One Piece 32nd FC: Heading to Fishman Island

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi re_code_v_x, 24/10/10.


Bạn nghĩ SH Crew sẽ gặp ai đầu tiên trong New World ?

  1. Akainu

  2. Aokiji

  3. Kizaru

  4. Smoker

  5. Sentoumaru

  6. Blackbeard (Marshall D. Teach)

  7. Donquixote Doflamingo

  8. Bartholomew Kuma

  9. 1 người trong Siêu Tân Tinh

  10. Khác

  1. openman2635

    openman2635 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Rồi 1 ngày nào đó Luffy sẽ gặp lại Mr2 ... mỗi lần nhớ Mr2 là khóc ko thôi .... :(( :(( :((
    Mr 2 alive .... hi vọng mr2 dc magelan giữ lại...

  2. chan han

    chan han Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    @re_code: thú thật là tôi tưởng Franky trước đây làm gì có chữ BF-36 nào , hóa ra là có à .
  3. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

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    @ chan han :)>-
    tớ cũng tưởng thế:'>
    đến lúc mua bộ tái bản của KĐ mới để ý:'>
  4. chan han

    chan han Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    À ừ nhở , giờ mới để ý , tại lúc đầu cứ chú ý vào cái vai nhô lên , chết thật , cũng tại lần này Franky làm lộ hẳn ra nên ...
  5. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

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    Hà Nội
    haizzz, đợi sang tuần đợi chap mới đợi war:-<
    đọc databook cho vui không các bợn:'>
    [spoil]243 MB, 2000 px RAW:

    Front & Back under cover

    Holy shit...There's no way I could cover this all in an evening. I just opened it up and it's freaking PACKED.


    Oda probably didn't write all of this himself, but his seal of approval is on it. Which means unless it's a very minute detail, any broad statements are probably acceptable.

    I'm just gonna mention stuff I find interesting because there WAY too much info in here.

    Usopp's opening candid comments:

    Ever notice how there are lots of ships with animal heads on 'em? Long ago, really far back, in a ceremony for a ship's maiden voyage [Note: there's a proper name/translation for the ceremony in English but I'm not looking it up right now] people prayed for the safety of the ship and sacrificed an animal for it. Putting that sacrificed animal's head on the ship was the origin of animal figureheads on ships.

    In other words that means...there was a lamb and lion sacrificed for Merry and Sunny!!!

    (Just lying about the Merry and Sunny thing)


    Small corner brings back Luffy's declaration about crew members. They suggest this means he'll get, "AT LEAST" one new member in the New World. Note that in the same blurb, they count the current number at NINE.

    We've been reminded that the three boys in Syrup all have their own dreams.

    The splash mangas ****. Thy really dropped the ball. They've been squished to fit two on a page so they're very small. Lame. HOWEVER, each one comes with brand new comments in addition to the title.

    WOAH! Helmeppo's 'determination' that was only hinted at in the cover story: "Someday I'll be stronger than you Dad! I'll be the one to bring you in!!"

    There are collection of each member's 'animal pairing cover' between mini-arcs. Is it just me or is that not sweet as hell?

    Apparently we may now consider Galdino a member of Buggy's crew.

    Never noticed this but I believe they intend to point out Jango sailed off in Luffy's old boat. Haven't confirmed.

    Jango's eyes may have been a play on words for the Japanese word for 'love', 'ai'. NOT confirmed as intentional by Oda.

    They bring up Davey Jones specifically, so looks like we will indeed be hearing more about him.

    They suggest that Ener has yet more ambition and he's heading towards it with his army.

    More WB crew names:

    Spellings NOT confirmed in English

    Andre- Frankenstein/andre the giant-lookin' guy.
    Hermy(sp)- The old fat lady pirate
    Ramba- Spartan-looking dude
    Vizarre- iron-jaw guy
    Epoida- Snuffkin-lookin' dude.
    Karma- Octopus head
    Baron Lightning McGuy (****-off awesome name)- guy with huge nose and chin and lightning stache.
    A O- weird dude with round teeth and big mouth, looks ever so slightly like Wanze.
    Derakuahi- I literally wrote that in romaji cause I have no idea what the gag is offhand. Looks like and Arab...uh...turnip? freaky circle eyes.
    Eylewan- The walrus
    Blondie- pigish-looking fat guy. Don't remember him actually.
    Amadob- Guy with a crown.

    Will add katakana later if you guys didn't know these yet.

    Moriah is the official spelling.

    Jinbe is the official spelling.

    Dracule is now without question the official spelling.

    No space in Doflamingo.

    Racklo- Marine giant that looks similar to Akainu.
    Ronz- Marine giant with full helmet.

    Norland's name comes from an 'island' 'not being there'. Or in other words, 'No land'.

    Hiruruk's name comes from the German word for 'medical treatment'. Ivotas? Anyone? What's the correct spelling?

