At these space, as it came to a battle: Attacker SHANG (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% L.Fighter 98 Cruiser 52 Defender k1nGuk (X:XXX:XX) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% S.Cargo 9 L.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 22 H.Fighter 7 Cruiser 21 Recy. 27 Esp.Probe 53 Sol. Sat 8 R.Launcher 37 L.Laser 3 After battle... Attacker SHANG (X:XXX:XX) L.Fighter 32 Cruiser 47 Defender k1nGuk (X:XXX:XX) destroyed! He captured 19.345 metal, 4.744 crystal and 8.830 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 399.000 units. The defender lost a total of 1.402.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 800.800 metal and 403.900 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 12 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
===================================== CON XIN CÁC bố trẻ... . Bên này không có anh em nào ACS cùng nhỉ. At these space, as it came to a battle: Attacker SHANG (3:234:10) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Cruiser 45 Defender Head-Hunter (3:225:4) Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Armour: 50% S.Cargo 4 L.Cargo 3 Cruiser 27 Recy. 1 Esp.Probe 13 R.Launcher 3 After battle... Attacker SHANG (3:234:10) Cruiser 43 Defender Head-Hunter (----) destroyed! He captured 11.466 metal, 11.466 crystal and 11.467 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 54.000 units. The defender lost a total of 816.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 431.200 metal and 173.600 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 6 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
acs có ngay acs vãi lúa tôi lỗ vãi [align=]on (14.02.2011 10:16:20) the following fleets met in battle: SHANG & adelavn & namedung -vs- k1nGuk Attacker: SHANG Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Cruiser.......... 48 Attacker: adelavn Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 50% Cruiser.......... 26 Attacker: namedung Weapons: 60% Shields: 50% Armour: 70% Cruiser.......... 13 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: k1nGuk Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% L.Fighter.......... 126 Cruiser.......... 17 Battleship.......... 2 Recy.......... 1 Esp.Probe.......... 30 R.Luncher.......... 26 L.Laser.......... 3 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: SHANG Cruiser.......... 46 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Attacker: adelavn Cruiser.......... 21 . . . . . .(lost: 5) Attacker: namedung Cruiser.......... 13 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: k1nGuk L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 126) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 17) Battleship.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Recy.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 30) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 26) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Defender k1nGuk destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 34.165 metal 10.000 crystal, and 3.427 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 189.000 units. The defender lost a total of 1.187.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 670.600 metal and 251.999.999 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 9 % The enormous amounts of free metal and crystal draw together and form a moon around the planet Was donated the moon! -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 252.529.191 The attacker lost a total of 189.000 The defender lost a total of 1.187.000 Total Damage: 1.376.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 140.000................704.765.............564.765 49.000.............252.009.999.........251.960.999 14.000...................3.427.............-10.573 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..............................252.515.191 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 874.500......................0............-874.500 312.500......................0............-312.500 36.000.......................0.............-36.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...............................-1.223.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
