion +12%
    penetration +15 20% decrease in Physical Damage received
    10% increase in Magic Damage received
    accuracy +15
    attack speed +25%
    critical +15%
    evasion +15%
    penetration +15
    Double Kick ATK 765%
    ignores 20 DEF
    [Specialized: Soft Armour > Light Armour > Heavy Armour] ATK 821%
    ignores 20 DEF
    30% chance to inflict [Silence]
    [Specialized: Soft Armour > Light Armour > Heavy Armour]
    Ferocious Heart consumes Ancient Star Orb x10
    10s duration
    ATK +30%
    DEF -20
    movement speed +30%
    attack speed +30% consumes Ancient Star Orb x5
    10s duration
    ATK +30%
    DEF -20
    movement speed +30%
    attack speed +30%
    Elemental Kick ATK 1028%
    ignores 40 DEF
    50% chance to [Stun] ATK 1160%
    ignores 40 DEF
    50% chance to [Stun]
    Dragon Punch ATK 2124%
    ignores 40 DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour] consumes Ancient Star Orb x2
    ATK 2474%
    ignores 40 DEF
    ignores block
    ignores 50% shield's DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour]
    Elemental Dragon ATK 2394%
    ignores 50 DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour] consumes Ancient Star Orb x3
    ATK 2754%
    ignores 50 DEF
    ignores block
    ignores 50% shield's DEF
    [Specialized: Heavy Armour > Light Armour > Soft Armour]

    8. Added attack speed +20% option to Trump musical instrument 'El Sumo Sacerdote'.

    9. Changed Secret Tower to one use per day.

    10. Fixed an intermittent issue with opposing factions not returned to town at the end of colony war.

    11. Fixed some odd graphics issue that occurs when Sharif has the Didasha hat equipped.

    12. Changed Vis/Feso Market Search feature to be selected automatically.

    13. Changed the game to be playable without Sound Card.

    14. Fixed some abnormal behaviours that occur when a character's CON exceeds 100.

    15. Fixed an issue with 'Ele Invisible' and 'Safe Guard' using the wrong buff icon.

    16. Fixed various typos.

    4.0 30

    . Improved the following Constellation Weapons.

    Item Original Changed
    Purity of Aldebaran Block +5
    Impulse of Algedi ATK 184 ATK 196
    Shrewd of Altair ATK 246 ATK 261
    Will of Acubens ATK 300 ATK 317
    4% chance to [Stun]
    Intuition of Al Rischa Accuracy +10
    Accuracy of Pegasus DEF Penetration +5
    Blunder of Lykaon Accuracy +10
    Relief of Deneb Accuracy +10
    Wits of Gemini 4% chance to [Stun]
    Balance of Libra 4% chance to [Stun]
    Delphinus Fire, Ice, Lightning ATK +10
    Hestia Accuracy +10
    Naiads Block +5

    2. Added Elite Trump Weapons.
    - Elite Trump Weapons can be exchanged with 'Ticket to Arsene Circus' and 1 of each of Archangel's Heart, Seed of Yggdrasil, and Siren's Scale from the ticket exchanger at Reboldoeux Queen's Gate.
    - Elite Trump Weapons require 15 Strengthening Accelerators for enhancement.

    3. Improved some Trump Weapons.
    - El Loco (crossbow): DEF Penetration +5
    - La Torre (rapier): Block +5
    - La Luna (knuckle): 4% chance to [Stun]
    - La Estrella (gaiters): 4% chance to [Stun]

    4. Added Increase Status Ampules.
    - increases a base stat by 3 for 1 hour.
    - can be used simultaneously with other Increase Status Ampules.

    5. Changed Secret Guard settings.
    - Secret Guard will automatically expire the moment the disciple hits family lvl15.
    - Secret Guard will automatically expire the moment the disciple promotes to Expert even if family level is lower than 15.
    - Secret Guard cannot be initiated if the family has Expert characters and lower-than-15 family level.
    - Secret Guard Guardian/Disciple requests cannot be registered at the lobby if the family has Expert characters and lower-than-15 family level.
    - the availability of Guardian/Disciple status can be viewed from the Family Information Window (Ctrl+R).
    - existing Secret Guard contracts will be terminated after update if the family has Expert characters and lower-than-15 family level.

