# Cataclysm # - Next Expansion News !

Thảo luận trong 'World of Warcraft' bắt đầu bởi Chimcò_vn, 7/4/10.

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  1. Chimcò_vn

    Chimcò_vn Chim Non Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    ối mẹ ơi hay chưa này ...

    hình này ...


    con mount này chắc chở người được ;))
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    hơ hơ tình hình là có hẳn 1 tree talent tank cho DK chứ không chung chung như giờ nữa .... ( dự đoán blood sẽ thành tree tank ) :D

    Thực sự mình thấy DK cần cải tổ buff biếc lên chứ so với đám kia thì bết bát quá ... mấy con DK guild mình giờ chuyển qua DPS hết cả rồi chả còn thằng nào tank cả ( vì tank chịu ko nổi so với đám pally, war hoặc druid )
  2. KratosP

    KratosP C O N T R A

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    From Hell
    Mong là DK đc tăng thêm chút đỉnh ;)) Đang up gear tiếp cho e DK :))
  3. kim_long512

    kim_long512 Bloodthirsty

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    mình khoái enhan shamy, khoái nhìn số bự bự mỗi lần winfury proc lên, nhưng WotLK này enhan shamy chẳng có cửa trong top 5 DPS :( hi vọng bản sau sẽ có hi vọng hơn
  4. hung_war3

    hung_war3 http://hungwar.com

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    Rage build cho tank sẽ khác hẳn bây giờ nhỉ
  5. phamduyanh

    phamduyanh R.I.P

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    Chán nhất là hunter bị thay đổi, bản thân thấy, nhìu quá =((
    Roài thì stats thay đổi :-?? cảm thấy càng ngày càng đơn giản hóa wow đi nhìu
  6. rhastavn

    rhastavn Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    San Francisco CA
    hunter thay mana = focus như con pet =))
  7. Chimcò_vn

    Chimcò_vn Chim Non Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    cái đó lâu rồi mà :)) mà mình thấy cũng đúng .... tại sao hunter lại có mana .... vô duyên hết sức !
  8. phamduyanh

    phamduyanh R.I.P

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sao lại so sánh ng với thú như vậy đc con hàng kia :-w
    có mana để cho hunter nó roll đồ intelect với chứ =((
  9. hung_war3

    hung_war3 http://hungwar.com

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    hôm trước nói chuyện với Rin về những instance với raid của low-lv cũ hay phết :D
    - khi log instance với lvl cao sẽ tự động change level về mức hợp lý với instance hay raid + stats item descrease .
    - item drop sẽ tự động tăng đúng theo mức level trước khi log vào instance .
    - rare item ... more collection ....
  10. rhastavn

    rhastavn Mega Man

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    San Francisco CA
    thay mana = focus cho nó đỡ đặt trap + flare vô tội vạ :))
  11. phamduyanh

    phamduyanh R.I.P

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thế thì hết mất "selling run service" =((
    con ng ta chân yếu tay mềm, chỉ có mấy cái đó để tự vệ tránh bị thông ass bởi những đứa như mi mà bi giờ còn restricted thì ... =((
  12. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    Thông tin ở đâu thế 0_o

    Btw, shammy Cata

    In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, we'll be making lots of changes and additions to class talents and abilities across the board. In this preview, you'll get an early look at some of the changes in store for the shaman class, including a rundown of some of the new spells, abilities, and talents, and an overview of how the new Mastery system will work with the different talent specs.

    New Shaman Spells

    Primal Strike (available at level 3): Primal Strike is a new weapon-based attack that every shaman will learn very early in the game. Our goal with this ability is to make leveling as Enhancement rather than as Elemental more viable, since many key Enhancement talents become available at fairly high levels.

    Healing Wave (level 4): While the shaman already has an ability called Healing Wave, we're adding another spell to the class's direct-healing arsenal and giving it a familiar name. The current Healing Wave will be renamed Greater Healing Wave, and the intent is for the 'new" Healing Wave to be the shaman's go-to heal. Lesser Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave will be used on a more situational basis.