làm tí hàng nho nhỏ [align=]on (15.02.2011 09:17:28) the following fleets met in battle: BackFromHell -vs- warcraft391 Attacker: BackFromHell Weapons: 30% Shields: 20% Armour: 40% H.Fighter.......... 6 Cruiser.......... 7 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: warcraft391 Weapons: 0% Shields: 0% Armour: 30% L.Fighter.......... 28 H.Fighter.......... 2 Esp.Probe.......... 3 Ion. K........... 7 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: BackFromHell H.Fighter.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Cruiser.......... 7 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: warcraft391 L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 28) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Ion. K........... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 7) Defender warcraft391 destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 1.999 metal 2.000 crystal, and 2.000 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 20.000 units. The defender lost a total of 191.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 75.600 metal and 32.900 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 94.499 The attacker lost a total of 20.000 The defender lost a total of 191.000 Total Damage: 211.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 12.000..................77.599..............65.599 8.000...................34.900..............26.900 0........................2.000...............2.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...................................94.499 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 110.000......................0............-110.000 81.000.......................0.............-81.000 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-191.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
15.02.2011 12:49:23 yangyan adelavn 18.02.2011 12:49:23 Bashing - 1st *** hiểu đc sáng đi hoc tối fs mà vẫn bashing đc
[align=]on (15.02.2011 12:02:01) the following fleets met in battle: MAL0830 -vs- BackFromHell Attacker: MAL0830 Weapons: 60% Shields: 60% Armour: 70% Cruiser.......... 12 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: BackFromHell Weapons: 30% Shields: 20% Armour: 50% S.Cargo.......... 15 H.Cargo.......... 2 H.Fighter.......... 4 Cruiser.......... 8 Esp.Probe.......... 9 R.Luncher.......... 2 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: MAL0830 Cruiser.......... 2 . . . . . .(lost: 10) Defender: BackFromHell S.Cargo.......... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 14) H.Cargo.......... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 1) H.Fighter.......... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Cruiser.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 4) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 9) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) The battle ended in a draw, both fleets are downloaded to their home planet. The attacker lost a total of 270.000 units. The defender lost a total of 219.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 232.399.999 metal and 107.100 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 3 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 232.237.099 The attacker lost a total of 270.000 The defender lost a total of 219.000 Total Damage: 489.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 200.000............232.399.999.........232.199.999 70.000.................107.100..............37.100 20.000.......................0.............-20.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..............................232.217.099 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 136.000......................0............-136.000 83.000.......................0.............-83.000 8.000........................0..............-8.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-227.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
At these space, as it came to a battle: Attacker Wolf (3:88:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Armour: 70% S.Cargo 41 L.Fighter 26 H.Fighter 31 Cruiser 30 Battleship 31 Attacker 9999 (3:154:7) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% L.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 50 Attacker 9999 (3:154:7) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Cruiser 51 Battleship 28 Defender Rhasta (3:150:4) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 70% S.Cargo 7 L.Cargo 39 L.Fighter 6 H.Fighter 8 Cruiser 11 Battleship 35 Recy. 24 Esp.Probe 78 Sol. Sat 22 R.Launcher 10 After battle... Attacker Wolf (3:88:9) S.Cargo 24 L.Fighter 18 H.Fighter 24 Cruiser 24 Battleship 31 Attacker 9999 (3:154:7) L.Cargo 3 L.Fighter 31 Attacker 9999 (3:154:7) Cruiser 42 Battleship 27 Defender Rhasta (----) destroyed! He captured 81.601 metal, 78.128 crystal and 47.202 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 735.000 units. The defender lost a total of 3.523.000 units. At these space coordinates now float metal and 962.499.999 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana -- ---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 13:34 ---------- Wolf lost 220K metal 112Kcry (17SC 8LF 7HF 6CR) 9999 lost 294K metal 109Kcry (2LC 19LF 9CR 1BS) Your 70 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 1.400.000. At the target, 1.984.100 metal and 954.400 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 700.000 metal and 700.000 crystal.
