Games Talk and Support

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi Hank Williams, 23/12/03.

  1. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    @ToanAZ : thanks for reminding us ::) .. But this is a "game support" topic, not game *discussion* ::) bear that in mind ... so it may be normal for members to go over the topic's subject (but just a little bit ^^)
  2. =kiug=

    =kiug= The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    World of Fractal
    Anybody play Baldur's Gate II:Shadow of Amn
    It's the best RPG in Pc I ever play
  3. Poseidal

    Poseidal Legend of Zelda

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    Troy Horse
    He he Suikoden is "Thuỷ Hử". The main stuff to do is to collect 108 star of destiny (i mean 108 characters).
  4. AVAVT 

    AVAVT  Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ....... Duh! >_<
    There's 2 General talk topic here, meow! =^_^=
  5. SVS

    SVS Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Graveyard of rusted uses
    I don't think so! Because i'm got sick of all the game that is the same with Diablo or Baldur's Gate! I don't know why, but it's all really boring!
  6. lightdevil

    lightdevil Space Marine Doomguy

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    Under the sun
    yes, but now i don't need help :D but I can help translate
  7. Lang

    Lang Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    I think Diablo and Baldur's Gate really boring , i played it only 1 time and never play again , only fight >.< nothing intereting
  8. Squall Leonaheart

    Squall Leonaheart ♠ HCuM oS EvoL 'N sSiM ♠

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Love Center Hall
    Boring ? Im agreed with you ! I even dont played them for a hour. My favorite game is Final Fantasy ! No things can beat it !
  9. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Flower Field
    yeah, i Love FF too, and Fire Emblem.
    Hey, a good news has come, the Newest Fire Emblem will be on air at 15/5/2005 on GBA, cant wait to play it^^
  10. So_No_Mi

    So_No_Mi Follow_Your_Heart Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    NaGaSaKi citY
    _I like Game Online :'>.And i hate Mu,Gunbound.....
  11. Squall Leonaheart

    Squall Leonaheart ♠ HCuM oS EvoL 'N sSiM ♠

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    Love Center Hall
    Poor me ! :(( I even dont have a PS1. Other Playing game devices ? Just a dream to me 'cause my money "runs out as fast as they can" from my pocket >.<. I only have a best friend - my PC :x What a poor guy !
  12. shadow_cat

    shadow_cat Lonely in Gorgeous

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Flower Field
    then play Fire Emblem on Visual SNES, or VIsual GBA
  13. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    @SQ : ... then you don't master the art of ... emulation !! ... ;)) .. zSNES ! (I ♥ love ♥ this program .. my fav++) .. Visual GBA as cat-neechan said too ! ... oh .. that brings back a lot of good memories ... ::)
  14. Squall Leonaheart

    Squall Leonaheart ♠ HCuM oS EvoL 'N sSiM ♠

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Love Center Hall
    Yah, I knew but its hard to search and download the game's ROM. Do you have any experience in this field IE ? Could you please advice me some sites to download "traditional RPG" games ?
  15. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

    Tham gia ngày:
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    .. uwaa .. download these ^_^ .. you'll see the wonder of SNES games ^^

    - emulator (zsnes not snes9x .. the latter isn't very good)
    - Tales of Phantasia (english translation is at dejap)
    - Terranigma (GREATEST Storyline IMHO)
    - Final Fantasy 6 & Final Fantasy 5 (two classic RPGs which you should try)
    - Star Ocean (a great one ! .. translation is at dejap)
    - Seiken Densetsu 3 (This one is soooo great ! Even have multi)
    - Front Mission (I and II) (futuristic / sci-fi RPG)
    - Bahamut Lagoon (I just like the strategy part of this one, not the RPG side)
    - Fire Emblem (I'm not really good at these, go to FE Club for more info ^^)
    - Chrono Trigger (If you miss this one, then you have missed the greatest of all times)
    - Breath of Fire II (... the story is good)
    - Live-a-Live (the strategy part isn't that good, the first stories aren't that good ... BUT the last one [the conclusion of the game when you beat all stories] is .. just wonderful !)
    - and some more which I can't remember right now ... (I have played them a long time ago)

    ... To download the ROMS mentioned above, you can go to Library Box at GameVN, Kunio Kun there is one of my friend and he also know about SNES games ... For the translation, it's in .ips format, you just gotta put them in the same folder as the ROMS and rename them to the same name as the ROMS, and zsnes will automatically patch. Beware, just patch the Jap ROMs, if there's already an english ROMs, no need to patch. The Star Ocean ROM require some more work though ...
  16. Uber_AVAVT

    Uber_AVAVT Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    .... How can you play multi SD3? ::)-->::)
  17. Origami(1)

    Origami(1) Youtube Master Race

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    Damn it, I can't pass the first stage of Hitman, the oldest version :)):)):))
    hix, poor me!!!
  18. ipridian_elf

    ipridian_elf Voyage perdu

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    ... Plug in a Player 2 controller, or if it's on emulator, then you just type Start (or was that Select) on the second controller. Then when it's battle, the other person can play one of the two other characters ::) ... so it's maximum 3 player ^^
  19. hydrosunfua

    hydrosunfua Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Anybody play Dynasty Warriors 4?I'm having trouble but dont know how to fix.When i fight againt the final boss in the stage,the screen is so slow,cant fight,cant move.I changed another config,having another trouble,dont see what they say and the menu.Anybody plz tell me how to fix,thanks . My English is not good,thong cam,nice!
  20. Atachi

    Atachi The Boy From Nowhere

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sunset Boulevard
    Go to the official web site of Asus,u know them,right?Download the latest update of the driver.I think it will over come ur problem :D

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