    6. Changed entry requirements for Chateau de Borgogne.
    - admission is possible with 10 Pure Silver Bars or 1 [Chateau de Borgogne] Key.
    - [Chateau de Borgogne] Key drops in Reboldoeux Culverts.

    7. Changed Karjalainen to be able to wear Fighter Leather and Lorch and Auch Infantry to be able to wear Scout Leather.

    8. Changed the Psychic skill from 'Gorgeous' stance and Militant skill from 'Semilunar' stance.

    Psychic Militant
    Changed (lv10) 300s duration 300s duration
    Changed (lv11) 330s duration
    AGI +30
    ATK +5%
    aspd +5%
    mspd +5% 330s duration
    CON +20
    ATK +5%
    DEF +10
    Changed (lv12) 360s duration
    AGI +30
    AR +1, DR +1
    ATK +5%
    aspd +5%
    mspd +5% 360s duration
    CON +20
    AR +1, DR +1
    ATK +5%
    DEF +10

    9. Changed market search 'Vis Search' option to be checked automatically.

    10. Changed Costume Recycle Box to not accept time-based costumes.

    11. Changed Tenseness skill's 'Evil Hand' debuff status duration at skill lv10 from 50s to 10s.

    12. Corrected a target range issue with 'Gorgeous' stance's Massacre skill.

    13. Fixed various typos.

    14. Changed Test Server's Feso Shop to not sell Invisible Potion.


    2. 'Strengthening Accelerator' aka 'Enhancement Booster' in sGE.

    The Elite Trump Weapons have base 31AR and base ATK values that lie between Los Toldos Elites and Bahamar Weapons, so they're basically transition weapons between the latter two series. They are clean and can be chipped to various options using lvl96 chips.

    5. It's actually Alt+R for Family Information. Typo in patch notes.

    6. 'Pure Silver Bar' is labelled as 'a lump of Silver ingot' (or something like that) in kGE. It's quite a mouthful, so I use the sGE label here.

    Granado Espada 4.0.33

    1. Added Scouts constellation stance [Enhanced Tactics].
    - the new constellation stance can be learned by Scout, Soho, Soho the Wind, Viki, and Emilia after mastering the [Tactical Assistance] stance.
    - the [Enhanced Tactics] stancebook can be purchased from the NPC Emilia after completion of the constellation stance quest.
    - [Enhanced Tactics] can be accessed while using the new Scout weapon.
    - for the Test Server, the [Enhanced Tactics] stancebook can be purchased from the Volunteer NPC in the master room in all major towns.

    2. Added Scout-only Rosario weapon.
    - when equipped, the Rosario improves the healing amount of all Healing skills.
    - Damaged Ancient Rosario and Silver Rosario items have been added.
    - Silver Rosario item can be crafted from Los Toldos recipe.

    3. Added stances for the character Emilia.
    - Fortitudo, Tactical Assistance, and Enhanced Tactics have been added.
    - the stances can be accessed by equipping the Rosario.
    - stances are not added for Emilia the Sage and Reckless Emilia.

    4. Added Symbol of Scorpio to the 'Mysterious Treasure Box' option of the Premium Treasure Service.

    5. Added rings for the new skills and stance to Ring Box.
  2. caramen

    caramen Great Lord

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Temple of the Damn
    vãi cái new map 8-|
  3. thanhycung

    thanhycung Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ngồi dich hết chổ này củng đú rồi

    ai dịch ra dùm đi
  4. lucky_boy_8890

    lucky_boy_8890 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái này đọc xong cũng mất cả buổi, ngồi dịch chắc chết mất, từ từ nhám nháp vậy, vGE sắp up cái nào ta đọc cái đó =))
  5. zuzu90

    zuzu90 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vậy là 3.2 cũng có TA rồi àh

