Những đoạn hội thoại trong GTA Vice City-dành cho bác nào quan tâm đến cốt truyện

Thảo luận trong 'Grand Theft Auto' bắt đầu bởi WestsideConnect, 3/11/09.

  1. WestsideConnect

    WestsideConnect Guest

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    Bridges Closed (0:00:20) (2.51 MB)
    Male Newscaster: We interrupt your programming with a message from the state
    department. All bridges and some roads in the Vice City metropolitan area
    have been closed because of a severe weather warning. Meteorologists are
    tracking hurricane Hermione, which has devestated five carribean islands,
    and is heading for Vice City. More updates soon.

    Bridges Re-Opened (0:00:16) (1.95 MB)
    Male Newscaster: We interrupt your programming to inform you all bridges in the
    Vice City metropolitan area have been reopened. Hurricane Hermione has not
    hit the city. Sorry for any inconvience. We thank you for your patience.
    Now, back to the show.
    -- MISC --

    Mission Completion Music (0:00:08) (1.09 MB)
    ???: [singing] Action, camera, lipstick, lights. I've been in Mercedes' tights.
    No one knows I play the guitar, wearing her red bra. Is it true you like
    ???: Jesus, look at them, can they tick. We thought we'd show you our, ah,
    Temple of Rock... hahaha. Get a feel for that Love Fist fury!
    ???: Listen to yourself, man. It's paper-mache and gaffa tape.
    ???: Hey, to the kids, it's a temple and we are the priests!
    ???: Aye, well, if the kids like their priests half cut and tone deaf, who am I
    to argue?
    ???: Oh geez, the tape's getting chewed again. At this rate, we'll never get to
    play live.
    ???: Oohh shite! My bowels...
    ???: We gotta get on with it-thanks again Tommy, Know what I am saying, nice
    one, bye!


    Intro - Marco's Bistro, Liberty City 1986 (1:10) (8.64 MB)
    Sonny: Tommy Vercetti... Huh! Shit. Didn't think they'd ever let him out.
    Man #1: He kept his head down, helps people forget.
    Sonny: People will remember soon enough. When they see him walking down the
    streets of their neighborhoods, it will be bad for business.
    Man #2: Well, what are we gonna do, Sonny?
    Sonny: We treat him like an old friend and keep him busy out of town. Okay?
    We been talking about expanding down South, right? Vice City is
    twenty-four carat gold these days. The Colombians, the Mexicans, hell,
    even those Cuban refugees are cutting themselves a piece of some nice
    Man #1: But it's all drugs, Sonny. None of the families will touch that shit!
    Sonny: Times are changing. The families can't keep their backs turned while
    our enemies reap the rewards. So, we send someone down to do the dirty
    work for us, and cut ourselves a nice quiet slice. Okay? Who's our
    contact down there?
    Man #2: Ken Rosenberg, schmuck of a lawyer. How's he gonna hold Vercetti's
    Sonny: We don't need him to. We just set him loose in Vice City, we give him a
    little cash to get started. Okay? Give it a few months. Then we go down,
    pay him a little visit, right? See how he's doing.

    Intro - Escobar International Airport, Vice City (0:31) (3.78 MB)
    Ken: Hey, hey, guys! It's, uh, Ken Rosenberg here! Hey! Heh, heh, hey, great,
    hey! Well, uh, I'm gonna drive you guys to the meet, okay? Now, I've
    talked to the suppliers and they are very, huh-ha, keen to start a business
    relationship, so, uh, if all goes well, we should, uh, be doing very nicely
    for ourselves, which is, y'know... good. Okay, so, they're brothers, okay.
    One operates the uh, the business, and the other one does the flying...

    Intro - Vice City Docks (1:06) (8.14 MB)
    [helicopter flies overhead]
    Ken: Ok, that's them in the chopper. All right, here's the deal. They want a
    straight exchange on open ground. All right? Ok. Stay tight, let's go.
    [the supplier exits the copter, Tommy and his associates exit Ken's car and
    greet the supplier]
    Tommy: Got it?
    Supplier: 100% pure grade-A Colombian, my friend.
    Tommy: Let me see it.
    Supplier: The greens?
    Tommy: Tens and twenties, used.
    Supplier: I think we have a deal, my friend. HA HA!
    Tommy: Oh, shit!
    [gunfire is heard as police come out from hiding and open fire on the gang,
    Tommy's associates are killed, Tommy luckily makes it back to Ken's car]
    Tommy: Go on, get out of here! Drive!

    An Old Friend (1:22) (10 MB)
    [phone rings]
    Tommy: Hello, Sonny.
    Sonny: Tommy! Tommy, it's been too long. I know, I know. You're just
    overwhelmed with emotion. Fifteen years - seems like only yesterday.
    Tommy: I guess that's a perspective thing.
    Sonny: Hey, doing time for the family is no piece of cake, but the family
    looks after its own, okay? So, how'd the deal go down? You sitting on
    some white gold?
    Tommy: Look Sonny, we were set up. The deal was an ambush. Harry and Lee are
    Sonny: You better be kidding me, Tommy. Tell me you still got the money.
    Tommy: No, Sonny, I don't have the money.
    Sonny: That was my money, Tommy, MY MONEY! You better not be screwing me,
    Tommy, because you know I'm not a man to be screwed with!
    Tommy: Wait, Sonny. You have my personal assurance that I'm going to get your
    money back, and the drugs, and I'm gonna mail you the dicks of those
    Sonny: Hey, I already know that. You're not a fool, Tommy, but I warn you,
    neither am I. If it was anybody else, you'd be DEAD already. But because
    it's you, because we got history, I'm gonna let you handle this.
    Tommy: Look, Sonny, you got my word.
    Sonny: I'll be in touch.


    The Party - File #1 (1:29) (10.86 MB)
    Ken: Go get some sleep, he says... hahaha... I have been sitting in this chair
    all night with the lights off drinking coffee. This is a disaster. We are
    so screwed, man! These gorillas, listen to me, are gonna come down here
    and rip MY head off. It's ridiculous! I did NOT go to law school for
    this! Okay, now what the hell are we gonna do?
    Tommy: Shut up, sit down, relax. I'll tell you what we're gonna do. You're
    gonna find out who took our cocaine. And then, I'm gonna kill them.
    Ken: That's a good idea. That's a GREAT idea. Let me think, let me think,
    let me think. OH! There's this retired Colonel, Colonel Juan Garcia
    Cortez. He's the one that helped me set up this deal well away from Vice
    City's established thugs. Okay? Now, listen. He's holding his party out
    in the bay on his expensive yacht and all of Vice City's big players are
    gonna be there. Okay? I have an invite, of course I have an invite, but
    there's no way that I'm going out there, sticking my head out the door - no
    way! Not gonna happen.
    Tommy: I told you, shut up! I'll go myself.
    Ken: Ho - whoa, whoa! Hey, I like 1978 too, but, y'know, this isn't gonna be a
    beer and strippers do. I mean, no offense, but I think that you might turn
    heads on the runway for the wrong reasons.
    Tommy: What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?
    Ken: Okay, look, here. Stop by Rafael's, tell him I sent 'ya. He'll make you
    look respectable. Okay, go, c'mon.

