cho tui hỏi một số thứ nha lam thê nào để đánh được aura lúc máu vàng vậy vậy tui mới chơi nên không bít cái này cái have lun có số 1,2,3 để làm gì trong trò có bao nhiu mini game vậy và ở đâu danh hiệu để làm gi tui thay no không tăng cái gì cả co bao nhiu đòn đánh và để cho đủ các đòn tối thiểu dùng mỗi cái bao nhiu lần vd đòn này đánh như thế nào chỉ hộ chi tiết tui mới chơi 1. Flaming Sword -> Keele's fireball+ Reid's Demon Hammer 2. Serpent Knuckle -> Heal + Farah's Rising Dragon Strike 3. Lightning Strike -> Thunder Blade + Farah's Twin Palm Strike 4. Earth Divide -> Cyclone + Reid's Spiral Attack
sau đây là tui copy của 1 số nguòi nhung không biết đúng hay sai nếu sai chỗ nào thì bảo tui để sau này đến đó chơi dễ hơn muốn lấy MASTER ELEMENT bạn phải có Canceller và S.D .ban đi JINI IN NIGHT nói chuyện với con vật màu hồng muốn có Canceller :bạn đi 1)PERUTI AFTER SNOW MELT 2)TINNSIA NEAR THE GNOME STATUE 3)LUISKA NEAR MEREDY HOUSE 4)CAPE FORTRESS ON THE RIGHT 5)JINI IN NIGHT [nói chuyện với người vẽ tranh][chú ý :không mang max theo,để anh ta ở căn phòng của anh ta ở tinnsia] Shooting Star của Meredy: maxwall lv 30+sieuriken lv26 Team skills 1. Flaming Sword -> Keele's fireball+ Reid's Demon Hammer 2. Serpent Knuckle -> Heal + Farah's Rising Dragon Strike 3. Lightning Strike -> Thunder Blade + Farah's Twin Palm Strike 4. Earth Divide -> Cyclone + Reid's Spiral Attack [1]bạn để fireball ở R2 hoặc L2 của reid ,bạn dùng fireball và giữ R2 hoặc L2 tuỳ bạn,khi thấy keele hiện chữ "READY" bạn dùng reid'sdemon [nhớ đừng đứng cánh xa keele].còn các team skills kia cũng vậy.[còn muốn biết gì không tui sẽ bày hết] MUỐN GỌI ARCHE bạn phải có Shooting Star ,khi Maxwell's vitality should be full [tức maxwell hiện chữ max] .bạn dùng Shooting Star ARCHE sẻ xuất hiện [ARCHE chỉ xuất hiện trong 10 giây][ấn X ARCHE sẽ sử dụng shoot ice còn O là shoot fire] " EXTENSION " 1.nếu bạn có "rising phoenix"{Super Lightning Blade 200+megasonic 150=RISING PHOENIX}bạn dùng rising phoenix 150 lần tốt nhất là 250 lần .bạn để RISING PHOENIX vao O nhớ là O.bạn nhấn O và khi reid bay lên và đâm chéo xuống thì bạn nhấp O nhiều lần[CHỈ CÓ TUI MỚI BIẾT THỜI DIỂM ĐẺ ẤNO 1 LẦN] RISING PHOENIX SẼ THÀNH BURNING PHOENIX 2.Omega Demon Chaos {demon hammer 250+demon twist 200=Omega Demon Chaos }cũng vậy Omega Demon Chaos 250 tốt nhất là bạn nên nhấp O từ đầu [CHỈ CÓ TUI MỚI BIẾT THỜI DIỂM ĐẺ ẤNO 1 LẦN] OMEGA DEMON CHAOS THÀNH DRAGOON DEMON CHAOS OMEGA SEAL OMEGA SEAL 90 LẦN CÁNH DÙNG CŨNG VẬY 2Maximum Burst,4Flame Dance,3Deadly Force,1Fatal Fury 1Fatal Fury aegle rage+chi=250 Fatal Fury sẽ xuất hiện trong skill của farah 2maximun burst chi 600,chi 300vàfatal fury 30 bạn bỏ chi vào O cách dùng như RISING PHOENIX 3Deadly Force bạn điều khiển farah 300 trận deadly force sẽ xuất hiện trong skill của farah 4Flame Dance BẠN phải có Deadly Force ,dùng Deadly Force sau đó cho enemy 2 đá [giữ xuống X X] rising skill [rising dragon strike,swallow dance,super swallow dance]sau đó thêm diving skill[death blossom,eagle dive,eagle rage]NẾU BẠN LÀM DÚNG THÌ SAU KHI DIVING SKILL TRÚNG SẼ XUẤT HIỆN FLAME DANCE NẾU CÁC BỘN CÓ METAL RING,DERRIS EMBLEM TUI SẼ CHO CÁC BẠN BIẾT TUYỆT CHIÊU ĐẶC BIỆT Dark Sphere:Lấy ỏ Shizel Castle Light Sphere:Lấy ỏ Alfread's Tomb ( cẩn thận với Dracula nhé) Tàu bạn có tàu ngầm (dĩ nhiênVd : PunchX2 + Sonic Fist + Super Swallow Dance + Death Blossom + Fatal Fury ( số Combo hình như ba bốn chục gì đó ko nhớ nữa )Chiêu Fatal Fury thì hình như liên quan đến Eagel Rage , còn Deadly Force thì phải xài Farah như nhân vật chính đánh 300 trăm trận Reid Hershel Sonic Blade, Demon Hammer, Tempest Strike Farah Oersted Eagle Dive, Triple Blossom, Swallow Dance Còn về Team Skill thì 1 chiêu của Reid 1 của Farah, chiêu Flame Sword ( Reid )thì ổn vì nó xài đầu trò và khá mạnh Hữu dụng nhất chỉ có Serpen Knuckle của Farah có đầy đủ yêu cầu , nhanh , mạnh , dễ sử dụng , khả năng thất bại rất thấp. Còn ko thì cho Max chơi Elemental Master , he he , tuyệt kĩ sát thủ này ăn đứt bất cứ tuyệt chiêu nào ^^ Còn chiêu Serpent knuckle = Heal + twin palm striker thì phải Những con trùm đáng chú ý trong TOD 2 là : 1.Undine .Con này mới đầu mạnh kinh khủng , người chơi lần đầu gặp nó chỉ có bán máu ( đi trong đó tiêu hết bình vào đánh nó chắc chỉ còn vài ba cái apple gel ). Cách đánh hợp lý là cho Reid Def để kelee và meredy bắn Fire và thunder , khi nó chuẩn bị tụ chưởng giơ kiên lên đỡ , quân đằng sau không bị dính đòn , cứ từ từ giã nó đến lúc ngỏm ( chú ý khi gần ngỏm nó chơi nước đẩy ghê lắm , hay dụ nó ra đòn chỗ xa một chút rồi chạy đi chứ đững lại Def thì cũng toi mà thôi ). 2.Rass . Con này dễ làm thôi nếu bạn có nhiều skills xịn hơn nó và khoẻ một chút , nếu đến đó mà còn cầm Demonhammer hay sonicblade thì cứ cầm chắc là chết . 3.Hyrades lần 2.Nó chơi chiêu pháo hoa và móc đất rất khó chịu , tuy nhiên có một điểm yếu rất ngu là def yếu dễ bị ảnh hưởng khi ăn đòn ( từ con Shadow là không có chuyện này nữa đâu đó , bọn chúng cứ như tượng đánh vô không xi nhê gì cả ).Dòn nó vào góc , chơi cả reid và fara kết hợp lụi nó : Reid dùng neo Swam còn Fara cho xài sonic Frist hay dùng fata fury,làm chừng vài lần mấy trăm hit là nó toi thôi , kỉ lục của tôi ở đây là 246 hit . 4.Hyrades lần 3.Con này chơi chiêu như trên , có thêm trò sốc điện nữa rất khó chịu , đánh khó hơn vì đánh gần như mất cảm giác , nếu bạn muốn hạ nó thì phải mạnh , chỉ có mấy chiêu mạnh mới làm nó ngã được , và cứ theo cách trên mà làm : Omega demon chaos + Fata fury . Còn không có thì chịu , giã khoẻ chút rồi vào đánh . 5.Shadow . đừng có tính giết 2 con búp bê của nó làm gì phí sức , cầm kiếm ánh sáng mà chém thôi , con này nếu bạn có chiêu Rishing Fhoenix thì ổn rồi nhưng mà không có thì megasonicthurst vậy, ngoài ra không có mấy chiêu trên thì cầu chúa đi 6.Rem .cầm kiếm bóng đêm chém nó rụng như sung , chớ để nó bay lên bắn phép nhé , toi đó , con này có quả cầu bay theo khó chịu lắm , nên chỉ đánh du kích thôi + mấy chiêu gió ma hay Dark Force gì đó, mà nếu nó dùng holy lance hay prim sword thì dễ hụt lắm , nhưng dính thì nhớ mẹ , chú ý một chút là được . 7.Maxwell. nếu có kiếm Ti khi vào đây thì dễ như ăn cháo không bàn nữa , tôi chỉ nói khi không có kiếm Ti thì phải làm thế nào thôi. chú ý có cái bẫy dưới chân , cho thằng reid chạy qua chạy lại phá bẫy , rảnh thì chém nó một cái khi nó tụ phép , dùng pháp sư đánh thôi , tốt nhất một người reid một người kelee , chú ý mấy đòn chụp điện dính thì game over đó , reid thì phải phá bẫy không cho nó ảnh hưởng đến kelee , để Fara auto , chọn att flying enemy , meredy để mấy chưởng nhanh như thunder , ice và mấy cái hồi máu , nhớ lắp giày chạy cho reid nhé . khi nó sắp chết chơi limit nên gắp thêm cái bình revesell doll cho chắc ăn. Rassen còn cách nào nữa không ??? 8.Sekuden................................................... chít đò thật đô , đủ hết skills rồi vào viếng nhé . cách đánh . tự lực cánh sinh , càng khoẻ càng tốt , reid chơi trò rishing Fhoenix + burning Fhoenix , Fara chơi Chi + maximium Burst . bọn phép cho chơi hồi hp thôi. nhớ lắp đồ tỉnh dậy nhanh và chống Stun , đánh từ từ đến khi nó lên cơn chơi limit thì mới có việc để nói đó . limit nó đánh là chết , không nó , còn chiêu bắn 20-30 phát nữa , hết sống , kinh nghiệm là tung mấy cái đồng hồ lên khi nó bắn limit , nó sẽ đơ chừng 1 phút cho bạn mần và đương nhiên limit nó đánh hụt , lúc này dễ như ăn cháo , chỉ khoảng 4 -5 cái đồng hò là đủ + thêm summon Destiny cho nó đẹp , đánh xong có cái đồ ngon để cầm rồi . 9.Valkyrie. 1 chọi 1 mày chết con ạ , đánh con này dễ òm nhưng có điều đáng chú ý là bạn có 9999 hp hay 5000 hp cũng vậy mà thôi , valkyrie protecter làm bạn hp đỏ làm mới dừng , vậy cứ để hp thấp cũng được , 1 chọi mội thì đánh Omega Dragon Chaos cho nó nằm xuống rồi chém Quasi Seal là nó toi thôi ( nếu bạn luyện master 2 chiêu này ) ,lập lại liên tục , nhưng nhớ phải lắp cái món Sekuden cho mới có được đủ speed để làm điều đó , nói chung là dễ thôi .Đánh xong cả núi đồ ngon và summon Destiny quá lãi. 10.Và đại ca Cress ( sao trò 1 lại là Cless nhỉ ???? trùm trò 1 đấu trùm trò 2 vui lắm. nên chỉnh hard hay hardcore mà đánh , ở hardcore thằng cress đánh burning Fhoenix đụng nhẹ cũng xuất chiêu ghê rợn , mình mà làm được như nó thì con trùm nào cũng ngỏm , vào đó nhớ bo đồ , kiếm ngon nhất, golden armor , Fairie Ring , Inferia cape , khoảng mấy cái ,Revesell doll,metal ring , holy symbol, TP 999 , hp khoảng 7000 trở lên . lắp Fairie Ring ,Inferia cape vào chém ngay con phép đi cạnh nó bằng tất cả sức mạnh , tận dụng aurora Sword khi hết hp và lắp Revesell doll khi đánh xong , hồi sinh đánh tiếp đến khi con phép toi . Còn lại tên Cress , chơi trò Rishing Fhoenix+ Burning Fhoenix với nó , đánh cầm chừng đến khi hp hết chơi Aurora Sword , chắc chắn bạn sẽ cạn tp , vậy có 2 cách để câu tp như sau . đồ metal ring vào , holy symbol nữa . .để nó chém sonic blade , ngồi def cho đủ tp và khi hp đỏ ra aurora sword . 2.metal ring và inferia cape ở một khoảng cách vừa phải nó sẽ chơi Rishing Fhoenix , hãy chạy dưới luồng lửa đó và lập lại khoảng cách , lại tránh , biết trước nên cũng dễ tránh . mà với mấy đồ ở trên nó đánh trúng cũng không mấy bi nhiêu . khi đủ tp lại chơi aurora Sword. nhớ là khi hp còn 2000 nó chơi đòn cho bạn còn 1 hp , thôi cứ để cho nó làm , chơi 1 nhát aurora sword là nó toi ấy mà. Kỉ lục của tôi là 4 bình hồi sinh trong phần Hard core, ^_^ hi vọng có ai phá niềm tự hào của tôi. 11.trùm phá đảo . nếu bạn hạ được mấy con trên thì không phải nói nhiều , chỉ cần chú ý khi nó còn 20000 hp thì chơi chiêu chết luôn , lắp một cái bình hồi sinh là được . 12. trùm trong phần newgame + . con này khá hoàn hảo , đánh thường càng khoẻ càng tốt còn cách thì em xin mạn phép nói một cách rất quái ... đừng có thử nếu thiếu kinh nghiệm . đội hình chat , max, kelee, Reid hay Fara , nếu là tên Rassen chắc chọn Fara còn tôi sẽ chỉ về Reid . để kelee bắn vài phép shooting Star và max tụ element master chat đánh Enternal hammer phủ đầu , hết tp thì reid lên chém omega demon chaos hay burning phoenix , đến lúc kelee bắn shooting star , và tiếp đó là max với element master , lúc này chat đã đủ lực và lập lại chuỗi này đến khi nó toi , tôi đánh nó không tốn một cái apple gel nhưng mà phải phối hợp đều tay , tốt nhất là 1 người reid 1 người chat. đó là toàn bộ những con trùm mà tôi thấy đáng chú ý và kinh nghiệm hạ chúng . 1. Maxwell : Kể ra ko biết uýnh thì cũng khó khăn lắm , nhưng game over vài lần là có kinh nghiệm thôi ^^ Dùng Keele hoặc Meredy là hợp nhất , còn mấy tên kia thì cứ thả cho nó tự đánh ^^ Mình chỉ cần chú ý cái vòng dưới đất đừng để nó dính vào là đủ . 2. Cless ( or Cress ? ): He he , uýnh tên này mà ko chỉnh Hardcore hoặc Hard chỉ có lỗ ^^ Vì ở mức Hardcore Archer mới xuất hiện , dĩ nhiên là khi thắng có thêm đồ chơi ^^ Nhưng nhớ thủ vài cái Reverse Doll nhé. Cách đánh : Khá độc đáo ^^ Chỉnh chế độ Manual , sau đó , vào trận cứ cho nhân vật nhảy ết , vâng , ko đánh nhầm đâu , nhảy ết hay là nhảy chồm chồm vào ấy ^^ cứ nhảy 1 cái là chém 1 cái , còn mục tiêu thì dĩ nhiên là Archer ( người cưỡi chổi ^^ ) đừng lo , HP con này rất thấp nên chết nhanh thôi , khi xong việc thì phần chiến đấu thật sự mới bắt đầu , rất đơn giản cứ xài Rising Phoenix hoặc là Omega Demon Chaos là đủ , khi nó còn 1/3 hoặc 1/4 hay 1/2 gì đó nó bắt đầu xài trò ... đểu , những chiêu của Cless lúc này hoàn toàn bất khả xâm phạm , việc bạn có thể làm là gắn Reverse Doll vào và chờ để có thể thi triển mấy chiêu Aura thôi ^^ Cỡ xài xong vài cái Reverse Doll là nó toi , nhưng nhớ là nhớ xài chiêu Aurora Sword nữa mới đủ đó , còn cái Aurora Wall ko thì ko ăn thua gì đâu ^^. 3. Sekundes : Uýnh cha này phiền hơn 1 chút , xài phù thuỷ nào ko giữ thần sét ấy , cứ nhào vào ^^ chơi phép và cầu nguyện ^^ Đến khi tính nó gần toi ( hoặc là u ko thể làm tổn thương nó nữa ^^ ) thì đổi người qua Reid và xài ODC để câu giờ , he he , nhân vật chính ở đây là người giữ thần sét , nhớ để cho người đó có chiêu Igdination , nếu làm đúng thì sẽ có cảnh thú vị xảy ra , Sekundes mất HP ở chiêu này ít nhất là 15k HP Nghia là nó gần toi òi ^^ Việc còn lại là gắng mà dứt điểm ^^ 4. Regulus ( trùm Nereid Labyrinth ) : Cũng như trùm cuối , ko phức tạp lắm nếu bạn đã giải quyết xong Sekundess và Maxwell , chỉ lưu ý thanh kiếm gây Poison của nó và nó có 1 chiêu có thể làm bạn chết ngay tức khắc , chỉ cần ko để gameover dô diên vậy là bạn sẽ thắng ^^ ------------------------ Vài lưu ý cho Socceress Stragety : Đây là chiến thuật rất hữu dụng với hầu hết các con trùm , đặc biệt là những con trùm quá mạnh . Nhưng dùng cái này thì lưu ý 1 vài điều : 1. Char Selection: Tuỳ bạn thôi , nhưng dùng Keele thì tốt hơn vì Keele có các nút bấm khi thi triển Magic giúp xài phép nhanh hơn , mạnh hơn . Meredy thì ko có nhưng lại có tốc độ di chuyển khá lớn , hữu dụng trong vài trường hợp . 2. Movement : He he , cứ nhớ 1 điều , Boss chạy qua phải thì mình chạy qua trái , boss chạy qua trái thì mình qua phải và ..... cứ tránh nó càng xa càng tốt ^^ Cái này có ảnh hưởng 1 phần vào chỗ Formation nhưng tự tìm hiểu nhé ^^ 3. Magic/Skill lock : Rất quan trọng , hãy khoá lại tất cả Magic và Skill của các nhân vật , chỉ để lại nhung cái cần thiết thật sự , nếu ko , bạn sẽ gặp rắc rối lớn khi đánh trùm đấy ^^Heal + Rising = Serpen Knuckle Xài Deadly Force , trong lúc màng hình còn đen thì làm theo thứ tự: chạy tới đấm 2 cái + Sonic Fist + Super Swallow Dance+ Death Blossom + Fatal Fury chiêu Fatal Fury là xài Eagle Rage và Chi 250 lần nhé Xin lỗi vì tôi đa phá niềm tự hào của bạn tôi chẳng cần hồi sinh dù là"hard core" vì toi biết phá giải chiêu còn 1 máu mà bạn nói và cả chiêu khi trùm về nước sử dụng khi gần hết máu .đó là chiêu AURORA WARE bằng cánh giữ O+X+tamgiác chieu này sẽ cho bạn thấy công dụng của nó {đội hình cùa mình là REID [RISING PHOENIX_BURINING PHOENIX,neo tempest swarm] FARAH chì một Fatal Fury ,MAX Aqua Spiral,Elemental Master,MEREDY Shooting Star_ARCHE} CÁC BẠN ĐÃ BIẾT "Flame Dance"CỦA FARAH CHƯA bạn cần có "Deadly Force" {Deadly Force bạn dùng farah dánh 300 trận do bạn điều khiển} khi dùng Deadly Force nhạc sẽ tắt bạn đá enemy 2 đá [tức giữ xuống và ấn X X]sau đó bạn dùng (either Rising Dragon Strike, Swallow Dance or Super Swallow Dance)chỉ dùng 1) sau dó dùng tiếp (either Eagle Dive, Eagle Rage or Death Blossom)nếu làm dúng sẽ xuất hiện điệu múa của lửa Flame Dance [chiêu này khá mạnh nên dùng ở nereid's rabyrinth khi dánh trùm giữ cửa còn ko thì bạn sử dụng vũ khí yếu TÔI CHƠI TỚI LV 121 RÙI Tăng level nhanh thì bạn cứ từ từ , theo tui có 2 chỗ để luyện level là Shadow Cave(Celestian) và Shizel Castle , mỗi trận có khoảng 3000-4000 exp sai rùi tăng lv nhanh bạn nên dzào dõ đài đánh 15000 ở đó bạn đánh rồng lửa nó sẽ cho bạn sage hay red sage uống dzào máu lên 5% hay 10% sau đó bạn đến zhizel catle bạn muốn ai lên lv thì bạn gắn Demon's Seal [tăng exp gấp đôi]khi gắn cái này bạn sẽ bị chúng tất cả bùa chú bạn nên gắn cùng với Krona Symbol [chống tất cả các loai bùa chú]vào đánh [mẹ con meredy] đánh xong thì tự tử bạn lựa retry thì tiền bị trừ 1/2 nhưng exp kô trừ CÁNH 2:bạn vào nereid 's labyrith khi bạn có file hardcore bạn chỉnh chơi ở chế độ hard, trung bình là kô được .Bạn lấy kelee hay meredy cho mawell lên MAX ,khi mawell lên max bạn gọi ra [cho kelee,meredy metal ring[lên lực từ từ], DERRIS EMBLEM [khi ban đánh sekuden]] SAU KHI GOI MAXWELL BẠN giữ lui+vuông để ra chiêu mới sau đó giữ o,sau đó x ,sau đó tamgiác,sau đó VUÔNG,TAM GIÁC+VUÔNG ,X+o+vuông,CUỐI CÙNG O+X+vuông+tam giác nếu bạn ra chiêu blue earth[O+X+vuông+tam giác] bạn sẽ được cộng 100000 exp và máu lực đầy lại [tất cả chiêu này cộng lại phải mất 1050 TP] NÊN BẠN PHẢI CÓ [METAL RING : DÙNG RUNE BOTTLE ĐỔI FEERA RING]
dây là bản tieng anh ai dich đuợc thì cho anh em mới chơi biết dược đường đi chu ^_^ 3. Mintche (~c) 1. Go to the information desk of the university. 2. Go into the second right room on the first floor of the building and talk to the student by the window. 3. As the student tells you that Keel is at the Observing Station on the Rock Mountain, you go out from the town and go west to the mountain. 4. In the mountain, you can move rocks using circle button and direction keys. If you move them to the point shown by flashing rock pictures, You could block up the holes that monsters are appearing from. 5. When you go into the Observing Station at the top of the mountain, Keel appears and becomes your member. 6. Keel forces you to go Morle to see a doctor who is an authority on Melnics language. To go to Morle, you have to go east and go through "Boukyou Cave (-]½Ì´A)". Wonder Chef - Hamberger (no[K[): flower in the canteen in the town 4. Boukyou Cave (-]½Ì´A) 1. At the entrance of the cave, you see a merchant. You can buy items from him. 2. Beat a Eggbear at the camp point in the cave. 5. Morle () 1. Go to see Dr. Mazet in Morle village. 2. Tell Mazet about your situation and get Earring of Auger (I[WFÌsAX). 3. As Meredy runs out from the house suddenly, you follow her and go into Backblock of Morle (n). 4. Beat a group of monsters to save Meredy and Quickie. After the battle, you become able to understand Meredy's speaking because of Earring of Auger. 5. At the camp spot on the way back, you listen to Meredy. She tells you that she comes from Serestia to stop Grandfall, a clash of Inferia and Serestia. She needs to gather Dai-syourei to stop it. 6. Go back to Mazet's home and get information about the place of Water Syourei River and get Inferi Map (CtF}bv). 7. If you once go out from the house and go back again to talk to Mazet, you can get Monsters Picture Book (X^[¸©ñ). 8. Go out from the village and go northeast to Watter Syourei River. Wonder Chef 1 - Fruit Juice (t[cW [X): treasure box on the 2nd floor of Mazet's home Wonder Chef 2 - Vegetable Salad (â³¢T_): smaller pumpkin in the food shop (Fishmans) 6. Water Syourei's River ( »-ìÌÍ) 1. After talking to the Water Dai-syourei, Undine, at the camp point back of a waterfall, go right from the waterfall and fight against Undine at the deepest part to get her. 2. You decide to go the capital city, Inferia, to see the king and tell him about the situation. 3. To go the capital, you must go through southeastern jungle. 7. Izanai Jungle (¢´È¢Ì-§-Ñ) 1. This jungle is consists of two parts. In the first part, see a tip at the screen where five statues are standing. 2. In the screen where two ghosts are moving around, your HP would be decreased, if you touch the ghosts. 3. Find two statues, Chaos (¬×) and Destruction (jó), in the northwest from the five statues and make them face right. Also, find two statues, Regularity () and Creation (n¢), in the east from the five statues and make them face left to open a way to go further. 4. Go back to the screen with two ghosts and go down. As Meredy leaves your party, follow her. 5. In the later part, other five statues are blocking the way to go out. Find and beat five Junglers in the jungle to make the five statues disappear. 8. Inferia (¤sCtFA) 1. Talk to the gatekeeper of the castle. 2. Go to the Royal Observatory and talk to a staff on the 4th floor twice. 3. Go to the Seifert Church. Keel talks to the archbishop but you are captured when you go out from the church. 4. You are sentenced to death as you spreaded around a dangerous thought, but saved by the astronomer, Zosimus, who has read the thesis of Keel. 5. Keel is taken to the observatory and rest of you go to the guest room on the 2nd floor of the western part of the castle. 6. After Keel comes back, you go to the audience chamber to hear an announcement from the king. 7. In the audience chamber, Zosimus says Serestians are trying to make Inferia and Serestia to clash. So, Inferia will find Light Bridge which connects Inferia and Serestia and send chosen band of soldiers to beat Serestia. 8. You are thrown out of the castle but given an Embarkation Pass (¶å¤¹ñpX). 9. Go out from the city and go to the northwestern port. Wonder Chef 1 - Cream Stew (N[V` [): vase on the 2nd floor of the inn Wonder Chef 2 - Fluffy Cake (ÓíÓíP[L): potted plant in the Royal Theater 9. Inferia Port (CtFA`) and Barole Port (o[`) 1. At Inferia Port, you take a ship to go Barole but Keel remains as he wants to work for Royal Observatory in Inferia. 2. After arriving to Barole Port, go west to Barole. Wonder Chef 1 - Fish Hot-pot (³©ÈÈ×): anchor in the marine store at Inferia Port Wonder Chef 2 - Squid Ring (¢©O): Box at Barole Port 10. Barole (o[) 1. In front of the item shop, Farah helps a boy. However, as the boy is a picker, she is blamed by merchants. Race appears and help you. Then, you hear about Wind Syourei's Cavity from Race (you don't need to pay 50 thousand Gald). 2. You meet Race in front of the inn. 3. Go out from the town and go southwest to the Wind Syourei's Cavity. Wonder Chef 1 - Steak (Xe[L): drunken man on the roof of the bar Wonder Chef 2 - Gratin (O^): wordrobe on the 2nd floor of the inn 11. Wind Syourei's Cavity (-»-ìÌó´) 1. There are two Inferian soldiers at the entrance of the cavity but you can go in as Race say something to the soldiers. 2. Take the wind which blows out from cracks to go upper floors. You can also go down from the upper holes when the wind is not blowing. 3. If you check the rock at the gusty place, Race will throw a rope to the other side. Check the rock again to go the other side using the rope. 4. At the camp point on the way, you explain why you are meeting Daisyoureis to Race. 5. At the deepest place, you fight against Wind Daisyourei, Sylph and get him. 6. When you come back to the entrance, Race leaves your party and Keel comes back. Sylph gives you an Aerial Board. To ride it, push square button at any flat field and choose Aerial Board (GAA{[h). 12. Chambard (Vo[) 1. Use Aerial Board to go to Chambard which is north of Inferia city. 2. You can get items from Elaine in the town according to the number of lenses you have collected. Wonder Chef 1 - Pescatore (yXJg[): Bin on the 1st floor of Bistro Chambard Wonder Chef 2 - Carbonara (J{i[): Bed in the inn 13. Fire Syourei's Valley (λ-ìÌJ) 1. To walk through the burning valley, you ask Undine for a help. However, your HP will decrease after Undine's HP becomes 0. 2. When you beat another Daisyourei, Efreet at the deepest part and get him, the Light Daisyourei, Lem appears. Lem tells you that the cause of the Grandfall is made by humans and gives you Sorcerer Ring (\[T[O). 3. On the way you go back, hit the three sealed doors with the light of Sourcerer Ring (push R1 button) to open them. If you beat Deaths in the rooms, you can get items. 4. At the camping point on the way, Meredy says a man called Baryl is attempting to cause Grandfall in Serestia. Other members remind that the name of the man who went to Serestia from Inferia using the Light Bridge was also Baryl. Keel says you can find Light Bridge at Mt. Farlos. 14. Mt. Farlos (t@[X) 1. Take a rest in the bed room in the church. 2. When you attempt to go out, Farah get a new skill. 3. Climb the mountain. 4. On the way, you meet with a rockfall and Farah strays from your party. 5. You find Farah helped by Race, but as they are on another way, you and Farah go forward separately to the mountain top. 6. You give orders to Quickie and manipulate it to put down the all ropes. The exact orders you should choose are "EI" -> "¢¯" -> "ªñÎê" -> "ªñÎê" -> "»±" -> "ªñÎê" -> "¢¯" -> "ªñÎê" -> "»±" -> "¢¯" -> "»±" -> "»±". 7. You meet with Farah at the top of the mountain and Race leaves you. Open the big door using Sorcerer Ring (R1 button). 8. In the room you make the Light Bridge appears. But when you attempt to go Serestia, Race appears and get in your way as a Senatus Knight of Inferia Kingdom, Rassis Fomalhaut. 9. Beat Rassis and go into the light to go Serestia. 15. Imen (AC) 1. The Light Bridge reaches to Cape Fort (-¦ÌÔ). Go out from the fort and head for Meredy's home town, Imen. 2. First go to Meredy's home. Farah rests and other three of you go to see the town. 3. Get Etapoke 2 (Dancing Meredy game for PocketStation) from a girl in front of feed pump. 4. Go back to Meredy's home. Rid rests but Keel asks Meredy to take him to the library. 