cheat of games

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi mikeyspears, 24/4/05.

Trạng thái chủ đề:
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  1. mikeyspears

    mikeyspears Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    nha` cua nguoi iu
    SWAT 3 Close Quarters battle < thể loại hành động>: press shift + playing :
    Force a team mate to fire their weapon - whosyourboss
    More gore - nc17
    Night missions played in daytime - noshades
    No pants or shirts - casual
    Rapid fire - doubleshot
    Shoot rats to make them rabid - rabies
    Slow mode - johnwoo
    Suspects harder to kill - hotstuff
    Suspects will not surrender - justin
    Team God mode - swatlord
    Unlimited ammunition - biggerpockets
    Win current mission - iamleet
    Extra equip - s3team
    Rocket launcher - s3rocket
    SWAT 3 Elite Edition <thể loại hành động > : press shift + playing

    SWATLORD - Invulnerable team
    BIGGERPOCKETS - For an unlimited period ammunition
    DOUBLESHOT - Faster firing
    NC17 - Stronger bleeding
    NOSHADES - Night missions are bright
    JOHNWOO - Slower play process
    IAMLEET - Mission win
    WHOSYOURBOSS - Units do not obey any longer
    HOTSTUFF - Suspects are more difficult to kill
    RABIES - Killer rats
    JUSTIN - Suspects never give up
    CASUAL - Summer clothes
    QUIT - Play immediately terminate
  2. mikeyspears

    mikeyspears Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    nha` cua nguoi iu
    Silent storm
    game_noai 1 - Disable artificial intelligence
    i_am_an_alien 1 - Everybody including enemies becomes transparent,
    happens only after loading a saved game
    getitem x - Get item number x
    setxplevel x - Set all squad members to x level
    cheat_showall 1 - Show all enemies including NPCs
    godmode 1 - Squad invulnerable
    the Etherlord < dàn trận > nhấn "~"
    open_fog - Remove fog of war
    hide_fog - Place fog of war back
    lose - Lose mission
    win - Win mission
    save - Quick save
    load - Quick load
    player - Info about players
    give all - Gives 15 of all resurces except ether
    view - resources Info about resources
    Gain shovel bonus - ADlsz
    Gain cage bonus - ADlck
    Speed up - ADufs
    First-aid set - ADafa
    Life - ADjls
    Lighting - ADmlb
    Invisibility - ADnif
    Gain gun bonus - ADpgr
    Fire shield - ADofv
    Freezing - ADzfh
    Key to the next level - ADkvk

    GHost recon
    Superman - enables invincibility
    TeamSuperman - enables team invincibility
    Shadow - enables invisibility
    TeamShadow - enables team invisibility
    run - Increases your running speed by 10
    ammo - unlimited ammo
    refill - refills entire inventory
    autowin - automatically completes mission
    quit - exits Ghost Recon
    kit - changes your kit to the file you specify
    tracers - toggles display of tracers
    teleport - teleports you to the specified position
    in the world
    cisco - Achieves objectives one at a time, "sic 'em boy"
    boom - shakes your screen
    chickenrun - Grenades Become Chickens
    god - Struck Down From Heaven
    run - Run
    rock - Enemy Bases are Yours
    extremepaintball - Paintball Mode
    GIANTS < hàng động bắn wái dzật hành tinh > press Y or T
    Display Frame Rate Fr
    Full Base Energy Basefillerup
    Full Health Pleasehealme
    Instant Gift Shop Gimmiegifts
    Instant Party House Itsmyparty
    Instant Smarty Work Force Basepopulate
    Show Entire Map Mapshowitall
    Speedy Base Construction Basegoveryfast
    Unlimited Mana Ineedspells
    Unlock All Levels allmissionsaregoodtogo