    The Party - File #2 (2:46) (20.26 MB)
    Cortez: Buenas noches. I understand you are here on the behalf of
    Mr. Rosenberg. I hope any recent problems have not affected his health,
    or uh, mental well being, Mr... uh?
    Tommy: Vercetti. He's just got a touch of... agoraphobia.
    Cortez: Excellent, excellent. And you?
    Tommy: I just want my merchandise.
    Cortez: Ah. It's an unfortunate set of circumstances for all involved.
    Of course, I have initiated my own lines of inquiry, but such a delicate
    matter will take time. Perhaps we will talk later. Meanwhile, let me
    introduce you to my daughter, Mercedes! Cara mia, could you look after
    our guest while I attend to my necessary obligations?
    Mercedes: Of course, daddy.
    Cortez: Please excuse me.
    Tommy: Mercedes!?
    Mercedes: You try living with it. Anyway, let me point out some of our more
    distinguished guests. That's our congressman Alex Shrub with rising
    silicone star Candy Suxxx.
    Alex Shrub: And have you met my lovely wife Laura? No? Well, unfortunately
    she's in Alabama. This is Candy.
    Mercedes: And over there we have the Vice City Mambas' star tight end, BJ...
    always the charmer.
    B.J. Smith: I blocked down on him and then I put him in a wheelchair!
    Avery: Haha, that is good! Well now, I'm looking at some prime real estate
    Mercedes: And that poolside amphibian is Jezz Torrent, lead singer with Love
    Jezz: Can I tell yous, do you know how they play ping-pong in Thailand? Let me
    tell you's, it does NOT involve a paddle, if you know what I mean!
    Mercedes: Impotent. And the chatty trio. That sleeping sweat gland is Papa's
    right hand gimp, Gonzalez, and the other two are Pastor Richards and pseudo
    intellectual film director, Steve Scott.
    Steve: ...all in the throes of passion with the nympho invaders, when the giant
    shark comes in and just bites their dicks off! Ha now, you never saw
    anything like that before, have you?
    Diaz: Colonel! Your parties as ever are a triumph, hahahaha! I can only
    apologize for my late arrival.
    Cortez: Ah, de nada amigo. How do we find you?
    Diaz: Our business is very trying. Barbarians at the gates. A time for
    rewarding one's friends and liquidating one's enemies, amigo.
    Tommy: Who's the loudmouth?
    Mercedes: Ricardo Diaz. He's Mr. Coke.
    Diaz: Mercedes!
    Mercedes: Oh, I was just taking my friend back into town. Another
    time, Ricardo! Let's get out of here. Actually, take me to the
    Pole Position club.

    Back Alley Brawl - File #1 (0:35) (4.27 MB)
    Ken: Ah! Well, I hope you're having a good time, because I'm going out of my
    mind with worry here. What did you find out?
    Tommy: That there are more criminals in this town than in prison. We need a
    lead from the streets.
    Ken: Okay, let me think, let me think, let me think... AH! I've got it! Okay,
    there's this limey, some music industry slimeball, goes by the name of Kent
    Paul. Anyway, he's got his nose so far up most of Vice City's ass that if
    anybody knows the whereabouts of 20 k's of coke, it's this guy, all right?
    He's always at The Malibu.
    Tommy: I'll go pay him a visit.
    Ken: Take it easy now.

    Back Alley Brawl - File #2 (1:08) (8.3 MB)
    Kent Paul: Where'd you pop up from? I've been looking for a bird like you for
    ages, mate. Who know who I am?...
    Tommy: I'm looking for some English guy.
    Kent Paul: ... Kent Paul. Kent Paul, mate. Yeah, I'm the guvnor 'round here.
    I sort things out, you know what I mean? I'll treat you. Whatever you
    want, I'll get you, girl. Don't you worry about a thing, mate.
    Tommy: Get lost, honey.
    Kent Paul: Oi oi oi oi oi!
    Tommy: You Kent Paul? I'm a friend of Rosenberg's.
    Kent Paul: Rosenberg... Rosenberg... Oh, that bonkers ambulance chaser! That
    guy could defend an innocent man all the way to death row! Give us another
    drink, bruv.
    Tommy: Everybody's a comedian. Listen to me. I'm missing twenty keys and a lot
    of cash.
    Kent Paul: Drugs, mate? It's a mug's game.
    Tommy: What do you know about it?
    Kent Paul: Oi oi! What I was coming to was, there's some chef-cum-trumpetshifter
    who deals out kitchen of a hotel on Ocean Drive. He's been looking real
    pleased with himself lately. You could go and check him out.
    Tommy: I will... and I'll be seeing you around.
    Kent Paul: Yeah, that's right. Go on, walk away, you mug. I'll knock you spark
    out! Give me a drink, and where's that slut!

    Back Alley Brawl - File #3 (0:43) (5.3 MB)
    Lance: Oh, way to go, tough guy. Beat him to a pulp. That should make him
    real chatty.
    Tommy: You want some, too?
    Lance: Hey, chill. I want what you want, brother.
    Tommy: Oh, yeah? And what's that?
    Lance: Your green, and my dead brother's white lady. Unfortunately, you just
    silenced our lead.
    Tommy: Accidents happen. Get lost.
    Lance: Hey, hey, whoa. No need to go all 'Lone Ranger' on my ass. The way I
    see it, we two hombres in a strange town. We need to watch each other's
    Tommy: My back's just fine, brother.
    Lance: You sure about that? Here, take this. Follow me!

    Jury Fury (0:54) (6.59 MB)
    Ken: Aaah! Oh, for god's sake, it's you! Oh, Jeez. I'm gonna need new pants!
    Hey, those psychos from up north - they've been on the horn, and they're
    coming down here soon. Now where is the goddamn money?!
    Tommy: Relax, relax. We're not at that part yet.
    Ken: Ohhh... I thought that you were taking care of this, I really did! And now
    those guidos say we gotta do them a favor.
    Tommy: You mean I gotta do 'em a favor.
    Ken: Oh, of course that's what I mean. Do I look like I can intimidate a jury?
    I couldn't intimidate a child, and believe me, I've tried. Now, look.
    It's either that, or Forelli's cousin, Giorgio, gets five years for fraud.
    You gotta take these guys OUT!
    Tommy: I understand. Help the jury change their minds. Don't worry about it.
    Ken: No no no no no - NO! I tried that. The jury case didn't go so well, so
    MAKE them change their minds.

    Riot (1:03) (7.76 MB)
    Ken: Avery, it goes without saying... Tommy! Tommy! Any progress?
    No, no, no - tell me later, tell me later. Tommy, this is Avery
    Carrington. I believe you met at the party?
    Tommy: Not in person.
    Avery: Howdy.
    Ken: Avery here has a proposition.
    Tommy: Haven't we got other things on our mind?
    Ken: I'm trying to keep the wolves from the door, so could you please cut me
    some slack? I'm stretched like a wire and even if I'm dead by the end
    of the week, I'd like to think that I didn't die poor.
    Avery: Now just calm down, both of you. Son, you help me and any greaseballs
    giving you a hard time, I'll see to it they take a long dirt nap.
    Tommy: Ok. What could I do for ya'?
    Avery: This delivery company's got its depot on some prime land. They won't
    sell. They're hanging on like a big old prairie rat, so we gotta go in
    there and smoke that vermin out. Head on down there and stir up a hornet's
    nest. The security will have their hands full and then you can sneak in
    and put 'em out of business.
    Ken: And you could drop by Rafael's for a change of clothes. You might be there
    a while, but yeah, go for it.
    Tommy: Should be a riot.
    Avery: If the balls drop like they should, stop by my office sometime.


    Treacherous Swine (0:48) (5.85 MB)
    Cortez: Mr. Vercetti!
    Tommy: Colonel.
    Cortez: Thank you for coming. Please sit. Lobster?
    Tommy: No,thanks.
    Cortez: I am ashamed to admit that one of the causes of our mutual problem
    appears to have been the loose tongue of a man I used to trust. I've
    been carrying Gonzalez for years, but now his incompetence reaches new
    heights! It is only right that you kill Gonzalez.
    Tommy: Did he do it? It's the money that's important to me.
    Cortez: For this kindness I'll reward you, and then we will find your money
    together. He will be at his Penthouse, half drunk probably. Use this.
    [he hands Tommy a weapon]

    Mall Shootout (0:52) (6.45 MB)
    Cortez: Tommy! Come, join me. This looks delicious, huh? Tapia snout?
    Tommy: Uhhh... no, no. No, thanks.
    Cortez: Tommy, you are like a pampas breeze that has freed me from the stench
    of corruption. Although, I must appear to mourn his passing and carry on
    with business as usual.
    Tommy: This isn't getting me any closer to my money.
    Cortez: Tommy, my friend, you are not in Liberty now. Here... we do things
    differently. I will continue with my enquiries, but in the meantime I have
    a valuable deal to close.
    Tommy: A favor for a friend, Cortez?
    Cortez: You're a good friend, Tommy. I knew you would not let me down. I need
    you to meet a courier who has obtained some valuable technology for me.

