Em cũng để nghị tiếp là sau này mấy cái quảng cáo cầu thủ mọi người nên viết chung vào cái topic này hết để dễ coi Cũng như cái trên, em cũng xin khai màn vài em: Arturo Balarezo (50054588) 17 years, passable form, healthy A popular guy who is calm and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities. Speciality: Quick Nationality: España Total Skill Index (TSI): 380 Wage: 6 782 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: AS Angle United Warnings: 0 Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: passable Defending: weak Scoring: poor Set Pieces: inadequate Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Deadline: 12-01-2005 at 13.11 Bogdan Achimescu (27678089) 24 years, solid form, healthy A controversial person who is temperamental and honest. Has poor experience and wretched leadership abilities. Nationality: România Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 070 Wage: 6 720 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: AS Angle United Warnings: 1 Stamina: formidable Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: inadequate Passing: inadequate Winger: passable Defending: poor Scoring: weak Set Pieces: wretched Career Goals: 4 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 2 Cup goals this season: 1 Deadline: 12-01-2005 at 21.03 Gao Hsi-ho (50999606) 17 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is tranquil and upright. Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities. Speciality: Head Nationality: Vietnam Total Skill Index (TSI): 270 Wage: 5 543 dong*/week Owner: AS Angle United Warnings: 0 Stamina: passable Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: poor Winger: poor Defending: poor Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Deadline: 11-01-2005 at 11.17 Pablo Viaña (47810552) 19 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is temperamental and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and disastrous leadership abilities. Nationality: España Total Skill Index (TSI): 1 340 Wage: 7 638 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: AS Angle United Warnings: 0 Stamina: passable Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: excellent Passing: poor Winger: weak Defending: weak Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Deadline: 12-01-2005 at 13.14 Martin Laplanche (50656554) 18 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is balanced and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities. Nationality: België Total Skill Index (TSI): 480 Wage: 6 650 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: AS Angle United Warnings: 0 Stamina: passable Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: poor Winger: weak Defending: inadequate Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Deadline: 11-01-2005 at 20.35 Jørgen Skovgaard Hansen (48399580) 19 years, passable form, healthy A pleasant guy who is fiery and dishonest. Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities. Nationality: Danmark Total Skill Index (TSI): 570 Wage: 6 601 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: AS Angle United Warnings: 0 Stamina: weak Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: inadequate Winger: inadequate Defending: wretched Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor Career Goals: 0 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 0 Cup goals this season: 0 Deadline: 11-01-2005 at 20.34
ừh anh cững đóng góp 1 thằng cho vui vẻ với anh em Bo Vin (45346456) 17 years, solid form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is tranquil and honest. Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities. Speciality: Unpredictable Nationality: Sverige Total Skill Index (TSI): 890 Wage: 6 721 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: HaiPhong-United Warnings: 0 Stamina: poor Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: excellent Passing: weak Winger: weak Defending: wretched Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor Deadline: 12-01-2005 at 12.54 đưa ra vậy thôi chứ chắc là chả có anh em nào mua đâu để bọn nước ngoài nó mua cho máu
Wilbur John TSI = 240 , 18 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: disastrous Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: wretched Passing: excellent Winger: poor Defending: wretched Scoring: poor Set Pieces: poor thằng này ai muốn mua đăng ký sớm, i bán rẻ cho 180.000, ko ai đăng ký thì mai bán ... 480.000 (cắt cổ mấy thằng nước ngoài ) Paavo Murto TSI = 340 , 25 years, passable form Has wretched experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: weak Keeper: wretched Playmaking: wretched Passing: passable Winger: inadequate Defending: poor Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: excellent 180.000 - 290.000 Kolumbas Bliznevičius TSI = 420 , 25 years, inadequate form Has poor experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: poor Winger: solid Defending: weak Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor Deadline: 12-01-2005 at 03.56 Asking price: 180 000 dong* Jan Thymo TSI = 1 170 , 21 years, poor form Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: poor Keeper: passable Playmaking: poor Passing: disastrous Winger: disastrous Defending: poor Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: poor Deadline: 12-01-2005 at 15.25 Asking price: 580 000 dong hôm nay giới thiệu sơ sơ vài em nhẹ nhàng mà anh em có thể mua được (bán rẻ cho GVN member).