    Unleash Weapon (level 81): Unleashes the power of your weapon enchants for additional effects (see below). A dual-wielding Enhancement shaman will activate the effects of both of their weapon enchants. Instant cast. 30-yard range. 15-second cooldown. Undispellable.

    Here are a few examples of effects we're considering for this ability:

    • Windfury Weapon – Hurls a spectral version of your weapon at a target, dealing 50% weapon damage and increasing the shaman's Haste for the next five swings.
    • Flametongue Weapon – Deals instant Fire damage and buffs the shaman's next Fire attack by 20%.
    • Earthliving Weapon – Heals the target slightly and buffs the shaman's next healing spell by 20%.

    Healing Rain (level 83): An area-effect heal-over-time (HoT) spell that calls down rain in a selected area, healing all players within it. There is no limit to the number of players who can potentially be affected; however, there are diminishing returns when healing a large number of targets, much like the diminishing returns associated with AoE damage spells. This should give Restoration shaman another healing tool that improves their group-healing and heal-over-time capabilities. 2-second cast time. 30-yard range. 10-second duration. 10-second cooldown.

    Spiritwalker's Grace (level 85): When this self-targeted buff is active, your spells are no longer interrupted by movement and possibly even by your own attacks. This will give shaman of all three specs another way to heal or do damage when it’s necessary to move in both PvE and PvP. Instant cast. 10-second duration. 2-minute cooldown.

    Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

    In addition to adding new spells, we're planning to make changes to some of the other abilities and mechanics you're familiar with. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of what we intend for each spec.

    • Restoration shaman and other healing classes will need to pay attention to mana more than they've had to during Wrath of the Lich King. Spirit will be the Restoration shaman's primary mana-regeneration stat.
    • We're making changes to which classes and specs are able to dispel magic, diseases, curses, and poison, largely for PvP purposes. Shaman will have Cleanse Spirit as a baseline ability, but it will only remove curses. Restoration shaman will have a talent that will improve Cleanse Spirit so that it also removes magic. Shaman will no longer be able to remove poison.
    • Cleansing Totem will be removed from the game, as we want dispels to be a decision for players, not something done mindlessly. To that end, all dispels will cost slightly more mana, and you will waste the spell if you cast it when there is nothing to remove. (Currently, the dispel is only cast when there is something to remove, which encourages spamming 'just in case.") We will balance PvE dispelling with this new model in mind.
    • Totem of Wrath now will replace Flametongue Totem for all shaman, and dropping this totem will buff the group's spell power by 4%. Elemental shaman will have a talent that lets all Fire totems provide +10% spell power, allowing them to drop Searing, Magma, or Fire Elemental Totems without losing their spell-damage buff. The 4% and 10% buffs will be exclusive with each other and with the warlock's Demonic Pact, so you can't benefit from all of them at once. We're also considering letting Elemental drop Searing Totem at range.
    • We want to free up Enhancement global cooldowns to make the spec more dynamic to play. We're considering, for example, increasing the cooldown of Lava Lash so shaman have time to work other interesting abilities into their rotation.

    New Talents and Talent Changes

    • Elemental Reach will be simplified so shaman have a more consistent spell range.
    • We plan to add Earthquake as a deep Elemental talent for targeted and persistent AoE.
    • Spirit Link will likely be worked back into deep Restoration in some form. The idea is that you will be able to link targets together so they share damage. When we had previously tried to implement Spirit Link, it was hard to balance and a little confusing. However, we really liked the concept -- and so did players -- so we are trying to bring it back.
    • Elemental will have a deep talent that allows Spirit (which will appear on the gear they share with Restoration shaman) to boost their Hit rating.
    • Ancestral Knowledge will boost mana pool size, not Intellect.
    • Enhancing Totems will be replaced with Focused Strikes, which will improve the damage of the new spell Primal Strike and Stormstrike.
    • With the Mastery system, we're also considering removing a number of talents that grant passive bonuses, such as Mental Quickness, Improved Windfury Totem, Mental Dexterity, Call of Thunder, Tidal Mastery, Purification, Nature's Blessing, and others, to allow players more freedom to choose more interesting talents.

    Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses


    • Spell damage
    • Spell Crit
    • Elemental Overload

    Elemental Overload: Your direct-damage spells have a chance to proc a less powerful 'bonus" version of the spell. This will work much like the current Lightning Overload talent, but would also apply to Lava Burst.


    • Melee damage
    • Melee Haste
    • Nature Damage

    Nature Damage: This will provide a passive bonus to the Nature damage dealt by the Enhancement shaman.


    • Healing
    • Meditation
    • Deep Healing

    Deep Healing: Your direct heals will do more healing when the target's health is lower. This will scale to damage (e.g. someone at 29% health would receive more healing than someone at 30%) rather than have arbitrary break points.

    We hope you enjoyed this preview, and we're looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on these additions and changes. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues.

    Có thêm mấy spell từ hồi War 3 :))
  13. Chimcò_vn

    Chimcò_vn Chim Non Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Warlock thích nhé ;)) con cưng lúc nào cũng được preview trước :D

    thích nhé ... haste càng nhiều thì tick càng nhiều nhé ;))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/4/10
  14. rhastavn

    rhastavn Mega Man

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    San Francisco CA
    Rogue haste nhiều thì regen energy càng nhanh ^^
  15. hiepvq2008

    hiepvq2008 Donkey Kong

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    37,ha dinh,tx,hn
    Quan tâm mỗi...bao giờ nó ra nhỉ :D
  16. acm_no1


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    Holy City of Jerusalem
    WARRIOR CHANGES: (copy từ EJ)

    đánh đúng vấn đề chính hiện nay là rage
  17. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    Mấy cái warr changes ở trên là tổng hợp thôi mà, vả lại mấy cái mechanic dùng chung cho cả prot pal đc.
  18. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

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    Priest preview is here

    In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, we'll be making lots of changes and additions to class talents and abilities across the board. In this preview, you'll get an early look at some of the changes in store for the priest class, including a rundown of some of the new spells, abilities, and talents, as well as an overview of how the new Mastery system will work with the different talent specs.

    New Priest Spells

    Heal (available at level 16): While priests already have a spell called Heal, the existing version becomes obsolete at higher levels, which is something we intend to change in Cataclysm. Introduced at a low level, the "new" Heal spell will functionally work much like a down-ranked Greater Heal did in the past, adding more granularity to your direct-healing arsenal. If you need to heal someone a moderate amount and efficiency is an issue (making Flash Heal the incorrect spell for the job), then Heal is what you want to use. Heal is intended to be the priest's go-to direct-healing spell unless they need something bigger (Greater Heal) or faster (Flash Heal). We will be following a similar philosophy with all the healing classes.

    Mind Spike (level 81): Deals Shadowfrost damage and puts a debuff on the target that improves subsequent Mind Spike damage. The intent of Mind Spike is to fill a niche missing in Shadow DPS, though it may be occasionally useful for healers as well. Mind Spike provides a quick nuke to use in situations where the priest doesn't have time to set up the normal rotation, such as when adds are dying too fast or you have to swap targets a lot. Spamming Mind Spike will do about as much damage as casting Mind Flay on a target afflicted with Shadow Word: Pain. The idea behind the debuff is that when you cast Mind Spike, we expect you to cast a lot of them; we don't intend you to fit it into an already full Shadow rotation. It also provides Shadow with a spell to cast when locked out of the Shadow school. (School lockouts will no longer affect both schools for multi-school spells.) 1.5-second cast. 30-yard range. No cooldown.

    Inner Will (level 83): Increases movement speed by 12% and reduces the mana cost of instant-cast spells by 10%. This buff will be exclusive with Inner Fire, meaning you can't have both up at once. Inner Fire provides a spell power and Armor buff; Inner Will should be useful on a more situational basis.

    Leap of Faith (level 85): Pull a party or raid member to your location. Leap of Faith (or "Life Grip") is intended to give priests a tool to help rescue fellow players who have pulled aggro, are being focused on in PvP, or just can't seem to get out of the fire in time. Instant. 30-yard range. 45-second cooldown.

    Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

    In addition to introducing new spells, we're planning to make changes to some of the other abilities and mechanics you're familiar with. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of what we intend for each spec.

    * All HoTs and DoTs will benefit from Haste and Crit innately. Hasted HoTs and DoTs will not have a shorter duration, just a shorter period in between ticks (meaning they will gain extra ticks to fill in the duration as appropriate).
    * We want to bring back Shadow Word: Death as an "execute" -- something you do when the target is at 25% health.
    * While we want to keep the priest's role as a well-rounded healer, we also want to make sure the class is a viable tank healer, which is something priests moved away from a little in Wrath of the Lich King. Greater Heal will probably be the tank-healing spell of choice, though we've also discussed giving Discipline a second shield so that they have a small shield to cast on lots of different targets, and a big, more expensive shield to cast on a tank or anyone else taking a ton of damage.
    * Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit will be removed from the game. As Spirit will be the primary mana-regeneration stat, we don't want it to vary as much between solo, small group, and raid play. Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild will not boost Spirit either.
    * Mana will be a bigger consideration for all healers. We aren't trying to make healing more painful; we're trying to make it more fun. When the cost of a spell isn't an issue, then casting the right spell for the job is less of an issue because you might as well just use your most powerful spell all of the time. We are, however, getting rid of the five-second rule, because we don't want to encourage standing around doing nothing. We're also going to cut back on the benefits of buffs such as Replenishment so priests (and all healers) don't feel as penalized when those buffs aren't available.

    New Talents and Talent Changes

    * We want to improve Discipline's single-target healing capacity. One key is to make sure shielding isn't always a more attractive option than healing.
    * We want to improve Holy for PvP healing. One way to do this is to make sure that Heal's throughput is similar between both specs.
    * We want to improve Shadow for short fights and reduce its susceptibility to school lockouts.
    * Discipline will finally be getting Power Word: Barrier as a talented ability. Think of it like a group Power Word: Shield.
    * We want to make Holy a little bit more interesting to play. One new talent will push the Holy priest into an improved healing state when he or she casts Prayer of Healing, Heal, or Renew three times in a row. The empowered state varies depending on the heals cast.
    * Since the Shadow tree has a lot of passive damage-boosting abilities -- something we're trying to avoid in Cataclysm -- we will need to replace several of the tree's talents. One idea is to play off of the new Shadow Orbs mechanic (see Mastery section below), possibly allowing you to consume an orb to increase damage from Mind Blast or reduce Mind Spike's cast time.
    * Misery will no longer affect spell Hit chance. We want players to be able to gear themselves around a Hit cap that isn't variable depending on group composition.

    Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses



    Spell damage
    Spell Crit
    Shadow Orbs

    Absorption: Improves the strength of shields such as Power Word: Shield, Divine Aegis, and Power Word: Barrier.

    Radiance: Your direct heals add a small heal-over-time component to the target.

    Shadow Orbs: Casting spells grants a chance for Shadow Orbs to be created that fly around you and increase your shadow damage. This will help lower-level characters feel more like "Shadow priests" before they obtain Shadowform.

    We hope you enjoyed this preview, and we're looking forward to hearing your initial thoughts and feedback on these additions and changes. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues.


    LOLwell vẫn chưa được sửa à =( Shadow orb chắc bay xung quanh người giống 3 cục orb của Kael :))
  19. Le Anh

    Le Anh C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sao Priest preview có mỗi một dps skill thế này T.T

    Nhảy từ đỉnh thang máy sau lưng Deathwhisper xuống => "life grip" đồng đội => tự levitate mình và /lol thằng kia :x

    S.O chắc giống cục orb shadowguard của mấy con troll priest hồi vanilla
  20. Rooftard

    Rooftard Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Mình phải sắm con tên lửa, rồi take bọn warrior/hunter/shaman/DK on board mới được.

    Fly high
    /cast swift flight form
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