    Guardian Angels (0:26) (3.28 MB)
    Cortez: Thomas, I appreciate your coming. Forgive me for getting straight to
    business. Diaz has asked me to oversee a minor business transaction.
    Tommy: Let's hope it goes better than last time.
    Cortez: Which is why I thought of you, my friend. I've dropped some protection
    at the multistory carpark. Pick it up, then go and watch over Diaz's men
    at the drop off. Gracias, amigo.

    Sir, Yes Sir (0:37) (4.51 MB)
    Cortez: Diaz was pleased, and would like to meet you again.
    Tommy: Is that a good thing?
    Cortez: Of course! Although I'm starting to think that Diaz was responsible
    for our unfortunate loss.
    Tommy: What makes you say that?
    Cortez: One does not wave accusations at a man like Diaz... I'm merely thinking
    out loud. No matter. I have a proposal that you could profit from...
    Tommy: I don't have time to run more errands, Cortez.
    Cortez: I would have thought a man with such dangerous debts would be hungry
    for opportunities. Please, Tommy, at least hear me out.
    Tommy: Go on.
    Cortez: I have a buyer for a piece of military hardware that is being taken
    through town. Pick it up for me, and once you get it, I want you to call
    me immediately, then...

    All Hands On Deck - File #1 (0:23) (2.89 MB)
    Cortez: Circumstances force a hasty departure, amigo.
    Tommy: What's the problem?
    Cortez: Ehh, the French want their missile technology back and after that last
    incident, I feel it is time to find safer harbors.
    Tommy: Wouldn't it be safer to fly?
    Cortez: I'd be dead before I reached check-in. Besides, I need to get my
    merchandise out of the country.
    Tommy: Need another gun?
    Cortez: You, my friend, are worth ten guns... Hahaha!

    All Hands On Deck - File #2 (0:34) (4.15 MB)
    Cortez: Thomas, you have protected and served me well. But now you must leave
    us before we reach the open seas. I will lower my personal launch. Keep
    it, my friend, a token of my gratitude.
    Tommy: Thank you, Colonel.
    Cortez: One more request. While I'm away, could you keep an eye on Mercedes
    for me?
    Tommy: I think she could look after herself, but sure, I'll keep an eye out.
    Cortez: Gracias, amigo. Hasta luego.
    Tommy: Adios, amigo.

    -- RICARDO DIAZ --

    The Chase (1:01) (7.54 MB)
    Diaz: Come on, baby, go! Yeah! Yeah! Arrrrr! Stupid horse! I'll chop your
    head off! Grrrrr... Who is this dickhead?
    Tommy: Tommy Vercetti. You remember me.
    Diaz: Excuse me. I'm a little anxious. Never trust a goddamn horse! You do a
    good job, you work for me now.
    Tommy: I work for money.
    Diaz: As I said, amigo, you work for me now.
    Tommy: I work for...
    Diaz: Shut up. Some Judas has betrayed me. He thinks I don't know how much
    money I should be making. But stealing 3% is as good as stealing 100%. No
    one does this to me. NO ONE!! You follow him from his apartment and you
    see where he goes! Later, we will kill him.

    Phnom Penh '86 - File #1 (0:52) (6.45 MB)
    Diaz: What kind of incompetent fool are you? FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! Tommy!
    Tommy: What, Ricardo?
    Diaz: These idiots, they always trying to screw you. That's the problem with
    this business. What do you think YOU'RE doing? These pricks have failed
    me miserably. Soon any mom and pop will think they can sell gallo in Vice
    City. What next, huh? The stinking Mafia?! That gang place is a fortress
    at ground level, so Quentin here... Quentin! QUENTIN! He'll fly you over
    the area! Eradicate them! What do you think YOU'RE doing?

    Phnom Penh '86 - File #2 (0:13) (1.58 MB)
    Tommy: What are you doing here?
    Lance: Hey, I've been asking around and it's obvious that Diaz jumped the deal
    and iced my brother.
    Tommy: And he'll kill you, too!
    Lance: I can take Diaz!
    Tommy: No, listen to me! I'll handle Diaz, he's beginning to trust me.

    The Fastest Boat (0:49) (6.07 MB)
    Diaz: Not so pleased with yourselves NOW, huh! Ahahahahaa, Ahahahahaa.
    Tommy: Whoa! Watch where you're waving that thing!
    Diaz: No more pigeon shit on MY car, eh Tommy!
    Tommy: Guess not.
    Diaz: You're damn right. Now listen, You know who owns the fastest boat on
    the east coast?
    Tommy: Not off hand, no.
    Diaz: ME. And I want it to stay that way. Every smuggler from here to Caracas
    has one dream, a faster boat. Rumor has it the boatyard has just completed
    such a vessel for some Costa Rican dickhead. And Tommy... I WANT THAT
    BOAT!!! Ah! I thought I got you. Where'd you come from? Pigeons! Boom!
    Tommy: I think your pigeons are back.

    Supply And Demand - File #1 (0:58) (7.08 MB)
    Diaz: Eject! PLASTIC CRAP! You doing this to ME? Who do you think you are,
    you piece of plastic SHIT? Aaarrgh! [gunshots] SCREW YOU! It eats my
    favorite El Burro movie, it die! What else could I do?
    Tommy: It's probably not plugged in.
    Diaz: What? Damn. No matter, I can buy a hundred more. Now Tommy, each month
    a freelancer sails into Vice City and moors his yacht. He sells his cargo
    to the first boat. I want you to take the speedboat and beat all the other
    shitheads to it, then you bring the cargo here, ok!?

    Supply And Demand - File #2 (0:25) (3.05 MB)
    Tommy: Let me guess, you thought I could use a guardian angel.
    Lance: I'm just saying you need to let me in there, my man. Now you can feed me
    all this 'lonely tough guy' crap, but I know one day I'm gonna save your
    ass, and you're probably gonna wanna kiss me!
    Tommy: Wacko.
    Lance: Hahahahahaha!

    [I think this is the correct mission]
    Supply And Demand - File #3 (0:16) (1.95 MB)
    [water sounds]
    Tommy: Aaarrgh... that's the last of them.
    Lance: I'm gonna start it up. I think we got some new friends.
    [boat engine sounds]

    -- KENT PAUL --

    Death Row (0:25) (3.05 MB)
    Kent Paul: Awright mush, I'm gonna save your Vera, mate.
    Tommy: What the hell are you talking about?
    Kent Paul: You know that wanker Diaz, the Bugle Master. He's got your boy,
    Lance. Word is your mate tried to jump him, didn't jump high enough if
    you know what I mean.
    Tommy: Where did he take him? In plain English?
    Kent Paul: Keep your barnet on! They got him across town at the junkyard.
    Bloody hell.... you nutter!


    Rub Out - File #1 (0:19) (2.31 MB)
    Lance: I got us some cannons in the trunk.
    Tommy: Holy shit! Where'd you get all this stuff?
    Lance: Been saving it for a rainy day.
    Tommy: Ha, ha, ha.
    Lance: You like?
    Tommy: Yeah, I like.

    Rub Out - File #2 (0:40) (4.97 MB)
    Diaz: You stupid pricks... my beautiful house... look what you've done to it!
    Lance: This is for my brother!
    Diaz: I trusted you, Tommy. I woulda had you made.
    Lance: [cocks gun] Say goodnight, Mr. Diaz. [gunshot] Tommy, man, we did it.
    We're in charge of this place now. We can take over. You and me, Vance
    and Vercetti, the two V's. I like that.