Lin Qing-Yuan (28714171) 24 years, passable form, healthy A controversial person who is calm and upright. Has wretched experience and wretched leadership abilities. Speciality: Head Nationality: Vietnam Total Skill Index (TSI): 6 600 Wage: 12 800 dong*/week Owner: AS Hà Nội Warnings: 0 Stamina: excellent Goaltending: wretched Playmaking: outstanding Passing: weak Winger: poor Defending: passable Scoring: weak Set Pieces: inadequate
Lộn ,mới nhìn tui tưởng em này người VN định nhào vô ai dè ... . Cầu thủ Sverige mà tên giống tên cầu thủ VN quá .Thôi đi ra vậy #
ặc ặc cha ĐÀ NẴNG này ông nói câu đầu làm tui đang sướng nói câu thứ 2 làm tụt cả hứng nhưng ko sao bán cho mấy thằng nước ngoài fê hơn
hehe u thông cảm ,doạ này chơi MU lu bù nên mắt mỏi mà dã mỏi nên hay nhìn lầm lắm ^_~. Nhân tiện đây rao bán cầu thủ luôn : Sergi Jorquera (26651959) 29 years, passable form, healthy A sympathetic guy who is balanced and dishonest. Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities. Nationality: España Total Skill Index (TSI): 950 Wage: 8 160 dong*/week including 20% Bonus Owner: Da Nang Club Warnings: 2 Stamina: excellent Goaltending: disastrous Playmaking: solid Passing: weak Winger: weak Defending: weak Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: poor Career Goals: 4 Career Hattricks: 0 League goals this season: 1 Cup goals this season: 2 Deadline: 13-01-2005 at 05.51 Asking price: 800 000 dong*
Hiện nay tui đang bán 1 số cầu thủ anh em thấy được thì vào mua giúp nha :hug: :hug: Päivö Karhu TSI = 2 120 , 27 years, passable form Has wretched experience and solid leadership abilities [Quick] Stamina: poor Keeper: passable Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: weak Jaime Nucette TSI = 1 800 , 22 years, inadequate form Has disastrous experience and passable leadership abilities Stamina: passable Keeper: passable Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous Winger: wretched Defending: disastrous Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: disastrous Bjørn Nakken TSI = 270 , 19 years, poor form Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities Stamina: solid Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: weak Winger: wretched Defending: passable Scoring: weak Set Pieces: wretched Gediminas Kanapienis TSI = 240 , 30 years, weak form Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: weak Keeper: wretched Playmaking: passable Passing: passable Winger: disastrous Defending: wretched Scoring: weak Set Pieces: solid Ilppo Peisa TSI = 170 , 22 years, wretched form Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: disastrous Passing: weak Winger: solid Defending: wretched Scoring: poor Set Pieces: passable Jan Lund TSI = 1 680 , 22 years, weak form Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Quick] Stamina: poor Keeper: passable Playmaking: wretched Passing: disastrous Winger: disastrous Defending: wretched Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: weak Joes Eskesen TSI = 640 , 22 years, weak form Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities [Unpredictable] Stamina: passable Keeper: wretched Playmaking: weak Passing: inadequate Winger: passable Defending: weak Scoring: weak Set Pieces: poor Joshua Cole TSI = 70 , 34 years, weak form Has inadequate experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Technical] Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: inadequate Passing: inadequate Winger: weak Defending: wretched Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: wretched Kay Sivertsen TSI = 1 400 , 22 years, wretched form Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: poor Keeper: passable Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: disastrous Keit Uuspõld TSI = 2 050 , 22 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: wretched Keeper: passable Playmaking: disastrous Passing: disastrous Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: disastrous Michael Persson TSI = 2 100 , 21 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: poor Keeper: passable Playmaking: disastrous Passing: wretched Winger: wretched Defending: disastrous Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: weak Niels Stjernholm TSI = 310 , 19 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities Stamina: wretched Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: poor Passing: inadequate Winger: solid Defending: poor Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: poor Per Säfby 1 TSI = 140 , 17 years, poor form Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities Stamina: poor Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: passable Defending: poor Scoring: poor Set Pieces: weak Rafael Flick TSI = 180 , 21 years, inadequate form Has wretched experience and passable leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: poor Winger: poor Defending: poor Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: weak Rolf-Erik Lagerstål TSI = 790 , 24 years, wretched form Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities Stamina: excellent Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: passable Winger: passable Defending: poor Scoring: inadequate Set Pieces: weak Tony Torsson TSI = 410 , 19 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and poor leadership abilities Stamina: inadequate Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: weak Passing: weak Winger: weak Defending: poor Scoring: passable Set Pieces: inadequate Viljar Öö TSI = 400 , 24 years, passable form Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities Stamina: passable Keeper: disastrous Playmaking: passable Passing: weak Winger: weak Defending: poor Scoring: wretched Set Pieces: passable Vítor Hugo Portimão TSI = 1 810 , 19 years, passable form Has disastrous experience and wretched leadership abilities Stamina: wretched Keeper: passable Playmaking: poor Passing: disastrous Winger: disastrous Defending: disastrous Scoring: disastrous Set Pieces: poor :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
cũng như mọi năm, đây là thời điểm đội i thay máu đội hình, vì "trục trặc kỹ thuật" ngoài ý muốn giai đoạn giữa mùa ko thể nâng cấp nên hiện nay cuộc thay máu sẽ diễn ra "triệt để". Tòan bộ hơn 40 em trong đội đều muốn bán hết, ai thích em nào cứ ra giá, được là cho đi liền luôn :p sau giai đoạn này em nào ... ko ai chịu mua thì được ... đá tiếp mùa sau :devil: mong bà con ủng hộ :'> :hug: :hug: :hug:
Chán quá tự nhiên thành 2 bài phải đổi bài này lại đã :cool: ,hiện nay tui bán khá nhiều cầu thủ rẻ ai mua thì vao đội tui mua hêhhhehh :hug:
Mod đâu rồi tui đề nghị xoá +4MP của Gia_Nguyen nha :cool:,giờ rao bán cầu thủ dữ quá mà ,vả lại cầu thủ giờ cao quá .
Hix bác Gia_Nguyen có cái bài chữ màu này đã khó đọc rồi lại còn nhỏ thế thì làm sao mà xem được khi không mang theo kính lúp. Hiện này em đang cần 1 thằng thủ môn ngon ngon 1 tý. Tuổi trong loại U23 bác nào có thì chào hàng lên đây em xem cái. Giá cả phải chăng thôi nhà vì ngân sách của đội em hiện đang rất hạn hẹp.