Thảo luận hỏi đáp Dissidia Final Fantasy - Cùng hướng tới Duodecim 012

Thảo luận trong 'Hộp Lưu Trữ' bắt đầu bởi *Kyuubiko*, 14/11/10.


Bạn mong đợi điều gì ở Duodecim012

  1. Nhân vật mới

    53 phiếu
  2. Skills mới cho những nhân vật cũ

    44 phiếu
  3. Sửa lại nhân vật cũ ( chỉ số, skills, Ex Mode,... )

    31 phiếu
  4. Summon mới

    28 phiếu
  5. Map thi đấu mới với nhiều chức năng hơn

    34 phiếu
  6. Item mới

    30 phiếu
  7. Play-Mode mới

    35 phiếu
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  1. meomeoZell

    meomeoZell The Warrior of Light GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nó ấn định on sale vào 3.3.2011 kìa 8-}

    mấy con summon chắc là mỗi con 1 chiêu:| Ex Burst là cho Bahamut thổi tung mọi thứ hay con Anima xài Oblivion X_X
  2. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    down cái trailer về tối nghiên cứu :-< lao động đường phố phạch cho ra rìa hết :-<

    vừa nãy đánh ghost của panda ức chế vãi :-< dùng Jecht 1 máu lúc nào cũng phải 2-3 hit mới chết vì cái auto demonwall làm hỏng combo :-<
  3. huuphuoc999

    huuphuoc999 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ho Chi Minh City
    Phantom Train có lẽ ko đấu trong các toa đâu :)). Mà đấu phía trên các toa thì có lý hơn. Hoặc đấu trên đường ray cũng có lý chứ nhìn cái phòng thì nhảy còn không xong thì lấy đâu ra chơi skill :))
  4. tonnywin

    tonnywin Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Merry Christmas mọi người nhé \:D/
  5. *Kyuubiko*

    *Kyuubiko* Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Moe ISM
    @taykiemquy: FAQS của mình nó ở ngay dưới chữ kí của mình ấy. Muộn luyện 1 hit max LV thì phải đáp ứng 1 số điều kiện mình ghi trong FAQS rồi
  6. Ngaovanthien

    Ngaovanthien Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ko hiểu cái Ghost của mình có cái gì mà mọi người ức chế thế ko biết :D? Nếu đánh với Ghost mình được thì cũng muốn thử 1 lần.

    Hội HCM CN này chắc chắn đi nhé, NVT sẽ dẫn theo 1 người bạn mới tới chơi cho vui, khi đó mọi người nương tay ha :D. Nó ko có nhiều cơ hội PVP nên chưa rành lắm.
  7. *Kyuubiko*

    *Kyuubiko* Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Moe ISM
    Anh em HN CN này ai đi vô báo danh cái nhỉ :))
  8. FFVIIIFan11

    FFVIIIFan11 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hàng Châu- Cửu Long Tranh Bá.
    Yuna đánh kiểu Dead Fantasy IV =)). Cầm súng bắn xong 1 lúc xong biến hình thành summoner =))
  9. Bubble Head

    Bubble Head Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    e chắc vẫn đi như bt :)) hừm hn mình dc nghỉ học mà trg k thông báo XO b' thế qua nhà a Kyuu chơi nhỉ XP ?
  10. *Kyuubiko*

    *Kyuubiko* Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Moe ISM
    Hôm nay ảnh rảnh này thích thì qua đây chơi :))
  11. janmato

    janmato C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    coi xong cái clip này và phát hiện nhiều điều khủng khiếp quá,tớ phát hiện có 2 nhân vật nữa là bà edea và yuna(summoner) trong ff10[video]ZLjV7jw8j78[/video]
    [​IMG] cái chân này và bộ kimono thì ko thể nào là quina trong ff9 dc :-ss
    by the way,cổ chưa
  12. CloUd_n0.1

    CloUd_n0.1 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nv này chắc chắn là yuna rồi ... mình đợi mãi cuối cùng cũng có yuna :x
  13. janmato

    janmato C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sáng này ngủ dzậy,con nhỏ bạn gửi cái clip,coi xong thấy sướng quá :X
  14. Shu

    Shu Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nhỏ bạn à ;))
    clip gì mà sướng thế anh giai :))
    CN này hội HCM off nhé, 2h đừng trễ nha mọi ng
  15. dennis209

    dennis209 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    bước chân trần thanh thoát của Yuna làm bao gã trai phải điên đảo chờ đợi Duodecim :)
  16. Lamkenvalentine

    Lamkenvalentine Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tiên sư mấy thằng SE :D Mặt đất băng giá thế kia mà không nỡ cho yuna thêm đôi giày vào :))
  17. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    *Những "địa danh" mới xuất hiện:
    -Hell's Throne [Final Fantasy II] - The bottom floor of Pandaemonium where Emperor Mateus' throne sits. No other known information at this time
    -Prima Vista [Final Fantasy IX] - The Tantalus Performance Troupe's airship theater! No other known information at this time
    -Empyreal Paradox [Final Fantasy XI] - A zone outside of the world of Vana'diel where great battles were fought. No other information at this time

    (Vì Phantom Train có thể sẽ rất hẹp để làm sân mới nên mình vẫn hi vọng nó ko phải sân mới để Celes có thể vào ^^)

    *Summon mới: Brynhildr - "Muspell Flame" - Doubles the current Map Bravery

    *Chase Mode
    Chase mode has been sped up considerably from Dissidia. Dodging will take some getting used to with the quickened pace, and in general less time will be spent in the mode. The window in which to perform an attack during Chase has been shortened, with inactivity dropping you out of Chase after only a mere second. One plus to Chase mode now is that you will receive small boosts to your EX Force, which makes it a decent way to fill up in hairy situations.