    Shakedown (0:49) (5.98 MB)
    Ken: Oh, we gotta redecorate this place. We gotta make it look older. I can't
    stand this look. Tommy, whadaya say? Whadaya say we put a bar in...
    Tommy: You're my lawyer, Rosenberg, not my interior decorator. Got it? Listen
    to me. The time to take over this town is now. It's all out there waiting
    for us.
    Lance: We need to start seizing territory. Let Vice City know we're the new
    players in town, know what I'm saying?
    Avery: What you need is a legitimate front Tommy, real estate. It's never done
    me no harm.
    Lance: We need to start using some muscle or we can kiss all that hard work
    goodbye. Local businesses know Diaz is dead, and they're refusing to pay
    Ken: Ooh! We could try bribery.
    Tommy: Bribery? Screw bribery! I'll show you how to make 'em scared!
    Tommy: I'll be back here in five minutes.

    Bar Brawl (0:28) (3.41 MB)
    Tommy: What's the problem?
    Lance: Some bar is refusing to pay. They reckon they're protected by a local
    gang of thugs. But don't worry Tommy, I can handle it.
    Tommy: You call this handling it? You two, off your asses. Let's go.

    Copland (0:59) (7.2 MB)
    Lance: You moron! What were you thinking?! Do you realize what this means?!
    We could all be sunk!
    Mike: The timer must have got screwed. That place was wired to go up like a
    firework factory. Then somebody tipped off the cops...
    Tommy: What's the problem, fellas?
    Lance: Mike was supposed to torch some place in the mall, but he screwed the
    fuses and now the cops are crawling all over it. We gotta get our stuff
    and get out of here!
    Tommy: Relax, both of you, let me think for a second! Tommy Vercetti just
    doesn't cut and run. The cops are gonna be going over that building with
    a fine toothed comb, right? But that takes time. We gotta go in and torch
    that place ourselves.
    Lance: Yeah, but...
    Mike: No one but a cop could get within a mile of that place!
    Tommy: So we go as cops. We gotta get uniforms, and we're gonna need a squad
    car. All thanks to you Mike.
    Mike: I'm sorry.
    Lance: I got it. What we gotta do is lure the cops in with the finger, put 'em
    in a lock-up, and jump 'em.
    Tommy: Good plan. Let's go!
    Mike: Alright.


    Cap The Collector (0:29) (3.54 MB)
    Tommy: Ok, what's the emergency?
    Ernest Kelly: Tommy... some mob thugs... said they'd come to take their cut...
    said it was a Mr. Forello's money... I feel like crap.
    Tommy: Forelli? SONNY Forelli?
    Ernest Kelly: Yeah, that's the guy... I think... they were very insistent...
    Tommy: I'm not angry with you. Get him to the hospital.
    Ernest Kelly: Tommy... rip that guy a new asshole for me.
    Tommy: I'm gonna rip him two!

    Keep Your Friends Close - File #1 (0:54) (6.59 MB)
    Tommy: What's going on?
    Ken: Tommy! Oh good, good. Listen, listen. Uh, listen, I like fish. I love
    fish. I love them as pets in bowls, or as food on a plate, but as much
    as I love em, I don't want to sleep with them, okay, but right now your
    Italian brothers are coming from up there to fit me with some cement shoes,
    and I...
    Tommy: Shut up Ken. Sit down. Lance, what the hell's going on?
    Lance: It's your friends up north, Tommy. They ain't too happy you capped their
    man. They're coming down to see the business today.
    Tommy: They took longer than I thought. Guys, we gotta make this final.
    We gotta leave no doubt that this is my operation. Mine! Ken, you get the
    first run of counterfeit cash and put twenty mil in briefcases. Lance, you
    get the guys together...

    Keep Your Friends Close - File #2 (1:28) (10.82 MB)
    Sonny: Tommy! What? No big hugs for your old buddy?
    Tommy: I've had fifteen years out of the loop. I'm a bit rusty on family
    Sonny: Always angry, eh Tommy. Didn't I say your temper would get you into
    trouble, huh?
    Tommy: There's three mil in the cases.
    Sonny: How many was it? Ten? No, eleven men. That's how you get to be called
    the Harwood Butcher! Heh-heh-heh!
    Tommy: You sent me to kill one man... ONE MAN. They knew I was coming, Sonny...
    Sonny: Tommy, Tommy, watch your tone. Anyone would think you blame me for that
    unfortunate set of circumstances.
    Tommy: Just take the money. Get the damn cash.
    Sonny: You know, Tommy? I did what I could for you, I pulled strings, called in
    favors. I was your friend, Tommy. I HOPED you'd see sense, see what's
    good for business. I trusted you, Tommy, and you disappointed me. But at
    least someone in your chicken shit organization knows how to do business.
    Isn't that right, Lance?
    Lance: Sorry, Tommy. This is Vice City! This is business!
    Tommy: You sold us out.
    Lance: No. I sold YOU out, Tommy. I sold YOU out. The real cash is upstairs
    in the safe.
    Sonny: So, Tommy, what was the big plan? You think I'd just take the fake cash?
    Save face and run away with my tail between my legs?!
    Tommy: No. I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you.

    Keep Your Friends Close - File #3 (6:58) (51.02 MB)
    Ken: Tommy? Oh my god, Tommy! What happened?
    Tommy: What does it look like?
    Ken: It looks like you ruined your suit, and Tommy, that was a beautiful suit!
    Tommy, what on earth happened?
    Tommy: I had a disagreement with a business associate, you know how it is.
    Ken: Tommy, I have a disagreement, I send them an angry letter. Maybe I pee in
    their mailbox. I don't start World War III. You know, maybe you should
    speak to my shrink.
    Tommy: That stupid prick, Lance.
    Ken: Tommy. I never liked that guy, okay? He's neurotic, he's insecure, he's
    self-centered... the guy's an asshole! I'm glad you took him out!
    Tommy: I don't think we're gonna be getting any more heat from up north
    either... 'cause there ain't no 'up north', anymore. It's all down south
    Ken: Wait, does that mean what I think it means? Tommy, baby!
    Tommy: What do you think it means?
    Ken: That we're in charge... I mean, that you're in charge. Oh, Tommy!
    Tommy: You know, Ken. I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful
    business relationship. After all, you're a conniving, backstabbing,
    two-bit thief, and I'm a convicted psychotic killer and drug
    dealer... hehehe.
    Ken: I know. Ain't it just beautiful?
    [instrumental music plays for the next five and a half minutes]



    Four Iron (0:50) (6.1 MB)
    Avery: Come in and park yourself on the hide, son. Hell, my daddy used to say,
    never look a gift horse in the mouth, and by golly, he never did. Would
    you like a drop of the old Kentucky?
    Tommy: No thanks.
    Avery: A clean thinker! I like that. Now, the property business isn't all
    about high-falootin' paper pushing. It's about dirt! And the will to
    claim that dirt! You with me, son?
    Tommy: Oh yeah.
    Avery: Well, I need some tenacious bastard to let go of some dirt, and you look
    to me like the kind of guy to persuade him.
    Tommy: Persuasion's my forte.
    Avery: Yeh, he'll be down at the country club, down on the golf course. They
    don't allow guns, so his bodyguards won't be packing lawgivers. Go beat
    eight tons of crap out of him. Here now. I got you a membership, and boy
    you're going to need more appropriate clothing.

    Demolition Man (0:40) (4.97 MB)
    Avery: Now look here, son. I got a problem and I reckon you could help me
    with it.
    Tommy: I'm no builder.
    Avery: No, I was thinking more of your demolition skills. Now this here, this
    is the development as planned and this, this is the property that we're
    looking at.
    Tommy: You're trying to say this new office block is kind of in the way.
    Avery: You catch on quick. Now I'm going to head out of town for a while, and
    if that office development were to face sudden and insurmountable
    structural problems, then I...
    Tommy: As a civil minded individual you'd feel obliged to step in and save the
    rejuvenation of an important area of the city?
    Avery: Where can I get more guys like you!?