5. Rid wakes up next morning but as Keel and Meredy have not come back, Rid and Farah go to find them. 6. Find them in the library and take Meredy to bed in her home as she stayed up all night with Keel. 7. Go out to walk around again and when you go back to Meredy's home, Meredy suggests you to go Luishka to see Galenos who sent Meredy to Inferia. Wonder Chef 1 - Zarame Rice (UCX): Robot at the right of the entrance in Meredy's home (after resting one night) Wonder Chef 2 - Amanin Tofu ( ÜÉñǤÓ): Opened book in the library 16. Syourei Train (»-ìS¹) 1. Go out from the town of Imen and go east to Imen Station. A station staff tells you that you need to get fuel if you would like to ride the train. 2. Go back to the town and buy Train Cage (gCPCW) at 2000 Gald from the weapon shop. 3. Go back to the station and talk to the staff. 4. Ride the train and Keel set the Train Cage. The station staff asks you to deliver mails to each station (for mini game, Syourei Train). 5. After playing the mini game (stop at the each station to deliver mails), you reach to Luishka Station. Go out from the station and go east to Luishka. 17. Luishka (CVJ) 1. Meredy explains that this ruined village, Luishka was destroyed by Kyokkouzyutu (Éõp). 2. You see Galenos at the basement of the biggest house. 3. Galenos explains that Baryl uses God's Fibril, Kyokkouzyutu. He also explains that Fibril is a kind of power and Rid also has some kind of unknown Fibril that similar as Kyokkouzyutu. He asks Rid to allow him inspect his body. 4. Galenos inspects Rid's body for all night but he says that the truth is in Olbers. 5. You depart the village to collect information about the place of Baryl's castle. Galenos suggests you to go to the western port town, Peruti. 6. Go back to the Luishka Station and this time take the train to go Abandoned Mine Station (mini game: Abandoned Mine). Wonder Chef 1 - Nigari Ma-po (ɪè}[{[): waste basket in the bed room in Galenos's home Wonder Chef 2 - Hot Borscht (zbg{V`): accumulation of rubbish by a road 18. Earth Syourei's Abandoned Mine (n»-ìÌpB) 1. Check the rock which is blocking the way. 2. Go back to the resting room near the entrance and get dynamite (j-p_Ci}Cg) from a locker at the upper left corner. (You can take one of three items in the locker at once. Dynamite is to break up the blocking rocks, Shovel (@í-pXRbv) is to take away earth and sand which is also blocking your way, and Key (®) is to activate lift.) 3. Check the rock and blow it out. 4. Find lift machine and check it. 5. Go back to the resting room to get a key from the locker. 6. Go back to the lift and go down using the key. 7. You get mini game Wis (EBX) at the camping point. (You can play it anytime from now by choosing Wis from the item menu.) 8. Operate the lever by a rail track to exchange your key to dynamite. 9. Beat Earth Daisyourei, Gnome at the inner place of Gnome's colony and get him. 10. When you attempt to go back, Gnomes make a hole in the wall. Go into the hole to go out. 11. After going out, go west to a hut. 19. Chat Hut (`bg̬®) 1. Look into the hut. When you attempt to go back, the entrance opens. 2. After you go into the drawing room, you are knocked out by sleeping gas. When you wake up, the entrance has disappeared. Go up the stairs and find you are on the B8 floor of a dungeon. In this dungeon, you must find a clockwork duck toy and a power spring on each floor, check the water way beside load point on the floor and then, go up to the next floor. 3. B8: In the room with 5 poles, the open door changes when you light all the poles. After getting a duck toy and a power spring check the water way to push the inner switch and go to the upper floor. 4. B7: Bring down standing body armors by opening the back door from the back room. 5. B6: Check a machine in a room to make wind blow. Find the places where a corner of wallpaper is turning up and burn the paper using R1 to find a hidden door. 6. B5: Answer the questions at the places with "?" character. The answers are "¿¸", "Ù¤¿å¤", "æ¾ê©¯", "¼¤«ñ", "`g" from the rightest screen. 7. B4: Check the wardrobe at the left in the bedroom. The duck toy is behind the black door at the left in the room with refrigerator. 8. B3: Put a statue onto the moving floor in the left screen to go into the leftest room. To go into the rightest room, put a statue onto the switch in the second left room. 9. B2: There are three pairs of figure paintings. The pairs consist of one rotatable painting and one fixed painting. Rotate the rotatable ones to make it face the same direction as fixed ones. 10. B1: In the room with big aquarium, move the barrels with circle and direction buttons (you can pull them) and get a duck toy. In the room with bookshelves, pick up all the books on the floor and put them back in to the right bookshelves to open the door between them. 11. When you push the switch with the toy on the B1 floor, Guardiant appears. 12. When you go up to the 1st floor after beating Guardiant, Chat appears. Chat introduce herself as a descendant of the great pirate, Eifreed. She suggests you to become her following to look for the legacy of Eifreed. Talk to her in the drawing room and accept her suggestion to use her ship. 13. Talk to her in the wheelhouse of her ship, Banneltia, to go Peruti. Wonder Chef 1 - Mitsu Noodle Soup (~c[): Pendulum clock in the drawing room 20. Peruti (yCeB) 1. Hear about the mountain where the Ice Syourei lives from a man called Gaston in the inn. 2. Select winter clothes in the alpinist shop. Talk to the other three characters first of all and make them go into the fitting rooms. You must find an appropriate clothes for each of them and pass it to them. Choose Cape (P[v) for Meredy, Poncho (|`) for Farah and Over Cloak (I[o[}g) for Keel. Talk to the shop owner to get your own clothes. 3. Go out from the town and go to the northern mountain. Wonder Chef 1 - Ebichiriri (Gr`): Stove in the food shop Wonder Chef 2 - Shibu Sushi (µÔ¸µ): Snow man on the 2nd floor of the inn 21. Ice Syourei's Mountain (X»-ìÌR) 1. Melt the ice poles that are standing your way using R1 button. 2. Get "Toto's Fat (ggÌAu)" on the way. 3. Bring down the red ice pole by burning the Toto's Fat and use it as a bridge to go forward. 4. Beat and get Ice Daisyourei, Celsius. Get Freeze Ring (t[YO) from her (press L1 button to use it). 22. Peruti 1. When you go back to Peruti, Gaston asks you to become members of Freedom Army, Siruesika. You accept to go Tinnsia to see the leader, Max. Gaston gives you Miakis Badge. 2. In the night, Meredy's Erara (stone like thing on her and other Serestian's face) gleam out. Meredy says someone in Imen is calling for help. You decide to go Imen before Tinnsia. Gaston gives you Seresti Map next morning. 3. Board to Banneltia and talk to Chat to depart. If you push square button on the sea, you can get into the ship. When you talk to Chat in the engine room, she becomes your member. Wonder Chef 1 - Hiya Piri Chinese (Ðâs¿ã¤©): Statue in stone at the lower left of the pond 23. Imen 1. When you arrive to Imen, the town has been destroyed. As Meredy runs away, you look for her. 2. Go to the library and beat Hyades. 3. Go to the weapon shop. 4. Go out from Imen and head for Tinnsia. Tinnsia is at far east on Seresti Map (ZXeB}bv). 24. Tinnsia (eBVA) 1. Go into the ship at the right end of the port. This ship is the headquarters of Siruesika. 2. You are tested in the ship. 3. After the battle, Aira appears. Follow her and she tells you the position of Baryl Castle. 4. Go to the captain's room to see Max. You promise to help them and decide to go to see Thunder Daisyourei. Keel leave the party and stay in Tinnsia to assume leadership in makeover of Syourei Cannon. Instead, Max joins in your party. 5. Go back to Banneltia and head to Thunder Syourei's Ruin on southeastern continent. Wonder Chef 1 - Okoge Sandwich (¨±°Th): Statue of a Miakis in the marine shop. Wonder Chef 2 - Sweet Parfait (XC[gptF): Statue of a bird in the hotel 25. Thunder Syourei's Ruin (-»-ìÌâÕ) 1. In the room with three colored and numbered doors, step on +3, +5 and +6 switches to open the blue door. 2. In the room with a switch at the left of the screen, step on the switch. 3. Check a gleaming point to get a fuse (q [Y). 4. Go back to the room with three colored doors and step on every switches once (so that, only +11, +2 and +4 swtches are pushed down) to open the white (lower left) door. 5. At the electric barriers, extinguish the fire using L1 button to switch off the barriers. 6. In the room with floating tiles, check a hole to put a fuse in it and enable those tiles. Get on those tiles to go left room. 7. From the camping point, go straight to the left and check the machine in the end room. 8. Find the room with three colored switches. Step on red and blue switches and go left. 9. Get a purple Control Ball (§ä ). 10. Go back to the machine and check it again. 11. Go back to the camping point and go upper right. 12. In the room with electric current, push center switch in the first line, right switch in the second line and left swich in the first line to open the door. 13. Beat Thunder Daisyourei, Volt. 14. Push the gleaming switch at the back of Volt to start slots on three posts. You must stop each slot at the right letter. You can get the right answer by talking to Meredy. 15. After getting Volt, Dark Daisyourei, Shadow, appears and gives you Excalibur. 16. Go out from the ruin and go back to Tinnsia. 26. Tinnsia 1. Go back to the headquarters of Siruesika. Max and Chat leave your party. When you go to see Syourei Cannon, Keel comes back. Aira gives you a accommodation coupon of the hotel. If you go to the dock under the marine shop, you can see a little event of fixing Syourei Cannon to Banneltia. 2. Show the coupon at the reception of the hotel and go up to the suite room (XC[g[) using the lift. 3. Rid wakes up at midnight as he dreams about a bad memory. He (you) goes to the girl's room but as Meredy is not there, go up to the rooftop using the lift. 4. After waking up next morning, go out from the hotel and go to the dock under the marine shop and head for Baryl Castle with Banneltia. 5. Mini game: Sea Fight. After the sea fight, Syourei Cannon opens the way to go into the castle. 27. Baryl Castle (oé) 1. If you would like to get Chat in your party, go back to Banneltia and talk to her in the engine room. 2. From the first load point, go to the left tower. If you push a button on console on the first floor of the left tower, you can enable the lift. But this lift is useless and it makes monsters in capsules come out. 3. Go up to the third floor and go to the right tower. 4. From the camping point, go down to the 2nd floor (go through the upper entrance of the screen). Shoot the two blue lights with L1 button and get a white card on the lower left desk. 5. Beat Spiral on the 2nd floor of the central building. 6. In the lecture hall (1st floor of right tower), check the machine in front of upper right book shelf to put the card in it. Go back to the camping point using the lift at upper left of the hall (you may need to check the console at the center of the hall to enable the lift). 7. In the room with camping point, shoot the red light with R1 and go through the opened door. 8. Check a input device to input a keyword. 9. Go back to the third floor of left tower. Shoot another red light and go through the opened door. 10. Check a input device to input a keyword. 11. Go back to the third floor and go through the big door between left and right tower. 12. When you find mummy of Baryl, his wife, Cizele appears. 13. You fight against Cizele but you cannot beat her. At the end of the battle, when she starts Kyokkouzyutu, Race appears. 14. Race's Kyokkouheki save you but he dies. Before he dies, he gives you Seifert Key and advise you to see Galenos. 15. You head for Luishka to see Galenos. On the deck of Banneltia, Meredy tells you that Baryl and Cizele are her parents. 28. Luishka and Tinnsia 1. Talk to Galenos in Luishka. He tells you that a person who has Fibril can learn the Genuine Kyokkouzyutu, which can beat Cizel's Dark Kyokkouzyutu, by going through three hardships leaded by Seifert Key. As Rid is the only person who has Fibril, he decide to go through the hardships. 2. Take Galenos to the headquarters of Siruesika in Tinnsia. To get Max in your party , talk to him after the conversation between Aira and Galenos. 3. Head for Seifert Shrine. If you select Seifert Key (ZCt@[gL[) from valuable items (Mdi) list in item menu, it shows you the direction to go. 29. Seifert Shrine (ZCt@[g_a) 1. Only Rid can go inside. After the conversation with a messenger of Seifert, step forward (but you would better touch the load point and save before stepping forward). 2. In the hardship, you become the Eggbear you beated before and fight against yourself. The hardship ends when you are beaten and you learn Kyokkouheki (to use it, push circle, X and square buttons at the same time when Rid's HP number is flashing in a battle). 3. When you go back to Banneltia, Seifert Key point Inferia as the place of next hardship. To look for a way to go back to Inferia, Chat suggests you to find the Legacy of Eifreed. 30. Eifreed's Cave (ACt[hÌ´A) 1. Go to Chat Hut and get GPS from Chat. Then go to the place where GPS shows [204, 98]. 2. At the place of [204, 98] you can find Eifreed's Cave. In the cave you must play Sugoroku (a Japanese variety of Parcheesi). 3. After the game, check a statue of Eifreed in the next room. 4. When you go through the opened door, makeover of Banneltia starts. 5. After the makeover completes, go into Banneltia and follow Chat. You can find submarinos in the room where Chat is in. Check a statue of Eifreed at the right of the room. To use these submarinos and explore undersea, push square button on the sea to open Travel Menu and select Submarinos (ö ø). 31. Jeeni (WCj) (option) 1. There is a entrance to go Jeeni at GPS [35, 15] in the sea. As only the inn is open during the daytime, go up the stairs to go out from the town and wait until the evening (or rest at the inn). 2. If you pay 10,000 Gald (or 100 Jeeni) to a man in the item shop, you can buy Seresea Map. Wonder Chef 1 - Syakunetu Curry (µáËÂJ[): Frog in the bookstore Wonder Chef 2 - Piri Zyaga (Òè¶áª): Picture behind the curtain at upper left of the auction hall Wonder Chef 3 - Kara Oden (©ç¨Åñ): Gaming machine at the upper left corner of the house with exchange counter 32. Dark Cave (ÅÌ´A) (option) 1. Dark Cave is at GPS [5, 12] in the sea. 2. On the deepest floor, beat the four reapers. 3. You can get Dark Daisyourei, Shadow, by beating it. 33. Eifreed's Pedestals (ACt[hÌäÀ) and Expedition Bridge (ªÌ´) 1. Visit Safe House (AWg) 1 to 5 in the Serestian sea and get Silver Cage (Vo[PCW) 1 to 5. GPS values of each Safe Houses are: Safe House 1: [57, 112] (you cannot get the sword at the entrance at the moment) Safe House 2: [153, 164] Safe House 3: [167, 111] Safe House 4: [228, 41] Safe House 5: [3, 150] 2. Go to Eifreed's Pedestal at GPS [98, 93] in the sea and put the Silver Cages you collected to the 5 pedestals. 3. Go up to the right above surface and go into the Expedition Bridge that has appeared there. Open the Travel menu by pressing square button and select "To Way Station (pînÖ)" to go back to Inferia. 34. Seifert Garden (ZCt@[gë) and Inferia City 1. Go to Seifert Garden at GPS [169, 19] in the Inferian sea. 2. At there, Rid is tested with 2nd hardship. You would better not to fight with the monsters. Just escape from them and go left way at any turn off. After this hardship, Rid learns Kyokkou-ken. 3. When you come back to Keel and Meredy, you see a movie describing a myth of Seifert making the world. 4. When you come back to Banneltia, you are captured by Inferian navy and prisoned in Inferia Castle but the princess releases you. 5. Go out from Inferia City and go to northwestern Inferia Port to get your ship back. 35. Sunken Ship (¾-vD) (option) 1. Visit the sunken ship at GPS [34, 2] in the Inferian sea. 2. Get "Key for Partition Wall (uÇÌL[)" in the rightest room on the upper right corridor. 3. Check the statue on the wall at the central corridor. 4. Get "Key of the Pump Room (|vºÌ®)" on the end room of the corridor. 5. Go to the end room on the lower left corridor and check the machine in the room. Water in the central big room disappears. 6. Go back to the big room and go down. 7. You can get Insea Map (CV[}bv) from a treasure box in the captain's room. 8. Fight against Seilane. 36. Farlos Church (option) 1. Go to the church on Mt. Farlos. When you check the big statue of Seifert, it respond to your Seifert Key and stairs to go down appears. 2. If you beat Element Daisyourei, Maxwell, you can get this summon. 37. Tomb for Eifreed (ACt[hÌæ) (option) 1. Go to Way Station from Expedition Bridge. Go to Remodelling Dock (ü¢hbN) from Inversion Dome (½]h[) in the station and check the statue of Eifreed twice to hear a coordinate. 2. Go to Tomb for Eifreed at [88, 64] in Inferia world. It is on the newly appeared crescent island. 3. In the tomb, there are three different areas you can enter from the central room that with big statue. Get Eifreed's clothes, hat or beard in each area. Strategy tips: a. upper right area: Freeze Frankenstein with L1. To open the big door behind Frankenstein, your party must be headed by a girl character. Check the coffin with a skeleton to get Eifreed's Clothes (ACt[hÌ). b. upper left area: Use L1 to extinguish the fire. Check the statue with a hat to get Eifreed's Hat (ACt[hÌÚ¤µ). c. lower left area: To stop the statues of ninja, shoot them with L1. In the screen with a statue of a girl in kimono, bring the statue near to the light to open the locked door in the preceding screen. Check the wooden box with beard on it to get Eifreed's Beard (ACt[hÌqQ). 4. When you check the big statue in the central room to put the collected items on it, a stairs to go down appears. You can get a Light Ball (Щè̽Ü) on the lower floor. 38. Seifert Observation Station (ZCt@[gϪ) 1. Go to Boundary Face (E-Ê) from Serestia Port in Way Station. 2. Go into Seifert Observation Station (ZCt@[gϪ). 3. Go to Observation Room (ZCt@[gϪº) in the station. 4. Leave Keel and Meredy in the room and operate the lift to go Gate for Hardship (-ûÌ-å). 5. In the third hardship, you are Meredy in the past. As Baryl was framed and attacked as a rebel, Meredy and Cizele try to escape from Luishka. Go out from the window of the bedroom and go down from a hole. Cizele calls Galenos on the way. Check a machine to open a hole and go down from the hole. 6. After the hardship, Rid learns Kyokkouha (Éõg). 7. Go back to the observation room where Keel and Meredy are in using the lift. 8. When you check the key hole on the machine to put Seifert Key into it, Seifert Ring opens so that you can go Black Object (Ì) where Cizele is. 9. Go southwest to Black Object and shoot it with Syourei Cannon. 39. Tinnsia and Baryl Castle 1. Talk to Farah in a dream. 2. Go to the captain's room to see Max. 3. As you hear that Inferian army has taken over the Syourei Cannon in Baryl Castle, you head for the castle with Galenos. 4. Beat Hyades at left of the entrance of the castle, where the Syourei Cannon is, to help Lowen. 5. Inferian army and Siruesika conclude an agreement for cooperation to stop Grand Fall. Galenos says he needs Ribavius ores to remodel Syourei Cannon of the castle. 40. Regulus Hill (OXÌu) 1. Go to Regulus Hill at southwest of Racheans in Inferia. 2. Push and drop rocks to go across the cracks. 3. Beat Light Daisyourei, Lem, and get it. 4. Go through the gate behind Lem and get Crystal of Ribavius (oBEXÌ»). 5. As Meredy starts to be taken to the dark side, your party quickly take her away from the hill. Keel describes that Nereid, the god of destruction, was going to take her soul as she has the capability of Dark Kyokkouzyutu. 41. Baryl Castle and Seifert Observation Station 1. Go to the Syourei Cannon in Baryl Castle to give Ribavius ores to Aira. 2. Galenos asks you to take him to Seifert Observation Station. 3. Option: If you talk to Zosimus at the cannon and then go to the weapon shop in Imen, you would see him there. After that, if you repeat going out and in the town and the shop five times, you could get a sword, Last Fencer. 4. Take Galenos to Seifert Observation Station on Boundary Face. 42. Cizele Castle (V[é) 1. Go into Seifert Ring which is southwest from the observation station. 2. Syourei Cannon shoot Black Object and Cizele Castle appears. Go into the castle. 3. Option: if you go upper floor of the castle using the lift in the right screen, you can get Dark Ball (âÝ̽Ü). Now, you can get airships. How to get airships: 1. Get Light Ball (Щè̽Ü) in Tomb for Eifreed (ACt[hÌæ) (see section 37) and get Dark Ball (âÝ̽Ü) in Cizele Castle. 2. Go to Remodelling Dock (ü¢hbN) from Inversion Dome in Way Station. 3. Check the two holes at right and left of the statue of Eifreed to put the balls. Now your ship has airship dock and two new vacant rooms. 4. After getting airships you can go some new places including Kirameki Tower. See section 43 below. 4. Go to the bottom floor of the castle using the lift in the leftest screen of the first floor. 5. In Time Room, get Time Daisyourei, Zekundus. Come back to this place if you would like to fight and beat it. 6. Check the columns behind camping point to go six different areas. a. rightest column: shoot upper half of the crystals with L1 to unite them with their lower halves. Go further, beat Elementaler and put Thunder Syourei's power to the point at the end of this area. b. second right column: shoot the big disc with R1. Drop red rocks to red holes and blue rocks to blue holes. Go further, beat Elementaler and put Ice Syourei's power at the end. c. third right column: just go to the other side, beat Elementaler and put Earth Syourei's power. d. third left column: drop all three tiles to the hole, beat Elementaler and put Water Syourei's power. How to move the tiles: upper right tile - left, down, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up lower right tile - up, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up upper left tile - up, right, up e. second left column: check the nearest red ball to generate a red light. Bring the light to the door. Beat Elementaler and put Fire Syourei's power. f. leftest column: Step on the switch at bottom of the screen to open the door. Beat Elementaler and put Wind Syourei's power. 7. Go further from the central circle of the columns and beat Cizele and Nereid. 8. After seeing the ending movie, make a new save data (the data will be marked with a star sign), so that you can go bonus dungeon Nereid's Labyrinth (lChÌ-À{) using the previous data. Nereid's Labyrinth appears at [43, 60] on the Olbers Boundary Face when you have a star sign marked data on the same memory card as the data you use. 43. Kirameki Tower («çß«Ì) (option) 1. You can go Kirameki Tower at [107, 22] in Inferia using airships. 2. On the first floor, make the all five areas of the star to yellow. 3. On the second floor, remember the order of the light and touch the four colored objects in the right order. 4. On the third floor, shoot the holes where the wind comes from with L1, and shoot two candlestands with R1 to lit. 5. On the fourth floor, shoot the floating object with R1 in the right order. 6. On the fifth floor, move the tile you can get on to move the transparent tile and put it through the three colored points. 7. On the sixth floor, touch the three colored poles. 8. On the seventh floor, make the three fires to a same color using L1 or R1 key and go next floor. Do it for all three colors and see which tiles are left for all three colors. Use those tiles only to go the other side. The correct route is: leftest -> forward -> right -> right -> forward -> forward -> forward. 9. On the nineth floor, beat Valkyrie with only Rid and get the key for S.D. After this event, if you go Safe House 1 (AWg1) under Serestian sea, you can get the standing sword S.D. You can not wear it but if you have it, Meredy can use the summon arts Destiny in every 30 minutes (playing time).
