[PC] Mafia II - Joe's Adventures

Thảo luận trong 'Free-Roaming' bắt đầu bởi Hei, 21/8/10.

  1. nhox_su

    nhox_su Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có ai fix dùm tớ cái :(( down về hết mà h giãi nén ko dc
  2. quangkhung_012

    quangkhung_012 Space Marine Doomguy GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    kiểu này chuẩn bị lụm 2 dĩa về mà tra tấn em nó các lỗi hầu như đã được khắc phục với crack v3 bổ sung và bộ cài skid :D
  3. coldsigma

    coldsigma Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    game này sao ko thấy có chế độ chơi multiplayer nhỉ, mới dành giụm mua cái đĩa gốc tưởng chắc chơi multiplayer ai ngờ bấm vào game chả thấy gì:| ngoài cái mục downloadable content
  4. hitman133295

    hitman133295 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chán quá, xài bản skidrow, crack fix, mà vẫn bị lỗi tụt máu ở chap 2 làm sao khắc phục bây giờ?
  5. death_evil_91

    death_evil_91 Thành Viên Tích Cực

    Tham gia ngày:
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    HCMC, Vietnam
    Link đã add recovery, bạn repair = winrar rồi extract lại là OK
  6. qujl0p21

    qujl0p21 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bạn nào quá chapter14 cho mình hỏi?
    Sau khi quét song bọn lính của Derek.
    lấy đc 1 số tiền.
    Ra ngoài Xem NV: EARN $27... for Bruno
    Còn ngoài màn hình ghi Robs Shop or Bring Cars to Buris?
    Rồi trả hiện gì trên map.
    Mà đang trong cảng lấy đâu ra shop hay xe?
  7. Hyunbo

    Hyunbo Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bí kíp j vậy pác ;;)
    Có bít mỗi cái là xóa file Cloth thôi
  8. death_evil_91

    death_evil_91 Thành Viên Tích Cực

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    HCMC, Vietnam
    Rob Shop là đi cướp tiền ở Shop hoặc sell car ở Buck (đem xe tới chỗ có chữ B trên Map) sao cho đủ $27,500 thì mang tiền tới chỗ Bruno
  9. nhox_su

    nhox_su Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thanks cậu kẹt 2 lần đều nhờ cậu giúp
  10. qujl0p21

    qujl0p21 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Minh cướp sho pthì ok/
    Nhưng mang xe đến chỗ B thì gặp thằng Mike nó toàn bảo let's try again.
    Cho dù ko Wanted
  11. Bebi♥Tae

    Bebi♥Tae Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    7th Heaven
    Mọi ng` cho hỏi là xóa cái folder Cloth đi thì cải thiện đc gì thế ???
  12. duongqua_661

    duongqua_661 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    không mở Physx xóa cái folderr Cloth đc không :-x
  13. quang810

    quang810 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có ai biết mấy chỗ để lấy mấy tờ tạp chí playboy không,chơi qua mấy chapter rồi mà mới có lèo tèo 2,3 tờ thôi
  14. huyetmalk