    Two Bit Hit (0:44) (5.46 MB)
    Avery: Tommy, this is Donald Love. Donald, this here is Tommy Vercetti, the
    latest gunslinger to come to these parts.
    [Donald tries to start speaking, but is immediately cut off]
    Avery: Donald, you just shut up and listen, and you might learn something.
    Now, nothing brings down real estate prices quicker than a good
    old-fashioned gang war, 'cept maybe a disaster, like a biblical plague or
    something, but, that may be going too far in this case. You getting this
    down, you four-eyed prick? Now recently a Haitian gang lord died.
    Apparently the Cubans did it, nobody's certain. But let's make them
    certain! You disguise yourself as a Cuban hombre, and head on down and
    crash that funeral. Mix it up, and then high tail it. You getting this
    down, Donald? Well, that ought to put the coyote in the chicken coop, huh?
    And then we'll just sit back, and watch the prices tumble.

    -- LOVE FIST --

    Love Juice (1:03) (7.76 MB)
    Jezz: AllllllllRrrighttt!
    Kent Paul: Yessss! Brilliant, bloody brilliant! Hey, Tommy! Glad you could
    make it. Hey, you ever met Love Fist before?
    Tommy: No, I haven't, but I've always loved your music.
    Kent Paul: Let me introduce you to the band. This is Percy, Dick, and Willy's
    in the kaze, and that was Jezz in the booth earlier, and guys, I want you
    to meet a good friend of mine. This is Tommy. We go way back.
    Jezz: All right, pal. And eh, what was your name again?
    Kent Paul: Leave it out, Jezz you, remember don't be playing them games with me,
    mate, I'm too crafty for that, sunshine! You see, the thing is, Tom, the
    boys need some help. They ain't too connected here, they don't have the
    old 'how's your father?'
    Jezz: We need some drugs, pal! Gonna get on the old Love Fist fury, you know?!
    Tommy: Well, this is Vice City, man. What's the problem?
    Dick: Love Juice, man!
    Percy: We need Love Juice, man, you know?
    Tommy: Love Juice?
    Jezz: Aye, two parts boomshine, 1 part trumpet, 5 fizz bombs and a liter of
    Percy: Can you help us out, pal? Aw, it would really mean a lot to the boys.
    Kent Paul: You can do that for the boys, right?

    Psycho Killer (0:39) (4.86 MB)
    Kent Paul: Tommy, man. Am I glad to see you!
    Tommy: What's going on?
    Jezz: Bad vibes, Tommy.
    Percy: Aye, I'm not joking, it's heavy stuff man, heavy you know?
    Jezz: There's this cat, we hardly know him, but he knows us. Like this cat.
    Knows all about us. Knows that Willy likes his ladies' underwear, eh!
    Or that Percy likes Duran Duran!
    Percy: Shut up ye fool. Just 'cause Jezz bangs sheep. It's a love rocket
    thing, you know?
    Kent Paul: Oi, shut it!
    Jezz: Yeah, the love rocket thing, right. But listen, this cat...
    Kent Paul: Yeh, yeh, the guy, he wants Love Fist dead. Dead, Tommy.
    Love Fist, gone. You know what they say, the good die young, but Tommy,
    you gotta save Love Fist!
    Jezz: We got a signing in two hours and I think...
    Kent Paul: And the boys think the stalker's gonna try some monkey business

    Publicity Tour (0:29) (3.6 MB)
    Jezz: Tommy! Tommy! Tommy, man, that psycho's back!
    Tommy: What's going on?
    Kent Paul: That psycho won't leave Love Fist alone!
    Jezz: You didn't kill him, man, and now he's back.
    Kent Paul: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the thing is...
    Jezz: The thing is, we need someone to drive the limo we can trust, cause that
    nutter keeps making threats!
    Percy: I'm shitin' masel' man. I need ma ma!
    Dick: We're all bricking ourselves, man.
    Tommy: Okay guys, calm down, I'll handle this. Normally I wouldn't busy myself
    with driving around a bunch of drunken Scottish bisexuals. But, in your
    case, I'll make an exception.

    -- MITCH BAKER --

    Alloy Wheels Of Steel (0:59) (7.2 MB)
    Tommy: Where's Baker? I'm looking for Big Mitch Baker.
    Mitch: Who's lookin'?
    Tommy: Tommy Vercetti.
    Mitch: Vercetti. You don't look like the law, so that's bought you a minute.
    You better talk fast.
    Tommy: Kent Paul said you might be interested in pulling security for a gig he's
    got set up.
    Mitch: Kent Paul? Sheesh! No wonder he sent ya. The last time he was here he
    left through the window in nothing but his limey birthday suit.
    Tommy: Are you interested or not?
    Mitch: We only do favors for our own.
    Tommy: How do I join?
    Mitch: This ain't no country club, boy. Can you handle a bike?
    Tommy: Can you sit on a stool and drink?
    Mitch: Cougar, Zeppelin, go see how this girl handles a bike.

    Messing With The Man (0:51) (6.22 MB)
    Mitch: Ah, got ya again. Hey Vercetti. Cougar says you can handle a bike
    pretty good.
    Tommy: Yeah, how many more errands am I gonna have to run? I'm a very busy man.
    If it's a fight that's gonna settle this, then bring it on.
    Mitch: Being one of us ain't just about brawlin'. It's about being part of a
    Tommy: Yeah, I've been part of a family before, alright. It didn't work out.
    Mitch: Yeah, right, but this family takes care of its own. We don't ask a man
    to do the dirty work and then let him do fifteen years hard time. Yeah,
    that's right. I've done my homework. This here's the biggest family of
    misfits, outcasts and badasses. Hell, some of us has even been betrayed by
    our own country.
    Tommy: I was locked up during 'Nam. Ugly business.
    Mitch: Which is why I'm gonna ask you to go mess with the man. This whole damn
    country needs a kick in the ass, and we're the ones to deliver it. So get
    out there, grab a bike, and show this city how pissed you are!
    Tommy: Alright, alright.

    Hog Tied (0:39) (4.86 MB)
    Tommy: Hey there, Mitch.
    Mitch: Well, if it ain't 'bad ass' Vercetti. Now I wanna see how good you can
    fight for your patch. A local street gang made the mistake of stealing my
    hog... probably because of some machismo thing or somethin'. Me and the
    boys would go over there and teach them a lesson in respect an'all.
    Anyways. Then I got to thinking. This would make a good initiation for
    you. You get my bike back, you can tell Paul he's got his security.


    Juju Scramble (1:23) (10.22 MB)
    Tommy: Hello? Hello?
    Auntie: Come in, my dear, and rest your soul. You must be the big bad man me
    grandaddy been chattin' 'bout. Tells me tings about you, you know, when
    he visits, and about the others who wait for you. Now, we all dead from
    long time, but you, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, ha ha ha ha ha!
    Tommy: I got a message to come here.
    Auntie: Can you hear dem? Dem callin' your name, boy, must want you pretty bad,
    don't ya tink? Now you do old Aunite Poulet a turn, and maybe she help
    you. Maybe she can give you a little juju after all of dis. Give you some
    magic to give the law man the stink eye, hmmmmm?
    Tommy: Look, this is all very, um... give me what?
    Auntie: Ssssshhhhh....
    Tommy: I, I, I think I've got the wrong address...
    Auntie: Do me these tings, Tommy. The Cubans, nasty proud foofoos, mmm, been
    making my lovely Haitian boys shake their heads. Now they told the
    policeman where me been stashing my powders. Dey tink it drugs, them
    stupid. Now be a good boy Tommy and go and get the powders for Auntie
    Tommy: Yeah, yeah, sure, sure.

