Loot : 2.392 Metal, 1.561 Crystal and 319 Deuterium. ************************** Loot : 5.118 Metal, 2.316 Crystal and 979 Deuterium. ************************* Loot : 4.751 Metal, 2.392 Crystal and 2.038 Deuterium. debris field : 9.100 metal and 7.000 crystal. *************************** Loot : 2.651 Metal, 1.090 Crystal and 289 Deuterium. ***************************** WAVE này xui vãi cả đái, chết mẹ mất 1 con SC, không là mình có 3K deut rồi The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 1.916 Metal, 1.916 Crystal and 1.917 Deuterium. debris field : 4.200 metal and 8.400 crystal.
[align=]on (27.01.2011 08:31:05) the following fleets met in battle: LonTon -vs- ansemriku Attacker: LonTon Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Armour: 30% S.Cargo.......... 4 L.Fighter.......... 3 H.Fighter.......... 2 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: ansemriku Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Armour: 0% S.Cargo.......... 1 Esp.Probe.......... 4 Sol sat.......... 4 R.Luncher.......... 2 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: LonTon S.Cargo.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 0) L.Fighter.......... 3 . . . . . .(lost: 0) H.Fighter.......... 2 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: ansemriku S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) Sol sat.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Defender ansemriku destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 9.982 metal 2.667 crystal, and 2.770 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 20.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 1.400 metal and 9.800 crystal.
SPAM nua nay Loot : 4.365 Metal, 2.259 Crystal and 2.011 Deuterium. debris field : 4.200 metal and 2.800 crystal.
The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 4.994 Metal, 1.335 Crystal and 1.385 Deuterium. The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 2.315 Metal, 1.654 Crystal and 514 Deuterium.
The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 5.742 Metal, 4.486 Crystal and 2.549 Deuterium. debris field : 2.800 metal and 5.600 crystal.
Chuyến REC đầu tiên. Hiện bây giờ đang xây con REC thứ 4. Your 1 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 20.000. At the target, 16.100 metal and 7.700 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 12.300 metal and 7.700 crystal. ---------- Post added at 18:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ---------- Phát thứ 2 và 3 Your 1 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 20.000. At the target, 17.500 metal and 7.700 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 12.300 metal and 7.700 crystal. ---------- Post added at 18:09 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ---------- Your 1 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 20.000. At the target, 7.700 metal and 7.700 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 7.700 metal and 7.700 crystal. ---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 18:09 ---------- The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 9.161 Metal, 7.248 Crystal and 2.626 Deuterium ---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:41 ---------- The attacker has won the battle! Loot : 6.345 Metal, 3.651 Crystal and 835 Deuterium.
phát ex đầu tiên,đẹt me cái sv xui vãi hàng Your navigator made a grave error in his computations that caused the expeditions jump to be miscalculated. Not only did the fleet miss the target completely, but the return trip will take a lot more time than originally planned.
đi tong con hàng [align=]on (31.01.2011 00:06:47) the following fleets met in battle: Mokey -vs- BlackBelt Attacker: Mokey Weapons: 40% Shields: 40% Armour: 40% H.Cargo.......... 2 H.Fighter.......... 30 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: BlackBelt Weapons: 30% Shields: 0% Armour: 20% S.Cargo.......... 11 L.Fighter.......... 8 H.Fighter.......... 4 Esp.Probe.......... 3 R.Luncher.......... 4 L.Laser.......... 6 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: Mokey H.Cargo.......... 2 . . . . . .(lost: 0) H.Fighter.......... 30 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: BlackBelt S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 11) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 8) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 4) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 6) Defender BlackBelt destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 6.886 metal 4.838 crystal, and 3.413 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 139.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 49.000 metal and 34.300 crystal. -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 98.437 The attacker lost a total of 0 The defender lost a total of 139.000 Total Damage: 139.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 0.......................55.886..............55.886 0.......................39.138..............39.138 0........................3.413...............3.413 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...................................98.437 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 87.000.......................0.............-87.000 52.000.......................0.............-52.000 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-139.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
Có vẻ các bác về quê ăn tết chưa lên nên 2pic hơi buồn nhỉ,e chỉ là chân miner chưa có tàu mà đi hiếp dâm chúng nó
khá nhiều anh em có máu mặt đều vào ali Name: Mother Life Tag: Me Kiep còn anh em nào thì vào luôn nhé,nhớ viết thư bằng tiếng việt