Megaman ai thích zô chơi

Thảo luận trong 'Hướng dẫn | Hỏi đáp game' bắt đầu bởi Genma Onimusha, 8/12/04.


Bạn nghĩ thế nào về việc làm từ điển Megaman/Rockman

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  1. Genma Onimusha

    Genma Onimusha Mario & Luigi

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    London, UK
    Megaman/Rockman khỏi nói chắc ai chơi game cũng biết. Nó tồn từ hàng mười mấy năm đến bây giờ chưa Die. Qua ý định về từ điển game, tui có dự định mời các Mem làm một từ điển Megaman cho zui, ai thích cứ cho ý kiến, còn không thì zô tán chuyện cũng chẳng sao.
  2. Coldsquall

    Coldsquall C O N T R A

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    Chính xác là từ năm 1987, cho đến năm có hơn 40 game Megaman đã ra đời.
    Từ điển thì Cold có bản tiếng Anh, dịch cũng dễ thôi nhưng chưa rảnh.
    Nếu GM cũng thích Megaman thì làm ơn lập topic xin cái box Megaman bên YK-ĐG giùm nhé!
  3. Edge(VN)

    Edge(VN) Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

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    HCM City
    -Ái chà , tui mê game này từ nhỏ rồi , bi giờ mấy cái bản tiếng Anh thì nó kêu là Megaman chứ lúc trước toàn kêu Rockman thôi (bản tiếng Nhật) , mà tui không lấy làm thích lắm mấy cái loại Megaman bi giờ , làm 3D quay vòng vòng chẳng còn cảm giác hay như hồi trước , mấy cái Rockman trước đây tuy làm 2D nhưng phải nói rất tuyệt , từ Rockman 1 cho tới Megaman X6 cái này tui cũng mê (giết trùm mà chẳng cần dùng đạn đặc biệt chỉ cần gồng đạn một bắn và né thôi) còn cái X7 tui cũng thích nhưng không chơi đi chơi lại như mấy cái kia , chơi một lần về nước rồi không chơi nữa , tuy là đẹp hơn những cái trước nhưng mà tui không thích !
    -Tui tán thành lập từ diển về game Rockman/Megaman này ! nhưng các bác chỉ làm những bản mới thôi hay là làm tất cả từ đầu đến cuối ? Mà các bác làm từ điển về cái gì ? Monster , Weapon , Item ah ? Nếu vậy thì quá tuyệt ! Chúc các bác thành công !
  4. Orochimaru

    Orochimaru Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tui cũng mê mấy game này lắm , thích nhất là megaman x7 trên ps2 và megaman battle network trên gameboy , các bác cố làm một từ điển thật hoàn chỉnh vào nhá ( cho tất cả loạt game megaman luôn ) để tui còn tra cứu
  5. Genma Onimusha

    Genma Onimusha Mario & Luigi

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    London, UK
    Đã chuẩn bị gần đủ cho X3,4,5 còn đạng tính tiếp Screenshot. Ai biết trình đồ hoạ nào tạo Gif và Animated Gif ko? Tui có cả đống hình mà chưa soạn được này!
  6. Chipp

    Chipp Mega Man

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    Rồi, dù bỏ cũng lâu nhưng Rockman này là 1 game lâu đời và của Capcom làm, mà Capcom thì tui ủng hộ tụi nó (Người nhà mà)
    Đồ họa đó thì dùng ImagReady của photoshop đó, thử đi
  7. linhchandoi

    linhchandoi Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    TP HCM
    Dòng game Rockman trên PS2 chơi nhức đầi wá đi thui , có ai phá băng trò này trên PPS2 chưa vậy ?
  8. I_LOVE_GAME511

    I_LOVE_GAME511 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Adventure Game World
    Tui thấy rock men hay đó chứ. Tui chơi Megaman và Rockman đều trên GBA. HÌnh đẹp, cốt truyện được, không bàn nhiều !!
  9. Coldsquall

    Coldsquall C O N T R A

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    Here you'll find a full index of term that are used in the Mega Man X Series. The Terms in the Lexicon have keywords that connects to other words in the Lexicon, so if there's a term you don't know, just click on the keyword to find the definition of it.