    Great Qin Warrior
    God mode - t_super_on
    Disable God mode - t_super_off
    Level skip - t_win
    Sniper zoom mode - smoothzoom_on
    Disable sniper zoom mode - smoothzoom_off
    Change player name - name <name>
    Show frame rate - u fps_on
    Hide frame rate - u fps_off
    Start recording game - u rec <filename>
    Play recorded file - u replay <filename>
    Quit game - exit
  3. hoangthong1985

    hoangthong1985 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sài Gòn, Sóc
    sao post cheat lên mà không dịch vậy bố ,đây là diễn đàn game viiệt nam chứ có phải diễn đàn tiếng anh đâu mà post toàn cheat tiếng anh thì ai hiểu
  4. mikeyspears

    mikeyspears Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    nha` cua nguoi iu
    sorry nha làm piếng dịch dza wá !
    Mystery Island

    Tăng sức : MRBIONIC

    nhảy cao : MRPOLO

    chuồn nhanh : MRSPEED

    máu tốI đa : MRGOD
    Mystery of the Druids
    tất cả pản đồ : allsen
    tất cả nơi : gothere
    tất cả item : ineedmoreitems

    Need for Speed - Underground 2
    opendoors - xe The Doors sponsor
    yodogg - xe Snoop Dogg sponsor
    wannacapone - xe Capone sponsor
    shinestreetbright - xe ShinestStreet sponsor
    wintmyd3 - xe D3 sponsor
    davidchoeart - xe David Choe sponsor
    tunejapantuning - xe Japantuning sponsor
    gimmechingy - xe Chingy Navigator sponsor
    needmybestbuy - Best Buy vinyl in Career mode
    goforoldspice - OldSpice vinyl in Career mode
    gottahavebk - BurgerKing vinyl in Career mode
    gotmycingular - Cingular vinyl in Career mode
    gottaedge - Edge vinyl in Career mode
    needperformance1 - mở chương trình pản 1
    needperformance2 - mở chương trình pản 2
    gimmevisual1 - mở bản 1
    gimmevisual2 - mở bản 2
    ordermebaby - $1,000
    regmybank - $200
    regmebaby - $20,000
    Prisoner of War
    UINCY Guard perception secret
    MUFFIN Guard size secret
    FATTY Defiance secret
    DINO Unlimited goodies
    FOXY Top down mode
    BOSTON người đầu
    FARLEYMYDOG tất cả pí mật
    DEFAULTM Default chapters
    GER1ENG5 All chapters
    Rainbow Islands
    chuồn lẹ- blrbjsbj
    2 lần cầu vòng - rjsbjsbr
    nhanh - sssllrrs
    View hint - bjbjbjrs
    View another hint - ljlslbls
    Continue on all rounds - lbsjrljl
  5. mikeyspears

    mikeyspears Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    nha` cua nguoi iu
    Kiss Psycho Circus press `

    Invuln - chế độ

    GimmieGimmieGimmie - tất cả dũ khí

    NoClip - hông clip

    NoTarget - mở/đóng wái dật < tự động không gặp wái dzật >

    Spectator - bay

    ChaseCam - Chase Camera (5 Different Angles)

    CyclePlayerClass - Cycle Through 4 Player Classes

    NextArmor - tăng áo giáp zà máu

    PrevArmor - giảm áo giáp

    NextMonster - wái dzật sau

    PrevMonster - wái dzật trước
    Kohan - Ahriman's Gift press enter

    Tăng tốc độ : wooden rabbit

    Wa dòng : demons

    Vàng : pyrite

    bản đồ : scene 24

    Spawn Cheater company : goons

    Increase company limit : more peons

    Random Kohan Amulet : rentakohan
    Kohan - Immortal Sovereigns press enter

    say tất cả- there is no spoon

    +10 lần xây - hoody hoo

    Cataclysm - unpleasant dreams

    xây nhanh - speed it up
    tiền chùa - free gold

    wa dòng - yeahbam

    mở bản đồ - show fog

    Toggle grid - show grid

    Toggle control zones - show control

    Toggle supply zones - show supply

    Toggle guard zones - show guard

    Toggle population zones - show population

    Toggle combat damage - show damage

    mở unlock - show blocked

    mở số - show tilenums
    mở chủ đề - show types
    máu - show health
    Toggle detection zones - show detection
    Toggle SAI- regions - show sairegions
    Toggle SAI- debug - show saidebug
    Toggle Fog - show fog
    Kingdom O' Magic :