    huyetmalk The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đi ăn trộm hay làm gì đủ 27.500 là được,tới mấy tiệm súng ý,nhiều $ lắm @@
    1. Chapter 2: (Playmate 1) Edge of Joe's Coffee Table
    2. Chapter 2: (Playmate 3) Inside the 3-car garage next to Mike's shop. Will be on a shelf
    3. Chapter 3: (Playmate 18) On the floor just outside of Derek Papalardo's office.
    4. Chapter 3: (Playmate 4) Located in Maria Angello's apartment. Look on the floor behind the entry doorway.
    5. Chapter 3: (Playmate 5) In the office across from the Director's office. On the windowsill.
    6. Chapter 3: (Playmate 40) Edge of the security guard desk. It's on the first floor.
    7. Chapter 3: (Playmate 6) On the floor of the large basement storage room between the first two shelves.
    8. Chapter 4: (Playmate 9) Found in the box of Playboy magazines on the first stairwell from the bookstore
    9. Chapter 4: (Playmate 2) Second stairwell from the bookstore. Look under the stairwell near the locked front doors.
    10. Chapter 4: (Playmate 8) Look inside the small rooftop shelter. It's on the floor on the right wall.
    11. Chapter 5: (Playmate 11) Rather than follow Henry and Joe downstairs, go upstairs and it will be on the floor.
    12. Chapter 5: (Playmate 10) On a shelf in the first floor distillery office. CAN'T GO BACK TO GET THIS ONE
    13. Chapter 5: (Playmate 12) On the floor on the right side of the room when helping injured Henry-fifth floor. Look behind two small wooden chairs.
    14. Chapter 6: (Playmate 13) Under the legs of a sleeping prisoner behind bleachers.
    15. Chapter 6: (Playmate 14) Inside the gray shed beside the basketball court.
    16. Chapter 6: (Playmate 15) On top of the one of the large clothing dryers. After your fight you can look for it.
    17. Chapter 7: (Playmate 16) On the floor in Harry's Army/Navy gun shop. Near the stairs.
    18. Chapter 7: (Playmate 50) End of the top floor hallway in Joe's apartment.
    19. Chapter 7: (Playmate 17) In your new apartment building, you'll see it on the table on the second floor.
    20. Chapter 7: (Playmate 46) On the Kitchen table in your new apart.
    21. Chapter 8: (Playmate 19) In a shack around the first foundry corner. Look for it on top of an oil drum.
    22. Chapter 8: (Playmate 21) On the ground under the shooters on the catwalk. Next to some oil drums.
    23. Chapter 8: (Playmate 20) Near the end of the foundry, look to the left. Go into the alley near the building and enter the shelter. You'll see it next to a fire by an old cot.
    24. Chapter 9: (Playmate 41) On the bar near the beer taps.
    25. Chapter 9: (Playmate 23) In a side tunnel to the left of where you get sewage dumped on you.
    26. Chapter 9: (Playmate 22) On the floor in the first slaughterhouse you enter. Next to a metal bin on the left.
    27. Chapter 9: (Playmate 24) Before you move around the first corner, you'll see it on a bottom shelf along the entry wall.
    28. Chapter 10: (Playmate 25) Found on the office desk in the back of the laundry room. Next to the worker sitting at the desk.
    29. Chapter 10: (Playmate 27) Don't follow Joe up the stairs, but instead go downstairs to the 16th floor. It will be sitting on the floor
    30. Chapter 10: (Playmate 26) On the ground near the lift generator. GET IT BEFORE THE HOTEL WORKER LIES DOWN IN FRONT OF IT.
    31. Chapter 11: (Playmate 48) On the tile floor of your bathroom.
    32. Chapter 11: (Playmate 47) On the second floor hallway, it's on the windowsill (front of the house)
    33. Chapter 11: (Playmate 7) At Leo's place. Can't miss it.
    34. Chapter 11: (Playmate 29) Look in the back bathroom on the second floor, it's on a hamper.
    35. Chapter 11: (Playmate 28) On the floor under a passed out guy's leg. Across from the open front door.
    36. Chapter 11: (Playmate 49) On the floor next to Joe's bed
    37. Chapter 11: (Playmate 30) In Pub Tara there is a dead-end hallway, it's on the floor at the end of it.
    38. Chapter 12: (Playmate 32) When you meet the Chinese guide, head southwest and find it between a delivery truck and some crates
    39. Chapter 12: (Playmate 31) Across the lot from #36, there is a dead end alley. It's behind the dumpster at the end of the alley.
    40. Chapter 12: (Playmate 33) Head left from #31, and ti's near a green power box on the right wall.
    41. Chapter 13: (Playmate 34) It's in the main dining hall. Back left (southwest), next to a table with a white table cloth.
    42. Chapter 13: (Playmate 36) On top of a wooden crate inside a small opium room. Sort of near the stairs.
    43. Chapter 13: (Playmate 35) In the armory on top of a file cabinet. Armory is in the basement.
    44. Chapter 14: (Playmate 44) Found in a nook on the east side of the building. Next to a waist-high brick retaining wall.
    45. Chapter 14: (Playmate 37) On the floor that is on fire, it's at the base of the stairs. I had a guy with a Hawaiian shirt near it
    46. Chapter 14: (Playmate 38) It's in the back corner of the room where that a-hole shooter is located. Near some crates.
    47. Chapter 15: (Playmate 45) First floor of the stairwell room, it's in a corner to the right of the stairs.
    48. Chapter 15: (Playmate 39) When you are on the observatory rooftop, look for it on the west edge. It's in a small nook.
    49. Chapter 15: (Playmate 43) Against the lower staircase, behind the telescope. Look for the black/white tile, it's on that.
    50. Chapter 15: (Playmate 42) Can't miss it. It's right next to the star projector.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/8/10
  15. cotruongsg

    cotruongsg Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Các bác giúp mình với.sao mình chơi khi chay xe đến 1 chỗ nào đó trên bản đồ là xe mìn bi lún xuong đất .tẽtture thanh phố xung quanh biến mất cái xe cứ lơ lững hoài không biết bị lỗi gì nữa hic hic.....
  16. hitman133295

    hitman133295 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    quote lại, ai biết xin giúp giùm mình
  17. hiepghe

    hiepghe Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ọc, nhét mấy cái playmate vào spoil đi, nhìn khá là vướng
  18. nhox_su

    nhox_su Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    cậu ơi đã repair nhưng vẫn ko được tức quá del down lại nhưng vẫn báo lỗi
  19. JangSH

    JangSH Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thằng Lee đâu ròi lên yh send tao cái crack fix skidrow cái. Bị thằng chóa kia nó múc cho 1 phát nằm sóng soài :|
  20. JangSH

    JangSH Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Xài cái DLC Made man có bị j ko các bạn, chưa chơi xong lỡ lỗi thì khốn.

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