acs với thằng buddy trong game làm tý hàng nhỏ [align=]on (19.02.2011 22:07:04) the following fleets met in battle: BackFromHell & SeT1aN -vs- Scrambler Attacker: BackFromHell Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 50% Cruiser.......... 19 Attacker: SeT1aN Weapons: 50% Shields: 40% Armour: 50% H.Cargo.......... 10 L.Fighter.......... 17 H.Fighter.......... 24 Cruiser.......... 4 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: Scrambler Weapons: 20% Shields: 0% Armour: 50% S.Cargo.......... 10 L.Fighter.......... 10 H.Fighter.......... 7 Esp.Probe.......... 5 R.Luncher.......... 31 L.Laser.......... 20 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: BackFromHell Cruiser.......... 19 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Attacker: SeT1aN H.Cargo.......... 10 . . . . . .(lost: 0) L.Fighter.......... 14 . . . . . .(lost: 3) H.Fighter.......... 24 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Cruiser.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: Scrambler S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) L.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) H.Fighter.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 7) Esp.Probe.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 5) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 31) L.Laser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20) Defender Scrambler destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured: 4.066 metal 10.651 crystal, and 3.085 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 12.000 units. The defender lost a total of 257.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 70.700 metal and 46.200 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 122.702 The attacker lost a total of 12.000 The defender lost a total of 257.000 Total Damage: 269.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 9.000...................74.766..............65.766 3.000...................56.851..............53.851 0........................3.085...............3.085 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................122.702 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 184.000......................0............-184.000 73.000.......................0.............-73.000 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-257.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
At these space, as it came to a battle: Attacker adelavn (3:179:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 60% Cruiser 33 Attacker 9999 (3:154:7) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Cruiser 42 Battleship 40 Defender wolfer (3:165:4) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 60% S.Cargo 2 L.Cargo 6 L.Fighter 4 H.Fighter 13 Cruiser 40 Battleship 11 Recy. 29 Esp.Probe 5 After battle... Attacker adelavn (3:179:9) Cruiser 26 Attacker 9999 (3:154:7) Cruiser 37 Battleship 40 Defender wolfer (----) destroyed! He captured 15.767 metal, 9.170 crystal and 1.338 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 324.000 units. The defender lost a total of 2.435.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 1.368.500 metal and 562.800 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 19 %. The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet. Moon was given. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
làm ăn tý chút. Lại có 1 thằng nhìn thấy đám res của mình thèm. Và đây là kết cục cho lòng tham [align=]on (21.02.2011 00:59:28) the following fleets met in battle: Shqiponja -vs- BackFromHell Attacker: Shqiponja Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% Cruiser.......... 19 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: BackFromHell Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Armour: 60% S.Cargo.......... 12 H.Cargo.......... 6 H.Fighter.......... 6 Cruiser.......... 21 R.Luncher.......... 2 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: Shqiponja Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 19) Defender: BackFromHell S.Cargo.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 8) H.Cargo.......... 5 . . . . . .(lost: 1) H.Fighter.......... 1 . . . . . .(lost: 5) Cruiser.......... 19 . . . . . .(lost: 2) R.Luncher.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Attacker Shqiponja destroyed. The defender has won the battle! The attacker lost a total of 513.000 units. The defender lost a total of 152.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 330.400 metal and 132.300 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 4 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): -50.300 The attacker lost a total of 513.000 The defender lost a total of 152.000 Total Damage: 665.000 -= Harvest report =- Your 10 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 200.000 At the target 330.400 metal and 135.100 krystal are floating in space. You have harvested 100.000 metal and 100.000 crystal Your 10 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 200.000 At the target 230.400 metal and 35.100 krystal are floating in space. You have harvested 164.900 metal and 35.100 crystal Your 10 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 200.000 At the target 65.500 metal and 0 krystal are floating in space. You have harvested 65.500 metal and 0 crystal Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 380.000................330.400.............-49.600 133.000................132.300................-700 38.000.......................0.............-38.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................-88.300 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 96.000.......................0.............-96.000 56.000.......................0.............-56.000 4.000........................0..............-4.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-156.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