    Choose a letter in order to go to the term you want that starts with the letter:

    # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Z

    0 - see Zero.
    0th (Zero) Unit - a special Shinobi (Stealth) unit formed after Mega Man X2, led by Zero.
    1st Unit - A General Infantry unit.
    6th Unit - A Sea Force unit, at one time led by Wheel Gator.
    7th Unit - An Air Calvary unit.
    8th Unit - An Armored Division unit.
    9th Unit - A Special Forces unit.
    13th Unit - A Polar Region unit.
    14th Unit - A Grapple Combat unit, at one time led by Magma Dragoon.
    16th Unit - A Frontline Combat unit, at one time led by Gamma.
    17th Unit - high level unit, led by Mega Man X.
    20XX - the century of the Mega Man series.
    21XX - the century of the X series.

    Acid Seaforce - Japanese counterpart of Toxic Seahorse.
    Adion - second form of the Ride Chaser.
    Agile - one of the three X-Hunters.
    AI - see Artificial Intelligence.
    Alia - navigator for Maverick Hunter operations.
    Arma Armage - Japanese counterpart of Armored Armadillo.
    Armor Capsules - see Light Capsules.
    Armored Armadillo - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X.
    Ancient - condescending term for X or his powers often used by Reploids.
    Anti-Virus - a software program designed to identify and remove a known or potential computer virus.
    Artificial Intelligence - the ability of a machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence.
    Axl - new third character in the series; appears in Mega Man X7.
    Axle the Red - one of the eight mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Axl Rose of Guns 'n' Roses.
    Axl Trance - term used to describe what occurs when Axl is able to shapeshift into the likeness of his enemy, whereas the Copy Shot is used on a broader level to describe his mimcry of an ability.

    Bandai - maker of the Japanese Rockman X model kits.
    Beam Saber - general term for all light swords, like Sigma's weapon in Mega Man X, or the Z-Saber.
    Berkana - one of the two Soul Erasers of Mega Man Xtreme 2.
    Bit - one of the two Nightmare Police.
    Blast Hornet - one of the eight mavericks of Mega Man X3.
    Blaze Heatnix - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Blizzard Buffalo - one of the eight mavericks of Mega Man X3.
    Blizzard Wolfang - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Bolt Kraken - Japanese counterpart of Squid Adler.
    Boomer Kuwanger - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X.
    Bradbury K. Wells - writer for the Future Times.
    Bubble Crab - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.
    Bubbly Crablos - Japanese counterpart of Bubble Crab.
    Burn Dinorex - Japanese counterpart of Mattrex.
    Burnin' Naumander - Japanese counterpart of Flame Mammoth.
    Byte - one of the two Nightmare Police.

    Cain Labs - laboratories owned by Dr. Cain specializing in Reploid technology.
    Canon - a basis for judgment; a standard or criterion.
    Capcom - the company that publishes Mega Man X games.
    capsule - a tube in which X was placed by Dr. Light to safely confirm his reliability, also used by Zero at the end of Mega Man X6.
    Carnel - phonetically correct but incorrectly spelled reference to Colonel.
    CF-0 - model number of a giant battle mechaniloid used in Mega Man X2.
    Cheval - first form of the Ride Chaser.
    Chill Penguin - one of the eight Mavericks in Mega Man X.
    Chimera - basic model of Ride Armor.
    Cigma - misspelling of Sigma's name found in the Mega Man Cartoon.
    Class - the Maverick Hunter ranking system, goes by letter.
    Colonel - second in command of the Repliforce, brother of Iris, died at the hands of Zero, also referred to as Carnel.
    Colony Virus - a fraction of the Zero Virus utilized to combine with it and awaken Zero.
    Control Chip - a necessary part of Zero's internal systems, perhaps to keep him from going Maverick again.
    Commander - one title the leader of the Maverick Hunters goes by.
    Commander Yammark - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Commissioner - one title the leader of the Maverick Hunters goes by.
    Core - centralized location of the mother computer.
    Counter Hunters - Japanese counterpart of the X-Hunters.
    Coup'd'etat - the sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.
    Crescent Grizzly - Japanese counterpart of Grizzly Slash.
    Crush Crawfish - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X3.
    Crystar Mymine - Japanese counterpart of crystalsnail.
    Crystal Snail - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.
    Cyber Kujacker - Japanese counterpart of Cyber Peacock.
    Cyber Mission - Japanese counterpart of Mega Man Xtreme.
    Cyber Peacock - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.