tui thấy doạn này noi về thang đàu bếp và đoạn noi ve skill nua 2.0 Wonder Chef Locations =============================================================================== Wonder Chefs are located all around the game. You will find them disguised as objects found around towns. They are usually out of place objects in towns. So if you see something out of place, that's most likely a Wonder Chef. There are a total of 27 Wonder Chefs altogether. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 Inferia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________ | Hamburger(#1) \_____________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Bread, Bear Meat, Lettuce | | Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP | | Location: Mintche, Student Cafeteria | | Disguise: Pot of Flower(Plant) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________ | Sandwich(#2) \______________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Bread, Cheese, Lettuce | | Effects: Restores 30% of all allies HP | | Location: Rasheans Village, Neighbour's house beside Farah's house | | Disguise: Pig Doll(Piggy Bank?) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________________ | Seafood Pasta(#3) \_________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Pasta, Shrimp, Squid, Tomato | | Effects: Restores 60% of all allies HP | | Location: Chambard, Lobby of Bistro Chambard | | Disguise: Wine Bottle | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________________ | Fruit Juice(#4) \___________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Kirima, Lemon, Strawberry | | Effects: Restores 10% of all allies TP | | Location: Morle, Professor Mazet's house | | Disguise: Treasure Chest | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________________ | Garden Salad(#5) \__________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomato | | Effects: Restores 20% of all allies TP | | Location: Morle, Grocery Shop | | Disguise: Pumpkin | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________ | Soft Cake(#6) \_____________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Kirima, Strawberry | | Effects: Restores 60% of all allies HP | | Location: Inferia City, Royal Playhouse | | Disguise: Plant | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________ | Calamari(#7) \______________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Squid, Cabbage, Lemon | | Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, cures Poison | | Location: Barole Port, Crates south of main docks | | Disguise: Wooden Box | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Steak(#8) \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Bear Meat, Potato, Carrot | | Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, cures Stun | | Location: Barole, Barole Bar second floor | | Disguise: A Drunkard | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________ | Beef Stew(#9) \_____________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Bear Meat, Carrot, Cabbage | | Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, temporarily increases Attack | | Location: Regulus Dojo, second floor of Inn | | Disguise: Golden colored Kettle(Pot?) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________________ | Fish Stew(#10) \____________________________________________________________ | \ | Ingredients: Squid, Tuna, Cabbage, Radish | | Effects: Restores 15% of all allies HP, temporarily increases Defense | | Location: Inferia Port, Ship Chandler | | Disguise: Anchor | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3.0 Lens Locations _____________________________________________________________________________ / \ | 10 Lens - Combo Command | | 20 Lens - Inferi Cape | | 30 Lens - Celesti Cape | | 40 Lens - Extreme | | 50 Lens - Krona Symbol | | 60 Lens - Lens Collector Title | \_____________________________________________________________________________/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Inferia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ | Lens #1 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Rasheans Village | | GPS: 22, 106 | | Hiding Spot: Door to the abandoned windmill, near the entrance to the | | village | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #2 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Rasheans Village | | GPS: 22, 106 | | Hiding Spot: Basement of Reid's house, in the box on the right | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #3 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Barole | | GPS: 50, 40 | | Hiding Spot: Shop of Desire, in the golden pot on the bottom right | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #4 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Nostos Cave | | GPS: 88, 149 | | Hiding Spot: Area to the right from exit, room right at the top of the area | | in a pile of wood(The place where the first high tide takes | | place) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #5 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Mt. Farlos Sanctuary | | GPS: 93, 110 | | Hiding Spot: Resting Room, in the cabinet on the left | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #6 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Inferia City | | GPS: 187, 120 | | Hiding Spot: Royal Playhouse, in a plant | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #7 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Inferia Port | | GPS: 181, 108 | | Hiding Spot: In the barrel on the left, at docks where ship to Barole is | | docked at | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #8 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Barole Port | | GPS: 57, 41 | | Hiding Spot: Below the tent on the bottom left | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #9 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Efreet Gorge | | GPS: 220, 76 | | Hiding Spot: Through the bottom door after opening with Sorcerer's Ring. | | Defeat the monster, inside Treasure Chest | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Lens #10 \__________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Inferia City | | GPS: 187, 120 | | Hiding Spot: Royal Observatory of Astronomy, Telescope Room, Bottom of the | | bookshelf(Halfway into Disc 2 and in Disc 3 only) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Other Locations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ | Lens #1 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Van Eltia | | Hiding Spot: Engine Room, Behind the Engine | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #2 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Van Eltia | | Hiding Spot: Observation Deck, in the barrel(After 1st upgrade of Van Eltia)| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________ | Lens #3 \___________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Van Eltia | | Hiding Spot: Aifish Docks, at the tip of the Blue cover Aifish on the left | | (After 1st upgrade of Van Eltia) | 4.1.1 Inferia Caches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __________ | Cache #1 \__________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: NorthWest of Mt. Mintche | | GPS: 50, 150 | | Item/Event: Rune Bottle | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Cache #2 \__________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: North of Morle Village | | GPS: 114, 144 | | Item/Event: Concentrate Attack Command | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Cache #3 \__________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: South of Regulus Dojo | | GPS: ??? | | Item/Event: Range Attack Command | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Cache #4 \__________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: North Cape, Undine Stream | | GPS: 150, 100 | | Item/Event: Dialogue Event | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ | Cache #5 \__________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: North of Undine Stream | | GPS: 150, 114 | | Item: Poison Charm | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4.2.1 Inferia Caches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________ | Hideout 1 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: SouthWest of Mt. Farlos | | GPS: 76, 122 | | Items: 12,240 Gald, Savory, Water Shard, Diamond Armlet, Volt Shard, | | Holy Cloak | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 2 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: SouthEast if Mt. Farlos | | GPS: 120, 122 | | Items: 8,415 Gald, Fire Shard, Rune Bottle(x2), Hourglass, Sage, | | Aifread's Monument | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 3 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: South of Morle | | GPS: 142, 0 | | Items: 10,710 Gald, Ninja Sword, Earth Shard, Rune Bottle(x2), Lavender | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 4 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: SouthEast of Inferia City | | GPS: 226, 130 | | Items: 9,945 Gald, Rune Bottle, Elixir, Snow Shard, Bellebane, Wind Shard | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ | Sunken Ship \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: SouthWest of Mintche | | GPS: 34, 4 | | Items: 54,815 Gald, Insea Map, Vorpal Sword, Twinkle Flute, WakeUp Charm | | Rare Plate | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.2.2 Celestia Caches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___________ | Hideout 1 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: SouthWest of Aifread's Platform | | GPS: 56, 112 | | Items: Silver Cage 1, Summon Destiny(S.D.) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 2 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: NorthWest of Port Peruti | | GPS: 152, 164 | | Items: Silver Cage 2 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 3 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: East of Chat's Hut | | GPS: 167, 112 | | Items: Silver Cage 3 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 4 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: East of Tinnsia | | GPS: 228, 42 | | Items: Silver Cage 4 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Hideout 5 \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: West of Ruins of Volt/Jini | | GPS: 3, 151 | | Items: Silver Cage 5 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ | Jini Tunnel \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: SouthWest of Jini(Only appears after visiting Aifread's Platform) | | GPS: 35, 14 | | Items: N/A | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ____________________ | Aifread's Platform \________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: NorthWest of Chat's Hut, NorthEast of Jini | | GPS: 98, 92 | | Items: Lens | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 Hidden Sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________ | Craymel Hot Springs \_______________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Mountains South of Efreet Gorge | | GPS: 208, 108 | | Type: Town | | To get there: First you need the Aibird. After getting it, board it and fly | | south of Efreet Gorge. Using the GPS will be the easiest. Look| | for a low dome shaped forest surrounded by mountains. Land | | near the forest. Enter the place marked ??? the first time you| | visit. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ | Katz Vilage \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Mountains East of Chat's Hut | | GPS: 120, 109 | | Type: Town | | To get there: First you need to have the Aibird. Then fly to the GPS | | location. The area for landing is pretty small, so you'll have| | slowly position the Aibird properly. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ | Sunken Ship \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: In the seas SouthWest of Mintche | | GPS: 34, 2 | | Type: Dungeon | | To get there: First you need the Aifish. Then use the Van Eltia and go to | | GPS location. Then get into the Aifish and dive. You should | | end up near the ship. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ | Shadow Cave \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: In the seas NorthEast of Balir's Castle | | GPS: 5, 12 | | Type: Dungeon | | To get there: First, you need the Aifish. Then go to the nearest island | | NorthEast of Balir's Castle. You can see a odd hole in a | | small mountain. Get on the Aifish and dive. You will be able | | to find Shadow Cave. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ____________________________ | Below the Farlos Sanctuary \________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Mt. Farlos Sanctuary | | GPS: 93, 110 | | Type: Dungeon | | To get there: Go back to Inferia when you got the Seyfert Key. Make your way| | to the statue at the back of the sanctuary. The Seyfert Key | | will glow revealing stairs down to another short dungeon. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________ | Glimmer Spire \_____________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Mountains NorthEast of Barloe | | GPS: 107, 22 | | Type: Dungeon | | To get there: You first need the Aibird. Fly to a red dot northeast of | | Barole. It is surrounded by mountains. You will find the | | Glimmer Spire. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 Bonus Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Working on it... =============================================================================== 5.0 Chat and Max's Skills =============================================================================== These 2 character's skills are not gotten through normal battle means. You must find them around Eternia. There is also a certain timing which you can get their skills, especially Max. This section is for locating skills of these 2 extra characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Chat's Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ | Toss Hammer \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Field, Celestia | | GPS: 184, 139 | | Requirements: Chat is in your party | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ____________ | Ice Hammer \________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Hideout 2, Inferia | | GPS: 120, 122 | | Requirements: Chat is in your party | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________ | Para Ball \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Craymel Hot Springs | | GPS: 208, 108 | | Requirements: Chat is in your party, must pay at the front desk to get the | | skill | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________________ | Eternal Hammer \____________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Chat's Hut then Aifread's Cave | | GPS: 106, 112 then 204, 98 | | Requirements: Disc 3, Chat is in your party. Go back to her hut first then | | you will see a event and you will have to go to Aifread's | | Cave. Clear the Quiz to get Eternal Hammer at the end. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Max's Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ | Air Blade \_________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Port Peruti | | GPS: 36, 100 | | Requirements: Max in the party, After Seyfert Shrine | | Event: You will find the Pink Miacis near the docks | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ | Aqua Spiral \_______________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Port Tinnsia | | GPS: 212, 53 | | Requirements: Max in the party, enter Shadow Cave once | | Event: At Gnome statue on the north side of town, you will see the Pink | | Miacis | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ____________ | Rage Laser \________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Cape Fortress | | GPS: 34, 63 | | Requirements: Max in the party, after Seyfert Observatory | | Event: On the top of the fortress, you will meet the Pink Miacis | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ____________ | Dark Laser \________________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Luishka | | GPS: 115, 70 | | Requirements: Max in the party, after Regulus Tomb | | Event: Near the mountain of debris. You will meet the Pink Miacis there | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________________ | Elemental Master \__________________________________________________________ | \ | Location: Jini | | GPS: 66, 152 | | Requirements: Max in the party, after getting Aibird, Canceler already | | obtained, nighttime in Jini | | Event: Go to the area just outside of the Auction House. The event will | | occur |
dây là bản tieng anh ai dich đuợc thì cho anh em mới chơi biết dược đường đi chu ^_^ 3. Mintche (~c) 1. Go to the information desk of the university. 2. Go into the second right room on the first floor of the building and talk to the student by the window. 3. As the student tells you that Keel is at the Observing Station on the Rock Mountain, you go out from the town and go west to the mountain. 4. In the mountain, you can move rocks using circle button and direction keys. If you move them to the point shown by flashing rock pictures, You could block up the holes that monsters are appearing from. 5. When you go into the Observing Station at the top of the mountain, Keel appears and becomes your member. 6. Keel forces you to go Morle to see a doctor who is an authority on Melnics language. To go to Morle, you have to go east and go through "Boukyou Cave (-]½Ì´A)". Wonder Chef - Hamberger (no[K[): flower in the canteen in the town 4. Boukyou Cave (-]½Ì´A) 1. At the entrance of the cave, you see a merchant. You can buy items from him. 2. Beat a Eggbear at the camp point in the cave. 5. Morle () 1. Go to see Dr. Mazet in Morle village. 2. Tell Mazet about your situation and get Earring of Auger (I[WFÌsAX). 3. As Meredy runs out from the house suddenly, you follow her and go into Backblock of Morle (n). 4. Beat a group of monsters to save Meredy and Quickie. After the battle, you become able to understand Meredy's speaking because of Earring of Auger. 5. At the camp spot on the way back, you listen to Meredy. She tells you that she comes from Serestia to stop Grandfall, a clash of Inferia and Serestia. She needs to gather Dai-syourei to stop it. 6. Go back to Mazet's home and get information about the place of Water Syourei River and get Inferi Map (CtF}bv). 7. If you once go out from the house and go back again to talk to Mazet, you can get Monsters Picture Book (X^[¸©ñ). 8. Go out from the village and go northeast to Watter Syourei River. Wonder Chef 1 - Fruit Juice (t[cW [X): treasure box on the 2nd floor of Mazet's home Wonder Chef 2 - Vegetable Salad (â³¢T_): smaller pumpkin in the food shop (Fishmans) 6. Water Syourei's River ( »-ìÌÍ) 1. After talking to the Water Dai-syourei, Undine, at the camp point back of a waterfall, go right from the waterfall and fight against Undine at the deepest part to get her. 2. You decide to go the capital city, Inferia, to see the king and tell him about the situation. 3. To go the capital, you must go through southeastern jungle. 7. Izanai Jungle (¢´È¢Ì-§-Ñ) 1. This jungle is consists of two parts. In the first part, see a tip at the screen where five statues are standing. 2. In the screen where two ghosts are moving around, your HP would be decreased, if you touch the ghosts. 3. Find two statues, Chaos (¬×) and Destruction (jó), in the northwest from the five statues and make them face right. Also, find two statues, Regularity () and Creation (n¢), in the east from the five statues and make them face left to open a way to go further. 4. Go back to the screen with two ghosts and go down. As Meredy leaves your party, follow her. 5. In the later part, other five statues are blocking the way to go out. Find and beat five Junglers in the jungle to make the five statues disappear. 8. Inferia (¤sCtFA) 1. Talk to the gatekeeper of the castle. 2. Go to the Royal Observatory and talk to a staff on the 4th floor twice. 3. Go to the Seifert Church. Keel talks to the archbishop but you are captured when you go out from the church. 4. You are sentenced to death as you spreaded around a dangerous thought, but saved by the astronomer, Zosimus, who has read the thesis of Keel. 5. Keel is taken to the observatory and rest of you go to the guest room on the 2nd floor of the western part of the castle. 6. After Keel comes back, you go to the audience chamber to hear an announcement from the king. 7. In the audience chamber, Zosimus says Serestians are trying to make Inferia and Serestia to clash. So, Inferia will find Light Bridge which connects Inferia and Serestia and send chosen band of soldiers to beat Serestia. 8. You are thrown out of the castle but given an Embarkation Pass (¶å¤¹ñpX). 9. Go out from the city and go to the northwestern port. Wonder Chef 1 - Cream Stew (N[V` [): vase on the 2nd floor of the inn Wonder Chef 2 - Fluffy Cake (ÓíÓíP[L): potted plant in the Royal Theater 9. Inferia Port (CtFA`) and Barole Port (o[`) 1. At Inferia Port, you take a ship to go Barole but Keel remains as he wants to work for Royal Observatory in Inferia. 2. After arriving to Barole Port, go west to Barole. Wonder Chef 1 - Fish Hot-pot (³©ÈÈ×): anchor in the marine store at Inferia Port Wonder Chef 2 - Squid Ring (¢©O): Box at Barole Port 10. Barole (o[) 1. In front of the item shop, Farah helps a boy. However, as the boy is a picker, she is blamed by merchants. Race appears and help you. Then, you hear about Wind Syourei's Cavity from Race (you don't need to pay 50 thousand Gald). 2. You meet Race in front of the inn. 3. Go out from the town and go southwest to the Wind Syourei's Cavity. Wonder Chef 1 - Steak (Xe[L): drunken man on the roof of the bar Wonder Chef 2 - Gratin (O^): wordrobe on the 2nd floor of the inn 11. Wind Syourei's Cavity (-»-ìÌó´) 1. There are two Inferian soldiers at the entrance of the cavity but you can go in as Race say something to the soldiers. 2. Take the wind which blows out from cracks to go upper floors. You can also go down from the upper holes when the wind is not blowing. 3. If you check the rock at the gusty place, Race will throw a rope to the other side. Check the rock again to go the other side using the rope. 4. At the camp point on the way, you explain why you are meeting Daisyoureis to Race. 5. At the deepest place, you fight against Wind Daisyourei, Sylph and get him. 6. When you come back to the entrance, Race leaves your party and Keel comes back. Sylph gives you an Aerial Board. To ride it, push square button at any flat field and choose Aerial Board (GAA{[h). 12. Chambard (Vo[) 1. Use Aerial Board to go to Chambard which is north of Inferia city. 2. You can get items from Elaine in the town according to the number of lenses you have collected. Wonder Chef 1 - Pescatore (yXJg[): Bin on the 1st floor of Bistro Chambard Wonder Chef 2 - Carbonara (J{i[): Bed in the inn 13. Fire Syourei's Valley (λ-ìÌJ) 1. To walk through the burning valley, you ask Undine for a help. However, your HP will decrease after Undine's HP becomes 0. 2. When you beat another Daisyourei, Efreet at the deepest part and get him, the Light Daisyourei, Lem appears. Lem tells you that the cause of the Grandfall is made by humans and gives you Sorcerer Ring (\[T[O). 3. On the way you go back, hit the three sealed doors with the light of Sourcerer Ring (push R1 button) to open them. If you beat Deaths in the rooms, you can get items. 4. At the camping point on the way, Meredy says a man called Baryl is attempting to cause Grandfall in Serestia. Other members remind that the name of the man who went to Serestia from Inferia using the Light Bridge was also Baryl. Keel says you can find Light Bridge at Mt. Farlos. 14. Mt. Farlos (t@[X) 1. Take a rest in the bed room in the church. 2. When you attempt to go out, Farah get a new skill. 3. Climb the mountain. 4. On the way, you meet with a rockfall and Farah strays from your party. 5. You find Farah helped by Race, but as they are on another way, you and Farah go forward separately to the mountain top. 6. You give orders to Quickie and manipulate it to put down the all ropes. The exact orders you should choose are "EI" -> "¢¯" -> "ªñÎê" -> "ªñÎê" -> "»±" -> "ªñÎê" -> "¢¯" -> "ªñÎê" -> "»±" -> "¢¯" -> "»±" -> "»±". 