[ COH ] Bạn thích những câu nói nào trong COH ? :D

Thảo luận trong 'Company of Heroes' bắt đầu bởi hugoking1, 13/9/10.

  1. Tiger-tank

    Tiger-tank シェンムー Ryo Hazuki

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    tp Hồ Chí Min
    Shall we shoot them or crush them của Panther \m/
  2. undead_one

    undead_one The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    "For the Grateful Fatherland in the Glorious Struggle, for Honour in Blood, I present to you this Iron Cross"
  3. undead_one

    undead_one The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    [spoil]"You think this is kinderparty"
    "Leg it you ******* sally!"
    "Its left foot right foot left foot you idiot. why dont we try shooting next eh?"
    "They must have raided the Hilfschule to find new replacements." - Volks
    "Shut the **** Up, we're receiving a message!" - Churchill
    "What the ****?" - Churchill
    "Shit! Johnson hit a mine. I ******* Hate that guy!" Airborne.
    "BURN MOTHER FUCKER!" Crocodile sherman.
    "PWHOAAR!! Which one of you tossers shat themselves?" - Tommy Squad.
    "This Halftrack smells like volksgrenadiers!"
    "**** You!" - Wehr Officer.
    "We just capped a fuel point and you light up a ******* cig-a-rette?"
    "SHIT!!! my chocolate melted"
    "Trick or treat, motherfucker."
    "Get your asses moving."
    "******* move."
    "Oi, let's see if Duffy bursts into flames" - When entering a church.
    "Duffy shut your cakehole, the Captain is giving orders" - In the rain.
    "I hope it's sunny where we walk"
    "I've always wanted one of these!" - Picking up a weapon.
    "Dibs on the china!" - When entering a building
    "Not my best work but well, I've never been a perfectionist" - Upon completing an emplacement
    "Upgrades complete, choke on this shit jerry!"
    "hopefully i'll do better than the poor fucker who left it here"
    "Trick or treat, motherfucker."
    "WHOS ARM IS THIS" - i think it was a volks after hitting a mine
    "is everybody ok?" - and when i set off a mine with a riflesquad and 5 of them died
    "I didn't point it at you!"
    "Do you think we will see action soon?"
    "A whole squad was wiped out yesterday, I heard it was 8 airborne that did it."
    "I got some chicken for dinner tonight when we get back."
    "Hans! What did you eat, you foul man!"
    "This reminds me of home....."
    "There is a new aircraft, it flies into space!"
    "I don't know what I ate, but its going through me like water."
    "I think I'll write a book if I get through this hell."
    "I wish I hadn't eaten all my chocolate."
    "I hope this war is over soon."
    "It's not tower of London but it'll hold"
    "Your boots are on backwards, you idiot!"
    "Bring on the tommy tanks now!"
    "These men are barely needed, don't **** up!"(larger squad sizes avalible)
    "Have you cleaned your gun today?"
    "Don't fool yourself, victory is slipping from our hands. This is one battle, there are many more to go."
    "Anyone have some bug cream? I'm being eaten alive."
    "The tommies are calling this mission(couldn't understand), where do they get this names?"
    "Whats that smell?"
    "I miss playing the piano, I hear there are some on the battlefield..."
    "Its quite gorgeous country, don't you agree?"
    "How can the enemy have penetrated so far into our territory?"
    "I heard(didn't hear) stole Dienhardts girlfriend back home"
    "We don't fight for the glorious empire, we fight for each other. Remember that."
    "Anyone have any extra toilet paper? I'm out."
    "When will these English give up and go home?"
    "I'm so sick of this bloody war, don't they see they have no chance of winning?"
    "The war in the east is going well I'm told."
    "Did you see that? Over there."
    "I heard they captured British troops who spoke German......."
    "At least we are not on the eastern front."
    "I want the first tommy we see, they killed my brother last week."
    "The news reports say we've pushed Ivan back."
    "Das ist tha big gun."
    "I told you airborne troops are nothing to fear."
    "Do you remember that Dutch girl from the town?"
    "I'm getting sick and tired of all this senseless patrolling."
    "Give Karl some room, his mother died yesterday."
    "I heard faust(?) lost his cross, officers."
    "War is my business now, and business is good."
    "Sure, we'll hide this -- big gun" - Wehr guys are hiding the AT:
    "We've been over this field ten ******* times already!"
    "Rain.....Open topped tank.....******* great engineering." - Wirblewind
    "We got them,we wiped them alllll out!" - airborne after deafeating an enemy squad which is rare in my opinion.