    Daizukan - name of a major Japanese sourcebook for the Mega Man and Mega Man X series.
    Dark Necrobat - Japanese counterpart of Dark Dizzy.
    Dark Dizzy - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Dizzy Reed of Guns 'n' Roses.
    DNA - a nucleic acid consisting of large molecules shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information; the apparent source of X's ability to absorb enemy powers.
    DNA Resurrection - the act of bringing back deceased Reploids by using their DNA data, strictly prohibited by law.
    DNA Soul - the figurative soul of a Reploid and the prize sought by the Soul Erasers.
    Dopple Town - a name given to the town formed by thankful Reploids to honor Dr. Doppler, likely a typo of dopplertown.
    DopplerTown - a name given to the town formed by thankful Reploids to honor Dr. Doppler.
    Double - a rookie Hunter Sigma sent to spy on X, later turned to Jello Man.
    Douglas - the mechanic for the Maverick Hunters.
    DRA-000 - the model number for the Goliath riding armor.
    Dr. Cain - archeologist who discovered X and created Reploids from his designs.
    Dr. Doppler - Reploid scientist infected with the Sigma Virus who headlined the second Maverick outbreak, later recovering from the virus and helping X defeat Sigma.
    Dr. Jim - a client of Shield Sheldon who went Maverick and was killed.
    Dr. Kein - Japanese counterpart of Dr. Cain.
    Dr. Thomas Xavier Light - creator of X, lived in 20XX.
    Dr. Albert W. Wily - long-time rival of Dr. Light and creator of Zero, and possible the Zero Virus.
    Duff McWhalen - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Duff McKagen of Guns 'n' Roses.
    Dynamo - a mercenary hired by Sigma to distract X and Zero while they tried to accomplish the Enigma and Shuttle operations, later tried to gather Nightmare Souls.

    E-46 - location at which X was found.
    Eagle - a model of Riding Armor with the ability to fly.
    Earth Crisis - the aftermath of the Eurasia Incident, which left the Earth polluted and uninhabitable by humans, who fled underground as Reploids attempted to rebuild.
    Earth Recovery Project - the name attached to the work of the Reploids as they attempted to rebuild the shattered Earth after the events in Mega Man X5.
    Electro Namazuros - Japanese counterpart of Volt Catfish.
    Elf Wars - the series of wars that follows the demise of Sigma; is prelude to Mega Man Zero series.
    Elysium - a place or condition of ideal happiness; X's name for an ideal peaceful world that he dreams of.
    Emergency Acceleration System - X's speed system for dashing.
    Enigma - a large cannon used by the Maverick Hunters under the advice of Douglas to knock the Eurasia colony out of orbit.
    Eurasia - an inactive space colony utilized by Sigma to crash to earth as part of his plan to expose Zero through the Zero Virus.
    Eurasia Incident - the events of Mega Man X5 in which the Eurasia Colony avoided colliding with Earth, but still left enough destruction to cause the Earth Crisis.
    Explose Horneck - Japanese counterpart of Blast Hornet.

    Falcon Armor - one of the armors gained by the Light Capsules, had the ability to fly.
    Final Sigma-W - the name given to Sigma's final form in Mega Man X5.
    First Armor - unofficial name of the armor upgrade from Mega Man X.
    Flame Hyenard - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Flame Mammoth - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X.
    Flame Stag - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.
    Flame Stagger - Japanese counterpart of Flame Stag.
    Force Armor - one of the armors gained by the Light Capsules, had varied abilities including the powerful Nova Strike.
    Fourth Armor - a reconstructed version of the Force Armor from Mega Man X5.
    Frog - a model of Riding Armor with the ability to submerge.
    Frost Kibatodos - Japanese counterpart of Frost Walrus.
    Frost Walrus - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Frozen Buffalio - Japanese counterpart of Blizzard Buffalo.
    Future Times - apparent newspaper publication in 21XX.