7. You meet with Farah at the top of the mountain and Race leaves you. Open the big door using Sorcerer Ring (R1 button). 8. In the room you make the Light Bridge appears. But when you attempt to go Serestia, Race appears and get in your way as a Senatus Knight of Inferia Kingdom, Rassis Fomalhaut. 9. Beat Rassis and go into the light to go Serestia. 15. Imen (AC) 1. The Light Bridge reaches to Cape Fort (-¦ÌÔ). Go out from the fort and head for Meredy's home town, Imen. 2. First go to Meredy's home. Farah rests and other three of you go to see the town. 3. Get Etapoke 2 (Dancing Meredy game for PocketStation) from a girl in front of feed pump. 4. Go back to Meredy's home. Rid rests but Keel asks Meredy to take him to the library. 5. Rid wakes up next morning but as Keel and Meredy have not come back, Rid and Farah go to find them. 6. Find them in the library and take Meredy to bed in her home as she stayed up all night with Keel. 7. Go out to walk around again and when you go back to Meredy's home, Meredy suggests you to go Luishka to see Galenos who sent Meredy to Inferia. Wonder Chef 1 - Zarame Rice (UCX): Robot at the right of the entrance in Meredy's home (after resting one night) Wonder Chef 2 - Amanin Tofu ( ÜÉñǤÓ): Opened book in the library 16. Syourei Train (»-ìS¹) 1. Go out from the town of Imen and go east to Imen Station. A station staff tells you that you need to get fuel if you would like to ride the train. 2. Go back to the town and buy Train Cage (gCPCW) at 2000 Gald from the weapon shop. 3. Go back to the station and talk to the staff. 4. Ride the train and Keel set the Train Cage. The station staff asks you to deliver mails to each station (for mini game, Syourei Train). 5. After playing the mini game (stop at the each station to deliver mails), you reach to Luishka Station. Go out from the station and go east to Luishka. 17. Luishka (CVJ) 1. Meredy explains that this ruined village, Luishka was destroyed by Kyokkouzyutu (Éõp). 2. You see Galenos at the basement of the biggest house. 3. Galenos explains that Baryl uses God's Fibril, Kyokkouzyutu. He also explains that Fibril is a kind of power and Rid also has some kind of unknown Fibril that similar as Kyokkouzyutu. He asks Rid to allow him inspect his body. 4. Galenos inspects Rid's body for all night but he says that the truth is in Olbers. 5. You depart the village to collect information about the place of Baryl's castle. Galenos suggests you to go to the western port town, Peruti. 6. Go back to the Luishka Station and this time take the train to go Abandoned Mine Station (mini game: Abandoned Mine). Wonder Chef 1 - Nigari Ma-po (ɪè}[{[): waste basket in the bed room in Galenos's home Wonder Chef 2 - Hot Borscht (zbg{V`): accumulation of rubbish by a road 18. Earth Syourei's Abandoned Mine (n»-ìÌpB) 1. Check the rock which is blocking the way. 2. Go back to the resting room near the entrance and get dynamite (j-p_Ci}Cg) from a locker at the upper left corner. (You can take one of three items in the locker at once. Dynamite is to break up the blocking rocks, Shovel (@í-pXRbv) is to take away earth and sand which is also blocking your way, and Key (®) is to activate lift.) 3. Check the rock and blow it out. 4. Find lift machine and check it. 5. Go back to the resting room to get a key from the locker. 6. Go back to the lift and go down using the key. 7. You get mini game Wis (EBX) at the camping point. (You can play it anytime from now by choosing Wis from the item menu.) 8. Operate the lever by a rail track to exchange your key to dynamite. 9. Beat Earth Daisyourei, Gnome at the inner place of Gnome's colony and get him. 10. When you attempt to go back, Gnomes make a hole in the wall. Go into the hole to go out. 11. After going out, go west to a hut. 19. Chat Hut (`bg̬®) 1. Look into the hut. When you attempt to go back, the entrance opens. 2. After you go into the drawing room, you are knocked out by sleeping gas. When you wake up, the entrance has disappeared. Go up the stairs and find you are on the B8 floor of a dungeon. In this dungeon, you must find a clockwork duck toy and a power spring on each floor, check the water way beside load point on the floor and then, go up to the next floor. 3. B8: In the room with 5 poles, the open door changes when you light all the poles. After getting a duck toy and a power spring check the water way to push the inner switch and go to the upper floor. 4. B7: Bring down standing body armors by opening the back door from the back room. 5. B6: Check a machine in a room to make wind blow. Find the places where a corner of wallpaper is turning up and burn the paper using R1 to find a hidden door. 6. B5: Answer the questions at the places with "?" character. The answers are "¿¸", "Ù¤¿å¤", "æ¾ê©¯", "¼¤«ñ", "`g" from the rightest screen. 7. B4: Check the wardrobe at the left in the bedroom. The duck toy is behind the black door at the left in the room with refrigerator. 8. B3: Put a statue onto the moving floor in the left screen to go into the leftest room. To go into the rightest room, put a statue onto the switch in the second left room. 9. B2: There are three pairs of figure paintings. The pairs consist of one rotatable painting and one fixed painting. Rotate the rotatable ones to make it face the same direction as fixed ones. 10. B1: In the room with big aquarium, move the barrels with circle and direction buttons (you can pull them) and get a duck toy. In the room with bookshelves, pick up all the books on the floor and put them back in to the right bookshelves to open the door between them. 11. When you push the switch with the toy on the B1 floor, Guardiant appears. 12. When you go up to the 1st floor after beating Guardiant, Chat appears. Chat introduce herself as a descendant of the great pirate, Eifreed. She suggests you to become her following to look for the legacy of Eifreed. Talk to her in the drawing room and accept her suggestion to use her ship. 13. Talk to her in the wheelhouse of her ship, Banneltia, to go Peruti. Wonder Chef 1 - Mitsu Noodle Soup (~c[): Pendulum clock in the drawing room 20. Peruti (yCeB) 1. Hear about the mountain where the Ice Syourei lives from a man called Gaston in the inn. 2. Select winter clothes in the alpinist shop. Talk to the other three characters first of all and make them go into the fitting rooms. You must find an appropriate clothes for each of them and pass it to them. Choose Cape (P[v) for Meredy, Poncho (|`) for Farah and Over Cloak (I[o[}g) for Keel. Talk to the shop owner to get your own clothes. 3. Go out from the town and go to the northern mountain. Wonder Chef 1 - Ebichiriri (Gr`): Stove in the food shop Wonder Chef 2 - Shibu Sushi (µÔ¸µ): Snow man on the 2nd floor of the inn 21. Ice Syourei's Mountain (X»-ìÌR) 1. Melt the ice poles that are standing your way using R1 button. 2. Get "Toto's Fat (ggÌAu)" on the way. 3. Bring down the red ice pole by burning the Toto's Fat and use it as a bridge to go forward. 4. Beat and get Ice Daisyourei, Celsius. Get Freeze Ring (t[YO) from her (press L1 button to use it). 22. Peruti 1. When you go back to Peruti, Gaston asks you to become members of Freedom Army, Siruesika. You accept to go Tinnsia to see the leader, Max. Gaston gives you Miakis Badge. 2. In the night, Meredy's Erara (stone like thing on her and other Serestian's face) gleam out. Meredy says someone in Imen is calling for help. You decide to go Imen before Tinnsia. Gaston gives you Seresti Map next morning. 3. Board to Banneltia and talk to Chat to depart. If you push square button on the sea, you can get into the ship. When you talk to Chat in the engine room, she becomes your member. Wonder Chef 1 - Hiya Piri Chinese (Ðâs¿ã¤©): Statue in stone at the lower left of the pond 23. Imen 1. When you arrive to Imen, the town has been destroyed. As Meredy runs away, you look for her. 2. Go to the library and beat Hyades. 3. Go to the weapon shop. 4. Go out from Imen and head for Tinnsia. Tinnsia is at far east on Seresti Map (ZXeB}bv). 24. Tinnsia (eBVA) 1. Go into the ship at the right end of the port. This ship is the headquarters of Siruesika. 2. You are tested in the ship. 3. After the battle, Aira appears. Follow her and she tells you the position of Baryl Castle. 4. Go to the captain's room to see Max. You promise to help them and decide to go to see Thunder Daisyourei. Keel leave the party and stay in Tinnsia to assume leadership in makeover of Syourei Cannon. Instead, Max joins in your party. 5. Go back to Banneltia and head to Thunder Syourei's Ruin on southeastern continent. Wonder Chef 1 - Okoge Sandwich (¨±°Th): Statue of a Miakis in the marine shop. Wonder Chef 2 - Sweet Parfait (XC[gptF): Statue of a bird in the hotel 25. Thunder Syourei's Ruin (-»-ìÌâÕ) 1. In the room with three colored and numbered doors, step on +3, +5 and +6 switches to open the blue door. 2. In the room with a switch at the left of the screen, step on the switch. 3. Check a gleaming point to get a fuse (q [Y). 4. Go back to the room with three colored doors and step on every switches once (so that, only +11, +2 and +4 swtches are pushed down) to open the white (lower left) door. 5. At the electric barriers, extinguish the fire using L1 button to switch off the barriers. 6. In the room with floating tiles, check a hole to put a fuse in it and enable those tiles. Get on those tiles to go left room. 7. From the camping point, go straight to the left and check the machine in the end room. 8. Find the room with three colored switches. Step on red and blue switches and go left. 9. Get a purple Control Ball (§ä ). 10. Go back to the machine and check it again. 11. Go back to the camping point and go upper right. 12. In the room with electric current, push center switch in the first line, right switch in the second line and left swich in the first line to open the door. 13. Beat Thunder Daisyourei, Volt. 14. Push the gleaming switch at the back of Volt to start slots on three posts. You must stop each slot at the right letter. You can get the right answer by talking to Meredy. 15. After getting Volt, Dark Daisyourei, Shadow, appears and gives you Excalibur. 16. Go out from the ruin and go back to Tinnsia. 26. Tinnsia 1. Go back to the headquarters of Siruesika. Max and Chat leave your party. When you go to see Syourei Cannon, Keel comes back. Aira gives you a accommodation coupon of the hotel. If you go to the dock under the marine shop, you can see a little event of fixing Syourei Cannon to Banneltia. 2. Show the coupon at the reception of the hotel and go up to the suite room (XC[g[) using the lift. 3. Rid wakes up at midnight as he dreams about a bad memory. He (you) goes to the girl's room but as Meredy is not there, go up to the rooftop using the lift. 4. After waking up next morning, go out from the hotel and go to the dock under the marine shop and head for Baryl Castle with Banneltia. 5. Mini game: Sea Fight. After the sea fight, Syourei Cannon opens the way to go into the castle. 27. Baryl Castle (oé) 1. If you would like to get Chat in your party, go back to Banneltia and talk to her in the engine room. 2. From the first load point, go to the left tower. If you push a button on console on the first floor of the left tower, you can enable the lift. But this lift is useless and it makes monsters in capsules come out. 3. Go up to the third floor and go to the right tower. 4. From the camping point, go down to the 2nd floor (go through the upper entrance of the screen). Shoot the two blue lights with L1 button and get a white card on the lower left desk. 5. Beat Spiral on the 2nd floor of the central building. 6. In the lecture hall (1st floor of right tower), check the machine in front of upper right book shelf to put the card in it. Go back to the camping point using the lift at upper left of the hall (you may need to check the console at the center of the hall to enable the lift). 7. In the room with camping point, shoot the red light with R1 and go through the opened door. 8. Check a input device to input a keyword. 9. Go back to the third floor of left tower. Shoot another red light and go through the opened door. 10. Check a input device to input a keyword. 11. Go back to the third floor and go through the big door between left and right tower. 12. When you find mummy of Baryl, his wife, Cizele appears. 13. You fight against Cizele but you cannot beat her. At the end of the battle, when she starts Kyokkouzyutu, Race appears. 14. Race's Kyokkouheki save you but he dies. Before he dies, he gives you Seifert Key and advise you to see Galenos. 15. You head for Luishka to see Galenos. On the deck of Banneltia, Meredy tells you that Baryl and Cizele are her parents. 28. Luishka and Tinnsia 1. Talk to Galenos in Luishka. He tells you that a person who has Fibril can learn the Genuine Kyokkouzyutu, which can beat Cizel's Dark Kyokkouzyutu, by going through three hardships leaded by Seifert Key. As Rid is the only person who has Fibril, he decide to go through the hardships. 2. Take Galenos to the headquarters of Siruesika in Tinnsia. To get Max in your party , talk to him after the conversation between Aira and Galenos. 3. Head for Seifert Shrine. If you select Seifert Key (ZCt@[gL[) from valuable items (Mdi) list in item menu, it shows you the direction to go. 29. Seifert Shrine (ZCt@[g_a) 1. Only Rid can go inside. After the conversation with a messenger of Seifert, step forward (but you would better touch the load point and save before stepping forward). 2. In the hardship, you become the Eggbear you beated before and fight against yourself. The hardship ends when you are beaten and you learn Kyokkouheki (to use it, push circle, X and square buttons at the same time when Rid's HP number is flashing in a battle). 3. When you go back to Banneltia, Seifert Key point Inferia as the place of next hardship. To look for a way to go back to Inferia, Chat suggests you to find the Legacy of Eifreed. 30. Eifreed's Cave (ACt[hÌ´A) 1. Go to Chat Hut and get GPS from Chat. Then go to the place where GPS shows [204, 98]. 2. At the place of [204, 98] you can find Eifreed's Cave. In the cave you must play Sugoroku (a Japanese variety of Parcheesi). 3. After the game, check a statue of Eifreed in the next room. 4. When you go through the opened door, makeover of Banneltia starts. 5. After the makeover completes, go into Banneltia and follow Chat. You can find submarinos in the room where Chat is in. Check a statue of Eifreed at the right of the room. To use these submarinos and explore undersea, push square button on the sea to open Travel Menu and select Submarinos (ö ø). 31. Jeeni (WCj) (option) 1. There is a entrance to go Jeeni at GPS [35, 15] in the sea. As only the inn is open during the daytime, go up the stairs to go out from the town and wait until the evening (or rest at the inn). 2. If you pay 10,000 Gald (or 100 Jeeni) to a man in the item shop, you can buy Seresea Map. Wonder Chef 1 - Syakunetu Curry (µáËÂJ[): Frog in the bookstore Wonder Chef 2 - Piri Zyaga (Òè¶áª): Picture behind the curtain at upper left of the auction hall Wonder Chef 3 - Kara Oden (©ç¨Åñ): Gaming machine at the upper left corner of the house with exchange counter 32. Dark Cave (ÅÌ´A) (option) 1. Dark Cave is at GPS [5, 12] in the sea. 2. On the deepest floor, beat the four reapers. 3. You can get Dark Daisyourei, Shadow, by beating it. 33. Eifreed's Pedestals (ACt[hÌäÀ) and Expedition Bridge (ªÌ´) 1. Visit Safe House (AWg) 1 to 5 in the Serestian sea and get Silver Cage (Vo[PCW) 1 to 5. GPS values of each Safe Houses are: Safe House 1: [57, 112] (you cannot get the sword at the entrance at the moment) Safe House 2: [153, 164] Safe House 3: [167, 111] Safe House 4: [228, 41] Safe House 5: [3, 150] 2. Go to Eifreed's Pedestal at GPS [98, 93] in the sea and put the Silver Cages you collected to the 5 pedestals. 3. Go up to the right above surface and go into the Expedition Bridge that has appeared there. Open the Travel menu by pressing square button and select "To Way Station (pînÖ)" to go back to Inferia. 34. Seifert Garden (ZCt@[gë) and Inferia City 1. Go to Seifert Garden at GPS [169, 19] in the Inferian sea. 2. At there, Rid is tested with 2nd hardship. You would better not to fight with the monsters. Just escape from them and go left way at any turn off. After this hardship, Rid learns Kyokkou-ken. 3. When you come back to Keel and Meredy, you see a movie describing a myth of Seifert making the world. 4. When you come back to Banneltia, you are captured by Inferian navy and prisoned in Inferia Castle but the princess releases you. 5. Go out from Inferia City and go to northwestern Inferia Port to get your ship back. 35. Sunken Ship (¾-vD) (option) 1. Visit the sunken ship at GPS [34, 2] in the Inferian sea. 2. Get "Key for Partition Wall (uÇÌL[)" in the rightest room on the upper right corridor. 3. Check the statue on the wall at the central corridor. 4. Get "Key of the Pump Room (|vºÌ®)" on the end room of the corridor. 5. Go to the end room on the lower left corridor and check the machine in the room. Water in the central big room disappears. 6. Go back to the big room and go down. 7. You can get Insea Map (CV[}bv) from a treasure box in the captain's room. 8. Fight against Seilane. 36. Farlos Church (option) 1. Go to the church on Mt. Farlos. When you check the big statue of Seifert, it respond to your Seifert Key and stairs to go down appears. 2. If you beat Element Daisyourei, Maxwell, you can get this summon. 37. Tomb for Eifreed (ACt[hÌæ) (option) 1. Go to Way Station from Expedition Bridge. Go to Remodelling Dock (ü¢hbN) from Inversion Dome (½]h[) in the station and check the statue of Eifreed twice to hear a coordinate. 2. Go to Tomb for Eifreed at [88, 64] in Inferia world. It is on the newly appeared crescent island. 3. In the tomb, there are three different areas you can enter from the central room that with big statue. Get Eifreed's clothes, hat or beard in each area. Strategy tips: a. upper right area: Freeze Frankenstein with L1. To open the big door behind Frankenstein, your party must be headed by a girl character. Check the coffin with a skeleton to get Eifreed's Clothes (ACt[hÌ). b. upper left area: Use L1 to extinguish the fire. Check the statue with a hat to get Eifreed's Hat (ACt[hÌÚ¤µ). c. lower left area: To stop the statues of ninja, shoot them with L1. In the screen with a statue of a girl in kimono, bring the statue near to the light to open the locked door in the preceding screen. Check the wooden box with beard on it to get Eifreed's Beard (ACt[hÌqQ). 4. When you check the big statue in the central room to put the collected items on it, a stairs to go down appears. You can get a Light Ball (Щè̽Ü) on the lower floor. 38. Seifert Observation Station (ZCt@[gϪ) 1. Go to Boundary Face (E-Ê) from Serestia Port in Way Station. 2. Go into Seifert Observation Station (ZCt@[gϪ). 3. Go to Observation Room (ZCt@[gϪº) in the station. 4. Leave Keel and Meredy in the room and operate the lift to go Gate for Hardship (-ûÌ-å). 5. In the third hardship, you are Meredy in the past. As Baryl was framed and attacked as a rebel, Meredy and Cizele try to escape from Luishka. Go out from the window of the bedroom and go down from a hole. Cizele calls Galenos on the way. Check a machine to open a hole and go down from the hole. 6. After the hardship, Rid learns Kyokkouha (Éõg). 7. Go back to the observation room where Keel and Meredy are in using the lift. 8. When you check the key hole on the machine to put Seifert Key into it, Seifert Ring opens so that you can go Black Object (Ì) where Cizele is. 9. Go southwest to Black Object and shoot it with Syourei Cannon. 39. Tinnsia and Baryl Castle 1. Talk to Farah in a dream. 2. Go to the captain's room to see Max. 3. As you hear that Inferian army has taken over the Syourei Cannon in Baryl Castle, you head for the castle with Galenos. 4. Beat Hyades at left of the entrance of the castle, where the Syourei Cannon is, to help Lowen. 5. Inferian army and Siruesika conclude an agreement for cooperation to stop Grand Fall. Galenos says he needs Ribavius ores to remodel Syourei Cannon of the castle. 40. Regulus Hill (OXÌu) 1. Go to Regulus Hill at southwest of Racheans in Inferia. 2. Push and drop rocks to go across the cracks. 3. Beat Light Daisyourei, Lem, and get it. 4. Go through the gate behind Lem and get Crystal of Ribavius (oBEXÌ»). 5. As Meredy starts to be taken to the dark side, your party quickly take her away from the hill. Keel describes that Nereid, the god of destruction, was going to take her soul as she has the capability of Dark Kyokkouzyutu. 41. Baryl Castle and Seifert Observation Station 1. Go to the Syourei Cannon in Baryl Castle to give Ribavius ores to Aira. 2. Galenos asks you to take him to Seifert Observation Station. 3. Option: If you talk to Zosimus at the cannon and then go to the weapon shop in Imen, you would see him there. After that, if you repeat going out and in the town and the shop five times, you could get a sword, Last Fencer. 4. Take Galenos to Seifert Observation Station on Boundary Face. 42. Cizele Castle (V[é) 1. Go into Seifert Ring which is southwest from the observation station. 2. Syourei Cannon shoot Black Object and Cizele Castle appears. Go into the castle. 3. Option: if you go upper floor of the castle using the lift in the right screen, you can get Dark Ball (âÝ̽Ü). Now, you can get airships. How to get airships: 1. Get Light Ball (Щè̽Ü) in Tomb for Eifreed (ACt[hÌæ) (see section 37) and get Dark Ball (âÝ̽Ü) in Cizele Castle. 2. Go to Remodelling Dock (ü¢hbN) from Inversion Dome in Way Station. 3. Check the two holes at right and left of the statue of Eifreed to put the balls. Now your ship has airship dock and two new vacant rooms. 4. After getting airships you can go some new places including Kirameki Tower. See section 43 below. 4. Go to the bottom floor of the castle using the lift in the leftest screen of the first floor. 5. In Time Room, get Time Daisyourei, Zekundus. Come back to this place if you would like to fight and beat it. 6. Check the columns behind camping point to go six different areas. a. rightest column: shoot upper half of the crystals with L1 to unite them with their lower halves. Go further, beat Elementaler and put Thunder Syourei's power to the point at the end of this area. b. second right column: shoot the big disc with R1. Drop red rocks to red holes and blue rocks to blue holes. Go further, beat Elementaler and put Ice Syourei's power at the end. c. third right column: just go to the other side, beat Elementaler and put Earth Syourei's power. d. third left column: drop all three tiles to the hole, beat Elementaler and put Water Syourei's power. How to move the tiles: upper right tile - left, down, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up lower right tile - up, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up upper left tile - up, right, up e. second left column: check the nearest red ball to generate a red light. Bring the light to the door. Beat Elementaler and put Fire Syourei's power. f. leftest column: Step on the switch at bottom of the screen to open the door. Beat Elementaler and put Wind Syourei's power. 7. Go further from the central circle of the columns and beat Cizele and Nereid. 8. After seeing the ending movie, make a new save data (the data will be marked with a star sign), so that you can go bonus dungeon Nereid's Labyrinth (lChÌ-À{) using the previous data. Nereid's Labyrinth appears at [43, 60] on the Olbers Boundary Face when you have a star sign marked data on the same memory card as the data you use. 43. Kirameki Tower («çß«Ì) (option) 1. You can go Kirameki Tower at [107, 22] in Inferia using airships. 2. On the first floor, make the all five areas of the star to yellow. 3. On the second floor, remember the order of the light and touch the four colored objects in the right order. 4. On the third floor, shoot the holes where the wind comes from with L1, and shoot two candlestands with R1 to lit. 5. On the fourth floor, shoot the floating object with R1 in the right order. 6. On the fifth floor, move the tile you can get on to move the transparent tile and put it through the three colored points. 7. On the sixth floor, touch the three colored poles. 