    Bombs Away! (0:59) (7.27 MB)
    Tommy: Oh, sorry, I, I must have the wrong address.
    Auntie: Well, you might as well come in and rest your soles and have some tea.
    Do you have something there for me, Tommy?
    Tommy: Yeah. This place feels familiar to me, uh - it's - a smell from
    childhood - a deja vu.
    Auntie: Now Tommy, I'm going to whisper a lickle errand for you. Hear me
    well, aye?
    Tommy: You look like someone I, I...
    Auntie: The Cubans have fast boats they use to cross the seas with drugs.
    It is their livelihood. Me nephew bin making lickle flying bombs to take
    dem out. Blow de boats to coffin wood.
    Tommy: Thanks for the tea.

    Dirty Lickin's (0:44) (5.46 MB)
    Tommy: Hello? Hello.. uh... I'm looking for somebody around here.
    Auntie: You looking hungry, Tommy.
    Tommy: Do I know you?
    Auntie: Hush now. One more ting an I can let you go, Tommy. My boys gone war
    wit dem Cuban boys. But no guns. Hmm, but de Cubans have a surprise
    comin'. While they fight in de streets, you take this rifle and kill dem
    in de hubbub. No one sees you, no one hear you. Now, Tommy, you do this
    for me, and you no longer tied to my apron strings.
    Tommy: Kay auntie..


    Stunt Boat Challenge (1:16) (9.35 MB)
    Alberto: Si, men?
    Umberto: Hey, easy Papi, this man's for me. You, you the boy? Oh yeah.
    You the boy. I think so, you know?
    Tommy: No. I don't think I do.
    Umberto: Oh yeah? You come here, tough guy. You think you take me on?
    You think you play stupid with me?
    Tommy: No, I think you're playing plenty stupid enough for both of us.
    Alberto: Hey, he call you dumb, son.
    Umberto: And I call him a little girl, Papi. Look at him, all dressed up like
    that. What is this, ladies night? You some kind of tough guy, you dress
    like a woman? You got on panties like a woman too, huh?
    Tommy: What you got against women? You prefer men, big boy?
    Umberto: I like women! I like all women! I love my mother, chico!
    Tommy: Alright, alright, I'll take your word for it. Relax.
    Umberto: Can you drive, amigo?
    Tommy: Yeah... like a woman.
    Umberto: Very funny. I like you, big boy. Maybe you can help. Maybe you can
    prove you a man. Huh? Take out the boat. Show me you got some big
    cojones, and not some little bitty chiquita ones.

    Cannon Fodder (0:33) (4.1 MB)
    Tommy: Un cafecito, por favor, Alberto...
    Alberto: No hay problema, Tommy.
    Umberto: Papi! Un gran problema!
    Alberto: Umberto my son, what happened?
    Umberto: The Haitians! I hate these Haitians! They mess with me for the last
    time! These Haitians! We take 'em out! Only we need some backup. I lost
    a few hermanos already out there. Amigo, you drive good!
    Tommy: For a woman. Right?
    Umberto: This is no time for joking! Come on, drive for me again! Take my boys
    over there, and then we'll take these Haitians down! They mess with me,
    they mess with the biggest boy in town!

    Naval Engagement (0:54) (6.59 MB)
    Tommy: Alberto. Una cafe, senor.
    Umberto: Poppa, don't serve this snake in the straw. You're two-faced, Tommy!
    You're either two-faced, or you're a wimp, baby boy! The Haitians, man.
    They're laughing at me!
    Tommy: Easy, easy. What's your problem?
    Umberto: They're laughing at me, Tommy. At me! Umberto Robina! They're doing
    whatever they like!
    Tommy: Nobody does whatever they like, Umberto. They do what you let them do.
    Umberto: What?
    Tommy: You want somebody taken care of? I can handle it, but it's gonna cost
    you. I know we're brothers and all, but this is business.
    Umberto: Tommy. You a real man. Businessman, a gentleman. These Haitians.
    They have a load of product coming in off shore, really good stuff.
    We take it, and we finish them. You take it, and I look after you.
    Like my brother. Like my son.
    Tommy: I think I prefer the cash to being bounced on your knee, amigo.

    Trojan Voodoo (1:17) (9.51 MB)
    Umberto: Hey, ladies. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna kill me a Haitian.
    And then? And then I'm going to make love like a man. You know that,
    chica? Something like this. [makes some vulgar body gestures]
    Woman #1: He's so gross. Loser!
    Woman #2: Prick...
    Umberto: Hey, baby, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole! Umberto Robina,
    he likes the ladies! Not some goat in a skirt! Tommy!! Tommy!! I love
    you, I love you! Let's go!
    Tommy: Go where? Can I get a cup of coffee first?
    Umberto: No time for coffee! Besides, I just had one. We gonna take out the
    Haitians. Tommy, how do you take out a snake? You bite him in the ass!
    Tommy: Whatever you say, Umberto.
    Umberto: Tommy, you go and get us a little Haitian car. When you get it, come
    back and pick up my boy, Pepe... and take him out to the Haitians. Then,
    you go around to the Haitians processing plant, and you use their solvent
    as an explosive. Boom! Bye bye!
    Tommy: Umberto, what about you?
    Umberto: Uhh... I'm going to stay behind, and watch over the cafe with Poppa.
    He not feeling so good. You know?

    -- PHIL CASSIDY --

    Gun Runner (0:59) (7.27 MB)
    Tommy: Phil?
    Phil: RUN! Run!
    Phil: Hoooooweeeeee! Never get a naked flame too close to one of Phil Cassidy's
    Boomshine stills!
    Tommy: Shit, Phil, you drink that stuff?
    Phil: Hell, you don't have to drink it... just a good whiff will set you off.
    Tommy: Listen Phil, you said you could fix me up with some firepower.
    Phil: Sure thing. There's some Mexican gun-runner, been doing me for business
    of late. He does his weekly run about now. Ram his hardware off the back
    of his trucks before he goes to ground. And you'd be doing me a favor
    while you're at it. Then finish him off.

    Boomshine Saigon (0:56) (6.94 MB)
    Tommy: Hey Phil, how's it goin?
    Phil: Heeyyyy, Tommy. Howyadoin'? Ish been too long.
    Tommy: I swear you should lay off that boomshine, man. Smells like paint
    stripper. Making my eyes burn...
    Phil: Shshs shhh youshelf, Tommy... and come over here because there's someshin'
    I wanna show you... someshin.
    Tommy: Woof! God! Should I be able to smell that from way over here?
    I'm feeling woozy.
    Phil: Don'tchaworry about the shmell Tommy, you jush wash thish.
    Shitty-cheap-batteriesh or shumin'. There'sh shum more on the bench.
    Phil: Aww Damn! Ha ha ha ha ha!



    Sunshine Autos (0:53) (6.56 MB)
    B.J. Smith: B.J. Smith. And you must be Mr. Vercetti. Would you like the tour?
    Tommy: Might as well.
    B.J. Smith: Well, I'm very sad to be selling the dealership to y'all. This was
    my first investment after I turned pro. But now it's time for me to move
    Tommy: You're leaving town? Not in too much of a hurry, I hope?
    B.J. Smith: No. I'm just coming out of retirement, and preparing for my future
    comeback. The business wasn't too strong, and my staff took it upon
    themselves to get a bit more creative with the generation of wealth.
    Obviously, I could wind down the business before I hand it over. Hell, I
    could burn the place down if I wanted to. This is prime development land.
    Tommy: Oh, I wouldn't worry about any of that. This place seems perfect.
    B.J. Smith: Yeah it does. So I take it we have a deal?


    Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory (1:26) (10.55 MB)
    Maude: Who are you?
    Tommy: Your new owner.
    Maude: Were you now, or at any time, a child?
    Tommy: What are you talking about?
    Maude: Were you a child!?
    Tommy: Yes! Calm down! What's wrong with you?
    Maude: I knew it. A child. A dirty, stinking, sniveling, snotting, vile,
    puking, crying little baby. A baby! An awful, horrible, disgusting
    little boo hoo. Mommy doesn't love you. You little shit!
    Tommy: Ow! Calm down.
    Maude: I HATE babies, and I hate children. They're dirty, sniveling, snotting,
    vile, puking little...
    Tommy: Enough already! What's wrong with you? You make soft ice cream, okay?
    It's purely for kids. What kind of psycho are you? Just so I understand
    this, why make children happy if you hate them?
    Maude: Oh, you stupid, sniveling, snotty...
    Tommy: Shut up!
    Maude: Brat! The ice cream is a front. We distribute other, non-dairy
    products. And if I see a kid, I put him to good use. Don't I, kiddies?
    Yes - yes, I do. Mummy doesn't love you. She HATES you!

    -- BOATYARD --

    Boatyard (0:46) (5.68 MB)
    Tommy: Hello? Hel-lo?! Hello?
    Dude #1: Put it out. There's a dude here. Hey suit dude! I guess you're
    the new owner? Yeah...
    Tommy: Which one of the boats is the fastest?
    Dude #1: It's already in the water, dude. I though you might want to try
    her out.
    Dude #2: Dude, she's already running with a 300 horse power engine...
    Dude #1: and the fiberglass hull, she just shoots through the waves!
    Dude #2: She can do like zero to sixty in four seconds flat, dude...
    Dude #1: and she can hold like twenty bales of the best Jamaican smoke right
    in the hull!
    Dude #2: So go ahead dude, she's ready to fly!
    Dude #1: Yo yo, uh, suit dude, you got a light? Dude? Dude?

    -- KAUFMAN CABS --

    Kaufman Cabs (1:24) (10.25 MB)
    Taxi Controller: Guess you're the new owner. What are you, mob? Cartel?
    You don't look Mexican. Anyhoo, I guess you better get on with the
    'things are gonna change around here' crap, maybe threaten one of the
    drivers. Go steady on Ted over there, he's just had his hernia fixed.
    Tommy: Well, yeah. Things are going to change around here, lady.
    Taxi Controller: Oh crap, sonny. Might as well leave this to me. I've been
    doing this for years. [gets on PA system] Now hear this. We are now
    under new management and things are going to change around here again.
    Our new management, the... Which gang are you?
    Tommy: Well, I'm not part of any gang actually.
    Taxi Controller: What's your goddamned name, kid?
    Tommy: Vercetti, Tommy Vercetti.
    Taxi Controller: Our new management, the Vercetti Gang, is gonna make sure we
    get no trouble. Capiche? Out! Did you like the 'capiche'? I liked the
    'capiche'. So this is how it's worked in the past. We run the firm as
    usual. If we get any trouble from rival firms, you beat the crap out of
    them. Then they beat the crap out of us, then you beat the crap out of
    them, etcetera, etcetera. You got it?
    Tommy: Uh, yeah, I guess.
    Taxi Controller: Just grab a taxi from the garage if you feel like jumping in.

    -- THE MALIBU --

    No Escape? (0:51) (6.22 MB)
    Ken: Tommy! Hey, Tommy, look at this, this is great! I've got us this minibar
    Tommy: We got a whole bar downstairs, Ken.
    Ken: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Well, I got the chalkboard you asked for.
    Tommy: Ah, that's the benefit of a law school education, the ability to follow
    instructions. Now, I need a safe man.
    Ken: Oh, all right, well, let me think...safe, safe, safe, safe... I got it!
    This guy will blow you away! Ahh, nah, that schmuck. He's on the inside.
    Tommy: Where inside?
    Ken: In a police headquarter cell awaiting transfer.
    Tommy: I think he's about to get paroled.

    The Shootist - File #1 (0:35) (4.27 MB)
    Tommy: We need a stick up man. You know one?
    Ken: Hey, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, this stuff keeps you sharp, man. WoooOOOooo!
    I could be your stick up man! Stick 'em up! Stick 'em up!
    Tommy: You ain't a stick up man, you're an idiot. Now get yourself a drink and
    shut up.
    Ken: Hey, get outta my way! Yeh yeh yeh - ow ow ow!
    Cam Jones: Relax.
    Tommy: Cam, what do you think?
    Cam Jones: Well, the best shooter in this town is a guy named Cassidy.
    Tommy: Is that so?
    Cam Jones: Yeah. A military guy, or he thinks he is. I doubt he was ever in the
    army, but he certainly knows how to get a hold of guns. He'll be down at
    the shooting range.

    The Shootist - File #2 (0:44) (5.37 MB)
    Tommy: You Phil Cassidy?
    Phil: Why?
    Tommy: I'm looking for a man who can handle a gun. From this setup, I'm not
    too convinced.
    Phil: Son, I could shoot a fly off your head at 80 feet.
    Tommy: Oh really?
    Phil: Yeah. I learnt it in the army.
    Tommy: Fly shooting real popular in the army? Glad I don't pay tax.
    Phil: You tryin' to be funny kid? Ha ha ha ha ha! Let's shoot.

    The Driver - File #1 (1:02) (7.65 MB)
    Tommy: Things are starting to come together nicely here.
    Ken: What's the plan, Tommy? Que pasa, amigo?
    Tommy: The plan is you keep doing that like a moron. Anyhow, we need a driver.
    Ken: Tommy, I'll do it. I can drive.
    Phil: You want Hilary, mister. Not some smart-talking law school chump.
    Hilary's the real deal. You ain't never seen anyone drive so fast. I'll
    give him a call here. Hey Hil, it's Phil. How's it going? No, don't
    talk. We'll reminisce later. You want to do me a favor? I got me a guy
    from up north. No, no, I don't think he was in the service, but he wants
    a driver for a bit of action. Okay, I understand.
    Tommy: What'd he say?
    Phil: Well, he'll do it, no problem. Well, there might be a little problem.
    See, he has abandonment issues. Seems he won't work for anyone who can't
    beat him. Something to do with his momma. Anyway, he wants to race you
    first, said he'd meet you outside.

    The Driver - File #2 (0:26) (3.28 MB)
    Hilary: You Tommy? Oh, of course you're Tommy. I mean, why else would anyone
    want to speak to me? OK. Consider it this way. I'll drive for you IF,
    and only IF, you can drive properly. Leave me alone, and I'll never
    forgive you.

    The Job (1:01) (7.44 MB)
    ["The Freaks Come Out at Night" by Whodini plays in the background.
    This song is not on any of the radio stations or on the soundtrack albums.]
    Tommy: As you can see, gentlemen, this is going to be the easiest buck we ever
    Ken: Tommy, seriously, you gotta consider going into law.
    Phil: What the hell are you smoking, man? This ain't no simple plan! Well, who
    needs a simple plan anyway? Take communism, now that was a simple plan.
    Didn't do Russia any favors, huh?
    Tommy: Calm down, all right? With a team like this it's gonna be no problem.
    We got Cam on safe. Phil? You and me'll handle security, and Hilary'll
    drive the getaway car.
    Ken: Uh, heh heh, aren't you forgetting somebody? Somebody who helped you to no
    end in this town? Somebody who...
    Tommy: Ken... Ken, that's right. Ken here, he washes the money for us and he
    keeps the drinks on ice.
    Hilary: I don't understand what I am supposed to be doing here.
    Tommy: Look, it's easy. Haven't you ever seen a movie? We walk into the bank,
    we wave the gun around, and leave very rich men.

    -- FILM STUDIO --

    Recruitment Drive (0:56) (6.94 MB)
    Steve: Action.
    Girl: Whoa! Now that's big.
    Man: 12 inches. That is regulation, baby.
    Steve: CUT!! Who IS this idiot? You! YOU! Why are you in my space? WHY?
    Tommy: What is all this crap? Aliens? Fishing poles? Who's ever seen a shark
    that big? All this stuff's gotta go. Why'd you get in this business, ya
    prick? Huh? For the pussy, that's why! What is this??
    Steve: This is my art. SECURITY!
    Tommy: Look, you pompous asshole. I own you now. I own all of this. We're
    gonna turn this place around. I'm gonna make you rich.
    Steve: Uh. You're - You - you're Tommy Vercetti? But I thought that
    you were...
    Tommy: That's right. We're gonna be making some changes around here and start
    making some real money.
    Steve: Actually, have you ever thought about, umm...
    Tommy: But first we're going to need some good-looking broads.
    Steve: Yeh, girls are fine but you... whew, wow!