    ban ngày- SCIDAY
    ban đêm - SCINIGHT
    nhiệm dzụ 1 - SCISTUF[object name code]
    70 giây áo dzáp cho shaz SHRN70
    70 giây áo giáp cho Sidney THID70
    item :
    Aluminium baseball bat BBBAT

    Barrel BARREL

    Big book o' spells BSPELL

    Big cork BGCORK

    Big spanner BGSPAN

    Child in a cage CAGE

    Comedy mallet MALLET

    Hay HAY

    Ice ICE

    Jar o' lightning? JARLIT

    Lighter LIGHTR

    List of instructions INSTRU

    Magic beans MAGBNS

    Microphone MICPHN

    Mobile phone MOBPHN

    Orc disguise ORCDIS

    Palantir stone PLNTR1

    Paper bag PAPBAG

    Parrot PARROT

    Parrot in a sack PARSAC

    Potassium grail POTGRL

    Rolling pin RLLPIN

    Rope ROPE

    Saber o' light SABER

    Sack SACK

    Sailors big book o' knots BKNOTS

    Secret plans SGMAN

    Sheep SHEEP

    Small key SMKEY

    Spare hair SPRHAR

    Spell o' airstrike SPLAIR

    Spell o' cabbage SPLCAB

    Spell o' dwarf SPLDWF

    Spell o' floater SPLFLT

    Spell o' incontinence SPLINC

    Spell o' invisibility SPLINV

    Spell o' kick in the shins SPLKIK

    Spell o' kolgate shield SPLKOL

    Spell o' left the gas on SPLGAS

    Spell o' sloooo moooo SPLSLO

    Spell o' teleport SPLTLP

    Spell o' wizbang SPLWZB

    Steam powered chains chain
    +Kohan 2 - Kings of War press enter

    thắng dòng : victoryismine

    thua dòng : wasted

    100 vàng : gimme
    +Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver < nhập dzai > press ESC and ENTER

    tăng máu - 364141

    lên level - 271543

    máu tối đa - 263434

    tăng fép - 221523

    fép tối đa - 5232451

    Hurt Raziel - 16443

    tìm barries - 3661254

    chèo tường - 538243

    bảo vệ - 126121

    khả năng bơi - 4632614

    Constrict ability - 34226443

    Soul Reaver - 35822331532

    Fire Reaver - 342431623

    Make Fire Reaver - 52364

    Aerial Reaver - 724451124

    Kain Reaver - 76251124

    Shift at any time - 4432216213

    Force Glyph - 31534

    Sound Glyph - 2236443

    Stone Glyph - 3641322

    Water Glyph - 36432

    Fire Glyph - 4424582

    Sunlight Glyph - 16122441

    khởi động cheat- 1324

    Kingpin - Life of Crime

    MMORTAL - God Mode

    NOCLIP - Clipping Mode

    EXTRACRISPY - chưa pít

    ALL - nhận tất cả item (Except Cash)

    CASH ### - nhận tiền nhá ###

    COIL - nhận Coil

    WATCH - nhận Watch

    BATTERY - nhận Battery

    WHISKEY - nhận Whiskey

    CHEM_PLANT_KEY - nhận Chemical Plant Key

    FUSE - nhận Fuse

    SHOP_KEY - nhậnBait-Shop Key

    WAREHOUSE_KEY - nhận Warehouse Key

    LIZZY HEAD - nhận Lizzy's Head

    SHIPYARD_KEY - nhận Shipyard Key

    OFFICE_KEY - nhận Moker's Office Key

    VALVE - nhận Valve Handle

    TICKET - vé Skytram

    FLASHLIGHT - ánh sáng
    Max Payne < nhập dzai bắn súng >
    nguyên văn nhá < hông pít dịch >