8. On the seventh floor, make the three fires to a same color using L1 or R1 key and go next floor. Do it for all three colors and see which tiles are left for all three colors. Use those tiles only to go the other side. The correct route is: leftest -> forward -> right -> right -> forward -> forward -> forward. 9. On the nineth floor, beat Valkyrie with only Rid and get the key for S.D. After this event, if you go Safe House 1 (AWg1) under Serestian sea, you can get the standing sword S.D. You can not wear it but if you have it, Meredy can use the summon arts Destiny in every 30 minutes (playing time).dây là bản tieng anh ai dich đuợc thì cho anh em mới chơi biết dược đường đi chu ^_^ 3. Mintche (~c) 1. Go to the information desk of the university. 2. Go into the second right room on the first floor of the building and talk to the student by the window. 3. As the student tells you that Keel is at the Observing Station on the Rock Mountain, you go out from the town and go west to the mountain. 4. In the mountain, you can move rocks using circle button and direction keys. If you move them to the point shown by flashing rock pictures, You could block up the holes that monsters are appearing from. 5. When you go into the Observing Station at the top of the mountain, Keel appears and becomes your member. 6. Keel forces you to go Morle to see a doctor who is an authority on Melnics language. To go to Morle, you have to go east and go through "Boukyou Cave (-]½Ì´A)". Wonder Chef - Hamberger (no[K[): flower in the canteen in the town 4. Boukyou Cave (-]½Ì´A) 1. At the entrance of the cave, you see a merchant. You can buy items from him. 2. Beat a Eggbear at the camp point in the cave. 5. Morle () 1. Go to see Dr. Mazet in Morle village. 2. Tell Mazet about your situation and get Earring of Auger (I[WFÌsAX). 3. As Meredy runs out from the house suddenly, you follow her and go into Backblock of Morle (n). 4. Beat a group of monsters to save Meredy and Quickie. After the battle, you become able to understand Meredy's speaking because of Earring of Auger. 5. At the camp spot on the way back, you listen to Meredy. She tells you that she comes from Serestia to stop Grandfall, a clash of Inferia and Serestia. She needs to gather Dai-syourei to stop it. 6. Go back to Mazet's home and get information about the place of Water Syourei River and get Inferi Map (CtF}bv). 7. If you once go out from the house and go back again to talk to Mazet, you can get Monsters Picture Book (X^[¸©ñ). 8. Go out from the village and go northeast to Watter Syourei River. Wonder Chef 1 - Fruit Juice (t[cW [X): treasure box on the 2nd floor of Mazet's home Wonder Chef 2 - Vegetable Salad (â³¢T_): smaller pumpkin in the food shop (Fishmans) 6. Water Syourei's River ( »-ìÌÍ) 1. After talking to the Water Dai-syourei, Undine, at the camp point back of a waterfall, go right from the waterfall and fight against Undine at the deepest part to get her. 2. You decide to go the capital city, Inferia, to see the king and tell him about the situation. 3. To go the capital, you must go through southeastern jungle. 7. Izanai Jungle (¢´È¢Ì-§-Ñ) 1. This jungle is consists of two parts. In the first part, see a tip at the screen where five statues are standing. 2. In the screen where two ghosts are moving around, your HP would be decreased, if you touch the ghosts. 3. Find two statues, Chaos (¬×) and Destruction (jó), in the northwest from the five statues and make them face right. Also, find two statues, Regularity () and Creation (n¢), in the east from the five statues and make them face left to open a way to go further. 4. Go back to the screen with two ghosts and go down. As Meredy leaves your party, follow her. 5. In the later part, other five statues are blocking the way to go out. Find and beat five Junglers in the jungle to make the five statues disappear. 8. Inferia (¤sCtFA) 1. Talk to the gatekeeper of the castle. 2. Go to the Royal Observatory and talk to a staff on the 4th floor twice. 3. Go to the Seifert Church. Keel talks to the archbishop but you are captured when you go out from the church. 4. You are sentenced to death as you spreaded around a dangerous thought, but saved by the astronomer, Zosimus, who has read the thesis of Keel. 5. Keel is taken to the observatory and rest of you go to the guest room on the 2nd floor of the western part of the castle. 6. After Keel comes back, you go to the audience chamber to hear an announcement from the king. 7. In the audience chamber, Zosimus says Serestians are trying to make Inferia and Serestia to clash. So, Inferia will find Light Bridge which connects Inferia and Serestia and send chosen band of soldiers to beat Serestia. 8. You are thrown out of the castle but given an Embarkation Pass (¶å¤¹ñpX). 9. Go out from the city and go to the northwestern port. Wonder Chef 1 - Cream Stew (N[V` [): vase on the 2nd floor of the inn Wonder Chef 2 - Fluffy Cake (ÓíÓíP[L): potted plant in the Royal Theater 9. Inferia Port (CtFA`) and Barole Port (o[`) 1. At Inferia Port, you take a ship to go Barole but Keel remains as he wants to work for Royal Observatory in Inferia. 2. After arriving to Barole Port, go west to Barole. Wonder Chef 1 - Fish Hot-pot (³©ÈÈ×): anchor in the marine store at Inferia Port Wonder Chef 2 - Squid Ring (¢©O): Box at Barole Port 10. Barole (o[) 1. In front of the item shop, Farah helps a boy. However, as the boy is a picker, she is blamed by merchants. Race appears and help you. Then, you hear about Wind Syourei's Cavity from Race (you don't need to pay 50 thousand Gald). 2. You meet Race in front of the inn. 3. Go out from the town and go southwest to the Wind Syourei's Cavity. Wonder Chef 1 - Steak (Xe[L): drunken man on the roof of the bar Wonder Chef 2 - Gratin (O^): wordrobe on the 2nd floor of the inn 11. Wind Syourei's Cavity (-»-ìÌó´) 1. There are two Inferian soldiers at the entrance of the cavity but you can go in as Race say something to the soldiers. 2. Take the wind which blows out from cracks to go upper floors. You can also go down from the upper holes when the wind is not blowing. 3. If you check the rock at the gusty place, Race will throw a rope to the other side. Check the rock again to go the other side using the rope. 4. At the camp point on the way, you explain why you are meeting Daisyoureis to Race. 5. At the deepest place, you fight against Wind Daisyourei, Sylph and get him. 6. When you come back to the entrance, Race leaves your party and Keel comes back. Sylph gives you an Aerial Board. To ride it, push square button at any flat field and choose Aerial Board (GAA{[h). 12. Chambard (Vo[) 1. Use Aerial Board to go to Chambard which is north of Inferia city. 2. You can get items from Elaine in the town according to the number of lenses you have collected. Wonder Chef 1 - Pescatore (yXJg[): Bin on the 1st floor of Bistro Chambard Wonder Chef 2 - Carbonara (J{i[): Bed in the inn 13. Fire Syourei's Valley (λ-ìÌJ) 1. To walk through the burning valley, you ask Undine for a help. However, your HP will decrease after Undine's HP becomes 0. 2. When you beat another Daisyourei, Efreet at the deepest part and get him, the Light Daisyourei, Lem appears. Lem tells you that the cause of the Grandfall is made by humans and gives you Sorcerer Ring (\[T[O). 3. On the way you go back, hit the three sealed doors with the light of Sourcerer Ring (push R1 button) to open them. If you beat Deaths in the rooms, you can get items. 4. At the camping point on the way, Meredy says a man called Baryl is attempting to cause Grandfall in Serestia. Other members remind that the name of the man who went to Serestia from Inferia using the Light Bridge was also Baryl. Keel says you can find Light Bridge at Mt. Farlos. 14. Mt. Farlos (t@[X) 1. Take a rest in the bed room in the church. 2. When you attempt to go out, Farah get a new skill. 3. Climb the mountain. 4. On the way, you meet with a rockfall and Farah strays from your party. 5. You find Farah helped by Race, but as they are on another way, you and Farah go forward separately to the mountain top. 6. You give orders to Quickie and manipulate it to put down the all ropes. The exact orders you should choose are "EI" -> "¢¯" -> "ªñÎê" -> "ªñÎê" -> "»±" -> "ªñÎê" -> "¢¯" -> "ªñÎê" -> "»±" -> "¢¯" -> "»±" -> "»±". 7. You meet with Farah at the top of the mountain and Race leaves you. Open the big door using Sorcerer Ring (R1 button). 8. In the room you make the Light Bridge appears. But when you attempt to go Serestia, Race appears and get in your way as a Senatus Knight of Inferia Kingdom, Rassis Fomalhaut. 9. Beat Rassis and go into the light to go Serestia. 15. Imen (AC) 1. The Light Bridge reaches to Cape Fort (-¦ÌÔ). Go out from the fort and head for Meredy's home town, Imen. 2. First go to Meredy's home. Farah rests and other three of you go to see the town. 3. Get Etapoke 2 (Dancing Meredy game for PocketStation) from a girl in front of feed pump. 4. Go back to Meredy's home. Rid rests but Keel asks Meredy to take him to the library. 5. Rid wakes up next morning but as Keel and Meredy have not come back, Rid and Farah go to find them. 6. Find them in the library and take Meredy to bed in her home as she stayed up all night with Keel. 7. Go out to walk around again and when you go back to Meredy's home, Meredy suggests you to go Luishka to see Galenos who sent Meredy to Inferia. Wonder Chef 1 - Zarame Rice (UCX): Robot at the right of the entrance in Meredy's home (after resting one night) Wonder Chef 2 - Amanin Tofu ( ÜÉñǤÓ): Opened book in the library 16. Syourei Train (»-ìS¹) 1. Go out from the town of Imen and go east to Imen Station. A station staff tells you that you need to get fuel if you would like to ride the train. 2. Go back to the town and buy Train Cage (gCPCW) at 2000 Gald from the weapon shop. 3. Go back to the station and talk to the staff. 4. Ride the train and Keel set the Train Cage. The station staff asks you to deliver mails to each station (for mini game, Syourei Train). 5. After playing the mini game (stop at the each station to deliver mails), you reach to Luishka Station. Go out from the station and go east to Luishka. 17. Luishka (CVJ) 1. Meredy explains that this ruined village, Luishka was destroyed by Kyokkouzyutu (Éõp). 2. You see Galenos at the basement of the biggest house. 3. Galenos explains that Baryl uses God's Fibril, Kyokkouzyutu. He also explains that Fibril is a kind of power and Rid also has some kind of unknown Fibril that similar as Kyokkouzyutu. He asks Rid to allow him inspect his body. 4. Galenos inspects Rid's body for all night but he says that the truth is in Olbers. 5. You depart the village to collect information about the place of Baryl's castle. Galenos suggests you to go to the western port town, Peruti. 6. Go back to the Luishka Station and this time take the train to go Abandoned Mine Station (mini game: Abandoned Mine). Wonder Chef 1 - Nigari Ma-po (ɪè}[{[): waste basket in the bed room in Galenos's home Wonder Chef 2 - Hot Borscht (zbg{V`): accumulation of rubbish by a road 18. Earth Syourei's Abandoned Mine (n»-ìÌpB) 1. Check the rock which is blocking the way. 2. Go back to the resting room near the entrance and get dynamite (j-p_Ci}Cg) from a locker at the upper left corner. (You can take one of three items in the locker at once. Dynamite is to break up the blocking rocks, Shovel (@í-pXRbv) is to take away earth and sand which is also blocking your way, and Key (®) is to activate lift.) 3. Check the rock and blow it out. 4. Find lift machine and check it. 5. Go back to the resting room to get a key from the locker. 6. Go back to the lift and go down using the key. 7. You get mini game Wis (EBX) at the camping point. (You can play it anytime from now by choosing Wis from the item menu.) 8. Operate the lever by a rail track to exchange your key to dynamite. 9. Beat Earth Daisyourei, Gnome at the inner place of Gnome's colony and get him. 10. When you attempt to go back, Gnomes make a hole in the wall. Go into the hole to go out. 11. After going out, go west to a hut. 19. Chat Hut (`bg̬®) 1. Look into the hut. When you attempt to go back, the entrance opens. 2. After you go into the drawing room, you are knocked out by sleeping gas. When you wake up, the entrance has disappeared. Go up the stairs and find you are on the B8 floor of a dungeon. In this dungeon, you must find a clockwork duck toy and a power spring on each floor, check the water way beside load point on the floor and then, go up to the next floor. 3. B8: In the room with 5 poles, the open door changes when you light all the poles. After getting a duck toy and a power spring check the water way to push the inner switch and go to the upper floor. 4. B7: Bring down standing body armors by opening the back door from the back room. 5. B6: Check a machine in a room to make wind blow. Find the places where a corner of wallpaper is turning up and burn the paper using R1 to find a hidden door. 6. B5: Answer the questions at the places with "?" character. The answers are "¿¸", "Ù¤¿å¤", "æ¾ê©¯", "¼¤«ñ", "`g" from the rightest screen. 7. B4: Check the wardrobe at the left in the bedroom. The duck toy is behind the black door at the left in the room with refrigerator. 8. B3: Put a statue onto the moving floor in the left screen to go into the leftest room. To go into the rightest room, put a statue onto the switch in the second left room. 9. B2: There are three pairs of figure paintings. The pairs consist of one rotatable painting and one fixed painting. Rotate the rotatable ones to make it face the same direction as fixed ones. 10. B1: In the room with big aquarium, move the barrels with circle and direction buttons (you can pull them) and get a duck toy. In the room with bookshelves, pick up all the books on the floor and put them back in to the right bookshelves to open the door between them. 11. When you push the switch with the toy on the B1 floor, Guardiant appears. 12. When you go up to the 1st floor after beating Guardiant, Chat appears. Chat introduce herself as a descendant of the great pirate, Eifreed. She suggests you to become her following to look for the legacy of Eifreed. Talk to her in the drawing room and accept her suggestion to use her ship. 13. Talk to her in the wheelhouse of her ship, Banneltia, to go Peruti. Wonder Chef 1 - Mitsu Noodle Soup (~c[): Pendulum clock in the drawing room 20. Peruti (yCeB) 1. Hear about the mountain where the Ice Syourei lives from a man called Gaston in the inn. 2. Select winter clothes in the alpinist shop. Talk to the other three characters first of all and make them go into the fitting rooms. You must find an appropriate clothes for each of them and pass it to them. Choose Cape (P[v) for Meredy, Poncho (|`) for Farah and Over Cloak (I[o[}g) for Keel. Talk to the shop owner to get your own clothes. 3. Go out from the town and go to the northern mountain. Wonder Chef 1 - Ebichiriri (Gr`): Stove in the food shop Wonder Chef 2 - Shibu Sushi (µÔ¸µ): Snow man on the 2nd floor of the inn 21. Ice Syourei's Mountain (X»-ìÌR) 1. Melt the ice poles that are standing your way using R1 button. 2. Get "Toto's Fat (ggÌAu)" on the way. 3. Bring down the red ice pole by burning the Toto's Fat and use it as a bridge to go forward. 4. Beat and get Ice Daisyourei, Celsius. Get Freeze Ring (t[YO) from her (press L1 button to use it). 22. Peruti 1. When you go back to Peruti, Gaston asks you to become members of Freedom Army, Siruesika. You accept to go Tinnsia to see the leader, Max. Gaston gives you Miakis Badge. 2. In the night, Meredy's Erara (stone like thing on her and other Serestian's face) gleam out. Meredy says someone in Imen is calling for help. You decide to go Imen before Tinnsia. Gaston gives you Seresti Map next morning. 3. Board to Banneltia and talk to Chat to depart. If you push square button on the sea, you can get into the ship. When you talk to Chat in the engine room, she becomes your member. Wonder Chef 1 - Hiya Piri Chinese (Ðâs¿ã¤©): Statue in stone at the lower left of the pond 23. Imen 1. When you arrive to Imen, the town has been destroyed. As Meredy runs away, you look for her. 2. Go to the library and beat Hyades. 3. Go to the weapon shop. 4. Go out from Imen and head for Tinnsia. Tinnsia is at far east on Seresti Map (ZXeB}bv). 24. Tinnsia (eBVA) 1. Go into the ship at the right end of the port. This ship is the headquarters of Siruesika. 2. You are tested in the ship. 3. After the battle, Aira appears. Follow her and she tells you the position of Baryl Castle. 4. Go to the captain's room to see Max. You promise to help them and decide to go to see Thunder Daisyourei. Keel leave the party and stay in Tinnsia to assume leadership in makeover of Syourei Cannon. Instead, Max joins in your party. 5. Go back to Banneltia and head to Thunder Syourei's Ruin on southeastern continent. Wonder Chef 1 - Okoge Sandwich (¨±°Th): Statue of a Miakis in the marine shop. Wonder Chef 2 - Sweet Parfait (XC[gptF): Statue of a bird in the hotel 25. Thunder Syourei's Ruin (-»-ìÌâÕ) 1. In the room with three colored and numbered doors, step on +3, +5 and +6 switches to open the blue door. 2. In the room with a switch at the left of the screen, step on the switch. 3. Check a gleaming point to get a fuse (q [Y). 4. Go back to the room with three colored doors and step on every switches once (so that, only +11, +2 and +4 swtches are pushed down) to open the white (lower left) door. 5. At the electric barriers, extinguish the fire using L1 button to switch off the barriers. 6. In the room with floating tiles, check a hole to put a fuse in it and enable those tiles. Get on those tiles to go left room. 7. From the camping point, go straight to the left and check the machine in the end room. 8. Find the room with three colored switches. Step on red and blue switches and go left. 9. Get a purple Control Ball (§ä ). 10. Go back to the machine and check it again. 11. Go back to the camping point and go upper right. 12. In the room with electric current, push center switch in the first line, right switch in the second line and left swich in the first line to open the door. 13. Beat Thunder Daisyourei, Volt. 14. Push the gleaming switch at the back of Volt to start slots on three posts. You must stop each slot at the right letter. You can get the right answer by talking to Meredy. 15. After getting Volt, Dark Daisyourei, Shadow, appears and gives you Excalibur. 16. Go out from the ruin and go back to Tinnsia. 26. Tinnsia 1. Go back to the headquarters of Siruesika. Max and Chat leave your party. When you go to see Syourei Cannon, Keel comes back. Aira gives you a accommodation coupon of the hotel. If you go to the dock under the marine shop, you can see a little event of fixing Syourei Cannon to Banneltia. 2. Show the coupon at the reception of the hotel and go up to the suite room (XC[g[) using the lift. 3. Rid wakes up at midnight as he dreams about a bad memory. He (you) goes to the girl's room but as Meredy is not there, go up to the rooftop using the lift. 4. After waking up next morning, go out from the hotel and go to the dock under the marine shop and head for Baryl Castle with Banneltia. 5. Mini game: Sea Fight. After the sea fight, Syourei Cannon opens the way to go into the castle. 27. Baryl Castle (oé) 1. If you would like to get Chat in your party, go back to Banneltia and talk to her in the engine room. 2. From the first load point, go to the left tower. If you push a button on console on the first floor of the left tower, you can enable the lift. But this lift is useless and it makes monsters in capsules come out. 3. Go up to the third floor and go to the right tower. 4. From the camping point, go down to the 2nd floor (go through the upper entrance of the screen). Shoot the two blue lights with L1 button and get a white card on the lower left desk. 5. Beat Spiral on the 2nd floor of the central building. 6. In the lecture hall (1st floor of right tower), check the machine in front of upper right book shelf to put the card in it. Go back to the camping point using the lift at upper left of the hall (you may need to check the console at the center of the hall to enable the lift). 7. In the room with camping point, shoot the red light with R1 and go through the opened door. 8. Check a input device to input a keyword. 9. Go back to the third floor of left tower. Shoot another red light and go through the opened door. 10. Check a input device to input a keyword. 11. Go back to the third floor and go through the big door between left and right tower. 12. When you find mummy of Baryl, his wife, Cizele appears. 13. You fight against Cizele but you cannot beat her. At the end of the battle, when she starts Kyokkouzyutu, Race appears. 14. Race's Kyokkouheki save you but he dies. Before he dies, he gives you Seifert Key and advise you to see Galenos. 15. You head for Luishka to see Galenos. On the deck of Banneltia, Meredy tells you that Baryl and Cizele are her parents. 28. Luishka and Tinnsia 1. Talk to Galenos in Luishka. He tells you that a person who has Fibril can learn the Genuine Kyokkouzyutu, which can beat Cizel's Dark Kyokkouzyutu, by going through three hardships leaded by Seifert Key. As Rid is the only person who has Fibril, he decide to go through the hardships. 2. Take Galenos to the headquarters of Siruesika in Tinnsia. To get Max in your party , talk to him after the conversation between Aira and Galenos. 3. Head for Seifert Shrine. If you select Seifert Key (ZCt@[gL[) from valuable items (Mdi) list in item menu, it shows you the direction to go. 29. Seifert Shrine (ZCt@[g_a) 1. Only Rid can go inside. After the conversation with a messenger of Seifert, step forward (but you would better touch the load point and save before stepping forward). 2. In the hardship, you become the Eggbear you beated before and fight against yourself. The hardship ends when you are beaten and you learn Kyokkouheki (to use it, push circle, X and square buttons at the same time when Rid's HP number is flashing in a battle). 3. When you go back to Banneltia, Seifert Key point Inferia as the place of next hardship. To look for a way to go back to Inferia, Chat suggests you to find the Legacy of Eifreed. 30. Eifreed's Cave (ACt[hÌ´A) 1. Go to Chat Hut and get GPS from Chat. Then go to the place where GPS shows [204, 98]. 2. At the place of [204, 98] you can find Eifreed's Cave. In the cave you must play Sugoroku (a Japanese variety of Parcheesi). 3. After the game, check a statue of Eifreed in the next room. 4. When you go through the opened door, makeover of Banneltia starts. 5. After the makeover completes, go into Banneltia and follow Chat. You can find submarinos in the room where Chat is in. Check a statue of Eifreed at the right of the room. To use these submarinos and explore undersea, push square button on the sea to open Travel Menu and select Submarinos (ö ø). 31. Jeeni (WCj) (option) 1. There is a entrance to go Jeeni at GPS [35, 15] in the sea. As only the inn is open during the daytime, go up the stairs to go out from the town and wait until the evening (or rest at the inn). 2. If you pay 10,000 Gald (or 100 Jeeni) to a man in the item shop, you can buy Seresea Map. Wonder Chef 1 - Syakunetu Curry (µáËÂJ[): Frog in the bookstore Wonder Chef 2 - Piri Zyaga (Òè¶áª): Picture behind the curtain at upper left of the auction hall Wonder Chef 3 - Kara Oden (©ç¨Åñ): Gaming machine at the upper left corner of the house with exchange counter 32. Dark Cave (ÅÌ´A) (option) 1. Dark Cave is at GPS [5, 12] in the sea. 2. On the deepest floor, beat the four reapers. 3. You can get Dark Daisyourei, Shadow, by beating it. 33. Eifreed's Pedestals (ACt[hÌäÀ) and Expedition Bridge (ªÌ´) 1. Visit Safe House (AWg) 1 to 5 in the Serestian sea and get Silver Cage (Vo[PCW) 1 to 5. GPS values of each Safe Houses are: Safe House 1: [57, 112] (you cannot get the sword at the entrance at the moment) Safe House 2: [153, 164] Safe House 3: [167, 111] Safe House 4: [228, 41] Safe House 5: [3, 150] 2. Go to Eifreed's Pedestal at GPS [98, 93] in the sea and put the Silver Cages you collected to the 5 pedestals. 3. Go up to the right above surface and go into the Expedition Bridge that has appeared there. Open the Travel menu by pressing square button and select "To Way Station (pînÖ)" to go back to Inferia. 