    Comments: Chase's tempo is so fast that it now becomes a guessing game (to me). Brave attacks are fast like 13 Frames? Maybe not as fast as Swift Attack/Hop Step, but I was not able to dodge on reaction. I needed to (kinda) spam X in order to dodge BRV. While HP attacks are harder to dodge too. They made the dodge window shorter, like 0.5 sec. Dodging with DFF time will easily get hit. When you are on the attack side, you can't really delay your input. The window is about 1 sec, if no input in 1 sec, chase ends.

    EX is hard to fill up, if you never do Chase. Chase somehow helps a lot on building EX. Dunno the reason but it likes to suddenly add a chunk to EX, as much as an EX core. EX core gives less is for sure, about half of in DFF.

    Back in DFF, I always prefer Wall rush attacks over Chase initiate attacks for obvious reason. Now in DDFF, it goes like
    Wall rush attacks for damage (combo with Assist)
    Chase attacks for EX at least in this JF demo.

    *Jump Festa Trailer Translation

    The story of defeat that leads to the final decisive battle...

    In order to fight Chaos, god of discord, we were given power from Cosmos, goddess of harmony. This power becomes stronger as we win more battles. And then finally we can change the power we received into crystals.


    Lightning: (to Kain)
    I think this will bring an end to the conflict. But..Do you really believe that the end of the conflict will return us to our original worlds? Our victory might not have any meaning.


    I just want to know one thing. If Chaos wins, the world will disappear. Is that what you really want?

    This world will not disappear. Because the conflict itself will never end.


    I have been looking for you.

    Who are you?

    Your enemy. That is all you need to know.

    So you're a warrior of Chaos, then?



    You're as close-mouthed as ever.

    This is a battlefield. This is no time for idle chatter.

    "We are all destined to separate eventually. Hoping to prolong it will only bring pain," huh?


    Vaan: (to Terra)
    If we defeat Chaos, this world will be restored. We can also return to our original worlds. Please trust in me until that happens.


    The figures called Manikins are getting agitated in large numbers.


    Cloud of Darkness: (to Laguna)
    Manikins are cursed puppets that have crept out from the rifts of the Void.


    Kefka: (to Kuja)
    It's time to show us your power! The chance is nooooooow!!!


    Vaan: (to Onion Knight)
    Hey...What's wrong? You don't seem like yourself today.


    Bartz: (to Warrior of Light)
    How about we all come up with a name to call you by?


    I sense something from this rose of yours.

    Is that so? You as well?


    Warrior of Light
    It is as you said. We will lose.

    What is the meaning of this?!


    Terra: (to Vaan)
    Please defeat me! I don't want to use this destructive power any longer!


    Zidane: (to Onion Knight)
    Well, we have to finish off Chaos. I don't know what will happen beyond that.


    Kain! Are you alright?

    Golbez: (to Cecil)
    What is the truth? You should confirm it with your own eyes.


    Emperor: (to Chaos)
    Chaos, god of discord, will you pour your power into this vessel?


    Warrior of Light: (to Cosmos)
    It is possible that I already no longer meet the qualifications to fight for light. But, I swear that I will protect you until the end.

    *Giờ là đến phần về thông tin các nhân vật đây ^^

    JUMP - I was unable to do Dodge Cancel on non-charged JUMP. A max charged JUMP was able to DC easily at the top of the jump arc.


    tl;dr - cannot do other attacks after a Feint. After lag of Feint is long.
    Technically speaking, Feint is not a cancelling to your current attack. It is a branch of her attacks. It is stated in the move chart in the customization screen (where you press [] when highlighting a skill to see the explanation). For a move that has only 1 O button press, the skill tree goes like this:

    O ---------------->>> represents no Feint
      ---X---O----->>> represents O > Feint > O

    And therefore, you cannot do other attacks after a Feint, pressing O (or [] after HP Feint) will just do the second O in the skill tree, which in most cases, is a short range version of the non Feinted attack. Different attacks have different Feint points and could be checked in the skill tree. I have seen at least 1 move having 2 Feint points.
    Also, I was not able to DC after a Feint. And the lag after a Feint is HUGE, maybe like 3sec? (they give you this big window for inputting the second O XD)

    And replying to report:
    Does NOT have charge attacks. What you see before you is the initial start up of the HP attacks. It gets masked by the feints as a compensation.
    She does have a charge-able HP attack. I think that is Meteor Crusher. I tried a few times and it is also stated in the skill chart.