    Gaea Armor - one of the armors gained by the Light Capsules, had durability.
    Gamma - leader of a unit of Maverick Hunters, wiped out by Zero when he was a Maverick.
    Gareth - one of the two Soul Erasers of Mega Man Xtreme 2.
    Gate - former member of the Reploid Research Team and former colleague of Alia who created the nightmares to assist in the creation of his utopia.
    Geemel - one of the two Shadow Hunters.
    General - leader of the Repliforce, started the coup.
    Giga Armor - unofficial armor name of one of the armors gained by the Light Capsules, had varied abilities.
    Giga Crush - ability held by the Giga Armor.
    Godkarmachine O Inary - combination robot composed of Bit and Byte.
    Goliath - a huge Riding Armor piloted by Vile in Mega Man X3.
    Gravity Beetbood - Japanese counterpart of Gravity Beetle.
    Gravity Beetle - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X3.
    Grizzly Slash - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Saul "Slash" Hudson of Guns 'n' Roses.
    Ground Scaravich - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Guns 'n' Roses - 80s "hair metal" band, inspired the use of My Michelle in Mega Man X3 and plays on the members' names in Mega Man X5.

    Hawk - a model of Riding Armor with the ability to fly.
    Hayatom Inc. - 21st century manufacturer of X's voice box.
    High Max - a creation of Gate meant to head the investigators.
    HiMax - the Japanese notation for High Max.
    Hunters - see Maverick Hunters.
    Hyper Armor - one of the armors gained by the Light Capsules, essentially Max Armor with the Hyper Chip installed.
    Hyper Charge - name of the special part given to X in Mega Man X3 to allow sustained charged shots.
    Hyper Chip - a special chip paired with the Hyper Armor to create the Hyper Armor.

    Icy Penguigo - Japanese counterpart of Chill Penguin.
    Infinity Mijinion - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    investigators - the title given to High Max and the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6, as they claimed to be investigating the Nightmares.
    Iris - sister of Colonel, and love of Zero, died in battle with Zero after her brother's death.
    Irregular - Japanese counterpart of Maverick.
    Isoc - an associate of Gate that seems somehow associated with Dr. Wily.
    I. Tracer - the name of the helmet upgrade part in Mega Man X2.
    iX - Irregular X, existent only in the Japanese manga.
    Izoc - the Japanese counterpart of Isoc.
    Izzy Glow - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Izzy Stradlin of Guns 'n' Roses.

    Janken - the Japanese concept of "rock paper scissors" upon which the Mega Man series is based upon.
    Jello Man - name given to Double's alternate form.
    Jet Stingray - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Jet Stingren - Japanese counterpart of Jet Stingray.

    Kangaroo - a model of Riding Armor with the ability to leap.
    Kaiser Sigma - the name given to Sigma's massive battle body from Mega Man X3.
    Keiji Inafune - creator of the Mega Man series.

    Laguz Island - an island in the South Ocean with a Reploid Research Facility where the events of Mega Man Xtreme 2 take place.
    Land Chaser - see Ride Chaser.
    Launcher Octopuld - Japanese counterpart of Launch Octopus.
    Launch Octopus - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X, also referred to as Octopardo.
    Lifesaver - medical control officer of Mega Man X5, was suspicious of Zero's virus reaction.
    Light Capsules - capsules set to assist X by giving him specialized armor.
    Light Hologram - sentient hologram providing assistance to X through Light Capsules.
    litanium - an element discovered by Dr. Light in Mega X.

