hiện ở trên trên mạnh tới tìm thấy mấy hướng dẫn game ơ đây http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jefmajor#g/search và tìm thấy mấy thứ linh tình có thể gọi là hack hoặc là cheat chả biết nữa Đây kiếm từ 1 web nước ngoài DO NOT CHANGE ANY GAME FILES BEFORE SAVING OIRGINAL COPIES OF THE FILES YOU ARE MAKING CHANGES TOO. **Starting Money** Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ pchar.money ]. Simply just change the number value that follows to the desired amount of starting funds. Here you will notice it will only show money amounts for the Adventure and Merchant characters, but you can add the code line [ pchar.money = 99999999; ] between the [ EquipCharacterbyItem ] and [ break: ] for the Corsair character as well. **Starting Sword, Spyglass, And Pistol** Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ void initMainCharacterItem() ]. Here you will notice it will show the starting items for the al 3 starting characters. Anywere you see [ pistol# ] and [ blade# ] and [ spyglass# ] you can change # to change the weapon. The weapon list in located in the text file [ initItems.c ] located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. **Starting Stats = All 10** Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ case "Merchant": ] , [ case "Corsair": ] or [ case "Adventurer": ] depending on the character you want to change if not all 3. Right below the code line listed you should see [ SetSPECIAL(ch, #,#,#,#,#,#,#); , Here simply just change the numbers in the brackets to 10's. Values above 10 do not work. **Starting Ship** Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShip ]. Here you will see the oirginal code line is [ pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShip((SHIP_LUGGER + rand(2) - 1), 0); ]. Here simply replace [ LUGGER ] with the desired ship name (note that all ships are listed in the [ Ships_init.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\Ships.). But unlike in Age of Pirates 1 there is this little addon to the code [ + rand(2) - 1) ], This was added to randomly give you a ship within 3 slots of your starting ship... its stupid I know. So you can erase it so you know what ship you get everytime. When your done you code line will look like this [ pchar.Ship.Type = GenerateShip(SHIP_SHIPNAME, 0); ]. **Ship Stats** Open the [ Ships_init.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\Ships. From here all ship classes in the game are listed from worst to best. Simply scroll down threw the list and change any stats on the ship or ships of your choice. ******NOTE****** WHEN CHANGING THE STATS OF A SHIP PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE CHANGING IT FOR THE ENTIRE GAME, THIS MEANS THE GAME CONTROLLED SHIPS WILL HAVE ALL THE CHANGES AS YOUR OWN SHIPS. **Cannon Stats** Open the [ Cannons_init.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\CANNONS. From here all cannons in the game are listed from smallest to largest starting will the CULVERINE type cannon and then the CANNON type cannon. Simply scroll down threw the list and change the stats on the cannon or cannons of your choice. ******NOTE****** WHEN CHANGING THE STATS OF A CANNON PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE CHANGING IT FOR THE ENTIRE GAME, THIS MEANS THE GAME CONTROLLED CANNONS ON SHIPS AND FORTS WILL HAVE ALL THE CHANGES AS YOUR OWN SHIPS AND FORTS. **Weapon Stats** Open the [ initItems.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\ITEMS. From here all the weapons in the game will be listed. Simply change the stats on the weapon or weapons of your choice. ******NOTE****** WHEN CHANGING THE STATS OF A WEAPON PLEASE UNDERSTAND YOU ARE CHANGING IT FOR THE ENTIRE GAME, THIS MEANS THE GAME CONTROLLED WEAPONS ON ENEMY CREW AND PORT SOLDIERS WILL HAVE ALL THE CHANGES AS YOUR OWN WEAPONS. **No Stat Penility For High Class Ships** Open the [ RPGUtilite.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\characters. From here use ctrl+f to search for the code line [ switch (shipClass) ]. Here you will see [ case 1 : needSkill = 95; break; ] right down to [ case 7 : needSkill = 0; break; ]. Simply change the # after the = sign to 0, and now you will have no stat penility for having a high class ship. ******NOTE****** I WENT LOOKING FOR THIS BECAUSE IF YOU CHANGE THE CLASS OF THE SHIP IN THE SHIPS TEXT FILE TO 7 SO YOU WONT HAVE A STAT PENILITY YOU CANNOT UPGRADE IT AT THE PIRATE HAVEN IN BERMUDES AND IF YOUR SHIP IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A WARDROOM DUE TO ITS CLASS SIZE, NOW IT WILL NOT BECUASE IT IS PROGRAMMED AS CLASS 7. **Item Stats** Open the [ initGoods.c ] text file located in C:\Program Files\Playlogic\Age of Pirates 2\Program\STORE. Here all the items are listed in the game. Simply just edit the item or items you want. Usually I have just changed the weight of some items nguồn http://boards.ign.com/captain_blood/b8346/182213979/p1/ nếu có ai biết thêm gì hay xỉn chỉ với
có cả video huong dẫn nhiệm vụ nữa mà ---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ---------- đây http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ0wDLThrSI ---------- Post added at 12:33 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ---------- http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=jefmajor#g/u
Mình gặp vài vấn đề mắc dịch với game này , nếu bản đồ và hệ thống tàu thuyền là nổi bậc của game thì độ họa hơi xấu + với cách điều khiển rắc rối là nhược điểm làm mình phát mệt với game này , không điều khiển tốt nhất là trong Fighting Mode . Xin hỏi làm sao bật thùng đồ của mình để trang bị thế bạn ? Ngoài ra cách xem thông tin của nhân vật nữa .