    Ragnarok Buster and Spirit/Split Laser are charge-able, but I couldn't see the differences lol.
    I was owned by Hard mode Exdeath XD

    EX mode: Strongest Weapon: it also addes follow up to certain Switch attacks. An additional "O" input labeled EX is in the skill chart.

    Just have time to try Normal mode Vaan today, so only 6 skills here, may add more later tomorrow.

    Axe+Shield (ground)
    [Normal] 3x O button press multihit attack, not sure if this has guard point.
    [Switch] a small jump +downward strike, guard point at start, guard stagger (Melee Mid priority), additional follow up during EX.

    Guns (ground)
    [Normal] just a blast from a shotgun.
    [Switch] does a backflip before doing a concentrated shotgun blast. Said to have Dodge properties on the backflip, but I havn't had the chance to get the "Dodge" word appear on screen. Additional follow up during EX.

    Greatsword (ground)
    [Normal] 2x O button input, not charge-able, slow startup for a Normal version attack. Wall rush effect.
    [Switch] rush attack, charge-able to increase rush distance.

    Katana (air)
    [Normal] 1 slice many hits, rush attack, chase effect.
    [Switch] like Normal version but longer startup, more hits, like Sephiroth's attack, the first slice will do more hits if you delay the second O input as long as possible. Chase effect.

    Sword+Shield (air)
    [Normal] forgot again!
    [Switch] guard, then slash.

    Staff (air)
    [Normal] short reach, fast startup, multihit attack.
    [Switch] spins staff around himself creating a sphere like a small size "CoD air 2". Fast startup, Vaan is able to move during the attack. Additional follow up during EX, repeats the same attack. I like this attack

    -Ground Light Crest appears horizontally and then drops on the ground. Lies on the ground like Thunder Crest. Activates when opponents get near above it. Shoots upwards.
    -Red Flare hits opponent downward, far. Supposed to be causing wall rush (Blue Flare does not)
    -Melancholis Prison either have a special priority or a special hit timing. I was never able to land a hit XD. Traps have activated (could see those blue orbs+thunder) for like 6~7 times but no HP hit.

    Havoc Wing moves/tracks horizontally a bit after he's done rolling. Effectively increased its range. I keep getting hit by it lol.

    Blade Beam's melee hit cause guard stagger (Melee Mid priority). The beam goes very fast, but blockable.

    Gliding in EX mode was significantly improved. Now has a much better steering.

    -Knight's Spear is real fast. Quick appear quick disappear.
    -Shockwave Pulsar would not explode immediately when touching wall/floor. It will stay as an orb there for 1~2 sec, having a noticable absorb effect, then explode.
    -Hell's Judgement - Ulti charges for like 2~3 sec, then a circle appears under the opponent (which was me) which cause the HP hit. The circle was so big that 1 sideway ground dodge could not get out. The CPU Ulti used this twice. First time I was not expecting, second time I spammed dodge sideways and got hit as well.

    -Watera: no lies that it is like a mini Flare. Staying on field for long time, guard stagger, does a few hits which could hold the enemy like Mystic Flurry. On the other hand, although it staggers R-block, it is reflected back to Lightning at the same time.
    -Blizzara spawn type ranged attack, like Remote Flare. Has damn slow startup. I could never hit the CPU.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/12/10
  18. arthas1010

    arthas1010 Mario & Luigi

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    Hà Nội
    làm sao edea có thể thêm vào đc? ff8 đã có 3 char rồi
  19. duocean

    duocean Mario & Luigi

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    Hội HCM đừng quên nah :)), 2 giờ chiều PXL . Kỳ này tớ và Shu vừa mới bựa thêm một đám , đảm bảo anh em khiếp =))

    ---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:04 ----------

    Tại Ghost cảu anh ko chịu đánh toàn me block suốt ngày =)) , y chang ghost của thằng Shu. =))
  20. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    @janmato:Cái đó là custom 3 của Ultimecia chứ ko phải add thêm Edea,hình như lên EXMode vẫn còn hợp thể với con Grlive (viết vậy đúng ko nhỉ?ko nhớ rõ lắm :p ).Còn Yuna tuy chưa comfirm nhưng khó có ai là người trong cảnh đó ngoài Yuna.

    -Coi loại clip thì mình thấy cái trang thái "Slow" đính kèm trong EXRevenge cực hay (có lẽ vì cái giá phải trả là cả thanh EX ^^) vì sau khi xài xong Vaan có thể tung lun 3 đòn liên tiếp vào Gabranth

    "If an Assist's attack initiates Chase, you can press the X button to automatically rush to the opponent's back by teleporting, catching them with your own attacks as they fly away. Timing is a bit more strict depending on when and what attack you follow up with, because the opponent may continue to fly away during the start up of your assault."

    -Cái này đính chính lại vì mình cứ tưởng 1 là nhấn X để Chase và 2 là để nguyên để tự động ra sau đối thủ nhưng ko phải vậy.Mình đã chỉnh sửa lại bài viết về Assist trước đây ở đoạn nảy rồi.Sorry anh em nhiều nha :p
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/12/10

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