    Mac - a Maverick Hunter that turned Maverick himself, capturing X for use in Dr. Doppler's army.
    Magma Dragoon - a Maverick Hunter that turned Maverick himself, after letting the Sky Lagoon fall and causing conflict between the Hunters and Repliforce, also one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Magmard Dragoon - Japanese counterpart of Magma Dragoon.
    Magna Centipede - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.
    Magne Hyakulegger - Japanese counterpart of Magna Centipede.
    Mandarilla BB - Japanese counterpart of Byte.
    Manga - Japanese comics, unlicensed by Capcom and usually faulty when referring to game facts.
    Maverick - one that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group.
    Maverick - the condition at which a Reploid intends to harm humans or other Reploids, or generally go against the wishes of the Maverick Hunters.
    Maverick Hunter Base - the operations center for the Maverick Hunters.
    Maverick Hunters - a special faction of Reploids assigned to destroy Reploids that have gone Maverick.
    Mavericks - Reploids that have entered into the condition of Maverick status.
    Maverick Virus - a virus that causes Reploids to go Maverick.
    Maverick Wars - the name given to the constant battle between the Mavericks and the Maverick Hunters.
    Mark - A particular mode, brand, size, or quality of a product, especially a weapon or machine.
    Mattrex - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Matt Sorum of Guns 'n' Roses.
    Max Armor - the armor gained in Mega Man X3 that could be upgraded through the use of the Hyper Chip or separate sub-chips.
    Mechaniroid/Mechaniloid - normal mechanical robots lacking the Reploid ability to think for themselves.
    Mega Buster - Mega Man's Buster, X's being a Mark-17 of it.
    Mega Man - the original character found in 20XX, also the name of the original series of games.
    Mega Man Cartoon - a television series based on the Mega Man series of games.
    Mega Man X - hero of the series, also the name of the series of games; found in a capsule and replicated to make Reploids which he now battles when they go Maverick, leader of the 17th Unit.
    Mega Man X - the first game of the series.
    Mega Man X2 - the second game of the series.
    Mega Man X3 - the third game of the series.
    Mega Man X4 - the fourth game of the series.
    Mega Man X5 - the fifth game of the series.
    Mega Man X6 - the sixth game of the series.
    Mega Man X7 - the seventh game of the series.
    Mega Man X8 - the eighth game of the series.
    Mega Man Xtreme - the first of the Gameboy sub-series.
    Mega Man Xtreme 2 - the second of the Gameboy sub-series.
    Mega Man Zero - the name of the series that follows the X series; stars Zero as the main hero.
    Mega X - an episode of the Mega Man Cartoon that featured X, Vile, and Spark Mandrill as visitors from the future.
    Memorial Hall - chosen meeting place for the first battle with Colonel in Mega Man X4.
    Memory chips - chips contained inside Reploids telling of experiences that have happened, source of information about Sigma in Mega Man X3.
    Mercenary - one who serves or works merely for monetary gain.
    Metal Shark Player - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Metamor Mothmeanos - Japanese counterpart of Morph Moth.
    Micro-fusion fuel tank - the power source of X.
    Middy - a computer genius that served for the Maverick Hunters until his death was prompted by the death of his twin brother, Techno.
    Mobile Attack Armor - see Ride Armor.
    Mobile Attack Cycle - see Ride Chaser.
    Morph Moth - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.
    Mother computer - a CPU storage space for all of the Maverick data that the Maverick Hunters have on file.
    "My Michelle" - a Guns 'n' Roses song that resembles the stage music of Neon Tiger.
    Mystery Scientist - the as-of-yet unknown character who assisted Zero in sealing himself in his capsule in Mega Man X6.

    Neon Tiger - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X3.
    Neo Sigma - the name given to the resurrected Sigma in Mega Man X2.
    Neuro Computer - a supercomputer used by Dr. Dopper to isolate the Maverick Virus.
    Nightmare Mother - a creation of Gate, assumedly the "brain" of the Nightmares.
    Nightmare Police - Bit and Byte, two assassins that served Dr. Doppler and aimed to destroy X.
    Nightmares - creations of Gate used to enslave the minds of Reploids to create his utopia.
    Nightmare Souls - souls left behind from defeated Nightmares.
    NOM Engineer Work System - Dr. Cain's archeological dig equipment.
    NOM Corporation - NOM Engineer Work System manufacturer.
    Nova Strike - an invincible attack gained by the Force Armor.

    Octopardo - a phonetically correct translation of Launch Octopus' name given in Mega Man X5 by Squid Adler, who served in the Maverick Hunters with him.
    Overdrive Ostrich - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.

    Placebo - something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to appease or reassure another; in layman's terms, something fake.