34. Seifert Garden (ZCt@[gë) and Inferia City 1. Go to Seifert Garden at GPS [169, 19] in the Inferian sea. 2. At there, Rid is tested with 2nd hardship. You would better not to fight with the monsters. Just escape from them and go left way at any turn off. After this hardship, Rid learns Kyokkou-ken. 3. When you come back to Keel and Meredy, you see a movie describing a myth of Seifert making the world. 4. When you come back to Banneltia, you are captured by Inferian navy and prisoned in Inferia Castle but the princess releases you. 5. Go out from Inferia City and go to northwestern Inferia Port to get your ship back. 35. Sunken Ship (¾-vD) (option) 1. Visit the sunken ship at GPS [34, 2] in the Inferian sea. 2. Get "Key for Partition Wall (uÇÌL[)" in the rightest room on the upper right corridor. 3. Check the statue on the wall at the central corridor. 4. Get "Key of the Pump Room (|vºÌ®)" on the end room of the corridor. 5. Go to the end room on the lower left corridor and check the machine in the room. Water in the central big room disappears. 6. Go back to the big room and go down. 7. You can get Insea Map (CV[}bv) from a treasure box in the captain's room. 8. Fight against Seilane. 36. Farlos Church (option) 1. Go to the church on Mt. Farlos. When you check the big statue of Seifert, it respond to your Seifert Key and stairs to go down appears. 2. If you beat Element Daisyourei, Maxwell, you can get this summon. 37. Tomb for Eifreed (ACt[hÌæ) (option) 1. Go to Way Station from Expedition Bridge. Go to Remodelling Dock (ü¢hbN) from Inversion Dome (½]h[) in the station and check the statue of Eifreed twice to hear a coordinate. 2. Go to Tomb for Eifreed at [88, 64] in Inferia world. It is on the newly appeared crescent island. 3. In the tomb, there are three different areas you can enter from the central room that with big statue. Get Eifreed's clothes, hat or beard in each area. Strategy tips: a. upper right area: Freeze Frankenstein with L1. To open the big door behind Frankenstein, your party must be headed by a girl character. Check the coffin with a skeleton to get Eifreed's Clothes (ACt[hÌ). b. upper left area: Use L1 to extinguish the fire. Check the statue with a hat to get Eifreed's Hat (ACt[hÌÚ¤µ). c. lower left area: To stop the statues of ninja, shoot them with L1. In the screen with a statue of a girl in kimono, bring the statue near to the light to open the locked door in the preceding screen. Check the wooden box with beard on it to get Eifreed's Beard (ACt[hÌqQ). 4. When you check the big statue in the central room to put the collected items on it, a stairs to go down appears. You can get a Light Ball (Щè̽Ü) on the lower floor. 38. Seifert Observation Station (ZCt@[gϪ) 1. Go to Boundary Face (E-Ê) from Serestia Port in Way Station. 2. Go into Seifert Observation Station (ZCt@[gϪ). 3. Go to Observation Room (ZCt@[gϪº) in the station. 4. Leave Keel and Meredy in the room and operate the lift to go Gate for Hardship (-ûÌ-å). 5. In the third hardship, you are Meredy in the past. As Baryl was framed and attacked as a rebel, Meredy and Cizele try to escape from Luishka. Go out from the window of the bedroom and go down from a hole. Cizele calls Galenos on the way. Check a machine to open a hole and go down from the hole. 6. After the hardship, Rid learns Kyokkouha (Éõg). 7. Go back to the observation room where Keel and Meredy are in using the lift. 8. When you check the key hole on the machine to put Seifert Key into it, Seifert Ring opens so that you can go Black Object (Ì) where Cizele is. 9. Go southwest to Black Object and shoot it with Syourei Cannon. 39. Tinnsia and Baryl Castle 1. Talk to Farah in a dream. 2. Go to the captain's room to see Max. 3. As you hear that Inferian army has taken over the Syourei Cannon in Baryl Castle, you head for the castle with Galenos. 4. Beat Hyades at left of the entrance of the castle, where the Syourei Cannon is, to help Lowen. 5. Inferian army and Siruesika conclude an agreement for cooperation to stop Grand Fall. Galenos says he needs Ribavius ores to remodel Syourei Cannon of the castle. 40. Regulus Hill (OXÌu) 1. Go to Regulus Hill at southwest of Racheans in Inferia. 2. Push and drop rocks to go across the cracks. 3. Beat Light Daisyourei, Lem, and get it. 4. Go through the gate behind Lem and get Crystal of Ribavius (oBEXÌ»). 5. As Meredy starts to be taken to the dark side, your party quickly take her away from the hill. Keel describes that Nereid, the god of destruction, was going to take her soul as she has the capability of Dark Kyokkouzyutu. 41. Baryl Castle and Seifert Observation Station 1. Go to the Syourei Cannon in Baryl Castle to give Ribavius ores to Aira. 2. Galenos asks you to take him to Seifert Observation Station. 3. Option: If you talk to Zosimus at the cannon and then go to the weapon shop in Imen, you would see him there. After that, if you repeat going out and in the town and the shop five times, you could get a sword, Last Fencer. 4. Take Galenos to Seifert Observation Station on Boundary Face. 42. Cizele Castle (V[é) 1. Go into Seifert Ring which is southwest from the observation station. 2. Syourei Cannon shoot Black Object and Cizele Castle appears. Go into the castle. 3. Option: if you go upper floor of the castle using the lift in the right screen, you can get Dark Ball (âÝ̽Ü). Now, you can get airships. How to get airships: 1. Get Light Ball (Щè̽Ü) in Tomb for Eifreed (ACt[hÌæ) (see section 37) and get Dark Ball (âÝ̽Ü) in Cizele Castle. 2. Go to Remodelling Dock (ü¢hbN) from Inversion Dome in Way Station. 3. Check the two holes at right and left of the statue of Eifreed to put the balls. Now your ship has airship dock and two new vacant rooms. 4. After getting airships you can go some new places including Kirameki Tower. See section 43 below. 4. Go to the bottom floor of the castle using the lift in the leftest screen of the first floor. 5. In Time Room, get Time Daisyourei, Zekundus. Come back to this place if you would like to fight and beat it. 6. Check the columns behind camping point to go six different areas. a. rightest column: shoot upper half of the crystals with L1 to unite them with their lower halves. Go further, beat Elementaler and put Thunder Syourei's power to the point at the end of this area. b. second right column: shoot the big disc with R1. Drop red rocks to red holes and blue rocks to blue holes. Go further, beat Elementaler and put Ice Syourei's power at the end. c. third right column: just go to the other side, beat Elementaler and put Earth Syourei's power. d. third left column: drop all three tiles to the hole, beat Elementaler and put Water Syourei's power. How to move the tiles: upper right tile - left, down, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up lower right tile - up, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up upper left tile - up, right, up e. second left column: check the nearest red ball to generate a red light. Bring the light to the door. Beat Elementaler and put Fire Syourei's power. f. leftest column: Step on the switch at bottom of the screen to open the door. Beat Elementaler and put Wind Syourei's power. 7. Go further from the central circle of the columns and beat Cizele and Nereid. 8. After seeing the ending movie, make a new save data (the data will be marked with a star sign), so that you can go bonus dungeon Nereid's Labyrinth (lChÌ-À{) using the previous data. Nereid's Labyrinth appears at [43, 60] on the Olbers Boundary Face when you have a star sign marked data on the same memory card as the data you use. 43. Kirameki Tower («çß«Ì) (option) 1. You can go Kirameki Tower at [107, 22] in Inferia using airships. 2. On the first floor, make the all five areas of the star to yellow. 3. On the second floor, remember the order of the light and touch the four colored objects in the right order. 4. On the third floor, shoot the holes where the wind comes from with L1, and shoot two candlestands with R1 to lit. 5. On the fourth floor, shoot the floating object with R1 in the right order. 6. On the fifth floor, move the tile you can get on to move the transparent tile and put it through the three colored points. 7. On the sixth floor, touch the three colored poles. 8. On the seventh floor, make the three fires to a same color using L1 or R1 key and go next floor. Do it for all three colors and see which tiles are left for all three colors. Use those tiles only to go the other side. The correct route is: leftest -> forward -> right -> right -> forward -> forward -> forward. 9. On the nineth floor, beat Valkyrie with only Rid and get the key for S.D. After this event, if you go Safe House 1 (AWg1) under Serestian sea, you can get the standing sword S.D. You can not wear it but if you have it, Meredy can use the summon arts Destiny in every 30 minutes (playing time).
còn đây là bản item ai dich nốt đi ===== TOOLS ===== Apple Gel: A gelatin-based medicine. Restores HP by 30% of max. Bellebane: A special herb. Increases Evade by +1. Elixir: A mysterious potion. Completely restores HP and TP. Lavender: A special herb. Increases Strength by +1. Lemon Gel: A gelatin-based medicine. Restores HP by 60% of max. Melange Gel: A gel that restores HP and TP to 30% of max HP and TP. Miracle Gel: A gel that restores HP and TP to 60% of max HP and TP. Orange Gel: A gelatin-based medicine. Restores TP by 30% of max. Pine Gel: A gelatin-based medicine. Restores TP by 60% of max. Red Bellebane: A special herb. Increases Evade by +2. Red Lavender: A special herb. Increases Strength by +2. Red Sage: A special herb. Increases max HP by 10%. Red Savory: A special herb. Increases max TP by 10%. Sage: A special herb. Increases max HP by 5%. Savory: A special herb. Increases max TP by 5%. Tuna Gel: A gelatin-based medicine. Periodically regenerates some HP. Banrea: Pain reliever made of Firewood Bug, Goat Horn and Dried Peels. Colain's Pot: Open it at your own risk. Dried Peels: One of the ingredients of Banrea. Firewood Bug: Insects found in Nostos Cave. Often found near a warm glow of fire. Goat Horn: Its powdered form can be used as an ingredient for medicine. Snow Tomato: A tomato that grows only in cold places. Nice and juicy. Charm Bottle: A potion that increases charm. Use it in a shop for a 30% discount. Dark Bottle: A bottle with darkness sealed within. Temporarily increases enemy encounter. Holy Bottle: A bottle with light sealed within. Temporarily reduces enemy encounter. Life Bottle: Water of life. Revives a dead ally. Miracle Charm: A very potent bottle of charm. Use it in a shop for a 50% discount. Panacea Bottle: A cure-all medicine. Cures abnormal physical conditions. Rune Bottle: A special potion. It can transform items in ??? All-Divide: Reduces all damages of both allies and enemies by 1/2. Bush Baby: An animal ornament found in Celestia. Button: Live by the button. Die by the button. Crib Sheet: Cheating will only take you so far. Don't rely on it too much. Donies Potpourri: A scent that relaxes the soul. It is not a fertilizer. Drama Script: Read it 5 times to act it. Read it 10 times to be it. Earth Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a yellow Craymel by +2. Earth Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a yellow Craymel by +1. Face Powder: To look your best. Fire Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a red Craymel by +2. Fire Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a red Craymel by +1. Golden Choker: A choker worn only by the royal family of Inferia. Hourglass: Temporarily freezes enemy movement for a short duration during battle. Light Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a white Craymel by +2. Light Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a white Craymel by +1. Losagna's Dress: An old, worn out dress. Shadow Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a black Craymel by +2. Shadow Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a black Craymel by +1. Silver Cage: A silver-colored Craymel Cage. Its size makes it difficult to carry. Snow Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a blue Craymel by +2. Snow Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a blue Craymel by +1. Spectacles: A magical lens that scans the enemy's HP and attributes. Uchiwa: A paper fan autographed by Aya. Volt Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a purple Craymel by +2. Volt Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a purple Craymel by +1. Water Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a light blue Craymel by +2. Water Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a light blue Craymel by +1. Wind Bell: A bell crafted in Rasheans. Wind Crystal: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a green Craymel by +2. Wind Shard: Use on a Craymel. Increases vitality of a green Craymel by +1. Flare Bottle: Temporarily increases Attack by 30% and reduces Defense by 20%. Syrup Bottle: Protects against Freeze, Poison, and Stun, but reduces attack by 20%. ================ WEAPONS - SWORDS ================ Bastard Sword: A long one-handed sword. Slash 180, Thrust 175 Dao Blade: A sword with hatchet blades. Slash 295, Thrust 285 Destroyer: A tool of destuction. Increases the probability of a critical hit. Slash 440, Thrust 440 Earth Blade: A sword bearing the power of earth. Slash 410, Thrust 405, Attribute Earth Eternal Sword: A sword bearing the name that represents time and space. Slash 890, Thrust 850, Attribute Time Excalibur: A legendary word that emits light. A possession of an ancient hero. Slash 615, Thrust 590, Attribute Light Flamberge: A sword with blades that resemble flames. Slash 320, Thrust 320, Attribute Fire Flame Sword: A sword with blades of fire. Slash 610, Thrust 605, Accuracy 5, Attribute Fire Ice Coffin: A sword that bears the name of an ice seal. Slash 475, Thrust 460, Accuracy 15, Attribute Ice Knight Saber: A saber crafted for use by the royal knights. Slash 150, Thrust 130 Last Fencer: A sword crafted with Ribavius ore. Slash 765, Thrust 758, Accuracy 10, Evade 3, Luck 5 Long Sword: A sword made of 3 feet of iron. Slash 70, Thrust 70 Nimble Rapier: A thin sword that can slice like the wind. Slash 200, Thrust 320, Accuracy 10 Ninja Sword: A sword once held by a legendary ninja girl. Slash 740, Thrust 720, Accuracy 10 Ogre Sword: A sword crafted and polished to its finest. Slash 500, Thrust 470 Rapier: A sword designed for thrust attack. Slash 80, Thrust 140, Accuracy 10 Saber: A sword crafted and designed for slashing. Slash 105, Thrust 85, Accuracy 5 Saint Rapier: A holy sword designed for thrust attack. Slash 100, Thrust 200 Saw Saber: A sword crafted with blades that resemble a saw. Slash 355, Thrust 350, Accuracy 5 Shamsel: A curved sword. Slash 260, Thrust 200 Voltic Sword: A lightning sword made of seven unique blades. Slash 550, Thrust 565, Accuracy 10, Attribute Volt Vorpal Sword: A sword with a shiny blue blade. Slash 735, Thrust 710, Attribute Water ================ WEAPONS - SPEARS ================ Arc Wind: A spear of wind. One swing of the spear causes a gust of wind. Slash 170, Thrust 320, Accuracy 5, Attribute Wind Demon Javelin: A spear bloodied in many previous wars. Slash 320, Thrust 520, Accuracy 5, Attribute Shadow Dragger Lance: A lance rumored to possess the power to slay a dragon with a single blow. Slash 400, Thrust 680 Flame Spear: A spear bearing the power of the Fire Craymel. Slash 500, Thrust 780, Attribute Fire Gungnir: A spear used in the final battles during the war of the gods. Slash 600, Thrust 999, Accuracy 5 Long Spear: An extra long spear equipped by the Imperial Guards. Slash 66, Thrust 130 Ogre Lance: Fang-like blades can tear apart an enemy with a single blow. Slash 300, Thrust 450, Attribute Earth Partisan: A finely sharpened fork-tip spear made of copper. Slash 155, Thrust 260, Accuracy 10 Ranseur: A pole-sharped weapon. It is nicknamed the Wind Spear. Slash 80, Thrust 230 Short Lance: A weapon with a comfortable handle. Slash 100, Thrust 220, Accuracy 5 Short Spear: A standered spear made of iron. Slash 50, Thrust 85 Trident: A spear crafted to resemble Undine's weapon. Slash 240, Thrust 400, Attribute Water ============== WEAPONS - AXES ============== Bardis: A weapon with jagged blades that can tear apart enemies. Slash 410, Slash 300 Battle Axe: An axe designed specifically for use in battle. Slash 190, Thrust 60, Accuracy 5 Battle Pick: A pick with superior destructive power. Slash 480, Thrust 200 Crescent Axe: An axe with blades in the shape of a crescent moon. Slash 300, Thrust 140 Francesca: An iron axe that is easy to handle. Slash 110, Thrust 70 Gaia Cleaver: A special axe with attributes of the Earth Craymel. Slash 999, Thrust 500, Accuracy -5, Attribute Earth Hand Axe: An axe used for hunting. Slash 75, Thrust 60 Strike Axe: An axe bearing the power of the Volt Craymel. Slash 680, Thrust 320, Accuracy -5, Attribute Volt =============== WEAPONS - MACES =============== Mace: A mace with a metallic lump on the tip. Attack 110 Star Mace: A magic mace that leaves a trail of stars in its wake. Attack 650, Intelligence 5 ================== WEAPONS - HALBERDS ================== Deck Brush: A mystic brush protected by the Wind Craymel. Slash 200, Thrust 200, Accuracy 30, Attribute Wind Halberd: An excellent weapon with combined attributes of a hatchet and spear. Slash 300, Thrust 300, Accuracy -5 Heavy Grave: A hatchet-spear with smooth wavy blades. Slash 220, Thrust 220, Accuracy -10 Merenol: A weapon bearing the power of the Volt Craymel. Slash 510, Thrust 515, Accuracy -10, Attribute Volt Pole Axe: An axe with attributes of a halberd. Slash 120, Thrust 120, Accuracy -15 Saint Halberd: A halberd blessed by a supreme god. Slash 630, Thrust 630, Accuracy -15, Luck 8 War Hammer: A powerful hammer with a wide grip. Slash 370, Thrust 370, Accuracy -10 ============== WEAPONS - RODS ============== Crystal Rod: A supreme rod used by an ancient Craymel Mage. Attack 740 Gem Rod: A rod decorated with a cheap gem on the tip. Attack 200 Holy Staff: A staff blessed by a god. Attack 480, Luck 8, Attribute Light Rod: A simple rod made of bone. Attack 40 Ruby Wand: A wand decorated with a ruby on the tip. Attack 260 Skull Staff: A staff with an eerie skeleton on the tip. Attack 380, Intelligence 5, Luck -10 ================= WEAPONS - DAGGERS ================= Assault Dagger: A sharp dagger that is easy to handle. Slash 250, Thrust 260, Accuracy 30, Attribute Wind Crystal Dagger: A dagger with blades made of crystal. The blades are extremely sharp. Slash 650, Thrust 650, Accuracy 30 Gladius: A meticulously crafted steel dagger. Slash 320, Thrust 310, Accuracy 20 Gnome Pick: A small hammer made of hard rock. Slash 390, Thrust 360, Accuracy 30, Attribute Earth Hydra Dagger: A dagger crafted from mystic metal. The blades are extremely sharp. Slash 160, Thrust 170, Accuracy 30, Attribute Water Katar: A short dagger made of mythril. A very easy weapon to handle. Slash 450, Thrust 450, Accuracy 20, Evade 2 Short Sword: A simple-sharped sword. Slash 50, Thrust 40, Accuracy 30 ================== WEAPONS - KNUCKLES ================== Bear Claw: A weapon that can leave scars reminicent of a bear fight. Punch 325, Kick 320, Accuracy 8 Bone Knuckles: A weapon made of sharpened bones. Punch 300, Kick 295, Accuracy 2, Luck -6, Attribute Shadow Chain Arms: Arms knitted with metallic chain. Punch 90, Kick 92, Accuracy 5 Crystal Shell: A weapon with mystic crystals attached to the tips. Punch 400, Kick 420, Accuracy 5 Diamond Fist: A weapon with diamonds attached to the tips. Punch 660, Kick 635, Accuracy 7 Dragon Fang: A weapon with sharp dragon fangs attached to the tips. Punch 470, Kick 440, Accuracy 10 Flare Arms: Arms bearing the power of the Fire Craymel. Punch 580, Kick 620, Accuracy 7, Attribute Fire Ghost Shell: A weapon cursed by evil spirits. Punch 365, Kick 360, Luck -10, Attribute Shadow Iron Arms: Arms made of iron. Well suited for martial arts. Punch 180, Kick 165, Accuracy 2 Kaiser Fist: A weapon bearing an emperor's name. It can be equipped only by the chosen. Punch 760, Kick 725, Accuracy 10 Leather Arms: Arms made of tanned leather. Punch 60, Kick 68, Accuracy 2 Mythril Arms: Arms entirely made of mythril metal. Punch 515, Kick 530, Accuracy 5 Needle Glove: Leather arms with sharp nails on the tips. Punch 210, Kick 180, Accuracy 5 Omni Weapon: An unusual weapon known to grant wishes. Punch 800, Kick 805, Accuracy 7, Attribute Light Poison Thorn: A weapon made of poison thorns. Punch 118, Kick 125, Accuracy 7 Power Arms: Leather arms that increase attack power. Punch 67, Kick 75, Accuracy 3 Silver Knuckles: A high performance weapon decorated in silver. Punch 275, Kick 255, Accuracy 10 Venom: A weapon made with a venomous snake. It has an added effect of Stun. Punch 240, Kick 215, Accuracy 3 ================== WEAPONS - L-SWORDS ================== Dragon Vein: A sword for slaying dragons. The blades sparkle even after battle. Slash 670, Thrust 650, Accuracy -30, Attribute Shadow Great Sword: A steel sword crafted by a master craftsman. Slash 390, Thrust 370, Accuracy -20, Evade -3 Hero Cane: A staff used as a weapon by a legendary hero. Slash 790, Thrust 740, Accuracy -20, Luck 5 Mystic Sword: A sword with a mystic gleam. It is protected by the Water Craymel. Slash 865, Thrust 840, Defense 5, Accuracy -10, Attribute Water Soul Eater: A sword known to eat the souls of those slain by it. Slash 490, Thrust 430, Accuracy -30, Attribute Shadow Steel Sword: A sword made of extremely tough iron. Slash 330, Thrust 240, Accuracy -20, Evade -2 ================== WEAPONS - WHISTLES ================== Bird Whistle: A whistle that chirps like a bird. Attack 160 Chirp Whistle: A cute whistle in the shape of a chick. Attack 100, Accuracy -5, Luck 5 Eternia Melody: A legendary whistle that plays a love melody for eternity. Attack 750, Intelligence 5, Attribute Time Memory Whistle: A silver whistle that was lost a long time ago. Attack 300 Pretty Whistle: A whistle sounded before battle. Attack 200, Luck 8 Trumpet: A trumpet played before battle. It can raise morale. Attack 460 Twinkle Flute: A flute that plays a tone as beautiful as the twinkling stars. Attack 580, Intelligence 3, Luck 8 Whistle: A whistle blown to signal a command. Attack 35, Accuracy -3 ============== WEAPONS - GUNS ============== Assault Shot: A must have for a warrior at the front line of battle. Attack 485 Grand Magnum: If you want to be cool, this weapon is for you!! Attack 610 Impulse Cannon: A weapon that is simply amazing. Your enemies don't stand a chance!! Attack 700 Mega Launcher: For those that demand the best of the best. Attack 955 Photon Ray: A weapon with unparalleled power. It destroys everything in sight. Attack 840 Plasma Cannon: A destructive weapon that burns everything to ashes. Attack 525, Attribute Water ============== WEAPONS - BAGS ============== Big Bag: A bag fully-loaded with the power of Craymels. Attack 480 Chat Bag: A bag stuffed with the power of Craymels. Attack 315 Luck Bag: A bag that brings luck and happiness. Attack 720, Luck 30 Tote Bag: A charming bag with infinite capacity. Attack 400 Wonder Bag: Marvelous bag once used by Aifread. Attack 780 =================== ARMOR (BODY) - BODY =================== Battlesuit: An armor made of small metallic plates. The joints are protected by chain mail. Defense 22, Evade -3 Chain Mail: An upper body armor made of thick metallic chain mail. Defense 10 Golden Armor: An armor of an ancient legendary hero. Defense 49, Attribute Water, Wind, Fire, Light Hard Leather: An armor made of layers of durable leather. Defense 4 Mumbane: An armor protected by the Deity of Earth. Defense 42, Attribute Earth, Ice, Volt, Shadow Mythril Plate: A plate armor made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power. Defense 37, Evade -3 Plate Mail: A metallic plate armor that completely covers the upper body. Defense 18, Evade -3 Protector: An armor that only covers the chest to enhance mobility. Defense 7 Rare Plate: A masterpiece crafted by a master craftsman. Defense 38, Evade -5 Reflect: An armor that protects against Time Elemental attack. Defense 35, Evade -3, Attribute Time Ring Mail: An upper body armor made of extremely thick