    To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe

    with the command line parameter "-developer". Once you have the

    game running in developer mode, you get access to the game console

    with F12 < nhấn F12 >and enter these codes:

    coder - tất cả

    God - God Mode

    Mortal - Become Mortal

    ShowFPS - xem FPS

    NoClip - chế dộ pay

    NoClip_off - no pay

    getbullettime - time ngưng chạy

    showfps - xem Frame Rate

    getpainkillers - gặp 8 PainKillers

    c_addhealth ( 100 ) - nhận 100 máu

    GetAllWeapons - tất cả dzũ khí

    GetInfiniteAmmo - áo giáp

    jump10 - nhảy cao (set to 20 or 30 for even higher)

    SetWoundedState - đi nhanh

    SetNormalState - đi pình thường

    GetBaseballbat - nhận Baseball Bat

    GetBeretta - Beretta

    GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas

    GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle

    GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1

    GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2

    GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun

    GetIngram - Ingram

    GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams

    GetMP5 - MP5

    GetColtCommando - Colt Commando

    GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail

    GetGrenade - Grenade

    GetM79 - M79

    GetSniper - Sniper Rifle

    GetHealth - Health

    GetPainkillers - Pain Killers

    GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time

    Jump10 - Big Jump

    Jump20 - BigBig Jump

    Jump30 - BigBigBigJump

    Inventory - Details of Player

    Clr - Delete Line

    Help _ list cheat


    Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne

    Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developer, then press ~ to open the

    console. To do this you right click on your shortcut (which is usually on your

    desktop) and add -developer after the target line, here's an _example_:

    "C:/Games/Max Payne 2/MaxPayne2.exe" -developer

    Then there shouldn't be any problems bringing up the console during gameplay.

    Code Result


    clear - Clear console screen

    clr - Clear console screen

    coder - God mode, all weapons, health, inifinite ammo

    god - God Mode

    mortal - disable god mode

    getallweapons - Get all weapons

    quit - quit game

    showfps - Show fps rate

    showextendedfps - Show extended fps rate

    getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammo

    getbullettime - Put player into bullettime

    getcoltcommando - Get coltcommando with 1000 ammo

    getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo

    getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo

    getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Fill in part of the story line

    getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Fill in part of the story line

    getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Fill in part of the story line

    gethealth - Get 1000 health

    getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammo

    getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo

    getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo

    getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammo

    getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers

    getpumpshotgun - Get pumpshotgun with 1000 ammo

    getsawedshotgun - Get sawed-off shotgun with 1000 ammo

    getsniper - Get sniper gun with 1000 ammo

    getstriker - Get striker gun with 1000 ammo

    jump10 - Jump 10 high

    jump20 - Jump 20 high

    jump30 - Jump 30 high

    showhud - Turn on HUD

    help - Much more debug commands


    Medal of Honor - Allied Assault – Breakthrough

    wuss - Gives player all weapons

    dog - God Mode

    fullheald - Heal player

    notarget - Removes target

    noclip - No clipping

    listinventory - List of the player's inventory

    tele x y z - Teleport to location

    coord - Prints out current location and angles

    health - set current health

    kill - Kills the player

    giveweapon weapons/"weapon_name".tik - Gives the player the specified weapon

    weapon names :

    Colt 45 - colt45

    Frag Grenade - m2frag_grenade

    Walther P38 - p38

    Steilhandgranate - steilhandgranate

    M1 Garand - m1_garand

    Mauser KAR 98K - kar98

    Shotgun - shotgun

    Bazooka - bazooka

    Panzerschreck - panzerschreck

    BAR - bar

    StG 44 - mp44

    Thompson - thompsonsmg

    MP40 - mp40

    Springfield '03 Sniper - springfield

    KAR98 Sniper - kar98sniper


    Medal of Honor - Allied Assaut Spearhead

    wuss - Gives player all weapons

    dog - God Mode

    fullheald - Heal player

    notarget - Removes target

    noclip - No clipping

    listinventory - List of the player's inventory

    tele x y z - Teleport to location

    coord - Prints out current location and angles

    health - set current health

    kill - Kills the player

    giveweapon weapons/"weapon_name".tik - Gives the player the specified weapon

    Weapon names:

    Colt 45 - colt45

    Frag Grenade - m2frag_grenade

    Walther P38 - p38

    Steilhandgranate - steilhandgranate

    M1 Garand - m1_garand

    Mauser KAR 98K - kar98

    Shotgun - shotgun

    Bazooka - bazooka

    Panzerschreck - panzerschreck

    BAR - bar

    StG 44 - mp44

    Thompson - thompsonsmg

    MP40 - mp40

    Springfield '03 Sniper - springfield

    KAR98 Sniper - kar98sniper
  6. mikeyspears

    mikeyspears Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    nha` cua nguoi iu
    Kiss Psycho Circus press `

    Invuln - chế độ

    GimmieGimmieGimmie - tất cả dũ khí

    NoClip - hông clip

    NoTarget - mở/đóng wái dật < tự động không gặp wái dzật >

    Spectator - bay

    ChaseCam - Chase Camera (5 Different Angles)

    CyclePlayerClass - Cycle Through 4 Player Classes

    NextArmor - tăng áo giáp zà máu

    PrevArmor - giảm áo giáp

    NextMonster - wái dzật sau

    PrevMonster - wái dzật trước
    Kohan - Ahriman's Gift press enter

    Tăng tốc độ : wooden rabbit

    Wa dòng : demons

    Vàng : pyrite

    bản đồ : scene 24

    Spawn Cheater company : goons

    Increase company limit : more peons

    Random Kohan Amulet : rentakohan
    Kohan - Immortal Sovereigns press enter

    say tất cả- there is no spoon

    +10 lần xây - hoody hoo

    Cataclysm - unpleasant dreams

    xây nhanh - speed it up
    tiền chùa - free gold

    wa dòng - yeahbam

    mở bản đồ - show fog

    Toggle grid - show grid

    Toggle control zones - show control

    Toggle supply zones - show supply

    Toggle guard zones - show guard

    Toggle population zones - show population

    Toggle combat damage - show damage

    mở unlock - show blocked

    mở số - show tilenums
    mở chủ đề - show types
    máu - show health
    Toggle detection zones - show detection
    Toggle SAI- regions - show sairegions
    Toggle SAI- debug - show saidebug
    Toggle Fog - show fog
    Kingdom O' Magic :

    ban ngày- SCIDAY
    ban đêm - SCINIGHT
    nhiệm dzụ 1 - SCISTUF[object name code]
    70 giây áo dzáp cho shaz SHRN70
    70 giây áo giáp cho Sidney THID70
    item :
    Aluminium baseball bat BBBAT