    They suggest 3rd in command on Roger's ship was 'Bronze So-and-so' and even though they haven't shown up yet...

    Okay guys, aside from the sketches, which are AWESOME, that's it. There's a LOT of sketch material, but I'm guessing you've probably seen 'em all already and someone already translated them. Peace![/spoil]
    [spoil]Thanks guys. I have a great idea of what info was already posted now. I'll get to work.

    Look for notes on the sketches coming here.

    Robin and Nami take turns doing their own laundry every day .
    The boys do it all together once a week.

    Oda planned to redesign Merry from the start. He even has a sketch from the start of the series that's DAMN close to the final version.


    Pic 1 & 2

    In these first two pix they have no names, simply jobs. This was his idea for the crew TWO YEARS before the start of the series. Interesting notes. The sniper, who became Usopp, is listed as the First Mate. We can see Brook there with a kamikaze headband and no afro. The creepy dude on the left appears to be a botanist or perhaps gardener, not sure, it simply says he likes plants. Also note the words 'sniper' crossed out by his name. The aspects of this character would, as we're just finding out now, be entirely absorbed by the character Usopp who is starting to use plants. The little guy on the far left is actually the Shipwright, can you believe it? Now we know where Oda thought up the idea of those catfish in his Hacchan story!!!


    Here we see a later picture of the crew together with heights and some names AS WELL AS NUMBERS. This is from just after the start of the series. Note Brook came before Franky. We can tell this is still before he solidified many of the designs. These three images are a goldmine for piecing together how Oda works.

    The idea of dried out Luffy came from Oda's early idea of what Luffy would look like if he didn't eat for only 3 days.

    Shadow Zombies
    Originally Chopper and Nami also had their shadows put into zombies in TB. In fact, the wedding dress was supposed to be worn by her zombie, not Nami. Sanji's original zombie was the armored General Zombie with the long neck and small horned head while Zoro's was the Wolverinish-looking zombie. Chopper's is hard to tell. Oars it appears at one point had Iva-style hair.

    The Luffy you saw in the first image I posted in my first post was actually one form of Nightmare Luffy. Another form had him dressed looking like Freddy.

    Nami was originally planned to be a battle-axe fighter. O_O

    You saw the pic but originally Chopper was to be a striped reindeer.

    LOL! Franky was originally planned to be a guy toughened by a long time in prison that could make AWESOME weapons but couldn't use them properly. Oh please give us that character someday!

    Brook was originally planned to debut as a part of Buggy's crew. The idea for him came from his time working on Rurouni Kenshin. The origin was a single joke, "Sore ga kotsu!" Means, 'that's the trick!' OR 'that's the bone!'.

    Ohhhhhhhh SNAP!

    Usopp gets short-ended with 'cool down' chapters doesn't he??? He was suppsed to MEET AND TALK WITH GARP after Enies Lobby at W7!!!! They would have a scene where Usopp happened upon him and, worried about his dad, asked indirectly if the man known as Yasopp was still alive. Somehow Garp figures out who he is and after telling him that 'Chaser Yasopp' was still alive he leaves saying, "Take care of my grandkid."

    HOLY ****! As recently as the start of the series ie. still in Chapter 1, Roger's mustache WAS in fact NOSE HAIR! The situations revolving around Roger became quite serious so it was changed to a real mustache. This lends some weight to the question of Ace's intended heritage.

    Crocus was originally called Potpouri(sp)

    There was going to be a 'Don Krieg 9000' where he modified himself into a mecha of sorts. The sketch, in spirit, somewhat resembles the current Franky.

    Mr. 2 was originally Mr. Happy Birthday.

    Maple Reed was a female sword fighter fish WOMAN that became Hacchan. Maybe she's who Hacchan spoke of at Gyojin Island!!!!!! We'll find out soon!

    Mohda from Ace's story was drawn 'older' in Oda's notes. Will she appear again?

    They say to watch the moon in the series because it was never full before Drum. That was intended so the final scene could be as it was.

    Tom was originally a human and his policy was that he'd never build a warship. But as his design changed, so did his personality.

    Original T-Bone was complete opposite. Super macho and only looked out for himself.

    You guys know about the older Chimney and beautiful Cocoro.

    OHHHHHMYGOD! There's a CP9 early design and VERSUS page!

    Here were the original matchups:

    Shakim (early Jabra)- Zoro
    Apollo (early Kumadori)- Chopper
    Blueno- Usopp

    The damage from his encounter with Tom was what was supposed to make Spandam look like a Panda.

    Moriah was originally a priest with a split personality (thank you for not being unoriginal Oda). Then later he was a tactician with 4 kinds of traps. Eventually I imagine that became the 4 ghouls.

    Doflamingo was originally a rapper.8-}

    An early masked Shichibukai became Moriah.

    Original Kuma! Just like Oda said in the interview!!!!


    Yeah that was indeed Jinbe. There are a bunch of different versions. Personally? We ended up with the weakest-looking one.