metallic chain mail. Defense 13 Silver Plate: A full body armor completely composed of metal. Defense 28, Evade -5 Soft Leather: An armor made of softened 2-layer leather. Mobility is not hindered. Defense 2 Splint Mail: An upper body chain mail armor with a metal chest plate. Defense 15 ===================== ARMOR (BODY) - CLOAKS ===================== Amber Cloak: Cloak decorated in amber. Defense 10, Evade 10 Cloak: Cloak made of durable cloth. Defense 5 Holy Cloak: A cloak blessed by a supreme god. Defense 25, Luck 5 Mythril Mesh: A cloak made of threads processed from mythril metal. Intelligence 2, Defense 35, Evade 5 Silk Cloak: Cloak made of silk. Wear it for the refined look. Intelligence 1, Defense 10, Luck 2 Silver Cloak: A cloak made of silver threads. Defense 16, Evade 7 Star Cloak: A cloak with star-like glitter and filled with magical power. Intelligence 3, Defense 40 White Cloak: A cloak that can be worn only by those with a pure heart. Defense 8, Evade 5 ==================== ARMOR (BODY) - ROBES ==================== Bloody Robe: A bloody-red robe. Defense 14, Attribute Shadow Crystal Robe: A robe decorated with crystals. Defense 12, Evade 2 Feather Robe: A feather-light robe. Defense 9, Evade 3, Luck 2 Misty Robe: A robe made of cloth, thin as mist. Defense 14 Moon Robe: A robe embroidered with moon stones that emits light. Intelligence 3, Defense 28 Robe: A robe made of thick cloth. Defense 12, Evade 1 Scale Robe: A robe made from scales of a rare fish. Protects against Poison and Weak. Defense 22 Spirit Robe: A valuable robe protecte by all Craymels. Defense 34, Evade 5, Attribute Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Ice, Volt, Shadow, Light, Elemental, Time ======================== ARMOR (SHIELD) - SHIELDS ======================== Apple Shield: A mystical apple-shaped shield. Evade 10, Luck 5 Beam Shield: A shield with peculiar color and shape. High defense ratings. Defense 32, Evade 12 Blue Shield: A shield also known as the Abandoned Shield. Defense 12, Evade 32 Buckler: A small iron shield Defense 4, Evade 2 Chaos Shield: A shield bearing a red cross. Defense 40, Evade 2, Luck -5 Fine Shield: An excellent shield reinforced with two layers of metal. Defense 18, Evade 8 Kite Shield: A metallic shield in the shape of a kite. Defense 13, Evade 5 Lid Shield: Fire resistant kitchenware. It can also be used as a shield. Defense 2, Attribute Fire Omega Shield: A shield bearing the omega symbol. It has a healing effect. Defense 10, Evade 4 Order Shield: A shield with a white snake design. Defense 26, Evade 10 Rare Shield: Richly decorated shield. Its quality is topnotch. Defense 10, Evade 28 Red Shield: A shield that will raise your fighting spirit. Defense 28, Evade 4 Round Shield: An extremely durable circular shield. Defense 9, Evade 3 Square Shield: A shield that protects against Fire Craymels. Defense 6, Evade 8, Attribute Fire Star Shield: A shield in the shape of a star. It protects against Shadow Craymels. Defense 30, Evade 10, Attribute Shadow Storm Shield: A shield that protects against Wind Craymels. Defense 6, Evade 3, Attribute Wind Wooden Shield: A shield made of durable wood. Defense 3, Evade 1 ========================== ARMOR (SHIELD) - BRACELETS ========================== Angel Bracelet: A bracelet of happiness with an embroidered angel. Defense 18, Luck 8 Bracelet: A bracelet made of silver. Defense 5 Diamond Armlet: An armlet made of diamonds. Defense 14 Gold Bracelet: A bracelet made of gold. Defense 8 Iron Wrist: A wristband made of iron. Defense 3 Lapis Bracelet: A bracelet with lapis lazuli attached. Intelligence 2, Defense 11, Luck 2 Mythril Bracelet: A bracelet made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power. Intelligence 2, Defense 22 Star Bracelet: A bracelet made of an unknown substance. Defense 26 Wristband: A cloth band used for siping off sweat. Defense 1 ======================== ARMOR (SHIELD) - MITTENS ======================== Cute Mitten: A very charming mitten. Defense 15, Accuracy 5, Evade 5, Luck 5 Kitchen Mitten: A mitten for cooking and holding pot. Defense 5, Evade 5, Attribute Fire Lovely Mitten: A very lovely mitten. Defense 12, Evade 5, Luck 3, Attribute Light, Shadow Pretty Mitten: A very pretty mitten. Defense 9, Evade 2, Luck 10 ====================== ARMOR (HEAD) - HELMETS ====================== Ahmet Helm: An iron helmet that covers the face and head. Defense 5 Cross Helm: A refined version of the Ahmet Helm. Defense 10 Duel Helm: A gift given to a hero in an ancient land. Defense 14 Golden Helm: A possession of an ancient monarch. Defense 24, Evade 5 Iron Helm: A helmet made of iron. Defense 3 Leather Helm: A helmet that protects only the head. Defense 1 Mythril Helm: A helmet made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power. Intelligence 2, Defense 18 Rare Helm: A masterpiece crafted by a master craftsman. Defense 20 Star Helm: A helmet made of unknown substances. Light, yet very strong. Defense 28, Evade 3, Luck 2 ===================== ARMOR (HEAD) - BERETS ===================== Aifread's Hat: A hat of the legendary pirate, Aifread. Defense 12 Captain's Hat: An ultimate hat that bears the history and spirit of pirates. Defense 24, Evade 12 Pirate's Hat: A simple, traditional hat for pirates. Defense 18, Evade 6 ====================== ARMOR (HEAD) - RIBBONS ====================== Arche Ribbon: Nice match for a heroine? Luck 50, Attribute Water, Wind, Fire, Earth Blue Ribbon: A blue ribbon. Defense 5 Magical Ribbon: A magical ribbon. It's also very attractive. Intelligence 5, Defense 26, Evade 3 Pretty Ribbon: A very charming ribbon. Defense 20, Evade 5, Luck 5 Ribbon: A red ribbon. Defense 2 Striped Ribbon: A ribbon with stripes. Defense 9, Evade 5 Tartan Ribbon: A ribbon with a checkered tartan pattern. Defense 16, Evade 10 ======================= ARMOR (HEAD) - CIRCLETS ======================= Circlet: A silver circlet with embroidered patterns. Intelligence 4, Defense 1 Cress' Bandana: Nice match for a hero. Accuracy 10, Evade 20, Attribute Time Gold Circlet: A circlet made of gold. Raises your level of concentration. Intelligence 8, Defense 2 Holy Circlet: A circlet embroidered with words of a deity. Intelligence 18, Defense 4, Luck 5 Mythril Circlet: A circlet made of mythril, a metal with mysterious power. Intelligence 12, Defense 3 Star Circlet: A mysterious circlet that twinkles like a star. Intelligence 24, Defense 5 =========== ACCESSORIES =========== Blue Talisman: A protective charm. Increases Defense by 10%. Canceler: A deadly weapon that emits three different levels of energy. Combo Command: Execute special techniques by inputting commands. Drain Charm: Prevents infimities including decline in Accuracy, Defense, and Spell Casting. Freeze Charm: A charm that prevents Freeze. Heal Bracelet: Defeat an enemy to recover 8% of the HP. Mental Bracelet: Defeat an enemy to recover 3% of the TP. Pico Revenge: A Pow Hammer wil randomly appear when you receive damage. Poison Charm: Protects against HP reducing Poison and TP reducing Weak. Stun Charm: A charm that protects against Stun. Talisman: A protective charm. Increases Defense by 5%. Technical Ring: Enables you to control Quickie while you are in the GUARD position. WakeUp Charm: A charm that reduces the duration of unconsciousness by 1/2. Elven Boots: Super light boots. Increases movement speed during battle. Jet Boots: Boots that increase walking speed. Increases movement speed during battle. Persha Boots: Shoes in the shape of a cat's paw. Reduces all damage by 30%. Watercloud: Water resistant boots. Reduces water Elemental damage by 50%. Aqua Cape: A cape that reduces Water and Ice Elemental damage by 30%. Cape: A generic cape made of cloth. Standard equipment for rookies. Celesti Cape: Protects against Craymels of Celestia, but weak against Water, Wind, and Fire. Elven Cape: A super light cape. Increases Defense, Evade, and Luck. Flare Cape: A cape that reduces Fire Elemental damge by 30%. Inferi Cape: Protects against Craymels of Inferia, but weak against Earth, Ice, and Lightning. Leather Cape: A cape made of leather. Standard equipment for adventurers. Smash Cape: A cape that increases your charm. Receive extra bonus for Technical Smash. Thief's Cape: The cape of choice for pirates. Thunder Cape: A cape that reduces Lightning Elemental damage by 30%. Emerald Ring: A ring with special power. Reduces TP consumption by 1/3. Faerie Ring: A ring with an engraving of a faerie. Reduces TP consumption by 1/2. Force Ring: A ring with an engraving of a war god. Reduces physical damage by 20%. Mental Ring: A ring that eases the mind. Periodically regenerates TP by 1% of max. Protect Ring: A ring with an engraving of a war god. Reduces physical damage by 10%. Reflect Ring: A ring with an engraving of a goddess. Reduces Elemental Attack damage by 20%. Resist Ring: A ring with an engraving of a goddess. Reduces Elemental Attack damage by 10%. Resume Ring: If you're lucky, it might resurrect you from the dead during battle. Reviverser: Press the GUARD button immediately after an enemy blow to reduce the damage. Step Ring: Equipment that enables you to back step by pressing the GUARD + DOWN Button. Reverse Doll: A voodoo doll that automatically resurrects you from the dead. Sephira: Sculpture of a goddess. Quip to earn twice as much Gald. Black Onyx: A jewel that increases max HP by 30%. Magic Mist: A crystal with smoke sealed within. Increases getaway speed by 50%. Moon Crystal: A jewel that increases max TP by 30%. Demon's Seal: Exp. earned is doubled, but its curse can cause abnormalities. Derris Emblem: A proof of victory against Sekundes. Increases Accuracy. Extreme: Increases Attack considerably, but Defense is equally decreased. Holy Symbol: A holy relic that periodically regenerates 5% of max HP. Krona Symbol: It protects against all abnormalities. Mystic Symbol: A mysterious emblem. Reduces the time it takes to cast a spell. Rabbit's Foot: A rabbit's foot. Increases Luck by +30. Warrior Symbol: A warrior's crest. Increases Strength by 10%. Hyper Gauntlet: A possession of a lengendary hero. ==== FOOD ==== Amango: The official fruit of Celestia. Banana: A fruit wrapped in yellow skin. Soft and white inside. Bear Meat: Meat of an animal that inhabits Inferia. Beet: A red-colored root crop. A necessary ingredient in a borsch. Black Satay: Spice only found in Celestia. Used to add a bitter flavor. Bread: The aroma is excellent when it is well baked. Cabbage: One of the most versatile vegetables around. Carrot: A vegetable with a unique shape and color. Tastes sweet when boiled. Cheese: Fermented milk. Its scent is not enjoyed by all. Cucumber: It turns yellow when heated. Eat it while it's still green. Egg: An ingredient used in various cuisines. Also a high source of protein. Kirima: The official fruit of Inferia. Kiwi: An emerald green fruit. Tastes both sweet and sour. Konia: It's prepared by simmering powdered konia stem and lime milk. Lemon: An extremely sour fruit. Lettuce: The undisputed King of Salad. Milk: Cow milk. A very nutritional drink. Onion: A popular vegetable grown around the world. Panyan: Celestian noodles prepared by drying noodles marinated in broth. Pasta: A general term for spaghetti and macaroni. Also defined as a kneaded product. Potato: There are many ways to prepare it. Try it steamed and salted. Purple Satay: Spice only found in Celestia. Used by the Chef Master as a secret ingredient. Radish: One of many ingredients used in a hot pot. Red Satay: Spice found only in Celestia. Use to add a touch of flavor. Rice: Cooked rice. Steaming it to perfection can be quite difficult. Shrimp: A sea creature with a hard shell and tender body. Squid: Ten legged mollusk feared and nicknamed the Sea Demon in some parts of the world. Strawberry: Tasty with milk and cream. An excellent topping on a cake. Tofu: Processed soy bean. Known for its soft texture. Tomato: A tasty fruit - hot or cold. It can be made into a juice or sauce. Tuna: A very popular fish. Those caught during winter are especially tasty. Tusk Meat: Meat of an animal that inhabits Celestia. ========= VALUABLES ========= Boarding Pass: A ticket to ride on an Inferia ship. Care to take a nice cruise? Celesea Map: Underwater map of Celestia. Who knows what lurks below. Celestia Map: World map of Celestia. Collector's Book: A must have for item collectors. Have you recorded everything? Dark Sphere: A sphere of shadow. One of Aifread's precious treasures. Etapoke1: This item should not be attainable in the US version. Etapoke2: This item should not be attainable in the US version. Etapoke3: This item should not be attainable in the US version. Etapoke4: This item should not be attainable in the US version. Freeze Ring: Ring bearing the power of Ice Craymel. Press the L1 Button to shoot ice crystals. GPS: Calculates the longitude and latitude. One of seven essential pirate equipment. Galaxy Stone: The crystals of Ribavius ore. It looks like a star fragment. Inferia Map: A map of Inferia. Insea Map: Inferia's underwater map. Anything interesting down there? Light Sphere: A sphere emitting a faint light. One of Aifread's precious treasures. Manual: A scripture that unlocks MANUAL control. It teaches the path to professionalism. Miacis Badge: Shileska Rebel badge. Designed with Miacis as the motif. Monster Collection: A record of monster images and data. Try to complete the collection! Orz Earring: An earring for reading another's heart. Communicate beyond the language barrier. S.D.: Destiny can be summoned once every 30 minutes of play. Seyfert Key: A key with special power. It will guide you to the right path. Sorcerer's Ring: Ring bearing the power of Light Craymel. Press the R1 Button to emit a beam. Train Cage: Craymel Cage for the Craymel Express. WHIS: A popular game played in Celestia. A very addictive game.
con đây là mini game nè ******************************************************************************************* **** 5.MINI GAMES ******************************************************************************************* **** RACHEANS PIER - RACHEANS PIER - RACHEANS PIER - RACHEANS PIER - RACHEANS PIER - RACHEANS PIER Paolo will be using his Water Craymel skill to calm down the river. 5.1 RAFTING How to play: - Move left and right using directional buttons. - Accelerate by holding X button. - During the acceleration, you cannot move left/right. Suggestions: - Do not overuse of the acceleration button, it will obviously bring you troubles. - The safest way is also means do not use the acceleration button at all. - Please read the rafting route details below. Part 1 ------ Rafting route: - Departure from the starting point lays a long range. Accelerate a bit - After the 1st easy right turning, be on a little bit left and step on the gas. Remember to cool down when approaching the waterfall. - Accelerate a bit on the left. - Prepare to turn left at the FIRST INTERSECTION. - Accelerate a bit on the left side. - Accelerate a bit on the right side. watch out for a rock in front on the left side. - Left turning. - There will be a GROUP OF ROCKS to slow you down; the 1st will fall off to the left side, the 2nd is quiet on the left, the 3rd is a self-targeting from the middle point to the right side, the 4th will fall off to the right - Be on the right/middle side. Pass the 1st rock by accelerating a bit forward, You will be on the middle position now. When you are next to the 2nd rock, move Southwest to avoid the 3rd rock, accelerate forward leaving the rock no 3 and 4 behind. - Accelerate a bit on the left side. Another rock will fall off on the right side. - At the SECOND INTERSECTION. It is easier to turn left. It is also a good choice If you choose to turn right. - Accelerate a bit on the left side. - Turn left at the THIRD INTERSECTION 'cause there is a rock and a log on the right side. - At the FOURTH INTERSECTION, you can choose to take left or right. If you choose left, there is a rock and a log ahead. (A bit faster) If you choose right, it is safer. - Accelerate a bit on the right side Right turning - Accelerate a bit on the left side. There is one rock on the right. Waterfall ahead. - Accelerate a bit on the right side. Right turning ahead. - Accelerate a bit on the right side. On the left is a rock and a log. It is a narrow space, so be careful. Waterfall ahead. Right turning. Easy left turning. - Now it is your last chance to speed up. Take your best position, (A bit closer to the left side-the screen will adjust) step on the gas. No awarded Title: ??? It seems there is no awarded title, this time. I manage to successfully finish it two times without having any crash or bounce, not even once. However, nothing comes up. It is just a side event, this time. Part 2 ------ Once you defeated Sylph, you can get access to play this mini game again. Go to Raheans River Pier-they have fixed it, and this time with a record of time and awarded items. Rafting route: First intersection - go left, second intersection - go right, third intersection - go right, fourth intersection - go left. Target Time: 01.30.00 My Best Time: 01.05.34 Awarded Title: *Master Coxswain* (Kajitorimeijin) (Get below 1.06.00! even if your time is 01.05.59) Awarded Items: One Apple Gel for every four Red Gels you pick up. I can get 21 Red Gels. Try to get 24. General Notes: - This (first) mini game is not as easy as you may see. - On the second part, the stream is stronger. (No Paolo to calm it down) - And the rafting route will be slightly different for the second part because now you need to pick up Red Gels along the way. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE - MINTCHE It is time to get back in shape dude. Come on and try your best (run?) shot. 5.2 CRAYMEL BALL Single Player Mode How to play: - Get a blue/red crystal to attract or repel ball. Use it to smash your opponent. - The color of crystal you take will automatically change to the opposite color when the opponent gets the same color as yours. - You lose when you get hit 3 times by the ball. - If it is a draw game, then you will have a Final Game. Previous score will be on the screen. This time you will have 2(two) balls rolling around. However, if the score is 3-3, you will be the loser. - You need to win three times in a row to be considered a real winner. Suggestions: - You only have 60 seconds; so do not waste your moves. You need to aim fast, run fast. - Try to match the ball's color and repel it to smash your opponent. - Sometimes the best defend is run fast or to stay at the corner. - When you have the winning score (2-0 or 2-1), just tail your opponent. When you both get knock down by the ball, it is to your advantage. Part 1 ------ Awarded Title: *Master Roller* (Korogashimeijin) (Play it the first time you arrive at Mintche/low level) Awarded Item: No item Part 2 ------ Awarded Title: *Pro Roller* (play it when your level is high enough; lv.70?) Awarded item: Crib Sheet (kakomon) Two Players Mode Rules are still the same only the second player will become your opponent. It consists only 1(one) round. General Notes: - Remember that the fences can bounce you back when you touch them. - When you reach higher level, there will be two balls rolling around on a normal game and three balls on a draw game. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE - BAROLE When you arrive at Barol, you will meet a merchant who challenge you the Arithmetic game. (North of Fountain) 5.3 ARITHMETIC How to play: - There are three piles of stones. - Take turns taking the stones. - The one to take the last stone wins. - You can take one to three stones each turn. - You can quit anytime by pressing the circle button Suggestions: - You can choose to take first or second turn. Choose wisely. Count before you choose. - General notes: - It always starts from level 10. If you fail or if you quit, the level will drop. - Reenter the town to start again from level 10. Awarded title: *Mathematician* Awarded Item : Melange Gel (level 2) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD How about some exercise at the beach? 5.4 CHAMBALLOON GAMES How to play: - Attack and destroy all of the floating objects. Finish in under the Target Time to win. Suggestion: - You should unlock new fighting skills and apply it to this mini game. Notation: TT Target Time AT Average Time BT Best Time JTS Japanese (version) Technical Smash ETS English (version) Technical Smash - Immediate Action/non stop action * Easier to perform or means you can choose your last action left Turn Left right Turn Right TS Tempest Strike (Rekkuzan) SA Spiral Attack (Senkureppa) RP Rising Phoenix (Houotenku) DH Demon Hammer (Kogahazan) DSA Double Spiral Attack (Senkushoureppa) DSH Demon Spiral Hammer (Senkuusoupazan) DLH Demon Lightning Hammer (Raijinsouhazan) SLB Super Lightning Blade (Furaijinken) - REID's SKILLS English Version Japanese Version Sonic Blade (1) Majinken (1) Lightning Blade (2) Raijinken (2) Swarm (3) Chirisazame (3) Demon Hammer (4) Kogahazan (4) Super Lightning Blade (5) Furaijinken (5) Demon Lightning Hammer (6) Raijinsouhazan (6) Neosonic Swarm (7) Majinsenreppa (7) Twin Sonic Blade (8) Majinken.Souga (8) Tempest Strike (9) Rekkuuzan (9) Spiral Attack (10) Senkuureppa (10) Megasonic Thrust (11) Kuhazesshougeki (11) Demon Twist (12) Kogarenzan (12) Sonic Chaos (13) Majinrengazan (13) Neo Swarm (14) Akisazame (14) Demon Spiral Hammer (15) Senkuushouhazan (15) Neo Tempest Swarm (16) Shouurekkuugeki (16) Omega Tempest Strike (17) Shinkuurezzan (17) Omega Demon Chaos (18) Moukorengekiha (18) Rising Phoenix (19) Hououtenku (19) Double Spiral Attack (20) Senkuushoureppa (20) Omega Seal (21) Fuujinbakufuu (21) Aurora Wall (Seifert)(22) Kyokkouheki (S)(22) Aurora Sword (S) (23) Kyokkouken (S)(23) Aurora Wave (S) (24) Kyokkouha (S) (24) CD 1 # First Meeting (after defeating Sylph) Consist of 5 rounds Weapon used : Dao Blade Round 1 TT: 04.83 AT: 03.70 BT: 03.56 JTS: 2%2%3% ETS: 9% How1 : Run - slash - run - slash - run - (close)DLH TT: 04.83 AT: 03.00 BT: 02.83 JTS:7% ETS: 9% How2 : (or move forward)Run forward a bit - TS - TS Round 2 TT: 03.66 AT: 02.00 BT: 01.86 JTS: 8% ETS: 9% How1 : Run - jump right and slash - DLH TT: 03.66 AT: 02.10 BT: 02.00 JTS: 7% ETS: 9% How2 : Run forward - jump forward (when you are close to the balls in the air) n slash - TS Round 3 TT: 06.00 AT: 03.46 BT: 03.33 JTS: 5% ETS: 9% How1 : Jump up and slash - DLH - jump up and slash TT: 06.00 AT: 01.90 BT: 01.80 JTS: 6% ETS: 8% How2 : TS - left - (or) TS Round 4 TT: 07.00 AT: 06.00 BT: 05.83 JTS: 5%3% ETS: 9% How1 : Run left - slash - run right - jump right ans slash (3 balloons) - run right - DLH TT: 07.00 AT: 06.00 BT: 05.43 JTS: 4%7% ETS: 9% How2 : Run or walk forward a bit - TS - left n run - TS - (or) TS Round 5 TT: 06.00 AT: 04.60 BT: 04.56 JTS: 8%5% ETS: 9% How1 : Run right - (close)DH - move right a bit - DLH (must hit the upper balloon first) TT: 06.00 AT: 03.40 BT: 03.23 JTS: 8%5% ETS: % How2 : Run right - (close)DH - move right a bit - slash (hit the bottom one) - DH TT: 06.00 AT: 03.90 BT: 03.53 JTS: 9%3% ETS: 11% How3 : TS - TS - (or move right a bit - DH) left - SA Awarded Title : *King of Balloons* (Kinguondobaruun) The next time you beat it, you will always get a Melange Gel. (heal 30% of Max HP and TP) Shop price: 1000G Selling Price: 500G CD 2 # Second Meeting (right after you get back from Celestia) Consists of 5 rounds Weapon used : Dragon Vein (size does matter) Round 1 TT: 03.00 AT: 01.70 BT: 01.53 JTS: 14% ETS: 16% How1 : *Move left close to the ball - right - RP TT: 03.00 AT: 03:00 BT: 02:90 JTS: 6%7% ETS: 8%9% How2 : Move left just a bit - DSA(3 hits) - Jump to the right and slash the balls - (or) ODC Round 2 TT: 04.00 AT: 03.30 BT: 03.26 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How1 : *RP - RP TT: 04.00 AT: 03.70 BT: 03.60 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How2 : TS - DLH - SLB TT: 04.00 AT: 03.90 BT: 03.86 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How3 : TS - SA - RP TT: 04.00 AT: 03.70 BT: 03.56 JTS: 13%0% ETS: 15%0% How4 : TS - RP - left - (or) TS Round 3 TT: 06.00 AT: 04.40 BT: 04.13 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How1 : *Move forward a bit - TS - TS - RP TT: 06.00 AT: 04.80 BT: 04.76 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How2 : Move forward close to the first ball - TS - RP - RP TT: 06.00 AT: 05.40 BT: 05.26 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How3 : Move forward a bit - TS - DSH - TS Round 4 TT: 06.00 AT: 03.60 BT: 03.36 JTS: 15% ETS: 17% How1 : (or Slash) DSA - TS - TS Round 5 TT: 07.00 AT: 05.00 BT: 04.90 JTS: 2%13% ETS: 2%15% How1 : *Run to left n slash - run to right n slash(2 hits) - TS - TS or DSA TT: 07.00 AT: 06.30 BT: 06.13 JTS: 2%3%9% ETS: 2&5%11% How2 : Run to left n slash - run to right n jump forward - TS(on the air)- left - RP TT: 07.00 AT: 06.90 BT: 06.90 JTS: 2%5%13% ETS: 2%7%15% How3 : Run to left n slash - run to right - stop n left - DSA (hit 3 balls on the right, do not touch the furthest right ball) - RP Awarded Item : Step Ring (always). Shop Price:? Selling Price: 6000G Use Rune Bottle to change Step Ring into Combo Command! Talk to the girl nearby and she will give you Uchiwa (Usawa-Japanese version) General Notes: - Completing all 5 rounds takes about 2 minutes! - Within an hour, there will be > 100 chances of boosting up your Cooking and Fighting Skills. - After completing each round, you can try to master your cooking skills. Please try to use the AUTO COOKING option. It only works for Reid :)~ - You may choose different recipes for him to be automatically cooked one after another. - You can create many different styles. The lists shown above are just a few examples. - Try to use (hold down) Shortcut Key (L2, R2 and circle), as it is very useful to shortcut the time consumed. - While running you can not use the L2 and R2 shortcut buttons, but you can still use the X shortcut button. - Everytime you go up one screen, the game will restart from round 1(one). -*There is a difference between the English and Japanese version of Technical Smash points. However, it is not a crucial subject. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD - CHAMBARD Speaking of Cooking Skill, are you ready to face the Taste Master? 5.5 COOKING CONTEST How to play: - Come to Chambard Bistro and buy a ticket at the counter. - When you are ready, talk to the Announcer/Organizer on the second floor. - Select a correct ingredient every time you are asked to. Suggestions: - Pay attention to what the guest is saying because it contains useful clues. CD 1 ==== Round one Farah Oersted Guest : Gina (she works at the Mintche University) She likes to eat Omelet Reason: Her mom always made her tasty omelet when she was a kid Clue : ZESTY OMELETTE Specific ingredients : (1) Onion, (2) rice, (3) - - - o -, (4) egg "Y.. y.. Yummy" Awarded Title : *3 Star Chef* Awarded Item: No item Round 2 Farah Oersted Guest : Franco (he is the Master of martial arts at the Regulus Dojo) He likes to eat Pot Pie Reason: Long time ago when he fought monster deep in the Undine Stream and was badly injured, a merchant passed by and gave him a nutrious, full of energy Pot Pie to save his life. Clue : FULL OF NUTRITION AND ENERGY, CRUSH TURQUOISE Specific Ingredients : (1) - - - - - a, (2) pasta, (3) - - -, (4) cheese "This is it. Who taught you to make this pot pie"? Awarded Title : *Kitchen Star* Awarded Item: No item Round 3 ? The head chef is missing ? CD 2 ==== Right after you come back to Inferia through the Relay Station Round 3 Farah Oersted Guest : His name is ?Arch Bishop?. He is a priest He likes to eat Old-Fashioned Seafood Pasta Reason: When he was a kid he used to eat Seafood Pasta almost everyday. Clue : DEPTH TO THE FLAVOR, Specific Ingredients : If you choose (1)Shrimp, (2)Tomato, (3)Pasta, (4)Squid, he will taste it, but it is not to his satisfaction. The winner is the Taste Master this time. The original ingredients : (1)Shrimp, (2)S--- ------, (3)Pasta, (4)Squid y..y..Yummmmm!! Viva la seafood pasta. Awarded Title: *Warrior Chef * Awarded Item: None General Notes: - I purposely give you the clue of each round so you can make a guess on the correct answer. That is why I put some dash signs together with an alphabet just to make it more interesting. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ IMEN STATION - IMEN STATION - IMEN STATION - IMEN STATION - IMEN STATION - IMEN STATION Since you are aiming for Luishka Station, you have to start the line from Imen Station. Buy the Craymel Cage (2000G) from the weapon shop at Imen to refill the train's fuel. 5.6 CRAYMEL EXPRESS How to play: - There are 4 stations you need to visit and deliver a letter to each station - The train will accelerate automatically. - You need to push "up" button in order to execute the brake system. Suggestions : - When near each station, Meredy will say. "Mmm, I see it". Now it is time to push the brake button subsequently (5 times, one by one, 1-2-3-4-5 times). The last one should be pushed as far as the second sign board or after Reid shouted =Brake !=. - The other way is to push UP button fast right after Reid shouted =Brake=. It will stop just in time. That's it, so easy. - And that is not all. Your actual duty is to deliver letters as to complete the story involved. Keep coming back to Imen Station to deliver new letter to each person. You will understand each person has his or her own story. Finally, after delivering 3 times (without a miss), you will get a title. Awarded Title: *Choo-choo Girl* Awarded Item: No item General Notes: - It contains no melee experiences, just delivering letters. - It needs good timing, but not difficult. - If you miss a station, they will complain about how bad Reid was on the control. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ LUISHKA STATION - LUISHKA STATION - LUISHKA STATION - LUISHKA STATION - LUISHKA STATION You are continuing journey to Peruti, but you need to get pass the Gnome Mine. On the way, monster are chasing on you (Hard Horns and Flying Soul). 5.7 SPIRIT TRAIN For the very first time let them catch you. You cannot blow them anyway. This will take you to battles and increasing your chance of getting items as well as filling up monster collection. Go back to Luishka Station and talk to the conductor. However, you are not going to fight with them anymore. Instead, it is the actual mini game; you will have to release bombs to blow them out of the track. How to play: - Press the X button to release the bomb. - You have 4 bomb in stocks. Automatically replenish. - You have 6 seconds before it blows. - You can hold X button to delay your throwing. Suggestions : - No hurry in releasing bombs. Wait and check for the distance. It is good timing that really matters. When the trolley comes near or close to your train, release 3 bombs one by one (1,2,3). Save 1 bomb for emergency purpose. Remember, you can hold X button to delay throwing. - When your opponent's track is not on the straight line, you will have to wait patiently. - Practices make perfect. My high score is 27.500 points. Awarded Title: *Trolley Bomber* (Torokko Bombaa) if you can reach up to 20.000 points. Awarded Item: No item General Notes: - Monster's trolley is divided into 3 parts. Each of it has a bonus points when you destroyed it. - Condition 1: Blow it starting from the 3rd part, 2nd, then the 1st part. 1st part worth 500 points, 2nd part 2000 points, 3rd part 3000 points. - Condition 2: Blow it starting from the 2nd part, 3rd, then the 1st part. 1st part worth 500 points, 2nd part 1000 points, 3rd part 1000 points. - Condition 3: Blow the 1st part of it. You can only get 500 bonus points. - If the trolley get pass your train you will get a minus 500 points per every part you miss to blow. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ GNOME MINE - GNOME MINE - GNOME MINE - GNOME MINE - GNOME MINE - GNOME MINE - GNOME MINE When you reach to the second part of the Gnome Mine, Reid gets bored then Meredy will introduce Whis -a famous card game in Imen/Celestia- to the group. 5.8 WHIS How to play: - Left and right to select card, X to put down a card, O to pass (and you have to draw a new card), A to Quit. - You need to match the opponent card's elements. - First party to use up all the cards will become the winner. - You lose if you have more than 15 cards in your hand. - The player with the highest total score after 5 rounds, is declared the winner. - Cards are divided into 5(five) categories. They are 1)Normal card, 2)Double card 3)Attack card 4)Change card. 5)Elements Control card(Dark and Light) Suggestions: - Read the cards explanation carefully. You may want to jot down some important notes. - Try to use the element control cards (dark n light) as your last key weapon and win the game as you will earn lots of/double bonus points. - Use attack cards to force opponents to draw more cards, and use double cards to throw more cards more than once. - Do not forget you have a chance to draw a new card and to think again which card you should throw. If you push the draw button one more time, you will pass your turn. Use it wisely. General Notes: - MATCHING is the key word. - On your first turn if you do not have a matching card, you will automatically draw a new card and lose your turn. - You can use draw anytime you want. - Every time you won, you will get a current score. It will be automatically calculated to your previous score. For example: (1) Your previous score is 12; your current score is +20, your new score will be 32 points. (2) your previous score is 12; your current score is -20, your new score will be -8 points. - Your bonus points depend on the card's quality points: 1. Normal card worth 2 points, 2. Double card worth 5 points, 3. Attack card worth 5 points, 4a) Single Border Change card worth 5 points (Prism Change Card and Wind Change Card), 4b) Double Border Change card worth 2 points, 5) Elements Control card will double your winning or losing points. - It seems that the game become more difficult when you are collecting more and more points. Normal card: Use this card on normal basis (Fire, Water, Wind) in order to match your opponents card. Double card: (Double Fire Card) - If you have 2(two)or more double fire cards, you can use both cards in a row, plus accompanied by 1(one) normal fire or change ice or fire attack card or even a fire attack card. That means you can throw 3(three) cards in one turn (or more, depends on how many double cards you have). Nice :) And if you use Fire attack card as your last card, you are forcing the opponents to draw more cards to your advantage! - When you use a fire double card without a matching card, you need to draw a new card. If then you get another fire double card and you use it, you must draw another new card. Now, if you still did not get a matching card, you will be automatically pass your turn. - If your last card happened to be a double card and your next opponent last card is a match to your double card, that will announce your opponent as a winner because you still OWE one matching element card to accompany the double card you have just thrown. Attack card: (Fire Attack, Water Attack, Wind Attack) - If you throw an attack card and all of your opponents does not have a matching card, then the (next)opponent No.1 have to draw 2(two) new cards, opponent No. 2 and 3 have to draw each of them 1(one) new card. - If you throw an attack card and opponent No.1 also use an attack card, and opponent No. 2 does not have one, then he or she will have to draw 4(four) new cards, and if (the rest of opponents) opponent No.3 does not have it either, he or she needs to draw only 1(one) new card. - If all of your opponents use an attack cards and you do not have a matching card, then you have to draw 2X3(players) = 6 new cards! (Attack card works like a multiplier. If you use it and opponent No.1 and 2 each of them throws an attack card and opponent No.3 doesn't have a matching card, then No.3 has to draw 2X3(players) = 6 new cards.) - If you use an attack card and all of your opponents each of them throws another matching attack card and you do not have a stock of matching attack card anymore, then you have to draw 2X4(players) = 8 new cards!! Phiuu Imagine if each of you (4 players) have 2 attack cards. It can bring a result of chain combos. Means 2X4(players)x2 = 16 cards!!! You think it is not going to happen? Wrong! It just happened to me for 14 cards!! (And I made Farah had to pick up 14 new cards!!) - This one is interesting. If everybody throws attack cards, and at last (on the second turn) there is one player run out of attack card, he or she has to pay for it, even if the player has already thrown all of his cards. (even if the quantity of card on hand is zero). - The safest way to use an attack card is when you have a spare matching card or another attack card, just in case. Change card: (Wind Change Card, Prism Change Card, Ice, Volt, Earth) - Be careful when you use the Wind-Change Card. You must observe and predict your opponents cards. Example 1: Farah (opponent No.3) has only two cards left on her hand. She throws her Wind normal card to you. Do you want to use your Wind change card? (It is the only wind matching element card you have) or to draw a new card? You may not want to use it because the game flow will reverse (anti clock wise)and Farah will get (again) her turn to throw her last card. Who knows what her last card to be? If she has another wind matching card, You will be sorry. Example 2: Keele (opponent No.1) use a normal wind card, you only have 2 cards left (a Wind change card and a Wind normal card). I recommend you to use the Wind change card since it will force the game flow starts from Keele again. If he throws a wind card, you are the winner. - Pay attention to the card's border. There are 2 types of borders. One is single border and the other is double border. The lower border represents the element you can change. The upper border shows the element-to-be. - You can not put a single border change card on top of another single border change card. However, you are allowed to put a double card on top of another double card as long as the borders match (top border match to lower border). Element Control card: (Light, Dark) - Use this card as your last key weapon card. (Dark and Light) - It offers lot of helps, but it will not work when the opponent is asking for you to throw an attack card. - When you have 2(two) Elemental Cards, your winning/losing points will be trippled? Draw or Pass: - When you do not have a matching element card and you push circle button, you will draw a new card. - When you still have a matching card and you push circle button, you will pass your turn. - USE DRAW when none of your opponents has a matching card. Use it repeatedly when they still do not have it until you get the card you needed. For example: When you want to use a DOUBLE FIRE card and you do not have the other NORMAL FIRE card or CHANGE ICE card or FIRE ATTACK card to accompany. Use draw repeatedly until you get the one you need. When you do that, the amount of opponent's cards will also increase every time you draw a card. Take that to your advantage. Won by quantity: - If the opponent has more than 15 cards, he or she is a loser. However it has an effect on your bonus points as every card on your hands will only worth lower than it should be. This could bring a big disadvantage, but at least you are the winner. (After that 15 minutes and all I get is only 6X2points = 12 points. *sigh*) - If you have more than 15 cards, then all of your opponents will get the same amount of winning points. Awarded Title: (Whis Master?) I have not received any award for collecting 1277 points. Awarded Item: ? Jini ---- You can play against three strangers at the casino in Jini. It will costs you 5 jini. It applies same rules and score calculations method. Awarded title: *Hustler* (if you win by the highest score) For the next winning, you will always get 25 jini. Awarded item: 25 jini. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI - PERUTI Captain versus captain 5.9 AROUND THE CELESTIA After you went back to the destroyed Imen, get back to Peruti (you can talk to Guston at the hotel), talk to Captain March at the small dock opposite the crabs cart. How to play: - The race begins at Peruti and ends at Peruti. - First one back to Peruti is the winner. - You need to go through the checkpoint in the correct order. If you miss them you cannot win. - The controls for your ship are the same as usual. - Press square button to quit. Suggestions: - You need to memorize the specific route. It is best to try again for a few times. You must rely/concentrate on the map. - Do not get crash with the captain's ship since it will only waste your time. Sailing Route: - (No need to hurry when you start the race, but you can try). Try to shorcut your route by sailing nearby the edge. - In the middle of the race, while passing through the Gnome (fourth) checkpoint, step on your gas. You may pass Celcius checkpoint infront of him. Gas. You will lead the race. Go (South) to Volt, and find a shortcut way to Rem and Shadow (go by the edge of the ocean-West side). Go pass the two tiny island near the edge to cross Maxwell checkpoint. Pass through Sekundos and go along the edge until you reach the finish checkpoint. There are 10 Checkpoints you need to pass through and one finish point: 1. Undine 5. Celcius 9. Maxwell 2. Sylph 6. Volt 10. Sekundos 3. Efreet 7. Rem 11. Finish 4. Gnome 8. Shadow General notes: - He will praise you and your ship if you win. And he will ask you to find a new captain for the Van Eltia if you loose. - It is useless to win the race from the beginning since he will catch you up on the third checkpoint. His ship is much better on a long-straight track. Your crucial moments begin from checkpoint No. 4 Finish Time / New Record: 02.29.15 Awarded title: *First Officer* (Chat's title) for a record under 02.30.00? Awarded Item: No item ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA - TINSIA Where else can you eat free sushi in Celestia; Carousel Sushi 5.10 EATING CONTEST How to play: - Eat more expensive sushi more than Kong the Man does does. - Pace of eating will deteriorate as the upper-right gauge fills. - Drink to reset the gauge. - Points vary according to the colors of the plate. - More expensive plates fill the gauge faster. - X button to eat, O button to drink. Suggestions: - The easiest way is to pick only the plates with color (red and yellow) Pick the red and yellow plate and then drink; pick the red and yellow plate and then drink, repeat.. (you can also pick other plates in between) That is it. I beat him 10 times in a row, and you can do better. General notes: - Entry fee is 2000Gald - White plate worth 100 points, Red plate worth 500 points, Yellow plate worth 800 points. - Kong's total points will usually be around 4300 points. - The next time you won, he will give you back your entry fee. Eating for free! Awarded title: *King of Hunger* Awarded Item: (Free eatings and money back guarantee) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA - VAN ELTIA Get ready, go! 5.11 OCEAN WARS How to play: - Fire the Craymel Cannon and defeat the enemy fleet. - Defeat all enemies or survive until countdown reaches 0 to clear the game. - The game is over if your shield is destroyed. - Left and right button to rotate - X button to charge. Push it again to fire. - Press O button while charging to accelerate. - A triangle button to switch view - Square button to execute Support Fire. Suggestions: - You need to destroy more than one enemy at one time to double your points. - Try not to use Support Fire as it will halved your bonus points. General notes: - Pay 800.000Gald at the Inferia Port to get this Ocean Wars mini game in one of your room in the Van Eltia. Chat will then get a title *Interior Decorator* - High Score: 14.440 Max Chain: 4 Rank: S Awarded title: *Kaiser* (When you reach 10.000 points?) Awarded item: I got nothing this time. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI - JINI Jini's night life. It is full of excitements that I forgot about the time. 5.12 DANCE How to play: - Keep your character under the spotlight. - Points are deducted every time your character steps out of the spotlight. - Directional buttons to move Suggestions: - Talk to the right counter to watch a demonstration by the Dance Master for only 1 Jini. - Try to copy his pattern/movement. - It is important to pay attention on the spotlight movements. And it helps when you remember it's colors (Yellow and Red) because you are going to follow whereever they move. 1. Yellow, 2. Red, 3. Yellow, 4. Red, 5. Yellow, 6. Yellow, 7. Red, 8. Yellow, 9. Yellow, 10. Red, 11. Red, 12 Yellow (to center stage) Register as a Solo challenger: Meredy will perform her dance skills. Register as a couple: Meredy plays versus second player. General notes: - You have to get a score above 05.00. If your score is bad, you are fail. - Points will be deducted when you are outside the spotlight circle. - The spotlight is getting faster and faster. Hi-Score: 08.14 Awarded title: *Dance Queen* (get 08.00 points) Awarded Item: Step Ring (now you have 2 of it) and 100Jini
cái này của REID nè III. Learning his Moves ------------------------- NORMAL STRINGS (The descriptions are taken as though you are in manual mode and not semi auto) *X, X, Down+X *X, Down+X, Down+X *Down+X, X, Down+X *Up+X, X, Down+X *X, X, Up+X *Down+X, X, X SPECIAL SKILLS If you see the skill listed but it is in blue lettering then you need to raise your slash or thrust level as listed in the FAQ. Too bad there isn't a numeric measure of the level, only a bar. But if you feel like keeping track, the bar starts off at level 1 for both Slash and Thrust, keep track and you won't get too lost. Sonic Blade TP 4 Slash LV 2, Thrust LV 1 Thunder Blade TP 4 Slash LV 1, Thrust LV 2 Swarm TP 7 Slash LV 2, Thrust LV 5 Demon Hammer TP 6 Slash LV 5, Thrust LV 2 Spiral Attack TP 10 Slash LV 9, Thrust LV 16 Light Elemental Tempest Strike TP 9 Slash LV 16, Thrust LV 8 Wind Elemental Twin Sonic Blade TP 8 Slash LV 10, Thrust LV 3 Sonic Blade 50 times Super Lightning Blade TP 8 Slash LV 4, Thrust LV 10 Thunder Blade 50 times Wind, and Volt Elemental Neo Swarm TP 12 Slash LV 4, Thrust LV 13 Swarm 150 times Demon Twist TP 10 Slash LV 13, Thrust LV 4 Demon Hammer 150 times Double Spiral Attack TP 14 Slash LV 5, Thrust LV 22 Spiral Attack 250 times Omega Tempest Strike TP 14 Slash LV 23, Thrust LV 4 Tempest Strike 250 times Wind Elemental NOTE: The amount of times you use a skill may be less then listed. Just keep checking the skills menu when practicing to learn the next move. When you see the name of the move you are looking for in Blue letters, you can stop practicing. SACRED SKILLS Sacred Skills are usually a combination of two of Reid's special skills, except his later ones. Demon Lightning Hammer TP 10 Slash LV 7, Thrust LV 5 Demon Hammer 50, Thunder Blade 50 Sonic Swarm TP 10 Slash LV 5, Thrust LV 7 Sonic Blade 25 times, Swarm 25 times Mega Sonic Thrust TP 15 Slash LV 1, Thrust LV 14 Thunder Blade 70 times, Swarm 70 times Sonic Chaos TP 15 Slash LV 13, Thrust LV 1 Sonic Blade 60 times, Twin Sonic Blade 50 times Demon Spiral Hammer TP 20 Slash LV 19, Thrust LV 14 Spiral Attack 80 Times, Demon Hammer 120 times Light Elemental Neo Tempest Swarm TP 24 Slash LV 14, Thrust LV 19 Neo Swarm 120 times, Tempest Strike 80 times Rising Phoenix TP 40 Slash LV 22, Thrust LV 24 Super Lightning Blade 200 times, Mega Sonic Thrust 150 times. Fire Elemental EXTENSION TP 50 Phoenix 150 Times Press Phoenix repeatedly and so you press after you pass the enemy. The MUST be thrown into the air for it to work. ALSO a spell must NOT be in effect in order for you to be able to do the extension. So if somebody is casting a spell of any kind, friend or foe, you won't be able to do the extension. Omega Seal TP 40 Slash LV 30, Thrust LV 30 EXTENSION TP 24 Omega Seal 90 Times Press the omega Seal Button just before the blades connect from the first omega seal. Note: There must be only one enemy left and he must not be able to endure the attack Omega Demon Chaos TP 40 Slash LV 24, Thrust LV 20 Demon Hammer 250 times, Demon Twist 200 Times EXTENSION TP 10 Omega Demon Chaos 90 times Press Omega Demon Chaos just as Reid comes down with the eighth blade of the move. Note: There must be only one enemy left, and the enemy must not be able to endure the extension for it to work.