    "Die! u Krout Bastard,Die!" - rangers saying this after i chucked a grenade at them.
    "thers no one left,thers no one left!" - Last guy in an american squad is [whith a bit of lonely desperation]
    "Have you finished soiling your uniform? Lets go." - Grenadiers after they have been finished being suppressed..
    "I have heard that after the war that Porsche will be making sports cars. Can you believe that? - Overheard from Idle Panzer Grenadiers....
    "I've heard that the armys and tommys don't get along so well" - PE Panzer grendiers
    "Maintain your distance men...... don't give them a big target"
    "Has any one seen my lucky cross?"
    "Why do so many farms keep so many sheep corporal?"
    "I could really use a shave"
    "Pore tank, she wouldn't have know she was Panzer" - (Bergetiger recovering a vehicle)
    "I'm awake I'm awake" (Telling him to move to a new position)
    "Break out the tools" (Being told to repair)
    "She'll be sparkling in no time"
    "They came to our school, we all volunteered"
    "After the war, I am going to buy a tractor"
    "They have POW camp's in California"
    "After the war, I will work in z bank"
    "When it sticks like that, you have to reload"
    "I've heard that the British are using what ever they can to get to the battlefield, even abandoned automobiles"
    "Watch our for mines men, I've heard they are using alot of them around here"
    "Look theres blood on the door handle"
    "Do you think this is kinderparty? Get a Goddamn move on!"
    "If you don't hurry up Klaus there will be no beer for you tonight!"
    group of my grenadiers said something to the fact that they were 'taking a turd'
    "HA! HA! You got your boots on backwards Hans!"
    "Ze eye of ze Reich Eagle surveys the battlefield."
    My personal favorite is when the panzer IV is getting the living shit kicked out of it by a firefly they still laugh about good ol' helmut's paint job getting scratched.
    "SHIT, DRIVE, DRIIIIIIIVE" when a Sherman is getting its ass kicked.
    "Hey new guy, don't **** up."
    "Remember, you're expendable"
    "Here Hans, pull my finger"
    "The best way to see France is through a turret of a Panzer!"
    "This is for boys at Dieppe!"
    "Deinhart! Fart into the radio!" "Yessir" FART
    "One time in Liepzig, I saw those funny little dancing puppets!" - It's cool to hear that from the mouth of trigger-happy StuG commander
    "Ok driver..(sigh)..we got orders to move out" - Jagdpanther knows it's slow. I love the tiresome voice in which the commander says it.
    "I must break you"
    "Oi let's see if Duffy bursts into flames" - Order your Tommies to enter a church.
    "Duffy, fuel? And you're smoking a ciga-*******-rette?"
    "Oi, there's something about that rising flag that makes me (British slang saying for feeling patriotic)"
    "What did you eat? You foul man"
    "Oh no! My chocolate melted!"
    "Panzerschreck! Time to un-pimp this ride!"
    "When I was a kid I used to run into every thunderstorm I could find"
    "I order this rain especially on you Deinhardt!"
    "Rain, you call this rain? I'll show you real rain!"
    "Hey Deinhardt, in combat I want to hear that G43 singing!"
    "I'll never see the Fatherland again!" - Wehrmacht Grenadiers after being hit by an arty shell with one guy surviving
    "TO THE LAST ******* MAN!!" - Wehrmacht Grenadiers after being hit by an arty shell with one guy surviving if he has zeal
    "Trick or Treat, you Fu#$ing kraut" - American sniper
    "there's something about that rising flag that brings a tear to my eye"
    "Trench complete what now Captain?"
    "Dig you fuxing wankers dig!".
    "Shut the **** up, we're getting a message" - Churchill
    "Hey Deinhart, ever try sauerkraut? It's fantastic!" Panzer Grenadiers
    "Some people think we are compensating for something" - King Tiger
    "Hey Duffy what's the rush? You looking to get drunk?" / "Hey Duffy what's the hurry, you looking to get dropped?"
    "Holy shit! He is more annoying than Shane!"
    "What do you want you ******* douche!" (ketten)
    "******* Douche!"
    "Dipshit! Dipshit! Dipshit!"
    "This is inappropriate touching!" - Officer
    "We're in the shit NOW!" - M8/Quad, it sounds really cool.
    "Jesus Conrad! Tie your ******* laces!"
    "You've been at the brandy again haven't you?" the Wehrmacht Officer.
    "Willy, you'd better squeeze out all your gas, I don't want you giving away our position again" - Random Sapper chatter.
    "Drive right the hell through em!"
    "Lets show them the meaning of terror" - Kingtiger
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/11/10
  4. GP.Onizuka