    Thế thì chuẩn bị item 100 giá rẻ như bèo ko ai thèm hốt ;))
  6. disconnect00

    disconnect00 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch 3.2​
    New: Sự kiện hàng ngày
    Thêm Event Statue ở Roboldoeux's Queen Gate, Coimbra Nimrod Bridge, Thueringenwald
    Thêm 8 mission trong Event Statue
    Joaquin Barrier (Seige) - 14h
    Gold - 16h
    Team Arena (MCC3) - 20h
    Invasion - 22h
    Team Arena (MCC1) - 23h
    Occupation -0h
    Infiltration - 1h
    Joaquin Barrier (Defense) - 2h

    New: Event Warp
    Bạn sẽ nhận được lời nhắn khi sự kiện diễn ra, giống như lời nhắn của nhiệm vụ.
    Mở tab nhiệm vụ bằng cách ấn alt A và bạn sẽ thấy tab Event.
    Sẽ có nút Move, click vào đó để tạo warp đến chỗ nhận nhiệm vụ. Mất 1 Warp Scroll

    New: Combination Buff
    Bạn sẽ nhận được hỗ trợ khi sử dụng những team sau đây.

    Soldier Spirits
    Reboldoeux Soldier, Coimbra Trooper, Auch Infantry
    ATK Rating +1, DEF Rating +1

    Destiny’s Chains
    Selva Norte, Edward Jameson, Gavin Jameson
    ATK +5%, ATK Speed +10%, DEF +20%

    Grace Bernelli, Lorch Furholden, Najib Sharif
    Accuracy +10%, ATK Speed +5%, Penetration +5

    Muscle Club
    Gracielo, Soho (bình thường, không phải soho the wind), Jean-Pierre Gascon
    DEF +5, DEF Rating +1, Max HP +1000

    Knights of Rescue
    Grandice, Romina, Rescue Knight
    Movement Speed +10%, Mental RES +10

    Junior Club
    Claire, Tiburon, Ramiro
    DEF Rating +1, Max HP +2000

    New: Trợ giúp Keyboard
    Phím tắt Alt K.
    Thêm vào màn hình chờ.

    New: Cash shop
    Thêm +5 Impervium: Expert giá 14.3k GP
    Thêm +6 Impervium: Expert giá 17k GP
    Thêm Samurai Armor (xanh dương) giá 9.9k GP
    Thêm Samurai Armor (đen) giá 9.9k GP
    Thêm Samurai Armor (đỏ) giá 9.9k GP

    New: Feso shop
    Thêm Samurai Helmet (đỏ, đen, xanh dương) (30 ngày) giá 50k feso
    Thêm Samurai Flag (đỏ, đen, xanh dương) giá 300k feso

    New: Items
    Pet box (Pigling) - Hoạt động gấp 2 lần Grabber
    Pet box (Panpan) - Tăng 20% exp và tỉ lệ rớt đồ
    Cronian Nephthys Costume – Summer costume Scout nữ.
    Clivia Sprite Costume – Summer costume female Musketeer nữ.
    Zephyranthes Costume – Summer costume for Fighter nam.
    Goldentale Magius Costume – Summer costume Elementalist nam.
    Nana Artogeia Costume – Summer costume Elementalist nữ.
    Veronica Chipao Costume – Summer costume Wizard nữ.
    Cronian Thanatos Costume – Summer costume Scout nam.
    Spit Clianthes Costume – Summer costume Musketeer nam.
    Tight Arrange – Tóc Musketeers nữ.
    Layer Bob – Tóc for Scout nữ.