[align=]on (22.02.2011 20:45:45) the following fleets met in battle: Icebolt -vs- adelavn & 9999 Attacker: Icebolt Weapons: 60% Shields: 70% Armour: 80% H.Cargo.......... 10 Cruiser.......... 20 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: adelavn Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 60% H.Cargo.......... 4 Cruiser.......... 43 Recy.......... 6 Esp.Probe.......... 6 L.Laser.......... 6 Defender: 9999 Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Battleship.......... 34 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: Icebolt H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20) Defender: adelavn H.Cargo.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Cruiser.......... 43 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Recy.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Esp.Probe.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) L.Laser.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 2) Defender: 9999 Battleship.......... 34 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Attacker Icebolt destroyed. The defender has won the battle! The attacker lost a total of 660.000 units. The defender lost a total of 4.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 322.000 metal and 140.000 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 4 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): -198.000 The attacker lost a total of 660.000 The defender lost a total of 4.000 Total Damage: 664.000 Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 460.000................322.000............-138.000 200.000................140.000.............-60.000 40.000.......................0.............-40.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: .................................-238.000 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 3.000........................0..............-3.000 1.000........................0..............-1.000 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...................................-4.000 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align] [align=]on (22.02.2011 20:48:33) the following fleets met in battle: Icebolt -vs- adelavn & 9999 Attacker: Icebolt Weapons: 60% Shields: 70% Armour: 80% S.Cargo.......... 20 H.Cargo.......... 1 Cruiser.......... 3 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: adelavn Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 60% H.Cargo.......... 4 Cruiser.......... 43 Recy.......... 6 Esp.Probe.......... 6 L.Laser.......... 6 Defender: 9999 Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Battleship.......... 34 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: Icebolt S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 20) H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Defender: adelavn H.Cargo.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Cruiser.......... 43 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Recy.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Esp.Probe.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) L.Laser.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: 9999 Battleship.......... 34 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Attacker Icebolt destroyed. The defender has won the battle! The attacker lost a total of 173.000 units. The defender lost a total of 0 units. At these space coordinates now float 74.200 metal and 46.900 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 1 % -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): -51.900 The attacker lost a total of 173.000 The defender lost a total of 0 Total Damage: 173.000 -= Harvest report =- Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 106.000.................74.200.............-31.800 67.000..................46.900.............-20.100 6.000........................0..............-6.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ..................................-57.900 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 0............................0...................0 0............................0...................0 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ........................................0 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align] [align=]on (22.02.2011 20:49:35) the following fleets met in battle: Icebolt -vs- adelavn & 9999 Attacker: Icebolt Weapons: 60% Shields: 70% Armour: 80% S.Cargo.......... 10 H.Cargo.......... 1 Cruiser.......... 3 Pằng chíu ... chíu ...... Defender: adelavn Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 60% H.Cargo.......... 4 Cruiser.......... 43 Recy.......... 6 Esp.Probe.......... 6 L.Laser.......... 6 Defender: 9999 Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Battleship.......... 34 Boom ... boom ... boom ... Attacker: Icebolt S.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 10) H.Cargo.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1) Cruiser.......... 0 . . . . . .(lost: 3) Defender: adelavn H.Cargo.......... 