    GP.Onizuka The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh City
    "We're Heavy Infantry and we're ready to move!" - Stormtrooper \m/
    "Our base is underattack!" :(
    "Ya, on the move", "Let's get to move on" - Pioneer
  5. sodierFVN

    sodierFVN Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mịa, cái tên này câu nào hắn cũng thích hết.pó tay
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/11/10
  6. hugoking1

    hugoking1 Commander-in-Chief

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    lần sau bài dài quá thì để trong tag spoil nha :D
  7. undead_one

    undead_one The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Relic làm cái khâu lồng tiếng game nào cũng khá :) riêng Werh voice nó đã là 1654 dòng rồi ;)) tính thêm cả PE, Brit, US vào thì mấy thằng voice actor có mà hét khản cả giọng

    @Háo Gái : Er lần sau sẽ chú ý :(
  8. PseuDonyMouS

    PseuDonyMouS Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    East Of Eden
    khoái nhất câu" sniper has been kill in action"
    và we lost the unit :>
  9. BaTho

    BaTho CoH Chief of Staff

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    "Hahaha, we have a zeal!" --> Đố mấy pa biết câu này tại sao có và ai nói![​IMG]
  10. NguoiMytramlang

    NguoiMytramlang Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Fortress of solitude
    DOW lồng có tí à :-", DOW II thì nhét 1 đống
    có điều nghe bắn nổ ầm ầm nên chả để ý :>
    Thằng Narrator khi đi doc Terror up Zeal
  11. BaTho

    BaTho CoH Chief of Staff

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Trong ToV mà pa, tui ko có chơi COHO![​IMG]
  12. DanielD251

    DanielD251 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lúc PE nâng Group Zeal xong thì nghe thấy tiếng này. Còn ai nói thì chịu:|.
  13. meat_wagon2

    meat_wagon2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ''how do you **** a girl'' =)) ''oh my eye''
  14. OrkHUnter

    OrkHUnter Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Heaven And Hell
    It's time to kill some crowds- Inf US ( ko rõ lắm)
  15. meat_wagon2

    meat_wagon2 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    one shot one kill
    they never know thit guy is coming
  16. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Veterancy Upgrade
    "By the grateful fatherland and the glorious struggle, honoured in blood, I present this Iron Cross"
    "On behalf of president of these United States, I present to you this field promotion, the bravery, and valor, the field of combat. Chaps well done son."

    Công nhận mấy câu này...
  17. K249

    K249 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Box 71 Warcraft đó
    how is a tiny shield going to protect us - pak
    what is wrong with your finger? Stop the random touching - terror officer
  18. alaviss

    alaviss Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    holding shoting it all the same to me - HMG(us)
  19. DanielD251

    DanielD251 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hôm qua chơi trận 4v4 mới để ý mấy con pak38 nhắng vãi. Hạ đc 1 cái tank là cả đám gào lên:"We are heroes of the Reich". Còn đám tommy khi không có Lt đi cùng thì sẽ gợi ý "Buy some bren cariers";))
  20. killervn0

    killervn0 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hình như những map mưa bên brit có thằng nói "fuking rain" thì phải:D

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