    Thay đổi: Premium Treasure Chest Service (30 ngày)
    Danh sách Mysterious Treasure Box
    Bỏ Ancient Territory Pass (1 ngày), Forgotten Territory Pass (1 ngày), Diamond Coupon, Phoenix Wings, Horn of Baphomet, Mystic Amber, Silver Hammer, Teleport Scroll, Hermes Potion and Damaged Ancient Glazium.
    Thêm Forgotten Territory Pass (7 ngày), Ancient Territory Pass (7 ngày), Field Survival Manual – Master (1 ngày), EXP Card (Tặng 920,000 EXP), EXP Card (Tặng 14,000,000 EXP) và Level 96 Enchantment Chip.
    Danh sách Weekday Treasure Box
    Bỏ Ring Box, Socket Processing Tranquilizer, Blessed Angel Wings (7 ngày), Blessed Chrysalis Wings (7 ngày), Blessed Jabberwock Armor (7 ngày), Blessed Tortoise Shell (7 ngày), Blessed Coimbra Sign (7 ngày), Blessed Flower Vase (7 ngày), Blessed Treasure Chest (7 ngày), Blessed Anchor (7 ngày), Blessed Murderous Swords (7 ngày), Blessed Black Angel Wings (7 ngày), Blessed White Angel Wings (7 ngày), Blessed Ivory Bag (7 ngày), Blessed Leaping Croc Bag (7 ngày), Blessed Rucksack (7 ngày) và Blessed Satchel (7 ngày).
    Thêm Reboldoeux Return Sheet, Port of Coimbra Return Sheet, Auch Return Sheet, Teleport Scroll và Hermes Potion.

    Thay đổi: Ring Box
    Thêm skill ring cho Selva và expert stance
    Espada de la Rotacion Ring, Espada deI Viento Ring, Dragante Ring, Saltos de Ataques Ring, Rapida Ring, Vampiric Session Ring, Insanity Ring, Death Crest Ring, Eternal Tempest Ring, Destino Ring, Golpe Ring, Valentia Ring, Bless Ring, Agil Ring, Centella Ring, Punto Ring, Appel Ring, Riposte Ring, Ropera Ring, Cut and Thrust Ring, Harsh Kick Ring, Carnage Ring, Slaughter Ring, Volition Ring, Ruthless Ring, Lado Patada Ring, Asesinato Ring, Intoxicacion Ring, Asalto Ring, Rapida Ataque Ring, Shootdown Shot Ring, Swift Shot Ring, Penetration Shot Ring, Check Targets Ring, Accuracy Shot Ring, Battle Smash Ring, Rolling Thunder Ring, Shoulder Charge Ring, Throwing Axe Ring and Windstorm Ring.
    Added stance rings for Selva and Expert stance
    Cauchemar Ring, Rapida Espada Ring, Equites Ring, Rapiere Ring, Hanging Guard Ring, Arnis Ring, Flintlock Ring, Combatant Ring, Back Guard - Zeian Warrior Ring, Rapiere of Grim Ring, Equites Ring - Romina Ring, Flintlock Ring - Auch Soldier Ring, Tested Guard Ring and Flintlock Ring - Rescue Knight Ring.

    Thay đổi: Tierra de los Muertos
    Thêm 3 lựa chọn warp.
    Lối vào (đã có)
    Ruined Village
    Old tree on hill

    Thay đổi: Premium Dungeon
    Thêm pioneering hunting quest
    Tetra Grand Chapel – Forgotten Territory
    Porto Bello, Hidden Deck – Forgotten Territory
    Dr. Torsche's Mansion, Annex – Forgotten Territory
    Prison de Joaquin, Laboratory Block – Forgotten Territory
    Ancient Skullic's Nest 1st Floor – Ancient Territory
    Ancient Skullic's Nest 2nd Floor – Ancient Territory
    Ancient Skullic's Hidden Nest – Premium Buff Ancient Territory
    Ancient Skullic Shelter 1st Floor – Ancient Shelter
    Ancient Skullic Shelter 2nd Floor – Ancient Shelter
    Bahama, Ancient Underground Cave 1st Floor – Ancient Territory
    Bahama, Ancient Underground Shelter 1st Floor – Ancient Shelter