    Barrel BARREL

    Big book o' spells BSPELL

    Big cork BGCORK

    Big spanner BGSPAN

    Child in a cage CAGE

    Comedy mallet MALLET

    Hay HAY

    Ice ICE

    Jar o' lightning? JARLIT

    Lighter LIGHTR

    List of instructions INSTRU

    Magic beans MAGBNS

    Microphone MICPHN

    Mobile phone MOBPHN

    Orc disguise ORCDIS

    Palantir stone PLNTR1

    Paper bag PAPBAG

    Parrot PARROT

    Parrot in a sack PARSAC

    Potassium grail POTGRL

    Rolling pin RLLPIN

    Rope ROPE

    Saber o' light SABER

    Sack SACK

    Sailors big book o' knots BKNOTS

    Secret plans SGMAN

    Sheep SHEEP

    Small key SMKEY

    Spare hair SPRHAR

    Spell o' airstrike SPLAIR

    Spell o' cabbage SPLCAB

    Spell o' dwarf SPLDWF

    Spell o' floater SPLFLT

    Spell o' incontinence SPLINC

    Spell o' invisibility SPLINV

    Spell o' kick in the shins SPLKIK

    Spell o' kolgate shield SPLKOL

    Spell o' left the gas on SPLGAS

    Spell o' sloooo moooo SPLSLO

    Spell o' teleport SPLTLP

    Spell o' wizbang SPLWZB

    Steam powered chains chain
    +Kohan 2 - Kings of War press enter

    thắng dòng : victoryismine

    thua dòng : wasted

    100 vàng : gimme
    +Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver < nhập dzai > press ESC and ENTER

    tăng máu - 364141

    lên level - 271543

    máu tối đa - 263434

    tăng fép - 221523

    fép tối đa - 5232451

    Hurt Raziel - 16443

    tìm barries - 3661254

    chèo tường - 538243

    bảo vệ - 126121

    khả năng bơi - 4632614

    Constrict ability - 34226443

    Soul Reaver - 35822331532

    Fire Reaver - 342431623

    Make Fire Reaver - 52364

    Aerial Reaver - 724451124

    Kain Reaver - 76251124

    Shift at any time - 4432216213

    Force Glyph - 31534

    Sound Glyph - 2236443

    Stone Glyph - 3641322

    Water Glyph - 36432

    Fire Glyph - 4424582

    Sunlight Glyph - 16122441

    khởi động cheat- 1324

    Kingpin - Life of Crime

    MMORTAL - God Mode

    NOCLIP - Clipping Mode

    EXTRACRISPY - chưa pít

    ALL - nhận tất cả item (Except Cash)

    CASH ### - nhận tiền nhá ###

    COIL - nhận Coil

    WATCH - nhận Watch

    BATTERY - nhận Battery

    WHISKEY - nhận Whiskey

    CHEM_PLANT_KEY - nhận Chemical Plant Key

    FUSE - nhận Fuse

    SHOP_KEY - nhậnBait-Shop Key

    WAREHOUSE_KEY - nhận Warehouse Key

    LIZZY HEAD - nhận Lizzy's Head

    SHIPYARD_KEY - nhận Shipyard Key

    OFFICE_KEY - nhận Moker's Office Key

    VALVE - nhận Valve Handle

    TICKET - vé Skytram

    FLASHLIGHT - ánh sáng
    Max Payne < nhập dzai bắn súng >
    nguyên văn nhá < hông pít dịch >

    To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne.exe

    with the command line parameter "-developer". Once you have the

    game running in developer mode, you get access to the game console

    with F12 < nhấn F12 >and enter these codes:

    coder - tất cả

    God - God Mode

    Mortal - Become Mortal

    ShowFPS - xem FPS

    NoClip - chế dộ pay

    NoClip_off - no pay

    getbullettime - time ngưng chạy

    showfps - xem Frame Rate

    getpainkillers - gặp 8 PainKillers

    c_addhealth ( 100 ) - nhận 100 máu

    GetAllWeapons - tất cả dzũ khí

    GetInfiniteAmmo - áo giáp

    jump10 - nhảy cao (set to 20 or 30 for even higher)

    SetWoundedState - đi nhanh

    SetNormalState - đi pình thường

    GetBaseballbat - nhận Baseball Bat

    GetBeretta - Beretta

    GetBerettaDual (or GetDualBeretta) - Dual Berretas

    GetDesertEagle - Desert Eagle

    GetSawedShotgun - Shotgun #1

    GetPumpShotgun - Shotgun #2

    GetJackhammer - Jackhammer shotgun

    GetIngram - Ingram

    GetIngramDual (or GetDualIngram) - Dual Ingrams

    GetMP5 - MP5

    GetColtCommando - Colt Commando

    GetMolotov - Molotov Cocktail

    GetGrenade - Grenade

    GetM79 - M79

    GetSniper - Sniper Rifle

    GetHealth - Health

    GetPainkillers - Pain Killers

    GetBulletTime - Fill up Bullet Time

    Jump10 - Big Jump

    Jump20 - BigBig Jump

    Jump30 - BigBigBigJump

    Inventory - Details of Player

    Clr - Delete Line

    Help _ list cheat


    Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne

    Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developer, then press ~ to open the

    console. To do this you right click on your shortcut (which is usually on your

    desktop) and add -developer after the target line, here's an _example_:

    "C:/Games/Max Payne 2/MaxPayne2.exe" -developer

    Then there shouldn't be any problems bringing up the console during gameplay.

    Code Result


    clear - Clear console screen

    clr - Clear console screen

    coder - God mode, all weapons, health, inifinite ammo

    god - God Mode

    mortal - disable god mode

    getallweapons - Get all weapons

    quit - quit game

    showfps - Show fps rate

    showextendedfps - Show extended fps rate

    getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammo

    getbullettime - Put player into bullettime

    getcoltcommando - Get coltcommando with 1000 ammo

    getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo

    getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo

    getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Fill in part of the story line

    getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Fill in part of the story line

    getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Fill in part of the story line

    gethealth - Get 1000 health

    getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammo

    getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo

    getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo

    getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammo

    getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers

    getpumpshotgun - Get pumpshotgun with 1000 ammo

    getsawedshotgun - Get sawed-off shotgun with 1000 ammo

    getsniper - Get sniper gun with 1000 ammo

    getstriker - Get striker gun with 1000 ammo

    jump10 - Jump 10 high

    jump20 - Jump 20 high

    jump30 - Jump 30 high

    showhud - Turn on HUD

    help - Much more debug commands


    Medal of Honor - Allied Assault – Breakthrough

    wuss - Gives player all weapons

    dog - God Mode

    fullheald - Heal player

    notarget - Removes target

    noclip - No clipping

    listinventory - List of the player's inventory

    tele x y z - Teleport to location

    coord - Prints out current location and angles

    health - set current health

    kill - Kills the player

    giveweapon weapons/"weapon_name".tik - Gives the player the specified weapon

    weapon names :

    Colt 45 - colt45

    Frag Grenade - m2frag_grenade

    Walther P38 - p38

    Steilhandgranate - steilhandgranate

    M1 Garand - m1_garand

    Mauser KAR 98K - kar98

    Shotgun - shotgun

    Bazooka - bazooka

    Panzerschreck - panzerschreck

    BAR - bar

    StG 44 - mp44

    Thompson - thompsonsmg

    MP40 - mp40

    Springfield '03 Sniper - springfield

    KAR98 Sniper - kar98sniper


    Medal of Honor - Allied Assaut Spearhead

    wuss - Gives player all weapons

    dog - God Mode

    fullheald - Heal player

    notarget - Removes target

    noclip - No clipping

    listinventory - List of the player's inventory

    tele x y z - Teleport to location

    coord - Prints out current location and angles

    health - set current health

    kill - Kills the player

    giveweapon weapons/"weapon_name".tik - Gives the player the specified weapon

    Weapon names:

    Colt 45 - colt45

    Frag Grenade - m2frag_grenade

    Walther P38 - p38

    Steilhandgranate - steilhandgranate

    M1 Garand - m1_garand

    Mauser KAR 98K - kar98

    Shotgun - shotgun

    Bazooka - bazooka

    Panzerschreck - panzerschreck

    BAR - bar

    StG 44 - mp44

    Thompson - thompsonsmg

    MP40 - mp40

    Springfield '03 Sniper - springfield

    KAR98 Sniper - kar98sniper

    nhìu wá cộng thêm EXP đi !!!!!!!!
  7. skymaster

    skymaster The Warrior of Light

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    bạn biết gì không !?
    bạn được tặng 1 lần cảnh cáo và trừ 10 EXP và MP
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