    Margaret was intended to have the Neko Neko Fruit Model Black Cat.

    Hancock was originally much older. I'll venture a guess Shackey absorbed her history?

    Marines started out looking more like Mafia members than the Marines we know.

    John Giant looked similar to the long-bearded giant from LG.

    Sengoku looked VEEEEEEEERY similar to Woopslap(sp) at one point.

    Kizaru was originally (like the actor's best known roles) very cheerful.

    You know Dandan was gonna be a guy. Oda also drew a young SMOKIN' hot version of her. Same hair and all.

    Magellan originally looked more like a traditional Satan, smaller framed and such. Basically same overall design though.

    Inazuma was originally a crab Zoan.

    Iva's design was basically set from the start.

    Ace was originally Portgas D. Lang/Rangu?

    A shitload of WB crew sketches follow.

    First thing decided about Teach wasn't even his name, it was his laugh. That pic from a few days back was indeed BB. There was a version of BB with an eyepatch, but because of his 'reason' Oda dropped it.

    There are rough sketches of the crew that combined with his handwritten notes are outta this world with speculation. Many MANY bits and pieces are similar to the final product.

    Of interest, BB's original name was Everything D. Teach.

    Yami Yami power was decided upon from long ago.

    There was a babe, probably from Wano who was a swordswoman in BB's crew. The woman would become Devon.

    AND THAT'S THE SKETCHES! If you're wondering there are sketches for EVERYTHING I listed here. I'm gonna get some sleep. You guys can look forward to all the pix when Ulrila scans the whole thing. They're BAD-ASS.[/spoil]
  6. bigthree

    bigthree Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    : ) đọc chap mới thích thật , mịa muốn thấy tụi nó xuất chiêu quá
  7. warriosbest

    warriosbest SPARTAN John-117

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  8. greenfrogvt

    greenfrogvt Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

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    Vũng Tàu
    Chap sau chưa chắc đã bem nhau đâu,còn phải đợi đến đảo người cá đã chứ :P:P
  9. _Yuuki_

    _Yuuki_ T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Town of Secret
  10. sil3nt_dream

    sil3nt_dream Donkey Kong

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    Sil3nt World
    robin mà tham gia thì nát hết àh x_x
    franky may ra còn chịu được =((

    BF37 chắc tự nhận là chiến thuyền thứ 37, và mình nghĩ con số này sẽ còn tăng :-?
  11. taykiemquy

    taykiemquy Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Hell
    bem nhau ở giữa đại dương cho chết trùm cả đám à.......bong bóng khí chịu đâu có thấu mấy đòn của tụi nó
  12. [↓TNT↑]

    [↓TNT↑] Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chắc 2 anh Sanji với Zoro chui qua bên kia phá cái thuyền xong rồi bơi về thôi ;))
    p/s: mà Oda cho 2 anh này xuống nước rồi chắc muốn khẳng định với mọi người là trong 2 năm qua thì 2 anh ấy ko có xơi DF :D
  13. diudiu

    diudiu Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    under ground
    có thể sanji thấy mem bên đó xấu giống okama quá nên tự kỷ nổi máu điên nhảy qua đó bem hết đám đó :))
  14. Kyouka-sama

    Kyouka-sama Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  15. warriosbest

    warriosbest SPARTAN John-117

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    Có lâu rùi :|
    Trái này x/h thì 2-3 ngày sau là có information rùi:-*

    Sanji rocket blood - xuyên qua bong bóng mà có vỡ đâu ;)) - mà chả biết robin có dùng DF bem từ xa đc bọn kia ko nữa ?
  16. Kyouka-sama

    Kyouka-sama Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vậy à 8-} thế mà tớ không biết :)) giờ mới đọc SBS của vol 60 nên mới biết :))
  17. re_code_v_x

    re_code_v_x Khoan hồng GVN LEGENDARY ‍ ⚚ Mystic Mage ⚚ GameVN Lady

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    Hà Nội
    chỉ tạo vài lỗ thì chưa chết ai cả, nhưng chơi gatling gun như Luffy hay 1 kiếm Zoro thì X_X
  18. general_of_devil

    general_of_devil The Warrior of Light

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    Lindblum (FF IX)
    Thế nên cả hai mới bị Usopp và Chopper đánh cho u đầu. :))
  19. warriosbest

    warriosbest SPARTAN John-117

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    Trời - đề cập điều impossible đó làm chi :|

    Mà chả biết ussop có special bullet nào ko nhỉ - bắn cho bọn kia rụng mịe đi:-w - range vãi lúa vậy mà - mà chắc chap sau ussop cũng ra tay thui -:D
  20. Phong_Than_1988

    Phong_Than_1988 Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

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    Hóa ra Quả của Sengoku là thuộc hệ Zoan , biến phát thành Phật mới khủng :D , quả này phải hiếm cỡ Zoan Phoenix của Marco !

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