    Thay đổi: Recipe đồ Elite (Level 36 to 68)
    Đồ E36 có thể đồi thành Level 14 Weapon/Armor Crystal
    Đồ E52 có thể đổi thành Level 18 Weapon/Armor Crystal
    Đồ E68 có thể đồi thành Level 22 Weapon/Armor Crystal
    Recipe đồ E52 cần Level 14 Weapon/Armor Crystals
    Recipe đồ E68 cần Level 18 Weapon/Armor Crystals

    Thay đổi: Tỉ lệ rớt đồ
    Tỉ lệ rớt đồ dưới level 68 được thay đổi. Level càng cao rớt càng ít đồ
    Snail Skin và Old Chess Pieces rớt bởi Ancient Taurus và Ancient Spider Crab trong premium dungeons
    Tỉ lệ rớt Strange Device Key (North), Strange Device Key (West), Strange Device Key (East), Secret Tower Key cho tầng 3 Floor và Ghost's Magic Powder trong Secret Tower được tăng 100%.

    Thay đổi: Độ khó của quest
    Cơ hội để lấy Lorenzo Diary (Quest Zeia) được tăng lên 10 lần
    Overturn box ở Prison de Joaquin xuất hiện 6 lần trong ngày: 10h, 13h, 16h, 19h, 22h, 1h

    Thay đổi: Số ô barrack
    Số barrack được tăng lên 7.
    Có thể tạo được 63 nhân vật.

    Thay đổi: Family Level
    Family Level tối đa được tăng từ 50 lên 63.
    Family Level buff:
    Level 51: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 1 DEF
    Level 52: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 2 DEF
    Level 53: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 3 DEF
    Level 54: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 4 DEF
    Level 55: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 5 DEF
    Level 56: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 6 DEF
    Level 57: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 7 DEF
    Level 58: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 8 DEF
    Level 59: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 9 DEF
    Level 60: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 10 DEF
    Level 61: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 11 DEF
    Level 62: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 12 DEF
    Level 63: Maximum HP +50%, 40% ATK, 10% ATK Speed and 13 DEF

    Thay đổi: Điểm kinh nghiệm Family
    Điểm kinh nghiệm Family được tăng thêm 500 cho nhân vật cấp Veteran.
    Điểm kinh nghiệm Family được tăng thêm 1000 cho nhân vật cấp Expert.
    Điểm kinh nghiệm Family được tăng thêm 1500 cho nhân vật cấp Master.

    Thay đổi: Secret Guard
    Family reputation (danh vọng) nhận được từ secret guard tăng lên 30%
  7. disconnect00

    disconnect00 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch 3.3, 3.4​

    Có thể tạo rNPC Ania trong barrack.

    Thêm vũ khí Trump AR 30 unique(Option cố định ATK 30%, ATK SPD 30%, ATK Rate+1). Series này có 21 loại.

    Chỉ số nhân vật được nhân lên 10 lần. Ví dụ: Fighter có 6 STR được chuyển thành 60

    Costume mới cho fighter/wizard, hat/hair mới cho fighter/wizard, và hair cho Grace Bernelli.

    Rumin (còn được gọi là Jewel) rớt trong các premium dungeons và các mission sự kiện.

    Độ khó của Team Arena được giảm xuống thể có thể solo.

    Tăng reputation cho secret guard.

    Thêm Constellation symbol vào Mysterious Treasure Box trong Cash Shop.

    Treasure monster hunt từ Treasure Hunter trong làng được điều chỉnh từ 100 xuống 10.

    Nội dung Giáng sinh được thêm vào (jGE) - Rudolph, Angel Headband, Rudolph back costume.

    Emilia the Sage, Soho the Wind và một số khác bị xóa khỏi Feso Shop (jGE).

    Thêm cấp Master (+10 stat points, AR/DR+2)

    Thêm Premium family services (Thêm buffs và vào dungeon).

    Sửa lại Secret Guard.

    Xóa recipe Deprodine; Dignite costume, constellation symbol, Lv.100 chip, và veteran chip được thêm vào vài dịch vụ premium.