    Rabbit - a model of Riding Armor with the ability to hover for a short while and break walls.
    Raiden - a model of Riding Armor with the ability to withstand extremely hot temperatures and break walls.
    Rainy Turtloid - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Rangda Bangda - a giant wall guardian that appeared in Mega Man X.
    Rangda Bangda-W - the name given to the second form of Rangda Bangda that appeared in Mega Man X5.
    Reaper Sigma - an unofficial name given to Sigma's cloaked, scythe-wielding form in Mega Man X4.
    Red - leader of the Red Alert Syndicate.
    Red Alert Syndicate - bounty hunter organization that semi-replaced the Maverick Hunters in Mega Man X7.
    Repli-Air Force - a division of the Repliforce assigned to the air.
    Repliforce - a faction of Reploids intended to assist the Maverick Hunters in their operations, instead a large war broke out and most of the force including it's leaders, General and Colonel, were wiped out.
    Repliroid - Japanese counterpart of Reploid.
    Repli-Sea Force - a division of the Repliforce assigned to the ocean.
    Reploid - a robot formed from the designs of X with the ability to think, feel, and make decisions.
    Reploid Graveyard - name given to the teleport area in Mega Man X7.
    Reploid Research Team - an organization built to advance Reploid sciences.
    Reploid Wars - see Maverick Wars.
    Ridden - see Raiden.
    Ride Armor - armored mech that comes in various forms, originally intended to assist in engineering procedures.
    Ride Boarski - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Ride Chaser - jetbike used by the Maverick Hunters.
    Rockman X - Japanese counterpart to Mega Man X, both in character and series name.
    Rockman X - the first game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X2 - the second game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X3 - the third game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X4 - the fourth game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X5 - the fifth game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X6 - the sixth game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X7 - the seventh game of the Japanese series.
    Rockman X8 - the eighth game of the Japanese series.
    RP - unit of measurement for power and speed in Reploids, likely means "reactor power".

    Saber Tactic System - name given to Zero's method of acquiring defeated enemies' weapons.
    Scissors Shrimper - Japanese counterpart of Crush Crawfish.
    Screw Masaider - Japanese counterpart of Tunnel Rhino.
    Sentient - having sense perception; conscious.
    Serges - one of the three X-Hunters.
    Shadow Devil - an enemy that appears in Mega Man X5, greatly resembling the Yellow Devil of the original Mega Man series.
    Shadow Hunters - Zain and Geemel, two assassins that accompanied Techno, both defeated at the hands of X.
    Shield Sheldon - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X6.
    Shining Hotarunix - Japanese counterpart of Izzy Glow.
    Shining Tigerd - Japanese counterpart of Neon Tiger.
    Shuttle Project - Douglas' back-up plan for knocking the Eurasia colony away from contact with Earth, piloted by Zero.
    Sigma - a Reploid created by Dr. Cain that later went maverick and constantly holds problems for the Maverick Hunters.
    Sigma Virus - a virus discovered by Dr. Doppler as being Sigma's true form, later revealed to have been transferred to him by Zero.
    Signas - young Commander of the Maverick Hunters.
    Skiver - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Michael "High as the Sky" Monroe, a producer for Guns 'n' Roses.
    Sky Lagoon - the target of a Maverick attack that was later blamed on the Repliforce, causing a war between them and the Maverick Hunters.
    Slash Beast - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Slash Beastleo - Japanese counterpart of Slash Beast.
    Snipe Anteator - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Snipe Ariquick - Japanese counterpart of Snipe Anteator.
    Soldier Stonekong - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7 Sonic Ostreague - Japanese counterpart of Overdrive Ostrich.
    Soul Eraser - Japanese counterpart of Mega Man Xtreme 2.
    Soul Erasers - a pair of Mavericks, Berkana and Gareth, that set out gain power by erasing the souls of Reploids.
    Spark Mandrill - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X.
    Spark Mandriller - Japanese counterpart of Spark Mandrill.
    Splash Wafly - Japanese counterpart of Splash Warfly.
    Splash Warfly - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Spike Rosered - Japanese counterpart of Axle the Red.
    Spiral Pegacion - Japanese counterpart of Skiver.
    Split Mushroom - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Sprit Mushroom - Japanese counterpart of Split Mushroom.
    Squid Adler - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X5, named after Steven Adler of Guns 'n' Roses.
    Sting Chameleo - Japanese counterpart of Sting Chameleon.
    Sting Chameleon - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X.
    Storm Eagle - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X.
    Storm Eagleed - Japanese counterpart of Storm Eagle.
    Storm Fukuroul - Japanese counterpart of Storm Owl.
    Storm Owl - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Sub-Tank - back-up energy resources for the micro-fusion fuel tank.