    Dildo Dodo (0:54) (6.67 MB)
    Tommy: How's filming going, Steve?
    Steve: Well, Candy is a natural and that new girl - she's insatiable! She went
    through half the cast and crew before I even took a light reading. Anyway,
    hey, tomorrow we're going on location to shoot the boat scenes...
    Tommy: Boat scenes?! What boat scenes?
    Steve: The fishermen are in the throes of passion when this giant shark
    comes in...
    Tommy: What'd I say about the giant shark? I said, 'NO GIANT SHARK', alright?
    Just keep the cameras pointed at the poontang!
    Steve: Okay, okay, hey Tommy, a guy's gotta try, right?
    Tommy: Get those flyers printed up?
    Steve: Yeah, but nobody's gonna let us distribute those things, I mean they're
    just too, uh, they're unimaginative.
    Tommy: You don't worry about that. I've got my own ideas for distribution.
    Steve: Okay. Hey, Candy, uh - in my trailer.

    Martha's Mug Shot (1:20) (9.84 MB)
    [Candy moaning passionately]
    Tommy: Ok, what's the problem now?
    Steve: SSShhhh! Well, after his close encounter with the nympho-invaders, our
    hero finds himself unable to think of anything but this huge phallic
    mountain, and that's when I want to do the scene with the vat of mashed
    potatoes, but then we, uh...
    Tommy: I don't give a crap about that! J - Just keep going, keep going!
    You mentioned something about some legal problem on the phone?
    Steve: Congressman Alex Shrub has jumped on the pre-election bandwagon, he's
    going after the puritan vote. Rumors are he's gonna support measures to
    restrict, shall we say, the more fleshy aspects of this nation's great
    entertainment industry.
    Tommy: Candy! You know Shrub. You guys get up to anything kinky?
    Candy: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah! Yes yes yes YES OOOoooh!
    Steve: Please tell me you got that.
    Tommy: Was that part of the, uh... or was she talking to...?
    Steve: Hey, I can never tell. Anyway, you're probably best following her after
    the shoot, see if she'll lead you to their new love nest.
    Tommy: You got a camera?
    Steve: Yeah. Get him a camera.

    G-Spotlight (0:56) (6.89 MB)
    Candy: I'm sorry, but I just can't swallow this right now.
    Steve: Oh, COME ON, darling! He's hung like a sperm whale for pity's sake.
    How can you not feel the part?!
    Candy: But Stevie...
    Tommy: How's my star director?
    Steve: Oh, man. The struggle between the artistic integrity and the humping,
    pumping action continues unabated. And before you ask, yes, all four
    videos will be released by their... Honey, can you PLEASE keep the anaconda
    in the shot, he costs more per hour than you do!
    Candy: Oh, sorry Steve.
    Tommy: I was thinking, we need some kind of big stunt to really promote the
    launch. Something that will make a real impact on the City. You got any
    Steve: Well, in the old days they used to have gala events, stars, limos, the
    night sky crisscrossed with searchlights...
    Tommy: Searchlights! I've got an idea.
    Steve: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The little sequined numbers, and the limos... oh,
    premieres, Oh, yes ma'am, of course ma'am, and the press, and the barrage
    of lights...

    -- PRINT WORKS --

    Spilling The Beans - File #1 (1:02) (7.56 MB)
    Ernest Kelly: Mr. Vercetti? Hey. You bought the old print works?
    Tommy: Yeah, my old man used to work on these. I used to spend the evenings
    with him, cleaning the rollers. I was gonna follow him in his trade,
    but... I lived a different life.
    Ernest Kelly: You planning on selling the old machinery, breaking it down?
    Tommy: I'm thinking we might print something - a newspaper, a magazine...
    Ernest Kelly: Oh, crap, Sonny, low grade crap. I've always fancied printing
    money. It ain't too hard. You know, I've been doing it on a small scale
    for years.
    Tommy: Really?
    Ernest Kelly: Sure. But we'd need some good quality plates. Of course!
    There's a counterfeiting syndicate already operating in Florida.
    Tommy: A syndicate?
    Ernest Kelly: Yeah. Just rumors is all I've heard.
    Tommy: I know a man who's good with rumors.

    Spilling The Beans - File #2 (0:48) (5.96 MB)
    Kent Paul: Look at the arse on that! Awright girl, it's your loss mate init!
    Awright me ol'china, how's it hangin'?
    Tommy: What do you know about counterfeiting?
    Kent Paul: Oh I'm fine Paul, how 'bout you?
    Tommy: Come 'ere!
    Kent Paul: Awright! Awright! Awright!! You're obviously a busy man. All I know
    about dodgy readys is the Triads supply the plates. They've got a shipping
    company down the docks, the boss man would know when the plates are coming
    in next!
    Tommy: Thanks...Paul!
    Kent Paul: What's the matter with you, you maniac! Give me another drink,

    Hit The Courier (0:32) (3.99 MB)
    Tommy: Alright, the courier's moving the plates from the docks today. I'm gonna
    go intercept them, grab the plates, lose any heat, and make my way back
    here. Now. Depending how well this goes, we may have five minutes to
    print the money before the counterfeit syndicate finds us, or we may have
    all year. Either way, I want green rolling off the presses five minutes
    after I get back. Got it?
    Ernest Kelly: Don't you worry Tommy. We'll be ready.
    Lance: Me an'the boys will be around in the neighborhood in case you need any
    heat taken care of.
    Tommy: All right, everybody cool? All right. I'll catch you later.
  2. W T F

    W T F Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    LOL This **** =)) .
  3. HieuNM

    HieuNM Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    cảm phiền bạn cho vào spoil dùm :-w
  4. Lẩm_Cẩm_Đào

    Lẩm_Cẩm_Đào Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    LOL zì thế, bác nào pro dịch hộ;));));))
  5. dadenday

    dadenday Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cuốc Xẻng giáo hội
    laugh out loud at this lil muthaphukka =))

    Bro Tjn nhanh tay thế =))
    ps: nếu là "Những đoạn hội thoại trong GTA San Andreas - dành cho bác nào quan tâm đến cốt truyện" thì sẽ đc ủng hộ =))
  6. Venus Caster

    Venus Caster T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Laugh My Ass Off =))
  7. WestsideConnect

    WestsideConnect Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    What a bunch of bullshit-headed ! Only a shitheaded would say a phrases as stupid as that. OK lũ chó =))=))=))=))=))=))
    I'm out !;));));));));));));))
  8. dadenday

    dadenday Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cuốc Xẻng giáo hội
    yeah! gone is good 4 you, fool ;)) gone before we slap yo stinky mouth, bounce yo silly head and kick yo nasty ass, fool ;))
  9. BlackThugz

    BlackThugz T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  10. Ku_Tí

    Ku_Tí Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Clone Training skool
    dùng vũ khí của box 50 nhiều quá là bị ăn tạ đấy em ạ =))
  11. Venus Caster

    Venus Caster T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    #1 is your bunch of bullshit, aight' ...
  12. Lẩm_Cẩm_Đào

    Lẩm_Cẩm_Đào Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ném cái này cho ns đã tay =))=))=))
  13. muhaha1234

    muhaha1234 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    los santos
    get em boy :-*:-*
  14. Gió...

    Gió... Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    dạo này lắm người rỗi hơi, thử dịch đoạn hội thoại trong GTA SA đi bạn;));))
  15. cattuong

    cattuong Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đưa cả 1 đống lên mà chả dịch cái gì cả :|
  16. Gió...

    Gió... Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bạn này chỉ dưa lên cho mọi người tham khảo thôi:)):))

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