    Spinelle không thể được sử dụng ở Channel 1 gần colony.

    Thêm Dignite costume, quest bắt đầu bằng cách lấy veteran Ania nói chuyện với Andre.

    Thêm stance expert mới: Gorgious - Ania và Semilunar - Nar. Có thể mua trong feso shop với giá 1m.

    Thêm vũ khí E92 - Noche Triste (Nar) và Noche Frigid (Ania), có trong Los Toldos. Thay vì cần Spirit Stone, recipe cần 10 Jewel Powder.

    Glazium có thể được nâng cấp bởi Pioneer Equipment NPC. Nâng cấp lên lv 100 có thể cần feso.

    Thời gian rao bán ở market manager tăng lên 48h.

    Giá ring box giảm, và ring có thể trao đổi.

    Quái vật từ spinelle biến mất sau 10 phút không hoạt động.

    Có thể tạo rNPC Hellena.

    Mysterious Treasure Box có thêm Grade 26 Equipment Crystals, Damaged Ancient Glazium, Barrack Slot...

    Feso stones có thể giao dịch.

    Giá Memoirs giảm 90%. 1 Memoir chỉ reset lại 1 điểm (không phải 10).

    3 NPC ở vùng Bahama được thêm vào để giúp làm nhiệm vụ Bahama.

    Thêm Cat Pet (Sith).

    Thêm nhiều item vào Feso Shop: Wheel of Destiny (1 ngày), Otite Perfume, Veteran/Expert/Master Scroll, Ambrosia, Mystery Powder, Barrack Slot, Enhancement Booster, Enchantment Tranquilizer, Impervium...

    Tăng SP để sử dụng skill expert.

    Character Veteran bị giảm level xuống dưới 100 không thể tham gia vào Battle Colosseum

    Booster tối đa để +5 item được giảm vào v3.4.16.
  8. kubom`

    kubom` Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    bãi rác
    tiếp đi bạn mình theo dõi từng ngày hehe cm chứ ko bạn tưởng dịch vô ích ko dịch nửa thì toi :-*
  9. MARfan

    MARfan The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tầng hầm nhà chứa
    Đấy là cái điều mà mèng thik' nhất ở GE, có element rồi ^^, thôi bây giờ đi lấy thoai :)) !
  10. disconnect00

    disconnect00 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch 3.5 (kGE)

    Kiểu mặt mới cho musketeer (nam và nữ) và scout (nam và nữ)

    Thêm Rumin Exchanger để đổi 3 Rumin thành 1. Đổi Rumin cấp cao hơn sẽ cần feso (500k/100k/20k).

    Refined Room of the Dead Key có thể được chế từ recipe ở Ustiur Base Camp. Recipe cần 10k feso và Room of the Dead Key bình thường. Tỉ lệ chế Refined Key không phải là 100%, nhưng Frenzied Ravyn chắc chắn sẽ xuất hiện sau khi tiêu diệt Ravyn's Heart.

    Personal skill của các Martial artist được sửa lại.

    Thêm necklace recipe shop vào Zeia. Necklace có thể enchant MaxHP, MaxSP và stat point. Necklace có thể phá hủy để lấy necklace crystal.

    Có thể triệu tập 1 Family trong friend list bằng cách sử dụng Friend Summon Scroll trong feso shop

    Thêm Combination Buff: Marine Heroes, Reboldoeux Vigilante, and Gigantic Blaster.

    Mini game câu cá bị xóa. Tuy nhiên, có thể mua cá từ NPC

    Có thể đổi nhiều glazium 1 lần.

    Recipe vũ khí (AR32) cho Nar và Ania có thể mua từ Sierra trong Old Witch Hut.

    Alejandro có thể mặc metal armor.

    Game Colony mới, có thể kiếm được hàng triệu feso.

    Cash shop dungeon mới có thể vào được từ Tierra Putrefacta. Boss rớt recipe e96 armor và symbol.