    Techno - an experienced computer hacker that pryed into the mother computer and used the data against the Maverick Hunters.
    Tidal Makkoeen - Japanese counterpart of Duff McWhalen.
    Titanium-X - metal alloy that composes X's structure.
    Tornado Debonion - Japanese counterpart of Tornado Tonion.
    Tornado Tonion - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Toxic Seahorse - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X3.
    Tunnel Rhino - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X3.

    U-555 - a giant submarine infected by the Sigma Virus and used in an attempt to destroy X.
    Ultimate Armor - one of the armors gained by the Light Capsules, had the ability to do the Nova Strike indefinitely.
    Unification - the name given to the reconstruction of Zero in Mega Man X2.
    Unit - a squad or legion of Maverick Hunters.
    Upgrade Chips - add-on programs for the Hyper Armor to make it more powerful.

    Vajurilla FF - Japanese counterpart of Bit.
    Vanishing Galgarun - Japanese counterpart of Vanishing Gungaroo.
    Vanishing Gungaroo - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Vava - Japanese counterpart of Vile.
    Vector Sigma - an unofficial or fan-created name given to the final form of Sigma in Mega Man X2, has its roots in the "vector" graphics used to create Sigma's wire-frame image.
    Velcana - Japanese counterpart of Berkana.
    Velguader - Sigma's robotic wolf companion.
    Vile - a violent Reploid that was once a Maverick Hunter, but turned Maverick during the revolt led by Sigma, returned in Mark-2 form under Dr. Doppler's reconstruction.
    Violen - one of the three X-Hunters.
    Volt Catfish - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X3.

    W - a symbol for Dr. Wily.
    Web Spidus - Japanese counterpart of Web Spider.
    Web Spider - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X4.
    Wheel Aligates - Japanese counterpart of Wheel Gator.
    Wheel Gator - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.
    Wind Crowrang - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X7.
    Wind Karasting - Japanese counterpart of Wind Crowrang.
    Wire Hetimarl - Japanese counterpart of Wire Sponge.
    Wire Sponge - one of the eight Mavericks of Mega Man X2.

    X - see Mega Man X.
    X-Buster - an upgraded version of the Mega Buster, Mark-17.
    X-Hunters - a group of Mavericks, Agile, Serges, and Violen, that set out destroy X.

    Zain - one of the two Shadow Hunters.
    Zero - X's best friend, a former Maverick, and the source of the Zero Virus.
    Zero Nightmare - a clone of Zero created using his DNA to frame him.
    Zero Omega - unofficial and plot-wise incorrect name of Zero, from either fans or manga.
    Zero Space - the term used to describe the reality distortion effect caused by the excessive concentration of the Zero Virus in Mega Man X5.
    Z-Saber - official name for Zero's Beam Saber.
    Z-Sabre - another spelling for Zero's Beam Saber.
    Zero Virus - the true origin of the Sigma Virus, and the cause of many Mavericks.

    Tu dien cua Megaman X. Se post cac Megaman khac sau.
  10. Genma Onimusha

    Genma Onimusha Mario & Luigi

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    Làm cái gì vậy bạn? Ai hỏi mấy cái này đâu! Trình English và Megâmn đâu phải để cho người khác xem bản gốc!
  11. Coldsquall

    Coldsquall C O N T R A

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    DỊch ra rồi thêm thắt ý mình vào, từ điển của Megaman X đó, còn MBNW và CLassic hay Zero rồi Legends cũng có luôn.
    Dân mình chơi Megamân X ở ngoài tiệm chắc ít có dịp thưởng thức nhạc, muốn down hông?
  12. tokagea

    tokagea Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    em cũng rất mê mgm,em chơi đi chơi lại đến nỗi hư cả đĩa nữa,anh cold đã cứu hết bọn người máy trong X6 chưa?? có cho đc đồ gì ko???
  13. Coldsquall