4 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Cruiser.......... 43 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Recy.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Esp.Probe.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) L.Laser.......... 6 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Defender: 9999 Battleship.......... 34 . . . . . .(lost: 0) Attacker Icebolt destroyed. The defender has won the battle! The attacker lost a total of 133.000 units. The defender lost a total of 0 units. At these space coordinates now float 60.199.999 metal and 32.900 crystal. -= Result =- (Assuming the attacker got the debris..) Attacker gain (-lost units): 60.099.899 The attacker lost a total of 133.000 The defender lost a total of 0 Total Damage: 133.000 -= Harvest report =- Advanced bilance Attacker lost.............gain..........difference 86.000..............60.199.999..........60.113.999 47.000..................32.900.............-14.100 6.000........................0..............-6.000 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ...............................60.093.899 Defender lost.............gain..........difference 0............................0...................0 0............................0...................0 0............................0...................0 -------------------------------------------------- Summary: ........................................0 [/align][align=]Converted by The OGame combat report convertor v1.0.9[/align]
Lúc đầu Spy nhà nó có 17 cruiser đem 22BS đi đánh, gần đến nơi ship nó về. Đành phải recall. Nếu chờ 22BS về rồi lại send thì muộn mất, nên đành phải đánh bằng số ship còn lại vậy. Lost hơi nhiều, Đáng nhẽ là lost ít lắm At these space, as it came to a battle: Attacker 9999_buydeut (3:234:10) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Esp.Probe 916 Attacker 9999_buydeut (3:234:10) Weapons: 80% Shields: 50% Armour: 80% Cruiser 47 Battleship 35 Defender kamacry (3:192:10) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 70% S.Cargo 34 L.Cargo 37 L.Fighter 24 H.Fighter 13 Cruiser 50 Battleship 7 Recy. 29 Esp.Probe 38 Sol. Sat 8 R.Launcher 20 After battle... Attacker 9999_buydeut (3:234:10) Esp.Probe 192 Attacker 9999_buydeut (3:234:10) Cruiser 41 Battleship 35 Defender kamacry (----) destroyed! He captured 28.433 metal, 28.433 crystal and 28.433 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 886.000 units. The defender lost a total of 3.134.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 1.515.500 metal and 1.270.500 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
At these space, as it came to a battle: Attacker Cristoase (2:175:5) Weapons: 90% Shields: 70% Armour: 80% Esp.Probe 1 Attacker Cristoase (2:175:5) Weapons: 90% Shields: 70% Armour: 80% Battleship 81 Battlecr. 7 Defender namedung (2:159:7) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% S.Cargo 70 L.Cargo 20 L.Fighter 78 H.Fighter 32 Cruiser 51 Battleship 11 Recy. 13 Esp.Probe 26 R.Launcher 92 L.Laser 27 After battle... Attacker Cristoase (2:175:5) destroyed! Attacker Cristoase (2:175:5) Battleship 56 Battlecr. 7 Defender namedung (2:159:7) S.Cargo 8 L.Cargo 2 L.Fighter 5 Cruiser 10 Battleship 5 Recy. 2 Esp.Probe 1 R.Launcher 5 L.Laser 3 He captured - metal, - crystal and - deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 1.501.000 units. The defender lost a total of 2.966.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 2.077.599.999 metal and 893.900 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %. -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --
On (03.03.2011 02:56:33) the following fleets met in battle: 9999_buydeut vs. ebonweaver Attacker 9999_buydeut Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% Battleship 36 Battlecr. 70 Defender ebonweaver Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Armour: 60% L.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 3 H.Fighter 2 Recy. 1 Esp.Probe 2 R.Launcher 10 L.Laser 25 H.Laser 15 Gauss 5 S.Dome 1 L.Dome 1 BOOOOOMMMM Attacker 9999_buydeut Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% Battleship 36 (-0) Battlecr. 70 (-0) Defender ebonweaver destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured 20.374 metal, 32.583 crystal and 32.198 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 607.000 units. At these space coordinates now float 42.700 metal and 34.300 crystal. Attacker profits : 162.155 Metal: 63.074 | Cristal: 66.883 | Deut: 32.198 Defender profits : -692.155 Metal: -388.874 | Cristal: -259.083 | Deut: -44.198
On (03.03.2011 05:36:16) the following fleets met in battle: 9999_buydeut vs. OVA Attacker 9999_buydeut Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% S.Cargo 42 Battlecr. 70 Defender OVA Weapons: 0% Shields: 50% Armour: 0% S.Cargo 5 L.Cargo 9 H.Fighter 3 Recy. 7 Esp.Probe 2 Sol. Sat 21 R.Launcher 27 L.Laser 1 BOOOOOMMMM Attacker 9999_buydeut Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Armour: 80% S.Cargo 42 (-0) Battlecr. 70 (-0) Defender OVA destroyed. The attacker has won the battle! He captured 74.915 metal, 39.085 crystal and 37.853 deuterium. The attacker lost a total of 0 units. The defender lost a total of 394.500 units. At these space coordinates now float 106.400 metal and 113.400 crystal. The chance for a moon to be created is 2 % Attacker profits : 371.653 Metal: 181.315 | Cristal: 152.485 | Deut: 37.853 Defender profits : -546.353 Metal: -282.415 | Cristal: -201.585 | Deut: -62.353