    Thêm stance Master's Martial Art.

    Thêm armor e96 (dr29)

    Sách reset skill có thể mua trong cash shop hoặc feso shop.

    Enhancement booster tối được giảm xuống. Ví dụ, vũ khí e96 và giáp e96 cần 12 và 15 EB để tăng 200% thay vì 20 như trước

    Thêm tên item trong khi enhance và socket.

    Family level tối đa tăng từ 50 lên 55.

    Thêm pet box cat vào feso shop.

    Update một vài mini-map.
  11. lina_angel

    lina_angel Alone In The Dark Darkness... Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    DoTa of warcraft
    good job

    disconnect rảnh thì dịch hết đi , khi nào xong tôi sẽ edit thêm và tổng hợp lại toàn bộ :|
  12. disconnect00

    disconnect00 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Patch v4.0.0.0 kGE

    Phần Hướng dẫn mới
    Phần Hướng dẫn được sửa lại. Một tài khoản mới tạo hoặc một tài khoản vẫn chưa hoàn tất hướng dẫn đều có thể làm. Sau phần hướng dẫn, sẽ được nhận một set đồ lv1

    Pet hướng dẫn
    Pet gà mới + 100 pet food dành cho người hoàn thành xong hướng dẫn có thể nhận được ở Reboldeoux. Pet gà giống như Grabber (nhặt đồ), nhưng hoạt động yếu hơn

    Tutorial Costume
    Andre sẽ cho bạn Gold School Look costume 30 ngày.

    Hỗ trợ Pioneer
    Pioneer buff tăng exp lên 50%. Thời gian phụ thuộc vào lv - Lv1-10 (2h), Lv11-30 (4h), Lv31-50 (6h), Lv51-70 (8h), và Lv.71-90 (10h).

    Có một vài đồ hỗ trợ pioneer, như là glazium. Điều kiện để lấy những thứ này vẫn chưa biết.

    1-15 Low grade glazium x20

    16-35 General grade glazium x20

    36-55 High grade glazium x20

    56-75 Highest grade glazium x20, Event Soul Crystal x10

    76-99 Forgotten Area Pass x1, Progressive Buff Potions (4 loại) x10

    Veteran+ Intermediate Home Premium Service 3, Event Triumph Filler x10

    Bí mật 5 Elements: Scenario 1
    Nhiệm vụ tìm kiếm cha của Emilia tiếp tục. Rio và Lorch bằng cách nào đó có liên quan. Có thêm raid mới và hơn 4 family (MCC3) có thể tham gia raid.

    Raid bất kì lúc nào
    Một vài raid được chỉnh sửa item drop và instance mission. Raid này bao gồm Chateau de Bourgogne, Schaffenberger (Vergo), và Rafflesia.

    Team yêu thích
    Bạn có thể save lại team yêu thích và chọn chỉ bằng một nút ấn. Hotkey Alt T

    Mail Box
    Thêm Mail box để nhận/gửi thư. Có thể gửi đồ, nhưng sẽ tốn thêm phí. Nút kiểm tra mail box ở mini map, góc phía trên bên phải.

    Zone Map
    Zone map bao gồm 2 loại NPC: NPC thường và NPC shop. Chọn NPC và ấn nút GO để tự động chạy đến đó. Quest cũng được hiển thị.

    Game Options
    Game Options window (Alt-O) được sắp xếp thành dạng tab. Sẽ có một option để chỉnh tất cả option xuống mức thấp nhất để hạn chế lag, nhất là cho những người afk.

    Spinelle chỉ được summon 1 con mỗi loại (?)

    Thêm NPC mới ở Reboldeaux - socket merchant, jewel (rumin) processor, accessory destruction anvil, enchantment merchant, and enchantment chip exchanger.

    Ring box có thêm nhiều stance ring, kể cả Semilunar và có thể có Forgotten Magic.

    Thêm costume mới cho Emilia/Emilia the Sage, Calyce, Soso, và Brunie.

Chia sẻ trang này