    Coldsquall C O N T R A

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    Gọi Cold được rồi.
    Muốn xem được mình có cứu đầy đủ các robot không thì ấn R hoặc L gì đó sẽ hiện ra bảng State.
    Nên nhớ nếu để cho bọn robot nhập vào thì coi như không có đồ.
    Khi chơi bằng X thì rất dễ, vì X có áo giáp ên được bảo vệ rất kỹ, có mất máu cũng không bao nhiêu, việc thu nhập 162 Reploids là chuyện nhỏ vì X có áo giáp bay, lấy dễ ợt.
    Nhưng Capcom không công bằng với Zero, mỗi lần dính đòn là Zero mất một lượng lớn máu, chết dễ lắm, cứu 162 robot tưởng như là điều không thể. Thực ra thì vấn đề lại rất bình thường, bạn chỉ cần lấy được Black Zero (có 2 cách: hạ Zero ở level 3 trở lên, cách này phải kiếm soul nhiều, khoảng 9999 là đánh Zero level 4, mệt lắm. Cách 2 là chỉnh mật mã Capcom cho mình khi hoàn thành game, xài cách này đi, khi đánh xong Zero sẽ tự động là Black luôn).
    Nói về Black Zero, Zero trong hình dạng này sẽ được tự động trang bị các kỹ năng như: mất 1/2 máu (khi bị đánh sẽ đưa tay lên che), chém mạnh hơn, chém có thêm một tia phụ.
    Để thu thập đủ 162 hầu như không trở ngại gì nhiều, trừ màn tuyết ở Stage dặc biệt, có một chỗ phải cứu robot mà trên trần thì quá hẹp, dưới gai ,hầu như nhảy không thể qua, . Lúc này hy vọng là có nham thạch từ trên trời rơi xuống, cho nó phang Zero nhưng lựa chỗ gần gần chỗ đó rồi trong lúc còn nhấp nháy, nhảy qua lẹ lẹ, cứu xong rồi tự tử,vậy là xong.
    Về đồ thì chia ra làm 3 loại: đồ dành cho X, đồ dành cho Zero và đồ cho cả 2.
    Trong đó có loại đồ đặc biệt mà chỉ khi nào đạt level cao bạn mới đùng được, khi đã chọn đồ, vào màn rồi, ấn hiện ra menu và lựa món đồ đó,.
    Have fun!
    Have fun!
  14. tokagea

    tokagea Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    màn của con Wolf fang thì em đã lấy hết dc rùi,dễ lắm,chỉ cần mình đi cái màn mà có thằng robo to bắn tia laze ấy
    đi xong màn đó thì quay lại màn băng là có nham thạch ngay thôi.Em cũng chỉ phá đảo ở cấp độ hard thôi,còn Extrẽm thì em chưa thử thui
  15. lady_luck

    lady_luck Youtube Master Race

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    D3 phong 2 TTbộ xây dưng.phô đông tác,đống đa .hà
    sao dai the ban oi,co cho nao quan trong thi hay pót chu nhieu vay xem bao gio cho xong
  16. YinYang

    YinYang Độc cô cửu kiếm

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    Chú coldsquall sau chỉ cần đưa link ra thôi , ko cần post bài như vầy đâu nghen ...........
  17. Genma Onimusha

    Genma Onimusha Mario & Luigi

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    Mấy cái X đã thu thập thông tin được nửa rồi! Mấy hôm nay dịch và hệ thống lại cái từ điển mệt bã ra, tạm thời ko còn kiên nhẫn nữa! X1 và X2 đã bạn nào phá đảo thì giúp với!
  18. Genma Onimusha

    Genma Onimusha Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mấy cái Gif và Animated Gif cố mãi vẫn hỏng, ai có hướng dẫn làm hay cái Link nào Post đại cho đệ một cái, vì sự nghiệp chung của Megaman!!
  19. Coldsquall

    Coldsquall C O N T R A

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    Nói rõ hơn xem, cần flash làm gì, gif nữa, sao không dùng các hình, chẳng hạn dùng avatar và hình chụp thân thể của boss.
    Nếu cần những thứ gì khác về MX như ảnh đại diện trùm, các ảnh nhân vật thì Cold có thể giúp đỡ chút ít.
  20. ILSATS

    ILSATS Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    anh coldsquall rành về megamen quá nhỉ em mới chơi mấy bản bên GBA với PC thấy cũng hay(nhất là megamen zero)

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